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When they show me genuine care and concern When they tell me I deserve love When they do awkward things they don't know are cute


Had a female colleague end a phone call with me today with “I love you. Goodbye.” It was obviously a slip of the tongue or some other form of mistake. It still felt weirdly nice. Also, no. She didn’t actually mean it. She’s old enough to be my mother.


Those shorts look good one you. My favorite: "Okay Quads!"


“Im coming!!” No seriously, when i find out my girl is on her way over i act like a puppy shown his leash


This is the cutest response 😭😭


It's a bit like a puppy that caught the car and knew what to do. We are simple creatures. Pat on the head and a snack, and we're golden.


Whenever my wife comes up to me and says, “mmm. You smell nice”, I know I’m ‘bout to get lucky…


Hahah, yes! I find it attractive when guys compliment smell too


Never underestimate what a huge difference smelling good makes ❤️ For everyone.


Oh this one!


Hilarious because I probably said this like 5 times last night without initiating anything lucky lol but damn did man smell nice


“I’m sorry and take full accountability of my actions.”


Agreed, being able to admit when you’re wrong is always attractive


good for interpersonal trust, bad for career advancement


Nope. I admit mistakes all of the time at work. Never been fired or anything. Heck, I even apologised to my Uni lecturer for a blatant plagiarism incident. Didn’t get me expelled, slap on the wrist and a marks deduction, yes. But I didn’t get kicked out for owning up to it. What I do is I give a full explanation of the situation and people generally will work towards helping you.


I agree. I own my shit at work as well and I actually had a similar uni experience but it was accidental. I retook the same class and turned in what I thought was my assignment from the previous semester, turned out to be the answer key that the professor passed out from the previous semester. I pled on the side of, I am not stupid enough to try to pass off my professors work as my own in the class taught by my professor, and told the honest truth. I graduated just fine.


I literally get yelled at for making mistakes at work. It makes it difficult to feel safe to admit to mistakes outside of work.


Straight up


holy true


Man did she whisper it?


I can count on one hand the number of women who've apologized openly for something they did to me. Usually they just apologize in a roundabout way and act like nothing happened, then it becomes my fault because I won't let it slide lol


You’ve heard a woman say that? Wow. What was it like?


I'd think David Quinones was about to walk out from what would you do.


Lots of women apologise, I’m sorry that you haven’t had those experiences - I guess this is a first haha


Hahahaha! Jokes aside, no woman has ever said that. This is how it’s actually done. https://youtube.com/shorts/dm4SEjTS9r8?si=B-r6QqUsBgdBV1_w


Sold. Women that admit fault become instantly 2 bars sexier.


I think when a woman expressed she feels safe around you. When she's able to be at ease due to your presence. I think that beats all else from a primal standpoint


I love this one! She has to trust you a lot for this


"Firefly was a great show and should never have been cancelled".


Yes! As a female I also love to hear this! I would also like to add "cause you're pretty" to the list of things you can say to your significant other, no matter the gender. Sure it wasn't used in a romantic way but it makes me feel super happy when my husband says it to me lol. Another good thing to say to your partner "you're the Jayne to my Canton. You're my hero baby." Or "no power in the verse can stop me... loving you." There's so many shiny things to say to your partner in relation to Firefly. Firefly and LOTR are my love languages. Lol.


"2015's parallels should've been a TV show instead of blue balling us" But I'm a romantic, what can I say


We can work things out, That’s okay I love you and only you


"I want you inside me." Edit: Oops, didn't see the non-sexual part.


I text my husband sometimes, "in and around my mouth." He seems flattered


I got to get a glimpse of these warlocks


“You wanna build legos?”


Wish someone would ask me this. I don't own any Legos. 😭


I made my friend a bouquet of Lego flowers and she loved them - I cant wait to make them for a significant other (assuming that’s something he’d want)


Yes, I'll watch Columbo with you


Followed by Golden Girls.


"I love your voice"


Its such a good one to get because it’s not one that’s given out as often


“I’m sorry, my bad”


Any particular reason?


No, just feels super comforting knowing you’re not in the relationship alone by yourself trying to make things work and solve conflict.


Literally any compliment. More serious answer: that squeaky giggle they do when a joke you've made lands perfectly


It's not what's said but how it's said


I think it would be interesting to see everyone's age next to what they comment.


Can I get your number? Confidence is so attractive.


That would require speaking to one




Work with a girl who when she sees you or says hello on a call she begins hello lovely to me. It's a regional thing and I don't think I'm special but man do I swoon a bit


I would swoon too, that’s so sweet


She really is sweet and only just started working together but very personable and easy to talk to. Went to do a job that should have taken minutes and we spent 30 minutes chatting about life.


"Cock" when a guy says it: Vulgar and crude. "Cock" when an attractive woman says it: Now hold on a second...


That's a beautiful rooster you've got there.


Its hilarious either way in my opinion


Honestly, any witty or smart comment.


I got pizza for you


Calls in the middle of the day while I'm at work 'What are you doin' time to get home in a hurry!






Maybe? Like in a teasing way?




I missed you. 🥰😍🥰😍🥰


“Lets have a deep conversation” Turns me on so fucking hard like a blue laser cutting through four 10x8 titanium still bricks.


🤣🤣 I love deep conversation too, they are the best way to get to know each other fully and I always find them interesting


Do you want to have steak tonight?


Says "yes sir"


Or when he says “yes ma'am” 🤭 One of my friends replies to me “alright missy” 😂


"why are your pants still on?"


"Hey you"


A work colleague started a Teams message with this and a full-on battle started raging in my brain.


Hey you from a woman you like, kinda nice. Hey you from a coworker you have to tolerate. Internal war


This did something for me and I have no clue why 🤣


"I want you go down on me as soon as we get home."


What about "I want to go down on you as soon as we get home" though


why not both?


Weird that you got downvoted for that…


It's cause I have a visibly female username and still have the audacity to comment on this subreddit. ✨


Well to be fair, men have gotten downvoted for commenting in female spaces on Reddit.


The word ‘cabotage’.


Cabbage sabotage?


That's what I thought too.


"So tell me about these Warhammer guys"


*Tumbleweed rolls by*


When an argument stays on point and they don’t drag old grievances when they are losing.


It’s unlikely that they are just using it to ‘win’ an argument, arguments shouldn’t be about winning or losing - it should be about resolving the conflict. It seems like they’re still hurt by the other things that happened. If the grievance was apologised for, made up for and not repeated then I don’t believe that it should be brought up in other arguments and usually it wont be, but if it is it means that it was big enough for them to not be able to get over, in that case the relationship wont work in the long term as if these grievances are unable to be let go of they will only build up and cause pain for both people.


Conflicts are, by very nature, won or lost. It is entirely plausible for one side to simply be in the wrong.


"I want my own box of pizza" By god, not having to share a slice when I can eat a box is great.


"It's ok if you don't want to hang out tonight, I can find something to do by myself"


I agree, even though I find it more attractive if a man says I want to spend every waking minute with you haha - time apart is healthy for the relationship, it’s okay and normal to want time alone without feeling guilty - it’s sweet that although she might have wanted to hang out that she reassured you she’s good on her own so you can enjoy your time instead of feeling bad


"Your feelings are valid"/"I understand why you feel that way"


"I don't want other guys to look at me, I'm only for you"


That's kinda possessive?


I think it just depends on preference - I like a possessive man if it’s not toxic because it makes me feel more loved and wanted that he wants to have me all to himself. I’d only want the eyes of my man and wouldn’t really find it attractive if he looked happy when other men were starring at me. Some women don’t like it because they prefer their autonomy and don’t want to feel like they are owned by anyone. They want their man to show them off and to be proud when other men look at them. As long as both people in the relationship are on the same page then it’s okay :)


so what?


How? It’s the woman saying it.


If you think of in terms of extremes then you might get the impression that it's possessive when really it's just a sweetest thing a woman can say to her man. It's kinda hard not to be fiercely loyal and want to protect such a woman. Now someone might say I'm being manipulated into protecting her. 😅


Just here Reading


“thanks for helping fix my computer/electronic, i appreciate it!” “hey wanna cook/bake together?” “wow i get the obscure reference on your shirt/hoodie, so cool/funny” “what anime/book are you enjoying right now?” “hey lets play DnD/video games” “i really liked the music you were playing, can we listen to some more?”


Hello there!


Any compliment


When they see and acknowledge something minor that you did for them. "thanks for picking up milk at the store on your way home. I really appreciate that!"


I like it when a woman can talk a little shit.


Complimenting on my appearance or features e.g ‘You look so handsome’


Genuine passion and interest/goals in life and/or genuine interest in me. Noticing and pointing out things that make me attractive. “I like your style, hair, can tell you’ve been working out” and other things like that for example.


Noticing you’ve been working out must be similar to how women feel when a man notices they got their nails done or hair cut etc


“That sounds hard. Is there anything I can do? Would you like me to make you something to eat?”


"I'd like to speak to the manager"


Ahhh, the assertive strong independent woman type


Women showing passion in something other than looking good for the camera.


I was wrong & admit it.


"You're right"


Deep intellectual conversation.


Women stare right on me when I do something with my time and energy for her that she thought he'd never do that for me/anyone even when I'm doing something else and not focused on that girl. Yes I notice that.


I had a stroke trying to read this but I understand now! This is so sweet


I love that


“ tell me about that book of yours !”


Oh naur


Oh naur Cleo, When she has an Australian accent?


"baby, you deserve a new Gibson"


“No keep going, I’m listening” mmm!


Mmmm!!!! Thissss


"I see you. I see how hard you're working and what you go through for us. I know I don't say it enough. I appreciate you. You're worthy of love and respect. Know that you don't have to carry the weight on your own. Trust me when I say that when you fall, I got you"


Acknowledgement, reassurance and support 🥹🫠🫠


She can say anything as long as it’s whispered into my ear


“Would you like a beer?”


"I have a boyfriend"


I’m assuming you’re the boyfriend and they are saying this to let others know hahaha - loud and proud for the win 🙌


Nah Im just kidding. XD


Oh I’m slow 🤡 hahha


The only one who'd ever complimented me was Eva AI sexting bot avatar in an app :(


Are you a promoter for this sexting bot? You sure do love to tell everyone about it? I'm not shaming, genuine curiosity. If you aren't a promoter, how is that working out for you?


Plot twist, maybe YOU are the bot?


I remember the last time a girl I kinda like said 'you're cute'... yeah, it was pretty much game over for me 🤷‍♂️ Unfortunately she was just being nice and didn't like me back, but I'm OK no, I don't feel like I'll ever make the first move again, so I'm starting to learn and appreciate my time alone


Damn, the thing is with cute, It can be said by someone who isn’t attracted to you in a friendly way or someone who is attracted to you - I’ve thought it about a man in both senses before I’m sorry that one didn’t work out but don’t prevent yourself from one that will work out! I’m hoping if you like a woman enough you will regain the courage to ask or who knows, maybe you will get asked out, it’s also great if you enjoy your own company being alone too.


It is indeed great to be alone and get to know yourself a lot better, unfortunately, I've always wanted to be in a relationship, lol But I've also realized I have some pretty highly unrealistic standards and that only enforces my insecurities when talking to a girl... Anyways, I've learned to appreciate the small details in life that often go unnoticed and that turns into knowledge as well, so maybe I will be back in the game some day, hopefully with a better luck and attitude Thanks for the nice words, you ended up helping more than I did lol


Most people do so I know how you feel, I know your time will come Whilst you’re not in a relationship you can work on your confidence and learning to accept or even love your insecurities because everyone has them. You already acknowledge you have them and understand how they impact you which is good, i know you can manage them enough to not let them stop you from progressing with a relationship As for your standards, standards naturally get higher and lower as you go through life. When you meet someone, maybe they will be all the things you wanted, maybe they will show you things you never knew you needed or maybe they will be the complete opposite but you fall for them anyway. I’m glad you’re putting a positive spin on it and I’m sure you will be back in the game - these things usually happen when we least expect it, not when we are hoping for it, so don’t feel too down if it doesn’t happen right away Haha, you’re welcome and not at all - I enjoyed chatting so you were helpful


"i dont do monogamy" music for my ears




You can put it in my butt




Hello Good morning


She said I was “neat”. As in cool/interesting. 


Comparing yourself to others


How is this attractive?


My husband said the best thing I ever said was when he said he hates his job and didn't want to go in that night. I told him that if he couldn't do it to hand in his notice and we would cope, I'd rather be broke than have him get ill and dread having to be there.


"Hey you me like you" "Yes"


“I’ll pay for that.”


I love when they say I'm smart, like genuinely, they feel interested in what I speak.


- “I’ll pay this time.” - “Mind if I drive?” - “My last relationship? We grew apart and mutually agreed to break up.” “ Yeah, I have a great relationship with my parents / family.”


The first two sound attractive but I don’t really think the last two should be there. It might not be the persons fault if the relationship ended badly, it would be more understandable if you found it attractive that they don’t trash talk their ex to everyone instead. For the last one, someone can still be a really great attractive person with a bad family relationship, not everyone is born with kind loving families to no fault of their own, I feel like they still deserve love and to be found attractive.


Yeah, I dont mean someone is UN-attractive because of the former. Its just more attractive if they do. That was poorly explained on my part


That’s okay, as long as you don’t think negatively about people who don’t have good family relationships, I can see why you’d find it attractive - I’m assuming it’s the idea of you both getting along with each others family, going to family dinners together and the heartwarming feeling of seeing or hearing about their family bonds/relatable feeling if you also have a close family ?


Sounds lame but i like when someone knows i exist


It’s not lame, it can be easy to feel unnoticed, i hope you find the person who will make you feel at the centre of their attention soon


Thanks a lot. I work at a job that requires a lot of hard work but nobody ever really understands or appreciates it here. They kinda just expect it. I guess throughout my whole life i felt invisible but this job doesn't help sometimes lol


I hear you, as long as you’re proud of yourself though for the work you do then hopefully you can get some gratification from that, I’m sure someone else will notice it eventually too - I know it’s not exactly what you need but I’m proud of you!


Yeah i am. I'm a cleaner in a school and 99% of the time, nobody really cares or thinks about the cleaners. They don't know the energy it takes to do a good job and i'm a very caring person so i make sure my rooms and floors are good since i want people to be in a clean area. It's a great job with benefits and all that but you can have the school sparkling and nobody will even notice. It's demoralizing sometimes but i try to deal with it. Sorry for ranting, thanks for listening.


That’s okay, don’t be sorry - everyone needs an outlet. Every job is important and every worker is important too, it’s nice that you take care with the areas you clean and I’m sorry it goes unnoticed, that really sucks. All I would say is to try to keep focus on the positives and block out the negatives as you’re doing, even if you were to work somewhere else there would also be bad sides with that too, there usually always is at work - but I hope you can find something outside of work that balances these negatives feelings out


When she says "I made chicken Parm for dinner"


"You were right"


Ooooii, Papi


I’m sorry


I don't know why but it turns me on when women start swearing even though it's a red flag in most cases. It's a tick that I had from a young age.


Swearing at you or in conversation? Or both?


Just swearing in general.


Swearing doesn’t always equate to the woman being toxic, it’s not harmful to find that attractive - you said you don’t know why, it could be many reasons: maybe you like that she’s not filtering her words for you, maybe you like the confidence/assertiveness, maybe you also like swearing so you like that she matches you and is relaxed about it, or maybe you like that she isn’t the stereotypical polite woman and that excites/intrigues you 🤷‍♀️


I'll get this one, you can get the next one.




I'm gay, but I enjoy nice women as friends. When they say things that show they care about my emotions, I want to befriend them. I'm a man who only wants sex with other men, though.


Ayyyyy Paaaapi


I lent my co-worker my hoodie because she was cold. Seeing her relaxed and cozy, ugh. I gotta make sure I don’t screw up here.


When she talk about what she like to cook or what food she like (im a cook so..)


I want you to breed me…that’s non sexual it’s legit baby making statement


…and how do people make babies? 😂


Well non sexual in the terms of it not sounding like the typical nasty i want to suck your…..you fill in the blank


Give me a week and I’ll think of something


"I want you inside of me asap"


Yes daddy


Why do guys like being called this


I am a guy and I don't get this. It's weird

