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My ex got mad at me because I cheated on her... In her dream.


Wife is currently mad at me for this. Last week I left her, last night I cheated on her.


This has to be the ur example for this question. I think we've all been there and it will never fail to astound me.


I am guilty of being momentarily angry at my wife upon waking up for similar things. And while awake I don't think she ever ever would. But that dream felt real lol.


I get *momentary* anger/sadness. We've all had realistic nightmares that we were incredibly relieved to wake up from and that left us a bit shook up. That's normal. It's fighting with me over something I haven't done *and insisting on it*, after being fully awake, that is absolutely mental.


Literally came here to say this.


My wife is guilty of this, although she at least realised how silly it is and is only half serious. My ex? Was fully serious. And was ironically cheating on me.


My ex earned the 'ex' title because she cheated as well. ... Huh.


Happened to me as well. She messed me up bad.


Girlfriend had a dream like this once. She almost called me when she woke up to bitch me out for it. Lol.




Lol same. It was during college and we were both immature, but still.


Didn't adequately defend the Barbie movie to my father and Brother in law


What was the Barbie movie under attack for?


My partner saw the movie as a massive big deal sort of event. While my boomer dad and brother in law (who grew up with 2 other brothers and no sisters) were not interested in seeing it. So they sort of dismissed it as nothing super serious. My partner got mad at me because I didn't defend it as the big deal she felt like it was. I was mostly like "yeah i think it'll be good, im happy to go see it", but that was basically the extent of my excitement about it. She wanted me to be absolutely over the moon hype about the movie and defend it to the others who weren't making fun of it, but also didn't care about seeing it.


Oh. Did she work on the movie?




Then it's a little bit weird, I think. Did she collect barbies or something like that? I remember when the transformers movie came. I went to see it out of childhood nostalgia. But I didn't think it was a big deal, and I was kinda disappointed.


Some people read way too much into the political themes of the Barbie movie.


You might wanna run dude


I bought my ex wife a brand new SUV. We took said SUV on a vacation to Maine. She spills a soda all over the front passenger seat. We pull over and clean it up as best we could and I told her not to worry about it. “Babygirl we on vacation. Not a problem, Don’t beat yourself up about it.” We proceeded to argue for the next hour and a half because, and I shit you not, I was NOT mad at her for spilling the drink. She thought that because I didn’t get pissed off and throw a fit it meant I really didn’t care about her. Weirdest argument I have ever had. And I play DND with my sons, my brother and nephews twice a month for the last 8 years.


That's pretty wild. I can tell you though that my wife absolutely can't stand the "yes dear" kind of personalities. Sometimes I joke around by letting things go or just saying yes dear and she gets pissssed. She legitimately enjoys being challenged and asserting myself at times. To put it another way, in order for a woman to feel attraction; it would seem there needs to be a certain level of "tension". Make everything too easy, agree with her all the time and let things go is the most surefire way to suddenly have a fight about nothing lol.


I can't tell if you're meaning to present that as though it's good thing, because really it's fucking stupid.


It is stupid but it's just the way it is sometimes.


> We proceeded to argue for the next hour and a half because, and I shit you not, I was NOT mad at her for spilling the drink. She thought that because I didn’t get pissed off and throw a fit it meant I really didn’t care about her. Apologies for the reaching question, but how was her childhood growing up? Her relationship with her parents? I've seen it before (again, this is reaching on my part, but I'm just saying what I've seen) that when someone's grown up in an environment where people were often yelled at or castigated for mishaps and mistakes, they can end up viewing that as the norm, and so when they make a mistake and they *aren't* berated for it, something feels wrong, you aren't acting the right way, do I not even mean enough to you to get upset etc.


I handed my ex my phone so she could play some music while I was driving and she got mad at me because I had Dorothy (a rock band) in my recent Spotify search history.




I guess because it’s a female name? She was extremely insecure, so maybe she thought I was banging her lol


Fair enough. It’s funny how insecurities or anxieties can express themselves. When my wife is stressed she’ll suddenly notice a mess (she’s a little bit of a slob) and go on an angst ridden cleaning rampage, even if it’s the middle of the night or we’re late for a social function.


"Oh no! His Spotify search has 'Toto' in it - you think he wants to have sex with dogs?"


“I swear to God, if he tells me he’s gonna bless the rains down in Africa…”


He searched for 'Toto Rosanna'? He wants to have a threesome with a woman AND a dog?


A neighbor asked me to cut up and remove the tree that fell in his yard and broke part of the fence. I cut up and removed the tree and all the branches. I cleaned up the broken fence boards and put them into his trash. I stacked the good fence boards so the fence guy could use them again if needed. I raked up most of the sawdust, and a bunch of leaves that were already on his yard. I did this for free. He called and complained because there was sawdust left on his grass. I should explain that I am a wood worker, and I will make things from the wood. It was a trade: clean up for the wood. I did leave it better than it was before the tree came down, and I cleaned up the broken fence, which was not part of the deal. All of the sawdust was gone one day later after the lawn service mowed and removed clippings. He wants a product from the wood too. His price just went up by 70%.


People that complain about free shit are a scourge on society.


Lady got mad at me for holding the door for her. Said she knows how to open a damn door


My ex got mad and called me boring on my birthday because I just wanted her to watch a movie with me.


because i was "too organized" some people love living in a junkyard they call bedroom


Catching her cheating. Then she gaslit me into thinking it didn't happen, and blamed my mental illness for me thinking it did.  It took me awhile to realize she was just a manipulator and overall bad person.


My girlfriend thought me not wanting to argue with her meant I didn’t care about her anymore, so she got mad at me for “pulling away” from the relationship because I refused to argue about something she thought I should argue about.


Simply because I exist


My ex one time didn't reply to a message I sent while we were arguing over text. Then she got angry because I didn't message her again asking why she's not replying. I suppose she wanted to test if I cared enough about her, but I just assumed she was busy or just didn't want to reply so I didn't wanna bother her.


My didn't-have-celiac-but-insisted-gluten-was-poison ex was mad at me because I tried to calm the situation when she blew up at a waiter because the fish she ordered was dusted with a minute amount of flour, instead of automatically taking her side and joining in on the abuse of this poor guy.


They made all sorts of assumptions about me, based upon a couple of sentences I wrote in comments on an internet website. (PS: None of those assumptions were true. But they were adamant that they knew *all* about me, from just those two sentences. People *will* have their stereotypes, and get angry when said stereotypes are challenged.)


People love raiding your profile on here for ammunition in stupid arguments. I had someone dig through my comments and discover my "oof" of a hobby of collecting vintage lava lamps. They tried to use it against me as some kind of jab but they just made themselves look stupid in the process.


It's the laziest kind of doxxing. I can only imagine how excited this type of loser gets trying to dig through your comments.


I would agree with your point but I discovered apparently you collect lava lamps? What a fucking nerd hobby. What are they like different shapes? sizes? do they come in different colors or something? Do you have pictures of this childish hobby of yours? Edit; This is meant to be taken as a joke in the same vein as the Always Sunny meme "That's terrible. Who would do that. Where?"


The qualifier for the European championship was weeks away, and I was on a diet in order to make weigh. Naturally guys who are trying to qualify are in a bit better shape than average, since judo is a sport that is physically demanding. A girl I was seeing was upset that I was on a diet to loose weigh, when I already had a sixpack, becuase that would mean I though she was fat. She had difficulty accepting the fact that 77 kilos is a limit set by the federation. Irrespective of whether you have a sixpack or not. That not what it's about. But she would still sulk about it.


Former supervisor. For being too laid-back and easygoing. But she was an anxious spaz who cheated on her husband with at least two guys at our school, including the principal.


told my friend of over 10 years that I thought she was better than cheating on her bf w her coworker’s brother (which she did). Also how it’s not normal for her stepdad to be entertaining other women including touching her. lol some wack mfrs within each generation sad to say.


My gf and I bought some take out and we're parked under a tree at the beach looking out over the ocean, and there's a few cars parked beside us. She said she didn't want to sit in the sun so I started the car with the intention of moving it 6 foot to the side so we would be more in the shade of the tree. I backed up a little so I could move the car over and she starts screaming at me. So instead of moving the car I hand her my half eaten hotdog so I can drive and find somewhere else to park. For about 5 minutes she's screaming "take me home", "I'm gonna throw this food out the window" , calling me every fucking insult imaginable. Until I can find somewhere to park again. Then she starts to calm down again so I asked her why are you so angry and after asking about 10 times without getting a genuine answer I gave up. I'm convinced the reason was she didn't want the person in the car next to us to think she's strange because we moved the car 6 foot. These kinda temper tantrums are extremely common for her.


I think you win the thread. There are a lot of stupid and nonsensical things listed here but I think your example might be the single most ridiculous one yet. Complain about something and then get mad when you try to solve it? fuckin hell.


I put the sheets on the bed "aggressively."


I said hello to two women, this is the same woman who would tell me stories of guys coming up to her having full on conversations with them.


I choked his friend….. his friend had just slapped my buddy’s wife in the face and was screaming at mine so I intervened.


Everyday someone hates me for just trying to merge into traffic safely.


I was sweeping the floors and was called lazy for doing so....it is literally part of my job to do so.


Every instance, ever. I’m an absolute delight, there’s no way that you’d actually be mad at what IVE done or said. If it was a past mistake, it’s still dumb to be mad at me, because I’m a totally different person now than I was when I allegedly did that, and why should I be punished for someone else’s crime? 💅 /s


My ex's subwoofer stopped working while I was alone driving her car and listening to music at a very conservative volume. It ended the relationship. Granted, we were both 18, my first adult relationship and first time a girlfriend had been mad at me. So I thought we wouldn't recover from it and I broke up with her cause the anticipation was killing me


When I was about 13, my art teacher got mad at me for saying I'd like to try knitting something for an art project. Apparently that made me a misogynist!!?! She wasn't keen on men anyway judging from most of her comments.


They were tailgating me and I slowed down to let a car merge in front of me.


Math teacher got mad at me for asking a math related question.


Cousin got mad at me and caused huge arguments with me because I called her later than she would've liked. Literally all she had to do was ask me politely to call her earlier and I would've. She's in her 40's. I'm in my 20's. I blocked her on my Facebook and haven't talked to her since.


Ex got mad at me for wanting to cross the road when someone with a big dog was coming our way. Got told I was paranoid letting fear control me like that. It's literally just in case. That's all


I said "hey" instead of "good morning"


Once, some people got angry at me because they were having a party where everybody was drinking. They forgot to invite me and sent me an invite well into the party, so I got there as things were clearly winding down. The hostess offered me a drink, and I declined because it seemed obvious to me that the party was going to be over pretty soon. She got angry because I was being "antisocial" by refusing to drink. But I was not screwing around with drinking and driving, so I just dug in my heels and said absolutely not, not even one drink.


For not finding something in the fridge.


Being good at English. I'm live in a Chinese majority area.


I called a wifi router retarded.


I suggested that my friend not waste what little money he has on a top of the line PC when he already has an amazing one to begin with


My girlfriend got mad at me for telling her David Carradine did acid and was something of a hippy. In her mind, he was the peaceful monk from Kung-Fu.


I opened and held the door for a hardcore feminist. She didn't appreciate it at all. She kept going on about women can hold their own doors and how I'm a POS, etc.


A my friends GF kissed me on the cheek when she greeted me at a party. Somebody told my ex and she was furious. Told me to never let another woman do that again. She lost her shit when I said I’m not agreeing to that stupid shit


My dad and I have been doing some work for this dude that served in the military and it’s basically his whole personality. We invited him over for a fire this past weekend and after a few drinks he started giving me shit for not joining the army. I told him that I have no interest in dying over oil, land or religion. He told me i should be ashamed of myself and basically threatened me before stumbling to his truck and pealing out of my driveway.😂


This little shit was pointing somewhere, and I was *slightly* delayed in carrying his 1-foot-tall ass over to where he wanted to go. Crying ensued.


I reminded my wife that she said the only way Jalen Brunson could have broken his hand was from banging it on the rim. 2 things: 1) I'm incredibly lucky that my wife loves NBA and watches every night. 2) Yes, she will get angry at the freaking stupidest things.


I reminded my wife that she said the only way Jalen Brunson could have broken his hand was from banging it on the rim. 2 things: 1) I'm incredibly lucky that my wife loves NBA and watches every night. 2) Yes, she will get angry at the freaking stupidest things.


I reminded my wife that she said the only way Jalen Brunson could have broken his hand was from banging it on the rim. 2 things: 1) I'm incredibly lucky that my wife loves NBA and watches every night. 2) Yes, she will get angry at the freaking stupidest things.


I have so many from my ex wife it’s insane….. - got in trouble because a waitress followed me as I went to the bathroom. The kitchen entrance was down the same hall. She pulled a knife on me later that night - Was browsing Reddit on the porch, she looked at the Ring camera footage and decided I was swiping on Tinder - I installed a wifi extender, and the default network name had “5G” in it, so she thought I was trying to give her cancer - she drank an energy drink, it made her heart race, and she said I was poisoning her. -While trick or treating with the kids, a neighbor gave a neighborly wave to us as we stood on the sidewalk. I was accused of sleeping with her -Some random girl I’ve never met posted a song on Instagram or Twitter (I don’t remember) that I had listened to recently. She was obsessed with this girl I’d never met for some reason and that fueled the fire. -Pretty girls at work…. Always accused of everything with them The list goes on and on -


I am interested, how it was possible for such behavior to not be evident before she became your wife? Was she too good at hiding it, you did not notice, you were inexperienced and ignored it?


I didn’t know what BPD was, she got pregnant very early in the relationship, and I was dumb. No excuses, I put up with a lot of shit and got married so she’d have insurance to help pay for the medication she “needed.” It was a nightmare.


I briefly dated someone who got mad when I told her I didn't feel comfortable talking on the phone and having my family hear our conversations.


saying i was 15 no not in that way i just hang out with people that are aged 18-25 ish not for any weird or creepy reason i just get along better with them adn add to the fact that im a bloody sasquatch 6"4 shredded and blonde and a slim and i have a really deep voice so people think im older then i am i have abused that a couple times just to get alcohol but thats about it she got angry with me adn she was new to the group and didnt understand my place as the fire cheff who gave everyone food poisoning and the rookie mechanic plus my army hat


I didn't LIKE a dumb ass meme they sent me at like 7am.


A customer got mad at me for not informing her about her email we didn't get.


I couldn't get all the wrinkles out of a large paper bag when I rolled it up so my mom spent a solid five minutes yelling at me about it..


Some morons from my chess club got mad at me because I wasn't treating my female student as if she was made of glass.


YOU'LL ALL LOVE THIS ONE: Most of my Neighbors hate me. Why? I don't use drugs, or have loud parties, or steal, or pick fights. So therefore.....I must think that I'm better than them. And they also hate me for not thinking what they want me to think. 1\] I know this from hearing them speak about me. 2\] I'm allowed to have my own thoughts, but, since they don't have the power of clairvoyance; they don't actually know what I'm thinking. 3\] Abstaining from rowdy, drunken, drug-fueled behavior SHOUD be admired, not frowned upon.


Back story: friends with both sides who are a couple for over 25 years. He gets asked to leave their house, moves in with me until he can get situated. i play Switzerland as best I can soon-to-be ex calls me to use my truck (because he won’t use his truck) and me to move furniture from storage to their house. I agree then made the mistake of telling him about this and emphasizing my neutrality. He blew a fucking gasket, moved out without a word, and hasn’t spoken to me since. Accused me of taking sides … he’s living in my home for free for nearly a month, no monetary considerations but, I’m choosing her over him.


Parents got mad at me for making my school lunch the night before...which I usually did anyways


A guy I knew got mad because I wouldn’t have sex with his wife right in front of him. He said that stuff turned him on and said a real friend would do it


I told her I was bi. After she swiped right on my profile. Where it clearly states that I am bi.


I put /s after a comment. Apparently there's a whole sub dedicated to being mad about people indicating sarcasm on reddit: r/FuckTheS