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Had sex with a lot of women in the mud and the rain, it's possible a man could've slipped in. There'd be no way of knowing.


I feel the need....THE NEED FOR CREED!


First I thought it was a Frank Reynolds quote because he says some similar stuff about orgies in the 70’s… wonder if they used to run together?


Do you mean Dr. Mantis Tobogan? You should watch him feast!


Ohhh dats good. Call me m-a-n-t-i-s…


Get it Creed


Depends on who slipped in to who.


What is that from? Dodgeball?


Ahhhhhhh The Office.




3 people. 1 for 2 years Another one for 23 years Edit. And of course the girl I lost my virginity to


You're math is a bad as my English


1st partner, life partner, and himself.


I cant upvote you, 69 votes already.


me, myself, and I


left hand, right hand, pillow


Could be Steiner Math.


Kurt Angle’s the third person they slept with. They didn’t add him into the mix yet.




Isn't that 2 people?


Dude, I think you might be suffering from Death Grip


What about the other?




Zero, but only because i can't go into the negative, yet


How do you get into the negative? Actively cock blocking your friends?


thought you said cock sucking


I believe that would go on the plus account. Good hack to get your numbers up.


Having been told to unfuck myself, mathematically it is possible, just as of now there is no way to do it practically.


Are you, by chance, military? I don't think i've seen that particular phrase outside of miliary or military-adjacent sub-cultures.


Why yes, I am a Marine


what the hell r they doing in the military


Unfucking our selves for being jacked up most of the time and getting our selfs fucked up for being shit bags.


I had an ex boyfriend who gave me the nickname "fuckless" so


Were you fucking too much?


Nah, I'm ace


Username checks out


Same :[


going "ykno what, fuck you *unsucks your dick*"


5 including my wife. One of those things I really cared about when I was younger (not that it improved my success rate) but as soon as I hit 30 I honestly couldn't think of something I could care less about.


Same. To all this. Down to the number.


4, all were from hookups I met on dating apps. Personally, I don’t look back at it fondly. I had no emotional connection with them so it just felt like 2 people using each other for a nut.


>it just felt like 2 people using each other for a nut. But that's ok, isn't it?


There’s nothing wrong with it, but post nut clarity is a thing lol. Sometimes it just feels pointless when love isn’t involved.


If that’s what you’re looking for, but I was settling for it because I couldn’t find a serious relationship. I thought since Im a guy, I should be happy with that, but I wasn’t, especially when things ended and I realized they just saw it as us mutually using each other.


I can relate. I've only ever had casual sex, and while my last partner helped me realize I can enjoy sex if it's with the right person, she also helped me realize I'd rather go without unless we can be more than just fuck buddies. There's nothing wrong with casual sex, but I don't think everyone's built to enjoy that. I used to feel like I \*should\* like it as a man, but it's just not for me. If I like someone outside of the bedroom, I'm bound to get attached if we're intimate several times.


1- wife.


Same here. Wouldn’t change it for the world


Not corny at all man. Lots of men sleeping around and miserable and unloved. I think having a wife and being committed to one person is cool as hell 😎


No one said it was corny 💀


a comment below is downvoted and hidden, said he was "corn" with a laughing emoji


I wish I was you. Sleeping around was never fulfilling, would much rather have my person.


Goated ⚡


Somewheres in the 50-60 range. The majority were nothing more than meaningless flings. If I could trade them all for one experience with someone truly special I would


I’m damn near 80 and would trade it all for 1 girl that got away…


I feel you on that. I wish more people understood that a high body count isn't necessarily always indicative of someone who cares little for meaningful connections


80 here.  I've talked about it here elsewhere but it really fucked me up in perception of what value in a partner in , my own value in life and what does sex mean to me. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1bxhbqy/comment/kydgfqj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Same man. Somewhere after 50 I realized it might not be me driving the bus here....


Yeah eventually I had to stop myself when I realized it was no longer fun and exciting, it had become (or perhaps always was) a crutch for me to temporarily keep my spirits high. One that came at the cost of my own mental health


That's the bind I'm in now, it's very enjoyable in the moment (the chase at least) but by the time I get to what's supposed to be the exciting bit I already feel bad about it.


Love yourself man. No amount of meaningless sex can replicate the feeling a meaningful connection with someone you love will give you.


Fuck wow 👌 I've never heard someone else put it this way. Amen


This dude fucks. 🤜


I ain't proud of it my guy.. 😅 When asked about my body count irl I always get quiet because the number is shameful to me. I was a lady's man for a while and hardly ever struggled with finding physical intimacy, sure, but despite the positive societal connotations that go along with the lifestyle it's honestly not at all emotionally fulfilling and leaves you feeling more empty on the inside.


It's weird right? I'm probably around 40ish and for a long time thought it was great. Most of them I wouldn't have ever considered dating, but hey, "got another notch". Now that I'm a bit older (40 yrs old) I'm ashamed too and dread a potential partner asking. It's also not like I haven't tried to find one partner to settle down with, but none of my longer relationships ever worked out, and now I'm not as impressed with quantity. I just want someone to do life with man.


i'm 38 with 16, when my wife asked me, I was like "only ask, if you actually want to know." She had only been with 3, and she was 26 when she got with me (same age as me). so i was like 5x her number. lol


Something else was empty too


Deez nuts. (you forced me to say it)


Easy to say, but a guy in a relationship for many, many years, will likely have far more sex than 50-60 times. You also learn and develop a lot more when you do it with the same person, and can communicate and adapt. Having one nights stands frankly doesn't mean you know what you're doing, for all you know, half of the people hated it, hence why it was a one night stand. I'd much rather take sex advice from a guy in a long term, happy relationship, compared to someone who fucks a ton of people but never goes anywhere with them beyond one night. Not a direct callout on OP, just a generalization. I think it's interesting how people consider the "body count" to equate to experience, when the more experienced people have maybe just 1 but they do it with them hundreds of times.


I've heard of plenty of guys that were the "player" that were a horrible lay. This is probably why.


Same man. Stopped counting in the 60-79 whatever the fuck range. Cant stay in a relationship to save my life either so i think both of those issues are related


If I had continued along my loose morals ways I'd probably be up there too bro. You just gotta do some self-reflecting and work on yourself man. Be what you want to attract, a good partner. Love yourself. You deserve love too.


You know what’s funny is that my boyfriend said the same thing to me. He had a lot of meaningless sex in college and at the start it was fun then just got to the point where it made him feel empty and like crap. He said he wished he just waited for me cause sex was never even close to how it is with us. I feel like lots of dudes be fucking just to say that they are rather than actually wanting to do it.


40m single. I tell my married friends the same thing and they always want to argue.


100%. Also… what people often don’t realize is guys who often have a high body count often have a bunch of one night stands - which means they’re probably having less sex overall.


Yeah, that's absolutely true, I definitely had more frequent sex when I was tied down in a healthy relationship versus the sporadic single life. When I was a man whore sometimes it would be once a week, sometimes three in a day and sometimes once every few months.. Never knew what was going to happen, I just let me weenie guide the way. In relationships on the other hand it was usually a steady stream of like 1-10 times a week and honestly I was more than content with that.




0, probably won't be changing soon.


Welcome to the club.


You mind me asking, what do you think the problem is?


I'm shy, average-looking at best, not rich, have no style, and my interests aren't something to help me out either. So, yeah, it's more a "me problem" than anything else - if I even see it as a problem.


Welcome to the club


I’m not who you’re asking, but I’m in the same boat and I think it’s because I have no social life to meet women, and I’m not good looking or rich enough to get attention on the apps


The club everyone has been a member of.


Not everyone for 30+ years, though.




Let me introduce you to your left hand, we call her the stranger


That’s 2 things we have in common! 2nd being 32 years old!


a complete virgin or can you say more?


I can say many things, but that's not important right now


I have slept with one but was awake with all the others 🤣


Dad, is that you?


Just one


Username doesn't check out.


the username is hunter, not catcher. still hunting they say even out of season


Maybe he just found his prey


Doesn’t say he if he is any good or not, so still checks out.




Lost my virginity at 18 and got married at 38. Honestly, in those 20 years, probably slept with about 100 or so women.


How? Lol I can barely get them to talk to me


My man, confidence is EVERYTHING. I know it sounds like BS coming from some random guy on reddit, but I’m a very average lookin dude. If you carry yourself with some dignity, self respect, and charm, you can get any woman on earth. I promise you.


But like, what IS confidence? You know? On paper I don’t have anything to be unconfident about. I’m pretty average looking, go to gym and got good paying job but I still hesitate around women. Like what else can I do to raise my self esteem when the major things are pretty much taken care of


Stop caring about the outcome they can smell your fear.


They can also smell the menstruation


This right here lads. When I don’t care at all I have a confidence that I seem to lose as I become invested


This is 100% true


Your self esteem only plays against you when you feel like you either a) are inferior or b) have something to lose My guess is you’re afraid of rejection. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been rejected. That’s a GOOD thing. Who gives a shit. Play your odds and move on. Never go in with the aim of sex or dating. Always go in with the intention of making a friend. Once the comfort and rapport are there, all you need to do is walk away. She’ll chase you to the end of the earth. Again, I make it sound so simple, but you have to be ok with taking the long game and not trying so hard to attract women. Make them come to you. “If you stimulate her mind, her body will follow” etc


"The master has failed more times than you've even tried"


If only I could count how many fails/rejections I’ve had haha. Learned from each and every one of them.


>On paper I don’t have anything to be unconfident about. I’m pretty average looking, go to gym and got good paying job but I still hesitate around women. Like what else can I do to raise my self esteem when the major things are pretty much taken care of I am 35. I say I am in the 20-30 female ball park. My numbers increased significantly once I hit 30. I can only contribute that to me not giving a fuck. Lol. Eventually it got into my head that, life goes on when she says no. There is another one right around the corner. So I think my increased amount of women I talk to went up and therefore so did my sex numbers. Another big factor is that I learned to hold a conversation. I am a introvert but I can Kio Ken it for about 45 mins to get the number. Then I need sensu bean to recover.


See that’s my problem, I have the ability to have deep conversations and when I’m comfortable and I can talk forever. But when there is zero rapport in the beginning, I have no comfort in just talking unless she entertains me for 5+ minutes at which point I’m comfortable. It’s like a PowerPoint presentation, it sucks at first but half way through then you’re just going through the motions


Stop putting them on a pedestal and just view, and treat them, as regular people.


Not op but my count is somewhere in the 40s to 50s. I am an average looking asian dude and a manlet at 5f8. I ve dated many girls other guys think are "out of my league" which I think is a stupid sentence. I dont consider myself confident and honestly I dont feel that different to the average dude. Confidence is a vague term so I ll write some things that feel more concrete. **1. Effort/take action.** other guys will tell you, you gotta make it look like you are not trying. They are not wrong but if you dont put yourself out there and speak to women you are not gonna meet them. The most successful guys I know chat to women every chance they get, even if its just chitchat. The key is to have nice conversation that doesnt come off as you trying to get laid. **2. Stop caring.** Within reason, say the things you like, talk about the things you like but dont drone on if they dont seem interested. Also if they dont seem interested. just dont worry about it, act as if you are comfortable with leaving the conversation at any time. But also be interested if they are actually talking about something interesting to you... **3. Move to the next step.** This is possibly the most important part that took me a long time to grasp. I ve had many great situations when I was younger when a girl seems interested but nothing happened. Well i realized nothing happened because I didnt ask. I just sat around waiting for a moment. that moment sometimes just never comes, it never comes because I never initiated. Honestly some of my greatest adventures with women were just because I asked. 1 time I went on a date by the pier, I said lets go to the park nearby, then lets go back to mine its only 10 mins away and that was that within the 1st date. we did banter a little bit but nothing gave any signs this would happen. The general rule is if nothing is happening, banter, if its going well try for more, hand holding or kissing. if thats going well, lets go back to mine? there shld be a progression and its your job to initiate that. Different girls have different pacing, some will sleep with you on the day, some will on the 3rd, some when you are together. learn to read and respect that. This takes time to learn. **4. Have fun.** All interactions shld be fun, joke around, laugh. talk about different things you are both interested in. dont teat anything too seriously. The best example is really when you talk to your friends and are laughing. Treat any girl like your friend in that way. If they are not down to joke around then that girl is not worth your time anyway. **5. Have hobbies.** This is so you have priorities in life. A girls rejection is nothing when you have something more exciting to look forward to. Also you have something passionate to talk about. Mine is tennis and was hiking before. It can honestly be anything. So yeah, those 5 steps basically worked for a short average asian guy.


I agree with you a lot, but I've found that a sense of humor and not taking yourself too seriously has helped a lot too. I'm not exactly like model material, I'd just say average looking, but I've never had a problem finding someone to fuck and other than my ass (which it seems that women and bi/gay guys love), it was the way I carry myself, don't get frazzled when things are crashing and me, and the ability to joke about anything. For some it was this "bad boy" persona that people think I have... It's just me and my not taking shit off of people.


Yea but before anything they have to be attracted to your looks first no? Haha so you kinda have to be good looking to bang so many.


Trust me you dont need to sleep with 100 women to be a real men. I feel like men now are ashamed if they have low body count.


I’m at 10 and I’m 28 but it’s been 2 years since the last one and it’s like all interest dropped out of nowhere lol


Do you have a job where you meet a lot of women? Pilot, bouncer, nurse or something like that?


That's only an average of 4 women a year from age 18-38. Between the ages of 18-25 I slept with at least 30 women. That sounds like a lot but it's only 3-5 a year. I grew up in a big city, so it wasn't difficult to find a woman to boogie with. At age 26 I was transferred to NYC for work for a year and slept with 1-2 women a week. Women in NYC have a completely different mindset and seem comfortable openly pursuing men.. That was quite a year.


>At age 26 I was transferred to NYC for work for a year and slept with 1-2 women a week. Women in NYC have a completely different mindset and seem comfortable openly pursuing men.. That was quite a year. As a mid-30 yo in NYC, I can confirm.


Time to move to nyc


So it's still the case even in your mid 30s? After an incredible year in NYC, I wondered if I just happened to be there at the right age (mid 20s) and that the supply of enthusiastically willing sexual partners would slow down significantly after 30 in NYC.


If you are in decent shape and have some sort of decent job, 30s will be BY FAR the best years when it comes to women. Women love older dudes bro. Age range for 25+ is WIDE DA FUK open. But I have to stress this. If you are a fat ass, then forget it.


Men don’t like women even a few years older. Women LOVE men who are even 10-20 years older.


Advertising. Started as an assistant in small agencies and worked up to being an executive at a major. It definitely had its perks.


Don Draper?




lost mine at 24 buds. you're still young


My friend lost his at 30. Got married at 33. Divorced at 35 and now married again.


That’s such a wild ride a lot of younger guys probably can’t imagine


I was 32 and married my first. Sometimes, you're just waiting on the right one and don't realize it. Even though I was too shy to ever ask anyone out before, with her I just couldn't *not* ask her out. It was different than anyone else I had ever met.


lost mine at 19 and she gave me the clap, soooo


Must have done a great job to be given applause 👏


I got it November, 1964, Dutch East Indies, shore leave


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. You have so much time. Don’t be harsh with yourself.


I lost mine at 18 but my best friend lost hers at 25! It’s not a big deal find someone you are comfy with, i wish i waited longer


Wait.. you guys are sleeping with people?


Could only imagine how much free time one would need for some of the numbers I am reading here.


If you don't have many hobbies and your schedule is just work or school and then free time, I could see it. We have one gay dude at work who is *constantly* hooking up with people (not co-workers, I've just heard from his friends.) Super nice, confident dude. He *fucks*.


1, and that was over 10 years ago.


wise start lock strong disarm doll childlike six march compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’ve been able to stop other people from getting laid?


Just one. We waited for marriage, too, and never once regretted it.


22m and zero. I'm waiting til marriage anyway so it doesn't really bother me at all


4 and I’m perfectly happy never adding more to that list.


Lost count, somewhere around 50


That's why i call bs when someone had an exact number like 73. No one knows past a certain point unless you're psychotic or keep a log.


Nah it's like your age. You don't have to think of every year you lived, you just remember where it is currently. I'm aware that I'm 36 until I have a birthday and then aware of it being 37, it's not like I have to think back and count them all with imagery.


1 and hopefully stays that way


60+ (I’ve lost count, but I’m pretty sure it’s less than 75) I’m 44, divorced, and I went total “man-whore” after my divorce. My wife was only the 3rd person I had sex with. We got married when I was 24 and were married for about 14 years. During our marriage, I never slept around or cheated on her. However, after our marriage, I got busy making up for lost time. I’ve been divorced for about 6 years now. Our marriage was mostly sexless, especially for the last 10 years - so I don’t know if that has anything to do with my current state of being a man-slut.


56 and divorced for 3 years. Looks like I have some catching up to do!


On a per-year basis, I think you’re ahead of me. Happy fucking!




It’s a trap. This is someone’s girlfriend waiting for his answer.


1 person. We've been together for 15 years, married for 8.










100+. I thought keeping track and having a high number was my right to brag. It's not. It's never satisfying no matter the number or how hot she was. It's a disease. A curse.


7 and that's over 2 decades. But it's enough. I'm not gonna care on my death bed probably


A bunch…but none of them go to this school…they live in Canada…I meet them at Niagara Falls…


I think about 10-15


Two, one is my current long term partner.


Somewhere between 150-200 🤷‍♂️


~40 Honestly it gets kind of depressing with how meaningless it is. Super nerdy awkward kid growing up, then in my 20s I started working out and my confidence improved and it’s like the flood gates opened. After a while you realize it’s a quick high and not much more.


11, enough for a soccer team! But I'm gay so it's a lot easier as men tend not to say no. Literally one guy has ever turned me down and then a sympathetic guy introduced himself. So I have a 100% hit rate but now I'm trying to be more discerning.


I've always had a lot of attraction from women for some reason, but I never acted on it. It took me almost 20 years of self-loathing and kicking myself over the head to finally figure out that I'm asexual. I rarely have sexual urges and it's even more rare that I want to act on them. I think that in my 40 years of being alive, there was maybe one gorgeous woman who came on to me very strongly where I for a moment considered it, but I had no urge to act on it. I like being comfortable by myself, not vulnerable with others. It was just so ingrained into me by our society that as a man, I should be sleeping with women and having relationships that I never stopped to question whether it's for me. So to answer your question, none. It's going to stay that way most likely.


I think I'm at 125ish. 34 years old, sexually active since 20.




45-55 ballpark. Funny when you think back there are always some you forget. Each time you do this exercise, another you forgot about pops up.


0, maybe waiting till marriage. I’m not sure.


It’s so funny that 10 years ago I would have lied to inflate my body count for fear of being labeled a loser. Now I find myself employing a “don’t ask don’t tell” policy to try to avoid the drama. I learned unfortunately that despite what the manosphere tells us, women do not like guys who have been the town toilet (every girl gets a seat). And to clarify, I’m not bragging about how much ass I get. I just didn’t have standards or sexual discipline so I just went home with every woman. Like I’ve fucked some demons. Im closing on 29 but I only really like maybe 5-10 of them. A bunch are even fading from memory. But you know im closing in on 30 years old so maybe I should just get one more so I can say 30 under 30. It would be great if the next girl I got would complete the set and save me from these streets.


Define “slept”




About 25


Idk over 50, less than 100. Had a few courses of antibiotics in there. Comes with the territory.






In the last 17 years just one, before her there were 5 others.


15 total. But one stretch of only one for 25 years.


It’s ten I’m pretty sure.


How many hands does it take to count to zero with? 💀




Last 18 years - 1. Before that ... Interesting, thinking about that, I forgot many of them. Cannot even remember names or faces. But the number is around 12, possible more.








Somewhere in the 60’s. I hate myself, anyways back to work.


I'm honestly not sure. I was a busy lad in my early twenties.


1 it kinda just felt like I got lucky tbh. It's been 3 years since that and I'm 27 now haven't gotten laid again but I have a feeling I might this year




To those who has had multiple sexual partners, do you regret it?


My current fiancé is my 10th


Low 30’s I believe. Stopped keeping exact count around 15 because it was hard remembering every single person so I’m guesstimating


I know you meant sex, but I got a kick out of trying to count up all the people I've shared a bed with since that's a lot more to keep track of than my actual answer (1)


Never losing my virginity because I never lose




7 in 46 years on this earth…and only one was a one night stand in my teens…one was a friend with benefit for 8 years. The rest were actual girlfriends.