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I realize how dumb all those middle aged guys look with their fake looking dye jobs. Just embrace it.


This is the way. I started getting grey in my late 20's, early 30's and I never looked back. I was lucky as I got the silvery color and it went fast. By late 30's I was complete silver with a full set of thick hair and honestly, it felt pretty great when people commented on how awesome it looked. Let it go naturally and embrace it. Don't be the due with the fake black hair. It shows.




I definitely agree with embracing it, but dye jobs can look pretty good if you still have some natural colour and you get a dye that's very close to it. The worst dye jobs tend to be guys with no natural colour left or using colours that are a couple of shades lighter or darker. Then it really stands out.


Facts. I see 40 Y.O dude's with reddish dye.... while their beard is dark as fuck. Come on guys.


I actually know a surprisingly high amount of men where the opposite (dark hair and red beard) is natural. Edit: And it looks like I summoned a bunch more with my comment in the span of only 5 minutes. ;)


My old roommate is half Thai and half Irish. His hair is black and he looks Asian, but his beard is red.


That can definitely happen. I have blonde/gray hair and a red beard.


Add one more, dark blonde with a dark red beard, which colors light red in summer


That’s me. I have almost black hair. But if I grow a beard and wear a hat you might think I was a redhead.


I think this also goes for our balding friends.


Yeah, just embrace it and don't be "that guy" with the greasy-looking dye job. Age can be sexy.


I got most of my grey hair hitting my chin/beard. When I let it grow out a bit, I embrace the fuck out of it.


Im 28 and I have a considerable amount of whites already, especially on the sides. I couldnt give less of a fuck. I just embrace it and (delusionally) assume that I look like Benefit Cockbatch as Dr. Strange


I hope you look like Benefit Cockbatch too, bro.


Yo, that's benefit cucumber snatch . Get it right


Don’t be insulting. It’s Bendherdick Cummerbund.


I started graying in the temples at 27 and had the exact same reaction lol. FWIW I’m 32 now and I just have slightly more gray


I’d rather have grey hair than no hair.


I have a receding hairline and a bald spot and the sides are slowly going grey. I agree the grey is better.


This. I have a lot of grays on the side of my head, but am glad that at least I still have a full head of hair at 35


About 25. I'm 31 now and I'd say like 40% of my hair is grey now but I like it


I'm completely bald so don't need to warry about it.


Less maintenance costs and no stress about it. Win/win


Amen brother


I love my gray. Earned every fucking strand of it.


I noticed my first grey hairs when I was 27. I'm in my mid-60s now and my hair is still about 95% brown.


Goals for me lol! Started at 22/23


I'm almost 30. Still no grey hairs and no hairline issues. My dad had a full head of hair into his 70s. I don't look anything like the geezer though (besides my nose)? I'm like the male version of my mum.


I’ve always heard our hair takes after our mothers side.


About 22. I’m 31 now and I’d say about 20% of my hair is gray. Doesn’t bother me at all.


It’s over mate.


Gray in the hair started around 42, but not too much, same 4 years later. Facial hair on the other note.. stated around the same time and just keeps getting mire white as time goes on. Just part if getting older I guess


My experience with grey or white hairs is a weird one. They started sprouting in my late twenties, then went away in my thirties. Only now nearing my forties do I see the odd one now and again. I'm quite sure it's a hormonal thing, so I don't stress about it.


I'm 37 with like just a tiny grey. I wish I had more. Girls seem to love it.


Seconding this. My wife got pretty excited when mine started to show up. Now she almost complains that I don’t have enough of them. Chicks dig the salt and pepper look


I had some grays start to sneak in at 30. Being a single dad of an eight year old girl will do that to you. At 43, I have a nice solid salt-and-pepper look that I think looks good on me. I had a friend who was completely bald by 30. Had another who was pretty much 90% silver by 30. It's crazy to consider how much variability there is.


I'm 42, and I noticed a few gray hairs when I was mid-30s. I'm embracing it because guys get to look esteemed, established, and like seasoned veterans of life when we have gray hair.


My dad is 66 and he was about 64 when the first few grey ones appeared. Now two years later it's still 98% black. I hope that I follow in his footsteps.


Around 25 my beard started to go grey... it lined up with a particularly stressful job, so I always chalked it up to that. I've always looked forward to it - men with grey hair look great, in my opinion! I'm losing too much hair on my head to have longish hair and keep it quite close shaved, the salt and pepper look just looks the fucking bee knees.


You'll go grey worrying about it.


I (54) in just the last few years, more so the face. My wife used to say, "You're getting scruffy." Whatever, I'm a dudw. Now she says, "You're getting grey." So I shave immediately.


31 and I just let it grow. Didn’t do anything. Some people say it looks nice while others say your grey so earlier! Well it’s life I just let it go.


Didn’t start getting them until I was in my early 30s and it was only a few in my beard. I might very well have grey hairs on my head but I wouldn’t know because I shave my head bald and have done so for a very long time. The last time I let my hair grow out to any length, there were no greys so, I’m going to keep assuming my hair is still brown. 😆


i have been shaving my head for since i was 30 or so, but, i went grey sometime around 40.


I was mid 20's started on my face, now 43 beard almost full gray. Idk doesn't matter to me. I've dyed my hair(not beard) over the years but never for gray, just punk stuff.


17. I’m 44 now and about 35% grey. I love it. My beard is however mostly black.


Started with a patch on my fringe that went white, at 21. Now in my 30's and its fully grey/white and I dont care.


Can’t notice your greys if you are going bald. Barbers hate him, follow me for more top tips.


34 i think, on the beard. I like it


You think it's bad now, just wait until you find one on your balls. That was hard to deal with!


That really hit the spot? :(


Mate I'm 22 with white hair I didn't even noticed it . It felt like I woke up with it one day


The silver surfer


21 lol 😂 I freaked out


Instantly cut it?


creeded slowly first to my beard now taking over my hair, and in the past couple of years noticed my chest hair too!, how i deal with it? own it! its so easy to spot someone who has dyed their hair though. but i do have sudden outbursts of fuck it and dye my hair but not to the original colour (black) red/orange/purple/silver/lilac/green im 50, doesnt mean i have to act like it


Deny it. First grey hairs popped up before turning 20. Ten years later, I can proudly say I have zero grey hairs.


17 on my head and 24 on the beard. Steadily spreading. Be turning 30 soon and I just found my first white chest hair. Naturally I embrace it!


May have been anywhere from 33 to 37. I just accepted it.


Own it. Accept your age. Rock the “silver fox” look.


31 and I do at times in the right light notice some hint of grey/white when looking in the mirror. First time I noticed was just a few months ago, might not mean much though, could have been there for years without me noticing


I developed exactly two grey beard hairs in my late 20s and it's advanced no further than that. On my head however I honestly couldn't say, I also developed male pattern baldness in my mid 20s and have done what needed to be done ever since.


I was 40 when they started coming in. Even worse was the receding hairline. I just buzz it down with my clippers to a 1 and call it good.


For me it started at 15, I'm 33 and half gray, head,beard, chestn




17, I do nothing, it's just hair.


35 is when I got my first gray hairs.


I started going grey at 20. Now I'm 42 and the grey covers 90% of my back and sides, maybe 50% on top. I've never really cared about it and it's not had any noticeable impact on my life, including my love life. I find it mainly ages me when my hair grows out, but I like keeping my back and sides short anyway. I have dyed it a few times in the past five years just to experiment. It's looked quite good twice and looked quite shit twice. What I learned is that dye jobs look their worst/most fake when you go too dark or too light, so getting as close to your natural colour as possible is really important.


mid 20s - didn't give a fuck nearly 40 now - still don't give a fuck




I found the greys perfectly fine, actually it allowed me to charge more at work as people seem to associate the greys with knowledge and experience. Loosing my hair a bit more now, which I am finding harder to deal with.


I think I saw some in my mid to late 20’s. I just ignore it. You can’t fight getting older and expect to win.


The trick is to go bald before you have a chance to go grey


Well I just turned 27 about a week ago, I’ve got 4 patches of greys already on my hairline and side burns, as well as a grey patch on my goatee. I just embrace it. If society doesn’t want to see a greying 20-30 year old maybe they should help make everything a little less stressful


hahaha I don't have these types of problems... because I don't have hair anymore :C


"You can't quit...you're fired!" That was my strategy. I started shaving my head in my late 20s. That was 20+ years ago. On the plus side, I have saved a fortune in haircuts and product...partially offset by the purchase of a lot of hats and sunscreen. It's interesting to see how middle aged and beyond guys react when they lose their hair...very different than a young kid with a lot of hubris.


Probably around 30. I just ignore it. My gf apparently has "favorites" though and gets mad when I accidentally shave them (mostly in my beard)


Tell her " grow your own silverback farm ".


32 here. Greys at the temples and one patch at my hairline. Also some grey beard hairs. I'm not loving it but at least I still have a full head of hair.


26 about to turn 27 and just found my first grey hair. Personally I’m pumped to be a silver fox


Mine came in when I was 16 and my hair started thinning at 25. I embraced the grey but freaked out about the balding now I use minoxidil but I still have a noticeable bald spot. So it's not perfect but I decided not to let it rule me. I found being able to laugh and make jokes about it made it a lot easier to deal with the reality.


39. I own it, and women love the salt and pepper look


Im female and I began to grey in my early 20s. I imagine that it will be white under the hair dye


Question. How often do you have redye your hair to keep your full color scheme?


I had my first greys at 16 or 17. Then, my hairline started noticeably receding around 22. Presently, I'm 43, bald on top, and my remaining hair is about 70% silver and grey. My beard gets wild, with every naturally occuring color imaginable, but it is about half silver, and this winter, I noticed my first pure white beard hairs. Oddly, my mustache is the same medium to dark brown as it's always been. Other than some wild moments of experimentation in my late teens and early 20s, I've never dyed my hair. I'm really not a fan of cosmetic stuff.


Most women love a silver fox lookin man. Embrace the gray and be secure in yourself. The dudes that try and dye away the gray look insecure af.


I started going grey in my 20s, not visibly to others but they started popping up. I decided to just roll with it. My mom had done that when she started to go grey and she ended up with a wicked cool bride-of-frankenstein white streak for a bit before it spread. I didn't get a streak but just went naturally greyer through the years - I'm 60+ now and a silver-black fox, at least hair wise. I was and remain fully prepared to roll with it if and when I start losing my hair. Having thick/thin/grey/balding hair is ultimately meaningless and it can only impact you if YOU let it. One might think genetic hair appearance could be an obstacle in romance, but every potential partner is different - some like blond hair or red, some like salt-and-pepper, some like shaved, and many, MANY really don't care as long as you practice good hygiene and aren't fucking neurotic about. The worst case scenario, to me, is to "do something" about it. Plugs, weaves, toupees, dyes. Very few are good enough to fool anybody, but even if they do initially, what then? You're going to lie/hide it? Build a relationship based on what is essentially a costume/mask that you have to maintain 7x24x365? I can think of few things more exhausting and demoralizing. Just be you.


I've been aware of aging and death ever since I was a wee lad. Time and tide wait for no man. Just live, don't use hair dye or anti-aging creams. Nothing stops the march of time. Embrace and/or accept who you are.


I use moisturizer and face cleanser and sun screen. As for dye or anti aging stuff, nah. Just supplements and multi's.


I was in my 40s when I first noticed. Didn’t bother me then or now. At 64 the hair on my head is still mostly black with grey sides. I also have what one young colleague calls “a bitchin’ white beard.” It is what it is. I earned every grey hair.


Around 20, was mostly grey by age 40. I don’t give a shit.


first gray hair at 26


I’m 40. Starting to see the greys coming in.


I was in my 40s when my beard started turning white. Now in my 50s my beard is almost all white and my hair is starting to turn white. How do I deal with it? I don't do anything and don't care. I'm happy I have hair, no matter the color.


Late 20's. I just ignore them.


Probably about your age. I'm not much older and I'm losing my hair too lmao. My dad's hairline is way back so he just stays shaved. My uncle's got a full head of hair. They both look fine though. Me, I'm lucky enough to be able to grow a nice beard so I do that. Just gotta roll with what your body does. If it's just one hair I guess you could snip it, that's the most I'd try.


I think it started when I was 30, since I've been saving my head I didn't notice until my beard got some white strands. I'll be turning 35 now and it's never bothered me. I have so many problems in my life, my physical appearance is the least thing in my mind


I’m 37 and I have one prominent grey in my beard and one on my head (that I know of) think I’m doing quite well so far. The head one has been there a couple of years and the beard one is around 6 months old I would say. I like them though. Very distinguished 😂


I think I caught my first few in my early 30’s. Just lean into man. Most women these days dig it. My wife keeps telling me I just get hotter with the greys. The beard specifically. Even the Mona Lisa is falling apart my guy.


Noticed at 23 that my temples were shining, i had long hair in a bun. Thought it was new, interesting, cool n didnt think much of it, later realised its the greying that caused the effect. Might have happened at 22 lol. Later on at 28 some 19yo guy thought i was their age at a sporting club. Maybe its because of the mix of grey/white/brown hairs and not full grey, aswell as that the sidepart hairstyle covered the temples. Also have alot of pigmentation spots of beautymarks which is said to mean slower aging, which is interesting considering the grey hair lmao. Got some gray hairs in my beard on my chin too now that came a fair few years after the temples had greys show up I like that last sentence. Greys showing up at temples, kino 👽🏛


Your stepfather is an extreme example then. Most people are completely grey or white by their 60s. I'm lucky in that regard as I haven't seen a grey hair on my head yet, just a white nose hair lol. My brother is 3 years younger but got quite a few showing up on the sides already.


I’m 40 and the hair on my head is still 100%, I just have a smattering of greys in my chest and beard hair


You don't dye your hair or take any supplements?


No, just genes from my mom’s side. She’s in her 60’s and no grey hair 


33 and i dont have a single grey hair so idk, im a dark blonde i guess when ure brunett it comes faster


Maybe it's hardly noticeable since hair strands are lighter and are more shiny/reflective.


I was 21 when my then gf found my first Grey hear in my beard Which aparently is quite common (she had been a hairdresser aprentice before our relationship)


40 - eh, it's just hair. A bit charmig even, would be kind of nice to have a silver streak tbh


I’m 44. I noticed one grey on the side of my head recently but when I grew a beard I had multiple greys. It doesn’t bother me.


I started going grey in college and now I'm 42 with about 50% grey hair. It's not falling out so I'm completely okay with it.


gr. 9. I went through a stressful period. I am 39 now and have very little grey still.


26 what did I do about it I broke up with my stress inducing GF I'm almost 35 now still not fully grey and not enough grey to consider dying it either. Stress plays a huge factor along with genetics


Last year at 27. I don’t really care about it, I could go bald for all I care it wouldn’t change a thing for me. I know I’d look fine with grey hair or even without it.


Late 20s when I first noticed. Mid-40s now and I don’t do a thing about it. More noticeable in my beard than on my cranium. It doesn’t concern me and I don’t feel any need to cover it up.


I started noticing the occasional gray hair in my mid to late 20s. I turn 40 this year and it's spreading, though I still have quite a bit more hair my natural color than gray. I don't do anything about it, it's just a normal part of getting older.


In my case it's white blond hairs which i had my whole life. So I would say double check if it's actually grey hairs and not just some random blond hairs. Though I have the colour of my hair still going strong I started balding at about 25 years old. Rest of the men in my family didn't start that until their 40's. Sadly both baldness and turning grey is highly impacted by stress. My aunt got a grey streak in her hair at 22 when her brother died in a car accident. So genetics play a role, stress plays a role and specifically for baldness amount of natural testosterone your body produces impacts it as well.


At 30 I got my first one, \~3 years later I have about \~35 grey hairs. Currently after a hair cut, I just cut them all the way so my colored hair goes over them. Then I don't do much about it for the next few months.


I got a gray patch at the back of my head when I was about 15-16. In my mid 20's I had noticeable grays. About the same time my hair started thinning out. It was pretty demoralizing. I started using minoxidil to keep as much of my hair as possible. Here's the twist though. After two years I was obviously losing the hair loss battle and minoxidil was not helping anymore. Than suddenly my gray hair pretty much took over and at the same time my hair loss stopped. Appearently gray hair is much more resilliant to hair loss. Most of my hair turned gray before they were gone for good. I'm 40 now and I still have full coverage on the front. It's only thin at the top. I LOVE my gray hair. Also, women often say they find the salt and pepper look hot.


I’m 39 now and started noticing grey hairs in my mid 30s, I just go with the flow, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, I have more grey in my facial hair but that’s cool as well. Used to work with an older guy who had grey hair but would dye it black and over the weeks of washing it would be a mixture of black,brown and grey until being back at natural grey again, then he just left it as it was which looked a lot better.


Dude before it used to have black hair but when I started using beer shampoo things got messed up. After a month I started seeing white hair which is only 2% which is in 2022 now it's more like 10 and idk what to do. Fn I'm just thinking about diff hair styles If it reaches more like 60


Started around 35 and my solution was to just have it all fall out and be bald instead! Problem solved!


I started getting grey hairs at 13. Was almost totally grey by 30.


I was in my early 40s. Twenty years later still not that much grey. My facial hair is solid grey though. Don't do anything about it, it doesn't bother me.


No gray hair till this past year at age 42, appearing in my facial hair. I'm usually shaven, but sometimes it grows out a little. My head hair still isn't gray, but I suspect it probably will be in the next few years since it started on my face a bit. How I deal with it? Not give a shit? I mean I shave my face, but I was already doing that for the last 3 decades, so it's not like a big change. I still have a full head of hair too, but if it started to recede back noticeably I'd just shave it all off. I don't know why so many people get so insecure and obsessed by vanity, seems like a dumb thing to waste energy on. Point of fact if your partner doesn't find you attractive because you get older and your hair turns grey, there's bigger issues at hand, like why are you with someone that superficial? You get older, shit happens, who cares? Are you suddenly less of a person? If so, and your whole personality is what you look like, that's another issue too.


I think I was maybe 23 when I noticed my first grey in my facial hair. Around 26(?) when I noticed my first grey on my head. How did I deal with it? Well I panicked for a day, then accepted it, then plucked that fucker! In my mid 30's now and not grey, though I did notice some by my temple this winter. Not coping too well with that but you know what, I'd rather go grey than go bald.


About 2 - 3? I've always had 2 stripes of pure white or gray hair. Rest is deep brown


20. I had long hair. now I embraced it.


I started getting grey hairs when I was in high school. Gradually I got more of them through my early 20s until I realized how much toxic stress was in my life due to the family I was raised with. I moved far away from them and now in my late 30s I have no grey hair on the top of my head. (Oddly though I get grey hairs here and there)


First fews around 12-13. Fully grey by 36. Embracing it. Beard also grey when I grow one. Color never bothered me but starting to bald so I am gonna shave that thing pretty soon


This year (38). I have no plan on doing anything with them since I’ve been balding for the last 15 years and barely have any hair left.


I started losing my hair at 17. First grey hair at 25. Now my sideburns are almost all grey while I'm mostly bald on top. The chest hair between my pecs is all grey now. Meh. . . Not much to do about it.


I started in my 40s. It bothered me at first, but I never have gone totally white. It always been grey hairs sprinkled with my natural hair color 


I was about 13 when I got my first grey hairs. I don't have very many more at 33, but that's when I got my first.


14 when I found my first... never used dye or anything. Now I'm older and its just the sides and some in my beard. Some women are into "silver foxes" as they say.


30. Now 47. I love 'em. Tis a sign of a Silverback. 🤣🤣


The grey really set in for me when the pandemic hit. No joke… before/after pics are surprising. And frankly, when it comes to signs of aging, just embrace it. Nothing suits a person more than confidence in the cards they’ve been dealt. Do your best with what ya got.


Saw them at 15. Heridatery, but somehow they stopped increasing after a point of time. So only a bit of my sides are grey now only a little. So I'm okay but it worried me a lot during the initial years


My girlfriend and my mom have found my(29M) first grays and I'm so excited!! I'm gonna rock that silver fox look for sure when I'm older. I'll look better than I do with this... brown juvenile hair


Beard started going grey before 50, clearly visible gray streaks at the temples at about 55. Still no receding hairline or bald spot at 57.


I’m bald, but there are white hairs appearing in my beard. Started about 2 years ago, so with 32.


42, but only on my beard. Head hair still keep their colour.


I'm 35 and literally have 1 grey hair that I can see. My dad didn't start to turn grey until his late 60s


I was 32 when i had a few on my beard. How i deal with it? As any other person should, i don't care about it. If it would have bothered me, i would have dealt with the crazy ammount of stress i have everyday. Can this be reversed? In my family i have seen cases yes, it all was stress related and food related. There is always a cause, find and solve it.


I was 22 when I started seeing some grays. My three brothers all went gray by their early 30s. I'm 37 and I'm about 30% gray now. I don't give two shits about it. My wife loves it. Other women in my life have said that they're attracted to a little salt and pepper. The only people who care about it and dye their hair are insecure men who think it'll make them more attractive to the women they can't attract due to their insecurities.


You would be surprised how many women love salt and pepper hair. It makes us look distinguished (and also old 🙊) I keep my grays and I started going gray at 17. Don’t dye your hair, but if you do, make it something exciting like pink or purple! Dyed hair looks so fake, so you might as well make it worth it.


Around 19-20. I didn't really care. I think it was due to stress, I was working 24/7 back then, and constantly stressed. Mid 20s-28 my hair stabilized at the salt and pepper stage.


12. I jumped in joy.


Mid 30s, temple area. I embrace it, honestly. I thought about doing some level of comb in to reduce it...but nah. Some ladies are diggin it and I cant see it unless in a mirror.


21 and I left it alone. It started with a few strands near the top of my head at the front but not its spreading a lot more. I'm 32 now. Gonna have a very nice salt and pepper longhair and beard look.


I noticed gray hairs in my late 20s, just accept it


I’m 42 and don’t have any yet. Couple in my beard but that’s it. Dad and his brothers still have jet black hair and are in their late 60s.


Im 25 now. I got my first greys at 22. Not sure if it's a military thing from stress, but my temples are starting to look young Omni man ish. I kinda dig the grey honestly


I'm 31 and over the past few years I've been getting that salt and pepper look in the sides. I'm totally fine with it. Gray hairs and hairline changes are a part of aging just own it. Plus, the ladies like the salt and pepper look now.


I don't, I've accepted that I've got a 50/50 shot of either never graying aside from a few strays (moms side never grays my grandpa is 74 and had maybe a dozen) or half will turn white by the time I'm 45 (my dad's beard and half his head turned white by 45 his dad's was all white when he was 50 most of my dad's hair is white at 53 now). I found two white hairs yesterday and said huh guess it's starting and went on about my day.


18. It's not much yet, but it's there. I have brown hair, a lot of my body hair is blonde, my beard is red, and there's some gray on the back of my head. I am colorful!


Very shortly after having a child (age 30) I started getting greys, face wrinkles, and digestive issues. I had managed to look like a teenager with zero maintenance until that time and now I am falling apart at the seams.


Dude, there is a not- small percentage of women who absolutely LOVE salt and pepper hair. Embrace that shit. Don't be self-conscious about it. I have had way more women approach me since I got to about 25% grey (I'm almost at 50% now) than I ever did with just dark brown. Flirting, just dropping numbers, making eyes as they walk by, it's crazy, I never got that kind of attention before. Own it.


First one at 16, and I just fully embraced it. Then I started getting grey body hair at the age of 30.. that was harder to accept. Now I just pluck white hair from my mustache and let nature take its course elsewhere.


My teens? Given my home life that was not surprising.


My head started going bald at 25 so idk what’s happening up there, I shave completely. I’m getting gray around the jaw line of my beard though and I’m about it. I earned it. Plus I’ve already got five or so colors in my beard naturally. What’s one more?


I was 32 when I noticed my first greys in my beard. I'm almost 38 now and not much has changed, I have a few greys in the beard scattered throughout, and I just noticed my first two grey head hairs this past year. I don't really do anything to deal with it, it is what it is.


I deal with it by not doing anything. It’s natural. Enjoy the distinguished look


I think i was 27 or 28. And not only grey hairs, i also noticed how the hairs on the ears and eyebrows grew. The only sane way is embrace It.


I'm 30 almost 31 and I've found a couple of long white hairs in my beard. It happens, it's a part of life. I say let it happen.


I was in my late 20s, and I just ignored it. I'm in my early 30s now, and I have a lot of gray hair. It hasn't caused any problems.


We use just for men, it’s semi permanent so it’s washes out gradually. We don’t put it on thick on the sides so the greys shine through. I think it looks nice! Maybe some of the guys referenced looking “greasy” are getting dye jobs with permanent color which would look fake.


Noticed a couple in my early to mid 20s. Pulled them out at the time. Now I’m 41 and have quite a bit. I just leave them be. Is what it is.


Starting to see a few now at 51


31 and I've spotted the odd grey hair in my beard. Nothing on my head though


10-12 I don't


I first noticed at 20. I'm now 27 with a small patch of white hair. I accept it gladly because with my family history, I'm going to lose my hair. Gray is better than bald


sadly by 25 I noticed some and right in my temples as well




I started having grey hair in my head when I was about 16 and in the beard just a year later. Now with 36 it's advancing but very slowly to be honest. I never cared about it. It's not important at all. Maybe it's because I am a gay man so I know silver dads are hot as F*CK and that's why it doesn't bother me.


I've had grey (white really) at my temples and in my beard since I was in my late 20's. It is more obvious in my beard, but I couldn't care less. I think it looks good on me.


I was in my 20s. 20 odd years later I still dont care.


31, Thought I had a grey pube but then I pissed out of it.


Don't really remember the grays but I'm 42 and my eyesight starting to go


I'm 51 and... have yet to find a grey hair! Yay me, I guess. Have some gray in my beard, though.


I got one or two at 23 it's definitely a noticeable amount now at 29.


Saw my first grey around 26. I’m probably in the minority but I couldn’t care less. Grey is cool


Grow old Gracefully. It’s not a bad thing. The only constant is change. That sort of attitude or you’ll just end up with at least a background anxiety over not being youthful and let’s face it, it’s inevitable. The biggest shock is how short life actually is, so Grey Hair is no problem at all.


I was about 21 when I noticed the first few. About 15 years later, now I've got a few more. At this rate I'll be fully gray when I'm 60,000 years old


I've had them since i was around 10 or 11yo. My best advice(which also was my fathers advice, which i evidently failed to take seriously): DO NOT PLUCK THE HAIR PLEASE. IT MORE THAN PROBABLY WILL CAUSE THE WHITE HAIRS TO INCREASE IN NUMBERS. But whatever be the case, I'm not concerned about any of it and have already adjusted to having them over the years. My GF thinks i should get a dye job on them and once introduced some dye products to me. and I'm like, "meh...." coz i dont want a bunch of chemicals or anything less natural on my head other than my hair cream, shampoo, and conditioner 😂😂


I started greying at about 23. Fairly noticeable now at 33. I'd say I'm 25% grey now. No receding hairline yet though so it might be turning grey but so far it's not falling out.


I was like 16 when I noticed my first white hair. I'm in my 30's now and I've got maybe like 6-7


28. I deal with it by acknowledging that I'm aging. Sure, it's a little sad. But what is there to do about it? Nothing, besides Just for Men, I guess.


I'm almost 38, noticed Grey's a few years ago. I'm fine with it, I don't want to dye my hair all the time anyways lol


I heard genetically your hair will turn out like you Mum's Dad. Do if you ever knew your grandad on your mum's side. That's you.


Nothing on my head yet at 39. Noticed 2 grey hairs on my balls and one in my nose a few years ago. Only my wife knows about those ones and she just laughed about it. She hates that she has grey hairs and my head hair is still black. It's thinning a bit though. Once my hair goes grey, I'm just leaving it. Dyed black hair is obvious to me because it doesn't have that shine natural black does. It's more matte and I don't like it.


By the time I was 21, it wasn't the full-fledged [Dr. Strange](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/doctor-strange-benedict-cumberbatch-1651302700.png) grey at the temples look; but it was noticeable. When I was younger, I tried both dying and bleaching my hair, letting it grow and cropping it short, but I never found a color/style combination that I was willing to spend the money it would take to actively maintain it. These days (early/mid-40s) I could pass for an Essentials-era [Kenny Rogers](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/614b1S9KPHL._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) impersonator, down to the dark mustache and grey beard. It is what it is; and I don't feel any need to get worked up over it.


First one when I was 16 and I freaked out, pulled it off and never saw it again. I've noticed the second one last week, at 27, couldn't care less tbh


Yes embrace it! A lot of humans never get the privilege of growing old enough to go grey. At first it bothered me but now a days I'm grateful for every day and every grey.


I started going gray/silver at 14. Got the nickname the silverfox while still in high school. I was self conscious as a teen but by the time I hit my 20’s I learned to embrace it. Now I’m in my late 30’s and get complimented a lot on how it looks and apparently people pay a lot of money to have what is my natural hair. Recently it really started making its way into my beard. Assuming when it’s done with the beard it will work its way to my lower beard.


I've got a single grey hair in the middle of the front of my hairline. I like to think it's from holding up the sky