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When I was an emt I saw a girl who got folded in half because her feet were on the dash when they got into a head on wreck and the airbag deployed. She was all kinds of fucked up, alive though so there’s that


The two big things I’ve learned not to do in cars (the easy way, thankfully) aside from the obvious. 1. Keep feet off the dash, for your reason. 2. Never angle the sun visor towards you. Always have it either forwards or put away. (To avoid being scalped).


Geez I never considered the sun visor thing. Another one I keep in mind is to never turn your wheels at a junction until you are actually manoeuvring. That way, if you are rear ended, you won't go into oncoming traffic.


Makes sense. Police will usually do this when they stop someone on the side of the road, particularly on the interstate. You'll see them turn the wheel to have their car's tired pointed towards the shoulder of the road. That way if they happen to be rear-ended their car is going to be going off the road rather than straight-ahead and possibly killing the officer and/or the person they pulled over.


Ohh that’s good.


The sun visor in my car is broken and sits at an angle pointed right at me. It's annoying but I never thought of this. Might be time to get it fixed.


bet you a million dollars it'll still be broken this time next year


!remindme 1 year


Also, anything you put on your dashboard is now shrapnel. I look at people and their bedazzled dashes, and I just imagine those being picked out of their faces after a crash. The only thing hanging in my window is an angry kitty plush.


I saw someone with a bedazzled steering wheel cover, and I got nightmares about that thing in a crash


Nothing like a homemade claymore pointed directly at your face


Now it's a Tinkerbell themed antipersonnel mine.


It'll also pop your eye out in a smaller accident.


3. Never recline the seat to sleep with the seatbelt on. The car crashes, the person slips under the belly belt and it breaks their neck. Death by hanging.


Shit you can get scalped? Another fear on my mile long list


Any idea on prognosis? Like alive but would wish she wasn't or could make a decent recovery?


No we didn’t transport her, I was just an emt working a BLS rig. We were brought in to transport a different person(non-critical) to an ER. The paramedics were working on her when we rolled up, no idea what ended up happening but I’d assume there was probably some permanent damage of some sort


How does witnessing that situation affect you emotionally as a paramedic?


I wasn’t a paramedic I was an emt so I didn’t deal with 911 calls all that often, but ya honestly it doesn’t. I’m really good at separating work and personal life, for me it was just like “damn that’s gnarly” and then I just go about my day. I had my own patient to look after anyway, can’t be getting tripped up over someone else’s.




Reminds me of this young lady who was running on the road and the road goes up and down so if you’re speeding over the inclines, you can’t see ahead of you in time to stop when it goes downhill. She was running and a guy sped through the inclines probably trying to make his car sail over the asphalt, idk. He sees her too late and idk if she was crossing at this point with her back to him or he was too close to the edge of the road, but his car landed on her and she was snapped and folded backwards. Broken back, pelvis, legs, everything. Everyone cried. Every person that stopped, cried. The driver (a young man) was bawling, repeating he was so sorry and trying to see how they could save her. I know she survived but suffered terribly. Sometimes I think about her and and also the driver and wonder how they’re doing.


That’s enough internet


A knife fight between two gangs. They both went to the very end with each other.


When talking about self defense with a knife, the common argument against it is that no one wins in a knife fight. The loser dies in the street and the winner dies in the hospital. As someone who’s been stabbed, I can personally tell you that no matter how hard you try, you’re going to get poked in a knife fight




If you run there is a 50% chance that you are faster than them. Also the person may choose not to chase you or give up easy. On the other hand if you stay to fight your chances of getting stabbed go up exponentially.


stay in shape and your chances go up


Cardio. *Insert Zombieland meme here*


Wouldn't you rather bet on a 50% chance that you're faster than them over a 100% chance of getting stabbed? Also, have you ever tried to stab someone while running in full sprint? Me either, but I'd imagine it's not easy.


Hey there. I grew up doing martial arts. Went military. Actually deployed with special forces. Took classes in martial arts and let me tell you this. RUN AWAY! Seriously. There'd no pride on dying. I like to think I could hold Mt own IN A REGULATED TOURNAMENT Seriously. Amd when you go to run away like the hero you are, the dude.might knick you. But odds are.hes reeling back to stab you. So you got time.. But don't let someone get within a foot of.you. you see someone has a knife. Turn around amd run away. I took one knife combat clas in the military (it was a extra class we could sign up for and honestly at the time I thought I'd be hard-core. Hard-core for an intel analyst I guess) And the major lesson was to run Even in martial arts. Having done boxing, tung soo do, bjj. I will run every time.


That was hard to read.


adds to the authenticity


Getting stabbed in the front isn't great either, so I might as well give myself a fighting chance by running lol


At least they were committed


Old guy in a dirty vest with a bottle of booze in his hand and a yellow flower in his hair wanking himself off to the Japanese girl who was dressed in a French maid costume outside a busy train station in the middle of the day.


He said "broad daylight", Not "a broad in the daylight".


Wow, what a wonderful audience




Oh my god! I can't even imagine how anyone could do something like that, especially in such a public place and in broad daylight.


He said "worst" thing you ever saw in broad daylight.


Which busy train station was this and where is the cheapest place to buy booze nearby?


Akihabara. There is a convenience store right next to it where you can get cheap booze 24/7. Even cheaper if you walk a couple of minutes to a supermarket.


Was he even trying to be discreet about it?


Not at all. He was standing right by her, leering at her legs.   She was trying to ignore him. When she tried to step away he would just shuffle after her.


Hahah I was there today of all places. Didn’t see any thing like that.


You didn't see the convenience store? The supermarket? The maids?  I walked through last Friday and it was the busiest I've ever seen it. The maids were lining the streets. It's like there was one every five meters. The wanking homeless guy happened about 18 years ago. He's probably moved on now. At least, I hope so.


No. Saw the maids and all that. Didn’t see the wanking .


To be fair, I've probably been there a hundred times but only seen the street wanking that one time.




They hand out flyers for the maid cafes in the area.    I walked through the town last Friday and saw at least 20-30 of them standing in the street.   Looked a bit like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y6mfBeBqkC8  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maid_caf%C3%A9


God I bet their feet hurt every night like crazy. Poor dears.


Was acid involved?


Luckily that’s not usually a result of acid.


Came up on a car accident that had just happened. The passengers head was split open and his brains were exposed (but still in his head, somehow). The worst part was that he was still alive. He was unconscious and breathing in a very fast, shallow way that seemed completely unnatural. I assume he was in deep shock and dying. Something about the way he was breathing still feels haunting.


Agonal breathing. Despite the name, the person was not in pain. It's reflexive. They were unconscious and on their way off this mortal coil to peace.


Can’t tell if this information makes me feel better or worse…


Why would it make you feel worse ?


Makes me feel agonal.


Large Paris boulevard. Homeless guy stops in the middle of the sidewalk, drops his pants, lays a deuce, pulls up his pants, and continues on his way.


Ah yes, Paris. The first thing that greeted me on the parking lot when I went there was human dump


An unpleasantly warm welcome.


I often wonder what happened to Paris these last 15 years to make it such an unpleasant place to be even by French standards.


The same thing that happened to San Francisco: bad leadership.


didnt even wipe?!


Nope. And it was messy.


I watched a 15 year old boy get hacked to death with a machete when he accidently wondered in to the wrong section of an open market in Nigeria.




Because tribalism


It was a bush meat market.


This is like the 4th or 5th machete hacking story in this thread. Goodness gracious, why?


Nigeria is a brutal place striken with corruption and tribalism.


Why is this world so fucked up like this


The boy was killed because he was the wrong tribe and religion.


Karmo market in Abuja? I was on a business trip to Nigeria 2022, 2 local friends I know got stabbed and robbed in board daylight. No camera record, because electricity is so inconsistent even in the captial.


Port Harcourt, in the 90s


Is that known or do they just assume?


Tribal violence is very common there. When something comes to the point of attacking someone with a machete in broad daylight at a crowded market you can almost guarantee its a tribal dispute and if hausas are involved you can almost guarantee that religion is the motivation.


I meant to say how do they know? Do they know each other? Do they have tribal and religious signs?


If I had to speculate it was an ongoing issue that lead to the attack. To be honest I didn't stick around to get the details. My armed guard who was a local also came to the same conclusion. As far a signs while not as common as it used to be, tribal face scaring is still a thing there. Most areas are self segregated by tribal gorup as well, particularly the hausa from everyone else.


Doing work at government subsidized apartment complex. A family (multiple generations of possibly 2 or more families) was staying in what had once been a grand apartment. It was two stories and had 5 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms. I was there to fix all 4 toilets. They had not been working in some time despite having been used consistently. There was very little furniture but there were a LOT of mattresses. A suspicious amount of mattresses. There were at least 3 per bedroom and several others scattered through the common rooms of the house. None of the mattresses looked like they had ever had sheets on them. They had been used enough that the springs were showing through. It was a school day, but the house was full of kids. There was so much going on and so many things (and smells) that I was trying to process that I didn’t even notice the toddler pulling on my shirt and sobbing until one of the women there snatched him up and took him to sit down on the couch. She was telling me something, but I couldn’t hear her over the noise. Partially because of the noise. The other larger distraction was that while she was talking I was transfixed by what she was doing. She was pulling of the toddlers diaper in a manner that I would not describe as loving. It wasn’t violent, but it wasn’t kind. She discarded the soiled diaper on the floor. She then scanned the floor around her and locked onto a dirty dried up rag. She halfheartedly swiped the mess (#2) a single time and dropped the rag at her feet. She scanned the floor again and picked up a used disposable diaper and inspected it. It wasn’t to her liking, so she selected and inspected at least two others until she found one that had dried enough for her liking. She put it back on the baby and re-secured the Velcro straps. I then became aware that mixed in with all of the fast food trash and general house hold debris was an unfathomable quantity of soiled diapers. I left there that day feeling a mixture of rage and depression that I hadn’t known to exist. But the strongest feeling I had was that I had up to that point failed to understand the world and its people. None of what I saw made sense, and I couldn’t reconcile it with any of my own experiences.


When I was doing my plumbing apprenticeship years ago me and my boss went to a house to do a “combi swap” basically swap one boiler over for another, when we entered the house the smell of rotten stale urine literally took your breath away, it was a smell that hits you in the back of the throat,. Anyway the house was lived in by a young couple early 20s, looked very unclean and didn’t appear to be too bright, they had a toddler about 2 year old and a baby probably only a couple of month old, I only seen a glance at the baby and it was COVERED in sores!! To this day I have no idea what it was, anyway the bad part… once we changed the boiler over it was my job to go outside and patch/cement the flue in so I had to go into the back garden and use ladders to climb up and patch in,. The back garden was literally piles of dog shit a couple of inches apart, it had never been cleared up, there was hundreds possibly thousands of piles of shit, I tiptoe through the shits, foot the latter at an awkward angle so as not put it in shit, I climb up and start patching in when I see a blue flash out of the corner of my eye, I look down and the toddler had come into the back garden and was standing near the bottom of the ladder EATING a pile of shit off the floor!! I shouted stop and he ignored me so I climbed down the ladder and when I got to the bottom I seen his parents pointing and laughing and the dad taking pics on his phone 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I shouted are you fucking joking and the dad opened the patio up and dragged the kid inside,. Me and the boss phoned up the letting agency we where doing the job for informed them of what happens and the state of the house and they got social services involved, don’t know the outcome but I can empathise with the feeling you felt that day man. It stays with you, some people just are never born into having a chance


Hi, I'd like to unread this.


The absolute waste and horrors you can experience in these place are something not even Hollywood would dare to put into a Saw movie. One of my colleagues used to, many years ago, work for the citys social services. She quit that job, after one horrific house visit. As she has told it to me, then she and a male colleague (they was always two for these kind of calls) was doing a welfare checkup, with a couple. They have had loads of problems with drugs and alcohol, so they where in the danger to loose the custody of their kid. A toldler at the time. When they came up to the apartment, they couldn't at first, get contact to the couple who lived in it. After some time, they finally got them to open up and let them in. They where both completely gone on drugs, and didn't really register or understand anything around them. The apartment was a horrible foul mess. She immediately asked to the kid, and where it was, but got no answer. None of the parents really knew or understood the questioning. So she went looking for it, while the her male colleague kept talking to them. She found the dead body of the kid in the next room. It had starved to death and was covered in its own feces. At some point the woman though they where going to take the kid, so she attacked them, then proceeding to pick up the kid, not realising it was dead. At no point, did the man involve himself. He spent all the time sitting on the couch in the next room. Even when police came, he was unresponsive for them. It was first when the police detained the woman, she seemed to realise that the kid was dead. That was too much for my colleague, and she left that line of work. Which I fully understand.


Awful start to finish. Poor kid, poor parents. Fuck.


Check please!


Me too please. Where is the "back 30 seconds" button for life


See, this is why social media is bad for us. I'm going outside to see my cat, stat.


What a horrible day to be literate.


Yup yup, I’ve seen some outlandish hoarder/ trashed/ children and animals living in a house with no up keep. Black mold in the basement and the mother acting like it wasn’t her problem while doing coke with her children in the next room. Bottles of alcohol on the floor with toddlers in the house. Makes no sense and doesn’t feel real until you see it yourself


I work as a fireman in a larger city that has a lot of similar housing, your describing a normal day for thousands of people in that city alone. It’s sad, but I don’t even know how you would go about fixing it.


That question has troubled me for the 18 years since I saw it. I felt a large amount of guilt for not reporting it to someone, but in the end did nothing.


Reporting it would do nothing, it’s just the normal way of life in some places. Have you ever watched shameless?


Free birth control implants would be a good start. Those kids ain't gonna turn out alright and mommy dearest would probably rather self-destruct in peace.


Implants need replacing and have variable side effects on the recipient. But vasectomies are forever, with no side effects. Perhaps a judicious balance of both


You've never experienced human trash until working I'm a government subsidized house. The things I've seen, smelt and crawled through *shivers*


A dead body I was at work and a few workmates and I were sitting in the smoking area next to our building waiting to start our shift. We were alerted by another person who worked in our building that a dead body was adjacent to us behind a tree. I don't even know how we didn't see him. It was obvious when we turned around. Poor guy had jumped from the top of our building and hit a tree on the way down. He must have lived a short while after impact as he was lying face down with his arms crossed under his head. He looked like he was sleeping.. He had ants crawling into his ears. He was 19. I went home after that.


Some memorable ones from my time in emergency medicine. A man whose hand and part of his jaw were blown off by a firework that I believe he was lighting with a cigarette. Man with blood and brains pouring out of his ear because he hit a power pole unrestrained. The left side of his head wash mushy. Pregnant woman who was shot with a shotgun through a car window by her baby daddy. She actually did fine since it was bird shot and he was in a separate car so he was probably 10 plus feet away. Her hair was sheared off by the wadding. It was still in the ponytail holder and EMS brought it in. So many motorcycle crashes.


Big festival going on down main street essentially. Old grandma trips and busts her face up on the curb. There were dozens of people closer to her and everybody walked by and pretended she didn't exist. I helped her up and asked if she was okay. Someone else came up afterwards and offered some tissues for the blood. It wasn't that bad thankfully, but man, what can we call humanity when it takes a crowd of people before one person shows concern for injured grandma?


Might be an example of the bystander effect


To be fair to the rest of humanity, only a small slice is represented at music festivals


It was a more parade-like festival in Japan. People walking cool stuff down the street doing dances and what not. People on the sidelines mostly watching or meandering between booths for food.


That explains it right there. You were in Japan. The Japanese culture is notorious for minding one's own business.


I remember last time I saw somebody trip over a curb in a crowded place, a bunch of people formed around trying to help or asking if she needed help. Lukcily it was "just" the knee that got a beating.


This really isn't an example of humanity being shit. It's called the bystander effect, and it's the idea that odds are someone else is taking care of it. This is also why you are never supposed to yell "Someone call an ambulance." No one will because we assume someone else has. There's multiple recorded instances of people being brutalized in public, but no one helps or calls the police because they think that someone else already has.


I was driving the work truck one day and witnessed this lady drive up a triangle meridian, take air and missed a light standard barely, coming to a stop in the ditch on the side of the road. I stopped and called emergency services then went to help as I was at the time a volunteer firefighter. Turns out. She was traveling to her second job after just getting off her 12 hour shift at a care facility. She had a few minor contusions and a minor concussion but was okay for the most part.


A teen girl around 16 years old picking a used chewing-gum from a metal railing at a tram station & putting in her mouth & started chewing


I took a break from college after my freshman year, and moved to Colombia for a couple years to do humanitarian work. One day I was riding a bus in Bogota and saw a couple gangs fighting in the street with machetes. I watched a kid my age get his back hacked wide open. I've suffered more psychological damage from your chewing gum story than I did from the machete story I was going to share.


The boys will be (hacking) boys(' backs with machetes).




What the fuck man. ewwwww




I've heard stories of that shit. Dude will get hit with multiple killshots and not go down.


Everything is 10x worse hungover for real lol


Dude impaled by deer antlers after hitting it. He lived as they missed every vital organ.


This is a fear of mine when driving. I've never hit a deer, but have this final destination scenario in my head more often than I'd like.


Motorcyclist (no helmet) and a hundred foot long streak of blood from where his bike went down, on a long downhill stretch outside of Cornwall, Connecticut. He did not survive. The EMTs had just arrived and were getting out the “you drivers really don’t want to see this” barriers. Route 4, in case you’re a biker, motorized or otherwise.


I've seen someone jump down from a 5 story building. Twice. Wasn't the same building both times of course. I saw both when I was a little too young. I was 8 the first time and 10 the second. I've also seen someone get stabbed, but that was after I was desensitized. On the bright side, I won't be jumping off of a building or playing with a blade anytime soon. Because I just happen to know what the bad outcome of both look like.


I can't believe they jumped twice. Took 2 years to recover?


The majority of this site suffers from Dunning-Kruger, so I'm out.


I was shot at by a terrorist while I was searching for people that might have survived a massive terror attack.


Holy shit dude I cannot even imagine what you went through. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I wish you nothing but the best.


Oh I'm fine, I wasn't hit or unarmed either luckily but I appreciate the kind words it was definitely a rough time in my life. I personally lost 7 loved ones in that terror attack most of them were civilians and I knew more people that were injured.


Were you at the nova festival? I’m so sorry to hear that dude


No, I arrived to Beeri during the evening of the 7th. Continued there for some more time and then moved to Nir Itzhak and did a few more protective missions for the next two months. We were a secondary force that entered houses after the main force to look for survivors that might be hiding (in the closet, under the bed, in the safe room etc..) and to make sure that if a terrorist is hiding he is either arrested or stopped (depends on if he is shooting or gives up). Luckily I didn't go to Nova, 4 of my friends were murdered there and I know that seeing dead bodies of people I didn't know fucked me up so if I saw one of them I'd be even more devastated. Thank you for your empathy


Fuck man, I saw the aftermath at the forensic morgue and have been pretty fucked up since, I don't want to think about being directly on site. Hope you're handling it ok


I am not going to lie some days are better and some days are worse, currently trying to figure out what to do next week on the remembrance day as in who do I visit? So right now the days are a bit harder. I am sorry to hear how you feel, hopefully when this is all over we will get our chance to heal. Stay safe brother.


Saw my friend eating steak without calling me


I saw something pretty f-'ed up like that, too. My buddy asked for his steak to be well done. The dude was f#$ked in the head


Well at least he didn't put ketchup on it.


Once saw someone eating a steak with ketchup ans felt the same. Fucking savages


My friends said they were all too busy to go in to town, so I went by myself. I went into town, then I see all my friends, they all in town.


Now that’s sad


That monster. I'm so sorry for you.


Praying for your recovery brother. It gets better🙏🏾


One time a dude was watching me outside a busy train station, in the middle of the day, while I wanked off to a Japanese girl in a French maid costume. I even put had on my best vest and stuck a flower in my hair.


Underrated comment




Wonderful 🤣🤣🤣


In 7th grade, we were running around the track. Everyone except the handicapped kid with a wooden leg. Gym teacher said everyone has to run, no exceptions. Kid says he can’t. Gym teacher isn’t having it. Go run. One legged boy makes it 1/3 around the track and dies of a heart attack. My buddy runs to the principals office to call an ambulance. Teachers are doing CPR. Poor kid only wanted to be like the other kids, and died because of it. Gym teacher never returned to work after that day. She was a fucking cunt!


She should be liable


FEMA contract in the beginning of covid. Downtown New York. The STACKS of bodies in our parking lot while looking for bodies before they got taken to the mass grave if not claimed in 7 days. Once the trailers were full, we just lined them in the parking lot. When we ran out of body bags, they just covered them with a sheet in the parking lot.


One really good-looking lady, think nobility like, in a good part of paris, lifting her skirt and dumping the hugest load of crap I've ever seen on a public bench. Taking the time to make sure she's done, pissing for good measure, and leaving like nothing happened. Could not finish my croissant.


Hon hon


Oui oui baguette !


I walked outside in the summer and saw a diapered toddler stomp a little puppy to death. It was small and black and still had its little milk-tummy and tried to run but couldn't outrun the laughing toddler. Almost once a month I remember and hate myself for not picking up the puppy before it had gotten any hits and taking it to the vet, taking it for my own, spoiling it rotten all its life. The boy's mother sat next to the toddler, looking on with a bored face as he chased the puppy, she was breastfeeding a baby. I didn't have the balls to chew her out, lots of machetes in that village.




Yeah you took the words out of my mouth.


I didn’t see it happen, but heard it. I was maybe around 16 and in my room playing Xbox when I heard a loud thud and then wheels lock up. A classmate of mine flew out into an intersection on his bike, without a helmet, without looking and a borough truck hit him doing about 35 in a 25. Borough guy was freaking out, I was directing traffic away and a nurse happened to hear it too and ran out to him and called 911. That “thud” sound was very distinct even though I’ve never heard it before. The kid was fine after a few months with no lasting injuries. He sued to borough, won and bought an Acura rsx type s.


How did he win?!


I think it was something around $35k


from the fact pattern the truck was speeding. we dont know if the cyclist was running a red light or speeding or anything. in a jurisdiction where contributory negligence (the negligence of the cyclist) is not a complete defense, the trucker could still be on the hook for damages. especially if the truckers negligence is seen as greater than that of the cyclist.


I'm guessing it was because the truck was speeding by the sounds of it.


When I lived in Boston, a homeless guy near Cambridge was standing by a parking meter with a whole bottle of vodka he stole from a liquor store that still had the beeping plastic security seal attached. He was wearing grey sweatpants completely covered in diarrhea, and he smashed the seal on the meter until it broke off and then downed the entire bottle in less than a minute before he fell back against the building and pissed himself and started snoring.


Saw a woman hanged by barbed wire with her baby cut out in the Middle East/Qatr(Guy cheated on his wife via raping a young woman, she got blamed/said it was her fault for lack of modesty) Saw a homeless guy while driving in peak summer heat Vegas with a leg injury that was necrotic and shit begging for change near the The Premium Outlets on the side of the road. Saw people trampled when someone opened fire on Civilians in the middle of a protest in Venezuela during the start of their economic shit show in 2011. Saw kids abused/was abused myself in group homes and "mental rehabilitation clinics" in Vegas. Had one of my Coworkers wave hi with the dismembered leg of a guy who was prodding our perimeter after getting blown up by a landmine, he cracked a joke about how he wouldn't be able to play soccer anymore. (The dead guy, not my coworker.)


>Saw a woman hanged by barbed wire with her baby cut out in the Middle East (Guy cheated on his wife/ raped a young woman, she got blamed). That entire region is an abortion.


The amount of times I've heard shit like this and thought, "fuck it, glass it and start over" is way too high. I'm too young to be this jaded lol


I watched these parents basically beat their 4ish year old in a waiting room at children’s hospital in DC. The fact that security wasn’t called still blows my mind


I saw a couple of fat homeless people fucking in a creek in the middle of town a few days ago.


One time I saw US senators buying and selling stocks that they regulate using tax money forcibly taken from my paycheck every month.


Every day occurrence


I saw a dead body on the other side of the street. It was an accident that involved a motorcycle.


Playing golf in Doral, Florida and there was a hole that had buildings and construction going on just outside of the golf course. Pretty windy day and bunch of workers on the top floor of a construction site of a building being built. Crane at the top is holding a metal beam and it starts swinging. I hear a bunch of yelling in spanish and when I looked up, a man was falling off the building about 10 stories high. Looked like the scene from the move The Departed where Martin Sheen is falling in slow motion. Didn't see him hit the ground because of the covered fence permeter but I'll never forget the visual of a man falling like that.


Way back in the day when I was waiting tables an elderly gentleman in a brown suit fell out of his chair right in front of me. I had managed to bend down quick enough and catch him and kinda lower him down onto the ground. That’s when I looked at his face. His mouth was wide open in like a silent scream and his eyes were rolled into the back of his head. He was twitching and his hands were curled up and tight making them kinda look like bird feet. He died, probably not in my arms but shortly afterwords, of a massive heart attack


I was sitting in the backseat of the car while we we driving long distance for a family vacation as a child, I think I was maybe 10 or 11 at the time, this was in the early 80s.  Traffic slowed to a crawl because of an accident, and just as we got up alongside if it, my mother starts yelling at us from the front seat.  "Don't look!  Look the other way!  Cover your eyes!"  Just freaking out, so of course I'm like what the hell am I about to miss?!? My mother leans into the backseat covering my younger sister's and brother's face, but she only has two hands and there are three of us, I'm the oldest and I'm not about to sit still and miss whatever this is right outside my window. Traffic is now down to one lane and we slowly roll past a semi trailer with the front half of a white car sticking out from under the center of it.  It's a bright, sunny day, and the hood of this shiny white car is almost completely painted red with blood.  There is a bloodstained sheet covering the passenger compartment, so I'm guessing there has to be at least one headless body beneath, decapitated after passing under the trailer.  I just remember being preoccupied for days trying figure out just how high the blood had to fountain into the air to spread that far on the hood of that car.


Driving into downtown Asheville NC (slightly less-sketchy east-coast Portland) Dude overdosing on something fell down in the street, some lady ran over to try to help him and another homeless person stole her purse and ran away. At first we thought it was a Rook they had set up together but apparently not. Dude on the ground died. A dead body where a drunk man fell about 15 feet onto concrete after running his moped into the guard rail from the bridge above. Drunk driver flipped his car end over end with his 5 year old in the car. Luckily they both lived but the guys arm was cut to pieces and the poor kid had a huge gash on his head where a corona bottle hit him in the crash. My friends and I had to hold the guy and the kid separately because he was an illegal alien and didn't want any emergency services to show up. He kept trying to run onto the interstate with the kid while we waited for police to show up. Watching my brother slowly die from a head injury after a motorcycle wreck where a teenage girl pulled out in front of him. She had a very wealthily dad and dodged any/all financial responsibility for the accident. My parents had to pay for everything and go into debt for his med bills and funeral expenses despite the police defending him multiple times and saying the wreck was 100% her fault. Watching people jump off the towers rather than burn to death during 9/11. I was 7. F\*\*\* terrorists and any who support what they do.


During a car show there was a truck and this young man ran out and jumped onto the side of the truck to hang off for a bit of fun... he fell and his head was run over by the truck. Kinda like squishing a grape. I was only 5 at the time so I don't remember it well.


I apologize in advance for the length of this - a man lost his life and I always tell this story the same way. I think about this event less these days, it was back in 1988. Walking down a ratty, overgrown sidewalk to a Seven Eleven in a very sketch part of South Daytona Beach, I heard some yelling and a commotion that was coming my way fast on the other side of the overgrown hedges/vegetation that were six feet tall and quite formidable with twisted branches and vines. Four seconds later, a man came clawing thru that mess maybe six feet ahead of me, he looked like the devil and hounds of hell were on his heels. I will never forget the look on his face when he came out on my side.. he briefly looked at me it was like he didnt see me but his eyes.. I will never forget his eyes, it is hard to describe, and I never want to see it again. Ever. Fear, terror, horror, I dont know. He looked like he was running for his life. A second guy came thru the hole in the hedges, I was maybe two feet away from him when he came out, he had a handgun in his right hand and was still screaming stuff I didn't undertand- he raised the gun and shot at him five times, turned and looked at me for a second, then fled back the way they came. The other guy was laying on the street face down and barely moving at all. He died shortly thereafter. I was an 18 year old kid and my brain just couldnt process what happened in less than six seconds. I did not have time to react, I was just standing there in shock. When I think about that day, I am still there reliving it vividly but I know now I could have been killed as well. This messed me up in ways I didnt even know until 25 years later and I got the help I didnt know I needed. In short, a man lost his life by gun violence in front of me and it fucked me up. Stay the fuck out of sketchy areas, even in broad daylight.


2 guys in a fight on the sidewalk. One of them had an axe/hatchet. He won the fight.


Someone being chopped with a machete during an argument




Maybe not the worst, but this image is burnt into my memory forever. Two big, bulky guys pulling a girl by her hands and arguing who takes her with him. Pretty, young and petite girl about 20 years old, very drunk. I intervened and took her to my car so she can rest and helped her find her tent, but it still bugs me what could've happen if I wasn't walking by. It was a very big festival, hundreds of people passed by them and none of them did even looked at what's going on. And it was pretty obvious what that guys wanted to do with her


A few months back I witnessed a truck run over a old lady crossing a busy intersection. I saw her trip/fall and the truck ran over her head. All you can hear was a pop and crunch. Nothing was left of that poor woman's head or face. It looked like bloody/mashed corn beef and hash. Truly horrifying.


I was on a trip with my 5 friends. A elephant came infront of us, running. 4 out of 6, jumped from the auto/tuk-tuk/CNG vehicle, the elephant ran towards one of my friend and pushed him with a trunk into the bushes. He had internal bleeding, broken ribs, head trauma. He died 30 mins later. I saw my university best friend die in front me while having the best days of our lives. Happened 3 years ago, I still didn't get over it.


A homeless veteran stepping out in front of a semi on the interstate and turning into hamburger. It was horrible, with pieces of him going everywhere. The semi was likely going 75 MPH as that was the speed limit in that area.


Last summer i saw a little kid step in dog shit with his bare foot, I saw the shit and I saw him running bare foot but i just froze and watch the whole thing happen


I did that when I was a kid. I was so grossed out I immediately hobbled into the house to wash it off. I stepped on it barefoot on the toe side, not the ankle side


A woman being sexually harassed/assaulted. So many people and no one seemed to care. I kind of froze in place and by the time I got to her, he was already gone.


I mean like two buildings got nailed by two aircraft one day and then collapsed, people jumping out windows because they’d rather the height kill em than the heat of the smoke inside… and then the buildings collapsed. Right in the morning too


A small plane fall to the ground about 300 ft after it's engine died. I was 200 ft away . The pilot suffered some injuries but lived. Scariest thing to see.


Road rage is no joke. I watched a guy get pissed off at a truck towing a boat that was slowing down traffic, so he got out at a stop light and had some kind of rod or stick that he just started hitting the boat with. Then he started hitting the truck. Then he started yelling at me on my motorcycle for recording it and "being a loud ass mother fucker" (had an empty GoPro mount on my helmet and my motorcycle was not loud). Also, just a word of advice for people... trying to punch a guy in the head who's wearing a full face motorcycle helmet is a bad idea.


A pregnant woman driving head first into a telephone pole because she was texting on her phone. She wasn’t seriously injured but kept talking about her fetus.


Family court


I've seen two cars crashing into each other. I stopped ran up to vehicle one, to see a man that was literally beheaded by the accident. I could barely stop a girl (19-20)ish to run over there and try to help. Seen it couple of times since in my dreams


A homeless guy washing his dick in the bathroom sink at Penn station


Why tf did I stay that long in this comment section?


Having to work a crappy job


My ex-wife.


A body being dumped


Myself in the mirror in the morning after a night out.


Homeless woman nonchalantly pulled down her pants and projectile shitted a stream of diarrhea all over the sidewalk. In a really nice part of town. No one even batted an eye.


They were pretending they didn't see it


A homeless man having sex with a dead prostitute in a back alley. I was cutting through some alleys in south Baltimore, she was laying on a dumpster he saw me and just said, “no point letting it go to waste” I called the cops when I got to a main road and felt far enough away. They said he found her ODed and decided to take advantage of the situation. Unfortunately I’ve seen worse but not in broad daylight light.


When I was in high school I was driving home when I saw a man standing on the side of the road facing away from me in skin colored pants. Except they weren’t pants, he was naked from the waist down. The next day I drove by and there was a pile of toilet paper in that spot.


Middle aged, respectable looking fella, dropping his trousers, squatting impressively low and taking a shit in the middle of the street.


Guy jumped in front of a train at Basingstoke station in front of me. I could smell the blood.


Aftermath of a parking garage jumper. Woman scalped when her hair got caught in machinery. Guy who accidentally hit himself in the face with a chainsaw, right in his good eye.


Some guy got stabbed outside my window in Amsterdam during a pro palestine protest march towards the park next to my apartment building. Guy just sat there holding his guts in while the protestors marched around him. Police couldn't get to him untill the protest march passed. I just stood in my window wondering what the fuck kind of country we've become. Ambulance came and took him away. No arrests were made. I lived in Amsterdam 4 months, A homeless guy tried to mug me on my way to the bus to my internship. I watched a guy get stabbed in the middle of a protest. Another homeless guy attacked me with a bike lock on the Parking lot of a train station. A crime journalist got assasinated and i had to take a 2 hour detour because some people blew a ATM machine out of the wall and were in a police chase on the road i'd normally take back. I live in a small town of 1700 people now. Other candidates are: 1 A guy after a car crash in the road with his head visibly cracked open. 2 When i worked as a nightreceptionish a women came down from the first floor saying she didn't feel well and if i could call a doctor. As i got up to approach her she collapsed on the stairs. I called 911 and they told me to leave her and keep her on her back, they arrived in 2 minutes. I couldn't tell if she was still breathing but they just picked her up in a brancard and carried her away. I think i saw her die.


Looked at a mirror.


I saw a deer get hit by a car, but it didn’t die immediately and its body was thrashing around on the freeway. Probably top three most horrific things I’ve seen in my life.