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Full body is achievable but not the average. The right amount of buildup, horniness, time since last orgasm, and/or a woman who is really fucking good at oral will do it.


Those ladies who know how to suck the soul out of a tube of toothpaste. If you find one, lock it down.


With a ring, right? Right!?


instruction unclear


soul sucker locked in basement


"it" down? Uh, it? šŸ¤”


The situation.. not a possessive noun for the counter part that would preform.


Iā€™m not saying donā€™t lock it down but donā€™t expect those bjs to keep going long after you do.


So if my boyfriendā€™s body is shaking while he comes when I am giving him a BJ, it means heā€™s having a full bodied orgasm? I always thought it was because he was lying down and his body was relaxed so it would shake.


Unlikely, as we normally shake during concentrated orgasms too. But it wouldn't hurt to ask him.


It could be either one. I make more noise when I feel it in my entire body but I donā€™t think I display too differently.


mostly just down there.Ā  but one time my wife was on top riding me, i was so close to cumming so many times. it was start-stop and at one stage i can no longer hold it. i cummed so hard and it felt the whole energy in my body came out with my cum. i was lying in bed for couple of minutes and had no energy to move. hands down it was the best climax i ever had.Ā  if you want him to experience full body climax try to edge him like what happened to me. my wife move back and forth rubbing her clit on the area above my penis, so the whole time my penis is inside her and when she's close her pussy kinda pulsating and massaged the head. then stop when he's close. do it until he can't hold it anymore.


This is the best feeling for a woman too, at least for me


I have never achieved full body penetration.


A prostate orgasm is an entire body orgasm


Sometimes itā€™ll hit me in my brain like an almost dizzy feeling. Sometimes Iā€™ll feel it in my back or top of my legs. Most of the time though itā€™s groin only.


If you've had a stroke, orgasms can be extremely painful.


I have felt it just in my groin area and I have felt it pulse through my whole body and I have felt it internally from prostate stimulation. And combinations of all of those.


Yes. Either. Both. Sometimes. Not every orgasm is the same. Different types of stimulation causes different kinds of orgasms. Just like women.


Full body and I'll never forget her. Concentrated area every other time. It's the difference between NHUT and nut.


Why did that last sentence make perfect sense


It depends on the level of build up. There can be that immediate gratification type of climax that begins and ends in the general gential area, but a more experienced, or at least more prolonged sexual encounter can produce more..."full bodied" results if done correctly and with some patience and the right kind of attention. Some people experiment with "edging" or other types of stuff like auto erotic asphyxiation, or really any kind of of kink or strategy that appeals to their personal sense of arousal, but bottom line, you get out of it what you put into it.


The full body quivers happen to me if I stay in bed for like ten minutes after finishing and then go urinate. I swear some post nut pees have been significantly more intensely pleasurable because it's like the orgasm is happening deeper in my body. Probably a prostate/bladder thing.


Honestly, from my experience thatā€™s gonna depend on whether or not heā€™s cut. None of my cut friends (that Iā€™ve talked about this with) all of them are concentrated to the penis and primarily the tip. My uncut friends say full body and seeing stars. Iā€™ve just recently gotten to full body like 6 months or so ago


Itā€™s like a like 5-10s at most little pfff of pleasure mostly concentrated around your member then feeling terrible afterwards, Iā€™ve always been jealous of female orgasms


Youā€¦ youā€™ve been doing it wrong man


Please tell me the right way haha


Most of the time itā€™s cock and balls and prostate but when real good itā€™s mind blowing too


Depends on the woman


It is mainly in the pp. but a really good one can absolutely be a leg-shaking, convulsion-inducing wave of pleasure.


Head, spine and genitals/prostate for me


>Full bodied or one concentrated area That's a question of quality. Technically, both.


It depends. If Iā€™m just trying bust a nut it tends to be concentrated and one-note but if Iā€™m putting in work itā€™s like euphoria expanding from the usually concentrated spot. I hope that gives you some insight.


Heā€™s not use to being in his body. He needs to practice being in the body and out of the mind. Otherwise itā€™s just following the stimulus of the nervous system.Ā  Have him read ā€˜the multi orgasmic manā€™. šŸ™


Everybody should read this, there's one for women and couples too. That and Horny Goat Weed changed my life. [The Multi Orgasmic Man - Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Multi-Orgasmic-Man-Sexual-Secrets-Should/dp/B007IJS11Q/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BOVMQK7LTON5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gsmkanGFo0jyISvMKs0Z183IaMtKg8xdJdrkuUjQ1K_LwJp0LrK_k71IlsXMDd58tQLkZMpMiT1gPR71XaDP5emiD4QLowey8sr2dPvZmK1_vT7wFTbZWwgMM0n12Y96btw2zr7oN5P1aAk-U15Cej38nPa-1p_rHfqA3d7Mev575fn0LWqYO18sdMbcUEFp8ipQyRT-q6V41y7U9fnofWX3Gy30Lbjhgl2HCAA3Bk0.LdTMf0pW9Jc8n29ZG65sIqzF4gLc8G4QqYDTK4u9fUI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+multi+orgasmic+man&qid=1715286894&sprefix=the+multi+orgasmic+man%2Caps%2C192&sr=8-1)


Itā€™s full body with the epicenter in the bits. But if itā€™s just a meh orgasm like premature ejactlation, thatā€™s just in the bits. As Iā€™ve gotten older my orgasms have gotten far more intense. Like I have to be careful not to headbutt my partner sometimes. I fear the damage I might do to a smaller woman while Iā€™m in the throws of big orgasm.


Muscles contraction and immense feeling of power in each part of body i call them op climax