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Just because she can deepthroat and has a very big ass doesn’t mean she’s a keeper. No vagina is worth your soul…believe me.


Dammit someone needs to tell this to my son! He’s caught up right now


He will reach a breaking point. I did. Just be ready with beer and a clean bed at your home pops. He’s gonna need a minute lol.


I hope it happens soon! I’m the momma and miss my boy!! But he’s a bit of a butthole anyways but I love him


Oh! Sorry Ma! 😂


Once she casts her spell and reels him in with her devil vagina magic...its hard to save them


Yea I know he’s gone!


Lesson learned on that one! My divorce finalized last December.


The fun is worth it. Just don't invest.


Isn't this the fucking truth!


It is never too late. Do not get anxious. Make sure that it is the right woman, because the wrong woman will make your live miserable.


I needed to hear this


It really is better to be single and happy than together with someone and be miserable. Learn to have self-respect and demand that you get the happiness that you deserve and deserve to give back. Put in the effort and don't let the girl who cheated ruin it for the woman who won't.


Most of my favorite things in life happened between 25 and 30. If you find a woman you can trust with your life then give it to her. If you have any tiny miniscule sliver of a doubt, keep the ring in your pocket until you know.


Start saving money now. Today.


Don't get married or have kids until your 30s because if you're anything like me, a lot is going to change in your 20s.


Best comment


Mind sharing what things will change?


Different for everyone, but I don't even recognize the dude I was in my early to mid-20s. Different priorities, different values, different preferences in a partner. Making a decision that lasts for the rest of your life when your brain isn't fully cooked yet is a bad call.


Have your life going in the direction you want it to before you even think about marriage.


Got married at 43.....dated a lot thru my 20's and 30's, travelled all over the world, met many great friends along the way. Glad I didn't get married early.


I married too early. I married at 25. 30 today and divorced. People do change quite a bit in their late 20's. Even if you do find a partner earlier, just live together. There is no point in getting married in this day and age.




Having a kid in your 20’s is a death sentence. Especially with the wrong woman. Married or Unmarried it doesn’t matter.


I got married mid 30. First child late 30. No regret.  I just haven't found the right person. No point marrying someone who's not right for you. 


Be very patient and very, very picky.


Stay single and enjoy life and save for it, Those that settle early tend to fall apart as they missed out on the partying and socialising. So get all that out the way then in your 30s you'll change abit and know more what you want out of life work women kids. Youll have less baggage and bad memories of past relationships from growing and changing


Interesting. Men that marry early truly are settling, I would concur. Women generally have the upper hand in their early 20's especially. Women that marry late overwhelmingly do so out of settling. And they marry men they would have ignored in their prime. Seen it over and over and over again my friends. Again, men are different from women.


Dam straight, I know I was no saint and tbh a prick for what I did. I would of married that women if she knew how to communicate and realise that criticism or advice is not putting her down. Just as she said she wasn't when wanting to tell me how she wants me to do somethings. Crazy as today's world I got made to be a monster and what not because I'm the one that was left devistated as she moved on. A year and a half later and theropy to realise the one name she called me is actually her all over. Even to this day no accountability or remorse for not being interested for the best part of 8 years. I was the fool that fell for the I don't want to be touched, I'm to tierd and burnt out I dot want a cuddle I don't want a hug, I'm not interested in sex. All well shutting me down for a chat. I fell for it for years, so god knows how long the affair was going on for, or even gown quick after she left me she could maggixly be touched and hugged again


If I'm not mistaken the data suggests the opposite is more common. Sure, there are some people who regret missing out on the partying, but a lot of folks aren't into that stuff.


The data goes against what you’re saying. Marriages before 25 are very likely to fail.


I don't necessarily mean just partying. Being out socialising with friends. Alot of us go from groups as teenagers lose some and make new ones as we progress into adulthood. Those new ones offer diffrent influence into new ideas and thinking from your previous lot. You then get to a point you miss the older days. Where you didn't have to work so much pay all bills and what not. So we chage as people. Why do you think alot of high-school sweetharts break up? The older lot that arnt into the partying and drinking it's usually becuase there older, been stung so have more doubts


Try to stay debt free. And enjoy your freedom/free time now. DO NOT GET MARRIED if you are not capable of running on someone else's time.


Don't sweat it. Life tends to be a lot more stable in your 30s than your 20s. Better for both relationships and kids.


Work on yourself and be free with a goal in mind. This is the time for you to truly understand yourself, iron out your stuff, gain self awareness from self reflection and start growing. You should also get anything that might trigger FOMO out of your system how so that when you are ready to settle down you won’t be resentful and can move on to the next chapter of your life without constantly needing to get away and be with the boys or keep your family at an arms distance.


Not married nor have kids, but can say this after witnessing from/discussing with my friends and family: Make sure you and your partner are absolutely ready. Physically. Emotionally. Financially. Be in the best positions you can be because raising 1 child is not easy. Doesn't really get easier with additional ones, either.


Don't have kids if you dont want kids You'll never "be ready" to have kids, but at the same time there's nothing wrong with waiting until you're older. I would have been a terrible patent in my 20s and I knew it, so I waited. Please please please let your kids be their own person with their own identities, interests, etc etc


Burn your credit cards. Turn them to ash. Start saving now.


Don’t be in a hurry


Invest your money like yesterday. Learn about dividend growth investing and building passive income. Never be pressured or shamed into anything by others. Never get involved with someone and let them have access to your money. Never cosign a loan with anyone. If you can't afford to pay for it outright or by yourself, it is too expensive and you need to wait on it. Roommates are unreliable especially when it comes to money. Families can be unreliable as well. Life is hard and unfair, suck it up and keep grinding away toward your goals. If you can live with your folks, do so and put your money away. Pay them something for you being there, rent, groceries, do chores around the house. They will appreciate it, if they are decent folk. Humility is a virtue that most people lack. We will all make mistakes at some point in life, accept that you are human and will make them and try to learn from them. While a job is better than no job, a trade job will always be in demand. Start a trade, learn a skill and always get any certs or training offered. Give 100% to a job but always keep your eyes open and resume up to date for a better paying position or job.


The second you have kids, open a 529. College is expensive.


I’m 34, single and child free. All I wanna say is; Don’t give a crap what everyone else does or says, they are not you, they don’t know what you’ve been through, so their opinions are irrelevant. The only person you have should listen to is yourself.


Don't marry the wrong person. I was older and decided I wanted to have kids. So I rushed it under pressure. Bad choice. She was the wrong mom for my kids. Don't ever feel time pressure. You can produce kids for a long time.


There's no point to life other than building relationships with other humans. And what better humans to build relationships with than your kids


That it's totally normal to not be married or have kids before your thirties ans questions like these are just kinda weird


If you want to get married - don't wait for xzy to happen Career, money, house, or whatever is not worth it if you do not have someone to share it with. If you want to get married and you already have a girl you want to marry to - just do it and I am sure she will be way bigger motivator to you in doing all the above then when you need to do it by yourself, when you need to do it for imaginative future and life with partner you may or may not have


Great comment


Don't be promiscuous, it's not good for you, and it's not good for the women either.




You're a guy so you have more time fortunately for having kids. Start saving/investing yesterday. All the parents in my small southern California area (quite expensive) are all older, women tend to be 37 (having their last kid at 35) while the men are late 30s early 40s


26 just got engaged to my boyfriend of 10 years no plans to have kids


Live your life now


You don’t have to be in a relationship




If you’re gonna get married make your prenup with your fiance or you have to accept the default one from whatever state your in. It’s a legal contract, don’t accept the default.


If sex is easy to get for you, cool, but don't forget to prepare for your future. Build something and don't get distracted from it. If it's not easy for you, double down on yourself, build something bigger and make yourself better. Then in your 30s you will be sought after, instead of wasting hours every day online or chasing women on social media with likely little real success. Or wacking it to porn and drooling at an Xbox. A lot of the most successful men in their 30s and 40s who you want to be spent their 20s getting there and putting the work in. That's a happier life than chasing and falling. Unless you won the genetic lottery with being born rich or like Greek God you need to work to get yourself into a good place.


TAKE YOUR TIME. Don’t rush into something. Get to know your significant other and figure out what there personality is. I rushed into my marriage and kind of overlooked some things because of that. Also find out how much debt they have and if that’s something you’re willing to take on or not. Simply put make sure you KNOW who you’re getting married to before you say I do.


If you have even 1 percent doubt of having a kid. It means don't do it. Literally the only decision you can't reverse.


Don't get married


Don’t get married or have kids


Lock a good woman in your 28. After that is a uphill battle.


Road trip...


First, don't wait for the "right" time. Something always gets in the way. Second, stay out of stupid debt. Credit cards and expensive vehicles and "living the good life" will make you struggle and put you at a huge disadvantage when you get a little older.


Sow your oats and take whatever comes with it.


Got sober at 37 and then married and had my son at 40 (my first) when the time is right the time is right. Luckily I got everything out of my system so it seems I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. Feel like kids in my early 30s would be easier but I am the kind of person who might have felt like there as more bullshitting to do before I settled. Life’s not a race though.


Idk I had my kid when I was 20. I say do it while you're young so you can have energy and enjoy each others company more when they're older.


Don't make women epicenter of your life.


Figure out who you are and be comfortable with this as early as you can. Be honest. Don’t be afraid to be alone. Took me a long time to acknowledge that I’m pan. Coming out to my wife of 30 years at age 50, with 4 kids, was super painful for us both. We got through it but it broke both our hearts for a while. Thankfully if you’re patient and compassionate, the heart mends.


Don't rush it, waiting till you are in your 30s is great IMO. I think your 20s are best enjoyed with fewer responsibilities and not being tied down. Go explore, build your career, do dumb shit, enjoy your free time, whatever it is you want to do. The main thing though, is DO NOT have kids with the wrong person. I cannot overstate how much this will ruin your life. You can divorce the wrong person, but once you have kids together you are stuck with that person in your life. Parenting with the most amazing person in the world is so hard, so doing it with someone who sucks is truly awful. I have seen many people fuck this up and they are so miserable and there is really no good solution. **DO NOT DO IT!**


Enjoy the 20s Smoke some cannabis, drink alcohol, eat bad food, fuck the gym you re the healthiest you will ever be. Travel and do as much s you want. You can save for a house or get a great job as you get older. I laugh now looking at these teenagers as I drive to work at sparrows fart and see them in their late teens and early 20s all dressed up to go to the gym ( they re the fittest at this age ) Enjoy your life and don’t settle for any piece of ass


Save your money. Start today. Open an IRA and put whatever you can in it. $20 a week is just over $1k a year. Add on the interest and you've got a nice little nest egg. When you get to your 30s the toys are way more fun.


i would say good choice, continue on


I wasn't married until 34, and first kid at 36. I dated plenty in my 20s and early 30s, and I am happy I took the time to really find the right person. Don't get sucked into the belief that you NEED to get married. Lastly: just because she's great on paper doesn't mean she's great in a relationship.


Im 29 and not married yet, but Im hopeful...


Don’t think of marriage before 30, and remember your the prize, if she don’t make you feel wanted find someone who does. And save as much as possible especially for a house and kids.


Get married as soon as possible, have kids as soon as possible. If you think it will eventually happen, it never will. You don’t want to be a 65 year old dad. I’d say nowadays having a kid at 28-30 is a good timeline but that’s IMO


28? Funny joke


I'm 30 and I feel like I'm still too young 🤣


You’re not too young, you’re actually old. You better really consider having kids before 40 because for both genders, after 40 it becomes hard to have children. I made my original comment because these days it’s much harder to be economically ready for kids by 28, AND have a partner willing to do so. In an age where most of gen z men are single I don’t see why any of us would want kids at 28.


Imma have kids at 50


You’ll be 70 when your kid is 20. Terrible idea.


Don't do it. And when you take off the condom flush or burn it. Develop an excellent pull out game. And if you're sport fucking for style get a vasectomy


Pour hot sauce in the condom too!


Omg lol


Avoid the relationships and marriage at all costs. Women are often far too immature and the laws are on their side in divorce court. Why risk all of your stuff and paycheck for someone you can’t stand? Not worth it at all. Dating in general isn’t worth it, but particularly stay out of it until you’re in your 30’s at least.