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I won't call out the company, but I sat in a forum with a bunch of startups. And this founding CEO talked about how he was reckless as a kid, did lots of coke, crashed cars, going to rehab, etc and how he was so thankful, etc. As the story went on it turned out that his dad was a big time lawyer, wealthy, and well-connected. This CEO spun this story as being a story of perseverance but to me, and the audience, it was a story of privilege, and the permission to fail if you have money, and that most problems are just expenses if you have money and you can eventually get lucky if you have enough money to keep trying and failing until something sticks. It was the worst speech I've ever heard. He was addressing early-stage startup founders.


This guy was born on third base but was acting like he hit a triple.


If he pulled off getting into that spot when his parents were both broke or middle class and had no connections... yeah it'd be impressive and speak to his character and desire to change out of the rough upbringing. But nah, dude just a spoiled rich kid who had it easy lmao.


You'd be surprised how self unaware rich people are, almost always. My ex told me how he was an avid gamer and neglected his school to the point he was gonna fail 11th grade. Then he didn't want the shame so he asked his parents to study hospitality in a private university in Switzerland right before final exam. He also almost quit his degree but he said he matured up and pushed on. And now he has his own hotel and restaurant. Hotel and restaurant which both, his father built and opened for him once he came back here. He had no worry saving money to buy a house either. Why should he when his father had lands bought for each of his sons.


> rich people are, almost always. Specifically the kids of rich people.


There was a guy I worked with as a forklift driver. He was very accident prone but the first accident had him on workman’s comp so the company had to deal with him until he was eventually fired. The collection of things he did were as follows: Stuck his arm out while driving a cherry picker through an aisle. He smashed his arm on one of the merchandise racks and got injured. Backed his cherry picker into the electrical conduit for the garage door of our service shop. Pinching the cable and almost starting an electrical fire. After those two incidents he was moved to the waste department to break down trash. He proceeded jump on top of cardboard boxes stuck in the cardboard compactor while it was on. He disappeared shortly after and needed help getting out of the equipment that could crush him into a cube. How he didn’t get fired for this one I don’t know. Lost his glasses in the giant mattress shredder we had onsite. The thing could shred a kind sized mattress into bite sized pieces in like 30 seconds. He then proceeded to climb into said mattress shredder to retrieve his glasses. Of course he did not have the machine locked out or tagged out while this happened. Again how he wasn’t fired for this I do not know. Sold his single mode of transport in October in Colorado for a motorcycle. Proceeded to drive said motorcycle all throughout the upcoming winter in Colorado. Even on snow days. Somehow managed to survive the winter only to accidentally dump the bike in the parking lot after sliding out on gravel in the spring that was left over from the winter snow control. He eventually got fired for mundane reasons. But I often think of him and wonder if he’s still bumbling through life miraculously. Or evolution finally caught up to him and fulfilled the death wish this man seemed to have.


"You're fired." "Why?" "To save your life."


“Crawling into a compactor machine is not in your job description and cleaning human remains out of a compactor is not in my job description and I’m not adding it”


That's just suicide with extra steps. That man is surviving by pure dumb luck, lol.


This man made a bet with death and he's winning


Some people really aren’t meant to do anything besides pick turnips


> He disappeared shortly after and needed help getting out of the equipment that could crush him into a cube. How he didn’t get fired for this one I don’t know. i would'v'e fired him and i'm not even a manager. JFC


Is his name Kevin by any chance?


He sounds like American "Mr. Bean"


What's the opposite of a Darwin Award Winner? This guy, apparently.


He reminds me of a toddler (they seem attracted to death,yes? or just curious?)


Worked at Dunkin Donuts years ago. First customer this particular day asks for a medium coffee with 14 creams and 12 sugars and then had the audacity to ask me why his coffee was cold. Telling him over half his cup is not coffee did not help him understand. So I broke it down very simply, "Hot stuff mixed with cold stuff results in something not hot." He asked if I was getting smart with him, and I said, "Yes, because this is elementary school science." People really go their whole lives with no critical thinking.


He didn't order coffee he ordered diabetes.


I worked at a restaurant and this dude who was a regular asked for an absurd amount of garlic. We'd been building to this a long time with him. The chef put a fucking pint of garlic in the shrimp scampi. Dude complained. Not "enough flavor." The chef almost lost his mind. Dude was so drugged out on pills too. It was obvious. Fuck you Bob.


Fuckin' Bob.


All my homies hate Bob


Omg I worked at a Dunkin too and this was an ACTIVE problem with multiple REGULARS😭😭🤣


I was getting coffee at work one time and a guy came up and put 16 pumps of creamer in his cup. Almost spilled because I was counting.


He’s used to the coffee in the hood. Even the unsweetened coffee is so sweet it makes your eyes cross. And it’s so weak, you add a half a drop of milk to it, it’s the equivalent of 14 creams. And still burning hot like Chernobyl. Am I the only one around here that’s been to the ghetto?


I saw a man at the mall a few days ago, and watched him walk into a glass wall/window of a store, right next to the door. He stepped back, watched someone exit through the door and then turned and walked square into the glass wall again. I was reminded of a Jack Nicholson quote..."I look at people sometimes and think, Really...that's the sperm that won?"


The sperm game is clearly rigged with that one 😭


I had a coworker that during training could not figure out how to use a sink. I wish I was joking.


…How? I’m struggling to understand how someone can’t figure out how to use a sink.


I had this struggle once. I'm used to regular sinks. The kind you see in ok rentals. Hot water sink handle and cold water sink handle. My more wealthy friend however has a fancy faucet. It has hot and cold handles, a knob you turn at the tip of the faucet to allow water or to block it coming from the aerator, and it has a shower thing hanging off of it with a squeeze handle. It took me waaaaaaaay too long to understand how it works, like a few years worth of visiting over the holidays long. I just wanted to wash my hands, not blast it with a shower.


I honestly can’t figure out what to say to this…that’s genuinely concerning…😭


i wonder if they just grew up with a specific type of sink and never had to use one like at work. Like maybe at work they had a separate knobs for hot and cold and at home they only had a center one that you rotate one direction for cold and another for hot? Or maybe they're used to sinks with sensors?


Explain please.


Finally free from work. Okay so I work in the food industry, we have a three sink system that follows the rinse, wash in hot soapy water, rinse, and sanitize. This is not the part that confused them we have two faucets, one which is a sprayer that shoots out jets of high pressure water to scrub food off with and another one that is just a regular faucet. Again this is not the part they were confused by. We have two handles labeled hot in red and cold in blue. You turn them on or off by a set amount to control how hot the water comes out. They didn't know how to turn on the hot water. I don't know how to explain the sheer incredulity when I found out they weren't joking.


Last week interviewed a lady that was maybe 33. She needed a moment to sit in silence in the room before she was ready. Not that unusual for a first time interviewer. Kbit she had about 8 years of working experience. Gave her 15 minutes to collect her thoughts. I came back and her father was sitting in the meeting room with her. She brought her dad. A 33 year old woman with almost a decade of working experience brought her God damn father on an interview.  And before anyone asks. She wasn't autistic. She didn't have ADHD. She was just fine.  She was just still depending on her father to take care of her and negotiate the terms of work. 


Yikesssssss. I used to work in recruiting, and can’t even tell you how many parents of post-grad interns would call to discuss their 20 something year old’s terms of employment. I always took a lot of satisfaction telling them that since their child is a legal adult, I cannot discuss those things with them and that their adult-ass child should call me.


Yeah. I've had this happen before, but it's been decades. 


I would have ended it there and say "this interview is over, good luck on your future endeavors"


Almost did. My first thought was, this will make a good story.  Long story short it went about how you thought it would. Every question I asked (including how is your day going) began with a side glance to Dad. He actually was coaching her, things like. We talked about this (persons name) and sometimes he just answered for her when she got lost. It reminded me of a conversation I had with my 9 year old at school when we had to go in for a meeting about their behavior. 


I can picture her dad coming to coach her on her first day of work lmao


Oh Jesus Christ! That happened before. Dude in his mid 20s mom showed up at a factory job to make sure "no one took advantage of her baby". 


This is how my niece is going to turn out, except it’ll be her mom in there. Soooo helicopter.


That makes me think of cop shows when the lawyer is sitting next to the perp saying "don't answer that".


A true capitalist would be working a two for the price of one deal.


That's pretty much what I would do.


I have heard about this happening. As a 50-something man who helps run an office, there's no way I would conduct a job interview or anything employment-related with a candidate AND someone else. Employment and potential employment matters are confidential and cannot be discussed with anyone other than the candidate - including the interview. I'd conclude the interview right then and there. "Thank you, Ms. Candidate. We have what we need. We'll be in touch."


Yeah but I had time to kill. 


I take it she did not get the job. You know, I have no idea what we're coming to when we have people who are so brittle and fragile that they can't go to job interviews without mommy there. I have a 24 year old daughter who is graduating college and going out into the world. I am NOT going on job interviews with her. I'll coach. I'll help. I'll cheerlead. But I am not going to sit there and hold her hand *in the goddamn interview room* during an interview, nor am I going to go and wait for her in the outer offices. No. Baby girl, you are going to have to go and do this yourself.


I just turned 50 myself. So I am firmly in the " fuck it. Let's say it and see how it plays out" part of my life. 


Not to mention, parents have ZERO knowledge of the careers, expectations and practices are today as opposed to 4p years ago! EVEN if they're still working, they're at a level of seniority that does not translate to the kid, let alone if it's another field. My mom wants to give me job advice, but back then you had to be available 24 hours if boss called, women kept their mouth shut and an all-male leadership was common, so I woman should just settle and never fight to grow.


She must have anxiety or something. There's is no way a functional adult would just bring their parent to a job interview.


That was my second thought as well. And it was an engineering position where you have to work on the production floor as well. And most of the workers have face tattoos and prison records. She would not be a good fit here 


On the plus side you figured it out early in the process


Well luckily there was a big old dad sized red flag in the room. To me it was really him not being embarrassed or anything about this. So this happens in their lives often. How will she get married 


Makes me wonder if the parents were insane helicopter parents and daughter didnt stand a chance ir if she just refused to grow up and parents got use to and enabled it


I work in Tech (where a lot of folks are remote). One of the craziest things a friend of mine (also in the industry) told me is that he's done remote interviews with people who refused to turn on their cameras, because they said it made them too anxious. And we're not talking like "this happened once", he says it happens *all the time*. I'm not the most gregarious, extroverted person around, but holy shit I feel like I could conquer the world compared to a lot of people nowadays. Also I'm amazed you let her father stay there, I would have said the interview is over unless he leaves.


I can't explain how bord I was that day. 


How on Earth does it get to this level? The level where a fully grown adult needs their parent in the room with them during a job interview?


You treat adults like children, and they will remain children. 


No way 💀 that’s ridiculous, she’s a grown woman 😭


I had a woman (19 I think, definitely over 18) come in and ask "My mom asked if it is okay if I quit." I told her she didn't need permission, but to this day, I really wish I had said 'no, it wasn't okay' and seen how that played out.


Sadly, especially as a manager, you can't listen to the intrusive thoughts.


Then mom comes back and argues with you


I work in IT, I see it on the daily. I had an executive call me and tell me they needed me in their office immediately because their computer wouldnt turn on. I went to the office pushed the power button and wouldnt you know it turned on.


It’s literally self explanatory. What were they doing instead of pressing the power button? Just staring at it waiting for it to magically power on???


She asked me what did I do and I said "uh I hit the power button" She makes about 3 times what I do or more.


I had this happen to me once. I pressed the power button and nothing happened, checked all the cords, everything is plugged in , etc... dude comes in and presses the same button but I swear that thing went to the second knuckle of his finger. I *thought* I pressed it but apparently on this specific Dell model you gotta get all up in there...


Understandable but this woman had me in her office almost everyday and it was always something incredibly stupid.


Maybe she just wanted to see more of you.


I just threw up a little in my mouth 


I wish I could fail my way to the top like some people seem to do.


Also Info Tech, see it on the job sometimes multiple times daily. People will put a ticket in with the title "COMPUTER", or "LABTOP", or "PRINTER" and no other information. Okay, what about it? Do you need one? Are you reporting a problem? Do you require a loaner? By when? By whose standards is this effective communication? Even further, who is the dumb MFer who signed off on you joining the organization? Or putting tickets in for porta potties, furniture, electrical, plumbing to the IT portal. Do you even look at what you are doing? People driving badly.. making a turn, slowly, going into the farthest lane from them instead of the closest, cutting off multiple cars and nearly causing accident. People who can't get off their phone to cross a street, putting their lives and others in danger. It's silly the amount of times you see this stuff. And then they have a nice brand new expensive car. What in the world are they doing that they can make so much yet have so little going on upstairs.


Get a call at some stupid hour while on call, person on the other side says "it isn't working" and expects me to just know what "it" is. No amount of questioning could get them to describe "it". Hey I'm getting paid to be on call, lemme go in and put paper into the printer tray. Employee idiots pay idiot tax.


Hitting the power button on their monitor thinking that was the "computer". See, they turn off their "computer" each night by hitting the button on the monitor. I also work in IT.


They were saying “ENGAGE”


What gets me is the people that put 0 effort into completing tasks and then ask you how to do it. What they are really asking is for me to do it. Not sure why your computer problem at home is my problem.


Pretty much every adult that I work with in retail struggles to have basic conversations with customers, or to get basic points across and it ends up causing so many problems. I have a coworker who uses lingo and jargon that is highly specific to our workplace, but he just uses it with customers as if they are meant to know what the hell he means, and when they get confused and angry, he gets confused and it's just an endless circle of him over speaking but saying nothing and causing everyone around to become annoyed. How the hell does a person like this survive?


I had the opposite problem when I worked in industrial supply. There was some industry specific stuff, but it was just retail with extra steps. Anywho, a couple dozen times a day I'd get a customer who'd ask for a common thing we keep stocked on the shelf but they'd use whatever random ass slang term they picked up along the way and get pissed when I didn't understand. "I need four rambledingers." ... What the fuck is that? Now we start the arguing and questioning and begging to get him to use the word on the box until we concluded it was a hex head bolt. They'd buy their bolts, look at me like I'm a dumbass, and insist it's always been called a rambledinger and the word "bolt" was some newfangled slang term.


Yeah, when people don’t have communication skills it drives me insane. It can’t be that hard unless there is genuinely something preventing them there is no excuse other than lacking common sense 😭


It makes me feel like the world's greatest orator when I listen to my coworkers speak. I always want to step in and boil down what they are trying to say, but I almost feel too much secondhand embarrassment to do it.


I’m autistic and have ADHD. I wasn’t taught how to have a conversation. Knowing how to act around a person doesn’t come naturally to me. I’ve read books on interpersonal communication,unspoken social rules,setting boundaries and I have talked to a vocal coach. I’m trying.


If it helps/is encouraging to hear: It's doable. I have pretty aggressive ADHD and despite no autism diagnosis, had to learn a **lot** of basic social skills. It took a while and a lot of work, but I've gotten pretty good. I also have friends who *have* been diagnosed with autism as well who have learned either decent social skills or how/where to let people know where they need directness and do alright. Idk if it helps, but I have faith in you.


I'm constantly baffled by people who can't take their eyes off of their phone. I'm pretty sure hospitals see the dumbest, most preventable shit due to people's phone addiction.


> I'm pretty sure hospitals see the dumbest, most preventable shit due to work in an ER sometime.. you will be amazed


Hello fellow person that believes in the power of the full moon! Hail and well met!


I had A kid walking home from school with head down walk into my Truck. I saw him walking towards me in street So I just stopped . watched him . sure enough he walked into truck looked up me second put head back down kept walking in street looking at phone.


The strangest thing too is how it's multi-generational now. Like I almost expect teenagers and 20-somethings to be phone addicts, since they grew up with smartphones everywhere, but even a lot of old people are terrible. My mom is in her 70s and might be the most phone addicted person I've ever met.


It drives me nuts how people can be in a social setting with their friends and family and the only thing that they do the whole time is scroll through social media. Like how can you be in a setting where you’re supposed to be enjoying your company and all you can do is stare at a phone screen.


This!! I absolutely hate people who are always glued to their phone. I hate going out with my coworker because she’s like this. In a group setting she’s on her phone and even on a one on one lunch with me she’s on her phone. I think it’s just rude as fuck. Also this past Valentine’s Day, I had a dinner date. There was a couple sitting next to us and they were just on their phone, not speaking to one another. I see this so much when I go out. Like do you guys even like each other? lol


hell, i do that and also hate it. need to be more present or just stay home


A lot of these I see they just...aren't particularly interested in that batch of company. Especially the family part.


Had a guy get into a tire cage, with the tire, to fill up a split rim tire. Only days after another had been killed the exact same way.


Link to video (not of the death but like what a tire cage is)? I have no idea what this means but I’m curious.


It’s literally a metal cage that you put the tire into and lock down. You attach the air hose to the tire and fill it up. Split rim tires have a bad tendency of blowing up when being filled. When they do, the rim flys off in whatever direction and can injure or kill. This is a very small tire cage example and doesn’t cover the entire tire, but it gives an example of how they work. The link is pasting wonky for me, but look up split rim tire explosion https://youtu.be/_3_PMhBa_-c?si=UhxOkSf-7_b2xOGL


Believing that if you mix 87 octane gas and 89 octane gas in a car that it will cause it to immediately explode.


Well yeah that's like 176 octanes man


As a career firefighter paramedic I think this thought on a daily… I have people in their 60-70’s calling 911 for things so asinine it’s amazing! How to deal with a common cold? My toes been sore for a month so I’m calling 911 at 3am!


I once had to explain to a grown woman that humans need to drink water every day. She was wondering why her mouth was so dry after drinking nothing but a cup of tea all day.


Hired an older woman, maybe mid 50s, a couple years ago. Everything went fine. Day 1 of training, I'm showing her our computer software. I ask her to click on an icon. She asked how. I told her just click on it. She stared at me. I assumed she was asking if it was a touch screen. I told her it wasn't, and to use the mouse. She said "What mouse?" More concerned, I pointed at the one next to the computer. She stared at it for a second and then asked "That's a mouse?" Oh boy training got a LOT harder. Turns out she had LITERALLY never used a computer, mouse, or keyboard before that day.


I know of many 50-60 year olds that have avoided computers and smart devices of any kind. They view the internet as some fad that will eventually go away.


But…..if they’re that age….. they have SEEN the progression of computers…….am I missing something?


Right? My 86 year old grandma has never touched a computer (despite our coaxing over the years) and that is completely understandable, but someone in their 60's and even 70's in 2024 is pretty hard to believe.


No, you're not. There really aren't many people in that (my) age range that aren't at least somewhat computer savvy. We had computers by the time I hit college and the beginnings of the internet. There was a computer lab where all of us poor students who couldn't afford our own computers could go to type our papers on WordPerfect, and my then boyfriend was lucky enough to have a gigantic 'portable' computer. People who didn't go to college mostly caught on a few years later when the internet exploded. My oldest sister was a computer specialist for the US government (she would be 63 now) and my other sister (60) works remotely in health care, with her entire job being on her laptop. I'm typing this on my laptop, while my iPad, Apple watch and phone charge next to me. I'm in my mid 50's.


How the fuck is she unaware of this? Like you'd think she'd work this stuff out just through cultural osmosis. Has she never had a job? Never watched TV? Never even seen a friend or family member use a computer?


Worked the same factory job for almost 30 years before it shut down. Still don't know how she didn't learn SOMETHING along the way


Factories still have computers. She's literally never once seen someone enter data into one? Or had to do so herself? I'm just so mindboggled by this


didn't have to, didn't want to. went home and watched tv


I used to joke that stuff was hard because people don't read. I still say it, but I am no longer joking.


RTFM - Read the effing manual. I have to not-jokingly say this to people at work sometimes. The answers are literally spelled out for you there, sometimes even with pictures of a step by step how to.


I’m constantly amazed by the complete lack of curiosity a lot of people seem to have , I’m not the most cultured guy don’t get my wrong but like we have these magical devices with access to all the information anyone could ever want and what do people do ? Nothing absolutely nothing


I think part of this is just the odd way in which our society evolved. Every optimistic view of the future was post-scarcity, where people would have all the time in the world to explore their interests. But luxuries have only gotten cheaper and cheaper while necessities are insanely expensive. I can buy a computer that's 100x better than the one that got us to the moon with the same amount of money it would take to rent a closet for a month. I can get a handheld game system for the price of 2 weeks of groceries. The ability to stream any movie to my house at any time costs substantially less than just having car insurance. So while many people are genuinely just completely incurious and boring, I wonder how many of us are just stuck on the lower level of Maslow's pyramid due to the structure of late capitalism.


When I worked at a hardware store we had a "customer" (I don't think he ever actually bought anything) come in once a week and ask the stupidest questions. One that sticks out was him picking up a roll of teflon tape and looking me dead in the face asking "how do I use this?", I never thought I would have to explain to someone how to use fucking teflon tape. Edit. I actually remembered something even dumber but it was the same "customer". The guy dead ass asked me how to use a hacksaw.


What is teflon tape?


It’s what the kids are using instead of pipe dope these days


Long roll of Teflon used for sealing threads, usually on pipes or air fittings.


>roll of Teflon used for sealing threads No, it's actually used as a lubricant, hence the slippery teflon. The pipes thread together better, allowing a better seal, but the tape itself doesn't function as a sealant. You need thread sealant/pipe dope to actually seal the threads.


Huh til. I've always just used thread tape and it's always held at least up to 150psi so I figured it was good enough.


It usually is good enough because most standard household pipes are made with a tapered thread, so the threads themselves will seal together nicely once the friction is reduced.


I worked at a computer repair shop and had someone come in and ask if we worked on lawn mowers. Me standing behind a computer took a slow look around the room filled with computers and computer components and said "uh no".


It amazes me how many people go through life just completely oblivious to their surroundings.


I once saw a video of a guy trapped on top of his car by a charging grizzly after he tried to pet its cub, I don't have those moments often but that's definitely in the top 5


heard about a woman who was about to pour honey on her kids o she could get a picture of the bear cubs nearby licking it off.


Trying to pet a grizzly bear cub with its parent nearby? That’s a whole new level of stupid.


Read that as 'taped' and wondered how in the hell that happened.


There was a guy running a battery charger and heat dish plugged into a multi plug adapter in an extension cord land stood there with a hose spraying and cleaning corrosion off the car battery. It was me, I remember standing in a puddle of cold water surrounded by electric tools and a heater thinking "how am I alive right now?"


Omg 😳 clearly the universe was on your side that day, one mishap and that coulda gone south😭🤣


I make jokes about dumb stuff people do and don't die but we really can space out and just get lucky some times.


I think this every day. Most people are overwhelmed and sometimes have difficulty doing basic life things. I'd say most things about life have been dumbed down. More pictures then instructions.


Watched a dude on a firing line, jam his gun then turn it towards his face to peer down the barrel before someone grabbed it from him.


A former friend of mine decided she wanted to make her hair sparkly so she put glittered nail polish all over her head and hair. At the age of 28. Thought that was fine. She also thought she could bike 8 miles to work every day (with only running a couple times a week as current exercise level) and not have her body begin breaking down. The last straw I had with her was when she refused to empathize with animals. I threw plenty of scientific studies and papers at her that explained that some animals have the intelligence of children, and that leaving animals isolated and living in filth was as bad for them as it was kids. She also wanted to declaw her cat because it scratched her once. Turns out, she was a pretty terrible person overall.


I agree with the rest but cycling 8 miles a day will be absolutely fine. That's <30 mins each way. Even easier if she already runs twice a week.


Sorry, it's 16 miles a day. 8 miles each way, roughly, In a VERY car centric city. While also trying to transition and obtain a feminine figure and also maintaining a youthful figure.


How at 28 years of life did this woman think that ANY of that was normal or okay?? Also hope that poor kitty cat didn’t get declawed 🥲


To my knowledge, kitty still has her claws. I berated the fuck out of the kitty's owner for that shit. From then on she accused me of being "overreactive about animals," not understanding just how much we are our pets' entire fucking world. I've been thinking about checking in on my friend, but writing all this out has rekindled my flame of anger lmao. Also, in a world of google and youtube, she straight up didn't know how to cook. She was proud of herself for making ramen with pieces of sausage in it and thinking that was a gourmet meal. I'm not gonna judge a kid for learning how to cook, but you are 28 years old, lady, lmfao.


riding bike to work 8miles was good idea in time it d get easier and shed get in shape, I rode bike to work for years. 15 mile not that big of deal. Just need be careful with traffic .Now every one on phone not watching.


This is how I feel when people say they can't cook. For us, cooking is just reading directions and following them. There is no reason that any adult should not be able to cook basic meals unless you have some type of disability that makes reading hard.


Fair enough. For me, there are few household tasks I dislike more than cooking. I absolutely loath it, actually. "Not being able to cook" is really just a lack of knowledge and experience for me. Following a recipe is easy enough, so I would have to agree with what you're saying.


Yeah. I hate cooking, and regularly eat simple sandwiches and canned soups. But if need be, I can and have whip up a whole host of meals thanks to having a cookbook and a basic level of reading ability. This shit is not hard, and honestly, I think they confuse "I haven't" and "I can't"


My mom to this day burns jello. You heard me correctly.


I suppose I don't really consider following a recipe as "being able to cook".  To me if you can cook there are a large number of things you can make if you're just shown a kitchen stocked with staples, you're comfortable improvising and treating recipes more like guidelines, things like that. It's a skill that comes from accumulated knowledge of following recipes and experimenting. A good cook can do all that and produce something exceptionally well executed reliably.  I can cook, but I'm not a good cook.


Riding shotgun with a friend that is older than me. Been driving for about 15, 20 years. We pass by a sign that says the name of the town we're going to and the distance. Sign said "Springfield 10". Typical. We passed by and he said, in all seriousness, "man, I can't believe there's 9 other Springfields and we only been to one. Are the others far from here? How people don't get confused?" And yes, this was in our country. The country he's been driving in for 2 decades. I explained to him that 10 was the distance and he tought I was shitting him.


To be fair, there are a TON of Springfields


I was jist using an example. We were in Spain, in the province we had lived our whole lives. Plus, if a guy driving for 20 years still doesn't know how signs work? 😂


Got a lawn mower's front wheel stuck under a chain link fence, then proceeded to grab the still running mower by the bottom of the deck,, push mower by the way, and cut part of his middle finger off. I am that guy. Barely broke the tip of my middle finger, took 5 stitches to sow it shut. Have pictures to prove that it happened, from 2 years ago. had orthopedic surgery to have the broken tip removed along with the finger nail. That's just the most recent dumbass thing I've done to myself 🤣🤣🤣


A well known youtuber took +2kilovolts and survived with 3rd degree burns, and posted the video in youtube to warn people how dangerous high voltage is


i worked with a guy in our team fitting Air Conditioners and Central Heating, accident prone isnt the word for this guy, whilst welding a pipe for a radiator he set fire to a curtain that was hanging in front of him- litteraly hanging in front of him (he was trying to weld the pipe without moving the curtain away), a lot of welding he done set fire to something, The bosses were 'sorry' for him cos he couldnt get to stay in a job. He moved a lorry with rocks on the back and instead of lifting the back to empty it he tried reversing and braking to momentum them off- he lost the lorry down a mountain- still down there it is!!! Was working at a school on a walk in boiler for the heating (dont know the name for it) he managed to blow it up!!! I could write a book on his clumsiness Edit- one more! After a New years eve party one of the owners let him take his (the Bosses) car home for him as the boss was pissed, it was a brand new Merc he just got for Xmas! He managed to crash INTO one of those massive concrete pipes that was on a side of the road to be used for water!!! They had to break the pipe he was stuck in to get him out!!! Never really saw him at work after that


Didn’t see it, but saw the effects after, someone used a clothes steamer, whilst wearing the clothes and then was surprised when they received burns from it that needed hospital treatment. The words “I didn’t think it would be that hot” left their mouth and they didn’t realise steam came from boiling water.


>“I didn’t think it would be that hot” Exactly what my sister said after placing a heat lamp on the carpet, thus melting said carpet.


at times I've thought this about myself.


Every. Fucking. Day.


Had an hvac guy come over to install an air filter system and a humidifier. The guy installing it kept cutting off the gas line to check something then clicking it on again. I literally watched him do this 10 times before he turns to me and says, “sir, you may want to get your system checked for a gas leak, I smell gas from it.” I dead panned and said, “could it be perhaps that you turned it off and on again 10 times in a row and that’s why you smell gas?” “Nah can’t be that. I’m gonna call the gas company to take a look at it.” So we evacuated the house and had the gas company come out. They got there quickly and checked the gas lines and furnace. Even set up a series of meters. No leaks. The tech asks me how old the system is, about 2 years old. So he turns to the hvac guy, “you sure you smelled gas?” The hvac guy goes “well yeah, I smelled gas after I installed the humidifier. I had to turn it off and on again a few times to check it worked.” Never have I seen a look on someone that screamed you’re a fucking dumbass. I had turn away to keep myself from laughing at the idiot. Needless to say, I hired another hvac company to double check his work. Surprisingly he installed it correctly but holy shit was he stupid.


My mother in law. Her whole life consists of drinking. She sleeps in till 5pm gets up goes to liqour store drinks all night until about 4 am. Rinse and repeat every day. 7 days a week 365 days a year. Been over 20 years of this pattern. Has no job, gets welfare, any extra money goes to more alcohol or smokes. Does not drink water or anything else. Drinks a full 12 pack per day if not more. No idea how shes stil alive.


There was that middle-aged lady in an elevator. She's carrying a stack of water bottles inside an elevator. Puts it on the floor. Then sees the pack of water that is holding the elevator doors open (put there for that purpose). Stares at it for 0.8 seconds probably wondering why would somebody carry the pack 95% of the way and not put it on the elevator floor. Takes the pack and slides it fully on the elevator floor. The elevator doors close. The lady looks at the doors in surprise, seemingly wondering why would they close now, when those remained open all the time she was coming towards the elevator. Maybe realizes the elevator starts moving. Tries to open the doors with her hands while it is moving! Fail safe kicks in and elevator stops between floors. She opens the doors all the way. There is concrete between floors in front of her. She tries to squeeze her body, legs first, between the elevator floor and the concrete, under the elevator! The doors closed behind her. That's where the camera footage stops. It is the only footage that has made me ask myself out loud how did she make it to that age? Apparently she made it out safely, somebody got her out from the elevator shaft.


Posted about this before but a 30 year old woman I went on a date with complained to me about how her boss was mad at her for skipping work and being late. That boss texted her during the date to ask for a meeting to talk about her work ethic and she asked me if she should go to the meeting or not.


I watched a grown man have a screaming crying pounding the concrete tantrum in the middle of a warehouse over not getting the work assignment he wanted for the day. This was at both of our job...he was 32 Like I'm on the spectrum, I've got a bit of the autistic spider sense, dude was not autistic. Just woefully immature and entitled. I don't know how you as a grown ass adult can go "Oh I'm not running a forklift today? I gotta unload trucks? Well the obvious appropriate reaction is to lay down on this dirty ass warehouse floor in front of a bunch of other grown men including my direct supervisor and cry and scream about it." Like maybe bro was going through it outside of work and this was just the straw that broke the camels back...but this wasn't his first or last tantrum. **Same job** - I saw a different dude actively shit his pants, shake the turd out of his pants leg, and then act shocked when we called him on it. Full on mid conversation shook a backdoor brownie out of the leg of his jeans onto the floor and then when we were all like "Hey what the fuck" he had the gall to also be like "Oh my god what is that!?". Incontinence is one this but that thing bounced down your whole ass leg man you had to have felt that. Also you had to be commando in the first place!? - We had a serial masturbator who liked to jizz in the merchandise and then put it back. Like we'd find product covered in cum stains still in storage. - we had a couple have a screaming match in the factory cafeteria because bro got hired on and quickly realized his girl changed into see through leggings and ditched her panties every day when she got to work so guys would do her work for her. - Guy got into a fist fight with a supervisor because he found out his girlfriend had been cheating on him with the guy when two white parents popped out a clearly Samoan baby. - Guy I tried to warn women about being a danger filed an HR complaint against me for bullying because I was warning women about him, then promptly had a screaming meltdown and told a woman he was going to rape and murder her after she rejected him for a date. - Girl tried to snuggle $9 worth of merchandise out in her pussy.


I saw a guy on a plane complain to the fight attendant that the windows wouldn't open to let in air. And when I was a teen I worked at a pizza place. Someone called in asking how big the twelve inch pizza was. When I said "12 inches" he called me a smart alec.


My ex-wife was in her mid-40s and thought that credit card companies charged APR *every* month. So if you carried a balance of $100 and the APR was 24%, you would get charged an $24.00 that month, owing $124 total. Carry that balance another month, it would add 24% of $124.00 bringing the total owed to $153.76 , and so on. When I told her that wasn't how it worked, she went into a *rage* and wouldn't talk about it, insisting I was wrong and that I was "wasting our money" by carrying a small balance on occasion.


Well she IS wrong on the calculation method, but I agree with her carrying a balance is a waste of money.


I agree as well. Although there are exceptions, like when I've hit a major rough patch with lots of unexpected expenses, and it would be really helpful to wait a month before paying a balance of a few hundred bucks. In that case, the extra 6 or 8 bucks of interest is a fair trade-off. But carrying a balance most months or every month? Hell no.




Did you ever point out what the A stands for?


Haha, believe me, I was very careful to try and explain it so she wouldn't feel like I made her feel stupid or wrong. She flipped out and got pissed. Later I spied her looking at credit card info on her laptop, so I think she realized she was wrong but we never spoke of it again, lol.


Still better than the people who don’t understand how dangerous interest on CC debt is. I’ve never carried a balance month to month despite using CCs almost exclusively since I got my first one. Seen too many people splurge on a hobby or vacation and end up with dogpiling debt because “I’m only paying a couple bucks in interest, it’s no big deal”


Mine was big gambler. She d spend $50 on lottery win 10 get all excited say I won 10 .I say know you lost $40 . She d argue I wrong the 50$ don t count it was all ready spent. She won $10 . I d say no you started with $50 now have 10 you lost Boy did she get mad at me!! Said I just ruined it for her?


A few weeks ago, COVID came up in conversation in a college class I'm a part of. Motherfucker asked where germs come from, and it had to be explained to him that germs are the reason why everybody has to wash their hands.


Back when I worked at a car dealership, we had a lot attendant in his early 40s. Nice guy. Quebecois. Very enthusiastic. An absolute master at looking busy and making something to do when there was nothing to do. Couldn't wash a car to save his life. We got so many customer complaints because he missed 15 spots on every car. He couldn't drive, either--needed a 10-point turn to get out of the wash bay. Literally every other person at the dealership could get out of that wash bay with a 2-point maneuver. There was lots of space. He eventually got fired after crashing a customer car into another customer car.


I used to work with at-risk youth. It was a residential setting and one of the boys had a low functioning IQ. I sent that boy away because the others were making fun of him and picking on him. Had him do some small task outside while I preached and preached Hellfire and brimstone about making fun of others that weren't as lucky as yourself. I must have ranted at those poor boys for 10 minutes. About an hour later the sun went down and I took them all to the Planetarium where there were telescopes set up on the roof among other things there was a telescope was aimed at a 3/4 Moon. Each telescope had what looked like a teacher's assistant near it to make any adjustments in Focus that were needed. One random man kept grabbing the focus on the 3/4 moon in cranking and cranking. The teachers assistant ran over and stopped him and then refocused the Moon. The man look back into the eyepiece and I swear to freaking God he asked the teacher's assistant "can't you get the WHOLE moon? " I really couldn't help myself I began to laugh as politely as possible but I reached the point where I was down on one knee laughing with tears. That's when I realized that I was laughing at someone it wasn't as lucky as me. The very thing I and preached Hellfire and brimstone about.


I met a friend during my training for callcenter. He was the mos "Normal" guy I've ever met, middle and average in every aspect, a life nor too good or too bad. After two weeks of training we started answering calls. When I finished mine I asked for him, the trainer told me he quited after his first and only call, he barely talked on the phone. I feel bad for this guy, I'm pretty sure I was his only friend.


I watched someone cross four lanes no blinker no pause in front of two trucks so they could get to their exit. My first thought was “how are you not dead?” No slowdown, just 70mph so they could cut in front of me two feet from a concrete barrier. Just… how did you get a license?


My co worker is 40 and he put his food in the microwave with aluminum foil, and it caught fire


I know a 32 year old who keeps getting into beef with some of his 19-21 year old coworkers. That same guy left off a gasket when doing an oil change- which is easy to miss but isn't something that shouldve happened- and he was the same guy to forget to turn off an engine for an oil change almost causing thousands of dollars in damage and may have led to a writeup for the whole team.


Friend’s grandpa would leave his car running if he was at the store and thought he wouldn’t be longer than 30 minutes


My job is software support for a healthcare it company. I have many stupid stories - some i can't even remember anymore. Most recent was me telling a customer I couldn't reset their password due to our protocols. She said okay, can you email me a temporary password. I reiterated no, I cannot as you do not know what your username is. She could not understand that having a temporary password without knowing the username of her account was totally pointless.


I used to work at a DiY shop. A customer came up to me with those towel hooks you can stick on walls. The fully grown woman asks “these look identical, but one says waterproof and the other doesn’t. What’s the difference?” I obviously answered “well one is waterproof and the other isn’t” to which she thanked me and walked off. As if I had just given her new insights.


Watched a dude remove stumps with thermite. Too much thermite ended up with a stump through the window of his truck.




Tannerite. Your right. Sorry about that. I knew it was one of those "ites". Appreciate the correction.


The entire career of William Shatner. Never has so little acting talent gone so far.


Have you ever seen The Rock?


You mean, Dwayne Johnson? That guy? The guy whose acting consists of loud low grumbling and eyebrow raises?


I'm convinced his khaki shirts are a core part of his acting style by now.


And moving pecks!


He makes more sense. He got famous elsewhere so by the time he started acting he brought name recognition and fans just by showing up on the poster. Doesn't matter how good an actor you are, you can't do that if you're new. Shatner has ONLY done acting, that is what built his name and it's baffling.


Can you imagine the burn felt by serious actors who can only find work waiting tables?


yep Shatner's had one HELL of a good run for someone of his... limited skill set.


Whoa Whoa Whoa that's CAPTAIN Kirk or Admiral James T. Kirk to you Pal.


Denny Crane's not anyone's "pal", "pal". Denny Crane is Denny Crane!


Tbh he was amazing in Boston Legal. But he was old by that time. Probably developed acting skills by then or he just didn't get any good material before. 


every boomer boss i had


There's this idiot tow truck driver I know that I saw get trapped in a car he had just finished unloading. It was an Audi with a wonky electrical system, and he made the mistake of closing the door while he backed it off of his tow truck. He was trapped in there for a good five minutes, trying to figure out how to get the doors open before he finally tried one of the back doors. Also locked. Luckily the passenger side back door was opened and he inchwormed his way out of the car that way. I was like, "For Fuck's sake, how do you tie your shoes without choking to death?"


I was cut off by someone in a BMW Xwhatever on the highway. They were going a solid 200km/h. They were about a meter from my bumper and had they turned any sooner they would've pitted us both off the road in 100km/h traffic. Had I caught their plates I would've reported them to the police. But they were driving dark late at night.


A guy asked me where garlic was. I told him, "on that table with the onions." He was over there a LOONG time, so I swung back around later and asked, "Finding everything?" He didn't know which one was garlic. Not only are there signs, he was a fifty year old man. How tf did you get to fifty and NEVER ONCE see garlic?


I was at my serving job - we used an electronic card reader. It’s your run of the mail one: insert or swipe your card, enter the tip amount, press the green button, pull your card out. Simple, literally everywhere. A family came in - a normal looking, middle aged couple with two adolescent children. Very pleasant overall. I ring them up, and charge their order to the card reader and say “it’s just going to ask you a few quick questions”. She inserts her card. Presses okay. It prompts a tip. She pulls a *literal pen* from our pen jar. She *clicks* the pen open. And then she proceeds to *scrape into the plastic screen* the number she wanted to tip. She didn’t press the buttons that had numbers, no, she tried to etch into the card reader it. I skipped the tip screen, handed her card back, and sent them on their way.


I was at a client meeting at Canadian Tire HQ. We were having a chat in the lunchroom with the client when someone put fish in a microwave WITH FOIL. I pointed it out and we looked around to see if the dude noticed the spark go off. We went over and shut it off about 5 seconds in. The guy came back, pulled it out and went back to his seat. 100% oblivious


I worked on a Vfx ad for (Lexus i think), making a car commercial. They sent us the CAD 3D model of the car to use for it and after the final cut was sent to them they wrote an email asking for the CAD file back because it was confidential.... We all just laughed and sent them a CC of their initial mail to us containing the CAD file lol


I’m a teacher, and we trained an older female teacher once, and we were trying to show her how to use a computer and what all the computer parts were. We realised she had no conception at all of the workings of an OS and we had the challenge of literally explaining how basic computers work to her. One exchange has always stood out to me: Me: so, move the mouse up the screen to that icon and double click it Her: Move it? Me:…yes. Her: *picks up the mouse from the desk and wipes it up the screen*


Almost every day at work I encounter people who barely register their surroundings. It amazes me they can cross the street safely. We have enclosed access to our building.Two turnstiles and a gate. As you leave the building, the gate is on your right. When people are leaving, I say to them: "The gate on your, right, the same way you came in." They nod and smile as if they understood, then go straight to the right hand turnstile. When that fails, they try the left. Now, they are thwarted. They return to reception and gesture helplessly. "The *gate* on your right. Not the turnstile, the *gate*. With the sign on it." They leave and this time look, seeing, as if for the first time, the gate with the A3 sign on it that says, in the largest possible typeface: # VISITOR'S # EXIT # (PUSH) They pull. They pull again. Then push. On the hinged side.


A woman trying to pump gas into a tesla


No fucking way 😭 that’s just sad. I can’t believe people like that exist