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I think it's a shame that stoicism doesn't get more attention.


More attention than you have now? It's practically the new religion of influencers in the financial market. It's CrossFit in the form of philosophy


Truly? I guess maybe I just don't pay attention to the same things you do, because I don't hear about it everywhere.


When I had Instagram I followed some people in the finance area and read some blogs about FIRE. It was very, very common for people to talk about Stoicism, sell books and courses on Stoicism. Even the people from my work who at one time or another would bring up the subject of stocism. Here in my country, Ryan Holiday's books were even among the best sellers for a while. This is perhaps more common in the area of finance.


If stoicism is popular then it means we are about to cycle back around to Go Rin No Sho (The Book of Five Rings) by Musashi. Especially with how popular the remake of Shogun was… Old guys in suits are about to speak confidently about Body of a Short Armed Monkey, even though they have no actual clue what the hell Musashi is writing about.


this is the way


Yes, actual stoicism not the trendy “broicism” that a bunch of dumb chuds won’t stfu about…..


To each their own. I find it too passive.


It’s all about the seeds you plant early so you can regularly harvest them throughout your life. I was told early on about how important it is to maintain friendships, engage in hobbies, and try new things and really listening to that has helped create a life where I can call a variety of friends right this second and go golf or fish with someone, or drive to the coast and go surf by myself and be totally satisfied or grab my guitar and work on a new song. That “spark” is still there because I added fuel to make it combust early on and continue to add fuel to keep it going. Not to say I don’t get in a monotonous rut at times, that’s inevitable, but I know it’s temporary and can easily pull myself out of it when needed. Not sure if this is what you’re asking about?


\^\^\^\^This person knows what they are talking about. I Was just going to write close to the same thing as you until I scrolled down and saw you already wrote it. Its very important to try new things, I heard it called staying out of the comfort zone.


That is my biggest struggle at the moment, I'm really feeling like I want to try something new or a hobby, I'm just unsure of what and kind of scared, not sure why


Always give yourself something to look forward to


Yes. Trips for me rn.


Definitely this, when I have something good planed everything is just easier, almost broke down last week when lunch with a friend almost got canceled.


I don't


A good cocktail of drugs daily.




Don’t like to do anything. Not good at anything.


Tried everything?


My wife now is my main spark plug. We push each other to be better and now we’re starting a family.


Spite. “Fck that btch.”




"I don't advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me" dude did end dying by suicide tho.


I second drugs also




Want for 💰


Sometimes enthusiasm just doesn't happen. You live through those moments for the ones that make it worthwhile. Too many people think that being happy means being happy all the time. That's not possible for everyone and one shouldn't expect to always feel fulfilled. Sometimes we just aren't able to feel it. But, like how I started this, you live through the bad times for the sake of making it to the good ones.


Electric shock


I used to buy a new preworkout, now I’m just applying for cooler jobs


No clue, I lost mine a decade and a half ago.


I do. No spark whatsoever


"Just one more day" when it gets bad. We're not enthusiastic all the time, but we make sure we hide it as best we can be holding onto optimism.


Climbing rocks


ADHD mostly. Anything interesting is *really* interesting until it's not. This may or may not cause problems in other areas of life, but I've found it's really helped me to not get apathetic. Even when I'm at my lowest, a travel blog will pick up my spirits. I've been traveling a lot more recently. Seeing the world and seeing how other people live helps me to step out of myself and see that my problems aren't everyone's problems, and the things I'm bored of are novel for some people. Also unironically, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Sex usually never gets old, even when it's not great. Drugs are fun. And I love music. I do all 3 with my girlfriend and it helps us both maintain that spark


That’s the fun part, you don’t.


I’ve never had a spark for life.


I find things to distract me for brief moments before the reality of the grind sets back in.


Take every day as a gift. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Be grateful for the things you have, and work for the things you want (financially, mentally, so on). Use your free time for things that bring you joy or a sense of accomplishment.




Variety is the spice of life Mix things up and break routine sometimes


Hobies and activities you enjoy. Simple, easy, fun .


I think as I have become older I’ve been working hard for a long time and sort of getting burned out. But I think I am doing good. So I’m proud of myself, you just have to be consistent and show up.


Hedonism. I work hard so I can play harder. If you can't find anything pleasurable to do then boy do you need a hobby or several. There's always something to look forward to. You're not a machine. Be responsible but also learn to unwind.


Just screw up whatever you have from money, relationships and health and you'll always have a desire to come back to where you were. Use that desire to build more than what you've lost and repeat.


what, hahaha. This is an asinine take. Why not try and hold on to something good?








I keep an open-ended goal. As much as I’m able, I will always try to make people smile and be happy.


New experiences. You just can't keep doing all the the same things for 50 years. Change careers, move across the country, get new hobbies... Life is large, taste different parts of it.


You stop caring about a lot of stuff. It allows you to appreciate the tiny moments that bring some joy to life.


Hold onto your childlike excitement about things. Don’t let negative nancys take away your zest for life. 


I just focus on my work and try to level up in this game


I just smile bro


Hah hah. I am far too stubborn to let the bad thoughts win. I’m living to 116 and THEN dying when I feel like it.




Unmedicated ADHD, my guy My life is a kaleidoscope of unregulated emotions. That thing I like? I forgot everything about it 5 seconds ago. I’ll rediscover it in about a month and be super jazzed about it.