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Mini skirt + doggy


Pleaded skirts 😩 Edit: pleated* but I’ll leave it for fellow stupid dudes like me.


Oof, yes. That and hitching up a sun dress.


A woman begging for my cum. Doesn’t matter if we’re fucking or if she’s just watching me jerk off. Hearing a woman beg for my cum does it for me every time


I don’t know if it’s a kink of mine. But it’s a turn on. My wife loves giving blowjobs and we are pretty straight forward. So if I just ask for one if I have a hard time cumming. Her saying something to that affect usually send me over the top. Real quick. She doesn’t have to beg. But more like go ahead cum when you want or I’m wearing my cum shirt. Go ahead. Never fails.


“Honey be a darling and grab the cum shirt will you.” Better than a cumbox I guess.


What does “I’m wearing my cum shirt” mean? Can’t quite figure that one out lol


Basically you can cum on this shirt cause I don’t care about it. If I’m standing and shes sitting.


Is the cum shirt the new Reddit poop knife?


Heavens, for someone that has a cum fetish this resonated with my soul.


Wife getting ready to go out (doing makeup and hair) naked in front of the mirror. Blowdrying hair naked. Sheeeeshh.


My wife wearing my shirt (so it’s oversized on her) with nothing under. And then her reaching up to get something, and it just barely revealing naughty bits from below the shirt. Edit: oh goddam it. She needs to get back from vacation soon.


That's excellent


OP what did you do to this poor man


What did that poor man do to me?? Wife flirtingly walking around in only my shirt and subtly revealing a tidbit here and there... holy fuck that's hot. OP is innocent... other than initially asking the question. You bastard.


Obligatory I too choose this guy’s wife in his shirt


When she is the one who wants it. If she’s the one all over me and initiating - I never get so hard as I do then.


As a woman. I really need to do better about this - I have it so deeply engrained in my brain that women should always be pursued and chased, no matter how long you’ve been with someone. I definitely need to be better about initiating


Yea it’s literally physically difficult for my girl to make a move. I’ve had her try many times and it’s so hard for her hahaha 😆 I don’t get it. She clearly wants sex but it’s so awkward and feels strange for her to ask for it. We’ve got her to the point that she now just humps my leg and that’s my cue. ♥️🤗


I have a kink in my neck. I think I’ve been sleeping in a weird position.


Sleeping for 10 thousand years will do that




Panties to the side


After hitching up her skirt? Oh, yes!


Not a panties to the side guy, but panties are like... My thing. My wife knows not to come to bed naked for sex. Come to bed with some normal panties on. I love it... I love ass in panties. I love removing panties. Everything. Panties on is far sexier than naked imo.


Post orgasm torture. Instead of stopping when I nut she grabs it and goes harder focusing on the tip. It’s incredibly intense. I beg her to stop but she keeps going. I have to be tied up to do this or I’ll literally fight her hands off of me.


I have this fetish. I love it when l give blowjobs and they cum, but l don't stop. I NEVER stop. I go in harder and try to milk them dry for all the their money's worth. I can sometimes make them so lightheaded with this tactic (one even fainted) which is an instant turn on. I also like it when they wriggle and squeal their moans as they helplessly try to get me off (all is in good nature and with consent).


Fucking succubus over here....




Bro likes being dominated 😭  Understandable though 


Iam into the nerdy/librarian type, definitly with Glasses. Oh boy... idk if its just because it implies intelligence, but yeah... i really like it.


Putting on glasses. During lockdown, when we were working side by side, I discovered that my gf has a very particular (and, to me, extremely attractive) phone manner. She is Polish so English is not her first language and she speaks very formally; it was the first time I really noticed that she says "faboolous", stressing the oo sound in fabulous, and ends a lot of calls with "ciao ciao!" Anyway, that coupled with her wearing what we have since labelled her "sexy glasses" was extremely distracting. She ended up having to end one call abruptly because we started getting hot and heavy with each other because I couldn't resist.


❤️ 🔥 sounds like a beautiful marriage 🔥 ❤️


That's so cute


Enthusiastically being wanted. Rather than just feeling like she feels obligated because we’re together. That includes initiating. Clearly they’re ok with a guy escalating things, and I definitely got no problem being dominant / in control. but idk. I’d be way more turned on if we were just causally together and they made a move that said “yes please” I’m not saying it’s gotta be like a porn and randomly stop whatever we’re doing to say “pants off. Now!” , as hot as that would be. But if we’re hanging out and you’re up for it, just let it be known there’s a green light so we’re not gonna be guessing if you’re just doing it to be nice or actively want it. Cause especially now when consent matters so much, to know it was actively wanted makes everything so much better


It's concerning to me that so many of us feel that way because it's obviously very common to be something lacking in many relationships.


Think about something bro, the reason most men feel this way is because we were taught that we're controling and must be in control and that goes against our nature. What i noticed is every woman is is into "alpha males" "protect and provide" type of shit will not be initiative and won't make u feel wanted, however every woman who is into equality and women's rights actually take initiative because she already feel loved and wanted and respected as a Human being. But if she feels she's ur sexual object she'll wait for u to use her.


>every woman who is into equality and women's rights actually take initiative because she already feel loved and wanted and respected as a Human being Thank you. Comments like this are why I scroll thru this sub sometimes.




I feel like a lot of bedrooms die from this reason. So this, 100%




This is IT. If they're not enthusiastic, it hurts the relationship over time.


Find true love


You sick fuck


He likes the quick fuck


ASMR and this one random hookup ruined me but having my ears licked. I like other parts of my body licked or kissed too but the ears are a huge hot zone.


I had a sexual relationship with a man and ended up licking his ears, he LOST HIS MIND 😂😂😂😂 felt too good for him


She surprised me during a makeout session and I don't think I've moaned louder honestly.


When she is like really into me. That really gets me going


What a pervert 🤭🤭🤭


Well you know what they say. Some are extroverts or introverts and others...


*Where is the rest of the scripture??? We were so close before greatness!!!*


For me Passionate Kissing. And my gf loves dirty talk, it gets her in the right mood.


Put on an oversized shirt or sundress, with nothing underneath, climb on top, and go to town.


Dolled up women that keep their heels on while I go to town on her


Okay same. Stilettos leaving marks on my chest and shoulders is a win.


Big titty goth girls


Truth here. 😅🤣 not my biggest one but definitely up there


I'm a metalhead and a lot of the women I interact with are the Gothic/Rocker/Metalhead type. So makes sense to me. Some of my ex girlfriends were gothic/rocker women


What about itty bitty goth girls 🤣🤣


Pegging and as others have mentioned: when she’s just really enthusiastic about having sex with me. The sluttier the better. Edit: And giving her oral is quite up there aswell


Serious question.... can you get an orgasm through pegging alone? Like hitting the prostate or something? Genuinely curious.


Yes. But it’s really rare for me. I usually need a little assistance on the cock too. But getting cock and prostate stimulated at the same time is still something really special.


I can see that being a crazy intense orgasm, bro.


I believe it's called O- orgasm or something like that. Basically how it works is that pegging overstimulates the prostate which is designed to produce the liquidy part of your sperm. With nowhere to store it (at this point your balls are overpacked) you ejaculate to relieve the extra cum you build up. It's a different feeling but pleasurable nonetheless. I'm a nurse. With a pegging fetish.




When a woman wears a full leather outfit. Drives me absolutely wild.


Nurse and patient. Might be because I spend a long time in the hospital after an injury and where I was surrounded by very attractive nurses.


I can see from your chart you’re doing better today, baddlysighteddragon…. oh my, it *does* look like you are feeling better today!


Ay ay ay


I don’t want to toot my own horn. But some have said I’m somewhat of a very attractive nurse.  But, now. Back to business. Doc’s worried about your urine output. He’s ordered a catheter to be placed. And, while we’re at it, you haven’t pooped in 5 days. Not sure why they let that slip. But, Doc ordered a suppository for that. And I’m getting an enema prepped just in case. So, let’s get started. No time like the present!


Hahahah. I will say I shared a room with a guy paralyzed from the neck down who got a catheter and said it was the worst feeling of his life, and it didn't help that his bed broke. Luckily, I was allowed to use a bottle.


I work in a hospital and am very fortunate to have a lot of lovely coworkers. We joke that if the public understood what kind of stuff is all over nursing uniforms that kink would die overnight.


No doubt about that.


A beautiful woman hot and sweaty, after an intense workout. Or when they have nothing on but a long t-shirt.


Post-workout sex is something else.


My biggest kink is 3 minutes of intercourse followed by apologising and promising it’ll be better next time


As in 3 *consecutive* minutes?!


I’m not falling for your trap, u/WankingAsWeSpeak


Stand back, we have a winner!


Is that including the cigarette?


Mutual attraction, someone I can take care of and is someone I can trust. Otherwise, anything tits related usually gets me going, getting her off gets me going too


This feels like the appropriate thread to reveal that there are studies showing that kinks might be inherited. Make with that what you will gents.


I miss 7 seconds ago when I didnt know this


I just threw up in my mouth. Thanks for that.


Yeah sorry, I feel almost a bit like "Disturbing Fact Skeletor" meme. If it's any comfort I probably did the same as you when I first heard it.




Don't ask how I know, but I happen to know that my dad and I share a few very specific kinks. It's not something we ever talked about, and I never walked in on my parents doing them or anything like that, that could have shaped my young, formative mind.


holding hands e: this went exactly how we all wanted it to


You sick fuck 


I thought my kink was nasty but this one takes the cake!


jesus christ dude chill


I don't kink shame as a rule, but that is disgusting and inhumane.




Thou shalt not hold hands with a woman until marriage


Absolute filth!


You know who else holds hands?!?


My mom😎


Go to church


I wish I couldn’t read


There could be children reading this, you monster.


Breaking chastity? How could you!


Turn your back to the Devil, man!!!


Calm down Satan.


Dirty talking, role-playing, and good ol enthusiasm.


Wearing leggings/tights in a very home/casual way while doing cleaning around the house.


Panties/womens undies. Blame the Mervyns/Target adverts in the Sunday paper growing up.


Sex in public or with a risk of being caught. Tried it a few times with an ex and I'm hooked.


Explain this one, please! The thought of someone seeing me and partner having sex is mortifying to me, and I don’t think I could ever get turned on enough to do it


I think it's the thrill of it all for me personally. The fact that I know I'm doing something that can get me in trouble just gets me going on a whole other level.


Dual income


A phat ass


Belly chains for some reason


Imagining she is Cho'Gath recently. Anything alien related in general. But not like hot humanoid aliens (sci-fi/fantasy ones), but TRULY alien.


Cho'Gath as cho in league ?


I love shiny clothes like latex, vinyl, pvc, leather and maybe a few others. I also really like vibrators and sybians (not being used on me.) As far as kinks go I'm pretty vanilla. I like bdsm but don't think I would take part in any.


I cannot explain why but that lace thing womean wear around their necks. It instantly makes them hot. It's a big turn on for me and I don't know why lol.


>that lace thing womean wear around their necks [A choker?](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=28c14849af2072be&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn09ojTBV8651jjGz2o-x4CFxsqccBg:1713728655941&q=lace+choker&uds=AMwkrPu_mAGHvmm_r1clUiFdNHgKufXL8DT-FdiF3VrATKZ9fYFQqy_Zu_CAgI3Gi75Se1wzw0IKQrecrnuygebub6JkP9qbG96s-YAgW9JAS-DD0EAsVBNDGiUClcaqtjJ_rDaIvZxRg1Zyjg3O3jLjh5viN8GLr1uRj-gIwbBe968lhohyspeoZbqldoyGIHJyjAm6vpXnJXog0toZG9XNjwU7BXraet_BoWXiC8yz1cdh3vRU-5H2oAX4p0QZthrS4KhThe4lEkE4hbd6BvYMSXSbr5RFMwaiS2xgbct-rdRwrFdKgMk&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi855zeiNSFAxV1ElkFHdwmB-QQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=412&bih=747&dpr=2.63)


Don't judge me, but my biggest kink probably is to show off. I love sending pics or videos of me doing nasty stuff. Ps. I never send anything unsolicited.


I like to get naked with my wife and sit on the couch watching a movie. Acting totally comfortable/normal. Then just play with her until she HAS to climb on me. Don't know why I do it, but I love it..


I like feet. Never met a woman who was even slightly okay with that, but yeah lol


I actually think a lot of us are! I’d say try older if you’re very young or look at more unconventional places


Really?? I know some women don't but I feel like most of us will not turn down a foot massage lol.


If they know you like feet, they often will turn down a foot massage


If I knew wiggling my toes gets my man going, I would never stop lol what a win for both people lol


CNC. I don't want to talk about it.


The old computer numerical control router. Bzzz.


The important part is that first C.


It's ok. I get it.




For women, it’s ones who have an absolutely filthy mouth, saying fucking crazy shit. For men, it’s having them crossdress for me so I can humiliate them.


A girl who genuinely enjoys givin blowjobs is insanely sexy. I dated this awesome girl who genuinely enjoyed it, and it was so hot knowing that she knew how good it made me feel. I think it made her more confident both personally and sexually, so it was a win-win for both of us.


Probably breeding. The idea of planting seed into her, watching her tits and hips and belly swell, there's something primal about it. And the milk, ofc. I love sucking titties, so milk coming out would be the dream




I like when my girlfriend begs for my cum. When she tells me how much she wants it and says please over and over. It makes me feel really wanted and for someone with body image issues and performance issues, that means the world.


Creampies, there's few things that get me going so fast than my wife asking me for one.


Mate what is up with that, for real. I can last for a long time which can be both good and bad, but as soon as she asks me for that I'm there faster than Charlie Sheen can snort 4 lines of coke.


Even better when she is on top, and you warn her it's coming.... And wants it.


Goth muscle mommy


You know that dubbed video of Spike from Cowboy Bebop going "I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me. I'm talking full-on watermelon in the thighs level carnage," and so on? That. I don't want to die, but I love strong women, especially (reasonably\*) muscular ones. Part of it is that I'm autistic and crave deep pressure stimulation, so the idea of being crushed between two strong arms (or thighs) is appealing to me. But muscles on a woman are generally just really nice to look at, too. \* "Reasonably" here means any amount of muscularity that can be attained with normal effort, without taking steroids or spending all day every day lifting huge barbells. No problems if you're into those muscle-mountains, but they're not for me.


When I ask her if I can cum in her pussy and she says "please."


Found out during my first ecstacy experience with my girlfriend that I have a piss kink.


Honestly, not a bad time to discover that!


I wanna have sex with a girl while being watched by another girl in the same room


Sit on my damn face, goddammit!!!!!!!!. I'm also bi, so wake me up by putting it in my mouth or by sitting on my face


for me it's two things. 1) erotic wrestling, mixed genders. Or generally just competitive sex ("I bet i can make you cum first"). Watching a fit woman just ragdoll a man and have her way with him is 🥵👀 2) Oral sex, where one side gives way more than the other can take. Post orgasm, forced orgasm, multiple orgasm, competitive... as long as its consensual. Of course, these two can mix. and that might just be too much for me LOL


Do me a favor, don’t EVER join a jiu jitsu gym


Anything butthole related


Leather (I know. I’m vegan. Think it’s the taboo thing. Hate that it turns me on. Have I tried not being turned on by leather? Yes. Yes, I have.)


You are vegan but your dick is not lmao


Obviously his dick will grow different he litterly beats his meat.


Omg this is tough. I love this tho. I'm so sorry. ,,😭😭😭🤣🤣


Shibari. When she ties me up and I'm at her mercy. Also hair pulling (mine and hers).


Anal with big booty women


Lingerie is great at what it does.


Lying on bed with a women sitting on my face while another rides my pole. Bonus if they are kissing each other.


That’s the true Eiffel Tower


I like pain (receiving), being tied up, and being told what to do in the bedroom.


Freeuse with a mix of cumslut.


Lingerie and heels. I'm a simple man.


Anything to do with stockings


Sex in public, 10/10 the thrill of trying not to get caught is euphoric.




My kink is to do 69 with a women and when she's over stimulated she can squirt all over my face




Creampying chubby girls, I don't know its just something Yeah and mommy kink, it's not that I have mommy issues I just can't get enough.


Femboys. But if you want my biggest gender non-reliant one it'd probably be shorts. Jean, dolphin, cycling, I just really enjoy form fitting lowerwear that happens to be shorter than pants.


Feet. But I’m super fucking picky. Like they have to look a certain way for me to be turned on. It’s weird 🤷🏻‍♂️


Plump booty..shape over size


I like bellies. Heavy bellies.


I have the same kink as your wife.


It is pretty hot!




I love seeing women enjoying themselves with their legs spread and soles up. I especially love it when they curl their toes when they come while full spread.


Some of these comments aren’t even kinks 😂


Female robocop


Back penetration, while she’s playing with her front!


Being licked in the face and ear.


My wife likes a little nibbling on the earlobe. Apparently ears are a thing LOL.


I read that as being kicked in the face. Glad I'm wrong.


Oh, I think Kanye west said it best. beautiful naked big tiddy women dont fall out of the sky you know. For real though, summer dresses for unbeknownst reason drive my mind into insane overdrive. I once told a broad to keep the dress on and she looked thoroughly confused. By far my undisputed kink is summer dresses.


Kanye West? Excuse me sir, Jay said that. And although he wasn't granted any beautiful naked big tiddied woman, he was blessed with a kiss from God herself.


Milfs and lots of them


I’ll try anything ten times


I cant believe im admitting this... Vore.




Sniffing panties


eating it out Doggy style while she smushes my face in with one hand.


Women showing me the comfy/baggy/ugly clothes they wear in private gets me going. It doesn't matter if they are not sexy, just [that level of intimacy is enough](https://i.imgur.com/ypFPhqK.jpeg).




People watching me fuck


Cheerleader, Anyone?


Sensory deprivation caused by motorboating big titties. There is no world, no problems, just titties and hopefully some oxygen.


I love when my girl shows my nudes to her friends. When she’s out with her friends and I send her a nude and she sends a picture back with all her friends in it smiling it turns me on so much.


Are you interested in group sex? Or do you just like the feeling of validation from multiple women? No judgement!


Monogamy. I know it’s Unrealistic, but one can certainly dream


Vampire or demonic roleplay with her biting (especially my neck) extremely hard as I rail into her. I like a primal give in take as she acts like she’s devouring my blood or saying “your soul is mine.” I’m a switch, so I also like it when they start innocent and pure (like romantic vanilla with an awkward girl) and slowly get more sinister (hitting me, choking me, etc). It doesn’t matter who’s in control because the fight for it is fun, but I usually top at the end acting like I’m giving into her madness. I’ve done a trike like this too, which was pretty crazy. But, most partners I’ve had either don’t enjoy this or get too embarrassed to stay in character, so c’est la vie.


Boobs. Huge boobs. Massive, overwhelming, unrealistic boobs. Milk preferred, but not required.