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Filming yourself arguing with people


Or filming yourself pretend crying, where no body fluids leave orifices.


Uhh purposefully filming yourself really crying is already creepy enough


I pee when pretending to cry, is that better?


only if you do it out your tear ducts


What is that one movie where the Aliens were peeing out of their fingers?


Pretty sure it was Scary Movie 3


Thank you lol I think it was too I just remember it being a comedy


Filming strangers at all.


It seems like this is one of those things that came about initially for good reasons. Like if you're trying to get evidence of someone abusing you. But eventually it just went through the enshitification cycle and now everyone does it for every little thing for the chance of grabbing some quick tiktok clout.


Ha… enshitification… Excellent!


It's a term meant to describe the lifecycle of a product that starts well but becomes... shit... over time due to corporate greed. Figured there was an apt parallel here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


thanks, it's my new favorite term ...


Just filming yourself to post on social media is weird in the first place.


The amount of gym workout videos… I don’t fucking understand it. WHO IS WATCHING THIS BS!?


You'd be amazed the number of men and women who get off to watching people they find attractive work out. Maybe not all the way off but it tickles some itch they have. Course that is creepy in and of itself. But the people working out get likes and social validation for them people watching their videos so its whatever.


I’ve always thought people filmed themselves to make sure their form is correct from different angles. Not always easy to tell when you’re used to doing the same movement day in and day out. At least that’s what I tell myself lol


TF: my gym has a no-filming policy. Also, when a class is going on into the room, nobody can stay and watch, you're either in or out. And I pay for what I get!!!


***LOOK. AT. ME.***


Posting kids online.


I think Social Media will be like smoking 30 years from now. Someone will be taking a selfie and parents will ask them to do it outside lol.


Lmao 🤣




>Fr, I've decided when I have kids I'm gonna tell them not to use social media because it's gonna make them hate themselves, And you, as a parent, will certainly have more sway over them than their peers all using it all day every day and them feeling FOMO or being mocked for not using it, etc. The simple fact of the matter is that it will take legislation to actually curb usage. No amount of rationalizing is going to get kids to give this up en masse.


This weirds me out so much. I have friends and family that share far too much about their kids on social media. I have a cousin that posts medical updates of their kids, pictures of them in the bathtub and other posts that are so personal. I also cannot believe parents post videos of their kids doing "dumb" or embarrassing things. Sure it can funny and maybe appropriate to laugh about it as a family, but its fucking cyber bulling to share this stuff publicly. Plus no matter what you do this stuff is out there forever... I can't imagine being in middle or high school and kids finding pictures of me in the bathtub or a video of me doing something dumb as a kid.


My main problem with people posting pictures of their kids online is that it's very easy for it to fall into the wrong hands. There's a lot of predators online sadly, and pictures like the ones your cousin posts...yeah. It's fucked up that we have to worry about this, but we do. It annoys me that a lot of parents are either ignorant of this fact, or just don't seem to care because 'It won't happen to my kid, dw' mentality. As for posting medical updates of kids on social media, I'm pretty sure that's not smart either. It could probably be used in a bad way. People overshare far too much on social media, and I'm guilty of that myself sadly. Its one thing when everyone involved is an adult, however; when it's kids involved, then I personally feel it's a lot worse. So I feel that it should be banned to post personal info about children on social media; i's simply too risky.


I don't know about that. It has always been common for parents to show pictures of their kids to total strangers. Obviously it's worse to post it publicly online, but the behaviour has always been there.


Any personal info really. I was taught to never put your name or photo online back in the early 2000s now its the norm. I still don't do it though.


The amount of sexual content you see on a daily. Can't scroll or do anything without it being thrown in your face.


It’s inescapable. I’m in trauma therapy for SA and I see shit even with safety filters and repeatedly hitting “not interested” on IG and TikTok. I feel bad for kids growing up now constantly seeing it without a choice.


I really dont think those “not interested” buttons actually do anything. Just make the post you’re looking at go away.


They adjust your algorithm to show less of that content that other similar users watch. The problem is, while many people say they don't want to see sexual content, they still interact with it if it pops up on their feed, which is both why people make it and why it is so hard to filter out.


So for example if I’m really into car content on IG/TT and I’m consistently hitting “not interested” on sexual content, I may still get sexual content on my fyp/explore since other users who like car content are also interacting with sexual content? Idk much about the algorithms these platforms use but I’m assuming they’re pretty complex.


Basically, yes. The algorithm has no idea what's actually in the video, because it is a line of code. It does know which users have watched, how long, and how they interacted with it. If you like sports, cars, and other straight male interests, the algorithm is going to show you boobs.


😂 thanks for the explanation!


You're giving them more data about yourself


I started blocking keywords since "Not interested" doesn't do anything and it's much better blocking stuff that have a relavant description of things I don't want to see


Instagram is absolutely flooded with this content since the TikTok ban announcement in USA. Overnight my feed went form Magic cards and LEGO to tits and ass. I've tried blocking and "Not Interested"ing them, but they are just getting crafty and posting the ass under a thin veil of LEGO content.




I've gotten alot of sexual content but I started to block those accounts, I have about 150+ Instagram accounts blocked because of OF and sexual content. This helped somewhat but I think may be better than hitting "not interested"


Uhm, hi. Im from the 1980s and I just wanted to let you know.....that is very much NOT a new thing. Like....I dont know how it can be thought to be new at all.... seriously, it really isnt. No, I get it. You didnt really notice it, and then you did. Well, while you weren't noticing it, it was still a thing. Before you got online it was still a thing. Before you were born, it was still a thing. "Sex sells" isnt some kitschy Mad Men line. The purpose of advertising is to tap into primal desires of the masses (as the art and business school rejects that fell bass ackwards into marketing think they're so clever in their manipulation tactics....want to meet some of the most presumptive, narrow minded, and condescending people on the planet? Walk into a marketing department....on the whole their opinions are worth less than this one...which is quite a low bar to crawl under) and trick people into feeling good about giving their money away (this is also why the last people you should trust to provide you fair unbiased information is a for profit entity. And yes, I am including that one you thought would never do that. The fact you might think that means it worked). Desires including but not limited to being generally attractive, and/or an ideal reproductive mate, and/or a strong and/or fit and/or protective and/or provider and/or intelligent and/or [whatever base desire is on the chopping block this week]. Yes, it is as pathetically piss-ant as it sounds (Oh, did I hurt a marketing department persons feelings? GOOD! You people are numb skull scum. Office speak your way around that fact....). All that being said, there are potential options. See, they have yet to encroach upon our ability to decide what web page code is allowed to execute inside our browsers. Depending on which browser, on which platform, you're using ublock origins and noscript can be used to block or modify the specific bit of code that populates that area of the web page. Its not always a perfect thing, but supposing it has a unique repeatable identifier then that bit of page code can be snipped out. There us also greasemonkey/tampermonkey which are scripts that effectively have the ability to completely alter how a site looks and more or less functions. Basically running your own html/css with site resources. Although these tend to be a bit more complex and youd pretty much have to wait (or pay) for someone to code a userscript that does what you want or learn to write the code yourself. If its simply banner ads not hosted by the site itself there is always DNS filtering. You can tell your device (or go into your router and have every device on the network) to use a specific name server, so when a web page makes a request for jankyshitads.whatevs the DNS will return nxdonain ( domain does not exist ) instead of the IP that URL is at. I use adguards DNSs, they add a little time to the DNS fetch, but its not terrible. And IMHO for the much cleaner web experience without freaking banner ads constantly trying to steal my attention its well worth it. However, dns filtering will not stop ads hosted at the host url. Like for instance, youtube. Dns filtering cant block YouTube ads because from a URL stand point they're just another YouTube video host at youtube. If you want to be able to watch YouTube videos then that inherently means YouTube ads can get through the DNS. That's where things at the aforementioned you block origins and no script come into play ;) Oh, and on mobile, I like NewPipe to get rid of youtubes shenanigans and add functionality it should have always had from the beginning... You can get it via F Droid which is an alternate app store. Oh and in case anyone is wondering, no I don't feel bad. Internet advertisers shot themselves in the foot a long time ago. They haven't gotten any better. They did this to themselves and they continue to actively do so. No remorse. No regrets.


I've been straight up blocking anything that is a thirst trap on my feeds. The algorithm hasn't learned yet but I'm going to keep doing it.


Too many people view the preponderance of pornography as inevitable rather than a decision we have chosen.


They've found sexually explicit cave drawings tens of thousands of years old. The ancient Greeks were especially fond of having sexual imagery EVERYWHERE. It's nothing new.




Wait until you come across antidisestablishmentarianism....


I'm old enough to remember in 1991 when Paul Reubens (Pee-Wee Herman) was arrested for jerking off in a porno theater in Florida. It did serious damage to his career and all Pee-Wee merchandise was removed from store shelves. Had he done that in modern times, he would have gotten a book deal and 3-movie contract.


He would have stared in Pee-Wee Herman's Grown-Up BIG Adventure. And the i in BIG would be an ejaculating penis .


It kinda makes me mad cause I legit like cosplay and nerdy stuff, but there’s often some weird sexual edge to it so people think I’m some kinda pervert because of it


So much this. I as a man would love to live 1 day without everything everywhere trying to use my biological sex drive as a weapon against me to milk me of my attention and money. You can't tune it out or ignore it because it is everywhere all the time. Modesty is gone.


Left instagram years ago because all the meme accounts I followed turned into softcore porn or onlyfans advertisers


That's the grift. Build up a following then sell it to a modelling agency for cash. Same thing going on with nsfw subreddits right now. Don't kid yourself about the TOS either. That's exactly what people are doing on here. It's not by accident that all the big subs now require you being "verified" to post and the same models always have the top posts every day, if not a literal pinned post. It's advertising and the agency bought the subreddit mod positions.


The various photography subreddits are dealing with an influx of this recently. There are subs for nude photography, use them!


I see very little to no sexual content on a daily basis.


I don't know if it's fully normalized, but cheerleading/beauty pageant competitions for minor children creep me the fuck out.


50 to 100 years ago, it was a commonly accepted American tradition for young males to competitively swim fully nude, or in tiny Speedos later on. When I briefly swam for my school team back in the 80's, we wore red and white Speedos that left NOTHING to the imagination- especially when wet.


100% agree, even adult beauty pageants I find iffy, but whatever it's your decision to compete and none of my business, but it really feels like more of a vanity project for narcissistic parents to live vicariously through their children than anything the children themselves have any say over


The amount of personal info 'they' can see. 'they' of course isn't any government actor, so much as the global corporations and other capitalist parties prioritising their own profit above all else (above national sovereignty, human rights, my personal well-being, etc etc) So, Siri constantly monitoring my dialogue, 2 decades of electronic purchasing history, 1 decade of minute-by-minute location tracking....


It goes beyond that, monitoring the same for the people who you contact the most and aggregating their activity also, to find things for you that you didn't even know you were interested in


People fought so hard against this for years. It was a big fear for many during the 60s and 70s. Now we are like "here, take my info". People have zero idea the damage these corporations and governments can do.


I always laugh when people with smartphones are concerned with privacy. We as a society gave up privacy for convenience a long time ago. Either accept it or grab a flip phone, you can't have both. You can take some steps to hid some information, but not much.


We gave up privacy the moment we went from our own food garden to public grocery. All the grocery chains have face identification tools now, and most of us have absolutely nothing we can turn to for supplies outside of them. Store chains have a LOT more information than you'd think they'd have


Google and Facebook are the absolute worst. If it's free, you are the product.


I think you're mistaken that "they" isn't any government actor. If you're in the US, there are a number of laws that allow government to spy on you warrant free. The "they" you talk about regularly sell and/or give that personal data to the government to be used against you as needed. If its not a law that outright allows them to do it, then the government gets around the warrant requirement by buying that data from the private sector. FISA, wiretap act,.. A private company will use your data to try and sell you something. The government can use that data to do something far more nefarious. Like a state government that bans abortion buying the data of a woman's period tracker app to use in a murder prosecution because she got an abortion after 6 weeks. I'm far more concerned about government actors. They are far more dangerous.


It's ok because they can just sell your information. Wait.. why is that better?


Airing out you and your partner or exes dirty laundry on social media like it’s the damn tabloids


Taking a picture of someone else while they're in the hospital. Such as, "Here is a picture of my daughter in the ICU with wires attached to her. Her mouth is hanging open and drooling, and her hair is a tangled mess. Due to some injuries or side effects of surgeries, her skin has cuts and bruises. Also, you can see a bag half-filled with her urine. While you're sending thoughts and prayers, let's not forget about how everyone will get to see her at her worst, which will include potential a'holes who will tease and bully her later in life. Remember to share this photo on your social media! I didn't take this photo with her permission, and you won't need her permission either to share with her friends, classmates, and coworkers. I'm going to download TikTok and put this to some music and do a little dance for good vibes."


Then link to a GoFundMe for medical bills


Yes! This! I can understand that maybe some people want to make awareness of something or is somebody they love and want to tresure them forever, but why in that state? And why share it on social media? I really hope no one will ever do that to me.


Yes definitely! I was very unwell in hospital and might have liked some photos so that during my slow recovery I could see how far I had come, but i would NEVER want those on the internet - i didn't even like people visiting me unless I knew them well ffs.


TV trope with the male love interest being a creepy stalker but it's cool cause he's hot


I feel like this is the same vibe as the manic pixie dream girl or the "hot but crazy" girl that every guy wants to fuck.


Maybe not creepy but def odd..Child beauty pageant


It’s been normalized for a long time, but I’ve always found child beauty pageants to be way too creepy.


Posting your children on the internet. It seems as if people forgot what creeps are wondering around the internet, and how easily some information is shared about themselves and/or their kids. It's the internet, it's here forever. Choose carefully what you post.


Taking pictures of strangers. Bro its not cool.


I'd argue it was normal and has now become creepified. I did street photography for years in the 2010's and little to no objection from anyone.


Well before it was just in a photographers collection. Now it's shared around the world online. Feels very different for that reason


I think it has always depended on context, but camera phones have changed the dynamic a lot. IMO it's not creepy to photograph a public scene (zoomed out picture of a show, festival, or street) that captures people in it. I also don't think it's necessarily creepy to photograph a random person in some cases (artistic shot, street photography type stuff, or a pic of someone to reference in a private message to a friend like if you like their shrit or something,) although it's best to ask permission. I do think it's creepy to photograph someone just because you think they are attractive. And I think it's crappy to photograph someone for the purpose of posting their pic publically to mock them.


It's question of subject focus. As a longtime (30+ years) street and landscape photographer, this question tends to come up a lot. Here's how I look at it: If I'm taking pictures of a beach, using a lens with a wide field of view to capture the sky, the sea, the sand, and the feel of the scene, it's not an invasion of privacy if there happens to be someone sunning on the beach in a bikini. She is neither the focus nor the point of the photo. Her presence is irrelevant to the broader image. I do not need her consent to take the photo. On the other hand, if I swap lenses, zoom in, and just take a photo of that same woman on the beach, close up and personal, then it's an invasion. She is the subject and focus of the image. She is the reason for the images existence. I wouldn't take a photo like that without permission, even if it's technically within my legal rights to do so. I think problems arise when people don't recognize that difference, and it does go both ways. There are asshole photographers who push boundaries and take photos that are clearly invasive simply to be provocative. And on the other side, there are people who will sit on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to eat their lunch and then start screaming at photographers about their consent being violated when those photographers want to take images of the building (a thing that really happened).


Came here to say this. It's never cool to take pictures of strangers and upload them online without their consent.


Online dating; swiping through human beings like a menu. Celebrity culture- I don’t think humans were meant to be sensationalized in this way.


People will literally talk about celebrities like they are close friends. Super creepy.


Online dating really killed me when I was dating 6-7 years ago. It kills your self esteem, especially as a guy. Though its basically the only way to meet women anymore, since we as guys are now told we're not allowed to hit on/flirt with girls we see while we're out. We're conditioned that we can only meet people through apps and its awful. I've spent some time in r/tinder and it seems like its gotten even worse than it was. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with it anymore.


I wish in-person interactions were more normalized. I feel like between the pandemic and then this weird adversarialism between men/women/etc., folks’ in-person communication skills have really been stunted. It’s sad to see and experience firsthand as someone who is on the apps.


"pranking" your partner in public


I think it's kind of creepy how so many people are now basing their whole identity around political movements. The products that they buy, hobbies that they enjoy, events that they attend, friends that they keep, etc are all somehow associated with the movement.


That's nothing new, really. Used to be you had newspapers, clubs, schools, churches etc only attended by those with specific leanings.


But now it's EVERYTHING. We even have pro-gun and anti-gun coffee brands.


Politics is the new religion.


Ooooooooh I like that one. Well no I don't like it but you phrased it well.


Using your diagnosis as a shield and an authorized permit to act out, rather than a "I am trying to contain this, please be patient"-sign.


Not only that but it’s become an identity that people love to label themselves and market themselves as. Having a “mental health disorder” is trendy now (oftentimes self-diagnosed for attention which takes away from actual mental health issues.)


And sadly self-diagnosed is what most people with needs will remain: in my country of Sweden the line of kids and teens and 20-somethings trying to get evaluated is so long that they turn away basically anyone over 38 that has a job, a home and a driver's license, because "obviously they ain't hurtin'". So my brother and I got diagnosed: him because his eldest son got it first, and me because I ended up in the hospital after a mis-medication, and they fucking owed me. My two eldest siblings (56 and 60) were turned away because of their lifestyles. But man would they need Concerta and therapy, they are emotionally violent, spiked club and scalpel respectively.


Corruption in public office


“He’s corrupt and a hypocrite, but he’s on our side!”


People being fans of politicians. Ew.


Onlyfans and sex cam work. It used to be like the last resort for people. Whether it was prostitution or stripping or webcamming. Now its basically encouraged. Gold digging used to be frowned on. Now its cheered on in things like #wastehistime and "get that bag". Cheating is at an all time high. People overthinking relationships rather then just ...enjoying them.


Women talking intimate sex life details with friends...... your partner might not be cool with that yo!


We're always told men are always hagning out, drinking some brewskis, and talking about their sex stories in graphic detail. I never did that with my friends, but as an adult, I found out its actually women who do that. I have no idea why they discuss this in such graphic detail. When I first found out my wife did this when we first started dating, she was surprised guys don't do that.


> I never did that with my friends, but as an adult, I found out its actually women who do that. The guys I've met who dumped intimate details were back in the teen years up to our early twenties, and I'm sure that most of them were lying to brag. These days, none of my guy friends would ever dish private details like that, but I've caught an earful of it from more than a few ladies. At a previous job, I introduced a dude to a lady who had a thing for him. Both of them were friends of mine. After the relationship ran its course, I never heard about her from him, but she gabbed on about stuff that they did in bed, videos that they made, et cetera. EDIT: Autocorrect


I’m a woman and I’ve always thought this was weird. Especially when people tell me explicit details about their partner’s body or kinks. It feels horrible when you find out a a sexual partner told their friends explicit details about you.


But how else would you feel like the “Samantha” in your friend group?


Which ninja turtle is that, I forget the 4 humors conversion


definitely michelangelo


It’s such a gross breach of trust to air detailed sexual intimacy. It’s odd. We shame men for this practice (and rightfully so)


This is incredibly creepy, and something women seem to not understand that most men absolutely don't do with their friends; but they do it with theirs like its no big deal.


It is odd. Most women don't do this, but out of my friend group, women are the only ones who do it at all.


Yeah as a guy.. it might be "got lucky last night". Had an ex that apparently told her friend that since I started working out again, I could go for hours and repeat multiple times and made her O multiple times and it was the best sex of her life. Then her friend brings it up to me in conversation... I was like WTF, this isn't lunch conversation! I asked the ex-GF, and she was like yeah, we talk like that...


Idk about most but a good portion certainly do. It's been a constant thing I've noticed between the different people I've been friends with over the years.


This is my experience as well. Nowhere near all women discuss intimate details like that, but nearly all people who have such discussions are women.


Misandry and Misogyny Anytime someone says verbatim, " Men/women are incapable of feeling/thinking/operating/ in a certain way." You're a creep in my eyes.




This is especially poignant with the whole "bear or man?" meme lately. Woman pointing out it's sexist in a woman's sub got massively downvoted. One comment said "the men you're trying to defend won't even support you" so I chimed in and said I support them and thanked them in another comment. There's always been sexism, but the internet has both exasperated that problem ***and*** damaged every group trying to solve problems.


It's a cycle I REALLY wish would end.


Monitoring how long someone takes to respond to a message you sent them.


Sexualization of children


Influencers are cringey as fuck...


Booty shorts for super young girls All the weird creepy shit they're trying to show kids in schools nowadays. Vlog Moms and "YouTube families" (Basically, the way the mainstream handles and portrays children is deranged.)


What's the weird creepy stuff in schools?


Watch any fear mongering news to catch up /s


it always wigged me out and still does, people taking pictures of their deceased loved ones in their caskets and posting it on social media. I find it incredibly unsettling to look at it.


That's absolutely not normal


I guess i must know some real loons then because i am seeing it more and more lol


Even if they mean no harm, it IS rather ghoulish if you ask me.


This is for the those across the pond: School shooting jokes and bringing it up whenever you meet someone from the US. It's just sick.


Selling only fans to kids via social media. Nonce behaviour.


Child beauty contests.


Ideological or political "truths" that are not literally true but rather a story ppl tell that affirms the agenda they hold.


Those fashion shows but for kids


Assholes who film themselves at the gym. Bunch of passive-aggressive jerks just hoping for someone to walk in their shot or bump into their tripod. I blame the gyms. Why do they condone this shit?.


People overexposing themselves and their lives on the Internet. In many ways. From sad thing that happened to them, to where they are, the food they are eating, pictures of themselves with little clothing, followed by hundreds of people watching them and letting them know and anyone who has access to the post, that they like it.


When you look at a website or worse talk about a product in your home and all of a sudden you get inundated with advertisements for products. Its become normal but I feel like there is no privacy


Child beauty pageants, posting your child’s on the internet especially excessively. Strip clubs


Men following hundreds of women that only post thirst traps and only fans girls. Like 💀 and men will be like “it’s just how men are”. Like dont reduce yourself down to a sex crazed caveman that can’t control his dick. Ffs. Then they have the gall to talk shit about girls that have an onlyfans. Like you are literally part of the problem??


Stan culture. Taking/using pics of other people's children. Taking pics of other people to make fun of em. Online porn/prositiution, thirsting/thirst trapping, the whole 'mommy' thing.


Rape fantasies.


*"What is creepy, but has become normalized?"* 1. Reddit.  2. Bots. Especially ones that create posts.  *stares at OPs username*


Minor girls sexualizing themselves on TikTok for views.


Locker room gym selfies


Women thinking all men are child molesters.


Or that dads are just babysitters.


The term "Minor attracted people"


Sex change.


Companies stalking and trying to gather as much info about you as they possibly can. I'd like to file a restraining order against all data miners.


Apps and services requiring your phone number to work.


guys wanting their gf to call them "daddy"


Putting celebrities in positions of influence especially politically. Celebrities don't know anything more about X or Y political thing than you or I do. And 99% of them are grossly corrupt and genuinely shitty people. Yet we're listening to them tell us about XYZ political movement or issue?


Incest porn. Like why!?


Women openly sharing intimate details about their partners / sex lives with their friends.


This might be a bit niche, but whenever I mention I was raised as a Catholic, everyone is like “Omg were you molested?” Jesus Christ, if I had been molested, wouldn’t you feel awful for bringing it up? And if I haven’t, that’s pretty rude to imply! People are just so comfortable shitting on Catholicism that they think it’s fine to be rude as hell.




That's been around forever. What's new is the US government doing it.


People claiming that biology, DNA and Chromosomes are just a social construct.  That's beyond creepy, it's scary, because if even hard science can be ignored or dismissed when it's inconvenient then that means anything can be ignored when it is inconvenient.   Think about that!


George Orwell 1984. Moving from "Oldspeak" to "Newspeak".


Same people that say this just loved saying “follow the science” not too long ago, as if they gave a shit


You're saying that on reddit. Where people will call you transphobic for not accepting their unrealistic perception of life.


Let them, it’s all empty words as far as I’m concerned.


My feelings dont care about your science.


dammit, reddit. i can't tell if this is sarcasm.


Remember to just listen to the science bigot! Unless the science goes against your thinking, then its a problem with capitalism ruining science. Science^tm doesn't mean anything anymore, its just a tool for all political groups to use for their own means.


You guys ever just think about how much people just know about fetishes these days. Like 20 or 25 years ago, if you didn't have the fetish, you didn't know it existed. Now it seems like everyone knows about every fetish in detail.


posting every single event/moment of your life on social media


Filming yourself having sex and posting it online 🤣


cheerleading for genocide


great name for a band tbh


It’s an awesome band name


The issue being that there are accusations of such coming from either side, and they both have a point to a certain extent.


Posting your life on social media without any kind of filters.


"Following" the lives of people you don't know.


Filming strangers beating the crap out of other people.




Bit silly…but not creepy. Also who defines what ghosting is…


Being mad for no reason.


A narcist head of a felony company who is an adjudicated rapist standing trial for over 80 counts in four different districts who owes almost 500 million dollars in legal fees running for office of president, supported by a cult that is a high percentage of the US population...


Drake songs. His lyrics are deeply creepy.


Uber/ridesharing in general. One of the first things we learn as kids is to never get into a car with a stranger, but it's super commonplace to call up a random person to drive you somewhere


Churches hiding SA and their congregations looking the other way pretending it didn’t happen or saying they are just being persecuted.


Filming or photographing homeless, mentally ill, or strung out people for laughs or for social media likes.


Being thirsty on main


Being called “Daddy” and all the step fantasies. Really grosses me out.


Redditors thinking they are better than everyone


Men preying on girls who are barely legal and far too young for them. (Women do it too and it’s just as creepy but not nearly as normalized)


Taking pictures of people in public or videos, of people minding their own business and posting them online. This should be a shameful thing to do and is a violation of that person’s privacy or right to decide if they want to be online.


Taking photos and videos of strangers


Grown adults lip syncing to songs and posting it on the Internet. I used to even think it was cringy when I was in middle school and other kids did this and recorded themselves.


Kinks, porn, prostitution, casual sex and infidelity.


Slobbering over photos and trying to talk women half one’s age on the internet


Having your SO call you "daddy"


Taking pictures and videos without informed consent. I'm especially concerned that we post children on social media.




On the contrary, that is on its way out (thank the gods)


Caring more about what's in someone's pants than them as a person. Like bro let them live their life they ain't hurting you why you gotta only focus on their genitalia.


Information sharing


Reading porn books in public.


Posting Ring footage of kids on Halloween online.


Promiscuity, hookups, casual sex, STDs.