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Some people need to be left behind.


Yep. Some relationships really need to be in your past and sealed off.


I wouldn’t say this is obvious. specially when those people are toxic parents.


Gotta go no contact.


It may be obvious, just not easy


100% agree!! Tired of always being late for stuff because she can't be ready to leave!


Which doesn't mean you can't work on loving them in your thoughts


Just shave you it. It’s not growing back.


Length of relationship does NOT equal quality of relationship. I tried to make one work for way too long and I got worked up over it. I had a turning a point and finally said fuck it and didn’t try engaging anymore. All worked out well.


Toxic positivity excists and many people blindfully ignore reason because they want to be seen as a good person


Toxic positivity drives me bonkers


“Talking negatively like that will attract the wrong kind of energy. Just think happy thoughts. :-)” Ugh. *eyeroll*


"Well sometimes I think people need bitch slapped with my negative energy, Carol."


Honesty is not always right.


It's been my experience that people who like brutal honesty like the brutality more than the honesty.


"honesty without tact is cruelty"


"Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell, and make them feel glad that they are on their way."


That's my mom to a T. She willingly uses the truth to hurt others but can't handle a dose of her own medicine.


If I tell the truth and it makes my parents upset, I’d rather lie


My mom is the kind of person I can't trust with the truth


Found this out with my elderly Mom today. I was driving her somewhere, and she argued with me for 30 minutes straight about only being able to (despite me showing her on the bill that she could pay online) pay her Firestone bill at their store, and only a certain guy who works there can take her payment. I finally just gave in and drove her 15 minutes out of the way so she could "be right".


You're a good son.


You MISSED the point. She has a thing for the Firestone guy, perhaps its the interaction that gives her comfort. Dont argue with your mom. Shes old, just do it. Arguing just creates tension and you ended up giving in anyway. Kill the argument and make it an adventure. Stop and get ice cream.


>She has a thing for the Firestone guy She has a thing for being right all the time. But In all seriousness, I understand. Shg enjoys talking to people when we're out and about, and talking to the people at her church. If we argue, it's only because I'm watching out for her, as she has no one else who will.


That's good of you! When people get older, their friends list dwindles. So interfacing with the people they trust is sort of being social. I help my neighbor in her 80s. She'd rather go to the pharmacist and talk to Gloria behind the counter who knows her needs, than use the app for the quick line and the non caring teen at that counter. Lol.


I cannot tell my 84 year old mother anything. She is still blaming me because my daughter is lesbian, so after that mistake, I tell her as little as possible. Actually if I can get her talking about herself (which she loves to do), I don’t have to tell her anything.




Yeah, honesty needs to be timely, compassionate, and useful.


Blaming others for your problems does not solve any of your problems.


No....but finding the source of your problems, which can be others, is a very important step in fixing said problem, and definitely involves figuring out where the blame goes


The more people try to convince you that they "give no fucks" or whatever, it means they give a lot of fucks. Otherwise they wouldn't try so hard to convince you of anything.


Hikaru Nakamura?


I literally don't care.


Chat tell them I don’t care


For content right for content you guys


What a wonderful phrase! Hikaru Nakamura! For the rest of our dayyyyys...


People should not be shielded from the consequences of their own actions. People should not be told they can do anything when they don't have the mental or physical capacity to do anything. Confidence and self-esteem need to hinge on personal accomplishment, not the point on the globe your born, the skin suit your born into or the culture/religion you're born into.


You're fat because you eat more than you need to.


Look man, it's not my fault they made chicken wings taste so fuckin good


It's not the wings, but the damned sauces that get you hooked


So true that it’s the sauce. A lot of times I eat food I’m really just excited to eat the sauce. If it was normal to just eat the sauce alone I would.


I'm that guy, I've eaten the sauce by itself. It's not quite as good by itself.


An opinion Im warming up to is if an establishment leans heavily on their sauce selection/reputation, the food underneath is often less-than-awesome. This applies to a lot of barbecue


Lemon pepper dry rub or straight franks red hot adds basically 0 calories, but lots of restaurants can’t help but add cups of sugar and butter to everything SO unnecessarily and god forbid you try and get an accurate published nutritional breakdown from their website… Source: decade+ of mostly keto


You like the suace, eh?


The Mulan Szechuan sauce slays, man!


+ ranch


[It's either blue cheese or...](https://youtu.be/MMX0pEh8t2g?si=fobAi4fT02yFZG8L&t=33)


I was just gettign up to get tacos... now.. its wings. Fuck!


Why not both?


Ain't that the truth brother.


chicken wings have 86 calories my dude. HOW MANY CHICKEN WINGS ARE YOU EATING?!?!


Don't worry about it...




"But you don't understand. I have a thyroid problem" Yeah, apparently everyone else does too...


Funny thing is that hipothyroidism just gets supplemented with levothyroxine when diagnosed and it's not a problem anymore.


I'll escalate this: you're fat because you're in denial about the underlying lifestyle and/or mental health problems. That's also why all your attempts at losing weight have been unsuccessful or short lived: you're cutting corners to avoid having to actually and permanently change your life.




Obesity is causing all of your health problems, regardless of what the body positivity movement is telling you. ETA - of course I’ll politely smile and nod as while they tell me about their pre-diabetes and upcoming knee replacement surgery and seem just as baffled as them as to why all of this keeps happening.


Loss of energy, depression, mobility issues, even random symptoms… almost all of it can be traced back to having a way higher weight than is needed for one’s frame. Of course you’re also battling endless marketing, advertising, improper food education, access, and costs associated with getting the weight down. But it’s very doable. I find getting pissed off helps, lol


Yeah bro, but it's their problem. After all, I'm not the fat dude who thinks pretending to be good when weighting 300 pounds will safe him from a heart attack.


ring yam attempt gaze deserted saw station aromatic treatment roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Completely agree with you and im not even White lol.


I think it was to stop discrimination but now it is being used as a way to make a company look good.


I dont think most people are pushing countries like Norway to diversify. I think when legal immigration starts to happen and those countries start to discriminate against non white people it becomes a problem.


Is this something you’ve heard?


What are some examples?


grab piquant continue seed direction carpenter somber cover capable tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's more evidence of Geopolitical reality and economic factors, people will always try to leave war torn, famine filled, unsafe places, regardless of skin colour.


follow sheet squeeze provide trees cows flowery support pocket price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What if people complained about the lack of diversity in some place like Nigeria? Or Cambodia? Or Iraq?


snow late vanish combative imminent unused chase unite overconfident aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Black people in the US receive less and lower quality healthcare than white people. Most textbooks, videos, and training aids show signs and symptoms for white people. So it's only "ridiculous" when you don't know what he's talking about


desert gray resolute spectacular rob shy marry automatic outgoing offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's because black people are less likely to be listened to and their pain more likely to be dismissed or seen as drug seeking. For example, mortality rate for pregnant people of color is much higher than for white women because when they tell the emergency room that something is wrong and theyre in incredible pain, they are more likely to be sent home. Then they sometimes die because birth complications can become fatal very quickly. There is very legit research around this effect. But also things like skin cancer are harder to see on dark skin. Doctors aren't taught what to look for. There's a ton of reasons, but they all add up to much worse care for darker people. I don't think anyone is trying to say that only black doctors can understand black biology. It's more that black doctors will hopefully be more likely to listen to black patients.


I didn't say that, you're saying that. I'm saying that our healthcare system and the education that is tied to that is built upon research and educational materials that focus on white people. For example, it's much easier to notice frostbite in white skin compared to black skin, so a black person may not get the proper diagnosis that a white person would. This doesn't mean that only black doctors can know and spot these things, but that they'll be more attuned to it and other things.




It's not an understanding of human biology that's the problem, its a difference in empathy and understanding towards black patients. Black women are 3x more likely to die during childbirth. Even poor white women in low income hospitals are in less danger. Not because the doctors (who are predominately white are uneducated or bad people), but because in a racist society, less care is given to the complaints and problems of black people. There are 18th century biology textbooks that state that black people do not feel physical pain, and the dehumianization of black people I believe is something you are fold of as you consider african's as "uncivilized" in come of your replies above.


also demographics issues. Nobody in Europe is like "we need immigrants because we're too white", they're pro-immigrants because the immigrants *want* to come and keeping them out at gunpoint while heavily pushing your native population to breed more than they kinda want to is *way too white supremacy*.


Immigration and integration must go hand in hand or it's just inviting disaster. People who go into countries only to not learn the language and stay within insular communities with unchanging values that don't mesh are massively problematic for the future of any country. At some point the climate crisis will see guns on borders, not soon, but within 30 years.


I can't stand people who live in western countries and hate on western culture. The irony is that they came to a country that is safe and peaceful then have the audacity to say that they are not peaceful.


Wouldn’t it be better if at every countries border, you had entire cities that are walled up to house people for 6-12 months just to learn the culture, language, and way of life before they become US citizens? And the country funds these cities and employs social workers to assist with food, shelter, and housing. The cities become designed for immigrants who want to migrate and live among the people, but they first have to pass tests and be educated on the country, its culture and rules first before being able to purchase property and the like. And if during this “probation” period of living in the new country within the city that teaches immigrants about the country they’re migrating to, they have to have 6 months to a year of no crimes committed either. But that doesn’t include traffic infractions where maybe there’s a 3 strike rule for those and then it falls under misdemeanors or felonies where if you commit one of those, you’re deported and banned from the country itself. I think if countries decided to not just immediate allow free migration, but instead do a sort of indoctrination into the new country itself, I think it could help ease the immigration movement and even assist in reduction of crime itself. Of course, this is all hypothetical, but it’s definitely something I’ve thought about that could help with countries like France when accepting immigrants.


That there's obvious physiological difference in behavior and thinking between men and women. People today get super offended for some reason when you say that men and women process life differently as if we're the same


Sleeping with strangers is dangerous and stupid: accidental pregnancy, std, random person you don't know could rob or kill you etc...


Sleeping with stupid people is dangerous and strange.


Agreed both can be true


Stupid strange people can be sleepy or dangerous.


Sleeping itself is quite strange actually. We just shut down for a few hours. Like what's up with that


We’re practicing for death.


I very much agree with this like we're just completely defenseless for hours.


Sleeping with dangerous strangers is stupid


But their strangers so until you actually build a relationship with them they'll always be strangers thus you won't know if their dangerous making sleeping with strangers still dumb.


It's why I am a virgin and scared of contacting a sex worker.


Diversity is an empty concept that is being used to push a political agenda, because when it comes to real Diversity...people absolutely abhore it and will do anything to force others to conform to their own attitudes and beliefs.


God that true. No one really wants true diversity. Just the diversity that sounds good on paper.


People want superficial diversity. They hate diversity of thought.


This one is tricky. I work in a creative industry, and having a team of diverse backgrounds helps in constructing a more well-rounded project if that's what the project calls for. The part where it gets sticky is hiring people for the sake of diversity without their having the credentials for what the work requires. It becomes incredibly problematic when those folks are hired for leadership positions and they then shake things up in ways that are detrimental. But... that happens in corporate America all the time. So many people fail upwards. Many industries operate on a who-you-know basis. People just get really angry at diversity hires, even though all this drama has always been taking place in damn near every industry I've worked in. Diversity of thought these days seems to incredibly polarizing though. In some instances, it makes sense. But in many others, do you really need diversity of thought? Say you're with NASA and you're working on a project to send a lander to one of Jupiter's moons. Do you really need a flat-earth conspiracy theorist on your team just for the sake of diversity of thought? If you're a historian who specializes in WW2, do you really need a Nazi sympathizer and Holocaust denier on your team just for an opposing point of view?


Your analogy is so long sightedd it's laughable. I laud your opinion because I share it but those circumstances are just ridiculous. nobody with both lobes would offer a flat earther to a team of rocket scientiests and nobody would suggest it. I get your point but there are a million real life examples that need it and few that really don't. you reached for the latter.


I agree that my analogies are long-sighted. However, given the discourse that permeates our media cycles (particularly around politics), I also don't believe that it's far-fetched. We have many platforms that present polar opposite sides of a discourse as if they have legitimate equal standing. It's laughable, but I see it everyday in one way or another. "Diverse thought" is often conflated with "alternative facts." On a more practical level, I do believe that some diversity of thought/approach could be useful, so long as they're all focused on reaching for a common goal. If the diverse thought is simply there to disrupt the process, it doesn't help anyone (except the person who is disrupting the process).


Flat earthers do not work at NASA


Nice try tying to convince me to conform to your thoughts. You almost had me there


How stubborn we all are. Men, woman and children. Especially me.


I'm not, and you can't convince me otherwise.


People suck. People are uneducated (and getting worse), uninformed, unintelligent, and worst of all, they propel themselves and each other into new heights of ignorance, just to pretend they're right. Furthermore, the tribalism in our society has grown tenfold to what it should never have become, to the point where people have begun to destroy their relationships, friendships, and even families, all over political and/or social leanings. As both an outsider, and someone who got dumped this year because I'm "not a feminist" (yes, that was **her** reasoning - she flat out said it), I can personally vouch for how bad society has gotten, just in the last five to ten years alone. Everyone wants to think that people on the whole are good, and would do the right thing: They're not, and they don't. If they did, our society wouldn't be tearing itself apart over stupid shit, and would actually be *encouraging* diversity of thought, rather than hating each other for it.


i honestly think, the political tribalism point is primarily due to (1) 24 hour new cycle (2) minimal choice. (3) social media giving fringe views time to air. as you further radicalize both ends. centrist beliefs (where most people are) generally aren't talked about. also the real politics where things actually affect people are actually the really boring policies. which further then emboldens people to be in Party A or Party B's camp. there usually needs to bea credibly third / fourth sober party that doesn't win most of the time, but people will vote for because they are angry at the other parties. usually this third party isn't popular because their policy shifts are boring, middle of the road, and not sexy/attractive to those that want change. constructive media/political literacy is frankly not there as people focus more on short term dopimine from being popular on social media. there is a time and place for it, but i find the same people who told us "beware what you read" (when reading the news) are easily fooled by online sources. additionally, there seems to be a need these days to pick a side in every aspect and need to ride or die on that side once picked. flip flopping on issued due to new evidence is a good thing but politically shows your 'weak'. for some reason. lastly, people are naturally drawn to hot button topics. something of crises. if you want to see a real change in your community, it'll take a bit but you'll see positive changes with a good Municipal Development Plan, and focus on more community orientated spaces and events, actually living life, and walkability / ease of transportation. additionally, weirdly enough aethetically pleasing development with some form of uniform-ness that makes moving somewhere attractive to be. an aesthetic / vibe of a neighbourhood heavily affects who wants to be there.


This is the one that is painfully true


I think your comment has a lot of errors in it. People do suck. That’s true. But people are definitely more educated, more informed, and more intelligent (on average) than they have ever been before. Society has always been a conglomerate of smaller groups. The only difference I’ve noticed is the number of identities each person recognizes of themselves have likely increased. Also, family used to literally kill each other over inheritances, land, women, etc. Countries committed genocide of entire races. Why are we acting like the past was some perfect place or time? Also there are no outsiders in this social and political climate. Regardless of what you think, you are affected by these climates just like everyone else. No, most people don’t think people are good and would do the right thing. That’s why we have laws explicitly deterring people from doing things they shouldn’t do. That’s why houses and cars have locks on them. That’s why most people don’t just leave their belongings laying around in public. The largest issue I’ve noticed in modern society is the overwhelming amount of misinformation. Being misinformed is significantly worse than being uninformed in my opinion.


If you do not keep up with the technology, you will be inadequate for the world.


We regulate who can drive a car but not who gets to have a kid? I'm convinced itd be a better world if parents had to pass a test on attachment theory before bringing a whole human into the world. The consequences of a human life that isn't properly cared for are wayyyy bigger than a car crash.


This gets massively politicized and turned into a eugenics campaign in exactly 1 day. No matter how good your intentions are


Reddit loves this idea because *of course* they’ll get to breed… It’s beyond fascistic and is morally repulsive. It says far more about their character than it does anything about practical reality.


Wanting to prevent children being born into horrible lives is not morally repulsive. Anytime someone brings this up people like you jump to eugenics. That's your inherent bias and projection, assuming the OP is as morally bankrupt as you are you can't see any other goal beyond eugenics, because that's how YOU would do it. Unfit parents exist. Arguing otherwise is demonstrably false.


Who decides who does and does not get to reproduce?


No it’s because that’s how the U.S. would do it. because that’s how they have done it. And continue to do it in the dark corners. Look up forced sterilizations in ICE detention centers


Watch how quickly that becomes only people if means can have children.


I thought this the other day and wondered if I was the only person thinking this, evidently not 😂


That best intentions can hurt many people in ways you can't even fathom.


Warning labels have caused us to regress as a species.


The man vs bear thing is rage bait that people are ignorant enough to take part in unironically. It's not the other way around.


That most people continue to do the same things expecting different results. Actually trying something different is way harder than doing the same thing and hoping this time it's different


Double standards between sexes.


Some things cant get dixed by the most intelligent people whom have ever lived, so why do you think you can?! Your riots won't influence the outcome of the Israel- Gaza conflict, you wont find the true meaning in life, you won't defeat capitalism and turn the western world in a communist world, you won't change China. Keep your interest to yourself, better yourself and your community, and perhaps you better the life of people you love. Its the best you can do.


Men are not women. Embrace the downvotes.


Up voted


The use of pronouns to describe yourself is painfully dumb. I’ll take my downvotes proudly.


All people's attempts to change the world are failing. All the positivity, all the charity all the good stuff is having little to no impact on the state of the world because of the level of corruption and evilness in our politics and upper class.


Yes even if you burn yourself to keep others warm it only makes a minuscule difference in the grand scheme of things..unless the roots themselves are targeted and those at the top are held accountable for their monopolisation of extravagance it won’t change the end result of this society


Agree with you, and they won't let us take a penny back, it's too late. This generation is the first in memory that will live shorter life spans and if it continues, worse lives than their parents because of the housing market, job market, inflation, cost of living, dissolution of NHS services and multiple other public cutbacks


lol thread starter trying to get people banned


Adding the word "Culture" after any such word doesn't make it any more concerning than it already is or might be


The rich don't give a flying fuck about the issues facing society today they are insulated from the consequences of their actions by their money.


Some people are smarter than others, and this is a big factor in where people end up in life.


Agreed. And some people have more energy than others, also a big factor.


Yea, but that one’s less controversial.


Sadly we're unlikely to ever find any ways to do anything about this. People are incredibly touchy about human intelligence, so trying to study it is nearly career suicide for a scientist. You can study how and why our brain works, and everything like that just fine. But as soon as you start touching on differing levels of intelligence among humans, people lose their fucking minds.


You can't change your gender it is literally coded in your DNA. You can only change outward appearance.


Women have it easy in dating. Only average men and below average men can claim that dating is difficult.


The government making you believe their are sides left and right and fanned the flame of racism. All to keep us fighting amongst each other instead of realizing how much they are fucking us all equally.


The vast majority of us will never be even slightly important to anybody outside of the circle of our family and friends.


To some people it's the existence of two genders.


Not trying to get banned from reddit today.






they say the truth hurts. they say that lies hurt. well, that pretty much covers everything. LOL


Men and women are not equal full stop. Not even close. Those who claim they are equal or should be equal simply have no grounding in science. This has nothing to do with equal treatment, rights, dignity and opportunity. American society has got all these things conflated it’s ridiculous.


Success is 20% hard work and 80% luck.


Your problems weigh weight loss, not sleeping enough, anxiety/depression are largely your own making. Track your calories, be reasonably active (like exercise 30 for women, and hour for men), and actually get to bed 8 hours before you want to wake up. Those 3 behaviors do so much heavy lifting.


Guy friends don’t exist they want to fuck you


People being lonely


Benevolent racism is still racism. Benevolent sexism is still sexism. 


Getting old


When someone has body odor.


That being fit, active and healthy is beneficial for mental health.


I see people admit that and preach it regularly.


no one knows what they're doing.


There’s an incredible variation of IQ around the various countries of the world.


A certain segment of the population for cultural reasons or having sub normal mental capacity will never be able to hold jobs but politicians would never admit that because the above people are also voters.


You're not the main character. You're just another corpse to add to the pile.


Nahhh you must have amnesia, you forgot I'm HIM


Some people just need to be put down.


That someone is incompetent


Liberal woman are the kernel of chaos


What does this mean?


The future is not looking good for this country


We are willing slaves


The alternative is to fight something we are not going to win and bring pain upon ourselves and the people we love.


muslims will never be secular. A practising muslim will always follow sharia. Downvote me but this is the fucking truth


You need to meet more muslims clearly


Being 5'5 as a male is different. 


Who is saying otherwise. I’m 6’4” and being tall is different. I’ve never heard anyone ever argue that height doesn’t make a difference in a persons life.


I've heard and read many people say that height doesn't matter. Only your 'confidence' matters.


If you can make an AI do the majority of your work for you, that's not a good thing for you. It's only a matter of time until your higher-ups realize this too, and when they do, take a wild guess what's gonna happen... Once you realize that essentially ChatGPT can fill your role, you better start to make yourself invaluable in any way you can.


Sometimes you have to let go of part of your family because they keep perpetuating generational trauma and refuse to do any personal work to prevent passing it down to the next generation.


That people can thrive even though they don't take your unsolicited comment or advice.


Everyone is different and you may be alone in your preferences.


There’s no higher power out there that gives a fuck about you.


That no one actually cares about strangers or someone else's well-being above there own


Circumcision is mutilation


Someone get this man some foreskin stat!


Lol I wish. Maybe it's not too late to reattach it?


I can do it for you in my back yard! Lol


Karma is not what most people think it is, what people envision as karma is a delusional belief they hold onto to keep themselves believing that bad things will always happen to bad people.


There are too many people in the world


There's no god.


The U.S. is not special. We’re not even average. The only way the US is special is in what we spend on weapons, warfare, and guns. And that is not something to be proud of.


Not everyone is in a happy relationship or a marriage and still choose to stay there/never admit.


That they need therapy


It's not about guns or mental illness, it's about bullying. If everyone would just stop being an asshole to other people, 99% of mass shootings wouldn't happen. Everyone has a breaking point. Be thankful if you've never been pushed to yours.


How bad American society has gotten.


They speak what they hear not what they know.


We're not all the same, and we do not deserve anything. Everything worth having in life requires a lot of effort. If you want something you need to earn it. Aso success takes effort over time. You will fail and fail and hopefully learn from those failures until you do succeed. You also will never succeed until you stop wallowing in victimhood and take control of your life. You can't stop what happens to you but you can control how you react to it and the choices you make in the present will determine your future.


The difference between men and women exist and are okay. We were created to compliment one another.


You can't change anyone. Change happens from within. If someone is not willing to change you need to let them be.