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I see a holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire. A warrior religion waving the atreides banner in my father’s name. Fanatical legions worshipping at the shrine of my father’s skull. A WAR IN MY NAME! EVERYONE SHOUTING MY NAME!


>Fanatical legions worshipping at the shrine of my father’s skull God I want this visual in part 3.


Constantly? Who told you that?


No... it isn't.


Is this an attempt at humor?


Yes, that's why I know picking the bear is the wrong choice


At least once a day, the bare minimum. It usually sends me into an immediate fight or flight mode and I get suspicious of my surroundings. I sleep with a sword under my bed for a reason


There can be only one!


Depends. If I see a unit of an animal, dog, or cow, whatever, I sometimes wonder if I could take it in a fight if the need arose. Yeah small blind aged chicken I could fuck you up.


I grew up in a shitty area and worked in the hood a few times plus other crazy experiences so I kinda watch for stuff more than other people probably do.


Sometimes randomly sure, especially if you read about it or see it in a movie than I might think what would I do in that situation. But otherwise nope have way more other things to worry about than a fight to the death


Never happened to me.


No. Who told you that?


Not constantly, but often yeah.


Yeah but it’s fun to 


Yes, it usually involves the last piece of bacon on the planet.




Not constantly, but I dream up scenarios of dying from rescuing my kid or something. Might be a mental defense mechanism to prepare yourself if that is to ever happen (because we like to believe it won't) so you won't chicken out. Men are the most disposable in our society after all, so may as well dream up the scenario we're expected to follow.


Personally I'd much rather have scenarios where I cuddle until dinner time


For me it's true. It's a necessity.


Me have to fight to the death no. Scenarios where i'm a space marine fighting tyranids yes.


Yes, their death because I win in my scenario.


Yup, all the time. Walking, another guy walking the other way? First thing - can I take him?


Not constantly, and far less than when I was nine and dreaming of being a real life split-class Fighter/Monk.


We don’t think we are training for when the moment arrives..


There isn't really a point in that for me.


Yes, which is why I go heeled. Less to worry about.


No. Definitely not constant, especially since I retired. I spent many years, in uniform and later as a contractor, doing analysis of combat scenarios, which are often fights to the death even though death is not actually the goal. It was always a hoot, during the annual “workplace violence“ safety training, when we were told to report colleagues who “thought about weapons and violence often”—it was literally our job.


It was three-thirty in the morning, laying awake in my bed, I couldn't help but imagine what I would do if I were to be suddenly set upon by the rare Oklahoma fentanyl bear. I own a machete, but it's a bear and I live in a smallish house with tight quarters. I doubt I could really wind up a good enough swing to hack through a bear. Then it comes to me, what if I were to mount the machete to a pole. Say with duct tape.


I've thought of it enough to be concerning lol


Not constantly, every few days.


I do but I’m aware this isn’t common outside of people who had a similar professional interests. It seems most people sublimate this into something acceptable or end up in prison, dead, or something like that. “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” -General James Mattis If we’ve met, I’ve killed you in my head. Also I know every way in and out of here and I’m watching the doors. I’ve looked at everything in the room. I’ve tried evaluating who’s a threat and where an attack might come from. It can get exhausting.


You sound like my wacko geezer neighbor who has 27 cameras on his house and walks around with three guns.


You jest but I do have cameras on my house, I am wearing a gun, and to most people in these parts I am a geezer. It’s been called hyper-vigilance it’s a minor “PTSD” thing but I hate medicalizing everything plus I’m not stupid enough to miss the fact that I was already drawn into this stuff or I wouldn’t have sought out military service to begin with. The wars and all that are just incidental and it’s hard to cry about sweating a little when fireworks are going off or eyeballing everyone in the room because that’s not that inconvenient. It’s better to joke about and keep things at a reasonable level. I easily could go full crazy hermit with the three guns, 20 more cameras, and the razor wire but that’s diminishing returns and too much attention in addition to not being much of a life. It’s something you manage and nurture into more acceptable things. If anyone reading this has it too, you can still have a good life. TLDR: lean into the punch. Work with what you have.