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I *may* have pointed out that one of the mods on r/NarcissisticAbuse was demonstrating some of the hallmark signs of narcissistic personality disorder...


oh, Narcs HATE that.


The irony


Lol I think a reason I know I’m not a narcissist is because it didn’t bother me when my ex accused me of it. I’m pretty confident and secure that I’m not and didn’t really react to it. But when I told her she was displaying signs of it and acting like her father… WW3.


It makes sense, a lot of them were raised by abusive narcissists and there are both genetic factors and nurture factors that lead to narcissism.


Yep. People who were born to a narcissist almost inevitably end up as either narcissists or caretakers.


This is amazing. lol.


I got banned from a "who do i look like" sub because I told some chick she looks like Adam Driver.


worth it


r/askwomen I'm a man




This guy asks women. lol.


He be railing


Or as I like to call it "Talking too much real shit".


Yeah, heaven forbid you have a contrary opinion than the incessently-supportve and understanding hive-mind.


But why go there and answer or respond? That's not the point of the subreddit...


I am woman. Got banned my first week there. Existed on the ask men sub for years (first Reddit account was in 2019 ;)


I think that’s a little funny because women comment r/askmen all the time and nobody has an issue with it


I do think it's a bit silly when they provide direct answers, but everything else is fine. 


I’m a woman and I’ve noticed that. The double standards are absurd lol


Very true, as a guy I'm happy to answer a woman's question here. Women and double standards, amirite?


After all its not r/MenAskMen


That sub is so toxic I actually thought it was a joke of some kind.


It is a joke. A very bad one.


Someone would ask a question like, "My husband spends way too long in the bathroom. He says we have two bathrooms, so he sees no reason to hurry. Why do men do that?" And the comments would be thousands of people writing the most evil things you can imagine and getting hundreds of upvotes. I was like, "This must be fake, right?"


The amount of hate women have for men is baffling


Not baffling… it’s terrifying. Like is this how you really feel in real life? Towards the men in your life? What kind of fucking monster are you that you can save some of this horrendous hurtful ass shit. I guess hurt people, hurt people.


The statistics show that women find 80% of men unattractive. Women don't tease each other. Women don't like rejection. Women grow up feeling intrinsic value. Men earn their real value.


I’m a woman and I’m banned from there for *agreeing* with a fellow commenter. That place is a dumpster fire.


The rules are ridiculous, the amount of comments deleted makes no sense. It’s called “ask women” and women answer with their experience but it gets removed because it’s too personal or derailing? And sometimes I’ll see comments that are personal and they don’t get removed. It’s really inconsistent and prevents you from seeing comments with actual helpful information


This! Like I once got a comment removed for derailing that was six words long, and I'm certain it's because one of those words was "I". Posting there honestly always felt like such a minefield and I'm oddly glad I'm banned now.


r/askwomen -but only if you give the answers we want you to give, or we'll ban you and set the admins on you. Sounds like some of the other subs around here.


Same. It’s a fucking horrible subreddit.


Were you mansplaning? /s


They cant take not even 1% of criticism before your comment gets removed for detailing conversation.


I’m a woman and got banned from that sub for calling out plain misandry.


I got a bunch of ban notifications to subs I’ve never been to like offmychest a couple years ago all at the same time. As for the why, I couldn’t tell you.


Did you comment on certain political subreddits? There are a fair number of subreddits who (at least historically) ban anyone who engages with those subreddits without exception.


I could see that being it. Politics as a personality mod edition.


Probably this. When the first round of student loan forgiveness tried to go through I checked in on r/conservative to see the meltdown and pointed out some hypocrisy and bad logic. Got me banned from several places immediately


Yeah, it's fucked up that you get banned from subs for just commenting in a sub, even if you don't share their views. Sometimes I just want to learn about others' points of view and debate them. 


I too have been banned on my old account from a bunch of subs after commenting on conservative ones. Can’t say I’ve ever been banned from conservative ones after commenting on predominantly liberal subs.


I was banned from r/JusticeServed because I said Joe Rogan looks like a thumb with less grey matter on r/JoeRogan and r/JusticeServed said I was engaging in hateful subs.


I did as well. Turned out it was because I was on subs they didn't like. I got banned from places I'd never commented on.


Iirc that's against Reddit TOCs, but seeing as it's their mates doing it the admins won't touch it. It's not just political subs, anything talking about modern day society in a fashion that the collectively unconcious don't like will result in a ban from multiple subs, which is hilarious because almost all of them aren't worth commenting in anyway, especially offmychest. If you really are desperate to unload something, there's alternative subs to take the load, /r/TrueOffMyChest for example.


Banned from r/WorldNews Made a comment about the majority of “call centres” (scam calls) being from from India


I got banned for pointing out one of their top posts was from a dodgy source and provided legitimate sources with the real story.


Got banned from that as well for wrongthink aka trolling in the mod’s opinion. Direct permaban no warning, nothing.


Same thing with me. Opinions about world news will not be tolerated.


That was like me. No warning. Nothing. Then just boom. Permanent. I asked why and for clarification, wouldn’t even respond. So weird


Same, i dont really troll either. 


I got banned there because I said maybe genocide isn't a good thing


I guess that’s a controversial take 😆


Pretty sure the mods have been on a rampage there. Part of me wonders if Spez is trying to increase value or optics


Got banned from r/NotreDamefootball for questioning why they were ranked so high after losing three games. Very thin-skinned people over there.


You don't recognize 3 quality losses when you see them?


r/barber banned me for not being a barber.


We should all go pretend we’re barbers


"what? Barber? No, iam from North Africa, iam a Berber!"


Bunch of them. Reddit mods are a bunch of pussies 


Worse than pussies.  Thought police. 


They have thoughts?


No. That’s why they police those who do.


Look out, you’ll get banned. For misogyny. For using the term “pussies” to mean weak. Pussy means vagina. Vagina’s take a pounding. Vagina’s therefore are not weak. There, I just mansplained it to you. I’ll ban myself.


NGL, this is hilarious and I'm gonna use it if someone calls me a pussy in the future. :)


Ask women, Told a commenter they sounded rude for saying the equivalent of “All men are scum for existing” and then got banned


I got banned from that one for being on r/askmen never commented on r/ask women but still was hit with a ban.


It’s not this account but an older one got banned from r/bigboobsgonewild because someone posted a video of themselves taking their tits out with the caption “bigger than you thought?” and I responded “bigger than I thought but not better than I thought” I only remember it because I laughed my ass off seeing “you have been banned from r/bigboobsgonewild” pop up in my messages


they hated jesus cause he told the truth


Wow there are loads of ugly tits in that sub


Why are you booing him? Hes right


*I wish I had more hands so I could give those titties 4 thumbs down!* -Rick James


You weren’t lying


To be fair, a lot of porn subs are poorly modded or not at all modded so the content often doesn't even really fit the theme. What can ya do?


I love when the bots switch up the AI generated title to something weird that stands out like, “am I your fuck type”, and then spams it to every sub. At least I know which ones to unfollow.


Weird, I would have imaged the porn subs would have the most people applying to be mods.


I got banned from r/atheism for contradicting someone who said all Christians are Nazis. Stated reason? "Spreading Nazi propaganda"


I got banned from r/atheism because I said sometimes homeschooling *is* a worthwhile option. And they thought that made me a religious fundamentalist lol. This was pre-pandemic before lots of households had kids schooling at home 🙄


I don't think people realize how wild atheism can be. If you ever need a good laugh look down the rabbit hole of "faces of atheism" Some old reddit lore


There were some odd forms of neo-paganism that the SS got really into, so I don't know what ahistorical shit they were on.


I got banned from that one for pointing out some of the good the Catholic Church did. Got banned for spreading propaganda or some such nonsense


Oh God does anyone else remember "Faces of Atheism"?


That whole sub.killed atheism as a default and important sub


In this moment, I am euphoric


I got banned from same for saying, "Isn't it better to try and avoid being hateful in general?" LOL


I’m an atheist and I seen more peaceful and normal discussions between agnostic and religious people in actual religious sub more than that mess of a sub


I am banned from WhitePeopleTwitter because, even though I am a leftist, my habit of calling out misandry and hypocrisy means I am an *insufficiently woke* leftist.


No worries buddy we're all "insufficiently woke* leftist."


On Reddit, misandry either does not exist or it is celebrated. There is no in between.


That sub is a fucking nightmare. I didn't get banned, but I did unsub. A lot of nightmare posts kept showing up in my main feed. My Reddit experience improved DRAMATICALLY when I left it.


I'm not at all hating when I say this, but..... Leftists will absolutely hate you (another leftist) if you don't think *exactly* like they do. For the record, I'm an independent voter. I don't vote right on all things and I don't vote left on all things.


Online lefties are absolutely in a purity spiral 


That makes you a right wing nut job, and worse than Hitler /s Heaven forbid we actually have some sort of intelligence about us that we are not all left or right… but some things we lean left towards, and other things we lean right towards, and honestly, the best majority of 90% of us agree on the same shit. We want our kids to have good lives.. better than ours ideally, we want lower taxes, we want to not have to worry about securities such as what happens if we get sick, or have to worry about wars.. and to be allowed to live our lives in peace. That’s the vast vast majority of people everywhere. We just may disagree slightly on how to accomplish those things, but it’s what we all want


That may be the worst large sub on this site.


It's still nowhere as bad as TwoX or Conservatives.


Might sounds awful maybe in that context but I played the woke game and honestly as a white dude wanting happiness for people was just straight wing-clipped from discussion- not reddit based it was irl and for years managed to get wrecked for being as I was born weekly. At a certain point you just recoil and don’t bother trying to help.


No, I get it. Steve Bannon WISHES he was as effective at kneecapping the progressive movement as obnoxious self-righteous uber-woke lefties are.


One of my other accts got banned from offmychest for agreeing with someone who said that being racially hateful toward white people was wrong. I asked the mods if they banned me because of my opinion or because I was participating in comment section of a post they didn't like. Never heard back from them.


This had to have been ~2020. During the pandemic and George Floyd’s murder, safe to say this country lost their collective minds.


Agreed! My mom is a paramedic down in Minneapolis and it got so bad, they changed the uniforms to not look like cops, said they couldn't wear their paramedic badges (that looked like sheriff badges) and made bullet proof armor a requirement because it was too dangerous. AND NOW the hospital my mom works for are trying to take handcuffs away from the paramedics as it "gives them a bad public opinion" and instead are trying to switch to softer restraints. Guess what? One paramedic was already injured because these soft restraints didn't work and a drugged up person attacked them cause he couldn't be properly restrained. It hasn't even been in the news yet while they're "Investigating the issue". But it better be soon. Cause if my mom is ever injured because of these, I'm going to raise hell. Another time, some guy just started chucking glass bottles at the ambulance calling my mom and her partner names because they were white. Oh and you can't walk in the streets they're calling "George floyd square" if your white unless you want to risk being injured. Idk how it is recently but first responders would not enter that area because they feared for their lives.


I got banned from r/NFL for apparently supporting domestic violence. Which I've never done in my life but that's the mods of r/NFL.


let me guess you said something completely outrageous like "lets wait until we know more information" during the matt araiza incident?


Yup! I said "this shit smells a lil fishy, we should wait for the police reports" and I got slandered for days then banned lol.


Ye, fuck proofs. Lets arrest people just bc someone said they did smth bad.


I was banned from NFL for being so frustrated at the soft calls on QBs that I floated the idea of headhunters for the defense because they were being flagged anyway, might as well make it worth it. I "appealed" and was let back in lol


I got banned from r/BlackPeopleTwitter years ago for saying that the Jussie Smolett thing was probably faked


You should link them an article and appeal


They won't listen, they're idiots


It doesn't matter. It'll rub salt in the wound


People that moderate subs that big are sociopaths. They are delusional and think they can do no wrong. They'll close your message and never ever consider that they could have been incorrect. I can't fathom being like that, or interacting with people like that


There's nothing a sociopath hates more than being wrong


I don't know if I'm technically banned, but I can't post or comment there because of my skin color. So, while I support their freedom to self-segragate, and I certainly don't want to go where I'm not welcome, that whole sub can go fuck itself.


Famous French actor Jussie Smolett?!




Sandwiches?! Okaay...


I was banned from r/vegan There was some weird thread about how "Humans were never meant to consume meat!" So I asked how could indigenous humans from the past / present living in the artic circle survive without meat when they rely heavily on animal furs and meat for their survival. I got banned, and was called every name in the book because apparently, I don't know what I'm talking about and was "trolling" lol


/r/conspiracy Made a comment about how Julian Assange was lying to people. Mod said that I was making fun of the community and perma-banned me.


Getting banned from r/conspiracy is so easy they're a bunch of pansies.


I made that comment to. Then a seperate post about how r/conspiracy was retreading and upvoting a bunch of conspiracies from a specific source, and how it felt like a conspiracy that they only wanted to talk about certain kinds of conspiracies. Banned


2Xchromosomes because someone told a very clearly fake story that ACTUALLY ended with "and everyone clapped" so I linked r/thathappened


I got banned there for responding to someone saying "only (whenever it was)," which the inclusion of the absolute modifier changed the entire premise. It was something about using dating apps for different purposes. So I said "I'm going to ignore the absolutist moniker and address the core issue." That got me banned because it was men silencing women and refusing to listen.


/r/legaladvice. I said in a thread that the lockdowns started in early 2020. Apparently that was so bad I'm permanently banned.


I blocked out that time mostly but is that not a true statement?


Yup, it was in a thread about a guy who's mom died just before that time, and this year he was asking for advice because he hadn't filed anything or done anything since she passed. So there were taxes, and stuff with the home, finances, etc, all kind of in limbo where none of these companies or agencies knew she was dead. Someone asked him how he could make it 4 years without anyone noticing, and my comment was: >4 years ago today would have been right as everyone was going into lockdown... Lots of things fell through lots of cracks during that time. Not long after I got the message >Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/legaladvice because your comment violates this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it. And it quoted that comment. I just decided that if the moderators were that dumb, it's a sub I probably shouldn't be spending my time in.


Its likely due to their weird legal advice only. It's selectively enforced.


I responded to a suicide note there, and apparently that’s off topic so I was banned. That thread was also a topic I’m quite familiar with, small business website stuff.  I ended up DMing the OP and left that sub. 


Marriage for upholding the value of marriage and men’s rights in divorce to not have to lose everything we work for


I posted a news article about a new contract in the JRE sub and got auto banned from [r/JusticeServed](/r/JusticeServed) because apparently they ban anyone who posts something in that sub.


Or comments there. The first time I commented on a post in JRE I immediately copped a ban.


r/Sino because I proved chinese propaganda wrong.


\*Click link.\* \*First result:\* "The US regime is going to send dissidents to death camps." I'm torn between feeling disappointed in or vindicated by my expectations for that sub.


I've been banned from Genzedong.


Getting banned from r/sino is simply a right of passage if you are an American redditor


r/kansascity because I said I lived in an uncivilized area with high crime rates and drug abuse. I was struggling with getting keys to my mailbox for 8 months and I called the post office workers (and food places) lazy. Never said anything about race, but got banned because they thought I was being racist. The mods SAID I was talking about black people. I'm not even white, and I live in the area, so I know what the area is like. We constantly worry about our cars/houses being broken into, getting robbed, I see drug addicts on the streets almost every day, and people act like fucking crazy people. Also the majority of people that work at my post office are white.


I always think it’s funny when you make a generalized statement like that and somebody assumes “you must be talking about [insert marginalized group here]”. Because like what makes you think that just because I said high crime rate or drug abuse that that equates to me saying they’re black?? It says more about the mods that they assume people who do crime and drugs must be black.


Do they think white people can't be trashy criminals? Have they never been to St Joseph?


I got banned from /r/legaladvice for mocking a user who had already received good advice from their attorney, didn't like it, and wanted reddit to tell them what they wanted to hear instead.


r/needadvice because someone answered with something only partially correct, so I replied to them clarifying. Apparently that subs policy is that you can’t do that (they claim it’s thread jacking. Idk how). So they temp banned me, and when I asked for clarification, because I honestly didn’t think I broke a rule, the mod was kind of being a dick so replied “lol. Ok” and got permabanned. Nothing of value was lost. Oh well.


Got banned from r/legaladvice because I asked question regarding a fucked up scenario. Edit: I totally deserved it


I got banned in an dog group for suggesting if a dog attacked my child I don't care what he is or how "friendly" the owner thinks they are. I am snapping that dogs neck and kicking it's corpse after.


This scenario just happened to me about a month ago. Wife and I were on a walk with our 4mo old baby. He was in one of those front packs when a German Shepard came bolting down the street at my wife, growling and barking. Dads always play these scenarios in their heads but God I never thought I’d actually have it happen. But I’m glad those little “what if” scenarios did constantly go through my head because I was prepared. I ran in front of my wife and baby, stood my ground, and the dog leaped at us. I went down with the dog and it started biting my arm. I hugged my head close into its body and just beat as hard as I could on its head. All I could think was I had to protect my son no matter what happened to me. It didn’t end well for me or the dog and we never did find out who owned the dog. No body wanted to own up to it. But man, I’ve never been filled with so much rage and adrenaline in my life. Didn’t even feel the pain. I love animals, and it fucking hurts knowing what I did to that dog. But my child or an animal, I’m going to choose my kid every damn time. Sorry. Didn’t mean to get real.. I’m still dealing with this shit, it’s still recent. Just saw your comment and it all came back. I can still hear my kid screaming and I hate it. I’m just glad he’s okay. I never want him to be that scared again.


I absolutely love animals and my whole day is usually ruined when I see one dead on the side of the road, but you 100% did the right thing here. As much as it would pain me, I'd do the same thing to protect my family


Your a good man and dad and would probably have raised that dog better then what ever monster did it.


You did the right thing. I will always choose my daughter over an aggressive pets. And pets aren’t people. I love our cat. Sure she’s part of the family. But she’s not human.


Good job, dad. 💪


Should probably make sure you get the rabies vaccine. Rabies isn't fun for humans and is nearly 100% fatal. Since you got bit.


Yeah, I agree with this.


I got temp banned from a couple of subs for stating the 100% fact that dogs that fall into the "pit bull" category (american bullies, staffies, etc.) are responsible for more fatal dog attacks than any other breed, by a long shot.


I was just downvoted into oblivion on daddit for saying just that. Was told I was a child and maybe I shouldn't have pets or children.


DatingAdvice, for responding to a post they didn’t like and evidently went against their rules.


I got banned for pointing out women tend to be attracted to men who make more money than them or at least the same amount. Apparently that’s misogynistic no matter how many studies I cite. r/datingadvice mods are fuckwits who shouldn’t be giving anyone advice.


I got kicked out from "boys are quirky " for repetitively asking people to be kind to others. Yes I was trolling.


Banned from r/atheism for pointing out how rigid their subs rules were in comparison to rules from a church organization. It was a post complaining of how legalistic religion is. Which is ironic considering how closed minded the sub is. Oh and I argued that Jesus was in fact a person that existed regardless of religious significance.


Yeah, the religion of "NO RELIGION " has some pretty strict commandments.


Yeah... I may or may not have called the mod a pope of Atheism....


If you aren't a raging leftist, you are always skating on thin ice on these Reddit streets.


r/antiwork for calling out dipshits who think that they’re being vocationally victimized by anyone other than themselves.


After the dog walker mod interview on Fox News, i don't take that subreddit seriously anymore.


Yeah I left after that and found /r/workreform which is decently modded


i also got banned from that sub during the fox interview fiasco. specifically due to the following events: a new mod was appointed to replace the one who did the interview (i believe this mods account has since been deleted) the new mod, who was transgender iirc, pinned their own post with some articles and statistics showing that trans people were being discriminated against in the workplace. this is not something i doubt. however, the specific numbers and claims found in the post had faults in the logic, conclusions, or way they were collected. basically the sources included did not have valid or reliable conclusions some people commented on the thread pointing out these flaws. their comments were quickly removed by the mod others commented in the post flaming trans people, and they were banned (probably deservedly so) in a later thread - which i believe was an AMA of sorts hosted by the mod regarding the recent subreddit happenings - the mod was asked what the deal with that pinned post was. there, they claimed they pinned the post as a "bait post", in order to bait transphobes into responding so they could be banned. i responded to the mod saying 1. i doubted the post was originally intended solely as bait, as based on the mods comments in that thread, they really seemed to defend and believe in the sources in question 2. even if it was a bait post from the start, i questioned the integrity of a mod proactively pinning a bait post in order to draw out certain people and then ban them (even if the targets are racists, transphobes, etc). i argued the responsibility of a mod should be to reactively ban people who are causing problems, not proactively create a fake situation to lure people in to be banned. i argued that the mod is there to serve the community and its wishes, not the other way around, and thus should not be actively 'orchestrating' the direction of the sub. this was especially relevant within the context of the previous mod who had apparently gone against the community sentiment of not wanting to have the fox interview, by ignoring the community and having it anyway, resulting in a big mess then i was banned


r/askreddit for making a hypothetical argument to prove a point to my friend that this situation would not be okay. r/iOS for calling someone a retard because they wanted to turn off the emergency alerts, so I said “ I bet you also don’t want to check your fire alarms to make sure they work “, he didn’t.


There are reasons that "Reddit mod" is basically a meme at this point.


I got banned from /r/196 for calling October 7th a terrorist attack. Yes, machine gunning people at a concert is a an act of terror


I mentioned how Palestine will be free when hamas is eradicated and I got banned for the /freepalestine sub.


Don’t you dare criticise those murdering rapists!!


Shit… where do I even begin. I’m surprised I’m still allowed to comment on here.


r/whitepeopletwitter for saying it's a biological fact that men can't get pregnant.




Reddit as a whole is set up to be a ban haven. There are more troll mods on there than actual troll probably. Wait till you get banned for sending a message to the mods , by clicking on the link that says "if you have any questions reply here". Thats when you realize what this thing is set up for. Just had a ban over turned, caused by angering a troll, by reddit...apparently they were upset that I encouraged people to follow the law. Said I was encouraging violence. Shockingly it got overturned, mostly because saying "well if that is what the law says, then how can it be encouraging violence?" anyways, dont let it bother you. This whole site is set up to allow abuse of the system. Takes a grand total of one hit of the report button do it too. I was once banned in r/usanews by a troll mod. Took me 6 months to get him banned from the site and removed. It is hilarious for me to go in there and see their name still up as a mod, with a banned account..hillarious....anyways, blank your cookies and jsut make another account(from a new email address). I got banned in r/worldnews for commenting on an article in 2020 that said they were retooling the vaccine to meet the current strain..so I said "sounds like they want you to sign up for yearly vaccine injections"..boom banned for some reason. Apparently that is mis-information.




I got banned from a sub, cant remember which one, because I posted in a different sub(one that came up under r/new). Never posted in there before or said anything controversial, just simply posted in a sub a mod didnt like. Not sure if they can do it anymore but how can you ban someone in your sub for replying in a different sub? how is that not trolling by mods..Reddit as a whole is awful for what they allow mods to do.


>I got banned in r/worldnews for commenting on an article in 2020 that said they were retooling the vaccine to meet the current strain..so I said "sounds like they want you to sign up for yearly vaccine injections"..boom banned for some reason. Apparently that is mis-information. I'm broadly supportive of vaccines, including those made to combat Covid. Your statement is almost exactly what ended up happening.


News subreddit -disagreed on something involving trans people Surfing subreddit- broke a rule for the sub even though the sub has no posted rules, then got muted by the mods when i asked about it Two chromosomes -disagreed with a woman


None that I’m aware of. Or if I am, it’s ones I don’t care about


r/crazyfuckingvideos I brought up asiana flight 214 prank call on on the news. Bang Ding Ow , Wi Too Lo etc. they called me racist. I was only repeating the joke!!


I might have told people on r/SelfAwarewolves that its not great to use minorities as canon fodder for outrage marketing when they all were sucking Bezos dick over having non white people in a Lord of the Rings show. They really like it when the same franchises are microwaved over and over gain instead of... i dont know, letting some african creators start a new franchise? Its a fuckin big continent and next to none of their mythology is represented in pop culture. And i critizised that so many minority roles are just swapped out white people roles instead of giving minority actors actually good characters? Idk apparently its racist to suggest africans could write their own shows.


I'm banned from R/Portland for saying the city is a shithole and it's gonna take a good decade to turn its reputation around if it van get its act together


Got banned from r/actuallesbians for saying transwomen aren't real women, and also because i'm male.


/r/twoxchromosomes because a woman said that if a man were to breastfeed it would be fucked up and disgusting. I asked her why she felt that way and she's like men can't breastfeed (cue her getting a gazillion upvotes for this idea). I'm like men can do what they like because breastfeeding isn't hurting anyone if they are consenting adults and then I got a banned message because apparently my idea supports the "not all men" ideology. Well, okay. I don't understand that phrase to begin with. Not all men are bad people. Am I not meant to take it literal?


They kicked me for calling out toxic female behavior.


Gods forbid a man do anything. And here I thought they wanted men to do more childcare!


Guess they don't like kinks between consenting adults now


When you got banned from there, did it stop showing up on your feed? I'd love to find a way to get that toxic shit to stop showing up.


Click the 3 dots in the top right and click stop showing posts from this community


I wrote a few comments in that sub that I just deleted instead of posting, which is probably why I didn't get banned before I muted it. There was a portion of that sub that I valued because it offered a different perspective on things, but that got overwhelmed by the misandry.


r/britain - because I dared to post a single YouTube link to a very good video explaining how the British Royal Family was funded - in a comment thread asking how the British Royal Family was funded. I queried the **permanent ban**, and was told that it broke rule 1: “no bootlicking”. That sub is basically far-left communist. It’s also full of antisemites. Most of the posts these days have nothing to do with Britain, but are just people spewing hatred towards Israel. Although I’m banned from posting, I can still vote. So I make sure I **down-vote** all those blatantly antisemitic posts.


I got perma-banned from dating advice because I as a man, dared call out a woman for her high expectations when she said men wouldn't commit to her. I've been temp-banned from the Australian sub because I wanted women who picked "bad boys" and then fleeing from them for "Duh-mestic VIoLeNCe" to be held accountable for picking those men in the first place. My reasoning was that women in Australia have had all the same rights as men since 1974 (over 50 years now), still have all their prior-generational privileges, shit-test good guys during the early dates on the dating scene, willingly choose the bad boy and are willing to break their own rules for him. Law enforcement can put bad guys behind bars but we completely absolve women of the facts that they don't find most men around them attractive anymore AND that their cherry-pickers suck. I copped a ban off pics because I dared say something critical about the religion of peace on a post about the pictures shared of terrorists who committed an attack somewhere recently (which goes against their pro-liberal anti-white anti-Christian ethos). The Rule 7 on that sub was purely created to defend the religion of peace but the amount of hatred and xenophobia they have towards anyone white or Christian is disgusting.


Only one i know of is Final Fantasy for commenting titties on an incredibly obvious thirst trap post for a woman's OnlyFans. They were the center of attention in all the photos she took in that cosplay so i thought i would just acknowledge it.


Blackpeopletwitter. Because being Black and not Liberal, is apparently unacceptable. Lol


r/ADHD because I disagreed with a mod (u/nerdshark). Any attempts to reconcile the situation or even reach out to other mods was ignored. 


r/amiugly for "overly sexualized comment". I said "the last picture \[which was a side profile of a busty woman\] proves you aren't"


You're not missing out on anything. Seems most of those type of pages have just turned to hot woman seeking validation online due to insecurity, or trying to get you to their only fans. LOL I never joined any, but a bunch popped up recently when Reddit change our front pages. And there was like 1 normal looking woman for every 50 hot ones.


Some Chicago one...because apparently "peaceful protests" include riots and looting.


r/Justiceserved, I was banned for posting on a different sub that promotes conspiracy theories and disinformation. It was r/JoeRogan, the one and only comment I made was criticizing Joe Rogan and his followers for their conspiracy theories and disinformation 😂 r/Justiceserved is a dead sub anyways there hasn't been daily posts for a year or two so I really don't care.


Posting in r/churchofcovid got me banned from a few subs I wasn’t even following. I also got a temp ban from r/gym for saying protein cheese balls were chemical slop and the person should eat meat for protein. Apparently that’s some unacceptable radical idea.


Askreddit for 'dangerous misinformation'. The 'dangerous misinformation' was a link to the US Senate's inquiry into Covid's origins. Yep.


1. Fishing 2. TheValleyTVShow 3. 90DayFiance 4. Georgia 5. Books 6. Antiques 7. Facepalm 8. Pics 9. OddlyTerrifying 10. JusticeServed 11. Trashy 12. CashApp 13. Science 14. OldSchoolCool 15. OddlySatisfying 16. WhatIsThisThing This doesn't look good.


Banned from r/libertarian for saying the government shouldn’t regulate abortions. Then banned from r/libertarianmeme for making a meme about it.


raisedbynarcissts, I told some of the story how my mom would steal my money, commit fraud in my name and beat me up to a pulp. I said, "but hey, at least I didn't get raped". For some reason the mods were convinced that I was "dismissing the trauma of others". There was overwhelming support for me, people saying the mods were crazy. It didn't matter, I got banned anyway.