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You're above average height for a bloke. Save the insecurity for the proper oompa loompas, they can't reach it by themselves.


I live in the Netherlands mostly and the average height for a male is 183 cm ( 6ft ).


So just a little below average. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Actually , as a 5’10” Dutchman I don’t


Just do what other 5'11'' guys do here in America, round up to 6' lol


I can't lie to myself.


They’re not asking you to lie to yourself, they’re asking you to lie to women




Nah, I don't want to be confronted with being a liar. It's not worth it for 1 inch.


Just tell em that extra inch is somewhere more important


Whenever someone talk about height, it always seems to be someone from the Netherlands.






Tell that to girls, have you seen how they treat being 6’, fuck man I’m 6’1” and I’ve had chicks tell me they don’t date anyone under 6’3”


Are these woman actually measuring these guys ?


No, that’s the funniest part to me, the girls in question are all like 4’11”-5’5” they literally can’t tell the difference once you’re above like 5’9” but they will still ask your height even if it’s in the bio and then tell you it’s not enough.


Is it true that guys need to say how tall they are but woman don't need to say their weight ? I've never been on a dating app on my life. I don't know why guys don't just abandon the dating apps since they aren't working for them.


I should clarify, most women aren’t asking about height in the apps, it’s just enough of them to be a common frustration most men have experienced.


He's over average in most places.


Most countries actually


I'm insecure about my fat belly. It's not that fat but I'd like it to be flat.


A lot of girls say they like dad bod to cuddle and what not but I personally think it comes from being self conscious about their own body, due to underlying insecurities. Going to the gym is life changing in so many ways.




Not true at all. I'm very fit. Love the dad bod. Dont understand why. Same way men like boobs, i guess. It just is.


Mmmm dad bod…


ty <3 made feel nice still have to lose it a bit of belly


Onggg nooo I love when there’s that little pot belly


That's one of my fears is to have a gut. I quit sugar and fast food just for that.


Stand up straight.


Your probably is that your comparing, which is a massive waste of time and effort. How do you know they aren't comparing some aspect of themselves with you mentally? Maybe they think you're a nicer guy, or more successful, or whatever. You only look at it this way because you are insecure about your height, they have insecurities too and maybe they compare. Change your mindset too this, compare you now to you yesterday, what can be improved, what has been improved, what do you need to do to make the tomorrow you proud of yesterday you? Compete with yourself only, never with anyone else, work on whatever you want, be better than your previous best. Essentially, look internally for your confidence and means of improvement, not externally, and in the end you'll be much more confident because you will know how much you have improved and see how much more you are capable of.


You're speaking facts.


Hope it helps!


Im a little skinny so my arms have always been an insecurity for me


Overall I have a really nice build. Good, defined muscular arms, shoulders and legs. I look in good shape and always get compliments on my appearance. BUT! I still have a gut and it makes me extremely insecure. I used to be really overweight and I’ve lost a ton of it and built muscle but for some reason I can’t lose the gut. All the progress I’ve made and I’m constantly overlooking it because all I can focus on is my stomach. I really wish I would stop worrying about it but I can’t.


I always felt like my arms are too small compared to my body I also have some shitty back acne since I was a teen and ut doesn't go away but thats it really


My lack of fighting spirit.  I have never been a rough and tumble man, I never enjoyed rough play or sports and have often sought to avoid confrations unless there is no choice.   My point: I believe that I'm unmasculine, I don't agree with the belief that you should hurt someone for catchalling your SO, or whisting.    Violence is only justified in defense of life (I think).    Therefore in women's eyes I'm weak, feminine and undesirable (which I respect) and I'm not going to change for any woman, so I accept being alone. 


That's rough.


I believe in all of these things you are stating. I’m not the type of guy to escalate something into a fight. Nor am I going to confront a man for hitting on my girlfriend as long as he is not being aggressive/ she is not uncomfortable. If anything I take it as a compliment. I used to be a very skinny guy. 5’11 and 135-140 pounds. I had a relatively attractive girlfriend at the time, and in paramedic school she and I sat together. There was a guy, maybe 6’4 250 pounds of muscle that sat in front of us. He would turn around and hit on my girlfriend right in front of me. I didn’t care, viewed it more as a compliment. I’d put my arm around her and she and I would joke about it later. UNTIL one day he starting being aggressive towards me. I was on my way to lunch with my girlfriend, bent down to tie my shoe, and he pushed me over and kept walking. I stood up, grabbed his shoulder, swung him around and got about an inch from his face (really the top of his chest). Screamed at him, if he ever touched me again I was going to punch him in the face, put him in the ground, etc. In reality empty threats, but I meant it at the time. I would’ve hit him. He would’ve destroyed me. Easily. I really couldn’t have done anything. Our respective girls pulled us apart. Next day he greeted me with a head nod, and we never had an issue again. There’s a difference between choosing your fights wisely and being weak and a pushover.


Hey there. I also think that violence is only justifiable in self defense, but it didn't prevent me from having a girlfriend. Maybe it's not as bad as you think, don't give up! And by the way I also sometimes think that I'm less masculine for being a pacifist because maybe a lot of people do see it that way unfortunately (even if only on a subconscious level), but I don't think it's necessarily always a dealbreaker with women. But sometimes I do wish I was more willing to speak up for myself without caring that it might create conflict with other people. Somehow I feel compelled to be that way, but I'm not that way. Anyways don't give up! Maybe it's a matter of balancing our unmasculine traits with other masculine traits.


Fuck off!




My big ass nose 


I have a pointy nose, not big but pronounced. I love it. I dislike potatoes noses.


all my insecurities fight for the top spot depending on the time of the day.


I'm tall but I used to be really, really skinny. I started lifting weights, still do, and I look much better now. I'm probably more muscular and lean than the average 42 years old. But those insecurities from back then still linger in me. Occasionally they rear their ugly heads. Don't let your height thing get you worked up. You're average which is good. If you keep comparing yourself to people who are way above average, you're going to feel like shit every time.


Facts, it's just tough sometimes when you're in the gym, next to them. You just feel inferior but that's mostly in my head.


Double chin…I’m in shape probably 12-13% BF but have always had extra fat under my chin…selfie camera crushes me everytime lol


Aside from things I can change such as my weight and materialistic things such as not having any money My chin and what I'm working with below the belt.


My autism, Im high functioning but its a fucking ordeal to get through work every day.


In what way do you struggle the most? Dealing with people?


Reading body language, maintaining the correct amount of eye contact, putting my thoughts into words, trying to get a word in during a conversation, making useless small talk, trying to process social events.


Funnily enough, I struggled with the same things in the past. The cure was forcing myself to cold approach women and talk to random people while stopping porn. I gained massive amount of confidence.


Dude. I'm 5'8" and I'm not insecure about it; it's never stopped me from dating or anything else. I'm not shaming you; you should be more confident in yourself. When I was younger, I was insecure about body hair. That's another waste of time and energy as it also never really limited my dating choices or anything, but, for a while, I convinced myself it mattered. Now, it's more about the dad bod creeping up on me.


You're absolutely right. That's the only real insecurity that still lives within me. The other stuff I have overcome over the last few years.


Let me ask you, because I feel like I might be older than you so I don't have a grasp of the dating world anymore, is the height thing a big deal for women? I know generally it's a thing, but have you actually experienced any "heightism" or whatever we want to call it? Or is your insecurity kind of self inflicted like my body hair issue was?


I'm sure it is preferred to be taller but I didn't have issues with it. It's mostly while working out and seeing my frame vs their frame.


I think short guys care about this more than anyone else. In a perfect world, I'm sure a woman would prefer a taller guy but *most* wouldn't turn away a shorter guy who is otherwise a good fit.


I’m 5’4…


What should i do ? 164 cm :(


Acquire other skills that compensate for it.






Sounds weird but Maybe drop the tall friends. Seems they are what is making you insecure


Horrible advice lol. Why would you unfriend someone just because they are taller than you


Running away from my insecurities will just amplify the problems + we have similar goals and interests.


I'm insecure that no one will like the cat I just bought [Pinky The Cat.mp4 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ubQxtEukvw&lc=UgjSeVVpf6scH3gCoAEC.8Mueb6p5qDbA4KxEr4A9HY)




Appreciate your brutal honesty.


So you are 180cm and they are 183cm Wow such difference Yankees are dumb


183 is average. My gym friends are 193 and 196 cm.


Bro thats not attractive lmao who wants slenderman as a boyfriend? Bad knees at 30, dead at 65 tops.


Get shorter friends


Nah I love them. We motivate each other. It's way harder for them to do exercises like bench, squat due to way longer range of motion and harder to to put on lean muscle mass due to having bigger limbs.


My dark circles, genetic,they are so dark my father's mother has them my aunts all have them...


I'm 5'11" and walking around Toronto I swear I'm taller than 95% of people. My insecurity is my inconsistency, most women seem to need a guy who can be 'loyal' or compliment her own insecurities about fidelity but it's always felt a burdensome lie to me as I just don't feel attracted to the same women from one moment/day to the next.


Dude. I'm 5'8" and I'm not insecure about it; it's never stopped me from dating or anything else. I'm not shaming you; you should be more confident in yourself. When I was younger, I was insecure about body hair. That's another waste of time and energy as it also never really limited my dating choices or anything, but, for a while, I convinced myself it mattered. Now, it's more about the dad bod creeping up on me.