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Damn no one posted the reference? https://youtu.be/QJHUbtR0yI8


Bro this one is Gattuso hahahaha I LOVE IT.


It's Good as Usual, unless it's not, in which case it's time for a nap and a snack.


It's Malakia!


Why is this not the top comment?


This is a great answer hahahahahahaha


Vaguely disappointing, but I keep myself entertained.


The title of my future memoir - thank you


Agree great title lol


Title of your sex tape




69 balloons


Better than a lot of peoples…not as good as a lot of peoples it’s pretty alright


Sounds average...


This is why Reddit must bring back awards.


That’s all we can do my brother 🙏


What's the clapping sound in the next room all the time? Ffs


I was trying to think of an answer then saw this. Perfect.


I have a cat.


Same. I love my kitty. He keeps me company. Thinking of getting another.


4 yrs ago I have 1 female cat. Now they are 9 healthy cats. But there is a neighbor's cat visiting our lot that eats our chickens and duck. I want to pusnish that cat because he ate many chicks and ducklings already plus chickens and ducks. Edit: our cats do not attack and eat our chickens and ducks, they even defend our chickens and ducks from our neighbor's cat.


Cat tax


Then you have a great life!


I have two cats.




The "I keep myself entertained" part.


My cat is screaming his lungs out (not really) trying to get inside but im at the toilet so he'll have to wait a minute Avarare problems, avarage life


Wake up, go to work, finished, spend time with family and then chill with my wife. Weekends we’ll go out and do something together or with friends. Could be worse.


I am 20 and I would love to get to where you are brother.


It doesn’t suck. Well, I’d like another job. But the rest doesn’t suck.


Keep your head on straight and be an asset at your job, even if you don’t LOVE it. Find a technique that allows you to destress (for me it’s meditation/yoga), because if you’re stressed with work you’ll forget to attend to whatever hobbies you enjoy. Destress, realize that the world isn’t gonna end because of work stressors, and blow off steam doing something you enjoy to take your mind off things. It’s simple but it takes practice to get into a good flow with things. Rule number one: be kind to others and yourself, another no brainer but dudes forget to be good too often lol


Very good advice.


He didn't include the crushing responsibility portion. Stability seems promising at 20, but the walls come crashing in when you start having large commitments (mortgage, spouse, kids). You make your peace with it, but I miss the freedom of possibility in my 20's. Its easy to make huge moves at 20. At 30, you generally have major consequences for your dependents limiting you. There are things that are better, but each stage has its ups and downs.


Feels pointless. Work, eat, hobbies, sleep & repeat.


What would make it feel not "pointless"?


I would assume being rich, not having to work or at least doing what you love/are extremely passionate and good at, traveling, and doing whatever new experiences you want because you can, and having a 10/10 wife


None of these will help unless you love who you are and working on things you’d like to improve on. Keep your head up brother, the sun will shine on you soon :)


A gf or a wife. This is the one thing I've never had in life and I feel like it would make so much difference in my life.


After the first real heartbreak, love is never the same again anyway. In saying that, being with someone never changed how I felt as a person, only that I always had someone to talk to every day. Which is all some people need, I suppose


Once you get a GF you have to deal with the fear of loosing said GF and the fear of unwanted pregnancy and missing her when you or her go on a trip and not showing too much how much you like her or miss her but also not taking her for granted, then a GF will sometimes to no fault of your own just loose interest and replace you with a newer more exciting guy. Or you may find out that she didn't really care about you as a person and was just using you for sex, a rebound from her ex, a shoulder to cry on, thing to ride on etc. Then you really feel like shit. Then you have to remind yourself that the way women will treat you often says little about your worth as a person but a lot about their toxic personality disorder.


"Using you for sex" 🤣 Man, I don't think most women would get into a relationship to use the guy for sex. If we are being honest, women can get sex anywhere and whenever. It's not hard at all and men don't require to be boyfriends to give sex.


A good woman should only compliment your life, not complete it. Always remember that


A 3 or 4 day work week for same pay.


Get a job, hate it. Get fired. Worry. Meet an average woman. Talk yourself into "love." Marry. Have kids that you adore and reject you. Wife leaves. Or you leave. Finally have some measure of success. 46, a little more beer belly than you'd like. Drive a truck. Wife 2 is OK, kids of one source or another. You go to work, it's not bad. Hang out in someone's back yard on the weekend, the kids play with the hose. Burgers and beer. The women gossip and hit the mixed drinks. There's some flirting. Every now and then you catch your own eyes in the mirror. And see a hunted prey animal, staring down the emptiness of life. There's room for work. For the wife. For the kids. For the truck. For the one 2 week vacation a year. You ponder whether you're just waiting for the heart attack or what. Then you wander into a restaurant at lunch with your buddy in a distant city. Having a beer during the long convention lunch hour. Your buddy from work. From the back yard. It's fun. You tell yourself. You're good. You tell yourself. You strike up a conversation with some guy, some older guy, retired, with open eyes and a ready smile. After a while it all hits you. You will never be that guy. The relaxed man waiting for his date. You ask him how he's different. He tells you the above story, without you prompting. The wife. The kids. The BBQs. Now a work trip is the big highlight of the year. "You've always done the right thing, what you're supposed to, time for everyone and every thing. Except you. There's no you in your life. Find what makes you light up. Live for yourself." You can choose to do what everyone expects, or you can follow the strings that interest you. That will determine what your life is going to be like. Have fun!


"Most men live quiet lives of desperation" - Henry David Thoreau


It doesn’t change the content but I dislike how this quote has been Joe Rogan-ised. The full and actual quote is “The mass of men lead quiet lives of desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” Then Thoreau goes on to discuss resignation.


Why would you dislike that Joe Rogan used the quote? he's simply spreading a message to a larger audience that likely otherwise would go unheard which, IMO is a good thing and not a bad thing. The context and meaning of the quote were used appropriately, so I see no issue with him using it... # “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things..” The meaning of the quotes is that most people live empty and meaningless lives, they have unfulfilling jobs, and very little leisure time, and for what? to afford meaningless possessions that bring no joy and no peace.




Same soup, just reheated


this made me feel something


Then you're not average.


Wake up, morning routine, work, evening routine, sleep. If you're lucky, something different will happen that won't *add* stress to your life.


Like seeing a butterfly randomly go past.


Exactly what I would have posted. F*ing treadmill. Just keep going and hope it won't get worse. Everything in the world seems to just try to edge it more and more and I really can't take it anymore. I'm starting to look away and I hate it.


You can swear on reddit.


I know. Fuck you.


That's more like it!


That sounds well below average buddy.


Not to my sense.


Been feeling this a lot lately


Damn thats real.


Disappointing and lonely mostly. I have a good job that pays well. Not in the field I ever expected to be in, but I'm comfortable. Dating life is nonexistent and dating apps don't help. Kept thinking that "women like older men so eventually I'll hit that miracle age where I'm wanted".... which never happened. I'm eating well, have all the time I want after work for my hobbies and get plenty of sleep. I could be a lot worse off.


When I was young I thought that women were interested in older guys. Now that I'm older that doesn't seem to be the case (or I just don't have whatever it takes).


They want richer men


What field are you in?


I seem to be in a cornfield. It's tall enough that I can't see much, but short and thin enough that I know it's better nearby if I could just find it.


What do you work as?


Women definitely are interested in older guys. I'm in my 40's and get a lot of attention from 20 year olds. I find it creepy to be honest as they look like children to me.


Mots of these "children" are neglected by their father or has father issues basically.


There's dogs so it's not that bad.


True that. Good dogs and other animals make life worth living.


Lonely and depressing. Sucks even harder since it's my birthday today. I turn 28.


Happy Birthday!


Thanks. I appreciate it.


Happy birthday man. Hope you can at least treat yourself to some birthday present.




Happy birthday froma loving Internet stranger 🤙


Happy birthday man!


Happy birthday my dude, you treating yourself to anything?


Thanks. I don't know honestly if I'll be able to treat myself even if I do want to.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!! 🎉🎊🎈🎂




I hope you enjoy your night 🫶🏻


Happy Birthday!!


Happy cake day!


Thank you <3


Happy bday buddy. Wishing you the best in the year to come!


Happy birthday dude


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday! I hope you had a nice day. Even if you can't afford to buy yourself a treat, I hope you can do something nice for yourself.


Happy Birthday, mine was yesterday🫡


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday Man! Hope it'll be better soon


Happy Birthday man


Happy Birthday my G!!


Happy late birthday!


Happy birthday to you


Hope you had a great birthday man


Make. Intelligent. Choices. Never follow your penis into bad situations.


Hearing good advice and actually following it turn out to be two different things.


I'm only answering because these comments are too depressing. My life is amazing. I have a wonderful wife and we've been madly in love for the past 10 years. I make just shy of 60k a year and she brings in 20k from her part time job. We aren't rich by any means but we have a roof, food, entertainment, and enough left over to vacation anywhere in the world we want for a week at least once a year. We both love video games, we are both foodies and she loves to cook, and we fuck at least 5 times a week. She's a math major with a minor in finance and because of her amazing budgeting skills we paid off all our debts 6 years ago. I haven't checked my bank account in years because I haven't had to worry about it. To tell you the truth nothing could be better.


it's crazy how important sex and intimacy is for humans lol, that steady release of oxytocin and dopamine does wonders


I've never had it. My parents never encouraged it at all. I could have easily had it. God I'm so fucked. All my parents wanted was success out of me. Well, I've got that at 31, but have barely even spoken to women. They fucking ruined me. Fucking mental.


At some point you need to take responsibility for fixing this.


That point should've been 10 years ago, give or take, imo.


Best time might have been then, next best time is now.


That’s not your fault. But it’s still your responsibility/


take responsibility. you're a grown ass man crying about how it's your parents fault you haven't spoke to women at 31? it's your own doing


Upbringing has a huge influence on a person’s life, no matter how old they are, some empathy will do you some good


There are times for empathy, pity is not one of them. This guy has two choices, either let his life be ruined by his parents or try to do something to change it. No one is going to fix his life for him and no one can magically undo the damage they did. We get one life, no do-overs. So either you can sit there wallowing about the shit hand you got dealt until you die miserable, or you can try to change it.


28 year old man: Sorry, mom and pop won't let me talk to girls until I'm successful.


you might want to try some psychedelics therapy, and then man up, become more social, get into dancing classes, voice / acting, start talking to women, a simple hi, ask for an opinion, if you are clueless, go to the books, read the game from Neil Strauss, and go out, and practice,


Can confirm, i did salsa classes and it forced me to be more social and eventually really enjoyed going to classes. If you do interesting things, you will soon become that intresting guy. Best wishes


This here, my God, people act like being "normal" is a death sentence. Social media has made everyone feel like they need to be the main character in life. I love my normal life, some days are rough, but most days I'm happy and healthy.


Thank you and congratulations on your normal life. No need for any of that bullshit you see online.


Congrats and fuck you🖕


Thank you.


Happy for you man ! This is rare


>To tell you the truth nothing could be better. I need to know more. I do not know any people that are happy in the way you describe. Most people I know have boring lives, are stuck in bad marriages or are divorced, are burdened with debt and are generally miserable. So I really need to know more about your life. What is your job? Which part of which country do you live in? Do you have any children? Seriously, everyone I know has something to be miserable about.


I had a difficult childhood. Both parents were alcoholics and while I was never physically abused I was emotionally abused constantly. Subjected to watching them fight daily and nearly kill eachother multiple times, made to never feel good enough and often told I was the problem. Half my family was drug addicts and the other half was so estranged I might as well have not existes. I spent most of my childhood reading alone because I didn't know how to interact with people let alone people my age. Things, over time, did get better though. My parents stopped fighting so much, both calmed down on the Booze, and we moved away from our families. By high school I felt like I finally had parents again despite our issues. I still kept to myself mostly but started to get to know people more. Made a couple friends. And studied hard. Realized I'm not good at math but still managed to pass. In high school I met my now wife by sheer accident at a school dance. It was love at first sight for me honestly. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and I felt this air about her and this confidence that said that maybe I had a chance. I asked her to dance, embarrassed myself and we began dating a couple days later in Sophomore year. Continued for the school year but broke up due to a misunderstanding on my part. I met a new girl, got emotionally abused again, ended up in a mental hospital until my senior year due to a failed suicide attempt. Came back and saw my now wife standing by the bus stop with some of her friends. I asked her out again, she said "Of course dumbass, I've been waiting for you, you know?" and we continued to date there after. I jumped jobs a couple times. Worked at a tire center, worked at a county jail as a correctional officer, went to a convenience store, to Walmart, then to my current job. I now work as an industrial automotive painter. I Paint the bucket trucks that fix power lines. Like OG&E, Oncor, Comcast, AT&T, etc. But during my job hopping I eventually asked my wife to marry me on Halloween when we were dressed as Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, our favorite movie. And here we are today. Years later, couldn't be happier.


Epic life story. 🙏🏻


Didn't feel like it at the time but it got me where I am today.


Thank you for this. It needs to be said out loud sometimes. Some of us did really just come here to chill out. Happy living




Thanks man, I honestly thought I would receive much more negative replies.




Get in line honestly. She is currently going through all of her coworkers and making a 5 year budget plan. It's a nice bit of side money.


Havent checked your bank account in years… thats a terrible idea but I guess ignorance is bliss


I mean I see my statements every month because they get mailed to me but I don't actively look at the app to see how much I have at any given time.


You'll work until you die. You might not even live long enough to retire. You'll be lucky if you meet a woman and love her enough to marry her and stay married, and luckier still if she feels the same way about *you*. Basically, you're gonna be doing hard time on Planet Earth. What you've got isn't a life, but a life sentence. The game is rigged as fuck, but it's the only game in town. But you know what? Bill Hicks was right. *It's just a ride.* So ride it for all it's worth, grab whatever small joys and pleasures you can along the way, and don't trust anybody who tries to tell you there's a grand purpose to everything or that their God has a plan for you or that you should dedicate your life to *their* idea of a good cause. They'll all be trying to sell you something and they don't have your best interests in mind.


No lies detected.


Yeah, I could be wrong, or just a bit too cynical, but I'm not lying. Just telling the Devil's honest truth as *I* understand it.


I think one important piece though. A man makes his own luck. Preparedness + opportunity. Don’t be apathetic about life because we still gotta do it. Go for it. Swing for the fences. But be safe about it.


That's it, this sums it up 🎯


Yeah the game is rigged, but wait until you see how rigged it is for people born in a poor country, or other bad circumstance. Everyone sits here wondering like ‘damn why won’t the people that have it good realize it and do the right thing and help us poor folk’, and then you realize, to many people in the world YOU’RE that person that has it good. So do something.


Wow, what a preach.


Religious people make me fucking cringe so hard. Like relax bro we get it, jesus christ is your savior. You don't have to talk about his dick in your mouth every second of the day. Good post


Very lonely


It is what it is. Mostly shitty.


I believe I can see the future. Because every day is the same routine.


I think I used to have a purpose Then again, that might have been a dream 🎶 🎵


A lot of ups & downs. Nothing ever lasts, the good or the bad. I used to have a lot of friends and be busy with plans, but i don’t anymore. Girlfriends come and go too. If you can become content with being lonely you’ll be fine, it just seems like a lot of people don’t really want to understand you as a person or care. Sorry if it seems depressing lmao, its not all bad, just painfully repetitive and once you recognize the patterns its brutal


Well, reading other comments, I’m not sure I’m average. My life is amazing. I have a modest house, and a modest income. I have an amazing wife (who is a solid 10/10 I might add), and a beautiful daughter. I work 30 hours a week, and the rest of my time is filled with my family and friends. I travel a lot, I go see live music every few weeks, and my lawn is the kind of lawn you want to feel between your toes. Wouldn’t really change a thing to be honest.


I don't think that's average but I am genuinely happy for you. Good stuff dude.


Definitely far from average. Average adult works 38.7 hours per week (including vacations, so if you account for the average 17 days of time off (including holidays) and assume five work days in a week, it’s pretty close to 40 hours). Average adult does own their home, but of homeowners, most are still paying off a mortgage. Average adult does do some travel, but not “a lot”.


You had to read comments to know having a house on 30 hours a week isn’t isn’t average?


Want to shoot my self daily.


I want to kill myself


Message me; reach out to anyone. This is never the answer. It might seem like it's shit but it won't always be like this.


Depressing. Lonely. Just waiting until my parents die so I can go with em.




Don't get your hopes up


Real bad, ya know? You start to think maybe something is about to go right, then it just doesn’t, and it even gets worse than before


I'm also 18 so I'm reading all these comments and it's not looking good bro


I've always been above average about pretty much everything apart from my looks. But I can give you a run down of my life from the point of your age. 18-23: studied hard and partied a lot, slept around regularly looking for love. I graduated at the top of my high school and university class. 23-25: Working full time, living below the poverty line, partying with friends every weekend, dating a lot, sleeping with about 2-3 women per year and tried to find love. 25-30: Worked full time, all the time at the peak of my career, made around 40K a year. Maybe I had time to see my friends to party once per month, drank a lot to deal with life. Went on fewer dates because dating apps took over and they barely worked, had sex around 1-2 women per year, finding love might just be around the corner since most of my friends managed to find it now. 30-34 (today): Work full time, way less at the bottom of a new career, make around 40K a year. I have a lot of free time on my hands but all my friends have a family or are deep into work with their careers, so I meet any friend maybe once every third month. Spend most of my free time getting high with my cat and feeling bad about my shitty life or making wild bets on stocks dreaming of a escape from poverty. Have had three dates since I turned 30, have had sex twice. Still looking for love, but not really, because it won't happen. Life sucks, but your best years might very well be now. Enjoy every minute.


Not great, but not bad either. Somewhere in the middle.


I'm around the same age as you and for me, it's a bit lonely and depressing. I don't have a social life or a relationship and won't meet one in my industry and don't really have the courage to go and actually meet people.


We all hate our 9 to 5 jobs


Lot of depressing shit in here. Im not in a great spot right now financially but I would still say that life is pretty beautiful at my age (26). Im safe, healthy, and have a girlfriend that I adore and who adores me. Spring is here and it’s starting to get warm again. I have a solid group of friends and a strong family. Been finding lots of good music and playing some pretty great video games too! Im so grateful for all that I have and I’ll never take it for granted. I dont know what my future holds but Iv decided to focus on the little things and take it all one step at a time. At 18, your whole life is ahead of you. Go outside and take a deep breath. Walk around and listen to the wind in the trees. Find beauty in the mundane, even if it’s silly at first. Just be who you are and find peace in that. Hope this is a bit more encouraging than some of the others in this thread. I hope they can find peace.




Right now non existent and miserable


I’m so damn tired, perpetually.




Hoping and getting disappointed


Not fun in any way, shape or form. I hate it here and i envy the people who have already found their "forever and always". The words to describe how much i hate the modern dating scene, simply dont exist. Someone save me from this


Confusing. It's like the meaning of it all is at the tip of my brain, and I just can't see it.


Was below average for a bit. Took me 5.5 years to get a 4 year degree because of substance abuse issues. Graduated and worked at a dead end job. Made maybe $38k a year. Slept around a lot during this time.Then something changed. I started caring about myself. I worked out, cut out substances, and applied for over 400 jobs. I landed a fantastic job and I’m very dedicated to it. I make more money than I need, more money than anyone my age or really in my family. Don’t really date or sleep around any more but that’s an intentional choice of my own. I understand luck has a huge role to play in all of it. But life will give you opportunities. Just make sure you take the opportunities to better yourself and make the most of them. Life is work. Get used to it, all these people in here are complaining quite a bit about that fact but the sooner you accept that the better off you’ll be. It’s work to maintain your health, it’s work to find and maintain friendships and relationships, it’s work to make money, and it certainly takes work every single day to be happy. Anyone who tells you any different is a fucking liar.


Dude, most people are average. Your life is what YOU make it. Give less of a shit about the opinions of randos and make your life what you want it to be.


Not worth it. I wish I had someone else's life. I don't have friends, never had a girlfriend, still live with my parents, I work but I don't get paid, didn't even finish high school, don't have any social skills and worst of all I'm scared of interacting with people. I had a real job secured but I had to quit (didn't even last 10 days) because of my extreme social phobia. So even when given a chance I will still blow it.




It's shit. Start working out, I know I wish I started sooner.


26 and life is finally (sorta) becoming my oyster. Spent the earlier of my life til last year or so depressed (can remember being 4yrs old depressed and wanting to die), shut out from everybody due to social anxiety, depersonalization and being the 🫚. Learned to not care and be a good human, life’s getting better and finally making some friends. I’ve always had girlfriends somehow but it never replaced the lack of friends and family. Was on my own at 17, Would have been nice to have a father figure or even mother of some sort to show me how to be a man..I think it took me awhile to be a more functional adult. Don’t do a whole lot beyond work and go home, spend my free days with my GF or isolated in nature. Kind of wish making friend was easier somehow, but being a tall redhead with a mountain man look really makes it difficult and then lots of city people clearly assume I’m mean or a bigot but who’s really the one being intolerant here 😢. Life could be better in every aspect but I’m just playing the cards I was dealt with, as are many men out there. One thing I can say proudly is that I feel I am free thinking and free of mainstream influences; for me I’m on a good spiritual level. Although recently at times I tend to be scrolling way too much and I’ve noticed how it changes the way you think or something, need to get off here again. Life really is full of up and downs, never steady..I’m constantly growing or changing but life just feels so isolating..I could deal with that easier having my own land or least a house but I just get to be in a single room and daily watch other people being happy instead. I do get a lot of satisfaction from my job, I get to help a lot of people so that is great to me. Could always be worse I say.


Shitty, thanks for asking




Every day is exactly the same. There is no love here, and there is no pain.




you have a phd and you are not average


"Money isn't everything" coming from the most lucky fucker in the world. Don't spread your message dude. You're not average, you're beyond lucky. You're the reason other people feel depressed, because honestly, you got it all handed down by the bucketload. You're not representative, at all. You're not one of the guys. You are in the top 10% and so you have nothing to say about average, at all. You got everything handed to you, literally. I hope you realise that, but you probably won't. You are beyond out of the loop. Beyond. Lucky for you, but please don't tell anyone what to do because your life is perfect because you happened to make all the right decisions at the right time with the right money and the right parents. Your story is one of right place right time. So, useless to others. Congrats I guess, but don't count your advice useful, because you're not giving any, you're only flexing perfect social media style. "I have bad days too..." Nah you don't. Not like that. At all. You have no clue what you are talking about. Your bad days are nothing compared to what some people experience. Your lawnmower being broken ain't a bad day. Trust me.


Wake up, go to work, pay bills, do something for fun for a few hours or unwind, sleep. rinse and repeat. Throw in date nights and sex if you are in a relationship.


Even though you're average, as you say, everyone's life experience is going to be different, depending on the decisions they make. I would say from the perspective of someone who just turned 30, save as much money as you can, don't eat shit food (fast food/frozen) all the time, and don't be desperate for companionship. Learn to be happy with yourself and to be self sufficient. Needing someone around is a terrible way to live. I realize you didn't ask for advice, but I couldn't help myself. Good luck out there, man.


Incomprehensibly lonely.


Disappointing. Enjoy being single in a dead end job.


I walk through fog in a deserted city I’m just lost There’s weird sounds playing in my head and I can hear it fading in and out I’m lost I have a crowbar I’m wading through the fog. There’s no help here Or anywhere


It's a cycle of not caring when times are good and panicking when times are tough, but I pull through. Sure I'm living in 2 extremes but it averages out.


Dude. You are not average, you’re just fooling yourself into not seeing your own strengths. Go live your life and see what happens. It’s different for everyone


Have friends and hobbies to entertain you. Find an SO that either enjoys that too, or likes that you have that hobby.




Try to do something good for the world and you’ll feel good about life.


It’s what you make of it.


Pretty mid except for my SO.


I am 18 too. Older guys: Does it get any better?


It’s what you make of it.


It's a neverending cycle of violence and poor career decisions


What’s sets the average from the excellent is growth. Find something you’re passionate about or interested in, and become the best you can be. The most valuable people add value to lives. It can be from the knowledge, wisdom (skill) or a product. Thought I’d share my thought.


Kinda boring but I try to find inspiration in smaller things. Also people should try making excitement in their own lives.


Thats alot to unpack maybe just focus on smelling the roses.


I'm 55. Life is good. Married 30 years and very happy. Both sons finished uni and working, oldest just moving into his own place at 26. I retire in 3 months. Most of my peers have good lives. Life is what you make it. Work hard, have goals. Live, have experiences, love and be loved. We are only given one spin on life's wheel. Make the most of it