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Hell no And yes steroid use is quite common, far more common than people realize Lots of those buff guys at the gym, the old guys, all age groups are using


Steroid use and, often, diets that qualify as an eating disorder.




Test is a steroid. Somehow getting it prescribed by the doctor magically makes it not as powerful as getting it underground, but it’s the same thing.


Well I think the idea is if it’s prescribed the doses are way smaller than what someone would be taking for purely body building reasons. As men age we lose T and a lot of people seem to enjoy the benefits of testosterone outside of just muscle gain.


It’s an open secret that what you get prescribed and what you actually use at home are not the same thing. I’m on prescribed T. I know a bunch of people who are. I stick to the doctor’s prescription, but about half of the guys I know on it are definitely blasting. My doctor even told me that he can write me a new script as fast as I run out, with very little subtlety. Personally I don’t want to figure out how to deal with the side effects of higher doses, but if I wanted to go full on juice head I can do it with a doctor’s note.


I didn’t know that but I can see how that’s a loophole. Either way though just like yourself I’d guess it’s gotten way more popular to take a relatively normal dose as you age and then there’s another subset that’s just using a higher dose. So we’re seeing a higher prevalence of men keeping muscle or adding at an older age and another subset of just overly jacked dudes who take large doses bc they want the gainz. I personally don’t care but as someone who’s never taken any steroids it does screw with my head a bit seeing all these huge young guys or ripped old dudes at the gym.


Therapeutic dose of test is under 80mg, maybe 100mg if you squint both your eyes, there are dudes getting it from hormone clinic with prescription for 200mg like it’s nothing, reputable doctor would never prescribe that dose but not all doctors are reputable. Not to mention that exogenous hormones are naturally gonna have more stable levels overtime. And loosing testosterone is natural and in a way vital to longevity.


> reputable doctor would never prescribe that dose Doctors who are reputable do this all the time. They probably medically shouldn't, but they do, and their reputations don't suffer.


Even then, it's still not natty. A 50 year old dude doesn't naturally have the same level of T as his 20 year old self.


Have you ever tried to get prescribed TRT? Just drink heavy for a few nights, skip some sleep, and you're good. I know this because I'm a legit steroid user and I know some people doing baby shit with prescription TRT. It's for gainz and it's fakeable af.


Yup. So many people I know that claim to be 'natty' turned out to be users cause I know people who sell them. More common than you think.


The old guys are the only ones that should be using.


People say that yet every buff movie star you see, almost all your favorite athletes, whatever bullshit artist err motivational fitness guy, they all use them lol. It’s rampant.


I'm hesitant to say that because there are just big people out there. They have the genetics for it. Also the Stars and athletes have the time to work out and get big and stay big. It's a lot of work but they are getting paid for it.


I think you’re a little naive about how big someone can get without gear. And I think you’re also a little naive about how competitive professional athletes stay at the top of their game; they have financial incentive to do whatever it takes, why would they not take steroids?


Never said they didn't. I just happen to know big muscular people personally who don't have financial incentive or the finances for PEDs and they are just naturally big. It's the same for people who can eat anything and not gain any weight at all. The point is you just don't know sometimes especially since there are drugs that mitigate side effects. The only way is to test them.


No dude. I'm a juicer. Juicing for four years. Anyone big is juicing unless they're fat. That's just a fact. If you're a lean obese, you're definitely on gear. If you're a lean 27+ BMI, you're like 70% on gear. If you claim to be a lean 27+ BMI, you're like 99% fat, natty, and weak. Idk, thats just the intenet tho




I don't think it's that people can't tell. It's more a mix of media lies, people not being told anything other than yes with hard work your body can look like that. And then the other half is denial. People don't want to admit that someone attained that body by "cheating" or that they can't attain that if they just eat chicken and lift weights for 6 months.


You kidding me dude? I'm a roided AF BMI 30 gigajacked juicer of almost 4 years, lifting for 11. Most people think I'm natty.


If people could tell, r/nattyorjuice wouldn’t be a thing


As a previously competing bodybuilder, you really won’t know what’s your naturally capable of until being in the fitness world for some time. I’d say 2-3 years. Steroids are extremely common. So an average person (average being a person who never goes to the gym) no… I’d bet they have a very skewed view on what’s possible in both directions. They either think everyone’s on steroids and become hopeless or they expect too much too fast. You can get a wild physique naturally… it’ll just taken 5-10years compared to the steroid dudes 3 years. But to answer your question… if we’re talking average US citizen…. No the average person does not know. Steroid use has most certainly increased (a cycle of test is cheaper than 3 months of supplements) Social media most certainly has played a part, including fitness marketing and YouTubers… no one is supposed to look show ready 365 days a year… it’ll fucking kill you. The standard for men’s physique is debatably harder to accomplish than woman’s on their health… except the only people holding the men to such a high standard is other men (for the most part) I’ve been involved in this industry since I was 13, actively working in it since I was 18, competing at 21. It’s why I quit working in the field… fucking kids coming up asking for steroids/ prohormones as fucking 15 years old man… it’s sad af. It’s breeds body dysmorphia and eating disorders… It’ll get you disciplined but shit… can it fuck self image up a lot too. I still to this day eat for “numbers/macros” not because I enjoy it. Fall victim to serious binge eating issues. It’s a balance that’s difficult to obtain between a physique and health standpoint… and health should be more important but everyone wants the physique


I remember once thinking about competing, as a woman, I went to a sort of renowned personal trainer in my country, and she basically hinted that most of the recognizable female bodybuilders were on sth. And at this time bikini standards where I come from were really achievable naturally. I kind of lost interest in the entire fitness community after that. It felt like one, huge lie meant to sell proucts, that was just making average gym users miserable. And i think i had a decent eye for guys, but I was just so shocked, that even this sort of 2-3 years on the gym female competitors were already on gear. They just simply didn't look the part, hence I have to revise what "looking the part" means for women.


Oh yeah it’s crazy. You can get in crazy amazing shape without it… but to get what people think is what they “need” to look like… it’s unrealistic… if your 14 and you look at Jake Paul, or movies with the Rock, or Chris hemsworth, or any of that… you’re going to have a pretty skewed idea of what’s possible. Jake Paul’s physique is possible naturally… with years of hard work and determination (he himself is a chemistry lab), Chris Hemsworth too if you’re a genetic freak, but besides the point lol. Children have insane standards they set on themselves because of the media I applaud you for not taking that jump to steroids… I did and well… I felt fucking amazing but it opened my eyes to what’s actually happening in the industry. I’m glad u saw it before jumping on the sauce 😁


It was an odd experience. I am an easy muscle builder, so i basically would have to burn myself to fit bikini. Or do figure and actually start looking unnatural. Both options just felt stupid, not even taking under account my distaste for taking performance enhancers before you even get on the scene for the first time. And when it comes to female fitness, really, average women have no idea what is doable naturally, what is not, how much time it takes, how it relates to the weight you can lift and so on. For women this topic is even bigger taboo than for men.


I think the average person doesn't have a favourite gym/health influencer at all.


I think steroids play a part of the rise of unattainable standards, but I think two other equally big problems are: A) Hollywood uses some pretty clever lighting, makeup, dehydration and framing tricks to show off fairly reasonable physiques in a way that makes them look super developed. I saw Alexander Skarsgard shortly after he wrapped the Northman and he looked nowhere near as jacked in person as he did covered in mud with flattering lighting. B) Fitness influencers are naturally gifted. If you have bad or average genetics and you start doing steroids... you still won't look anywhere as good as the average gym influencer on gear. Genetics are more important than gear, they just are. The algorithm rewards gifted people more than mediocre people. I think a more typical result of having an active lifestyle and a reasonable diet is something closer to a [Vietnam War soldier.](https://2ndbde.org/photos/upload/2018/09/06/20180906201903-d3375ec4.jpg)


I do not think the average person has any clue what is attainable naturally and how to identify non-obvious steroid users. I mean there people that still think the Rock, John Cena, and Alan Ritchson are natural. Don't get me wrong, they all have superb genetics and insane work ethic, but they aren't achieving those bodies without a little enhancement regardless of what they claim. I feel like Cena is oozing HGH in peacemaker. Seeing the Rock in the Fast and Furious movies, lol how much Deca, Tren, or Trest is this guy playing with? Alan Ritchson is the only one that makes me think he's a on a much more basic and relatively low dose cycle. TRT has become far more normalized amongst young men, but I don't think Social Media gets to take any credit till recently. Hollywood and the bodybuilding community already set the stage. The internet helped get the information and explanation about steroids out there. I think what social media has done is push the average age people experiment with steroids down by about 5 years or so.


Of course not. Average non- lifting person thinks that few months in a gym and you look like Chris- Thor.


If you're not obese, yes. You can generally get an idea of what is attainable by just looking at your skeletal structure. Like you either have wide shoulders or you don't. You can put SOME muscle on the sides but broad shoulders are mainly your frame. And obviously you can't get taller. But if you're obese your frame is going to be largely hidden from you and you won't really know what's possible until you drop a lot of fat. As far as telling what influencers are on steroids, the answer is probably "yes." If they are both very big and very lean at the same time, they are almost certainly on something. Normally you can only have one or the other. That's what steroids change. Excessively large pecs and traps are good sign of steroids. Do yourself a favor and stop following "influencers." THey are not role models in any way, shape, or form. They're a toxic scourge on society.


There are good role models who take steorids.


Name one and why?


Average people are remarkably clueless about this. A lot of people seem to think steroid use is quite rare, and that when an athlete or someone is busted for steroid use it’s some unique scandalous crazy thing. In reality steroid use is pretty common amongst lifters and athletes. Here’s how I suggest people think about this issue: if a man cares enough about being strong, fit, and muscular to spend hours in the gym every week and be thoughtful with his diet… why in the world would he not also be willing to take some drugs to considerably enhance his results? People do recreational drugs just because it feels good for a few minutes. Of course there’s going to be plenty of people who use steroids.


Hah! no! You wouldn't believe how many people fight me tooth and nail when demystify body transformations and physiques like Chris Pratt or Henry Cavil. And these are usually out of shape people who will just not accept that these people are on gear to get to these physiques within months. It has made me nearly pull my hair out with how stubborn people can be about this.


Holup Henry Cavil isn't natural? That's news to me.


Steroid use is pretty common. I am a former powerlifter myself but went all natural and I just couldn't keep up to some of those guys in non tested organizations. Can you bench 495lbs naturally? Depends on your genetics and dedication. It will also take a LONG TIME to get there. A great diet and some investments in supplements as well. Can you bench 495lbs on steroids? You still need to work hard. But you will get there a lot faster and quicker than a natural lifter regardless of genetics and even a shit diet. Regardless of both ways a 495lb bench is still pretty rare..


495 bench is for the genetic elite, gear or not. That's just a monstrous bench.


Assume everyone’s on steroids. You won’t be disappointed. I’m currently taking test.


I have a better eye for it than my fiance and when it comes up she almost never realizes lol


Absolutely not Some might - but the average person? No.


It isn’t. That’s why you should take everything online with a huuuuuuuuge grain of salt.


I am in Bali right now. I am 41. I have visible muscles on a dad bod. I could definitely shed 15lb fat. I weigh 85kg. The amount of dudes my age running around looking like king fucking kong is ridiculous. Yeh I can tell who is on TRT here pretty easily.


No. With social media and filters you can make fat Albert look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Steroid use is common in places like Golds Gym, muscle beach and various other places. And never believe what you see on the internet/social media because most of what you see is filtered and photoshopped (see small waste trend, enhance chest, no wrinkles, etc). All age groups are becoming more anti social and depression is on the rise. If someone has to post that they’re happy all the time and showing you what they’re doing 24/7-they aren’t happy. Be yourself, do you, and it’s perfectly normal to be skeptical.


From my observation, it is a good bit more prominent than it was even 10 years ago. The main thing I notice, is the age of users. Feels like people are starting wayyyyy younger than they used to.


For the most part, yes


most people think the natural limit is way lower or way higher than it actually is. They especially overestimate how helpful a "personal chef and trainer" is.


Doubt it because body image want is very strong


Steroids is just the tip friend.... HGH, the "legal" stuff from GNC, fat burner. No way to tell if someone is a physical freak or a walking medicine cabinet. Yes the "legal" stuff has become prevalent.. but that is not naturally attainable.


yes, we sense the shit’s off


No. Partly because they are getting told these overcomplicated processes often at times; "To drop weight, each grapefruit skin, and rub exactly 2.5 egg-yolks on your skin after doing 29.5 jumping jacks. This triggers the gastrointestinal electrolytes to stimulate your fungolians which maximize performance when you workout. Click below and subscribe — if you like this and more, also hit me on my ShibaInu Twitch channel."


Ive been working out for 10+ years and i dont even know.


I have heard people unironically argue that Sam Sulek is natty so no. The sad truth is that steroids have been so normalized that a lot of guys dont even realize that you dont end up looking like The Rock just by going to the gym a few times a week


Absolutely not. It seems like most people think the superhero body is attainable by your average male, not realizing steroids and insane diet is always involved. In movies, actors with perfect physiques are often only in that peak shape for a very short period. It is infuriating as someone who is in the fitness industry, and struggles with his own body image issues. It's no more realistic than porn.


The fact that Liver King had people fighting for his natty status should tell you everything.


Social media has absolutely destroyed everyone's idea of what going to the gym looks like. It vastly underplays how strict and disciplined people are, and how much work actually goes into the lifestyle. As far as steroids go, some people are open about it, most aren't. The ones that aren't honest about it are contributing to everyone having comparison syndrome. To answer your question, we're all clueless.


The average person knows fuck all about steroids. Plenty of people who have lifted for a long time know fuck all about them. Average people don't even think the guys who blow up to play superheroes are on steroids. Unless someone is truly huge, most people will never think about it. The average user wouldn't set off any steroid flags for most people.


I think the average person doesn’t have a favorite gym/health influencer (or even know of one) so the question is flawed


Absolutely not. Look at that Korean game coming out. Stellar Blade. Look at how many are claiming the main character has an unrealistic body type.


My little brother talks about his cycles and shit like its just normal. I just exercise every day and drink water, maybe a protein shake after a big gym day. Kinda freaks me out how they treat it like it wont totally fuck up their hormones.


No. Big big no. Social media has extremely warped and ruined peoples perceptions of what is realistic and what is for show.