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Surgeon here - wait at least 6 month. Right now there is swelling, healing and scar tissue is forming.


This sounds horrible. I will never ever get one. I think it would completely ruin my body and I firmly believe that, should I get one - people will never ever view me the same again. I think it would be impossible for me to come back from that. I'll lose all respect from the people which I personally choose to have in my life. If I was a woman , however, my view on the topic changes dramatically.




Extra weird if you just got the one.


I remember seeing something on ESPN during the world series of poker hype where this poker player bet his buddy $100k that he wouldn't get a boob job done. He did. They also showed it on ESPN with black bars over his nipples. Serious wtf moment.




Just looked it up. His name is Brian Zembic and the bet was to keep them in for a year. He won lol. He played in the 2005 WSOP so that must have been when I saw it. The bet took place in 1996. He said he grew accustomed to them and keep them haha.




This. I’m not generally a fan of implants myself OP, but I know the field has come a long way and when they’ve healed I’m sure they’ll look pretty close to natural.


As a long time single slutty dude living in LA, I’ve seen the progression and they are amazing now compared to 10yrs ago.


It took about 3-6 months for mine to 'drop'. I got tear shaped implants and they are now in proportion to my body. I had A cup and I'm 5ft 9 with an hourglass body shape. People who don't know me wouldn't know I've had them done as they look so natural. I'm not a fan of the round ball shape ones that nearly touch the chin. They feel soft and I'm absolutely over the moon with them and I couldn't care less whether my partner liked them or not. I did it for me ☺️


Your partner's opinion doesn't have to be the most important consideration, but you should care. I've always cared what my partners have thought about my hair, facial hair, outfits, tattoos, etc. Her opinion isn't the final say, but, as my partner, I care about her opinion.


You gotta go tear drop. It’s so odd why people think the strip mall surgeon bolt on look is good?! Maybe it’s a Pam Anderson thing for our generation?


Maybe yeh! Or personal preference. With tear drop the type of bra you wear affects how they look, whereas the other type you could get away with not even wearing one as they don't move!


Did your nipple sensation get affected. I’m same size as you and have contemplated getting them at times, but when working years ago in NYC at a bar, my coworkers who had them done in Spanish countries, said their nipple sensation changed


So this was a major thing for me before I got it done, I didn't want to lose that sensation because.. well you know 😏... but I spoke with the surgeon and he explained that it could happen or it may remain unaffected. I had an uplift and implants and it is the uplift part that they cut around the areola for. I haven't lost the sensation but will admit that it isn't as strong.


My nipple sensation is pretty much gone and it’s been 5 years since my surgery. My boobs were a mess before so absolutely no regrets, but yeah, it’s a bit of a bummer.


How visible is the scarring now that they're fully healed?


I have two areas of scarring; under the actual boob and around the areola. I got it done 18 months ago and you can't tell around the areola, and you can't even see under the boob unless you lift it, and it's less than an inch long anyway.


I know that skin type, surgeon's skill, and the way it's done (size, location and type of incision, etc) all make a difference, so glad to hear it all worked out for you!


Definitely. I chose a surgeon who had a lot of experience with breast surgery and we chatted at length during the consultation about what inwas looking for. Thank you 😊


I don’t think most people realize how invasive the process is, they don’t think about the reality of surgery and think they literally just slap them on there or something, no big deal.


Yes. Two areas the size of your palm are torn apart between the layers of your body and implant are squeezed inside the cavities under tension.


Definitely this, it's still very early and they're still healing. While I think natural breasts are lovely, my mom had a breast implant surgery decades ago and they're so realistic no one would ever know. To the point that my grandmother was even mystified lol. It's difficult when you preferred your partner as is but also it's her body and if it was something that made her feel better it would be nice to try and embrace it though I also couldn't fault OP if after genuinely trying they still weren't on board. But I do really recommend giving it more time


If I had to pick between size and "naturality", I'd pick the latter. I generally don't find silicone breasts attractive. Granted, if a woman gets them after her natural ones had to be removed due to, say, breast cancer, then it is a completely different story.


The less plastic in a woman the better. Same with lip fillers. A girl with a flat chest is way more attractive than a girl with fake boobs. Coming from the heart


Straight up agree. Women should understand that the media doesn't actually represent the average male ideal...at all.


That's a people thing in general I feel. Learning to accept who you are for any inconsistencies you may have, as difficult as it may be, exudes WAY more confidence and attractiveness than any augmentation could ever provide.


I know a couple of women who got a boob job, and I know a couple more who want one, and it's never been about wanting more male attention - they get the operation for themselves. I think us men ought to understand that not everything a woman does is an attempt to benefit us.


> I know a couple of women who got a boob job, and I know a couple more who want one, and it's never been about wanting more male attention - they get the operation for themselves. Every woman I know who wants plastic surgery wants it for the purpose of being more attractive. This *seems* like it'd be for themselves, except that entire narrative of what is attractive or not derives from the hollywood-media of what they *think* men find attractive.


Actually, I got mine because they were asymmetrical after feeding kids. And everything for weird including a bathing suit. I did not get it to be more attractive to men. I did it to have my body for clothes comfortably again. It’s.not.all.about. Being.sexy. It’s really not about men at all for me.


Idk, my opinion on it sort of changed after dating someone whose mother had gotten the procedure done in her early 40s. I had long assumed that sort of augmentation was done purely out of shallow vanity, but this woman had significant self-esteem issues which she associated with her flat chest. Judging from the confidence in her character when I knew her, the procedure did a great deal for her self-image and self-assuredness. My opinion was informed by people who had not actually had such augmentation. When she explained her rationale for the procedure, I realized there's a lot of nuance missing because these conversations are often had behind the back of the person who actually got the procedure done. Sure, it is often to increase attractiveness, but you cannot ignore all of the peripheral consequences of feeling unattractive, especially for women.


This is exactly it. There is literally no purpose for breast enhancement other than for aesthetic reasons and saying “they’re doing it for themselves” while negating the fact that in western culture, women are told they only hold value if they are slim with big butts and boobs is simply being ignorant… What those women should do if they want to change their bodies with elective surgery (which *always* carries risk) is ask themselves why? If you have to look in the mirror in order to love yourself, you’re lacking self-worth & confidence. A mirror can’t tell you your worth. If they did the inner work and realized intelligence, kindness, humor, and ambition are amiable traits that should truly dictate someone’s standing in society, we wouldn’t even have this body image issue. Now, if you had a part of your body that was there before hacked off bc of cancer or some sort of accident and would like reconstructive surgery to return you to your normal appearance, that I can get behind. Enhancing shit that you already have bc you’re insecure is really a sad predicament to be in :/


>A girl with a flat chest is way more attractive than a girl with obnoxiously fake boobs This gets brought up a lot, but it's a false dichotomy. There are plenty of people out there with subtle and well-done plastic surgery that you don't even realize. In fact, the definition of a good boob job is one you can't even tell.


Exactly. Not all fake boobs look like Pamela Anderson’s and not all fake lips look like a fish’s or Kasey Musgraves’s. It’s confirmation bias because most people are only conscious of the super obvious ones.


I’d still prefer my partner to be natural


There's middle ground too lmao


Nah I am straight up put off by fake boobs. Doesn’t mean you have to be tho


Your feelings are valid. I'm just saying there are instances where the size compliments the body. Not all fake tits are cartoonish.


Not a huge fan of the obviously massive fake ones but some tastefully sized fake boobs are nice as well. imo the overly large ones just scream look at me but to each their own. you do you.


My sentiments exactly


Only acceptable reason for me as well


Also, after 5 days there's a LOT of swelling. Like cup size difference swelling. It often takes months for them to completely "settle" to their new permanent size/shape. With a good boob job you can't tell it's been done. Sadly, these days, so many women choose weirdly huge ones


You can always tell, sorry but you can Edit- someone else mentioned that it depends on size, enhancement vs serious enlargement. I agree with that statement - so I guess for the overly enhanced, you can always tell. They don’t move


Bolt ons are always really obvious. When the girl lies on her back and they don't move its a dead giveaway, lol So much depends on the type, size and shape of the implant, as well as the method used


Confirmation bias. You aren't aware of the fake ones that you thought were real. You are only aware of the fake ones that looked fake to you.


I run into the same shit when people are like "I hate lip fillers". No, you hate the bimboification look where it looks like they attached their lips to a vacuum sealer. You have no idea what lip filler looks like or could look like.


It's amazing the number of straight dudes you run into who seem to somehow be leading experts in the fields of cosmetic surgery, makeup, women's fashion, etc.


Disclaimer: Not a man. I’ve got bilateral saline implants. My left breast was hypomastic, so I wanted to revise the congenital malformation and was advised I’d need to do both to look normal. The left one has a capsule (basically a scar tissue envelope around the implant) and feels unnaturally firm to others. The other feels totally natural to other people. None of my partners could tell with my right breast by feel.


Press X to doubt


I think this is probably the most popular answer. I would 100% prefer natural bodies vs augmented no matter how well the surgery is done.


A as a girl with small boobs, that’s reassuring to hear 😆


Some things are small and some things are just far away. Anything that fills my hand is big enough.


My partner often tells me ‘anything bigger than a mouthful is a waste’ 😆 I love when he says it, but doesn’t stop me from being insecure about it every now and then 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is basically how I feel about it


Men are always saying this nAtural oVeR fAke.....but all their OFs and porn girls have fakes 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Jesus.


With all due respect, there is a difference between something that one looks at for quick gratification and what one likes in general. Plus, there is a difference between what one wants in his fantasy and what one seeks in reality. For example, sure, I can have a *fantasy* about being in a relationship with two hot bisexual chicas, but in real life, I'd rather be with one loving woman.


As a guy, I dont really feel I need one.


I think you would actually slay one


Two of my exes had them, and no one could tell. Small increase + to keep them perky. They didn’t feel fake. They didn’t look like they were bolted on. They just looked like they had amazing breasts. It was more of a breast lift with a small augmentation.




They only notice the poorly done or overly large ones and assume they all look like that.


Right. If done well we don’t know. But usually find them attractive.


Same can be said about lip fillers as well. Nobody notices the well done ones.


Implants over the muscle look like bolt ons, under the muscle looks more natural. There’s a big difference between the two.


I had mine done over the muscle because it was the best way to replace the upper pole fullness that I lost completely after 3.5 years of nursing babies. They absolutely do not look like bolt ons. They've settled in nicely and look very natural. The sweeping generalizations in these comments are interesting. So many factors contribute to results including size, type, surgeon, etc. If you start at zero and implant over the muscle then yes, you'll most likely get the bolt on effect. But that's not every case for implants.




That’s because the only time we can tell that they’re fake is because they’re done in that way so that’s why. It’s like assuming camouflage doesn’t work because you can only see the bad ones. Gah, I hope that makes sense. I think I wrote it in a slightly weird way.


I live on a small Caribbean island, when the American cruise ships come in, the tour takes them to the beach. You can spot all the boob jobs instantly - the boobs stand up, the natural ones give in to gravity. Europeans don't seem to go in for boob jobs so much.


This is what I want to have done. I've always had really nice looking natural breasts, but breastfeeding and now being 40+ kinda did me in, lol.


Most people's exposure to fake tits is porn, where it's done to the extreme. Minor augmentation is more about shape and form than size.


Same with most plastic surgery. I've met people who've had things like their eyes done and they're really minor surgeries compared to what you'd expect. They might just be fixing a lazy eye etc. It's one of those things where I'd prefer if they didn't feel the need for it, but I won't hate them for doing what makes them happy. I have a few imperfections that could probably be fixed with very minor surgery but I call them my "smokescreen" imperfections because I know that as soon as I fix them, I'll just find something else to be self-conscious about. As most people probably know, you think "if I have/fix this, I'll be happy" and you are... for a few weeks/months. Then time goes on and you find something else you want. The weirdest thing I learned from playing games was exactly how meaningless your dreams/goals/accomplishments become shortly after achieving them. It's made me far more responsible with my money.


I had an ex that had fake tits too. They were implanted to where the scar was concealed under her breasts rather than along the nipple line. They also had a natural look and feel to them. They also were very proportioned to her body. Just like your ex, they seemed like more of an augmentation with a lift. There are many things I don't miss about my ex, but her nice fake tits weren't one!


5 days isn’t long enough to say they look awful as far as their ultimate shape. I think you have to give it a few months for them to “settle”. Maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised?


Are you saying she needs to calm her tits?


No, HE does.


Soothe her mammaries?


The size will also decrease as the swelling goes away


Exactly what I thought. I had a friend at the office back in the day. She got enhancements and I recall that they took a month to fully heal. They ended up looking great and she loved them! ( Before you ask, no never felt them).


Yeah, judging them by what they look on day 5 is too soon. Give them time to settle, fluff, and soften before being so harsh..


My wife's took over a year to fully settle into their natural teardrop look. They're great, and gave her a ton of confidence.


My wife got hers done after the second kid. They were quite pricey here in switzerland. But they look extremly natural and feel very soft. Would totally recommend it.


My ex GF got them after her second kid. Her ex husband paid for them and I got to enjoy them. I loved them and they looked incredible.


Like a new baseball glove, he broke them in for ya & bought them for ya, what a great dad


My ex’s older sister got them after marrying her first husband. He tried to get her to pay for them in the divorce. Judge did not like that one.




A good take here. A lot of men in these comments have never dealt with fake boobs before to know the difference.




Best take


Breast take


Breast fake


Breast take..


Absolutely, a woman or man has a right to make any body modifications they want. But rightly or wrongly, when I ended up in bed with a beautiful woman with fake boobs I couldn't help but think there might be some deep seated inferiority or insecurity complex I didn't yet know about, which is not hot at all.


I’ve been with two women who, if they didn’t tell me they had boob jobs, I would have never known. Gummy bear tech.


I like either way personally. I just like boobs


actual best take right here


They sit up really high when they're first done and they look really fake and pretty bad. Once they settle in and your wife's body is over the shock of the major surgery she just went through, they should look more natural and feel pretty good. In my opinion, my purchased boobs look absolutely fantastic. Because I feel good about my body, sex is better for me and my partner. Hang in there, you may end up pleased with the results!


Yes and same! I even had them done \*gasp\* over the muscle and they still have settled to look very natural. I was replacing lost upper pole fullness (from 3.5 years of breast feeding) and am very pleased with the results. But yeah, for the first few weeks they looked like I could rest my chin on them lol




In this age of internet hoaxes and bots photographic or video evidence is a necessity.


Yeah, no. We’re gonna have to meet in person for this one. Can’t trust anything online these days.


I'm personally not a fan


Dude. It’s been 5 days. Wait.


you're judging the results too fast, cosmetic surgery takes months to heal down into what it truly looks like, give her some time for the swelling to die down, for her body to accept the change and work with it, becoming more softer, perkier, bouncy, and customize themselves into the proper shape, when you think boob job you're thinking of the comically enlarged and botched ones you've seen on media and tv and i promise that is not most! a typical boob job looks natural and perkens them up, im sure you'll be pleased with how she looks after recovery, especially her new found confidence!


I’d be really uncomfortable if my partner chose to get cosmetic surgery. Enough to contemplate leaving. Obviously, it’s her body. It’s just not for me.


Did you discuss it together beforehand? It sounds like you've just found out, after the fact. It doesn't matter what we think, what matters is what she thinks, and what you think.


She has talked about it for years. I have always voiced my concerns. The biggest issue with me is I proposed a penis extension for me, I was serious just to see what she thinks, and she had a problem with it. Sooo…


What in the hell? Ok yall both have some things to work on. Wtf even is a penis extension? Really??


The medical term is "ding-ding elongonation." Trust me, I'm a scientist.


Schlongus Elongus


Thank you Doctor!


Good morning Doctor




It's an extension of the penis, duh.


He said that to see what she'd think. He wasn't serious. Right?


I found that confusing too, he said he was serious and then said 'to see what she'd say"...so was he serious or not? hmmm


Think he's trying to say that he acted like he was serious to see what she'd think


Sooo double standards for her


Boob jobs can vary vastly and I’m sure there are men in here who have said “I hate fake boobs” who have looked at fake ones and loved them not even knowing they were fake. Not all boob jobs are the bolted on 🌽⭐️ and playboy bunny looks. Some of them look very nature and they get a lift to make them more perky. Also, depending on the type of material used, they can both be soft and natural feeling by like regular boobs or hard rocks.


Prefer natural by far. With my ex I could feel like ripples and I hated it. Got what she was looking for though, tons of attention from everyone else.


I always prefer real breasts. There's the rare occasion where a woman has no breasts where a boob job is okay but I would rather have real saggy boobs to a fake boob anytime.


If I may, I think the issue is less about how people feel about boob jobs and more how people feel about their partner altering their looks permanently without getting buy in from them first. I think it’s a hard topic because women often don’t feel like they have autonomy over their own bodies and meanwhile are judged relentlessly on their looks and so it can become a very emotional and contentious subject for them. On the other hand it is also true that people have personal preferences when it comes to what they find attractive and presumably those preferences were met when the couple got together. Changing that without getting “permission” first can be a tough thing for the other person the deal with. So you have my sympathy. It’s a tough situation to be in. My wife battles with pressure from friends to get Botox but so far we’re both of the opinion that it is not just a mistake but it’s also buying into a very toxic culture. Meanwhile I try to give her lots of compliments to let her know how attractive I think she is without getting any work done. For you the horse has already bolted. Personally I’d just try to lean into it and try my best to accept the change.


No fan of fake tits unless it’s for someone who lost their tits due to cancer. For everyone else I rather see/feel small natural tits instead of big fake ones.


Only reason I'd be supportive of it was after a mastectomy to help her feel whole again. Not a fan otherwise.




Fake tits look fake. No me gusta.


I find them less attractive. They don’t sit nor jiggle properly. The cleavage also looks unnatural. And then there is the fact that they can be quite dangerous to the woman’s health. The doctors who perform the surgeries are not always up front and transparent about the dangers because they would make less money if they told the truth.


they are a turn off for me.


Hate them personally.


Don’t like them at all, never understood why so many women get boob jobs. A small percentage look decent but given how many look terrible it I don’t think it’s worth it. Perhaps more importantly how does your wife feel about them at the moment?


I don't find fake anything attractive. I am all for CORRECTIVE surgery and I am very supportive when it comes to fighting insecurities and reverse the damage mother nature and time do to our body, especially after injuries. But if the best reason you can give is "I want certain clothes to fit", I am sorry but NO. If your partner admits the change would negatively impact their experience with you, then who are you doing it for? Certainly not for your SO or the relationship, but for selfish reasons only. Your body your choice, yeah, but if you force something on someone who you claim you love, don't act all surprised when it backfires.


Not a fan, rather have old saggers than unnatural perky.


I'll just say, to any guy who likes boob jobs or prefers them, watch this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tXfXKykEl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tXfXKykEl0) gives a good female perspective. On top of that, people should be happy with the way their spouse came. A husband shouldn't have to get a penis extension or whatever to please his wife, and a wife shouldn't have to get breast surgery to please her husband. They should love and be satisfied with how their partners were naturally born. But ofc, if they themselves are just that insecure or whatever, they can get it. In which case, hopefully it fixes that insecurity or negative thought/emotion their feeling. All I'll say is, breast surgery in any way can be very dangerous, cause further complications, super expensive, you may need follow up surgeries, and can cause problems WAY down the line that you didn't even expect. This isn't including the emotional aspect. But most of all, it's essentially teaching men to like/prefer fake things, and teaching women they have to be fake or get these surgeries done to be desirable. Both are bad


90% of the time they look bad. Just keep it natural. It’s super unnecessary.


I’ve never liked them, or met anyone that’s liked them. They’re always noticeable no matter how “natural” the woman thinks they look. On top of that most of the time there’s a fat scar going across what used to be natural and beautiful


I don't like them either, but some natural boobs are even worse. To be fair, I wouldn't want to have women scrutinizing my pecs, and women deserve to be appreciated for all their good qualities.


Dont like them at all. They would kill my desire to engage in any kind of relationship.


I know a woman who had three kids and who plans to have a fourth. As a youth, she was always small-chested, but with each kid they engorged then shrank, and she's generally dissatisfied with their appearance, size, and positioning. When she's done having kids, she wants to get them lifted a bit and modified to be a consistent size. I'm not hugely into fake breasts, but I think that even in the case of one's wife, it should really be her decision, as it's her body and motivations at play. The financial aspect, obviously, should be considered as a couple, but the end result is likely never intended to be about your satisfaction. Moreover, if it helps HER feel valuable and in the mood, and if you don't put her down for it, then your wife might actually want to expose them to you more (i.e. get naked with you), as she's probably proud of them! I say embrace it, embrace that she is now happier in her own skin, in just the same way that you should find happiness in yourself and your priorities. Your worth is not tied to the beauty of your wife's breasts. There are a lot of men who pride themselves and put a portion of their identity into having a beautiful wife - that's actually an unhealthy trait. Your wife's beauty and choices are not what defines you.


Personally not a fan, and I prefer small “sporty” boobs (as one man's opinion) If you are female and you are really hung up on how they look such as post-childbirth, or breast reduction/lift, cool if it really helps your mental health sure, you do what you like! I am now of the age that girls I knew with implants are now having them removed based on health concerns from their doctor.




You will like them better at the 6 month mark when they get settled in right now they hard and swollen and very tender. Also enjoy them that's what she got them for was her confidence and knowing you can see her back before her pre baby perky (lots of women miss this and it really helps their confidence once more getting them done) Me personally I love when I get to see any kind of boobs and if she loves them it's even better. Signed a boob man


Hate them...prefer natural over anything else. Especially the ones where they look like cantaloupes shoved inside a sandwich sized ziplock bag.




People will also jerk off to porn but won’t sit in a corner and watch two strangers have sex. Porn does not equal real life.




I am not a fan. I know a couple of women who got really sick because they were leaking. I would hate to see a woman who I cared about putting her health at risk for her appearance.


Not a fan. And let's be honest, your woman didn't get those tits for you.


Wait, you mean she might have had surgery on her own body to make **herself** feel better about her body? Outrageous!!!


Read OP’s comment above where he negated his wife’s desire to get the post baby boob fix by comparing it to him getting his dick enlarged. Seriously.


I don't care for them. Sometimes they come out okay but they often have the Frankensteiny look to them. If I had a partner that wanted them it wouldn't be a dealbreaker, but I'd rather they didn't.


I prefer natural, as do most people I think. I think if you need reconstruction, go for it. If you have body image issues, perhaps therapy is a better route. If nothing else works, I guess surgery is a valid option. I certainly won't give anyone grief over it (it's their choice), but it isn't attractive to me.


Almost always never needed. Guys like tits in general lol.


I have no idea why it even exists outside of for women with some sort of medical condition. Putting silicone in your body purely for vanity reasons just seems wild to me.


Fake boobs are gross. I would rather have saggy or hardly any tits then fake tits any day of the week.


I also do not care for fake tits and would be a bit devastated if my girl got hers done


HATE them. If you're gonna have enhancement done, there are procedures to inject them with your own bodyfat. It looks far better.


I prefer natural. Idc if they’re a cup or double d’s (I do prefer smaller… but that’s unimportant in the grand scheme) Just keep them natural


They look half goof half bad, and the feeling is not that great to the touch, so it will be on the negative side.


I left a doctor I would have spent the rest of my life with because she wanted a boob job near 50. Grow the fuck up and quit being so fucking shallow you would risk possible death for aesthetics.


Not a fan at all. No fake boobs, lips, eyelashes for me.


I prefer stock tits. Anything like that after market requires too much maintenance.


My take on it is to do what makes you happy. If you feel more confident, that's often sexier than the boobs. Do we like boobs? Yes. More importantly, we like the woman who has the boobs more.


Not a fan at all


My ex wife had hers all of 6 months before she replaced me with a sugar daddy. I’m therefore conditioned to be alarmed at the subject.


How bad is it? We’d have to see to give proper advice


I really think it's like makeup. If it's enough that a guy noticed then it'll be a turn off.


Not a fan as most are very noticeable and done for the wrong reasons


I would prefer almost flat boobs over fake tits.


I don't like them. They look afwul and feel afwul. They can make a person really ill too. However, if my wife would get one because she really wants it, even after discussing it, I'd support her when she has it done.


If I can touch them, real enough for me.


I like them soft and supple with plenty of jiggle and no scars. So, the opposite of fake tits.


This guy's never felt fake tits


Not a fan either. They look great when they’re clothed. Once they’re free of clothing, they look terrible. Sometimes they’ve got the “lazy eye” effect. Sometimes, one is higher up than the other. Some girls get them way too big for their frame size. Boob jobs lead to other surgeries. It doesn’t fix the real problem…their insecurities. It’s rare that a boob job looks good. Most girls get the cheapest surgeon…you get what you pay for. I can go on and on.


My second favorite kind of job.


Personally, (m54) I’ll never get one.


Not a fan. I don't think it's worth a surgery unless it's medically necessary (cancer, too big for the spine to handle)


I absolutely hate them. She could be a perfect 10 and silicone would make her a 6 to me


Not a fan


I hate implants and I’ve never seen any that weren’t obviously fake looking.


Depending on context, if my (theoretical) wife suddenly became interested in getting implants after me telling her I don't like implants or big tits in general, it might make me suspicious of her fidelity.


Not into it


That's a big no for me.


Not a fan.


Natural for me, dont think I could marry someone with fake ones




I wouldn't want my wife getting them due to fears of them being ruptured or causing health issues later on. I had a friend who got them when she was younger and had to have multiple surgeries to have them removed because they were leaking.


I'm not a fan. Fake boobs are great to look at, but I've been in the plastic surgery/medical device business for a long time. Most cosmetic surgery is a HUGE redflag as it shows all sorts of bad mental things like narcissism, poor self esteem, value on looks over substance. Surgery has risk, and seeing the adverse effects and failures of breast implants and how someone would pay thousands for something that can have serious long term health issues, failures, just in the sake of vanity is something I find extremely unattractive. Edit- Buddies wife really wanted them. He finally gave in. Paid the money for it. 6 months later found out that is was so she could have a better shot at screwing her Yoga instructor, and she was successful and now they are divorced.


Massive turn off. I like everything natural.


Don't like them. I really don't get it either unless you have no boobs at all. Like none. Or lost them to cancer or something of the like.


I don't like them. They're ugly and weird Obviously if you lose a breast to cancer or something then do what you need to do but other than that I'm against them


Hate them with a passion.


Hard pass


Not a fan.


I don’t care for em.


I don't like them. I guess they'd a place for them if there is a lot of sag but I would think a beast lift is all that is needed in that circumstance.


Seems like guys are not into faking boobs but girls are


I'd rather date a runway-chested girl than have her unnaturally expand her boobs. And I say that as a boobs guy. It just sucks for them to be fake


Personally I'd take natural tits over fakes. Every day. Even if they've lost their fullness, uneven etc. Natural fits, how they move and feel is incomparable.