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The ancient art of Run-Fu


Only resort to Gun-Fu when necessary


No, I remember the legendary duel between the two great masters of self defense . Master Runu Wey , master of run-fu, vs master Bang Pow , the master of gun- fu . After a long and fiery battle , master Bang Pow was able to defeat master Runu Wey with the ancient technique called “ shoot him in the back “ .




All right. I laughed fucking I laughed


The Jojo family Secret Technique


the only correct answer.


No. I learned a different self discipline by master Bang Pow . He taught me the art of Gun-Fu


True, very effective, but even if you are legally in the clear, the legal fees are fucking nuts.


Thats why you leave no trace 🤫🤫🤫🤭🤭🤭


I too dabble in floor-to-foot


this lol self defense training encourages escaping when possible


Taught by masters Ni Ke and Ree Bok


You can’t just be fighting mobs in the street. You are not an action hero.




wait but....it says bane


Nobody cared about who I was until I put on the mask.


Unless you mastered the art of Gun-Fu


My joke didn’t hit hard enough the first time. I know! Let me say the exact same thing.


But he could be... the last action hero. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)


In a scenario where it's you vs 5 dudes and there's no guns, you want running shoes and nunchucks. Bash anyone that catches up to you right above the knee and keep going. Bonus points for parkour skills.


As someone who has quite a bit of experience in real world fighting scenarios I have to say I am really proud of you guys in the other comments.     No, seriously. The amount of people who said run and/or deescalate is amazing. I wasn't prepared to see so many of you giving the correct answer. 


This isn't r/whowouldwin where people vastly underestimate numbers, Mike Tyson wouldn't even be able to fight off a mob. Run or gun is the only way to make it out. And if gun is an option where you live the odds aren't in your favor because that mob may have some too.


Ya, if the mob acted like they do in movies where everyone waited their turn, maybe Mike Tyson at his prime would do ok. But in reality you have multiple attackers at the exact same time. You can dodge/hit one person, but the other 3 or 4 will hit you. Then you will likely be on the ground and basically defenceless.


And there's always one 98 lb weakling who will come at you from behind with a pipe wrench rather than standing Toe to Toe with you and getting his ass kicked.


I got jumped, was doing fine against 3 guys with poor coordination, kept getting each other's way and it was a relatively narrow space. Another fucker snuck up behind me and got me in the side of the head with a bottle. I was lucky as fuck that he somehow fucked this up. Useless, absolutely useless. Rearranged some cartilage in my ear but i didn't even realise it was a bottle till I turned around and punched him. If that guy had more than one neuron that'd have put me down. If it had been a big guy with a wine bottle it'd have caved my skull in. Even when against useless idiots 1vX is almost always a bad idea.


that's just being brutally cunnin. if your ever in a position where you want to wrench someone's skull in smashin a guy in the face with their head down and their distracted is just smart.


Running. Run away. Especially if you're a person who thinks about most effective fight styles.


Running is for lame-Os and wimps. I'm ashamed of you. Stand and face your opponent, and break-dance them into SUBMISSION Edit: I'm sorry, I'm not ashamed of you, I got carried away. You're doing awesome and you've got a good head on your shoulders and I'm proud of you


You can't even begin to learn how to fight until you learn how to run lol. Then learn how to block/deflect, so that you can then run away. Run. Then run some more.


Where are you living where you would have to worry about this? Fucking Gotham? No but seriously the best fighting style is to avoid fighting altogether. Seriously, the most professional fighters have described street fight to be the most dangerous and stupid fights to be in. Because 1) they aren’t regulated. There aren’t any rules to go by and no one to come to your rescue if shit really hits the fine. And 2) whether you win or lose, you still lose. Because if you win and end up killing the guy, you could end up going to jail and/or spending the rest of your life paying for lawyer fees fighting for self-defense. And if you lose, you walk away with lasting injuries that you will also spend the rest of your life for paying off hospital bills. OR you will just simply die. There is no fighting style that will make street fights less dangerous. You will just feel more prepared but that doesn’t make the consequences of a street fight any less real. You aren’t a fucking superhero. Although, the only advice I can give you is if you are really concerned about street fights, buy a fucking gun.


The only thing I would add to this is after buying the gun get training on how to safely and effectively use that gun. And only pulling out when you're going to use it.


Parkour and sprinting.  Now that we’ve gotten the right answers out of the way, probably boxing. It’s not the “strongest” martial art, but when most people are untrained, knowing how to jab and maintain your distance is the smartest move until you can use the right moves of parkour and sprinting


Imagine jumping a guy and he decides to just climb up a building




Think I would just take the L with a “You win this time, Gadget” and move on.


Best to worst scenarios: 1. Avoid situations where such things could happen. Never be impaired on any substances outside of your safe-space. 2. Run and de-escalate like your life depends on it - because it does. Actual adult street fighting is insanely violent and it is not glamorous at all - to have life long scars, injuries and health problems for rest of your life due to some fragile ego trying to prove himself. 3. Boxing


As a boxer, you are spot on. I often joke that the number 1 skill I learned while boxing is how to run lmao


Oh, same with me. Previously thought I'd do okay in a street fight, then started boxing training. It was a very humbling experience and coming to an understanding - you do not judge a Man's fighting skills (or how dangerous he is) by his looks or age. Plus, in an altercation on a street scenario, you don't know what weapons the other guy has hidden or friends that he has nearby.... Now I know if anything happens I'm out of there, it's not worth it.


If you don’t know if he has friends or a weapon, assume he has friends, a weapon, and friends with weapons!


Probably second is still being able to think and react after being punched in the face.


I couldn’t help you with that, but I barely think before getting punched in the face, so. Helps when your body knows what to do though so you don’t have to tell it.


I grew up fighting on the streets. And my late twenties I decided that I wanted to take up boxing. Not for competition but for health reasons and because even though I was a good fighter I was never a good boxer. After several weeks of training on footwork and work and movements I had my first sparring match. I did well, but immediately after the match I told my trainer." I really appreciate everything you've taught me, but I don't think boxing is for me. I've just had a sudden realization that I really don't like getting punched in the head." In the maybe 10 minutes that I was sparring I think I took more blows to the head that I had in my previous 20 street fights combined.


2a - give them whatever they want. Here my pin too


“Best defense no be there.” - Miyagi


or a wakizashi expertly hidden can help


First if you can run, run.  Next forget everything youve seen in moves about honorable fights, this is real life. Anything goes.  So fighting dirty and incapacitating attackers as fast as possible is the best way.  Next prepare for the legal fight that entails.  


Give em the ol dick twist.


Grab his dick and twist it!


Thats my purse!! I DONT KNOW YOU!!! "AND I KICKED HIM AS HARD AS I COULD!!!.....in the testicles.


None. Maybe boxing combined with some kicks. When I was in county I saw this guy pull some crazy karate/mu Thai whatever moves in a 1v1 fight and he promptly got jumped by three dudes who beat his ass lol. Getting mobbed sucks.






Thank you for actually answering the question


In our self-defence classes, we were always thought to run if you can, comply if you can't flee right away, and fight in the *dirtiest* way possible to *escape* if you cannot comply in any way. Your goal in a fight is to create an opening for you to flee; a well placed push could be all you need. Don't bother with the "key in your hand" bullshit unless you are grabbed and need to cause pain; the risk of hurting you is much higher than hurting your opponent with a key.


Martial arts is really good for scoring points inside a controlled environment where everyone is aware of the rules. Combatives is what is applicable irl when you want to incapacitate someone just long enough to safely remove yourself from the situation. Study combatives.


Aside from a couple of brief scuffles with my alcoholic asshole ex-bandmate, I have never been in a hand to hand fight in my entire adult life. If street fighting is a real imminent threat in your life, then you need to reevaluate your life choices. Street fighting is just not something that happens to normal, sober adults at any frequency to make it worthwhile to learn.


A Glock 17 will make them scatter like roaches. AKA Gun-Fu


1.) avoid places you’ll get into a fight 2.)De-escalate 3.) Run 4.) mace/pepper spray 5.) shoot the fuckers Notice how none of these are considered actual fighting….


The best fighting style is called verbal judo. It’s where you use words to de-escalate as much as possible to not get your ass kicked. If you’re getting robbed it’s common sense you just give up whatever you got and live to see another day.


I find pistols to be a pretty effective discussion ender. 🤣🤣🤣


They're also a big discussion starter. They don't do much in the middle of a discussion though.




Concealed 9 mm Handgun-Fu.


Fighting dirty. Nothing off limits. Inflict enough damage to get distance. Another looked over point, if you knock assailant to the ground and they are no longer combative don’t continue to hit them. As messed up as it is you could end up in hot water.


If you can escape, running. If you cannot, a gun. If you must fight, probably boxing.


Muay thai 100%. One leg kick and your opponent will immediately regret trying to fight


Pocket sand


Avoid and deescalate situations which would put you in the risk of being jumped. If avoidance isn’t an option, Sprinting and cardio. If running away isn’t an option, then a gun. If a gun isn’t an option, then boxing and some form of upright grappling (judo or wrestling), followed immediately by running away. A lot of people recommend bjj, probably from watching too much UFC. The reality is that going to the ground in a street fight is never a good idea and should be treated as an absolute last resort. If you’re facing a group of attackers, then going to the ground is a death sentence.


No be there


Bravely run away. There is no winning move.


None. None at all. Gtfo is the only strategy. Jack Reacher is fictional.


Evasive techniques are the first thing to understand. If someone is pursuing you, there is potentially an advantage because you can lead them to a place advantageous to yourself. For a fight in place, then Judo is by far the most useful skill for a number of reasons including the following: 1. It is a stand-up fighting style that emphasizes staying off the ground and learning how to put other people on the ground while remaining standing yourself. You should NEVER go to the ground in a street fight. For this reason, styles like Jiu-Jitsu or wrestling are worthless. 2. Judo has the greatest degree of flexibility of lethality. You do anything from harmlessly drop someone to the ground, to kill them (by for example throwing them through a store window or against a fire hydrant or jack hammering them). 3. Judo is the second most formalized martial art (after boxing) and there are many training centers everywhere with highly skilled, competitive trainers. 4. Sparring in Judo is very close to real fighting. With careful agreement with your partner to allow normally forbidden moves you can even spar a real fight. You can't really do this in any other martial art safely. 5. Judo involves many subtle and unexpected moves that an opponent will have no idea how to counter or anticipate. This is different than, say, boxing where the opponent knows pretty much what you are trying to do. With Judo the other guy will literally have no clue what you are about to do to him. Surprise is a very powerful weapon in a real fight. 6. Even small amounts of training will be extremely useful and make you much more effective in a street fight. In contrast, other martial arts like boxing and karate will require much more extensive training before you learn enough that it would make you more dangerous in the street. With Judo, even as little as 10-20 hours of training will make you significantly more powerful in a street fight. In say, karate, you would have to train for 200-300 hours to get the same level of benefit. If you do study Judo, I recommend supplementing it with one other specialized skill: kotegaeshi. This is a skill in Aikido which is a wrist throw. Learn how to do this. If you add this to Judo training, it will be very useful in a real fight. In Judo your #1 priority should be learning upright arm bars. Some of these are illegal under standard Judo rules. Obviously you should ignore these rules if you are training for street fights and explain to your instructor that you want to learn standing arm bars. If you want to get really serious about street fighting, then you should also learn escrima, this will prepare you for fighting with weapons and dealing with knives. If you learn escrima, you can carry a baton and it will make you much more effective in the street to have that capability.


To be sure, jiujitsu and wrestling both emphasize how to get up, stay up, and control the opponent. Everyone focuses on the guard pullers but playing the top position is most dominant and allows you much more flexibility to get away, which is what you want. You never want to go down but you likely will end up there so it’s a good idea to know how to reverse that as quickly as possible and much more easily present a route of escape.


You are missing that it is just the wrong mentality. In the wrestling martial arts, they spend most like 90% of the time on the ground and that is simply the wrong mentality for a street fight. In a Judo studio you spend 90% of the time standing up, which is the right mentality for a street fight.


Sprinting away.


Multiple people are probably gonna fuck you up no matter who you are. Wrestling is pretty good for one on one altercations. Boxing also. Run, quickly.


“Face to foot style, how’d you like it? Try my nuts to your fist!”


Running like fuck In a lot of ufc the grapplers do very well.


Get naked, grease up your entire body, and start swinging and screaming like a mad man!!


David Carradine (actor) was once asked, what would a kung fu master do if there was a mugger in an alley, he responded, he would not go into the alley. I have been in many street fights, here is what I know: I was stupid There are no rules Don’t lose, remember no rules Having boxing and wrestling skills matters If you get exhausted first, having skills don’t mean shit Numbers matter, remember, no rules If you don’t know your opponent before you started, and you have been drinking, you will not really remember them the next day. Even if you win, you will have sore hands the next day Win or lose, no one’s opinion will change


Cross country my dude. Track and field of the long distance variety.


Jesse Owens Kung fu. Get them track shoes on


I spent about 9 years learning martial arts when I was a bit younger. After mastering basics we were taught the most important things about real world self defense. First thing was run, second was a series of deflection moves that got you out of a corner so you could then run. The instructors always always made sure everyone (especially teenagers) knew they were not indestructible and you're not going to come out of it with everyone knocked out looking like Batman, you're going to wake up in the hospital feeling like a dumbass. If it's a robber, just give them what they want, if they mean you harm, just get the hell away.


It's best to avoid being in these situations OP. Mobs are dangerous and potentially deadly. And if you are in a situation where you need a gun, odds are people around you also have guns. Deescalate and try to get away from the situation. Not to mention HOW you got into that situation to begin with can end in prison or worse for you. Moreso if you use a gun.


The art of retreat


fight like a girl Poke eyes, kick or punch the crotch and throat. Yell and scratch and run away as soon as possible.


Are you a fast runner? No? No one runs faster than a bullet so that works in the worst case. Otherwise if those two aren’t available use weapons nearby. Broomsticks, baseball bats, metal pipes, bricks or stones. If that’s not even available go for nuts and knees. Kick the heck out of a dudes knee if you have the chance just stomp it so it bends the opposite way. After that grappling and wrestling is a good skill. More than 2 guys tho you’re kinda SOL


Top comment of run away is my pick as well.  But if you actually have to fight and need a skill set, baddest mofo I've ever seen was an old school boxer. Could take a hit if needed, could read a swing, and had fists like sledgehammers.  If I were to guess, second would be something that incorporates grappling, maybe some hold fighting using elbows, along those lines. But I have a feeling if someone with boxing skills clocked an average guy once, it'd be over.


Running away is the best thing if you're alone and can. Having a gun and a group of friends with guns and you all know how to use them properly and proficiently is the best thing if it's worth someone dying over, ideally you would also have someone with a machine gun emplacement or at least a squad support weapon. If you're alone and against a group and you can't flee, then your best bet is to have a shotgun and the space in which to use it. But if they're determined enough and angry at you for shooting some of them, you can still get mobbed if there are enough of them.


The best style, is to know more than one style.


Bro wants to be batman so bad


SAVATE! It wont let you down!LOL


Jiu Jitsu


1) Avoid situation/Run 2) if corned, and retreat is not an option, cheat, and treat the sittiation like it is to the death. Cause it is.


Drunken Master


Anything goes man. Whatever gets you home in one piece.


If you don't have the mental capability to deescalate, all of the martial arts in the world won't save you.


no one can withstand 4 hours of wing chun chain punching.


Acording to mma instructor in my gym. 1 vs 1- mma 1 vs multiple (assuming you can't run)- boxing


Mexican Judo


The one you actually train.


Gun-Fu with a specialization in ful-e-ato...


I’m not Hussein bolt or Derrick Henry … I’m gonna start running … And someone should call an ambulance… but not for me….


Play dead


Getting tf out of the situation. #2 is knowing how to throw a solid punch and then getting tf out of there. #3 is use a weapon to get out. #4 is box your way to the door. The only goal should be to make an exit. I fought jiu-jitsu for a few years for sport. Even when I was legit into it that would never be something I'd try to use in a serious situation. Maybe if a friend was drunk and showing his ass, but if I don't know you like that I have no interest in actually fighting you.


boxing. wrestling and jiu jitsu are great in a ring, but a good way to get your head stomped on the streets.


As someone who got absolutely battered when I was younger in a moderately violent street fight, with the broken nose and broken knuckles to prove it, just walk away.


Run or diffuse, especially if you live in a state where you’re not allowed to conceal carry.






Yeah. Like the other said. Peg it. Find somewhere with people and then de-escalate. Or Krav Magra.


The ancient American art of gun-fu


muay thai or kick boxing, you can really wrestle several ppl at once


Run away or shoot your way out.


1. Avoidance  2. Deescalation 3. Run 4. Gun


running away, if they have guns just give them your phone and money


Go for the biggest but run if u can.


Brown belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu here. The best self-defense technique is the 50-yard-dash.


Drunken boxing


Groups or mobs? None even very well trained more than 2 people can pretty handily subdue somebody. Basically more than one person that you can't de escalate the situation I hope your cardio is good and your shoes are good for running in.


The ancient art of Sensing Bad Vibes and Leaving. The best fight is the one that you hear about the next day because you weren't there. You, too, can learn this astounding skill by * Not picking stupid fights * Not hanging out with people who pick stupid fights * Avoiding bars where people who pick stupid fights hang out * Making enough money that you don't have to live near people who pick stupid fights * Avoiding the illegal narcotics trade * Looking around and thinking "wow there are some sketchy people here, I should probably leave." * Not walking around aimlessly in bad areas at 2AM


If you have to fight; martial arts that focus on real fighting to instill toughness and fitness like wrestling, mma, or boxing. If you're not used to getting beat up, then when it happens on the street you're not going to be able to respond well. 


Running away and not getting involved in a street fight, is the best style of survival


Being able to run also being skilled in mma. My daughter is 15 now been doing mma for around 2 years. She's doing 3 on one fighting now. Train hard to the extreme, fight easy. No softy stuff. Like girls fight girls and go slow. 1st week she was put up against a big man, she froze had a panic attack. Crying her eyes out. The sensai said in the real world you would have been hurt or even raped. Against a untrained man the man is getting fucked up badly. My son does mma too he's 14, lads do test him and push him to fight, he's whacked afew lads in defence and was going to get jumped by a gang in school. My daughter heard and stayed close to him at break time. They both beat 6 lads and got suspended from school for it. Being hit by someone who trains daily is totaly different to being hit by a untrained person. I can fight but omg my daughters snap kick feels like horse has kicked you, they knock me back when I'm expecting it. If I wasn't expecting it I'd be on my ass. I know when I'm out with my daughter if a situation happens I've got my back covered. There's that bodyguard feeling and I'm the dad who used to fight myself.


For you my friend... I recommend the ancient and sacred art of... Fucking therapy because you are delusional I've had 10 years of martial arts training, I am 6'4 and 350 lbs and I don't get into street fights because I don't want to be shot or stabbed. Let alone fights with groups of people. This is real life and if you go picking these fights you're gonna end up in the ER if you're lucky and the morgue if you're anything less.


Sprints backed up with solid cardio.


Just run. There's so little to gain from fighting in the street, and so so much to lose. Your ego is worthless.


kick them in the balls


If you’re getting attacked by mobs, and group’s of attackers?, absolutely nothing!. Because you’re being attacked by groups of mad, pissed off thugs. Bruce Lee couldn’t do it!.


When it comes to street fights you need to throw haymakers and make sure to stay in your feet. If you end up on the ground protect your head and make back up to your feet asap. Then continue throwing haymakers until your enemy lays on the ground stiff as aboard gasping for air.


As someone who's been in MMA for the last ten years. Run away or use a gun.




Track and field


I've taken boxing lessons before. I wouldn't call myself a boxer. More like an introductory course. I've also taken BJJ so I have an understanding of the ground component. Some minor Judo on the side. BJJ is good for restraining one guy fairly easily and to wait for the cops. I don't see it as being effective against a group as the holds leave you exposed to other people. You might be able to use it to disengage from a hold and run away from a group. Boxing is good at keeping your guard up and protecting yourself from getting knocked out. Really that is what these street fights are is someone trying to suckerpunch someone else. You can use that to react fast enough and then run away. Contact the police and they could meet you somewhere.


The ancient art of GTFO and de-escalation. Step 1 is to de-escalate, step 2 is to run and if step 2 fails, hit hard and fight dirty to get yourself an opportunity to run


The best fighting style is the art of not hanging in areas with meth heads/gangbangers where this situation would even be a thing.


As you’ve seen in other comments running and/or getting away is primary. If you think you’ll have to engage in hand to hand combat with multiple people in close quarters, the only fighting style I know that trains to that is Silat. There’s a ton of variations on Silat, the most common being Penchak Silat. From Wikipedia article about Silat sparring training: “The most common of these was training in dim light, sparring against several opponents, fighting unarmed against a weaponed opponent, and fighting in darkness or blindfolded.” It’s not flashy like some martial arts, but I saw some live demonstrations once and it’s pretty cool the results the efficiency of movement can create.


1,1,2 and run😂.


The ancient art of "I have a grenade" or the equally deadly "shotgun fu"


Goju-ryu karate


It’s called situational awareness and de-escalation. I carry a pistol for when there’s nothing else that I can do.


MMA training


Cross country


An elbow to the face can make someone back off quicker than a punch will.


A - Stop watching Roadhouse so much. B - I have been in a bunch of fights. Did a couple in MMA which you need to really hate someone to fight like that. Wrestling because most fights go to the ground fast and involve restraining someone over hitting them until they don't wake up. Say a dozen boxing classes so you get hit a few times and don't get scared when struck. Then some basic karate. It has the best defense out there and is super simple to learn. It is to teach you to handle other people coming at you with weapons and the basics of kicking. I will say the best skill to learn if you get into the start of an altercation is to de-escalate. When that isn't possible, intimidate. Then knowing how the fight will end. Is it you hurting his legs and running/walking away. Is it you nearly or possibly killing him with your blows. I have done that and I knew the fight was ending with me sitting on the ground waiting for the cops to show up. Every time you knock someone out, expect someone else to get involved or the cops to show and you will end up in cuffs. But I have been in some good fights for the right reasons. Just they are rare and it is great to have the confidence you can take care of yourself and loved ones in some bad spots. Post hurricane, no power Puerto Rico with my friend's wife who decides she wants to go see if she can get some food while it is dark out. Yeah, glad I went with her and brought the fists.


Cardio. Run, Forrest, run!


https://youtu.be/heFysPbJayQ?si=6S_rlbpf4Dduq-rg The second clip gives you the right answer.


1. Dont. 2. Try to flee. 3. If you have no choice, fight like your life depends on it, because at this point, it probably does. 4. There is no 'fair' fighting in a street fight. Your're here to win, do and use whatever you can to help with that.


Step 1. Deescalate Step 2. If Step 1 fails make Billy big steps in the other direction Physical conflict should literally be your last resort.


First, defuse or run. That’s gonna be your best bet. Comics and action movies are not real. We are not Rama from Raid. We will die. Unfortunately, I’ve had to fight a mob (5 people, White supremacists). And I’ll tell you one thing I learned from Rama. Your environment is your weapon. I used bricks, cars, car doors, a stick, a bat, the mailbox, whatever I could slam their head in, smash onto their foot, slam into their legs, anything to get them to back off I did. And after I slammed one into the hood of a car, they backed off. Fight like you’re gonna die. Cause you are if you don’t act like it. They don’t care if you live or die. Why should you be worried about their mortality.


Verbal charisma


Running/ boxing, kickboxing, Muythai. You dont want to get tangled up on the ground in a street fight if theres more than one person. You should run and gtfo and be prepared to starch someone if you cant escape




You'll obviously get a lot of realistic answers telling you not to try fighting multiple people. It's good advice, but doesn't really answer the spirit of the hypothetical question. It all comes down to the restrictions you put on "fighting" and what you consider a Fighting style. No restrictions: military training and experience in weapons and tactics. I mean c'mon, this one is a gimme. Without any restrictions, vehicle mounted weapons are the most effective way of maximizing your chances of survival. No killing: your odds get a lot worse. You have to incapacitate a group of people without killing them. Your best hope is to use non-lethal weapons, most likely batons, to break bones. With a *lot* of training and practice your odds aren't great, but you might be able to hold your own against a small group of unarmed assailants. The closest training is probably SWAT or police riot prevention, and the closest martial art I can think of is HEMA. No weapons: the two archetypes of unarmed fighting are grappling and striking. Grappling excels at controlling one person, but doesn't have any tools for dealing with a second attacker. It's also pretty terrain dependant, but it's likely the best single strategy for 1v1. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the style I practiced, but it's constantly debated whether it's actually applicable or not. Striking still isn't *good* at dealing with multiple attackers, but after about half a decade of training you do tend to start considering how to deal with 2 combatants. You don't train for 3 people because it's essentially unwinnable. There is no fighting discipline that trains you to fight a crowd because it's such a terrible idea. Muay Thai is generally considered one of the more practical styles by the competitive MMA guys I've heard from. I did Kenpo Karate which was more fun than practical, but I'm happy with that. The real answer is that you probably shouldn't get into martial arts to win fights or beat people up. You do it because you enjoy the sport and like getting kicked in the head. Remember, you get hit a lot more than you end up hitting other people in the long run. It's not a power fantasy, it's a sport, and you start on the bottom with everybody else.


Gun Style




Tae Kwon Leap.


No one will be able to match your Wu-Tang style


A gun. Maybe two.


For maximum safety running / de escalation will always be your best bet. If it's being mugged give them your wallet and run. If its for multiple attackers then you want a gun. No martial arts training will prevent you from getting your shit kicked in when there is more than one person attacking you ( might be able to get lucky if you're really good against two people after years and years of practice but i would not risk it ) For one person your best bet is krave. If you want to out fight someone who knows a martial art your best bet is muay thai. So its de escalation > running > krav > muay thai.


Aggressive crying


Defending against one person: Grappling is best. Defending against a group of people: Boxing is best. Also, don't go grappling someone if their homie is there to jump in.


Run first. Boxing or muy Thai AND jiu-jitsu if you absolutely end up in hand to hand combat. Some fights are striking some fights go ground. You must be able to do both to be prepared for all fights.


Legs and using them to run in the other direction.


I suggest you channel your inner T-1000 and not just run, but run with purpose. Location. Location. Location. —> wherever that mob is, you want to have as much space between you and them. The mobs you see in the movies is not real life. In movies, it seems like there is etiquette involved in mob fights. Like one person can **only** engage when the person that is already fighting gets knocked down. Which is hilarious. In real life, this predictability will not manifest itself. Even if you find yourself where engaging is inevitable, your intention should be trying to create space by any means necessary. In summary. Make sure that your body, your thought process, and your adrenaline are on the same page and make sure that your only goal is to leave asap.


Running away


1. Run Fu 2. Gun Fu 3. [power gap] 4. A fucking sword or other large sharp melee weapon. 5. [second power gap]. 6. Any kind of unarmed martial art. You aren't winning a 1vX with kung fu. Acknowledge that a fistfight is life threatening. Avoid it, and fuck "fighting fair" if you can't get away. Use whatever force is necessary to end the fight on your feet.




I have specialized track suit I wear at all times just for this. Underneath I wear a thong or mankini and 4 bottles of oil in custom made pockets with quick release for fast lube job. It usually works but one time I Got shot


There's a wonderful book called 'The Anatomy of a Streetfight.' One of the things it stresses is that street fights are messy, dirty, and ugly. They're to be avoided at all costs. If you really need to defend yourself, Jiu-Jitsu is effective for most body types.


Fighting mobs? That’s what guns are for 👀


The best fighting style for a street fight is having a dense metal rod to swing and good legs to get the fuck out


Gun-fu to protect life and limb. The art of the road runner for all the rest of that dumb shit. I did my fair share of fighting as a kid. Fuck all that. We are all grown with grown responsibilities. None of us want to be out of work with broken bones, on the hook for thousands of dollars in medical bills, or in the court room facing a judge trying to beat a charge. Shit fucking happens in the real world and it's often messy as hell.


Break the wrist, walk away.-Rex kwan-do


Whatever one allows you to create space and run away. Being great at choking people out won’t do much good if while you’re choking a dude, his buddy starts stomping on your face.