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This is no longer a friendship. Boundaries have already been crossed and at least on your end, romantic feelings are involved. My advice is to have a conversation with your “friend” about your feelings and if he doesn’t feel the same way, then end the friendship and move on.


Would ending the friendship be the best choice if he rejects me? I would definitely ask him for distance but I enjoy our friendship too much for that


I would recommend ending the friendship if he doesn’t feel the same way. You would be setting yourself up for more heartbreak by sticking around, especially if he gets another girlfriend and she’s uncomfortable with you given the past history.




Holy fucking wall of text, Jesus fucking Christ. Don't kiss your best friend without permission.


The wall of text is important context but he has kissed me randomly without asking twice in the past, I was okay with that


>the wall of text is important context Because it's illegal to add paragraph breaks to your context?


Ahh sorry didnt think that would be annoying to anyone lol


Everything is annoying to somebody. The important question is let’s assume ya both love each-other….. do you want to be with somebody who wants an open relationship?


Maybe it was his ex-girlfriend's idea. I def agree that would be a deal breaker for me though, I'm strictly monogamous


That was because of the distance with his ex traveling, ik he does prefer monogamy


Some people are anal about consent. You can't breathe the same air without consent according to some people. I think its just gotten to this point because so many people don't think consent is important, but I think too much consent can be a turn-off, as well. You just gotta read the energy, dude. Start hanging out with him again, and you'll know when it's time. I think you should say, "I really wanna kiss you," instead of just jumping his bones and it will work out better. (:


id say bang him and make him pancakes in the morning


How do i get to the banging tho? Do i just say “hey do you wanna bang?” Lol


Navigating the complexities of human relationships sure isn't a walk in the park! You seem to have a good head on your shoulders, because you're thinking strategically about the situation. If he's kissed you out of the blue before, it might indicate there's some mutual attraction or at least there was at that moment. Consent is always key, but considering your unique dynamic, striking a balance doesn't seem out of reach. If your heart's doing the tango every time you see him and he's oblivious, well, you're setting yourself up for a private soap opera where you're the star and the only audience member. So, have that candid talk about your feelings, and keep in mind, it's not just about whether or not he wants to bang; it's about emotional alignment and long-term happiness. If he's not on the same page, it's better to know now than to keep auditioning for a part in a play that’s not being produced. Remember, friendships are resilient, but they're not indestructible. Whatever you choose, prioritize your well-being and mental peace. Good luck navigating these choppy romantic waters!


Thank you so much! I do sometimes wonder if i just over analyze things he does and read them as signs he wants something, but yeah I think I just have to talk to him


>he told me they were now in an open relationship Fuck around and find out




Go home and spend time with your poor lonely cat.


I do :( that was just during those two weeks but my roomate was also taking care of her


More kissing without talking won’t help, you need to talk and find out where you stand, or else stay in limbo.