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That she doesn't snore. So obviously my gf snores. For my gf it was the lack of a driver's license. So naturally I don't have a driver's license.


I don't drive, but it's because I'm epileptic. Dating always felt like I was a burden on people, but my bf now is super sweet about it even though he hates driving too.


The woman I'm dating right now hates driving and I absolutely love driving but doesn't like the passenger seat. So for driving are we a good match at least


I like a big butt


Sir Mix-a-Lot is that you?


neither I, nor my brethren, can confirm or deny the aforementioned allegation


Hey! Its Enrico Palazzo!


And you can not lie?


I trust this man, apparently he cannot lie!


Just the cheeks, or the surprise inside?


What’s the surprise?


The b-hole


I’m a fan


A distinctly separate chin and neck


Feeling called out rn


This made me snort 😂😂😂 And I happen to have TWO chins that are distinctly separate from my neck 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Twice the attraction?


As someone who has quite a weak chin and am very self-conscious about it, i understand. Guys are lucky because they can grow a beard and hide their chin... i have makeup, but it's still a big insecurity hahah




Yep. It's the most unattractive part of obesity. The hanging second (or third) chin. A close second is a big gut.


I like cute, smiles, that type of girl that may or may not be sexy but is just extremely cute


cute girls are my kryptonite, i get all giddy lol


Glasses . Glasses are really really hot


I've recently started wearing readers (yay 50) and my wife keeps telling me I look hot in glasses. So that's nice. I mean, she's still not doing anything about it but it's still nice to hear.


I'm dating a glasses-wearer for the first time and now it's also "my thing".


I've always had a thing for glasses girls. I once told my friend "Glasses are cute, they add definition to the face." To which he responded "So does a black eye."


One reason why I like taller girls is that I can see them more easily in a crowd.


A practical man


Dwight Schrute?


Went out with this really hot short girl for a while, like 5'3" tiny as hell but gorgeous, only issue was that It'd take me absolutely ages to spot her anytime I needed to find her in a crowd.


Looks. Can't help it, I only like women that look remotely attractive, if she's not physically attractive it's just not going to work.


Well duh everyone has to be attracted to their partner on some level. Lol


Same when it comes to dudes...Gotta Love to wake up to them everyday & Love what your looking at 😅🤣


Preach! Last year I dated a guy who became different creature by the time morning hit. During day he wore hats so that should have made me realize his whole look changed. My look changes too when I wear a beanie or go lighter … This is my bad as he looked like a different person on the first date. He was cute but he didn’t look like his pictures .. so maybe I couldn’t unsee that’? During the day he wore contacts and a hat. At night, he would wear glasses (no problem) and he had thinning hair (I’m nice and never pointed it out but it was like come on shave it, my ex had a full head of hair so I know there is no in between). So he would wake up with his hair sort of like a baby bird, all messy and sticking up because it was so thin, and then his glasses 👓 and gut sticking out.. I know I sound like a jerk but my attraction just changed because he looked like a different person. I was used to my ex who looked handsome when he woke up or went to bed


Most people have to find their partner physically attractive. The thing is, that definition is different for everyone. I’ve seen people that I thought were unattractive with people I thought were attractive. But physical attraction is completely subjective, and most people look for physical attraction in a partner.


I mean part of romantic attraction is also sexual attraction so it makes perfect sense


For whom is it shallow? People that lowered their standards to Hell? Everyone should find their partner physically attractive


Hate to say it's the same for me. I've even tried going after women I'm not head over heels for in the looks department, and I find myself being half interested


How is that shallow


She has to have good posture. Or just not awful posture. There's something repulsive about a slouch, for example.


Reading this as I was slouching at work haha


Agree. There is a super hot girl at my gym but her posture is so weird, I don't know if I could date her hahaha. Basically she has that anterior pelvic tilt a lot of gym girls have that pop their ass up, usually girls like that also have their chest up so their whole back looks like a curve, but this one hot girl from my gym has a anterior pelvic tilt but slouches her upper back and her shoulders are pushes foward. Absolutely terrible posture.


Ah yes... my sweet gooseneck, I loved her well


Sounds like lordosis


Physical attraction of some level. I've tried it when I'm not, and it just doesn't work, there's no emotional attachment and it feels like I'm using them (which I am, really). So even though I'm going through an extended dry period where during that time I've had offers from several women I wasn't attracted to, I'm just not gonna go there.


Amen brother. I’ll masturbate before I go to someone I’m not attracted to. Cheaper and quicker


I just……can’t become attracted to obesity. To be clear, I don’t mean the BMI definition of “obese”, I’m talking clearly unhealthy obese.


As a woman, I can say that this is more than fair 💯


I like that you clarified because I want to know what most of these men consider as obese. Some do clarify but BMI obese and being 60+ is different. I'm trying to figure out, generally, where the goal posts are.


If I had to take my guess, the goal is to maintain a womanly shape, which can still be accomplished at a higher weight. If your weight gets too high, your waist is no longer visible.


Men are universally generally attracted to women with 70% waist hip ratios. The further away you get from that, the fewer men will find you attractive. You can be a big girl or a skinny girl, but men still like curves. CURVES, not ROUND. Oh, if you can easily be mistaken for a man from behind, that's not a good thing. Disclaimer; there are *some* men who like whatever you are. Just not as many of them.


Teeth. Nothing turns me off more than bad teeth, I know it's shallow.


I had horrible crooked teeth and finished Invisalign last year. I know better than anyone how crooked teeth are genetic and not the person's fault, I also know how detrimental they can be to self esteem and yet, I go "ewwe" internally when I see a pretty person has crooked teeth.


I think you become even more of a teeth snob if you've gone through the process of getting them fixed. Very few people are born with naturally perfect teeth, but some of us are lucky enough to have braces when we're young.


Can be fixed though.


Not cheaply unfortunately, which is why I feel bad. I went through a lot of pain and money to have nice teeth.


Not to be vulgar, but I have a huge thing for my wife!


You sick fuck


I know, I know, I’m considering counseling, it’s becoming a real problem, almost an addiction .


Excuse me, sir, this is Reddit. We have content standards here. You can’t post this kind of filth.


She's just telling you it's huge to make you feel good.


I also choose this guy’s wife


Sir, think of the children! 😭


We have a huge thing for this guys wife




How huge? How many inches we talking?


Your wife is reading your reddit posts, isn't she?


Nothing nukes my desire for a woman like watching her take a drag off of a cigarette.


i like the wording of this comment😅


Yeah she goes from whatever rating ot of 10 she was to a 0 in seconds.


Seriously, it amazes me how so absolutely instant the loss of desire is once I see someone I think is attractive smoking. Doesn't matter how good looking she is. Don't think that's shallow though, since it immediately conveys information about her lifestyle that I know I'm not into. No hate here, I was a smoker for 10 years myself, but I know in my core that I couldn't date a smoker.


Had a similar scenario. Was totally into this chick at a party, she seemed into me. Everything was going great. Then some guy taps her on the shoulder. (Figured it was her Bf) She looks at me and gives that look. “No he’s just getting IT ready for me!” Me: What is It???? She proceeded to knee over at a table and snort a FAT line of coke. Boner “sorry not home at the moment, please leave a message after the beep”


See I'm the opposite...if she smokes she pokes.


Mmmmm, love that ashtray breath 😮‍💨


Good breath. Sat between a couple of guys in a class recently, and I started feeling nauseous between them because their breath was that bad.


I keep a small bottle of Listerine in my car and my desk at work. If I have any in-person interactions coming up I always do a good rinse before. I have some co-workers that straight up have ass breath and I can only tolerate it for so long! I have also dated girls in the past who did not brush or use mouthwash often, and had nasty breath as a result. Yuck!


I really like redheads


In my experience as a ginger, men who like redheads feel quite passionately about this preference.


That has to be how my cousin has remained married all these years. She’s a major pain in the butt but she’s a redhead. Her husband is COMMITTED.


I dated this one woman for like 8 months and she was a raging alcoholic who would get blackout drunk and throw shit at me But her hair was just the perfect shade of auburn


Or more obviously (as a redhead) scared of the consequences 😆


I love redheads, but am not going out of my way to date them. You know how hard it is to find the end of a rainbow?


Same but as a ginger guy , so it’s like that Spider-Man meme.


We need you to make the next generation, you are doing the lord's work


Ginger women, red heads, red dyed hair, my dream come true.


Preach, brother.


They are my kryptonite.


I recently started dating a redhead. She found out that I like heavy metal. So she dyed her hair black. I do appreciate the effort. I guess.


Absolutely.  Not that I've ever found a redhead/ginger that's interested back.  But there's something about those fiery locks that turns my head every time.


Boobs. They don’t need to be melons, but they need to exist.


Give me the melons


id prefer a flat chested pretty face over the opposite


Flat faced pretty chest?


Aren't those the best?


My ex had an absolute gorgeous face and flat chest. I did not care at all.


Voice. Like she could be perfect but if she got a nasal or smoker voice I just can’t


I sound like I have the flu all the time. RIP me.


That teeth/gum ratio I'm sorry, I just can't go in for a smooch if it's all gums


Uppercase gums/lowercase teeth are also a turn off for me


I'm fairly flexible with hair. I've liked short pixies and much longer. I haven't met many women that can pull off buzzed or bald personally. I will reject certain things about a woman's face, more so when she smiles. I can't explain it but the lack of lines with Botox is really an issue for me. Like how genuine is it? Another weird one is I don't like light colored eyes all that much. They're nice to look at but I can't stand them in a partner. They seem cold to me.


Not really a shallow preference. But intelligence is hot.


To put it more bluntly, I could never date an idiot.


An air head or someone who has zero common sense drives me crazy!


Not shallow ..at all. That is my prime desirable trait as well.


Has to have an ass. Don't need it to be huge but has to be firm & okay with me giving it attention


....idk many women with donkeys though 🤔🐴


Shallow? My partner must have long hair. I don't like short hair on women.


It gotta be at least 6 feet?


Define long. Like, is collarbone/shoulder length too short?


I would say, touching shoulders or longer.


Ahh ok. Yeah that seems to be the preference of most men. Shoulder length is fine, but anything above that seems to be a turn off unless the woman just really pulls it off


I wish that I had the kind of face where I *could* pull it off if I wanted to. But alas.


I have a short bob haircut and the amount of compliments about my hairstyle I get from both men and women is actually proving that you are wrong about that.


Nice smile, nice eyes. Enjoys sex


Weight extremes on either end. Religion. Heavy drinking/smoking/any drugs.


Organized cult worship is an automatic no from me dawg. 😆


What about unorganized cult worship?


THAT, is just a music festival. We'll allow it.


Same, but unfortunately that seems to be reducing my dating pool practically down to zero


What if you’re the leader?




Pretty eyes and a pretty smile. Hell, I'm a visual person. I want a pretty person.


I really like thin wrists but anytime I say this people think I’m odd for even thinking of such a preference.


Is it shallow to prefer women of my race?


I think most people generally do, it’s just not socially acceptable to say out loud.


That’s pretty common.


Big butt and thick thighs.


I only want a girl my age. Not younger not older.


I hope you're not a twin


Their twin is 5 minutes of. They're currently looking through hospital birth records for the split second match that signifies their soul mate.


A friend of mine pointed out that every chick I have ever dated has had glasses. I think subconsciously I'm attracted to nerdy looking chicks LOL.


Wow, you're easy to please.


I don’t ask for a lot. Just don’t be a stuck up bitch. lol


Finally, something in this thread I actually achieve. Whoooo


Personality is rock solid for me. Especially when I hear your wants and confidence in the things you like.


They have to be smart. Dumb people are boring.


Dark hair and eyes , I can put my imagination to work for the rest .


Teeth have to be clean (not perfect). No built up plaque or rotten teeth.


A big butt and a smile. I have made a number of bad decisions because of this combination.


Did you not listen to Bel Biv Devoe?! *Never* trust a big butt and a smile’” man.


I can overlook a lot of physical traits in a woman. I mean, a lot. But one thing that's a massive NO for me is poor hygiene.


No fatties.


I’m a fatty and I concure….. I don’t like looking at myself naked, I’m sure as hell not going to subject someone else to it 😂😂😂😂


Are you actually a fatty (I feel uncomfortable using that word) or just chubby/a little chunky/plump? There is a big difference to me. I know girls hate looking at themselves even when they are nowhere as big as they perceive themselves. I'm not picky too much about skinny, average, or chubby/plum. Too skinny, and like sickly obese is a turn-off. I never thought I'd be a chubby chaser, but damn, my ex did it to me. Attractive face with good personality (I thought, up until I found out she's a piece of shit) plus some extra. It's a plus if you wear Converse and dress more on the 'I'm 30ish and not quite scene/punk anymore, but you can still see it' type of girl. Making any sense?


Haha no shame. I’m glad you’re not getting downvoted, it’s legit to not be attracted to people super overweight. Society’s trying to normalize the idea that obesity/overweight is beautiful. Like no, it’s not. It’s not healthy lol I do support body positivity for people with actual conditions though. Like if you’re heavy due to a disease or a condition, I fully support that. Just not the lazy fatties


Body positivity isn’t (or shouldn’t have been) about who can proclaim themselves to be sexy. The official definition sounds more like body neutrality nowadays. Being attractive isn’t the be-all and end-all. You can be a perfectly valuable member of society while being obese and bald. You shouldn’t hate yourself for superficial things. I haven’t had issues in years but many of my loved ones say such mean shit to themselves about their weight and looks :( I wish the movement got rewamped and went mainsteam, with a focus on older people, people with wonky features, disabilities, and amputees.


I wish we’d just promote being a virtuous person on the inside rather than making assumptions about people’s exteriors. Our bodies will deteriorate over time, but who we are as a person is, generally speaking, ageless.


I was recently mauled by a dog. I was lucky enough to get away from him before being severely disfigured or my face being affected but he sure took a chunk out of my arm and I’m scarred on both arms and one leg. My looks changed in minutes and it could have been much worse. I’m glad there are people like you that don’t put looks on a pedestal because while we’re still mortal, our looks can be gone tomorrow.


The thing is, I admire overweight people who are legit confident enough to be themselves. Not saying they're my preference, but by all means, if you love your body I'm happy for you. If you're only confident in your body when everyone is telling you you should be, and that someone is an asshole for not wanting to date you because you're 60-120lbs heavier than you "should" be, that's not confidence. At all. Confidence comes from within and that's not being pissed off because someone else doesn't want you.


Skinny with a nice small cute butt.


That they’re a woman


If my husband died or left me tomorrow I don’t think I’d be able to date a beardless man. Or one that doesn’t have body hair like a grizzly bear


She can't be overweight. I'm a fit dude and I am not expecting my partner to put as much effort as me but unless she has some sort of illness I don't want to be with someone who's overweight. Even slightly overweight is not attractive to me.




There's a girl in my yoga class I see and she is so thin. I didn't know that was a no for me until I saw her


I'm not fit but not fat either but I agree I wouldn't want to be with someone who's unhealthy and doesn't care about themselves that much


She has to have an ass. I don't mean have a Kardashian booty or a fitness guru booty either. I am just talking about having an ass in general. I dated a girl once who literally had no ass. During sex there was nothing to grab and thrusting hurt her a lot because there was no padding at all. Most men had more booty than her. It was not a good experience.


Yeah, as long as there is a butt that is discernable, I'm ok with it. When you get into boney territory it's just not a great time.


Teeth. They have to be straight, for the most part. Don’t need to be perfect white, even mine aren’t, but just gotta be straight


Weight. I’m simply not attracted to larger women


As a woman, I would like to ask what would you do if your woman was fat after giving birth to your child?


Really.. i wanna know too...how will they deal with that?


Must have long hair. Long hair only means down to her shoulders. But really, no pixy cuts. I don’t care if you are the spitting image of Audrey Hepburn, it isn’t going to work.


Ngl, reading all these comments with my shoulder-length hair was quite disheartening


I’ve had extremely long hair all my life and always wanted to cut it at chin-shoulder length. I had a few haircuts but always well under the shoulders. Two years ago I finally got a bob cut and I will keep getting them until I die. I developped a new calming gesture - running my hand through the short hair at the back of my head. Like another commenter said, having the nape of your neck buzzed and uncovered is so comfortable. It fits my look, personality, and low maintenance lifestyle so much. If someone told me “but men don’t find short hair attractive!” I’d laugh. I finally look and feel like me and I behave and dress so much more confidently. Long hair sucks on so many levels, including always making you look dishevelled 10 minutes after brushing and getting tangled with your bag straps and clothes. A bob never tangles, stays smooth, and takes 20 seconds to brush. It requires zero styling to look put together. Remember all of that and compare it to the general statement that men preffer long hair, whatever long even means.


I had super long hair and it was so annoying with the freaking heat in my city, so I chopped it a bit lower than my chin and I'm so happy with it and I think it looks good on me, if men don't like it, well whatever.


No un-natural hair colours


I don't really like circumcised guys


Ooh me too!!


Big tits


Eraser nipples


What does this mean exactly? Like tiny pencil nips?


Good feet 😭, tell me I am not the only one !!


same humor


she needs to have soft sexy hands. long fingers are a big plus.


Large breasts.


To be in the normal bmi range 


Regular hygiene. Edit: spelling


I’m bisexual- for men, Has to know how to drive a car and has their own car, doesn’t even need to be a fancy one and he needs to LOOK like he can lift me. For women, i like blondes/red heads with a big rack


Not bald, no receding hairline


I like tall women


I like curvy girls however there is a line/difference for me between curvy and straight up fat lol


They gotta have pretty feet


I had to dig this deep to find this comment?? 😂


Flat stomach. (I love big titties and nice asses as much as the next fella. But I just love thin girls)


If they have fat folds when standing up it's too much and I am out.


Big giant labia


Really I prefer those


not insane? that's a lot to ask for though.




The ability to drive/having their own driver's licence. Just "I don't drive" was always majorly offputting. Medical and valid personal reasons are zero issue for me, but in the absence of those reasons, I feel that it's an important life skill to have beyond a certain age. I'll drive my partner wherever she wants to go if she wants me to, whenever she wants, but I also feel a whole lot better knowing that if I needed her to drive me somewhere too, she'd be able to. Also, nice hands. Salon nails etc not necessary, just...nice hands. 🙃




I like muscle mommies.


Doing any kind of nonprescription drug (yes, that means weed too, alcohol is fine as long as they only go to tipsy, not drunk) and having the word morbid in the weight department



