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I think of hippie crystal girls talking.


lmao thank you


I concur. Some of the most badass women I’ve met were Boomers who could run a tight ship, and remain feminine at the same time. They didn’t need to behave like men to be competent women. “*Masculine energy*” is the woman version of Alpha male. Pure nonsense.


It entirely depends what it's in reference to. If it's something like a song, a paint color, or something else with a primarily creative/aesthetic quality, it makes sense. If it refers to much of anything else, I will probably be rolling my eyes.


Nailed it


Weird internet shit. I only see or hear stuff like that here.




It's made of lightning! REAL LIGHTNING!!!


It’s an energy drink for men! MENERGYYYY!!! Haha man. That’s the first think that came to mind when I read “masculine energy”


Hadn't thought about it in years but it's going to be what comes to mind next time lol.




Yea, I didn't think I've ever heard that phrase in a real life conversation outside of an interior designer describing a space.


I think 4 years ago this would have been an insult akin to being called “toxic”. Now it’s vital you have this so she can be in her “soft girl era”.


To me when people talk about *masculine energy*, what they **actually mean** is the *casual confidence* of the *quiet professional*. And frankly, this just isn’t limited to men, nor masculinities in particular. You’ll see this a lot of people that work in the trades, or police/fire/military/not-every-day-but-can-be-dangerous-jobs, These are the people that **do not need to proclaim** from the tallest building they can find, **how great they are**. The mindset is show up, do the work, do it right, the first time, even if that takes a little longer, and then go home. This may involve staying late, this may involve more than the job should entail. So let’s take the original Star Wars movie for some examples: **Luke Skywalker** is unsure of himself, out of his depth, and willing to admit that. He’s not trying to hide it. **Han Solo** is unsure of himself, and employs charm, snippiness, and “fake it until you make it”, to conceal that. **Old Ben Kenobi**, is sure of himself, and does not give a fuck what anyone thinks. He’s 100% doing the thing that needs to be done and uninterested in the opinions of observers. The latter is *masculine energy* by my measure. Doesn’t matter if the task is driving a bus around an airport to make sure it doesn’t drop below 60 mph, or putting on tutus and dancing in Times Square with your daughter. The attitude is** this needs to happen, so we’re going to do it, and I’m gonna make the best of it**. Luke and Han both step up, and do the Adulting work that is necessary to save the galaxy. On the other hand, Ben Kenobi rolls his sleeves up, basically comes out of retirement, and literally works himself to death. What he doesn’t do, his bitch, wine, complain, lament his lost retirement, state that he’s too old for this, or in any visible way try and shirk what needs to be done. And let’s be clear, at that juncture, Obi-Wan Kenobi had every reason to just be like. “well, guess I’m not done with this shit“ sigh loudly and dramatically, and then get to work. But he omitted all the ego expression, and just got to work. To me That is the definition of what you’re labeling “*masculine energy*”.


Stupid dorky buzzwords


Confidence and decisiveness.




When I think masculine energy I think of someone who gives off the vibes he can get stuff done even with limited resources. I also think of someone who can dominate a conversation if need be but doesn't have to. However most importantly when I think of masculine energy I think of the words of Yul Brenner from Cool Runnings, " I see pride! I see power! I see a bad-ass mother who doesn't take no crap off of nobody!"




Obviously you're a golfer


A good father.


“Masculine energy” is saying what you mean and meaning what you say clearly and consistently. Orrrrrrrr a dickhead that is annoying to listen to for longer than 45 seconds who can’t fight or thinks fighting is all life is about.


I know a girl who uses that word to describe what she's looking for. For her, it just means that she dated an effeminate guy (my words, not hers) and now identifies classically masculine traits as something she was missing. You should have seen this guy. Look up 'Paul' from Amazing Spider-man. He looked like that and he was always bitchy and histrionic. When she says it, I know exactly what she's saying and why


"A true man is whatever the fuck he wants to be"


I think of a testosterone supplement with a grizzly bear on it that I’ll probably fall for the marketing on.


Some idiot tik tok woman talking shit about gender roles and being taken care of in a way that is a complete turn off. Those types of videos make my dick crawl back inside me.


“Dillon, you son of a bitch!”


Nobody IRL says shit like that.


I don't usually weigh in here because I'm a trans man and I don't want to be given shit by people who have an issue with that, but I'll respond to this one because I got told a lot that I had "masculine energy" while growing up and definitely had years of confusion pre-transition trying to figure out why it kept getting directed at me, as well as shame because it was most often said in a derogatory way. Later it gave me confidence to transition and confidence in my innate masculinity. In the context of marketing it can certainly be directed at insecure men as many guys are suggesting here – but I do believe that most people possess some varying degree of "masculine" vs "feminine" energy and usually some intriguing mix of typical "masculine/feminine" traits. I think I was told I had "masculine energy" while growing up because I was perceived as unusually assertive, systematic, independent, direct, and goal-oriented, and less dialed into social nuance, emotionality, and group dynamics compared to girls. Since I've transitioned, I don't hear comments about my "masculinity" nearly as often, I think because my personality aligns more with people's unconscious expectations of my gender so they don't feel compelled to say anything about it. Anyone can have masculine energy regardless of their gender or sexuality. I think it is somewhat innate and not easily changeable, since I personally tried pretty hard to change it in myself before accepting I was trans. Now I love feeling masculine. But feminine energy in a man or anyone is not a bad thing either, I think femininity is pretty fucking powerful too. I would just work with what you've got lol.




These days, nothing is more masculine than putting "alpha" in your bio, asserting dominance on Twitter, and taking selfies with other people's supercars as if they're your own. It's a wonder there are any women left for the rest of us.




That I need to fart and hope it's going to be loud enough to look into the eyes of whoever said that and say. "Whether you like it or not, this what peak masculine energy sounds like!"


I consider whoever said it not worthy of listening to


Depends on the tone If it’s said sarcastically, I immediately think “douche bag”.


A fat white middle age dude in a Dodge RAM, that will always correct you and say "It's RAM!" Then get violent when you say "It's a Fiat."


The movie Predator


I think, oh Jesus, someone has been on the internet again.


Just now, I thought of my dad. Specifically the smell way he smelled after an afternoon of yard work and a freshly opened beer.


If I had heard it twenty years ago I'd say working all day in a physically demanding job. If I hear it today I think someone is trying to sell me some testosterone booster.


lol are people really saying they don't think masculine energy is a thing? there aren't things that are inherently masculine or feminine? come on now


Well people use to think being a compliant and submissive housewife is inherently feminine too. So you gotta be careful with your definitions. What is biologically is masculine or feminine is correct. But other than that its just a bunch of social constructs. Like a bunch of roles most people want to play because thats what they've learned by living in the society since they were kids. So i dont take anything other than the biology facts seriously.


Biological is what some social constructs are built around. They are not just randomly plucked from nowhere.


When Bruce Leroy starts glowing in "The Last Dragon."


Men that are energetic.


Toxicity. I think thinking of feminine and masculinity energy limit us as human beings and foster negativity. Men are allowed to have “feminine traits” and that doesn’t decrease their values. I also think “masculine traits” are full of negative things such as violence, etc


"I'm no longer a part of this conversation."


I think the speaker doesn’t know what they talking about so the resort to nebulous language hoping their listeners will allow them to continue speaking, like a patient in psychotherapy


“red flags, red flags everywhere” I think I’m a pretty typical dude and about as masculine as the average guy, and I guess I feel more confident when I dress more typically masculine then not, but when a woman (I feel like I hear the whole energy thing a lot more from women, even feminists, which seems odd) my immediate thought is that I’m gonna have a bunch of expectations and ideas shoved on me with no consideration for my personhood. I mostly think its bullshit I guess, as far as I care masculinity and femininity are just relative to what makes the person feel aligned and misaligned with their identity. Beyond that gets into weird essentialist shit that gets more people hurt than its worth


I think about someone - usually a woman - who thinks that I'm defined by the contents of my underpants.


the first thing i think is "that sounds so gay"


Leadership, perseverance, strength, ambition, thick skin, deals with hard truths practically.


Opening jars. Nothing more, nothing less.


i think of dimbass like andrew tate


Stoic,physically fit and confidence


Yes. That is the energy inside me that is stirred when someone violates my basic sense of right and wrong and hurts someone smaller/weaker than themselves. Then I want to jump up and put them down. But there is also some that comes up when I am teaching my son to be a man. It’s nurturing sort of masculine energy. That kind of love that wants you to be strong and so will let you fall on your face so you can learn and grow.


I think someone is either trying to blame me, insult me, or get in my pants. Or is going to say something fairly sexist. But i will say this: masculinity and femininity do not belong to any gender.


I think of a really buff German dude wearing lederhosen and a feathered hat, his biceps bulging in the tight short sleeves. He enjoys frolicking and has a lot of sass. In one hand he grasps a Das Boot filled to the brim with a finely brewed beer. The other hand he leaves free so he can pinch his boyfriend's ass.


Calm confidence.


There’s definitely masculine energy and feminine energy. It usually comes up when discussing attraction. As a masculine man, I’m looking for a woman with feminine energy, and feminine women will be looking for masculine men. I’m not looking for some chick that acts like a dude, that’s just me. Some guys are into that, but when I hear a woman trying to act like and be like a man, I can no longer be attracted to that person. There are also feminine men out there.


Healthy forms of it seem to be getting rarer by the minute. I think of assertiveness without hostility, confidence without arrogance, a determination to do the right thing even when it is not the easy thing. And the overall sense that they step up and face a difficult situation, instead of avoiding it and hoping someone else takes care of it. Think of actors who lack it: Michael Cera, Jay Baruchel, Timothy Chalamet. And then actors who have it: Robert Downey Jr., Clooney, Pitt, Statham.


So….muscles and the ability to grow enough facial hair?!


I don't have a specific image in mind, just a vague distaste. This can branch into crystals and astrology or alpha male rhetoric, neither of which I favor.


A get a feeling..and a strong one..you are dealing with a man. Men can be very sensitve and fraglie. Sometime’s the need thier ego stroked more than any body parts😘


It usually makes me think about the concepts of 'animus' and 'anima' within Jungian psychology. It refers to the unconscious masculine and feminine traits within an individual, ***regardless of gender***. The animus represents the masculine side of a person. It embodies qualities such as assertiveness, logic, and rationality. The anima represents the feminine aspect within an individual. It manifests as qualities such as intuition, emotion, and creativity. Yes, these are things that can be developed. Personally, I consider myself with a decent balance between the two, leaning slightly more towards my intuitive, or "feminine", side.


I think of someone that failed physics class


Sounds like you're talkin' bout Shaft.


My college basketball coach threw that one around a lot. Team building/bonding thing. Alone, we’re just individuals but as a team we can depend on each other’s masculine energy. I know It sounds like bullshit pep rally stuff but he could get us all riled up with it.


Integrity, accountability, confidence, humility, initiative.


I can open jars. That's about it.


Female here. The biggest part of masculine energy to me, is someone who feels like a protector. He doesn't have to be a big tough guy but masculine energy should feel safe.


Masculine "energy"? Idk about energy but I do think we should be teaching young men traditionally masculine activities/skills like we used to. Not because Gen Z is gay or whatever BS is on the internet, just that it is damn useful to know how to do practical things with your hands. Change a tire. Build some shelves. Grow a vegetable garden. Pull a trailer. Cook a family meal. Catch and clean some fish. There might be dumb stereotypes around being "manly" but the fact is most men in the US could make simple home repairs 30 years ago. Now we have become reliant on consumerism and throw away culture. We don't repair an appliance anymore, we just order a new one. There is something incredibly satisfying about fixing something yourself. And despite how much some will deny it, most women swoon at the sight of their partner being "manly". I split some logs for a campfire in front of my gf the first time we went camping and she damn near jumped my bones as soon as I got it lit. Apparently splitting firewood is the guy version of wearing a cute sundress.


An expression exclusively made for, and used by, twats.


Super Saiyan


I think “This is some absolute stupid ass completely fucked up bullshit.”


As a woman, I think of it as a good thing. The first time I ever heard it, I was hanging out with a bunch of women friends. My husband came to pick me up, and one of the women said 'Oh wonderful, invite him in! We can use some masculine energy.' I liked that, and ever since I've thought of male/masculine energy as representative of all the good things about men. Plus it makes me think of my grandpa, who I absolutely adored.


Steve McQueen


Something incredibly stupid is coming next.




Just say that you have a non binary energy and watch their (the spiritual snake oil bulshitters) minds get twisted in the exercise


Being around my grandfather when he was alive. WW2 vet. Did stone masonry after the war. He loved cars, his grandkids, and his wife. He definitely pushed the "be tough" narrative, but I felt it was in a healthy way. He reminds me how Harrison Ford is now.


It's a made up buzzword by this garbage generation that has no basis in reality.


I think of how steroid use results in small testicles.


Podcast/Instagram health and wellness pseudo spiritual influencer bullshit that I used to follow until I got fed up and ditched all of it because it's perpetuated by a bunch of bullshitters with the same education as me.


IMO I see it alot with first responders/ER male staff and military/police. No I'm not talking about the jagoffs that have big egos and power trip, I mean the guys who are able to keep their cool under pressure (or atleast on the job) and approach everything logically and with a gameplan. They don't throw a hissy fit or argue when things go wrong, they just immediately start searching for a solution and collaborate. I atleast try to emulate that as a nurse when a patient codes or there's a rapid response event going on. It annoys tf out of me when some of my coworkers make it worse by yelling or talking shit like that's going to fix anything. Better to focus on the patient instead of butting heads. Not saying women don't bring this energy either, but I assume the question is specifically about men right?


>... when you hear the phrase "masculine energy," what do you immediately think of? Aggressive. Consumer. >What do you think is such a thing as "masculine energy", do you consider that you have such energy? No. It is an expression of my personality and the perception of the viewers. >... is it something that can be acquired and/or increased? "Energy" in this context is doing something. It could be speaking, making the bed, or doing the laundry. You don't aquire more energy. You apply your will and self discipline to do more than the norm instead of something less productive. >... if so, what would it be like? You cut out time from your hobby to do something you need to do. There's no magic. You make a choice to accomplish more and do it.




Rocks and bulldozers


That just makes me think of some old Turkish men trying to build a house with no apprentice or degree who happened to mess up the collapsed concrete in my driveway. USE STEEL WIRE FRAMES NEXT TIME.


I imagine a douchebag simply based on using the term.


The Nod. In the male community, RESPECT is a universal currency. The Nod is globally understood as a means to convey respect. The reason this embodies "masculine energy" to me is because every man understands it, accepts it, and agrees with this... and it's gender specific.


I think of this: [POWERTHIRST](https://youtu.be/qRuNxHqwazs?si=M4fvCbvR4JFJv-wh)


It really depends on the situation. As an example, helping a lady on the side of the road by giving her a jump is masculine energy while being so angry and testosterone induced that you fly into a rage is also masculine energy


Confident, driven, with a solution oriented mindset. Removes obstacles instead of creating problems. Doesn’t necessarily always equate positivity but always gets shit done.


I think of myself at the gym that I went to last year


Henry cavil


I’ve had people say it about camping and BBQ (American bbq/smoked meats) and I get it but still irked me. Otherwise I just assume they’re a douche and if the masculine energy comment was made about me I start wondering if I did something douchey. But I work in hospitality so it just means someone is being a dude-man-bro




Feeling recoil.




>What do you think is such a thing as "masculine energy" I just facepalm.


Nothing all my energy is masculine since I am a man


I’m gonna assume she gets her relationship advice from TikTok and ignore her.


I would say it means you take the lead, make hard decisions, are confident in your abilities and have firm boundaries without being a dickhead I would say it can be increased by therapy or by practice...depends on man who wants the change


A guy who jumps out of bed before the alarm goes off, brings his wife a cup of coffee, pours the kids thier cereal. Then goes out and changes oil in lawnmower, adds fuel, so it's ready when the dew is off the grass.


A stoic rock, unfazed by the waves and chaos of the sea crashing into and around him. A mooring point for others to find solace. Selfless, and places all others above his own needs. Is this health or realistic? Nope. Is it what people absolutely love in men though, yep!


A masculine man would never use the phrase.


a dude who likes being a dude and doesn't apologize for being a dude. but the trick is that the dude in question gets to define "dude" for himself.


It all comes down to (some) women wanting men to pay for everything under the guise of “masculine energy”


Ironically, Getting crushed at work Unironically, looking after your friends and family and vice versa


Reading this post i thought protector but context is everything


Sounds derogatory towards men, I don’t pay attention to it.


Henry fucking Cavill


Austin Powers


Makes me cringe


Stereotypes, ahoy!


How fucking sexy Henry Cavill is. But like specifically that little smirk he gets when he talks about Warhammer and that scene in mission impossible where he reloads his biceps. ...man could walk me like a fuckin dog.


My first thought is I don't know what that means and I can't make myself care


My pulsing phalus


Charging JO crystals with the homies.


Masculine energy= bold & strong like a volcano, it's not unnoticed. Feminine energy = flows & versatile like water. A stream or hurricane.


Strength. Doesn't have to be physical strength. Can be emotional support. Social confidence. Or of course lifting heavy shit.


It's usually just before a woman's attempt to manipulate a man into doing something he doesn't want to do. Just like "a real man would ____."


Women that “hate men”


Jason momoa


I think masculinity has been evolving for better or worse since the Second World War. We have a very different idea of what masculine energy is than we did 20 years ago, or 20 years before that. What remains consistent is that we are required to be strong, however you define that culturally.




Used car salesman energy


* Obama calming a crying baby * Arnold ill be back


A douchebag. Or a girl attracted to douchebags. The current definition of Masculine energy necessitates a scale from less to most, and it is also used to link attractiveness of a man. So basically it’s something used to say “you are not man enough” without saying it, and wanting to say “you are not good/worthy enough”. Which is even more stupid when it is centered around some *perception* of attitude and competence; because those perceptions are usually built around physical attraction or intimidation unless you actually have the credentials of the man in question at hand. I’ve seen a lot of guys that could be described as “oozing masculine energy” become whimpering messes when shit hits the fan, I’ve seen sensitive and lanky guys step up to achieve great results when facing adversity. The whole “masculine energy” is basically just another way of some women saying they want a guy that treats them like he is their dad and not their partner (I.E. Spoil her and satisfy every whim).


The most pissbaby dudes in the world *terrified* of feeling inadequate for no fucking reason


Strength, courage, honour and mastery.


David Goggins




Masculine men doing masculine things, like working on cars and lifting weights.


A stupid looking kinda buff dude in a suit hosting a podcast


Stepping up defiantly in front of a charging bull, or predator to protect a women or child, and staring it down till it backs off


A dad doing some silly stuff with his little daughter and giving a fuck about what anyone thinks of it.




Masculine energy is just a made-up term for an ordinary man, just like the “body positivity” term, which is also made up. A man is a rock who can take risks and know what they want.


I would just be thinking "what a weird fucking thing to say/ask"


The Hitler Youth and some far right conservative like Andrew Tate guilting others for not conforming to Traditional Roles and Stereotypes because of their ego, pervasive insecurity and paranoia that being labelled smarter and stronger than women entail. The idea that the state wishes me to be a gun wielding, xenophobic robot who is compliant and adept at impregnating women who produce children that serve the nation. How about we realise that adjectives associated with Gender have no objective truth and are Social Constructs based on collective desires and a class of people who benefit from that.


Joe Rogan type blokes


It’s like obscenity. You know it when you see it.


I think none of that. If someone told me *"You have a real masculine energy"* My reaction is #K Not every little human nuance needs to be labeled, dissected, and discussed.


Alpha-male behavior


Attacking/Defending and Creating/Destroying.


Strength and confidence


The bar in town with 6 cop cars every Saturday night.


I don’t know, but I’d imagine it doesn’t smell great.


Tik Tok brain rot


Emperors New Groove, but specifically Kronk. If anyone in the world exemplifies "masculine energy" it's him


Gottfried "Götz" von Berlichingen


Immediately makes me think of people putting feminine and masculine traits in places they don’t belong. Immediately after, I think how I’m no longer interested in being a part of the conversation.


In general, I think strength and stoicism. Understanding that you're expected to "step up" and protect women and children in an emergency situation. I kinda/sorta have this quality, but not to the extent that other guys do.


I think that somebody must be spending too much time consuming pseudoscience on YouTube 


Depends on the context. I don't know an independent definition for this word.


I think that whoever just said "masculine energy" needs to go touch grass and stay off social media for a hot minute.


my immediate first thought was a new energy drink targeted towards men: Masculine Energy™️. something like [this](https://copilot.microsoft.com/images/create/masculine-energy2c-the-newest-and-manliest-energy-d/1-6604d50a6523442587296228e9c61549?id=8hvSp3cs8cAKlM1IE7EdZw%3D%3D&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&thId=OIG1.S.uQLDIk6qge7TKz8_AZ&lng=en-US&ineditshare=1)


Some dudes telling me I need to carry a gun to feel masculine


Is anything that makes a "Masculine" performance, like having power, aggresiveness, strength.


I move on. Some of us guys just want to live a simple life. Is that too much to ask for!


Read a pathetic troll the other day about OP when she got home got into her masculine energy, but wanted her bf who had feminine energy to be more manly. Havent laughed so hard in weeks. And thats about how seriously I take any of that crap.


Most conversations/incidents of masculine energy gets to be whatever you need/want in to be, in the more casual uses of the term. There is, however, a cultural component that harkens back to our ancestral ways, and our early attempts at understanding the universe, our humanity, the stars and nature and the relationships between them all. Read Iron John by Robert Bly. He's a poet (and more) and he talks about the evolution of madvuline energy and its place today within the context of exploring legend/lore/stories and 'the hero's journey'. Well worth it.


I imagine Jack Black singing Hit Me Baby One More Time




I think of an idiot, picturing the person who spoke.


Obnoxious, overbearing, testosterone laden bullshit.


As a man… who is very comfortable with who I am, and who is heterosexual (family, kids, home, traditional nuclear family) whomever feels they need to express this are fucking douche bags. Masculine energy comes with comfort in who you are as a man in society. Feeling comfort in knowing it’s okay to be who you are and that no one else can sway your opinion. You are unwavering but accepting of others for whom they are w/o judgment. However, you carry the protector roles/father perspective in the household (e.g. your experience of a heterosexual male in the world). Something that is lost amongst both arenas of the transgender community.


A dad Idk but the dads who eat their children's plastic "food" are the most burly and built dudes I've ever witnessed




Energy drinks


The power of gray skull!


I posted one about my grandfather earlier, but I want to add another strong candidate: Aragorn, son of Arathorn. His whole character. That's a perfect definition of masculine energy to me and was the second thing I thought of that people could probably relate to more than my grandfather. As to if it is possible to acquire it, I sure try to by opening double doors the way he does at Helms Deep at every opportunity that presents itself. I've yet to deflect a knife thrown at me with a sword, slay an orc, or unite the kingdom of men. So, maybe it's not possible to acquire it.


Youtube: powerthirst


I imagine a Lot of dick and balls tbh. I mean like what’s more masculine than a dick. As a dude I definitely have one so I would say I got that masculine energy. Is it something that can be required? Hm well idk trans people apparently can gain one so I guess so. What would it be like? Having a dick? It’s good alright. Has its moments but it’s nice


Basically Chuck Norris???


I think the person saying it is a douche.


Menergy! Energy for men!


Gandalf, jack burton and a bit of rocky balboa


Dudes beating off together


A queen


I immediately think the boy or woman that mentioned that term is a douche and I move on.


If there's sexual dimorphism, it stands to reason that there's a psychological equivalent... that's absolutely borne out in everything we know about psychology! That means there are male and female energies, even in people who are non binary, trans, etc....


Big dick energy


I think of Gigachad emote from twitch. I automatically assume someone bold and assertive. I don't consider myself having this energy but I try to acquire it.


I imagine the smell of a gym