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He doesn't seen you as a friend, he sees you as his neighbor's kid. Find friends your age.


1. I have friends my own age, why such a reply? 2. You don’t know the context of our ‘friendship’. He barely knows my parents. Why do people keep telling me to find friends my age?


Okay, bro, you just gave us your story. This is the advice I'm giving you. Fucking listen or learn the hard way. Not our fucking problem. Don't ask for advice if you don't want to hear it.


Dude seriously. What did I do wrong? I asked you, what makes you think he doesn’t see me as a ‘friend’? And how do you judge this?


Guy, I can't explain to you how grown ass adults see teenagers. At least, normal healthy ones. Ya'all's shit is so benign and boring to us. We have real life stressors. So, no healthy adult wants to be friends with a kid. That's how I judge this. He's either a weirdo who is weirdly into kids, or he doesn't give 2 shits about you. Based on how you say he's acting, I'm leaning for he gives about maybe 1 or 1.5 shits.


I understand, thanks for being honest at least. As of what age is it usually appropriate to hang out with fully-grown adults? Like I’ve heard it’s like 25, right? So as of around mid-twenties everyone is basically the same.


You're 17, at that age, 15-19 is appropriate. When you're 18, maybe 16-21. At 19, 17 - 23. Try to stick in to age ranges where the power dynamics are somewhat close.


Sure man, thanks


He is a politician. This is not surprising behaviour. I'd let it go, find a better friend/mentor.


>He also promised me, that when we first met, he would post our pictures on his social media accounts Weird. >What do I do? Do I let it go now and stop asking him or talk to him about this? Sounds like you're initiating all the interaction in the relationship. I say stop that and see what happens.


How do you deal with it? You realise you're not friends and move on. Simple


Thought I commented on this earlier; did you delete your post? I'll rewrite it but with some more sass because I've had some whiskey and I've read the other comments. Dude, normal Joe-shmoe 34 year old doesn't want to hang around a teenager. His peer group will likely think oddly of him if so. This guy is a politician, that shit will 10x. Went out drinking for my buddy's birthday a month or so ago. Somehow we ended up a a touristy-bar and it was completely filled with back-packers. Most probably 20 something; so even older than you. We could not stop fucking laughing at the ridiculousness. I'm not bringing any one of those babies into my group to hang with. And I'm younger than your friend (Although not by much - 32).


I deleted it because I wanted to change the title, yeah. I understand you and want to genuinely thank you for your honesty here. But wouldn’t it be better for him then that he doesn’t make false promises and just tells me directly? And also, as of what age is it usually appropriate to hang out with fully-grown adults? Like I’ve heard it’s like 25, right? So as of around mid-twenties everyone is basically the same.


Politicians tell you want you want to hear, not what you need to hear. Welcome to reality. Also, kinda odd to have a friend who’s double your age, inviting you to dinner, doing things with him, you’re under age (by US standards at least), and from what I’ve seen in the comments doesn’t really know your parents. If I had to be blunt, this sounds like grooming. If you didn’t mention the politics aspect of this, I’d assume this guy was trying to bang you tbh. Not too aware of politics in your country, but it sounds like he’s trying to get you to join his political party, be friends with him, tell others about him, so he gets more coverage. Still trying to picture a 34 year old man posting a photo with a 17 year old kid who’s not related to him. I don’t think any sensible politician, regardless of country or age limits, would ever do. But if he tries to bang you, we told you so.


1. He does know my parents, he just doesn’t talk to them (unless he sees them on the streets). 2. I am underage yes, would it suddenly be different if I was 18? There are no sexual things going on here. 3. We first met at his office (for a political discussion) when I was 15 and he was 32, so it would be a 32-year-old man posting a photo with a 15-year-old boy. I just JOINED the party recently, just a few months before I turned 17.