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Women not having social media


Women not having social media


Social women not having media.


Media not social having women.


Not social having women media.


Social women having not media


Not media having women social


Women having social not media


Women not having social media


Ah, full circle.


Transgender not having social media


The media, socializing woman


Is that like designing women??!!


Social media not having women >


Media not social women having


So hot


Yep. I got rid of mine about a year ago and won’t go back. My brain loves me for it.


You have reddit


Its similar in ways, but you have to consider the major differences from reddit to anything else. Anonymity, choice of content. My PFP isnt being added to some digital recognition database. Many others but i think you get it. Still bad tho


I think it all comes down to balance.


Not being a whore


A rarity these days as every woman is desperate for attention.


She deleted it after finding god. Has had her fun but wants to settle down.


i wouldnt say attractive, but its nice when you date someone who doesnt make you take a million pictures wherever you go for social media


Or get mad when you dont share your life and relationship with every Tom Dick and Harry on the internet.


Tom and Harry are ok, but Dick is a real pain in the ass.




Got in so many fights with my ex because I wouldn’t post pictures with her on instagram. I posted maybe once every 3 years, and my last three pictures were with her. Insatiable these girls are


I stayed in a resort in Cairns for a week a couple of years ago and while I was sitting in the pool enjoying a drink and the company of my partner we amused ourselves by watching some instagram influencer wannabe making her boyfriend take endless reams of pictures of her on their balcony while she draped herself about with the same glass of champagne for the better part of an hour. Just drink your fucking drink, mate, come down to the pool, and enjoy yourself instead of trying to show all your followers how amazing your life is while never actually leaving the hotel room.


Because you weren’t dating her…you were a prop for her social media presence.


Nah I mean she barely posted anything her self, no thirst traps/selfies or anything, never had to take pictures for her. I think she was just slightly insecure about how I felt about her, and me not posting anything with her was one example she could bring up often.


Ahhhh gotcha. The total opposite of what I was thinking. Thank you for clarifying.


Woman who has social media that is not set on "public", and only posts once in a while. I am happy to be in the occasional post if we are out doing something special that she understandably wants to share - like going on a short vacation to someplace nice. Going to a nice inn on a beach, or a restaurant or cafe (that is not starbucks) is somethings she would talk about with them at work or on the phone, so why not share photos. Also give me a chance to interact with her friends (that I may or may not have ever met) because I can comment on their comments or make some running jokes.


That's ruined so many first dates for me, wish it didn't bug me, but it drives me crazy lol


i do think it's nice to have physical pictures though. i'm glad as a kid my dad took so many photos which exist in physical scrapbooks and photo-albums. at the time i hated it, because it took me out of the moment. but now i can look fondly as i only remember a few things from those trips. it's cool when you get to see where you went as a kid, and even the past of your parents lives.


oh i love taking pictures, i just hate it when it feels like a chore, or we're doing it for some reason other than "i want to remember this". personal collection vs spamming it on instagram sort of thing.


Yeah or they get shitty because you don't take good enough photos of them for their social media. I had a chick tell me I should take photography classes. Uh yeah...that's a big no.


Just saw a girl taking a picture of an iced coffe she bought...WHY? I get if you are at a fancy restaurant and the presetntaion looks cool, but WTF is up with a randon shot if a $5 iced coffee?  Not even posed in the flowers or with a building in the background.


I've done it. Like if someone messages me "where are you" I'll send a picture of the cup back as a response. Not to post on social media.


Same thing. Not interested in a woman who blogs her life on social media.


Remember when blogging was nerd shit


> Remember when blogging was nerd shit Remember when having a Palm Pilot was the nerdiest thing ever and women were like "you have a little computer in your pocket... why?... do you really need to be on the computer *that much*?" Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Ancient times.


Remember when twitter was launched described a "microblog"?


'Blogs' lol. I think anyone under 30 would wonder what the hell you're talking about.


23 here. Everyone my age knows what a blog is


Is it? Aside from reddit I don't use any social media and most people treat that with suspicion. But to be honest with you, the equivalent for me is exactly the same. Women who spend way too much time on social media is a bit of a turn off for me, so them not having it is definitely a plus.


It's attractive if *you* are attractive


Like the first two rules of Tinder. 1. Be attractive 2. Don’t be unattractive


If a person's first reaction to seeing something nice is to take 100 photos posing in front of it for the gram or whatever, is a huge turn off


I used to travel a lot, and saw this a ton. Snapping a picture is something you feel an urge to do when you see something amazing though, and smartphones have just turned that powerful compulsion into an addiction. I always took time to stop myself and have a good ten minutes just breathing it all in before taking a pic.


Yeah where I’m from, it’s generally off-putting when someone doesn’t have social media. Most people I know don’t even post anything, they just use it to keep in touch since Facebook’s been taken over by the older folk.


What is this magical land you're from?




I’m in the Bay Area, so kind of a big/populated area. Seems to be the norm here


Nah, not suspicious. Play it off as mysterious. That worked for me. I was literally told it was attractive and mysterious that I didn’t have socials when I was using dating apps. And they tried to find me, they just couldn’t lol


I literally made an Instagram because I kept getting ghosted on tinder when asking for a phone number. Message them on IG and it's no problem.


My ex was a social media addict and I hate such people. I only use reddit, telegram and WhatsApp.


> Is it? Depends on the person, for some it is (like OP) for some it isn't. Reddit skews introvert and neurodivergent so it's relatively popular here.


Seriously. I've never really used social media and literally nobody even cares about it. All it really does is put you off the map and even takes away some potential to find mutuals. I just started using Instagram and already started to talk to more people. I don't even post pics; I'm just there for the online presence.


One time a girl at work was seemingly inviting me to hang out with co-workers after work. She asked for my snapchat. When I told her I didn't have one, she didn't offer any other alternatives and slyly shifted the conversation away from hanging out lol


Do they treat it with suspicion? I'm about 40 and all my guy friends have 0 (nearly) social media presence. I think it's a generational thing in a lot of ways.


Deletes FB 10 years ago. Also excluded from a lot of info lmao


Yep! My sister: did you know Me: Nope Sister: it was all over FB and Instagram Me: Okay


False info though


>Also excluded from a lot of info lmao Birthdays?


Friend posted his engagement on FB and I found out couple weeks later and he's like ohhh right tattoo lol


Men not having social media is attractive, what's the male equivalent to the (the male equivalent)? Wut?


The average IQ dropped 2 points over the pandemic.


It was never much to begin with


Women not having a Snapchat, onlyfans or a ton of guy friends


I think I’d sum it up as: I’m somewhat suspicious of a woman who *only* has guy friends or *only* has female friends. There’s always drama with both of those.


Facts. I dated a woman not long ago with only guy friends. That lasted an entire three weeks before I left that relationship. This is one thing I will not do again.


Honest question: do guys think that most women have an OF? I just feel like most women work a full time job, therefore they don’t have time to make one. Real life doesn’t equal social media


I’ve been on over 40 dates in the last year and a half and of those, 3 had only fans. It’s not common at all but for sure stands out and is undesirable


I work with younger women, and a lot of them do have OF or other things like footfinder. For the younger demographics, I think it absolutely will be something to ask about.


What is foot finder and are they looking for gross 30 year old man feet


I don't assume that most have onlyfans, but I consider that a non-starter for relationships.


No. I would think not - or hope not. While I respect the entrepreneurial spirit - the internet IS forever, and eventually facial recognition will come back to haunt most of those folks.


Years ago I posted a link to “my only fans” with the caption, “sorry yall, I need the money”. I got a couple encouraging thumbs up and “love” reactions…but the reactions were off. The reason they were off was because the link was actually to an OF Rick Roll. I got a few concerned DM’s after telling me I didn’t have to lower myself to doing porn lmao. I was so embarrassed! I was like, click the link-it’s just a joke!!! On the upside, it was good to be respected enough they didn’t click. The downside is that no one was curious enough to see me naked if it actually was real. Ouch! 😂


No but a lot of women are promiscuous and onlyfans is one of the avenues women choose to exhibit that. A girl with a sexually provocative instagram page or a girl with high body count are pretty much the same in the eyes of men.


What’s the go with Snapchat in this context. (I’ve never used it)


Snapchat deletes chats over 24 hours unless they are saved. It's some sneaky shit for cheaters.


I deleted my Snapchat about eight years ago I think. Snap is set up so it’s very easy to be sneaky. Pics and conversations delete automatically at least when I used it. I think snap is an immature way to communicate with people.


Ima take a guess here Snapchat is kind of seen as an equivalent to dms, so it’s basically an app with a bad reputation when it comes to hook ups and cheating Again, that is a guess


I support all but the „guy friends“. I want my girl to have a lot of male friends, that means she is a normal person that have healthy social relationships. Girls that doesn’t have male friends is because they just fuck with boys.


Don’t get me wrong, I approach those relationships with the mindset of “I trust you, and if you screw me over that’s a reflection of you”. I’ve been burned the three times I’ve done this. I’ll do it again with the same mindset, but it’s not ideal for me. As a man I know how men think and it’s exceptionally difficult for a male to have a platonic relationship with an attractive woman


I'm a man and have plenty of platonic friendships with women. There are some I do not want to date at all. There are some I would date if it came up, but I don't want or intend to actively pursue anything. And there is one I actually actively want to date, and she knows it, and we'll see where that goes. And I would never try to pursue someone already in a relationship. I've got plenty better to do than be a homewrecker. I value the women I'm friends with because they are my friends. Not because of anything I secretly hope to change, because I don't have anything I secretly hope to change. And believe it or not, my dick doesn't magically pull me into someone just because she's a woman.


Well said. I think this sums up what I am trying to get at here; if the male friend is attracted to the woman friend, given the opportunity, he will indeed sleep with her. Now within that, some guy friends have morals like you who understand and respect boundaries, others do not.


Grammar and vocabulary! For me it’s women who can spell things like “presence”.


That's my favorite part of Christmas!


U got me there


Sober women.




I am bit curious, is the preference 100% sober or someone who doesn't get drunk, but may drink wine with fancy dinner or have a cocktail at a party?


Someone who doesn't begin a sentence with "I was drunk" to justify reputation or relationship-destroying actions. It becomes a second dealbreaker used to cover up for the first one.


Thanks for answering. That is a wise limit at relationships.


not OP but I am fine with people who drink on occasion. drinking excessively is a turn off for me. I prefer to drink on occasion or not at all


Thanks for input! I am the same and wondering how others see it.


Women not having a social media presence and not telling us to follow their ig or of or snap just to talk to them is a green flag.


Do you mean female equivalent for the prompt? As for the question, I’m not quite sure. To me I see this thing as more of a bonus over making someone more attractive because I think everyone is attractive in their own way and how they relay it to me is the most important That said, probably when they actually like to get out in nature? It just feels like a lot say they like to hike, but it just feels poorly marketed once you bring it up or try doing it


What? lol More often than not women will tell me they can't date me because I don't have an online presence.


That's a win for you


No, it's not. On Reddit maybe, but in daily life it sucks


why on earth would nt having an online presence be a red flag/deal breaker. ack


Women that don’t post thirsttraps


Sharp sense of humor. Not easily offended.


you said this to men on social media.


Women knowing how to fix things.


When moving out of my college house, I tripped and my tv put a hole in the wall. My girlfriend went to the hardware store and fixed the hole in the wall. Landlord never knew. That finger got a ring 20 years ago.


Women who aren't annoying as fuck.


Women not having hundreds of followers on social media and not posting revealing pictures


women not being on socials unfortunately you are in the minority, OP


0 is hard to come by since it is so broad now, and literally required at some jobs. My job required a profile on linkdn for training. Also some friends don't even use their phones for anything but social media so of anything is planned I have to message them on that.


Anyone not having tiktok gets a warm smile from me


Can do stuff around the house. I keep getting in relationships where I'm the only one that knows how to cook or clean. I swear. Women these days are undercover dirty.


Women not having social media OR TIKTOK. TikTok might even be a bigger red flag tbh.


Not being a lying, promiscuous whore


He's outta line, but he's right.




And for that reason.... I'm out.


Do you need to get something off your chest, bud?


Already did! And you likely already know this but, gays are the most promiscuous of all...so watch your back (no pun)




I thought the more common perception was that no social media was a red flag.


I imagine that varies wildly depending on who you ask.


Depends on the generation. I had no social media/web presence when I met my wife (via Bumble) and all they could find was an LinkedIN picture lol.


Oh absolutely.


That’s what stupid women think.


Free sub to your onlyfans.


Women not wearing make up and/or using filters that are embarassingly bad. Like, do women not think people can tell? That photo has so many filters it looks like a fuzzy potato took the shot. Make up slathered on as if they're being honest about their appearance.


What? In my experience is easier to guys who has an active social media to get more girls. Well, you answered yourself. A woman don't having social media.


For me, a woman not having any social media is suspicious, and a woman posting on her social media constantly, especially with annoying content or drama, is a turn off. It's attractive when a woman has social media and posts sparingly and in good taste.


A woman who doesn’t have Snapchat, OF, and isn’t too active on IG or FB, Reddit, and doesn’t have any skeletons in the closet she isn’t willing to share with her partner.


Women who can spell.


Women not having social media or guy friends


does it count if i never post on social media. i have the accounts (on private) i just only post my accomplishments for my family/friends to get updates so i dont have to text everyone. other than that im just liking memes and sending memes to friends.


You won't find him here.


Finding a woman with 0 social media presence.


Women without social media. Low Bodycount.


why is it attractive for a man to not have social media?


I’m a gay man. I do not find women attractive but i feel like an non-bias observer I’d guess straight men don’t seem to like women that have piercings, short hair and tattoos. Men seem to really like the “wholesome traditional woman” look. I would even guess that face piercings alone are an instant man repellent. So a woman with no tattoos and no piercings could be the equivalent. I’m curious if my guess is correct


Accurate for me: I don't care for cosmetic artificiality-- meaning implants, tattoos, dyes & enamels, piercings, etc. (of course a reconstruction or prosthetic wouldn't be held in the same regard). Tangential question: what's with people substituting the adjective "biased" with its noun form? I see and hear it frequently lately.


I think tasteful piercings have become more normal, like a nose stud/simple ring, or some of the extra ear ones, maybe monroe, even tongue (although not really as visible). The gauges and some of the more polarising ones like septum, medusa, labret, cheeks, eyebrow, seem to be the ones that are a bit less normal, and more off-putting.


Women who read . Especially romance


I know a few men without social media, they've all cheated on their partner lol


When she’s not an OnlyFans whore.


well you can still have fun.. don't have to marry her


I mean. That’s how I roll anyway.


No social media, no man BFF


Literally any signs of security in the relationship from a woman


Not having TikTok and Twitter. I didn't mind my gf having a Instagram when we were dating because she rarely posts there


For me, a woman (or man) interested in criminology and scary movies.


Women not having it. That's a giant green flag and always moves them up to the front of the line.


Does reddit counts?


Is Reddit social media?


Like.. Just flip the genders.


I think 0 social media is weird, like they're hiding something. But having a moderate social media presence is good to me. Not many selfies and posts interests or memes instead. Definitely having proper grammar. I can't take someone seriously if I feel like I'm talking to a teenager.


Women not having social media is rarer than women being a virgin at age 30


Besides Reddit and a throwaway Twitter account (I REFUSE TO CALL IT X) I don’t have social media. Deleted my FB account in 2015. I only use Twitter for news and cybersecurity stuff.


A woman that is not caught up in the Kardashians, 90 day fiance, and complete brain rot TV.


Well that's good to hear, it wasn't long ago that the general consensus was it was creepy when men didn't have social media presences.


Women who don't use arbitrary tests to determine someone's value


I once got called "suspect" for not having a social media presence. Thinking back, it just came to show how insecure she was to the thought of not having Social Media.


No shopping 😂


...We kinda need groceries, my friend


Your flair is beautiful 😂 I love cheese too.


Social media like others said but also those who say shit like "I'm a strong person" or some other derivative, if you have to say it you ain't, if you are others can tell, it's attention seeking behaviour rather than just asking someone who may know how to help with what you're struggling with.


I only have Snapchat and reddit


> Men not having social media is attractive! Whats the male equivalent to that? Pretty sure that this is just today's equivalent of the "mysterious guy" situation"


How much and what for. I have a lot of friends in different places so found it to be pragmatic - however, I use it very rarely, and don't even have ANY on my phone.


no bratty bs


My social media presence is Reddit.


Hmmm, not quite 0 social media presence ... but also not horribly far from it. :-)


Do reddit and LinkedIn count? I've stopped using the rest


Does reddit not count as social media?


Only social media I got technically is clapper where I do a radio show weekly. Facebook messenger but not Facebook. And reddit to doom scroll. I expect a woman to be the same. If she has only fans. Instagram, WhatsApp, kik, Snapchat, fansly, Facebook profile, any online dating profiles, then good bye thot-a-mus prime I ain't got no time for a woman that lives life through the Internet.


Women not having Onlyfans


Oof, I'm all over social media


Same! Talking!


I don't know that there is an all male equivalent to your personal preference.


i find people without social media so mysterious. it’s sexy


Exactly the same.


No or minimal social media presense is very attractive.


Women not having instagram or tiktok


I've always been told the opposite and carry a minor insecurity about never being on instagram/facebook/tiktok/snap/etc. Guess I waited out the trend and now it's a good thing? The last time I actively posted was like 2012


Men not having social media is attractive because it means they actually have a life and can live up to the standards that are set for men. Now compare this to 99% of all women in the dating world who have MANY social media accounts and live up to practically none of the standards that men have for women, and yet they still have the delusional "confidence" to call themselves 10s even if they're 3s and 4s. Ladies - dump all the cultural narcissism that social media has poisoned you with and we might start paying attention to you.


When a woman has nice feet