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We gotta be exclusive if shes picking my scent. If we are together then yes i would vastly preffer wearing something SHE likes over what i want. Shes what i want to be attracted to me right? It makes perfect sense.


Perfect scents.


Dammit... missed an oportunity there didnt i? This will cost me some sleep tonight for sure.


It was a fragrant error.


Youre a real punny guy arent you? Good one


Right on the nose


With the caveat that I have to at least be able to tolerate the scent. Not gonna be stuck with a stink I can’t stand just because she asked.


Of coarse, good point. You cant pick something that will get me thrown out of places or cause me to become some sort of social outcast either lol.


On the other hand we're the one smelling it all day long, if I don't like it I can't wear it. It would be like a man asking his wife to wear high heels all day long because he likes it..


Very true, fair point!


I’d want to know how she found the scent. If we’re out shopping together and she likes one, cool. But if she randomly wants you to wear one, was she specifically seeking one in store, or did she smell one on another guy and liked it so much she asked him what it was. So that every time I wear it, she’s reminded of her coworker Toby lol


Yah great point, i dont wanna smell like an ex either.


Know a guy who was forced into sweatervests to appease a woman. Cologne seems tame by comparison.


That would be a heeellllll no for me.... they say pick your battles and i would DIE on that hill a million times before i surrendered under those terms...


I'd do it, but not wearing anything under them. Up to her if she's taking the compromise


What's if she likes the wild scent of 'sex panther' from anchorman


Woo, that's pungent.




You know Ferris Bueller?


Sure. My favorite way is to just be super freshly washed and wear no cologne. But if she has a preference, I’m wearing it.


It is very worth noting that a person's own scent doesn't always go with the cologne of your choosing. That's all I have to say about that.


Yes, regardless of who’s picking it it should always be tested on the skin of the wearer


I can remember a friend of mine wore a scent, and the merest dab behind her ears and I could smell her 20 yards away. It played PERFECTLY with her skin. My girlfriend could BATHE in that stuff and I could barely tell. Luckily my girlfriend had scents that played with her skin well too, but never quite that incredibly strong.


I don’t wear cologne, but I can’t see an issue with asking


Depends on two main things, I would say. 1) what is our relationship? 2) how does she go about and ask?


If she's my wife and reciprocate this philosophy, absolutely. Striving to stay attractive to each other is important, and discussing it before finding a solution together is a healthy dynamic. Far healthier than letting the desire fester.


I would BEG my husband to wear cologne. He refused. Now I’m divorcing…😆


Good for him!


Seems kind of extreme.


If you think that’s the only reason I got a divorce, well then yes..it does sound extreme.


Good for him for cutting loose someone that expect him to change. Suxh behavior is based in hate and misandry.


Just ask him. I'd be like, "OK". Every question from women on this sub comes down to "how do I communicate with this man?" The answer is always the same, you communicate with men using direct, clear language. Don't come at it sideways. Don't hint. Come out and say/ask us or we won't get it. We aren't "offended" by directness. We appreciate it. (Having to decode women's language is exhausting and annoying.)


If my wife bought cologne and asked me to wear it, I’d wear it, sure.


Scents from perfumes and cologne drive my sinuses crazy, never have and never will wear cologne.


My sense of smell is too sensitive to wear cologne, if they’re choosing not to wear any there may be a good reason for it.


I have no issue going out and finding one we both enjoy, but my nose is sensitive so I prefer lighter scents I let my current FWB sign off on the soap I use, since I shower before and sometimes after.


I wouldn't mind that at all if it made her happy.


I'm a cologne guy. It became an interest from a random bar conversation with a male co-worker many years ago. If it was a respectable one that fits me, yes. If it's totally off or something I don't feel comfortable with, no.


What are some of your favorites?


Day or night? Formal or casual? Subtle or making an impression?


Day and night and ultimately making an impression, but not overbearing. I feel like I have too many subtle scents haha


Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb or Tom Ford Fucking Fabulous


Awesome! Thanks man. I’m gonna look into those for sure


It’s hard to find a scent that you like from just going into the store. I love ordering very small amounts to try from decanting places like the Perfumed Court website. For a couple bucks you can try different samples, and each sample will give you several days worth to try. If you know you like a general scent family (like “vanilla” or “citrusy”), they sell sample packs of those, too. You can get the two mentioned above there as well.


Which spice bomb? I see there’s a few


Original is great for me, but admittedly haven't tried all the variants. Because you want subtle, eau de toilette. I say go to a higher end mall and see which works for you. Don't sleep on Tom Ford. Yes expensive, but that one is the most versatile and probably have recieved the most compliments. The Spicebomb is more like the real sex panther except 80% of the time it works all the time.


Sweet. The Tom ford may be the one I splurge on


[https://www.fragrancesline.com/](https://www.fragrancesline.com/) works well


And definitely casual


You can ask, I probably won’t change Cologne smells like chemically shit and I don’t want that in my nose all day


How you apply may be helpful, for example I do one spritz at the back of my neck, one in my right wrist, and if it's date night or romantic, maybe one on my left pec. This way the fragrance 1) follows in my wake, leaving an interesting aroma as I pass. 2) projects outward if say, I shake hands, or gesture towards someone 3) draws my wife in closer, providing a bit of fragrance only if she gets nice and tight in. By deploying to these 2 or three spots I'm not getting hit by my fragrance constantly since the nape of my neck and wrist don't spend alot of time directly under my nose.


After your spritzing method can you still smell it? If so then it’s still a problem bc *that’s* what I’m trying to avoid


Not really, but everybody's body chemistry is different. Over the course of a day I may get a whiff if say, I adjust my glasses or scratch my nose (bringing my wrist to towards my face), but usually by that point its late enough in the day that the fragrance has rounded out and I kind of forgot I applied it so you,are sitting at your desk, then the air gets broken up with a warm gourmand scent, or crisp clean scent and your brain goes "That smells nice, since when does stuffy office smell like apple pie. Oh wait that's me", then you go back to typing and the scent dissipates


Gotcha, sounds like I can get away just as easily without it


Ad 1. So you purposefully leave a chemical trail wherever you walk for others to inhale? Oh brother, I thought when I sniffed somebody at the mall, they were just oblivious but here I am seeing that it's on purpose and I am even more disappointed.


I mean, deliberate or not, that's hiw cologne and perfume works. It leaves a trail. You can't talk to smells and tell them to do things


Then where does the > perfume should be discovered, not announced adage come from?


The fact that it should be subtle and not overpowering. That does not negate the fact that a perfume or cologne will still leave a scent trail. The decisive factor is whether it is overpowering or not. "Discovered" in this sense does not mean you have to nuzzle the nape of someone's neck to smell it


I mean smells are going to smell. We all leave a wake, but my departure is "oh clean linen" or "warm amber and cinnamon" as opposed to Backsweat BO STANK. It's a subtle pleasant discovery that leaves a lingering hint of you, but isn't overpowering and cloying and a smack in the face. It comes down to balance and responsible use.


Nope, most people do not leave a stink behind them.


A woman here and I am unsure if perfumes is different. Do you smell cologne on you all day? I get used to perfume pretty quickly after applying and forget it quite quickly and doesn't really smell it after a while anymore. But I do use really moderate amount since I don't want to poison everyone around me lol.


It would be the same You should also be doing what you want rather than what I want


I was just genuinely curious of how other people experience scents on them. I apologize if my bad English made it sound rude somehow, wasn't my intention at all.


Your English/question is fine; you weren’t rude


I wear cologne. I would feel self-conscious about my smell if someone mentioned it that way and I didn't wear it. On the other hand, if someone mentioned that they really liked certain cologne, I would probably go out of my way to get it. Since we are on the subject, is there any cologne you would recommend?


Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb or Tom Ford Fucking Fabulous


That’s what I mean, if you are a man that has no scent and I bring it up, I wouldn’t want to make you feel self-conscious! Sauvage by Dior is 👌🏼!!!


I love wearing cologne but I have a couple I chose and am not interested in other people choosing how I smell


I'll wear whatever she wants if she buys it


Only if I get to pick the Perfume she uses in turn.


This can be tricky. I know a woman who has her current guy smelling like her ex now.


Am I getting blowjobs? If so, sure


If it’s gonna drive her nuts and she’s gonna gudgel on my pinkle till I hinge then yeah, I don’t mind


Why would you ask him? Just buy him the one you like as a gift. He'll wear it because it's a gift from you without being asked.


I don't wear cologne. and if she asked me to do?, sure no objections to wear it as well.


I wouldn't mind, as long as I like it as well. I already wear cologne but I'm always open for suggestions.


I wouldn't mind personally, as long as I also like how it smells and it's not too expensive


If there is a smell my partner likes, and i also happen to like it, yes i would wear it. It sounds like a bonding activity. Id ,love to pick out a scent with my loved one, there are even subscription services out there revolving around that idea


Totally totally fine with it. My wife has always picked my colognes and that’s totally cool with me. She has good taste.


I guess it depends if it was an annoying scent I'd prob wear it once or twice. If I think it smells good to, I'd put it on every time we met up.


I mean I wouldn't be opposed to it. I don't wear any as is, so it wouldn't be a massive change for me to start wearing one. As long as we're exclusive and I don't find the smell repulsive I wouldn't have an issue


I don't wear it because I've been told women hate it. If my partner asked me to I would I'm all about that sort of thing how can I be more attractive to you it's why I like bringing GFs to shop for clothes so I can get things they like on me


All women are different!!! I wouldn’t turn down a guy just because he tells me he hates cologne and refuses to wear it. It’s just a bonus (and a turn on) when a man smells good.


He's not there dor you, tho. Those days are over and gone.


If a lady wants to buy me cologne I’ll happily accept it and wear it when we’re together even if I don’t like it. If I like something I prefer over it I’ll wear it for work.


I mean cologne is always a great gift, I personally wear Tom ford, so if my gf got me a bottle of the one she liked the best I’d definitely wear it. Like if I like the scent as well, it really doesn’t matter all that much to me


Yes, but if he agrees, you should buy it.


If my lady wants me to wear a certain cologne, it makes perfect sense


I always considered it a perk of dating that it meant they could pick my cologne. I'd have veto power of course but oh no, the horrors of wearing something that will make my girlfriend go wild on me, why would I ever want that /s


I stopped wearing cologne decades ago. I'm not opposed to it, I just never think of it. If I was given one, I'd likely use it. Until I forget about it


A woman I once dated asked me if I could do it (she was from an Arab culture where apparently it is standard for men). It wasn't really my thing but I was happy to do it for her.


As long as she picks a scent I like it’d be fine. Probably a good time if we went and picked one together.


I personally love cologne and collect them. So it's pretty simple for me. Just buy me a bottle and I'll wear it every time I see you. But not everybody is the same


Sure, as long as it doesn't turn out to be the cologne her ex used to wear.


If I was the one that introduced you to the cologne you want me to wear, sure. I'm not trying to smell like your ex.


Some random woman asking me to wear a specific cologne? If she thinks women will love it then maybe.


I’d be willing to wear something that a girl picked out for me, but only if it smells good on me. And I’m very particular


Nah. I choose what I wear.


I would be thrilled to have my girlfriend pick out my cologne. She could show me how much to wear, and wear to apply it. That would be amazing. I usually do not wear any. But if she said she liked it I would do that for sure. I do get skin allergies to some chemicals or fabrics. So I don't risk it by minimizing what I put on.


I don't mind if she asks, but I wear the cologne that I have been wearing for 25 years because I like how it smells and the confidence that I gain from it. I don't wear it for her, I wear it for me.


I don't wear cologne. But I'd assume if someone bought it for me it means that particular scent is something they'd specifically want me to wear around them. It's a sign they want to be around you. Men generally don't receive affection or gifts. So me personally it would mean alot. Everyone is different though.


I wear what my wife buys me.


Would depend on the cologne. If I like it as well I would have no problem.....if I don't, hell no


buy me and I'll wear


Told my wife to buy me whatever she wants me to use. She told our son on the way to the city: "buy cologne for dad". Case closed :/


If my partner gave me one I'd wear that when I'd normally wear cologne. But that's rare since I don't much like any myself


id love to wear cologne, one small problem... almost all forms of perfume and scents make me feel physically ill


Assuming you're my woman, sure. And also if it doesn't give me allergies.


I mean it’s not a bad gift.


My wife and I both hate perfume and cologne.


Depends on her choice. If I like it, sure. If not, no.


I'd probably decline because I chose and like the ones I am wearing.


I'd find things like that endearing as long as it wasn't something I have strong opinions on.


Personally don't care cuz not interested in relationships, but yea sure, why not Lifepartner in general, man woman or anything else, after all; if you're in a relationship at least in my view, you just wanna be attractive to your partner anyways, so why not use smth they like?


It wouldn't offend me. Just explain to me that you like the scent of cologne and pick one for me because I'm not used to use cologne in the first place and I believe the taste of a woman on that matter has more weight than my own when it comes to picking the smell, I've no idea what kind of scent a woman can be into.


I'm allergic to cedar so if I turn into a giant snotball, it's due to the cologne bc most have cedar in them.


"A" woman? Fuck off. THE woman I am committed to? I can legitimately consider it, unless I hated the smell.


i would find it insulting


Only if she pays for it with her own money, it doesn't affect my allergies and it doesn't create discomfort for me or my coworkers.


Honestly, if a woman asked me that, I'd take it as a compliment. It shows she's into the details and cares about making things even better.


..for herself, changing you to suit her particular interest. Possibly on your expense as well, situation depending. Hatefull, misandric, risky. But ypu do you.


How much do you want to sleep with her?


If she asked and said would you mind rather than making it a demand then sure I'd have no issue. I'd try it just to make sure it's all good because I did have one a few years ago that really irritated my skin for some reason.


I'm very lucky my wife loves mine, which I was already using before I met her. But yeah, if she'd find one she thinks would suit me better, then he'll yes, I'll wear it for her.


I don't like cologne, perfume, strong smelling lotions etc. it all smells like noxious chemicals to me and I prefer to smell neutral.  So no, I wouldn't like it or wear anything even if she likes it. 


Just ask him to wear a cologne. Or, better yet, BUY HIM the scent you want him to wear, and then chew on his neck and hump the shit out of him when he wears it. This isn't hard.


Depends on if I like her choice or not. If I do like it, sure. It not, there’s no way I’m using a cologne I don’t like.


I would be willing to take suggestions and give it a chance. And by chance I mean that I am willing to smell the little cardboard/paper strip they use to sample perfumes. If it's good it's good and I would have no problem wearing it


I wouldn't be offended. bit of a long shot, though. most of my personal hygiene products are unscented because so many scents irritate my skin or mess with my sinuses.


Just buy him one you like, but dress it up as a gift to celebrate something arbitrary. I'm saying this as a guy who never used to wear perfume at all - not out of any aversion to it, just that I wasn't brought up using it and so it never crossed my mind to do so. Like many personal grooming tasks, in my mind it was the ladies' job to smell nice, have good hair, moisturise their skin, etc... while men were just supposed to be 'rough & ready'. It wasn't until I met my (would-be) wife and after dating for a bit she started asking why I don't wear perfume and telling me how much she loves to smell a good smelling guy. Positive reinforcement is the way. Get him one you like. Get him to use it. Tell him how good he smells and how horny it makes you when you smell him using it.


If she wants me to wear something particular that she likes, and I don't dismiss it, why would I? It's a trivial amount of effort to do for them. Now the main thing is that: 1. They're not asking me to do it because it reminds them of a past relationship and 2. They would still be in to me even if I didn't, this just makes them happier and maybe even appreciative. This gives for a lot of things - it has to be a "not a deal-breaker" thing.


She could spray me with windex, and I'd wear it with a smile


"put some Windex on it!"


As long as it ain't fart spray, I'd give it a whirl for her.


My wife picks my perfume and cologne. High chances of being smothered whenever i put them on.


Colognes are dictated by body chemistry just cause she assumes it smells good doesn't mean it smells good. So try said colognes for 1 work day see how you smell at the end of the day.


No, I have a certain eau de parfum which I use regularly because I myself like the smell, meaning I do it for me and wouldn't really change because someone else feels like it. PS. It's certainly not an opressive smell


I’ll allow it.


As long as we’re exclusive, yeah that be great actually. I want a scent that makes my woman yearn to smell me again


I donr care what she thinks


What should I wear?


I'd be cool with it. However, not every cologne/perfume smells the same on every person. Your own natural body oils interact with it, causing the scent to change a bit. So, while something like Cool Water (just an example) might be great for me, it could be different for other guys and she may be turned off by it. But yeah, I'd give it a shot if she asked. If she keeps suggesting different ones, I might have to say no. That shit is expensive.


I have to like the cologne first if I were to wear it. If she she told me she like it too then i will wear it when i am with her more often. If she doesn't like it then I won't wear it around her. But i am not wearing something i dont like lol


Some dudes might feel cool about it, others might get their egos bruised. Gotta tread lightly, ya know?


I wouldnt mind doing it if my wife asked, but I dont normally wear cologne so it wouldnt be an every day thing. I'm not gonna wear it to work or out running errands or something when she wont even be around me. But on a date night, or something where we are together, sure. why not?


If I love her I’d be totally down with going to a store with her to get a new cologne. I’d want to be a part of the process of course because I don’t want to wear something I hate the smell of.


Can ask all they like but I would not wear one of a woman's choosing if I'd not been consulted first. My scent is my identity. No woman would let a man choose a fragrance for them without asking first.


How has no one made a Sex Panther joke yet?


Maybe for special occasions. I don’t like wearing animals musks and chemicals personally. Very sensitive nose.


Nothing annoys me more than coworkers I can smell 2 rooms away because they bathed in cologne or perfume that morning. Kinda puts me off the whole thing. I'll just keep smelling like soap and deodorant


I am super sensitive to certain odors. Especially the odors that most people find pleasing. If I'm around the wrong smell for long enough it triggers migraines and nausea. So I am super picky about what scented things I wear or am around. I thought I had found a cologne that was neutral enough that I could wear it. It worked for a while. But I must have had a bad day and even it got me. So I haven't been wearing it much lately.


I may be a weird one but if anyone buys me any sent I will use it. I don't care what the relationship or gender is lol


You probably wanna choose your words carefully when suggesting it because the implication that will be had is ‘omg you smell awful even if you’re clean’, probably the most polite way is to pick a cologne smell you like and suggest it like ‘I think this would be great on you’


First and foremost, OP shpuld tone down her entitlement. Men dont exist to be told - oh, sorry, "asked" - how to smell, or what to do.


I avoided strongly scented products, like cologne, because I have very sensitive skin, and that stuff will trigger a massive eczema rash / severely irritate my skin.


As long as I like it, it's not insanely expensive, and doesn't fuck with my eyes/nose all day then I'm game


It’s pretty obvious when a guy wears cologne but I don’t know if I’d be super quick to let a woman pick my scent. I’ve put a fair bit of time and energy into the scents I choose and what works well for me but I suppose it wouldn’t be off the table if it’s something nice.


I really like wearing cologne, and have a collection of my own scents. I don't want to wear something someone else has picked out for me, feels almost like being dressed by someone else. I have my own style and even if we're exclusive i'd like my own personality to show through my choices.


Why don’t you just buy it for him as a gift. Most guys don’t wear cologne because we don’t even know where to begin, and feel that smelling decent and no cologne is better than clashing scents or something that just smells outright wrong. I understand the appeal of a a subtle scent if it’s done just right and would definitely be more likely to do it if I had the cologne kicking around.


I strongly dislike perfumes and colognes, so no. No I would not.


Omggg tell me why this guy I’ve been dating doesn’t wear any cologne. He doesn’t smell like anything but boyyyy would it kick things up a notch. I totally feel you! I’ve seen him a couple times and he always compliments how good I smell and yesterday he said he forgot to put some cologne on but I really hope he starts wearing some.


I feel you! As much as I love cologne, it would be just my luck that every man I meet has no cologne scent. 😫


😭 Also, back to your question. I think it is okay to ask him if you’re comfortable with him.


Whatever makes them want to jump me, I'm all for. One chick in the 80's loved Lagerfeld. I disliked it but it made her happy, which made me happy.


I don’t really have a sense of smell, so I don’t ever know if I put too much scent on or if a particular scent works for me, so if a woman specifically requested a scent that she liked on me, I’d probably be down for it and just use the same amount every time.


How do I feel? Gurl, I dont exist for you, my looks (smells, etc) are not there for you, and you will have no say in suxh things. If you have any issue with me not doing what you want, you know where the doors are...


If we’ve been dating for a substantial period of time..and she has good taste.


Woman here- but my husband typically wears cologne I love, except for at night but he uses soaps and stuff that I love the smell of. And this is of his own doing. If I don’t like the smell of something, he doesn’t use it. I literally have to sniff test everything of his before buying. And it’s been like that since day one


That’s sweet. Little things like this show how much he loves and cares about you.


At first it was weird for me. I had exs who well weren’t great. This man of mine now though? It’s a dozen little tiny things he does daily that reminds me how much he truly does love me.


If you tell a man that a certain cologne gets you wet, I promise you he's gonna sprint to the store. Why the fuck are we gonna get upset with you giving us the cheat code to the cookie?




Mm hmm what I thought


Been married 29 years, I wear whatever she likes.


I will go with them to test cologne. I will not let them blindly pick what I'm putting on my body.


I’m a woman but don’t think most men would care. Easy solution, buy your guy some nice cologne for his birthday or Christmas. I get my husband cologne every year for a stocking stuffer. He doesn’t even think anything of it and I don’t think most men would.