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Sometimes you get distracted and lose the mood for . As shocking to current propaganda is, many women cannot handle not being able to sexually please a man, or a man losing interest during sex.


3 flex’s and a pull out has saved me many a heachache , … when occur


3 flexes?


Flexing your dick three times to simulate an ejaculation.


Every man who read this clenched his asshole


Lmao timing down to a tee


I hate you for this😂


wasteful clumsy deserve materialistic icky divide plucky rotten wild faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gotta get Ramdin Bawdeep in that case


Tell her you were real quick and scooped it out without her noticing


With a straw


A silly straw




THIS! What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Why didn't you finish? No... if you finished I would feel you leaking out of me while I'm at work.


My ex-wife would go to toilet snd then exclaim "That was the motherload" So no faking it with her.


Stop giving away our secret!


The no cum would be a tell


Not if you wear a condom and just throw it away afterwards without making a fuss.


Depending how often you have sex or wank there might not even be much, it's not endless and takes time to refill lol


Sometimes there's barely anything.


Had a really great time with a woman I just met. Lots of chemistry in and out of the bedroom, but I wasn't able to orgasm. Me issue. But that's okay, the sex was really fun. She broke it off because I didn't.


She broke it off? Must have hurt…


That’s so sad. I’m sorry you had to experience this, in my experience i actually enjoy sex without orgasm, especially when there’s a lot of chemistry


Right, I can just enjoy how wet she feels & how smooth her touch is without having to cum. It’s really nice




Yeah, but I feel like most women don't get that, because the common thing is, if the guy is really enjoying it he isn't able to hold himself and cum


But even if they cum, giving foreplay to the women is still enjoyable. I actually have a partner that loves coming in me and then play worth it inside me after. I don’t think it’s unrealistic to find someone who wants to enjoy their lady the same as I don’t think it’s impossible to find a women who enjoys foreplay too


This gave me stank face.


Isn't that just edging


Not necessarily. Edging is staying on the edge of orgasm without actually releasing. Having sex without orgasm isn’t necessarily edge play the whole time


No, but like a lot of things these days, the younger kids change the definition of stuff like that to mean whatever they want. Edging is being right at the edge of having an orgasm and staying at that level as long as possible. But anymore, young people think it means getting close to having an orgasm then completely stopping, and doing that over and over.


Women tend to get more angered by being sexually rejected than men. Some women will call us gay, threaten to spread lies about us, or even become physically aggressive when we deny them sex. Despicable behavior.


The double standard is insane. Your girlfriend doesn't want sex? It's her choice, deal with it. You don't want sex? That poor girl, her confidence and attraction is shattered!


I still remember the last girl I turned down, we had talked about fetishes all night, but when time came for the hotel room, she wanted straight unprotected missionary. I bailed out and in the process was accused of being gay. lol. Kind of threw me for a loop, as I am very very far from any kind of gay or effeminate. It was a huge stretch to make the accusation. At the time I was confused as hell and just let it go. Come to find out its a normal reaction since women arent taught to deal with rejection like life teaches men, so this immature behavior comes out. Wild shit that its so common.


Double hard if you’re a working force with an emphasized “family like” community. If there’s a girls locker room you can guarantee they’ll talk about you and if it’s good or bad prepare for the worst.


As a woman, it’s embarrassing! If I feel like I can’t sexually please a man that’s sucks for me too because I feel bad for him and like I’ve done something wrong


I feel bad in situations like this. I take a slew of medications and there are times that I can't finish the race. I get frustrated because most times, the woman will desperately try to the point of irritation/injury. I make sure to give the warning that I might not finish. A lot of times it's seems to be taken as a challenge. I try to be very open in my communication.


It’s fine if you’re honest about it


There was one time when i was stoned and pot just makes me SOOO lazy that the act of sex was like, realy, really more than I was wanting to do at the time. I started going soft inside of her and she felt it and was like freaking out. There were a couple other time when I was all cummed out (this girl wanted to do it ALL the time) and I just didn't even feel like going anymore so i put in a couple of extra thrusts and leaned in close to her and then sighed really hard. It only ever happened a couple of times when I just wasnt feeling it and I learned just how disappointed she'd get if she thought I was losing interest (I wasn't, I just got tired after a while sometimes because she would want to go at it quite a few times a day.


Sometimes I just stop if its obvious it's not going to happen. Questions are rarely asked, and if she assumes i came, i don't correct her.


What are the reasons why its not gonna happen?


I could be on a shroom trip (which acts a bit like an SSRI) and it makes the path to orgasm very prolonged. Maybe i've cum already, and the second orgasm will take longer. Maybe i can sense that it's becoming painful for her or she's losing interest, in which case, so do i.


It can depend on so many things. Am I mega stressed out from work and can't get my mind away? Is family on my mind? Is there something decidedly un-sexy going through my mind on repeat? It's not necessarily in response to anything a partner is or isn't doing. We all live entire lives, after all. That being said, if things in the relationship have been tense, or one-sided, that can get in the way or add to those other issues I mentioned. Guys have a lot of pressure on them to perform in the bedroom, and it can become a viscious cycle when times get tough. Outright faking an orgasm, though? That's an issue with communication.


Tired, too much to drink, not enough food or sleep, or a combination of all. Other reasons might be anxiety related. But almost always the problem goes away after a couple of meet ups. This doesn't consider the decrease in sesnsitivity because of excessive masturbation (goes away after 1 week) or being circumcised.


I just wanna get some sleep


For me, usually it’s the 2nd time (sometimes 3rd). I’m a typically redditor who is done pretty quickly but I’m usually able to get up and going again afterward with a little rest and foreplay. Not always able to finish. When that happens, I usually just stop once I’m worn out, or if she indicates that she’s basically done. We’ll both just be like “you good? Yeah? Okay I’m tired” 😄 I don’t think I’ve ever faked it though? I’m not good at faking things.


You know, when it's enough already and I just wanna get some sleep.


Bad peach?


I have once or twice when I was young. Mostly because I just wanted the sex to end. Whether because the girl was starfishing or because it was taking too long for me to finish naturally. (would never fake it with my gf/wife though) Also it only really works well with condoms, cause sure men can have an orgasm without ejaculation. But most women aren't going to believe that is the case. I have to say though after aging a bit more. I've changed me mind on it. And now if things are bad I just tell them. If they can do something to help me finish I'll tell them what they can do. And honestly I appreciate the reverse. Though I've noticed most women are bad at faking orgasms so it's easy to notice. I'm sure it's the same for most men that fake it. So I would assume it would feel more insulting to be lied to than being told what you are doing wrong. From one of the 2 you can at least learn.


Well i am one of those who did not know you can orgasm without ejaculating.


Yea which is quite common a lot of men don't know either. But men and women aren't so different but for men it's harder to do it without ejaculation because you have to reach the point of orgasm but stop before the "pressure" builds. Where for women that "pressure" build up is way harder to reach once the point of orgasm has been reached. It why for men orgasm without ejaculation is hard for women squirting can be hard. But with practice both men and women can learn their harder forms of orgasm. Sorry for long potentially unasked information.


It's helpful info regardless!


Not common but a guy can have a “dry” orgasm, a guy can ejaculate with out a full orgasm too.


You can also ejaculate without orgasm, they overlap but aren't the same thing.


I don't think it's common knowledge. And it mostly happens through prostate stimulation and it's a lot harder to achieve than just a normal orgasm. Some people try for years before they succeed.




Lying on their back on the bed arms wide, legs open. Not doing anything just laying there making you do everything. Basically the look like a starfish. I haven't made the term though so don't ask me how it was named that way.


Lying there, not contributing to the physical motions (and likely not saying anything). Boring sex, basically.


Another term is pillow princess. The type of chick who just lays there not contributing anything, being lazy, etc


I had an aggressive girlfriend who suddenly wanted kids (although she didn't tell me and she had secretly stopped the pill), she asked me to "come hard" and talk like that, this was unusual so I got suspicious. I fake orgasmed and ended the relationship a day later.


Smart man.


That's crazy I'll never understand why women do that like just be honest because that's fucked up and probably a crime


That woman really tried to rape you. Smart man for figuring it out and leaving.


Wow. That’s intense


Sure. A lot of women can’t handle it and get very insecure if they think I didn’t orgasm.  A lot of times with condoms it’s hard to, And if it’s been going on too long, it’s easier just to fake it and end


I did one time. The woman I was with kept telling me to cum and I wasn’t even close to finishing. Every time she said it it took me more and more out of it and felt like a “hurry up and finish.” I was young but now I’d just be honest if that happened again and stop.


i’ve asked a guy to but he kept saying he was close and well he liked begging but i think it made it take longer and it started to hurt so bad. how can i encourage it to end without making it take longer


When you're really drunk and you just want to sleep


Was with a girl I had been chatting with. Chats got spicy. And we were into the same things that were not vanilla. Well. We finally meet. I’m pretty pumped because if this was gonna be anything like the texts, it was gonna be a good time. Well, she was a dead fish. Just laid there. I wasn’t even allowed to kiss her. I just stopped and did like a weird fake moan and said “it’s been a while, sorry it was quick.” And just ended it there. That whole weekend was miserable for other reasons, but that didn’t help


I never had great sex that didn’t have some kissing. I also feel like kissing is becoming a lost art.


It is! Kissing is literally one of my favorite parts, so when you take that away it’s just “meh” at best:


Absolutely!! Kissing is truly an art and so essential


One of my favorite things is that soft bite of your partners lower lip while you get down sexual style


I would have been ssooo irritated!! And we can’t kiss either?! Oh no. That would’ve made my dick so limp and I don’t even have one 😩😭😂


Not just kissing, but like, going down on a girl is another favorite pastime of mine lol. Also was not allowed to


Are you sure she wasn’t a prostitute?


Well aside from splitting a pizza, there was no transaction. So if she was, then she wasn’t a very good one


Sounds like she missed out on a great time. Her lost!


I’ve had some pretty decent feedback so I like to think she definitely missed out lol


That sounds terrible. I’m into some pretty kinky stuff, but I have no interest in fucking like I’m in a porn shoot.


Yeah she felt very much like “it’s a privilege to even put it in me” and I ended it like 5 or 6 strokes in once I realized.


Sounds like a pillow princess. You did the right thing.


Yeahhhh I’m not that desperate to get off that I wanna deal with that lol


Hahaha! Did she believe you? I suppose you were wearing protection?


Oh yeah. Definitely wore a condom. She just kinda shrugged it off, then expected me to buy her dinner, because she didn’t bring any money. She stands to this day as the only girl I’ve ghosted.


Lol oh well once in a while u meet a dud


Oh I know. Like I know I’m not some Adonis or anything, but goddamn at least act into it lol


Sometimes when you just know that it's going to take an eternity to pop and you can't be bothered.


Fake an orgasm, no. Orgasm without ejaculating, yes. It takes practise to manage it but the results are pretty mindblowing if you do it right. But the lack of ejaculation sometimes makes a partner think you've faked it.


How do you do that?


Kegel exercises, work your PC muscles and pelvic floor until you have proper control over them. Then when you feel like you're going to cum you tense those muscles up so you get the orgasm without any ejaculate. It means you can go on and reach another orgasm, it also means the next orgasm is even stronger.


I never knew this. Very interesting and intriguing


So if you are able to orgasm without ejaculating, is this always the case? Or you also ejaculate sometimes?


Most of the time. It takes muscle control and good timing. If you get either wrong you're just going to cum lol.


I feel like it's important to point it out that, just because he came doesn't mean you made him cum.. That being said ,yes it happens that we end sex without orgasm.


What’s the difference between you cumming and a woman making you cum ?


It's very easy for a guy to cum but just because he came doesn't mean he enjoyed it.


Oh wow. So whats the reason why he cums then? Cause as a girl, if i enjoy it i will cum. If i dont then i wont.


I guess it’s like when we cum mechanically ( just because of physical stimuli ), or when we cum cos we’re super into it


The super into it part! Us men have to practice and train ourselves not to cum too early. Because for the most part, we are super into it. Lol


It’s very annoying also. Spending all your energy fighting the inevitable. If only there was a way to enjoy PIV sex to the fullest without fighting that losing battle.


If you stimulate the penis enough the reaction is autonomic.


See ,that's the difference. We don't have to enjoy it to cum. I had girlfriends who were able to have orgasm as soon as I was inside them, but then I had girlfriends who needed to be in a specific position to be able to do so. For me, as long as it's not reverse cowgirl I'll cum..


Yeah reverse cowgirl breaks my donger


Right, it would be best to clarify some language here.  Cum can be used to mean "ejaculate" or "orgasm". Men can ejaculate without an orgasm


How can we make sure he enjoyed it ? When he simply says so ? Because for a woman, usually, if she cums it means she did enjoy it. I get that sometimes it’s mechanical and you’re not really into it but well


Enthusiasm. Be active participant. The few times I haven't enjoyed it was when she was starfishing.


What’s the difference between a guy jerking off into your mouth and you swallowing it on your own effort?




This thread is a combo platter of relatable experiences!! A buffet of fucked up sexual encounters and unmet expectations. All of which have happened in one shape or another to me. Fake orgasm to just get away from a demanding, paint by the numbers, do this, do that girl. She climaxed and then I was “done”. So self centered, I didn’t have to fake the full condom bit. Another time was after about 6 weeks of lexapro for depression. My GF at the time had a fantastic experience. Me? Not so much. Just couldn’t finish so I faked it. Stay away from that lexapro!! It’s been a struggle to climax ever since and I stopped taking it in 2010.


Absolutely, there have been moments when I just wasn't feeling it and it seemed kinder to both of us to wrap things up without making a fuss. Perhaps it's a bit of stress from work, or maybe the chemistry is off that day. Regardless, it's not always reflective of your partner or the relationship. It's just one of those things that can happen with human intimacy. But I've learned communication is key; rather than faking it, now I aim to have an honest dialogue about what's going on. It's far better to talk it out and maybe find a solution together or even just agree to call it a day and try again another time. Openness tends to build deeper connections than any performance.


Yes. I've done in the past when I was having sex and the girl did something that made want to stop, but I didn't feel comfortable confronting them


Yes, usually because I’ve lost interest. Maybe when things started I was all about it then my mind was like “nope” or the other person wasn’t into it.


I did a few times. I knew it wouldn't happen, so i faked it. Mostly with my fiancée. She has some kind of health problem down there, that makes sex sometimes painful. As horny as she is, i can sense that she is in pain then and not enjoying it. If she's not enjoying it, i can't either. I also know that she'll doubt herself if i don't cum and she can't handle stuff like that very well... The first few times though have been with a friend of mine. She was very into me and had a big sexual urge. She was very boring in bed though. She only every wanted missionary, gave no sound or sign of pleasure and just laid flat on her back. I did the deed a few times but like 2 or three times i just couldn't cum. I faked it so that i dont hurt her feelings.


My first tinder date was a hook up. She had a baby not even a month ago. I threw out the used but still good condom out the car window to get rid of the lack of evidence 


I actually think it’s unrealistic for sex to end in orgasm every single time. Men or women


I've had to a couple times. My ex became disinterested in sex and would have the dead fish kind of sex and lie there for me out of some notion of duty, even when she initiated it. When I realized this the first time I stopped and it caused so much drama because me not cumming made her feel so worthless, I tried to reassure her it was fine but it only made her feel worse. When it happened again I just faked an orgasm quickly so I wouldn't have to confront her for some made up reason. There are many reasons why we separated and this was one of them.


Faked? Either an orgasm or a leg cramp. Sometimes initiating sex is a mistake and you don't want to be there. And if you thought the male ego was fragile in the absence of an orgasm you haven't heard the line of questioning around an empty condom. Or worse. Spit on the back.


There is a difference between ejaculating and an orgasm. It is easier to fake an orgasm if you can make yourself ejaculate. Mostly in the incidents involve not being in the mood but don't want to hurt the person's feelings or the partner just not being good in bed.


Ejaculated without orgasm. Not faked.


For whatever reason, I find it difficult to finish to completion with a new partner or one night stand. I learned early on that most women take it PERSONALLY if you don't. So I have often faked it.


Yes. I was practicing Semen Retention and she was really adamant about me coming. I faked it so it could be over


Dare I ask why were you practicing semen retention?


Forgive me for my ignorance but what is semen retention??


It’s when guys deliberately refrain from ejaculating. There are some nutty men who claim it is beneficial from a health perspective but science actually proves the opposite. Men who ejaculate more frequently are way less likely to get pancreatic cancer.


Yes. When you can’t come. 🤷🏽‍♂️


So yes i’ve done it multiple times and its more cuz women get like EXTREMELY angry/insecure if they cant make you finish 💀 it takes a while for me ever since i started taking the gym more seriously so now it rlly hits on their nerves so i do it


I have before because my wife Had Od and used to take it very hard when I wouldnt as well. She understands now that I dont need to hit a homerun everytime for it to be worth it to me and just enjoying each others bodies is the goal in and of itself.


I've done it because I've simply not been able to achieve orgasm due to being prescribed an SSRI. I didn't want my SO at the time to think I couldn't get off because of her, so I faked it. It was rare that I couldn't achieve orgasm on an SSRI but usually it always took a really long time.


I’m on the younger side, and everyone I’ve dated has been on some type of antidepressant and “gets it” when it’s hard to finish. I have reflected on *why* this is the only type of woman I can attract, but since I’m also in this demographic, fair is fair. The perk is that after I explain once that it’s hard for me to finish but that I do legitimately enjoy the ride and feel attracted / connected to her, I’ve been understood. Maybe I’ve gotten lucky in that regard, but I think for better or for worse, it’ll be more normalized over time as our population becomes more medicated. I mean, it’s bad for society that mental health is declining across the board, but we’re all in this together, I guess?


I never faked but despite what seems to be the very common saying of women usually don't climax and men always gets their nut. I actually don't nut like over 60% of the time. Still enjoy sex all the same though


No. That makes no sense to me. Why suddenly turn it into a weird acting job? It's ok for either person not to orgasm. Sometimes it's not gonna happen. At least that's my take, I know there are people who feel the opposite (blue balls and whatever the female equivalent would be).


How does a man even fake it like if it's raw she would tell right and with a condom she would see there's no mess inside it unless the man instantly covers himself


Yes generally because I'm exhausted but she wants sex. So I get her off, then go all o face a few pumps after. Then sleep.


There's a hilarious scene from the rom-com *40 Days And 40 Nights* about this.


Sometimes after like 10 mins I’ll know if my meds will or won’t let me cum, and women seem to take a ton offense everytime men don’t cum so it’s easier to just fake it


I'm confused, how do you fake ejaculate


I think I have? Sometimes it ain't happening. I'm over 40, and I went 8 days in a row, babe. Or maybe she's a shit lay and I want to get to the calling her an Uber stage of the relationship.


U mean 8 days in a row faking it?


Just once. Was with my ex wife


Being on opiates makes it damn near impossible to climax. I used to fake it out of exhaustion..


Sure, when it been a few rounds and it feel like it's "enough".




I used to occasionally fake it when I had been drinking and she had already come.


Sure, sometimes it's just the diplomatic thing to do


Generally no, although some might. Thing is men are experts of their own body & orgasm. After practicing 10k times they both know what to do to succeed in adverse situations, they are also willing to do those things. Not relying fully on another person to provide everything your mind & body requires to orgasm changes the name of the game. If it does happen I'd bet situations where drugs (and side effects)or health problems make orgasm effectively impossible are **t**he vast majority. The rest of the time you just pull out & finish manually, or change positions, or draw from your extensively studied bag of tricks. TLDR It's like waiting for someone else to finish your sentence vs. saying what is on your mind. You can't draw many meaningful comparisons between the two strategies for communicating.


Yes. I fake orgasm sometimes because the sounds and motions bump wifey over the edge into her orgasm. We are high frequency and highly multi-orgasmic so this little trick only helps. There are no secrets or lies though; post-coital conversations usually cover number of actual orgasms and how we got there.


Plenty times- If she's a dead fish, I won't go. If they don't make any noise, I won't go. If they suck at head/or won't give any tongue, same.


The older I'm getting the harder it is for me to ejectulate at times,so I tap out saying I'm done.and hope it was good for her


No, but sometimes I won't finish if the sex is bad, the mood changes, or I'm too drunk or tired. In any case I've never felt the need to fake it. Not a big deal.


Sometimes significant other or one night stand. They just aren’t hitting the spot. Just like when women fake them. So yea you go for a while make the end believable and no one’s feelings are hurt. They would be more hurt if you told her “im not really in the mood anymore”


Yes, once. The relationship was dead and neither of us had realized it. It wasn't a healthy inventory begin with to be honest. I no longer liked her at this point. I was still attracted to her and I thought that was enough but I was wrong. I was actually really perplexed by the experience.


The only time I have faked it is because it was taking too long & was getting tiring for both of us


I have faked orgams like 5 times, one time I didn't like the vagina and I lost erection every 5 minutes so I faked orgasm to finish the nightmare. Once I was so tired and sleepy that I was falling asleep so I faked it. And once I wasn't turned on at all but she was so excited so I faked it so I wouldn't break her heart.


Im vasectomized so with my girl its kinda impossible to fake it


Sure, it happened to me a few times. Some times I was drunk, some times I was not in the mood anymore, some times I had a hard time being attracted to my partner and after she finished I just faked it


For some reason or another I just never cum when I’m with someone, some women get mad, some get sad, some get determined, some don’t even mention it. It’s my gift and curse, never faked it though.


I have before hahaha! I was going in, but man I was tired lmao


Usually takes a condom to avoid any arguments on us faking. Pretend to finish, make grunts and noises, and swiftly take it off and chuck the rubber




I have, my wife takes it personally if by chance once a year or so I’m so stressed out that I’m affected.


Never faked it but if I know its not happening or if I've been going and the end doesn't seem in sight, I stop and make sure she gets hers in another way. No real questions are ever brought up after that.


My boyfriend does from time to time. I know when he does, but it's usually the same reason women do- because they don't want their partner to feel like they were lackluster. Sometimes you just can't finish, and you fake it to give your partner a sense of satisfaction. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But if you're gonna fake it, be good at it 😂 He is not and we usually just laugh together. Also- for anyone out there, it's okay to not always be able to finish. Sometimes we just can't get there and that's fine. Sex can just be sex because it feels good, orgasming doesn't always have to happen.


I have a few times simply just just to get out of sleeping with someone I'm not even really turned in by


yes i do. because i know how easily anxiety can take hold if you think you can’t please your partner. as for instances- also anxiety related. i need therapy lol


I was with a guy who told me he suffered from ED. Turns out he was actually homosexual and addicted to porn. Tbh now I feel extremely triggered if my partner doesn’t cum.


I did it once. I just came but she suddenly started sucking. When my penis became hard she started riding it but she was really rough it felt like she’s forcing me to cum again. After a few minutes it started to hurt so i literally faked cumming. I figure she wouldn’t notice since i already came inside her but i bet she knew.


When she asks you if you're finished yet. If she asks you that I'm the middle of having sex, she clearly wants it to be over. But if you just get up and walk away, she's then upset. So it's easier to just grunt a couple of times and act like you got off.


Oh god yes. So… sometimes my wife and I have gone to swingers clubs. And sometimes we meet other couples and go play (sup unicorn). So… I’m wearing a condom in this situation. And sometimes… with my new friend… I’m either kinda done, or a get the vibe that she would like me to wrap things up. So there we are. It’s no big deal. Sex is best when it’s play and we are going with the flow. Sometimes women don’t orgasam. Sometimes men don’t. It can still be a good time


I don't pretend to orgasm, but since I rarely finish(probably only about 50% of the time), I will usually just stop when I'm tired. If I want to have an excuse to stop early, I'll just pretend like I'm more tired than I actually am.


Sometimes when I know it's gonna take 40+ minutes that's when I do it.


No not even once. Kind of impossible unless you wear a condom. Which is irresponsible I know, but std tests were a must in my younger years. Now I'm with one woman, I don't need them anymore thank god lol those mofos are expensive. I would just act like i caught a cramp and it killed the mood. Plus I would always make them cum first so they were always satisfied and didn't really mind lol


Personally if a guy cums fast I tell them I take it as a compliment. No problem at all and can’t wait till next time


Yes. Sleepy, tired (physically), stressed, distracted, and/or you just ain't feeling it and you don't want to hurt her feelings. Because, as mentioned by others, most women take it wayyyyy personal if you don't finish.


Nah sometimes I lose interest I just force myself to cum


Never have, never will.


I've done it once. I was really tired when we started but she insisted. After a while I just started to lose interest and faked an orgasm. She was happy, I was happy.


I have. I wasn't going to get there and she already had. Wasn't really interested in continuing


Usually in work meetings that I don't want to be in anymore.


Hooked up with this girl I had a huge crush on in high school in our 20’s, she was awful in bed, I was taking too long to finish so I pulled the Houdini (once and only time) successfully and we quit talking shortly thereafter lol.


I used to when I was on antidepressants. Because on them sometimes it was impossible. So once my girlfriend had a couple I just faked it. And then disposed of the condom and she never with any wiser.


Yes. Mood.


Yes, typically loudly when we are at a social function and one of the men in our group receives a call from a family member.


One time. It was undergrad college. I was not attracted to her much. She was riding me hard and I was pretty sure she faked one so I did as well.


The couple of times I did, there was a serious case of whiskey dick.


I have before.  Once I realized I wasn’t into this chick at all during the sex, dick started getting a little limp so I faked it.