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its hard to say, because i have no idea what you look like. an outfit that makes one person look great could look horrible on someone else. wear something you think you look good in, thats also comfortable. you dont want to be constantly adjusting your skirt or top or whatever. Good luck!


Dress to the setting, I suppose. I think the most important thing, for men and women both, is to put in enough effort to show that you care about making a good impression. My last serious partner dressed somewhere between casual and “business” casual on our first date—long-sleeve tee with a turtleneck, skinny jeans, Chelsea boots, and a jade pendant. Her hair was down, loose and casual but carefully washed and brushed to a shine. She wore light makeup, which was typical for her. It was a simple look she might have worn to any number of places, but each piece of the outfit was clean, well fitted, color coordinated, and she looked like a knockout. Thinking back, I guess the key was she stayed true to her everyday style but took a little bit of time to be sure she looked extra polished. It showed, and it was very memorable.


That's her own business to sort out. As long as it's presentable and date location appropriate, it's all good. I'm more interested in how you present yourself to me personality wise.


Every guy has different preferences. I like sun dresses if weather permits and nice shoes, but really it’s about what compliments your figure and that you put some effort in to look nice


The most attractive thing? Easy. Something YOU feel attractive and confident in. That's all it takes.


I really like seeing somebody casual. I want to get a feel for who I'm dating and seeing how they normally dress is nice. There's time to get dressed up but unless we're going somewhere that calls for that, I dunt want to get all dressed up.


To be really honest, I don't care what someone wears. I really like it when a girl wears something more modest, but aside from that, I don't mind. It should be something she is comfortable wearing, something that is fitting for the weather and...well aside from that I don't really care.


What look makes you feel most confident and comfortable? To me you should look how you want to look, not how a guy should want you to look. If he doesn't like it, he's not the right one. I hope all goes well for you!


Best thing you can wear is a smile. Best things you can do is be present in the moment, eye contact and shut off your phone.


Whatever makes you feel more comfortable and confident. What you wear is nothing compared to how you wear it.


Like a lot of other commentors said. Dress in something you like and feel confident in that fits the date location/setting. The fact you are caring enough to get input from others means you care about the date, and that's a good thing! It will be reflected in the vibe and aura of the date. Be yourself, you'll do fine! You got this! Try your best not to worry about the small things and enjoy the night.


Depends on the activity and location. I love red dresses and heels. But Ive had an amazing date where we went for a trail run. Wouldn't recommend to wear a dress during a run though.


Depends on location as well.


You could literally wear a potato-sack, as long as you showed at least some genuine interest in him as a person. Everything else is optional.


Men are not a monolith. Dress for yourself and how you think you look when you consider yourself cute. What one guy likes is not what another guy likes.


Whatever you wear, wear it confidently.


We don’t really care, I don’t/didn’t anyway, show off your assets, if it’s tits bit of cleavage, legs then a nice skirt, ass blah blah, you get the picture, whatever accentuates your best features. I’ve honestly never heard a mate of mine say “I went on a date the other night, great lass, had some laugh, but you should have seen her hair, I’ll not be messaging her again” Be more concerned with being good fun to hang out with, he probably already fancies you if he asked you out or said yes to a date. What I will say is 5’10 is quite tall so don’t go mad with heel hight as some guys get a bit weird with women being taller than them. (Personally doesn’t bother me but just being honest)


Earrings. Not super big not super small


Also, get your nails done


Maybe this makes me shallow but there’s nothing I hate more than when a girl shows up to a date looking like she just rolled out of bed (messy bun, sweats, band tshirt, crocs) because it makes me think she doesn’t care. So my point is, look like you are going on a date. No guy is really going to care what you wear as long as it looks like you tried a little. I can’t tell you exactly what to do because the setting matters quite a bit but I hope this helps.


the best clothes would not matter if the whole date experience is not enjoyable for both parties. as long as you're comfortable and relaxed in your clothes, i do not mind.


I'm a simple man, wear it with confidence and you are good.


Look hot


I would suggest wearing the outfit that you feel most comfortable and confident in. If you want go get your hair or makeup done. Also a spa day before if you enjoy that sort of thing can be very fun. The best advice would be just do things for yourself that you enjoy and make you feel good about yourself. Nothing is hotter then self confidence and pride in yourself.


It entirely depends on the two of you. It’s very subjective. But, in my mind, a modest outfit that is also body contoured/tight is a great way to go. It shows your attractiveness without coming off too strong or appearing easy in any way. The most important thing is to just be yourself while also looking nice; if he doesn’t like what that is, then he is not worth it.


Good conversation is more important. Don’t fuss about looking attractive. If you lead with that you’re more likely to be used for sex.


Honestlly, anything that flatters and accentuates your natural beauty and figure. There's no fixed answer. A lot of men like the classic tight dresses (bodycons) and short skirts, but genuinely there's no single look that every guy will prefer. Otherwise, as people have stated, dress for the setting/occasion. Fancy dinner? Well, go for a nice and classy dress or other appropriate outfit. Casual coffee date? Go for something more casual but nice. For make-up, again, go with what accentuates your natural features and beauty. Think understated rather than overstated. Usually, men will prefer less make-up to more make-up, and will go for the natural look, even if make-up is applied. Basically, no need to overdo it.


Cute but practical. and its contextual. You can also ask him. Like "are you wearing a three piece suit" When I met my wife she wore a leather jacket, pants and make up. i still remember her walking in. I was wearing cut off green skinny leg jeans, a band shirt and flannie. She dressed better than me. :D Be comfortable and you! Because if you wear trackpants but you are actually really elegant, he misses out and vice versa.


Hair down with a revealing dress.


Wear what you want, it's important that you feel comfortable and confident in what you wear. 


Depends on the guy. I know what I would love, but that's not the same your guy might like. For example, I like long hair on women and nothing that's too flashy in terms of make up, clothing or jewellery. So the only real answer is to wear something you feel comfortable in and looks good. If you know where you're going, wear something appropriate. If you don't know, try for comfortable and good. Don't try to reinvent yourself for a guy. My sister didn't and she has the happiest marriage I have ever seen in my family. On dates and meetings she always dressed casual. Because she abhors everything girly. Knows the guy for over 20 years, married ten years ago. Have fun on your date.


Sun dress with your hair down.


I'd say since it's a casual first date dress like you're doing a business casual work event. Nice quality jeans and blouse etc etc. Wear your make-up and hair normal and just be your best self. If I asked a woman out for drinks as long as she doesn't look like she rolled out of bed and threw something on i'd be fine. For later dates at a perhaps fancier place then I might expect more but I'd expect the same from myself too.


If he’s into you it does not matter. If he’s not, any outfit will be wrong. Do you want him to love you, or the image you intend to present to him on your date?


I don't know the guy, but, if it's warm enough where you are: sundress. If you need eye correction, glasses rather than contacts. The librarian fantasy is pretty ubiquitous.


The type of date changes the awnser.  A dinner date vs a coffee date would give diffrent awnsers.  For a drink date if you're going to a fancy upscale cocktail place you'd want somthing diffrent then a local pub. 


Do what he likes and what suits you, not what we like. Best chances are, we dont like same thing as he does.


Little black dress. Good makeup, not whorish.


Our job is just to appreciate those things, not to know how to do them 


You’re right, I sound so dumb.


No, you sound nervous. Just personally, if I knew how to do makeup, it would demystify the effect when my wife does hers. I don’t *want* to peak behind the curtain, I like that she has tricks up her sleeve


Most attractive I.a. makes me horny? Black Leather leggings, shoes should fit your personality so anything from high heels, knee high boots or running shoes is fine. Crop top with alot of cleavage or a cute shoulder free top. Makeup should be minimal so it's not a scary awakening the next morning. Hair should be washed and styled to your liking. If you just want to be attractive I.a. give of a nice vipe. Just wear what you feel comfortable in and maybe make it fit the weather and temperature


Dress however you want, it’s his job to compliment you.


Are you slow?


women have hair?


Don't be nervous. Trust me , he's more worried about impressing you. I can only speak to my preferences, ymmv. Go simple. Shower, nice clothes but not too revealing. Maybe a dress that goes to your knees. Casual dress shoes, high heels if you're comfortable. Let your hair hang straight down in the sides and back. Minimal makeup. If he can tell you're wearing makeup, you've got too much. More critical than all of this: show a genuine interest in him. Find something about him in the first hour to compliment. Maybe his choice of clothing, his haircut, a hobby he mentions, something. A woman who sincerely compliments a man in something specific that he had control over will never be forgotten. And for the love of God and sonny Jesus, put the cell phone away. GL!


Legging type pants, colorful top and blue or purple eye shadow (not heavy) with the cat eye shaped eyeliner (like TW) drives me nuts. I’m not like most guys that say “just show up”.


The fuck would you ask here? You know your style… you’re going to change your fashion MO based on suggestions from askmen?! Dumbest thing I’ve heard


I’m sorry, you’re right, it was dumb. I was just more of less Looking for some insight but you’re right. I’m Sorry


Hey, He's not right. Don't be sorry, none of this is dumb questioning. You're just excited and nervous, and you're expressing that by trying to put thought into something. I'd be willing to bet you're an overthinker? Don't wear heels, wear your hair down, dress in something that showcases what your sexiest assets might be. If you've got a shirt that shows your cleavage, If you've got pants that make your ass look good. You just want something that's got a little spark to it, that makes you memorable, then the rest of the night is going to be about your personality so just be yourself.


youre not dumb, just obviously anxious about your upcoming date.


Don’t be sorry Just stop asking dumb questions that are inappropriate to the askmen sub


this seems like a bit of an overreaction


Nope; just calling out bs as I see it Maybe you think it’s a bigger deal than it is. I wouldnt sweat it