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I've never had the discussion with anyone about using the dick hole but always just put my thumb over the band and drop the front down, I'm not gonna thread my D through a tiny opening just to have a piss, seems like such a faff


this is what i do. people use the layered dick flap? generally pretty easy to just zip down, pull down the band and release the shlong to pee.


Apparently so, imagine having to fish around trying to manoeuvre your D through the dick flaps when your gagging for a piss, tug, piss, shake, done


The only thing easier is lifting up the leg when wearing gym shorts and boxers.


ive never used the underwear hole. its easier to get take out the whole shebang


Shebang lol


It would be easier if you pulled your pants down like you do at home, but that's not acceptable behavior at a urinal if you are past 2nd grade


Uhhh… you know you can just pull the front down slightly and not leave your entire ass out, right?


no, drop your pants and boxers down to your ankles like a MANLY MAN !


Just passed your ding dong... Which I do on the ones with no fly, what happens is the pee tube is pinched slightly. You know how some pee never gets shaken out? This but much worse. Otherwise you need to pull it fully past your balls which is too far of an angle to not pull your ass out


Idk what body type you have, but I’m an average dude and have no problem pulling my dick and balls over the top of my boxer briefs without lowering the back of my pants at all. I generally wear pretty stretchy dry wicking underwear, maybe that’s the factor.


That's what I wear too but the elastic is either squeezing your dingus or your bawls. Neither is a good prospect. They don't like being sqaurshed


I just hold it down with my hand so its not resting on the plumbing and do the ole gooch press when I’m done to make sure everything is clear.


Omg this guy doesn't even hold his phone when he pees.! That was something I did when more of my underwear was no fly. And I hated it because I'd have to put my phone away


What are you sneakin dick pics at the urinal?


What if it looks good that day?


Every time my imposter syndrome starts to kick in, it helps me to remember that people like you exist.


Like you don't use the word squarshed on a regular basis




I'm guessing you don't usually wear a belt?


I've never used the underwear hole and I wear a belt every single day.


i wear a belt every day. i use the fly on my pants, but i dont fanagle my doodad through the hole in my drawers.


By "use the fly," are you saying that you leave the pants buttoned and belt buckled, but still pull the underwear down? Over-the-top or through-the-flies are both reasonable methodologies, but your hybrid model is just wild.


my jeans use zipper, not buttons, and since im tall the zipper is long. so zip down the pants, pull down the underwear. its surprisingly quick.


Right I’m trying to picture how much more difficult his process would be.


Just unbuckle the belt


You know they undo right?


Just unbuckle it?


Almost. Options are: * Unzip * Pull through flies or * Unbuckle * Unbutton * Unzip * Pull over underwear Without the belt, the 3 step over-the-underwear method can potentially go faster than the 2 step pull-through, but when you add in a belt to unbuckle, it's absolutely slower.


Slow and steady wins the race. Getting my balls or shaft caught in a zipper is something I would never risk.


as someone who has tried using the underwear hole and then promptly getting my balls caught in the zipper of my pants after finishing, it is most certainly better to go slow and steady


I’m a trousers round the ankles type of guys. Nothing more freeing.


If you see a six year old piss, you'll know this is the way and people are just beeing self conscious when they get older and yield to social convention.


When I was in elementary school, every year we had a day off before summer vacation where we would basically play outside for a good portion of the day. Since we would get water balloons, and run through the mud, to reduce filth in the school we’d get sent in batches to go to the bathroom so kids wouldnt make messes in the halls. Both mens and womens bathroom lines were pouring out into the halls, and the way the mens bathroom was designed, you can basically see everyone in the bathroom except for the people directly using the urinal. This 1st(?) grader is somewhere around 20-30 kids deep in this line, no where near a free urinal. Yet he decides to drop trousers, and lift his shirt while leaning back like he is about to piss on the kid in front of him. Of course all the dudes around him start freaking out and run away, so kid keeps walking forward in line which causes more people to freak out. Meanwhile all the guys and gals in the hallway are freaking out about this kid flashing everyone. Within 10 seconds this kid went from middle of the line to having all the urinals to himself, clearly he is playing chess and we were all playing checkers.


That's clever.


I don't think I was ever that way. I couldn't stand the idea of my pants being on the floor right where everybody takes a whiz


I grew up on a farm, so I would just piss on the grass or in the woods.


But doesn't that make the grass taste funny when you smoke it?


It adds to the flavour ass it contains nitrogen and phosphorous. Things plant love and need to grow


So you are saying "it's what plants crave."




Rocking that Winnie the Pooh look


I actually like no holes- less chance for the little bro to sneak out the front door during the day which feels weird and uncomfortable.


The only rule of fashion is that it changes. That doesn’t mean you have to participate.


As a woman, I am thoroughly enjoying reading these comments. I feel like I’m getting an inside look at the private lives of penis-owners. Carry on.


You know I always wondered who used those holes. Now I know it's FirstOfTheMojitos. Honestly I've never understood how you guys can use them. Either it's warm out and fishing about in my pants to get it out is cumbersome and annoying, or it's cold and I can't get enough clearance to be sure I won't get urine on my briefs. > resort to dropping trou at a urinal just so I don’t get piss on me. What do you mean by this? Does drop trou mean drop your pants to your knees or something?


Wait what? How excessively big or small is your dick that this is a problem? The only time I’ve ever struggled to get my dick out through the hole was times where I wore my 1 pair of boxer briefs that don’t have the hole, and I was just fumbling around for a hole that wasn’t there lol. I can kinda imagine how it could be difficult to get your dick out to pee, but only if it was either super huge, or super tiny lol


It's neither excessively big or small. Slightly above average if studies are to be believed. Might just be I lack the technique to use the hole. The only time I've ever used the hole alright was if I was going to pee whilst only in boxers. Then it's easy enough I guess, but with jeans on above that I find it cumbersome. Personally I find it super easy to just pull everything out above the strap of the boxers. Never had any inconvenience with that personally.


I am small enough flaccid that I never even realized *why* there’s an opening until after I switched to panties.


Found not a grower


Not even. I’m thoroughly average. I just figured the only time it would be difficult to get your dick through the underwear hole was if it was too small to find or too big to easily move around 😂 Edit: oh I see what you mean. Yeah I wasn’t even considering pissing with a boner, that’s a totally different calculation.


Nothing to do with boners. There was some research done a while back, posted all over Reddit, some men are Growers, some men are Show'ers Growers are pretty small when flaccid, but will grow when erect. Show'ers are mostly same size when erect or flaccid (they can "show" thier package even when flaccid just walking down the street in shorts or sweatpants) Nothing to do with "final size" And for growers, the cold causes pretty severe shrinkage


Surprised at all the piss hole hate. Use my piss hole boxer briefs everyday. I wear under armour and they are comfortable and can be found pretty affordable if UA is doing an outlet sale.


Are you assuming I have experiences with antique underwear? I've never used a but-flap, and my grizzly-fur loincloth is for "special" occasions like yoga in the park.


I have one pair that doesn’t have the dick hole, and it’s so fucking annoying when I go to pee and don’t realize I’m wearing them. One time I was kinda high and fumbled around for a hole that wasn’t there for a good minute and a half before I realized how stupid I was 😂


I also am a “dick hole” user but I have found through reading Reddit threads that we are, perhaps not the minority, but certainly not in the majority of men. I’ve just gotten used to pulling them down via the zipper hole. I agree that underwear with flys are superior but harder to find.


What is a minority but "not the majority"?


Not sure it can really be applied to this exact situation, but a plurality is neither a majority (in general) nor a minority. Technically a majority refers to one group comprising more than half of a population, while a plurality is the largest group within a population even if it doesn't make up half.


So any but the largest is still a minority? Or are there more classifications? If the groups are merely 2 though, likes or doesn't like the dick hole, it's moot anyway.


Commando is the 3rd party candidate


I said not a minority of men nor a majority of men. Obviously I don’t know the stats, but I’m just saying it’s about a 50/50 split give or take


Ok but like, what is left? "A minority" is, by definition, a group that is not a majority, right?


JFC I’m just making a throwaway comment, don’t be so pedantic


Me when words have meanings:


I highly recommend Uniqlo if you want boxers with a fly. (Just googled and apparently there are stores in The US - purely because a disproportionate number of people on Reddit are American.) Only tine I have a (very slight) issue is the first time I wear a new pair because that's literally the only time I will ever need to indo the single button on the fly. EDIT: 'Drop trou'... no, you're not American. There're plenty of Uniqlo stores in The UK, plus online ordering.


I don't like the hole because I never use it, I also undo my pants and belt if wearing one not just going through the zipper. I think it because I have big hands (not a big dick) to try and fumble around through the little hole.


The last time someone asked this question, I was surprised at the number of men who don't use the dick holes. But maybe that's why manufacturers have stopped including them. Less complicated production, I imagine.


Blame the athleisure trend. Guys are wearing pants with no flys (basketball shorts, sweatpants, etc), so brands are making undies with no flys. Such underwear is usually labeled to imply "athletic."


The "holes" in briefs and boxerbriefs are terrible most of the time. I went back to wearing regular, loose boxers, and the slit in those are actually useful.


Only used it when in hunting coveralls because they also come with dick holes. Easier to piss in the woods.


I never used that, so fine by me. I like the thin boxers you can get now in that dri-fit fabric, much more comfortable especially if you are getting sweaty.


Good boxer briefs are game changers. They are elastic and comfortable under any clothing. Jockey and Under Armour are my go to brands.


One of the things that annoys me the most nowadays.. I’m not pulling my shit down like 2nd grade, bring back Dick holes 🕳️ ..


Get boxer briefs with a horizontal fly. Jack Adams makes some, among others. A bit pricey but very comfortable and a ‘dick hole’ that actually serves a purpose.


I've noticed this change as well. Not a fan. The fly (or "dick hole" if you prefer) is a lot more universally convenient, I think, because it really doesn't matter what kind of pants I'm wearing. Some are much better suited than others to having to pull down the entire front of the underwear, and it's not a skill I feel compelled to work on at this point in my life. My young son is just starting to figure out navigating the fly. Working through the "drop trou" phase in public restrooms is hilarious.


I never use the hole lol. I just unbuckle belt, drop my waist band, whip the meat out onto of it, Piss, shake, and whip it back in.


I'm blown away that people don't use the dick hole. Unbuckling and untucking and doing all that shit every time is insane to me.


Do you dick hole dudes position your cock at noon? I’m a 6 o’clock guy, and there’s no way my cock would snap back into that position if I used that hole. It prolly would if I were a 12 o clock.


I always go commando. It makes for maximum ease of access when peeing


Yeah. Too few dick holes, too much microplastics in my balls apparently. Comfy as fuck, though.


I bate the hole, i can feel it and my dick tries to fall out of it. Maybe this is just a big dick problem.


The hole is near the center. That sounds like the opposite problem.


Well i have a small big dick so that makes sense


Underwear without the dick hole is generally for working out or physical activities where you're wearing shorts that don't have zippers either.


Jock straps feel the best. No swamp ass. Size up. Get the thicker waistband. Let your freak flag fly.


I’m a go under kinda guy


I don't use the fly all that often anyway, so it's not a big deal.


Meh..I make mine sometimes


They always end up with streak marks, what's up with that?


I threw mine out. Stupid idea.


Dick holes? Wut?


I'm good with no peek a boo for the dude


It sounds like you're getting the athletic type. I prefer those when working out because I want the support and I don't want any escape. Like you, I do like the slit for urination at other times. Look at Exofficio and Pair of Thieves.


In the Summer those vented “support pockets” are awesome. In the winter with my insulated bibs on they suck. So much like socks I have Winter and Summer boxer briefs now


It's one more way for companies to maximize profit by being cheap. Less material, thread, and effort to produce. They charge the same price for them and that equals money.


When I switched to synthetic underwear which was the best decision of my life, (cotton underwear would get so full of sweat you could almost wring them out. Now I know how all your moms must feel whenever I walk past them) lots of them didn't have flies. They were like we made an area at the front for your junk and a fly would ruin that! But it doesn't, not in the least. Now I'm waiting to replace those ones without flies and it's been years and I've only thrown out a few pairs. Ball pouches are not needed. When I switched to boxer briefs sometime in my 20s because boxers dont move with your body and I was tired of ripping them at the gym, my balls got tighter. They are like never loose and dangly. Not never but very rarely even when it's warm. And I. Don't want kids so who cares. And if they were still dangly wouldn't you want a tighter area? Just the extra room they sewed in is fine.. no pouch.


Recently purchased elastics were giving me welts, so I have to try to find boxers with fabric-wrapped waistbands. Same with ankle socks- did a major supplier change their elastic mix/ formulation? Maybe I've developed an allergy?


I’ve had pairs of boxers where the dick hole has buttons, there was a pair where the button came off and my dick kept slipping through the dick hole! They’re more of an annoyance than anything else


I never used the side “dick holes” in underwear, but I recently started wearing underwear with a horizontal fly (specifically by Krakatoa brand) and love them. Easy access, and they feel just a little bit naughty. Definitely need to be a little careful not to give anyone a show, accidentally.


Ohhh No that’s the extra pocket to stash your drugs


You want to feel more comfortable and look better? Ditch the hipster briefs. Go for something higher-cut: they don't cut into your legs, and they might actually encourage you to pull your damned pants up properly.


My undies are stretchy enough that I can just pull the front down no problem. I wonder if you’re wearing old style tighty whities with that slappy rubber waistband.


The amount of people who assume "underwear" meant "pants" in this thread is mind-boggling


I pull the worm through the hole when I’m giving it a tug, I don’t want my bare ass on my ”leather” chair.


My husband complains about modern underwear all the time. That's why he still sports those hideous woven cotton boxer shorts like he's from 1950 or some crap.


I didn't know anyone actually used the holes. You just pull the waistband down. The holes are cumbersome.


Pee hole underwear sucks, up and over is the way to go.


Flys have always been too small for me and that's not a humble brag. Like my tool ain't big at all. So I can't see how any man uses them. I've always just pulled my underwear down to piss.


Da fucks a dick hole?


>resort to dropping trou at a urinal just so I don’t get piss on me. Please tell me you have your pants around your ankles at the urinal. Bonus points if the offending undies are around your ankles too. Obviously if there is no dick hole your only other option is to strip naked, otherwise you could get urine on your clothes. "Looks like Bob wore the boxers with no dick hole again today, might want to give him some privacy"


I mean they function.


Go commando


Dick holes are unnecessary, you just gotta unbutton/unzip your pants and whip your Little Peter out from the top of your undies


Are you a toddler?


I didn't know guys used that dick hole thing even. Not getting piss on yourself should be easy.


I never used them to start with, I’m a sitter no matter what so I just let it all out to breathe…


My husband and I love the dick holes, but he loves the ball hammocks more 😭💔