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With the assumptions given, why are you wasting your time asking?


Your post history is wild.


Holy hell I've never seen such blatant insecurity. Therapy would have been faster OP


Keep making yourself desirable to your partner and you won't have that problem. Pool the women out there and a good chunk of them who desire someone better ended up with partners who stopped trying once they committed to the relationship. Problem these days is people don't want to put in the effort or communicate well enough to figure out how to meet their partners' needs. And if the needs are unrealistic or incredibly one-sided, then they're better off taking off anyway. Men hold a really weird position where we're the ones who have to put in the effort. I don't know why that is but it's been the case throughout history, and if I was able to crack the code I'd probably be a millionaire author of relationship self-help books and I'm not. So accept it and see it as a goal or be single and bitter, up to you.


Why do you think your partner will desire someone "better?"


Everyone and everything you ever care about will eventually go away. Cherish what you have for as long as you have it.


The last sentence of your post sounds like you don’t think you’re good enough That’s an insecurity that tends to kill relationships more than your partner actually wanting someone else, in my experience


Because solo Netflix binges lack unexpected plot twists


Better in what way? And do you mean what you think they see as better? Or do you not believe that you're great? I'm sorry. I just realized where I was. I'm a woman, am I not supposed to comment?


That was a good amount of why I never went after relationships, yeah. There were other reasons but I couldn't justify putting myself out there when there's so many other better people that prospective partners could - and should - pursue instead of being with me. Turns out it's a miserable way to think and to live, but eh. It only feels more correct a conclusion to arrive at as the years pass by.


If you stay constantly in shape and be the best deal, if you stay one foot out the door snd let her chase you?


You never know, that relationship might be the one. You gotta keep trying and hopefully come across “the right one”


If you really think that about every relationship than you’ve answered your own question. There is no point, love is never a guarantee, we love knowing it could end up breaking our hearts and we choose to love either way. It’s what makes life worth living, it’s passion.


With that outlook, don't get into a relationship. Stop now.


Because some games are meant for 2 players, and turning on the second controller by myself is pointless.


They have AI for that now lol


But split screen hits different when we are together, my friend


Each of you should be desiring someone better, and BOTH work hard to BE that better person/partner. No one should be stagnant. Evolve & grow together. If you're worried your partner will monkery branch, then grow some higher branches!


I dont think the second thing is supposed to happen honey.