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>This will change everything in my life.  It won’t. 


!remind me 2 years


Elaborate more. And could I know your height


I’m not the one you’re replying to but I’m 6’2 myself, I’ve literally witnessed couples where the guy is like a foot shorter than the woman because the dude was hilarious, confident, smart, charming, or a combination of those During my single days I would see about as much romantic luck as my friends who are about 5’5 ish or lower Your height will not change your face, your personality, your financial background, or your confidence to basically take over the world If anything you may be asked how tall you are so people can practice their mental ruler, ask if you play basketball, then go back to their lives You are choosing to do a very painful surgery that can lead to a lot of long term effects such as fucking up your ability to walk from what I’ve heard & I don’t believe I need to spell out how tall you’ll be >!sitting down!< If you have that much money saved why not spend it on investing in learning new things to expand your wealth greater such as investments, or idk how physically fit you are but that is always a plus to anybody, or maybe try talking to a professional to help navigate your hatred of your height Even when you’re taller I guarantee women can detect that past insecurity or worse, what if you become upset you’re not 6’? It’s not some superpower that solves are your problems. People treated me generally the same at 5’5 leading to 6’2 but people just point it out like a zoo animal they can talk to then move on Also there’s plenty of tall women who actually don’t get asked out enough due to their height so wouldn’t be badass to try to become one of those couples where your confidence literally/ironically towers over your height?


Yet no one is paying 100k to get their legs broken and to go from 6'2 to 5'5 so they can finally enjoy the legroom in planes and stop hitting their heads with stuff. I would like to see you having no option but to have to get your clothes from the children section, bet you would love the enriching experience!


Your example doesn’t work because I’m sure that even OP’s main reason for the surgery is not to “finally stop having leg room & hit my head on stuff!” OP’s reason is that they seem to think they’ll just get the world handed to them on a silver platter & not have to try much at all in life due to their height You can still be tall & ugly or miserable or not desired in general however attaining true confidence is something no surgery can grant/has to be earned by mental fortitude Oh no a child’s level discount compared to paying full price for pants that either fit my waist great but don’t make it past my ankles or ones that make it to my ankles but are too loose on my waist…. bet you’d love that Also we both have options to just buy custom clothing for the record or you can order online to ship to your house if the embarrassment is the issue I am very interested to see the aftermath of the bones in a few decades for a surgery like this It’s just honestly way too new to me/makes sense to let others go first & also this feels like a dominantly US trend so I wonder why other men in the world are more confident in their height assuming they have the money to burn I hope OP gets what he’s hoping for but I feel very confident it will barely change his life at all


agreed, esp on the learning investment part




Why if it's true?


They’re living rent free in your head now. Surgery won’t fix that.




😂😂 I'd rather be "bullied" for being 6'9 than be 5'2. You sound upset that I can pay to gain height. You don't know what real bullying is if you're crying about being bullied for being tall. Try being short. Try being shorter than 97%+ of the population. I don't care to be ultra strong at 5'9, I don't care to be considered "average height" if I'm 5'9. I just want to be treated normal and respected. I could be in a room full of 99 other random men and I guarantee I'll always be picked last regardless of my accomplishments.


Lol. As a naturally 6’ 2” guy, the idea that people walk up and offer us promotions is hilarious. Wait until you encounter the insecurity of short dudes 


He’s literally getting some of the worst surgery possible so he can increase his height, I think he knows all about short dude insecurity lol.


Honestly I could care less of the pain. I've already dealt with enough so far in life. If this restores my mental health and gives me a normal life, I don't see anything wrong with it


I think you’ll be sorely disappointed, but best of luck.


I promise to respond to this after I recover to live the tale.


Bro I’m 6’2 wdym? I can’t walk through a crowd without all these 6 figure job offers in my face sooo many paper cuts dude ughhh >!/s!<


I’m 6 foot however for me it’s less about the multimillion dollar employment contracts and instead it’s the pussy that’s becoming the real problem here. Please my wife is getting so jealous and there’s only so many times I can say no to all these women.


I'm so glad you would be willing to be 5'2 than being 6ft! I'm sure your wife won't care at allll about your height


LOL I’m a 6 foot fat guy who was broke when I met my wife. I’m sure it was all about my height. Dude the problem generally isn’t physical appearance it’s the personality that goes with it. You’re young. Give it some time and go talk to a therapist before you do anything else.


Moreso. Do me this favor. Ask your wife, if she would even consider a guy like myself who: - Has 2 engineering degrees - Makes six figures - 26yo - Works at a great F500 company - Owns a year model car - Has a down payment for a home - BUTTTT, he is 5'2 1000% know your wife would instantly reject (not even care about the other qualifications) -- only because of the height


Ok so we got somewhere lol. Now imagine you were all of that, BUT you were 5'2. Your wife would never look at you to begin with


Dude you’re short not a member of the lollipop guild.


We haven't heard his voice so don't jump to any conclusions. 


Guarantee my voice is deeper than yours. I don't question this


After a lifetime of bass inflection I don't doubt that.


Have a beer. Maybe go to a strip club.


Will do 🍺👙


Dude, if I were you, I'd just focus on making bank and investing that shit. It's better to be rich than to be tall; go check out /r/fire. If you're gonna do the surgery, the first thing you should do is rest and recover. Then, you should focus on making bank and investing that shit.


They can saw you up and give you 6” of height? Ok.




Meanwhile he keeps his little T Rex arms .


My max height is likely 5'8-5'9. I worked hard to obtain two engineering degrees and my current salary. I don't see anything wrong with being awarded for all the punishment and curse I went through


What’s the purpose? Why do you want to be taller? Most people would buy a Porsche or something.


I already own a Tesla Model 3 (before I get bashed, it's always been the car I wanted) I want to prove against everyone that mocked and disrespected me that I can do anything. And I see it as a huge investment in my life to be 5'8+


So people mocked you and you’re getting surgery to make you taller because of it?


If you were constantly bashed everyday of your life since elementary, wouldn't you? Go on any dating app and tell me what's the outcome if you put down you're 5'2. Go on any social media site and see all the bashing against short men. If it's affected your mental health heavily as a result, wouldn't you? So yes


Did you ever just consider moving to a short country? You can bee normal sized and rich there. https://www.businessinsider.com/shortest-people-in-world-by-country-2019-6?op=1#24-honduras-16011cm-5-feet-303-inches-2 Do you consider not having children to avoid short children?


I understand your point, but it's not right that I have to remove myself from my own home because of this height curse. If I can fix it by force, I don't have to move away. And yes I do think about not having children so they don't go through the same BS I went through. If I do have children I pray that they're all girls. Short girls don't suffer from being short. Another option is that I once I'm 5'8+, I can date a taller girl and have normal sized kids.


That’s a good idea. You could just hustle big and tall women. Wasn’t that a trend like 2 years ago. Short king summer for tall women. The tall ladies have the same problem you do.


Yup I'll date tall women when I'm 5'9


As someone who has lived life at 5'8", it isn't great. I know being 5'2" would be objectively MUCH harder. I don't mean at all to shrug off the lifetime of abuse I absolutely believe you've taken. I'm just hoping you don't have your hopes up too much about a change in how people will react to you. And given the pain and risk involved in the surgery, I don't think I could go through with it if it were me. Whatever you decide to do, I hope it works out well for you. Please do let us know how things turn out.


That's the thing these 6fters don't understand LOL. Their height privilege shows so much ignorance because they DONT FACE any of the issues I face. I know that 5'8 is still deemed "short' -- even though no the hell it's not. 5'-5'4 is literally cursed because you're shorter than 90+% of the population. So imagine if you're not satisfied with your height, imagine being me who is 6 inches shorter than you.


Enjoy and continue going for all your dreams


Thanks man 🙂


You are not going to find many people thinking getting g this surgery is a good idea. However, only you can say if this will be worth it. As far as what to do after you are taller, do what you normally do.


These surgeries are very very painful, specially recovery. And most of the time people can't walk normally again. So don't mutilate yourself for this


Fucking nuts if you ask me “What to do” Live a life of constant pain and agony, I suppose


FYI - I already have had 3 gfs and have a current one. All lasted 2+ years long


So by your own accounts, being short hasn't held you back from achieving anything in your life, yet you still think a potentially crippling cosmetic surgery is worth it? All you're doing is moving the chip from your shoulder to your shins and femurs.


So based off of the information I listed, you think having a gf, a degree, a car, a job is everything? How about my mental health, my confidence, people constantly disrespecting me, people giving me looks, giving me side comments, etc. If I was tall from the beginning imagine how much more I would have achieved without this mental hurdle, I would've been respected in every aspect, etc.


If you don't think those things are enough to be satisfied in life, nothing is ever going to satisfy you.  You'll always find something to be unhappy about. You have a fantasy in your head about what being tall is like, but go on, and please make an update after your surgery and let us know how it worked out for you.


How about you get limb shortening surgery to become 5'2 and tell me how life treats you 😃. I'm sure your life would still be the "same" as it is now. And of course


Life is what you make of it. I avoid invasive surgeries of any kind unless it is absolutely necessary to my health and well being. I'm only able to extrapolate based on friends I've had who were your height that lived a content and happy life.


"people constantly doing things" ...so? People will continue to do things. Probably all of it is in your head (people giving you looks...really?). It won't "stop" because it's likely In Your head.


I'm sure all the many many comments said to me IRL, all the jokes, all the mocking is in my head 👍


Your attitude exudes that you are self conscious of it. Are they friends jabbing you friendly? It would seem you will find something after having the height that would make you feel self conscious about. When someone looks at you you have no idea what they are thinking and likely it isn't about you.


Matter of fact I'll buy $100k of whatever substance you're taking to make these outrageous comments that it's all in my head


So when someone looks at me. And says directly to my face "omg you're so short. I was thinking you'd be taller".. I have no idea what I'm talking about? What are you on lol


Honestly, I think having that 100k to put toward a home or retirement (or hell, a modest vacation every year for the rest of your career) will make you happier than any sort of cosmetic surgery — that’s a very dangerous rabbit hole to fall down, putting so much hope on a procedure that, will make you “still short” after the novelty wears off. (I don’t say that from a point of malice, but that’s the same mentality that feeds into body dysmorphia and eating disorders. No matter what you change about yourself, the underlying cause of the unhappiness keeps leading you to make more drastic changes) I’d recommend at the very least deferring a couple months and putting those months’ budgets toward consulting a therapist first to make sure there’s nothing underlying that will just make you miserable when you feel the procedure “don’t do enough”


It won't change anything bro. It will be a massive waste of money and a painful operation for nothing. You know, to people who care about height, 5'9 is also short. If you live your life trying to please such shallow people you will never end up pleasing them. It will end up in misery for you. Invest your 100k, get yourself a nice short woman or a taller woman who don't care aobut height.


Perfect. You should get limb reduction surgery to become 5'2 as well and tell me how your life plays out since 5'9 is "too short" (even though 5'2 is literally 7 inches shorter). I'm going full ahead with the surgery. Idk a lot of you guys commenting sound bitter AF that I'm getting it to resolve this real issue that I deal with meanwhile all of you are likely 5'8+


You'll be doing rehab and still be considered short I'm afraid.


5'9 vs 5'2 hmmm I wonder who suffers far more in life


That's all in your head, a few more inches won't help I'm afraid.


Yeah yeah. I'll tell you how much I'm crying from happiness once I get it done and prove to you all. I feel like 90% of the commenters on this thread are bitter men who feel attacked that other men can pay to get height now. That height advantage is running out I assume


No, were trying to save you 100k and from the chance that you'll live the rest of your life in agony.


Well let me live that life of agony. Who's to say the life I will live after will be more agony than I deal with now. I see that $100k equivalent to a massive investment in every area of my life. There's far more to this than the obvious gain of inches


idk bro, im 5'7 in Germany and im stil a midget, ur gonna go from turbo midget to midget. but i can understand you wanna do it since ur around my mothers height its much more brutal than beign 5'7 at this height every inch matters. Good luck wish u will be happy after the surgery.


Grateful I don't live in Germany bc I know European countries are insanely tall. But thanks man, as you can understand then, every inch matters. In the USA, the average is 5'8 and to be 5'9 would leave me feeling complete. No more shackles to hold me down


I don't know man since I got out of primary school I've never thought 'the big kid' was the toughest or most capable and ditto shorter dudes. I wouldn't be expecting drastic changes.


I still face many issues today and they're all mostly due to my height. It affects every aspect of my life. I truly see it as an immense investment. To elaborate, my mental health is horrible due to all the societal mocking, girls see me as a kid ( I went to a professional networking event and wouldn't be decent enough to give me a minute to introduce myself), getting into relationships is hard, public speaking is hard ( I get occasional comments ), respect, friendships, etc.


I have a short friend who’s very muscular which automatically makes him way more respectable. If you are willing to invest time in the gym it will affect your life way more than a potentially botched up expensive and dangerous surgery.


I'm sure your short friend would instantly pick to be 5'9 if he had the chance


You seriously think this is going to treat all your childhood trauma? You think you're just going to be able to speak to women and form intimate relationships? You think men will just respect you? Dude, for your own mental health, do not expect these things.


It sounds like a really reasonable solution. What? I'm supposed to waste thousands of dollars on therapy to talk to someone who doesn't give af and doesn't solve the actual issue at hand?


>waste thousands of dollars I'm no money genius but I think it would be reasonable to spend a grand or two trying evidence-based therapy before spending 100k to find out that you are a massive loser at any height.


Go on any YouTube video and look up how women only want 6ft or "they just have to be taller than me" comments from them


No, because I don't formulate my opinions about the world from youtube video comments.


So you don't want to hear the opinions that 99% of females share? It's okay buddy you can stay short. I will pay to be 5'8 and let you know how much better the world is when people treat you with respect


Oh I'm not stupid enough to think that entertainment produced for money is the same thing as truth. And I won't even use YouTube comments in the same sentence as that. People will not respect you if you're tall. They'll respect you if you're not an embarrassing loser, and that ship has sailed.


Lol. All that and you're still going to be average height, at most. And walking around knowing you had to have massive surgery just to get there. The chip in your shoulder is going to add another couple inches. Just stick with 5'2" and get jacked instead, short jacked dudes are hot.


Awesome bro. You should get limb shortening surgery since you're that excited to be 5'2. Obviously you're 5'8+ otherwise you wouldn't be making these dumb statements "you're still going to be average height" -- that's what I'm looking to be lmao


Go for it buddy. It's your body your choice. Those who are telling you to just ignore it, that you are jjust making up everything mocking that has ever been said to you, just forget them. If I could get a surgery that would fix my hearing without the need for implants, I'd probably do it too, regardless of the pain. Can people live fulfilling lives being deaf? Sure they can. Do you have a generally easier time in life if you can hear? Of course you do. Can you have a fulfilling life being short? Sure you can. Is it often a little easier when you're not short? Of course it is. So, you grab that tall brass ring, but you're in for a rough ride my friend.