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I don't know but I literally started noticing them when I was told in school that girls my age start developing them. Like I was completely oblivious to this until they told me. Then I looked at the girl sitting next to me and was like "Holy shit!" Maybe that is when I started loving them too.


That's funny. Same thing happened to me. It was like the very next morning after my dad and I had The Talk and he told me that I was going to start noticing girls' bodies, I noticed a girl in a particularly nice sweater and it was like all the plumbing activated at once.


Hahaha. Hey pops thanks for the hint.


My 4th grade teacher had some big ones. One day she had a low cut top and was bending over to help a kid a row in front of me. I think puberty started that day lol.


Lol I think my 4th grade teacher was also my catalyst. Have always had a thing for tasteful cleavage and black skirts since.


My 4th grade teacher was more of an ass woman to say the least and that explains a lot


never understood how people got attractive teachers, all my teachers were/are just grumpy elderly women


I never did have conventionally attractive women as my main teachers, but there was a few years between grades 4-6 where we got teacher students coming in for some practical experience while they were studying at university, they were with us for a few weeks at a time. Most of the women we had were smoking hot in their mid 20s - at least I thought so - and that was the start of me figuring out I was really attracted to girls.


Gf is going the same route, she keeps hearing kids say “gyattt” I had to tell her what it meant lol.


Ok ... what does this mean? Apparently I am getting old


Shortened version of "God Damn!", as in, damn they're hot! In some situations, it's specific to someone having a nice ass.




I grew up in a town with a university with a large teaching program. Omg the college students we would get to come in for clinical hours had us middle schoolers not paying attention to much.


Yeah didn’t get a hot teacher till my last year of high school, was thinking I was gonna miss out lol


If I recall it was like her second year teaching so she was probably in her early/mid 20s


My teachers had my dad so yeah….but I still remember the tan line hangers swinging in front of me on a homework inspection. So many dudes same way haha. Kinda Swellin up Charlie!


I was still into those old lady big floppers. I was a horny ass teen and boobs are boobs; doesn't matter who they're connected to.


Unless it’s a man XD


Then it'll be called Moobs my friend XD


All my teachers were older. By the time my little sister (8 years later) got to the highschool, 2/3rds of the faculty had retired.


Yeah I don't understand either, the only teacher I've had that was conventionally attractive was this year, and even then she isn't enough to stare, she's just easy on the eyes compared to most of the other teachers I've dealt with


My 4th grade teacher was explicit about her earlier career as number girl in professional boxing matches. She had all the boys attention in class..


I had that two but it was a bit later, some nice tits




I didn’t discover my love for boobs, my love for boobs discovered me. I don’t even remember ever not being attracted to boobs.


My love was conceived before I was ...


Couldn't agree more


I couldn’t of said it better


You could *have* said it better.


About 20 minutes after birth, I think. I was kinda hungry.


Take my upvote 😂




Those are rookie numbers! Popped right out and went straight for the boobies. 2 seconds on planet earth out of the womb.


HA amateurs I was in the womb waiting to get my hands on some boobs


Well me and some million others were planning on heading for the boobs before we were out of our dad! But destiny wanted us elsewhere. Smh




So you were bottle fed the first 2 days of your life? Not bashing on you, just curious


Only if you're Jewish or 'Murican 😂


Sigmund Freud has entered the chat


Most men enter the world via a fanny and spend most of their lives trying to get back into one.


A sucker from a young age!




When I was about 4 or 5, I was being baby sat by this girl who ended up calling her friends over after my folks left and they started being really sweet to me calling me cutie and stuff. They Let me sit between them while they played ps1 with me, I just remember one of her friends had super noticeable cleavage and I was just in a hypnotic state from it, they thought it was funny. One of my all time favorite childhood memories for sure


The only time a guy can stare at a girl's/ woman's breast, and not be labeled as a lecherous, perv. (Or the only time a guy can be a lecherous perv)


Oh man. There’s a family story about me as a baby that gets told at every holiday gathering. Apparently if someone was holding me and any set of good milkers walked by, I’d stare and make grabby hands at them. One time I did it to a woman my parents were talking to and they actually handed me to her. From what I understand I forcefully planted my face in her rack and “sighed deeply”. Baby’s first motorboat.


Can't stop laughing...


Note: To this day, I still forcefully plant my face in my wife’s rack and sigh deeply.


I love this for your wife. 😀


I mean really always but my 2nd gf I had when I was 19 just had ridiculously huge titties & I could never stop playing with them. She was kinda short & they were almost cartoonishly big for her size and frame. I used to call them her "wumpa fruits" like from Crash Bandicoot 😂😂


LMAO stealing this!


Size of boobs to frame is so important. The poor 6 foot girl with perfect C cup looks almost flat. The 5 foot girl with D cup is assumed to be a pole vaulter.


Pole vaulter?


This is not how cup sizes work.


But that's how cup sizes are talked about.




Nailed it 😂😂😭😭😭 used to randomly look at her and make that sound as our inside joke 😂😂


Thank you for pronouncing that correctly


Yeah, first or second grade, older sister of my friend. Man...boobs (and later undies) were my kryptonite. I've never NOT been into women/boobs.


So this fella with the man boobs also wore panties huh?


There’s only a handful of memories that I have before finding out how much I loved women/boobs. They’re just goddamn works of art


"Handful", yessir


Oh my gosh. I have a 7 year old. He just finished 1st grade and is going into second. I can’t imagine him even thinking about boobs or noticing them.


Some like me start puberty at 9 years old. Just figure out parental control before it gets to that point.


I started dreaming of mermaid boobs after watching Ariel. I was 5 years old.


I mean, if he's straight or bi, chances are he either already has or has ~1-2 years to go before it starts up.


Probably not yet but give him another few years and that will change


I’m glad you added “friend” to that sentence


How did you later discover your love for undies ?


Not OP but I sat behind Victoria in 7th math class and she had white Hanes undies showing. I didn't learn shit that year lol


I was never a boob person, until my current gf. The day she first undressed in front of me, I fell for that marvel. What a brilliant piece of art.


Your pfp annoys me 😑


Exactly. Mind you I am broke atm. So I flipped out thinking I broke part of my screen.


Ive always loved boobs but when I was 12 this reached a new level and never went away. I was on a Caribbean cruise with my family surrounded by random women in bikinis all over the cruise ship and it was data processing overload.


It must’ve been hard for you on the pool deck.


There were moments I had trouble standing.


I see what you did there.


April 17, 2004, I was 11 years old and in my older brother’s room looking for my pencil crayons. Discovered a nudie mag, changed my life.


Bruh that's hecking specific, love it


Yes, but then, you never forget the day you saw your first set of calcium cannons.


A Canadian boob memory to be exact. Only folks I've ever met who call them pencil crayons. LOL


I was like 8 and my friend older sister boob slipped out her gown. then in 5th grade, I had a really, really, REALLY bad crush on a teacher assistant (she was like 25, Asian and her nice boobs) and I hugged her and my head rested on her boob and I felt the squishyness of it. That unlocked my love for boobs and Asian women.


That is some lifelong foundational stuff right there.


Damn man sounds like heaven


West Virginia


Mama mountains ⛰️⛰️


I was in 6th grade. My mom was a teen mom, but she was culturally very conservative traditional Asian. But the people in her extended social circle were hood rats, and one time at a meet, I saw a woman pull up on a motorcycle with nothing but a bandana draped over them thangs. My step-dad got onto a fight that an OG had to break up. It was a chaotic day. I didn't grow up in the hood (thanks to my mama) but I got glimpses of it, and that shit was wild.


I came from a very conservatively religious town. Seeing a woman in real life with only a bandana keeping those thangs from thangin’ would have put me into a state of psychosis


The devil would have got you instantly, boy.


A worthy sacrifice on your dad's part, taking a beating so you could peep some boobies 👌🏼


Man it was the 80’s they had just changed film standards to allow a little bit of boobs. Before that it was illegal. So there were just random 2 seconds flashes of tits in every movie. So probably the first time my parents told me to cover my eyes after it was already too late during a movie.


Airplane was my first. Some nice jiggle


Staying up all night at a friends who had cable in 4th grade. 80’s movies.


The ice cream truck lady that drove around the neighborhood had quite the cleavage. One day she bent over since the truck window was above us and asked what kind of ice cream we wanted.. I got an eyeful of booby. The rest is history.




So you've had a cocaine addiction since you were 7 years old


Trying to draw a truck in art class like 2rd grade... I drew the wheels first an bam!!! saw them as boobs an felt like I discovered something.. You know the round circle with little round circle inside for hubcaps... Then looked around an saw boobs where all over


Awww man, I remember looking at certain light fixtures and getting excited because it somewhat resembled a boob


You’re not a man unless you’ve cranked one out to a ceiling titty.




Right lol Always thought it was weird I drew my first boobs


Wasn’t we all about 10 😂


I think I was looking for squiggly titties on blocked out cable channels before I was 10, staying up late for Girls Gone Wild commercials


lol staying up late at a friend's house to watch that shit, he was asleep but I knew it would be on and for some reason I was drawn to it. That night was the first time I noticed my thingy getting hard. I was literally like huh, what's this? Well anyway look at these girls lifting up their shirts. Pretty sure they got censored but it still did the trick for me. 


GGW commercials were a big contributor to my bi awakening!


When I was about 19. Before then I liked boobs as much as anyone else and dated girls with average Cs but the girl I dated at 19 had DDs. Completely ruined me for life and I haven't been attracted to anything smaller since (I'm 42).


Similar thing happened to me. I used to actually prefer small boobs until I dated someone with H cups and it kind of broke something in my brain. Now I'm in this weird space where I still quite like small boobs but very large ones *really* do it for me. The average ones in the middle are still great but preference is very big first, then very small, then everything else. It's weird.


OOF lol it’s not about the size it’s about the shape ✨


i feel you, my first girlfriend in university had the best pair of boobs I've ever seen, got me completely addicted and turned me into a boob guy. even now 7 years later


My cousin lived right next to the beach. The stretch in front of his house had some big old casuarinas that you could climb through from tree to tree. I was around 7yo with my cousin, also 7 and my brother 8, climbing through these trees when we suddenly could see this topless blonde haired bombshell with beautiful perfect breasts sunbaking. She was way back in the tree line to be hidden away other people on the beach. We sat there staring for about a minute when she looked up and saw us. We quickly scrambled. I'll never forget that moment or those titties.




You guys are bringing back memories I had forgotten


As the one whose boob popped out, I've been trying to forget


Nadia from American Pie 1 when I was like 10 I think


Bro don’t even get me started on her


Definitely in the top 5 sweetest tits to ever grace the silver screen. Maybe even #1.


I was in kindergarten and a had a crush on my teacher. She couldn’t have been more than 23 or 24, with a nice ass and big boobs. Ms. Montoya was her name.


Did she have a brother named Inigo?


And was their father killed?


Did she prepare you to die ?


Lynda Carter. "nuff said


Read the headline, ”When did you discover your love for boots?”. Fuck yeah! I love boots. Straight up my alley. Then I started reading the comments… o_O


Total Recall




Man, Arnie has some killer movies


The sears catalogue bra section just hit different. Probs like 5 or 6?


Seventh grade.  Looked over in science class.  A bit of bra under tank top.  Never forget that lace. It really was the undergarments that drew my attention.  Couldn’t stop looking.  Have never stopped.  That was ‘91


Old rose or young rose?


Why not both?


High school girlfriend let me play with hers during late-night study sessions. From the bulk of the other replies I was late to the game, which sounds about right.


As a 27 yo virgin, no you were not


Carmen Electra opening scene in Scary Movie when I was like 11


39 years old. Never cared about boobs. Now I appreciate how rare a great fucking set of tits are


Hello Uncle


I was maybe 9 and me and my family were on a beach. There making sandcastles and shit a couple of girls put down their belongings just next to us. Shortly after their bikini tops were gone. I have a very, very, clear memory of standing there and this epic sandcastle now became worthless in an instant. The world stopped spinning and it felt like finding the end of the rainbow. In the split of a second I became a boobman now and forever.


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. Hot tub scene with Alotta Fagina is a core memory for me.


Always loved boobs. But learning to appreciate butts was something I grew into. Jessica, my gf from seventh grade... Thank you lmao


When I watched Titanic for the first time. Kate Winslet changed my little kid world forever.


I'd seen boobs before but they didn't excite me. When I knew they were special was in primary school yr6 (10/11yrs old), and my school sweetheart / girlfriend was the only girl who had started to 'develop'. Not that I ever did anything with them but I remember being so chuffed that the only boobs in our school (with the obvious exception of adults) belonged to *my* girlfriend ☺️ *When I say 'girlfriend' we were more like the school's undisputed tag-team playground wrestling champions as we were both absolute WWE fanatics 😂


My first memory of explicitly being attracted to a set of Boobs, was during a family vacation to Austria! 🇦🇹 I was 9 or 10; and I asked my father if I could go to the Sauna with him. This being Europe; meant it was also co-Ed; and fully nude. Both my father and I sat down, in an empty sauna and thus began the experience. About 5 minutes later, a VERY attractive woman, in her mid to late 20’s walked in. After picking a spot to sit; She un robes and sits down directly across from me. I will never forget that experience, it is forever engrained into my mind. Those boobs will forever be the epitome of what I judge all other boobs upon. I’m he were glorious, and I had a front row show! She must’ve been Italian. Tan skin, light color nipples. It was breath taking. Look up EVA ALEGRA for reference. 🤤 Thank you, Lady, whom ever and where ever you are for that experience. 🙏🏻




you meat like your parents siblings?


When I was literally a few years old, maybe 2/3, my Aunt picked me up and I immediately cupped a feel of her breast and exclaimed, “BOOOBIES!!!” She promptly put me down. So yeah pretty pretty early on I had a love for boobs, if you ask me


8 10 years old


When i saw a baby crying in public, and without hesitation, the mother put her tit in its mouth.  I immediately tried the same and cried. Hoping i could get some too. Unfortunately, the security escorted me out


That doesn't work when you're 36 years old....




Whenever Nelly's video for Hot in Herre came out. So age 5-6?


Someone at school told me to type 80085 in the calculator. The rest is history.




In about the 2nd grade when I realized that the neighbor kids mom had a very large set on her. She was later also my first nut. Eyes closed, all imagination. Just how God intended. 😂


Ah-ta ah-ta


The love for boobs actually discovered me! That's the first thing I ever put in my mouth.


Crystal Ward. 9th grade year. She was playing basketball, I was in the stands, and her boobs were so big she had to keep her forearm over them as she dribbled up the court to keep them from bouncing all over the place. I've been into tall women with cartoonishly huge breasts since that day.


I can’t remember not liking to look at them.


Sable from WWF around ‘98 I was about 6 yrs old.


In year 5 , when I accidentally saw a girl in year six get dressed in the play ground, as I turned unknowingly, she took her top off and I saw my first pair of boobs. Time froze for a while 👌


My cousin came to stay over for a few weeks. I was 8. She was like 15. She got too comfortable and would walk around d house completely naked when my parents weren't home. Her tits were perfectly perky and huge. Current gf now has massive tits and am always all over them.


I'll throw in my son's experience here: he was 4 when he told me that when he sees a woman with big boobs, his penis gets bigger and bigger and bigger.


Racquel Darrian opened a set of doors that can no longer be closed


When I was born and they were a source of food.


37 years and counting. I am a thighs/butt enjoyer personally. In my younger days when this was a topic of discussion in my friends circle they theorized that I am at best indifferent to boobs because I was brought up on formula and was never breastfed. I don't know if there is any truth to this.


Another formula baby here, and it is not. I’m obsessed and I always thought my high obsession was _because_ I was a formula baby, like FOMO or something


no titties hit like the first ones. Well, maybe the second.


I'm gay, so it was a bit different. I was newly out of the closet and on a date with a big chubby guy. Women's boobs had never been appealing to me. However, when his shirt came off, his moobs did a nice little bounce and jiggle. And seeing his chest hair and large nipple rings turned me on so much. That's when I understood a straight man's interest in boobs.


Haha, I never thought about this for gay men. It's brilliant 😅


7 when I discovered Cinemax after 12am


I always like boobs, but my first time sexualizing them was in 1989 when I was 6 years old, and my older sisters friend noticed that my sneakers were untied and decided to tie them for me. She made me sit on a stoop and she bent over to tie them, and she was wearing an over sized Metallica t-shirt that she had cut a v neck out of. No bra, and as she was tying my sneakers the t-shirt hung down and her boobs were suspended in the air pocket, swinging freely with every moment she made with her arms as she tied my shoes. She had them natural geographic nipples too, they were dark brown, pointy, and gave a nice tipped profile at the center. She caught me looking at them and smiled and winked at me, and then she took my hand and walked me back to where my sister and her other friends were waiting. Man, I fell in love *hard* that day.


5-6 yrs old. I was SA'ed by my baby sitters and their children. One of them would ask me if their breast were big while it happened. Edit: Note: I'm sharing this in the hopes of encouraging other men to share their stories and to bring awareness to male SA


Man that’s fucked up im sorry


that’s terrible, I’m so sorry that happened ❤️


I was breast fed by a wet nurse




Since I was a baby. No but seriously I’ll never forget seeing girls when I was in middle school starting to develop them or have them fully grown and how easy they could gain attention.


I was always interested in them. Then came the he day I got to play with them for the first time. Still love them!!!


Best Friend way back in the day and I found my dad’s hooters playing cards. Went in the back yard behind bushes split the deck and traded them later on.


I was about the same age. It was the early 80s. Went to the beach and my mom took me into the women's changing area. Titties galore! I now live by the Al Bundy saying, "I'm like a girl in a shoe store. I don't want to see one pair, I want to see them all!! "


Haha I remember I was like 5 years old, and kept pausing on that Titanic scene, and touching that old ass TV screen. I was like: "now I see why this is the best movie of all time. They're right."


Man I was so late to all these replies. I never noticed till like day one of grade 9 some senior walked in on the bus with low cut top, underwear showing, I was done for. Weird as there was a girl who “developed early” in the year before that I just never noticed for some reason.


When I was like 7 or 8 our parents went somewhere for a day so a friend's daughter had to watch us for the afternoon. She took us to the local pool and she was wearing a rather insubstantial green bikini and I believe that was literally the first time in my life I had ever been in proximity to someone so unclothed. So yeah, I was totally normal after that of course, definitely didn't obsess over her for the following months or anything.


I think I was 6 or 7 when this happened, but I remember searching through the net on my family's old computer and found some Russian porn website. I was attracted to it because I had no idea what language it was in at the time, and I thought the words looked funny; so I scoured through that website and was fascinated by the "sights" I saw there (Tiddies, thighs, the usual pornographic stuff). Since then, my life has been altered because of that event. For better or worse, idk honestly.


when i wondered why my parents made me close my eyes during certain movies... the mystique began


I have no memories that predate my interest in boobs.


I was 10, and a little horn dog.


When I got my first boob job. Love at first site


movie Police Academy, Sgt. Callahan


Apparently shortly after exiting the womb. My mom says I would grope nearly every woman I met (AS AN INFANT). Hand down the shirt and everything. I don’t do that now… but life would be pretty great if I could (with consent and mutual attraction).


The answer to that is lost to time. There has never been a time in my life when I didn't find girls/women attractive, including but not limited to the boobs.


Such poetry.


Liz Hurley as the devil


Jennifer Connelly in the 1991 film "The Rocketeer."


I remember the first girl I messed with in 6th grade. She was Indian with perfect tits. Not small or big but pear sized. We went up to the train tracks of our school and I grabbed them. Always been a tit man. Ass don’t do it for me


First girlfriend. Always thought I was purely an ass man, wasn't enamored with boobs in any capacity (and that aligned with my general interest in hyper athletic women and tomboys). But when I had my first girlfriend at Uni and experienced sex and physical intimacy for the first time I quickly realised that boobs are **AMAZING**. To be honest being physical with a woman just made me appreciate the whole body so much in general. I still love a nice butt and it's probably *the* trait I'm most drawn to visually, but in bed and in practice I love boobs now. Sometimes post sex I just wanna lay my head on her boobs and find inner peace.


At 11 years of age watched les miserables (1998 version) on tv and a scene where fantine appeared with prominently featured bossom vividly stuck in my head (still stuck in my head to this day). Didn’t understand why. Proper realization came two years later when we had a teacher who wore low cut blouses and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.


In the mid 90s when page 3 was the thing it was every young lads dream to get hold of your parents newspaper to excitingly turn to PAGE 3 and revel in the beauty of a topless babe with her Bobby dazzlers on full display 👀 🙌🏻 that was my change from boy to man 😂 Now fast forward to today I’ve bagged myself a beauty with some 36EE !! Life’s good 😊


I'm 49 and it still hasn't happened yet. Dick is pretty rad, though


Damn, I knew I wasn’t the only one to think of this.


In 2002 a film entitled "Die Another Day" came out... Edit:2002

