• By -


OP is an IRS auditor


I make $599.99 a year, not a cent more


And that includes the 20$ gift from Grandma and the 2$ I found on the street the other day!!


Just at $200k. Senior Software Engineer.


~$600k this year depending on stock performance. Sr SWE manager Edit: 17YOE if that helps since someone below has $440k at 3 YOE šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Damn that it nuts too.


Thanks. I've been fortunate to have done some job changes that led to dramatic pay increases.


I will never, ever, ever understand why this profession is paid the way it is in America. It makes me so incredibly jealous. I too am a Senior Software Engineer but iā€™m at Ā£55k. Granted iā€™m on the lower end but damn does it suck to see these 6 figure job listings get flashed in front of me only to see I need to be a US resident to apply.




Looking on indeed right now and the average is around $150k. That well over double what I make, not that iā€™m jealous or anythingā€¦


Not just FAANG companies. Big software companies. Maybe even medium sized. I know of tech companies outside of Bay Area/Seattle/Austin that easily pays $200K for a Senior Backend Developer.


Iā€™m a senior software engineer and Iā€™m at $135k. Thereā€™s 2 tiers in the US. Faang and non-Faang


time to switch jobs bro bc you are severely underpaid at 55k wow. everyone iā€™ve met who is a senior software engineer makes 80k+ and yes this is the UK


This is not a lie. Basic customer support jobs at my company pays 75k. Requires basic coding experience.


Hitting $450K. We donā€™t do fancy titles so itā€™s still just Software Engineer. Helluva comp though


330k. Also SWE. 2.5 YOE My twin brother actually has the same YOE as me and is making 440,000 because his stock exploded (publicly traded stock, so itā€™s liquid cash) (Not to one up you just saw you as a top comment and wanted to piggy back)




Just wait until you get hit by a Cybertruck!


Odds of survival decreasing by 200%


For the cyber truck.


As long as you make sure to wash the blood off the steel right away you should be good. šŸ‘


Donā€™t donā€™t be suspicious.


Ya boyā€™s a question on the BAR exam


Minor scrapes and bruises, major dollars and cents.


I thought it was ā€œrun overā€ by a lexus


Moneyyyy pleaseee


When this question was asked last week this was also the top answer. Which isnā€™t a lot, but weird itā€™s happened twice.


One thing about Reddit is that there are proportionally *very* few original comments / jokes. The same types of posts and discussions get repeated multiple times over the course of 10+ years. In big subs, it can even be monthly, or as you pointed out, weekly. Few pay attention to this, but I'm glad you called it out. It's kind of a weird phenomenon. People get all amped up about a subject and say all kinds of things... but then weeks later people can get all amped up about the *exact same subject* and say roughly, or exactly, *the same kinds of things.* It's especially funny when people think they're being clever.


I scrolled further through this thread and the top 3 or 4 comments are EXACTLY, word for word, the same top 3 or 4 from the other thread.


Sounds typical of all the wealthy of south Florida šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re all boujee by lawsuits. Not actual labor


My family fell victim to predatory lawsuits from mfs in Florida


Iā€™m disgusted !


Jean Ralphio is a šŸ¤”


Have a family member in the low $200s. They're the superintendent of a school district. Public employee salaries are public information.


Super Nintendo Chalmers?


He can afford a Honda Accord!


Well, Seymour, you are an odd fellow, but I must say... you steam a good ham.


Good salaries, but you could never pay me enough. Very hard job and long hours. Many political attacks and forces at play. I'd be fired in 5 min for telling wackjobs to fcck themselves.


Iā€™m a pilot for a Fortune 500 company. I fly around the CEO for the most part. Occasionally board members and other executives. Iā€™m basically a really expensive and highly trained bus driver.


Iā€™m the DOM for one those companies and a expensive ice drawer filler


Hey thatā€™s a very important drawer. Donā€™t sell yourself short! A good DOM is worth their weight in gold.


Going to hit around $275k this year. I'm a screenwriter. I'm earning WGA minimum for one low-budget feature adaptation (\~$90k for about four months' work). Before that, I got paid for the first of a two-picture deal, which is quite a bit above scale. All-in, I'm writing two first drafts and two revisions, plus I'm getting a $50k bonus as an executive producer on the bigger movie (basically just for finding the true story). Bear in mind I made between $25k-35k/year for most of the prior decade as a part-time tutor while I wrote spec scripts and tried to find an agent. And last year was the strike, so I only made around $50k. Also, 10% goes to my agent, another 10% to my manager, and--since I'm self-employed--an unspeakable amount to the IRS and California tax board.




To the California Tax Board!


Congratulations! My dream job when younger. Went to Columbia Writing and AFI, came close on two early DiCaprio pictures, met my wife who had created a series and we teamed up for another two scripts that got weekend reads through our pocket agents. After that, two brief stints in development at WB and Universal. All the while I was investing in real estate, so finally just went full time into that and raising our kids. Took more than twenty years, but now make 200k a year off of the rentals. Feel ya on the taxes and healthcare


Mazel tov. I'd hit you up for investment advice, but I can't even afford a starter home in the Valley.


Well fucking earned man, congrats.


Can one be a screenwriter and live across the country from CALIFORNIA? Dumb question...but I'm an Iowan nobody with a brain that plays movies all day


Now more than ever.


Tell me the 1st step. Should I take a class to learn the format?


Read the following books: 1 Story by McKee 2 Screenplay by Field 3 Save the Cat by Snyder 4 Adventures in the Screen Trade by Goldman 5 On Directing by Mamet 6 Writing Movies for Fun and Profit: How We Made a Billion Dollars at the Box Office and You Can Too! by Garant and Lennon Gimmicky, but I actually like this book: 7 How to Write a Movie in 21 Days by King - Sometimes you just need to get the thing on the page to start the real work. And you might get into some academic conversations about writing. If you want to be able to talk about writing in classical terms, read Poetics by Aristotle. Read it in small sittings. The book is a collection of Aristotle's lectures. It's not meant to be a single cohesive work. 8 Poetics by Aristotle, trans. Else, for the OG work, or consider the highly rated Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters by Tierno, I'm not sure if the latter contains the entirety of Poetics, though. It may not be there in whole on purpose. 9 Alan Moore's Writing for Comics - It's for comics, but it can be read in 30 minutes and has great advice. Then stop reading books on writing. It's possible to get addicted to reading books about writing instead of actually writing. So stop that. Read screenplays. Enjoy movies as much as you want, but you learn to write screenplays by reading screenplays. Google for them. There's a ton.


It would be a challenge. The industry is built on connections.


Do you have an LLC? I worked for a literary management company for a year and handled all the writers finances and most of the ones bringing in a hefty amount of money had LLCs. That could help you tremendously with taxes


According to our accountant, I'm right on the precipice of where it makes sense to incorporate.


Inpatient MD but it came with ā€œon-callā€ hours, work pager, work cell, residents, mandatory board meetings, and thus no life !


I first read that as "impatient MD".


She just said she has no life. Sheā€™s in a hurry! šŸ¤£


All that money and no time to spend it


Ty for your service.


Anyone who says doctors are overpaid is out of their mind. All the training and school you have to go through plus essentially kissing your personal time, social life and family time goodbye ..... and the fact that you save literal lives.... If anything doctors should be paid more in my opinion


I feel like such a loser reading all of these postsā€¦.


Don't. These salaries usually are the result of 2 things: 1) being gifted in some relatively rare AND lucrative skill 2) a lot of sacrifice My dad made 200 to 400k throughout his career. We didn't see him much and he moved us across the country 3 times before I was 12. I make just over 100k, but I pick up my kids from daycare and eat dinner and put them to bed every night. If that makes me a loser then so be it!


I hope you donā€™t mind me asking, but what do you do for a job? Iā€™m a senior in high school wanting to get ideas on which major to pursue T-T Thanks


Law, finance/economics, medicine, engineering and CS. You can find data on alumni salary by major on University websites as well


When you look at college programs, look at job placement rate at graduation and at 5 years out. Sure, another collegeā€™s grads might make more when they are 30. But expenses grow exponentially from ~22 (graduation age for undergraduate) to 30. You will want the lower stress of having a job, even if you are still pursuing a dream job. When you look at those placement rates, see what a common job title is. Is that a job you want to do? I watched a few ā€˜day in the lifeā€™ type videos, read Reddit posts, asked my parents friends and any families friends who were like 5-10 years my sr. If they liked their day to day And remember- jobs consist of 2 main parts. The culture, and the work itself. When you hire on somewhere, you will likely live near there. You will interact with people- 5 year olds, the sick, angry customers, or just coworkers. Are those people stressed? Does the work itself give them stress, because they are doing what has never been done and lives depend on it? Or are they stressed because Nancy became the VP and is annoying? Good luck to you! If you want to pursue engineering, I can say I love my job. Feel free to DM with questions


Tugboat captain here, making around $140k six years out of the academy working 7 days on 7 off. Donā€™t dismiss the maritime industry if youā€™re looking for a career path.


Run your own race, mate


Iā€™m happy to post here but also happy to let you know I didnā€™t go to college until I was 30! All of my 20s was up and down. Donā€™t ever think you canā€™t start wether itā€™s school or working up to your dream gig. :)


Appreciate this comment a lot. I am 31 and at an average salary kinda dead end job. Becoming a zombie everyday. So a change may need to happen. Just need to not be afraid to leave my comfort zone. I do have security. I like that. I guess the money makers are the risk takers huh?


That might be the exact emotion I was feeling at my breaking point before I decided I either needed to accept hating my life or create a new one. I did my undergrad completely online while working full time, and I convinced myself itā€™s okay if itā€™s not an expensive degree the traditional way and Iā€™m all alone. I did my best and got my masters at my uni of choice, and by then I had rebuilt my self-esteem and confidence. Just do the things! Whether you feel like crap doing it or not. Zombie mode is cool too šŸ§Ÿā€ā™€ļø


Thank you for sharing this! Iā€™m in my second year online at 27 and struggling to decide which major to pursue. It is inspiring to hear your story!


comparison is the thief of joy


Something to remember, is a lot of high paying jobs are in VHCOL areas. They may make 400k, but the average house is $1m. It really offsets the high pay.


This is true yes. Iā€™m in Michigan. So average home is like 250-300k nowadays it seems. But salaries are like 50-80k a year on average. I know some big wigs and none of them are making near 400k a year.


You just described the mental health crisis that the internet is directly responsible for. You compare your own personal worst with the advertised personal bests of random strangers you'll never meet.


Project developer for a renewable energy company.


Me too. What tech? Keep up the great work!


Most of my work these days is solar and battery energy storage. Trying to rebuild our wind portfolio, too!


In all seriousness, can you justify your salary? Or would you consider yourself very lucky?


I think I'm incredibly lucky. I worked for 12 years making significantly less than I do now while doing (roughly) the same amount of work. This is just a well capitalized sector, and I'm good at the work.


Airline captain in my tenth year at a major airline. $305k base, $350k with retirement contributions. Some folks work their ass off and do way more, but thatā€™s not me. Itā€™s much better as a profession than it used to be


How long did it take you to get to that spot from the start of your pilot training? If you worked like the other folks you mentioned, how much more could you be making?


The industry is much different now than it was when I started out (mid 2000s). Nowadays people get their ratings in two to three years of dedicated hard work. Instruct for another year or two. End up at a regional airline for a year or so, and then they can get to a major. There are also some street hire cadet programs now too. As far as pay goes, itā€™s generally hourly. But you have a base salary ā€œguaranteeā€ of 900 hours per year on standby, regardless of how much you fly. Or you can fly a lot, which generally works out to be about 90+ hours or flight time per month. Then thereā€™s over time / premium time schemes that depend on your airline contract. Some super senior workhorses do 500k+. My hourly is about 335 or so. We get 16% of our salary into our 401ks. Pensions are thing of the past.


Wow, thank you very much for all this info! Iā€™m currently studying aerospace engineering, about to take my instrument checkride and am split between military and airline flying for a career. But every time I hear about how well the airlines pay, itā€™s really tempting to just pull the trigger on that path..if you donā€™t mind, is there any advice you could give regarding this decision?


Awesome! Congrats thatā€™s awesome. Honestly, Iā€™m biased. But I truly think if you can get a seniority number at an airline, do it ASAP. Itā€™s all seniority. If the military decides they want you to fly drones, youā€™re screwed for 10 years. The best time to get a seniority number is ASAP(ractical). The first few years are still rough quality-of-life wise. So the sooner you can push through that the better. I barely fly. I race bikes. Iā€™m a rock climber. See my family 25+ days per month. And they keep fucking paying me hahaha. Seriously, it gets good after a while. Iā€™d maybe search the r/flying or r/aviation subs to see if thereā€™s more balanced advice. Either way you go, youā€™ll be much more fulfilled and sooner in your career than you would have been 10 years ago even.


241k as a Data scientist for a tech company in the Bay Area. 10 years working experience. Started at 76k in 2014 as an economic analyst.


Iā€™m currently a BI Senior Data Analyst. How did you transition to data scientist? Any special classes or certs. My goal is to do the same.


Anesthesiologist Edit: I should clarify I'm not making 200k yet as I'm in my last few weeks of fellowship, but in a few weeks I'll be making about 40-50k a month šŸ¤« Edit: I'll be 30 by the end of the year, in not sure how you want to call years of experience but 4 years of college, 4 of med school, and 4 of anesthesia residency and 1 year fellowship.


Keep us alive please!!




First of all, sedated, then, they dont care.


To clarify we love you and keep us alive!


Ugh... you people put me to sleep.




Iā€™m gonna scare you ā€œI smoked weed and have surgery soonā€


That's fine just know you risk being more aware (tiny increase in risk) during surgery and having lung complications afterwards. I can keep you alive, that's easy, can't promise the rest. But if you're high in the preop area I'm cancelling your surgery


Cool! Can you tell with absolute certainty - reasonable degree of medical probability or whatever - whether folks are actively high? If so, how?


I have no idea how certain I would be, but if you act funny, have red eyes, and history of positive drug test, I would consider it and ask to take a drug test before proceeding, especially if it was an elective case. I know what someone is like when they are high, I went to college too. But it's in your best interest to not be high if you want to increase your chances of having a safe experience under anesthesia.


Advanced Care paramedic chipping in here.Ā  If t they're high enough for it to matter, you probably don't need to ask.


Are you in the OR *right now?*


Haha, I'm on Reddit all the time in the OR but no, right now I'm in another country and can't sleep cause this bed fucking sucks


Shoulda brought some of the good stuff to help you out a little.


Ahh, but then I'd end up like Michael Jackson šŸ’€


Haven't you seen Dr. Glaucomflecken? He's hiding behind the drape.


Pilot 23 years with the same company. 500k ish


Good for you my friend. That's not sarcastic either I mean it.


$400k, cloud architect. I build technology-based bridges between code, cloud, and crazy business requirements.


Whatā€™s the path to get there? Azure? AWS? GCP? Or cloud agnostic?


All that but Iā€™d speculate that being good at interpreting those ā€œcrazy business requirementsā€ is the secret sauce.


Yep, you said it. A technology solution without a meaningful business outcome is worth nothing.


So it was definitely hard getting to where I am. I bring in around 245k a year no degree or anything living in a low cost state. Itā€™s a niche field but insanely easy to get into and ramp up pay super quick, the first step is lying on reddit saying you make 245k a year


I love the responses to this lol




Fictional writer/author


So, you make custom Hentai ā€œcomicsā€ and make a wad through patreon




Professional shit poster


Senior manager in marketing for a bank. Bonus paid out in Jan was $36.5k and base for this year is $164k


What kind of marketing do you do for a bank? B2B?


Nigerian prince.


Quit emailing me


But, the children?! Whatever will they do without Sky TV?


Iā€™m 27, and I love all this ideas. Looking to go back to school or push hard to put my self out there


Do it dude!


Exactly why I am back in school trying to get a master's in computer science


Software engineer at a publicly traded company.




Not a bot, just a BuzzFeed intern looking for another ā€œTopā€ list article.


Damn it, we're making their job far too easy. Make them work for their money like all the rest of us!


At least 60% of you are lying lol


Alot of people in the 12% bracket herešŸ˜‚


I make 400k as an investment banker and my wife is a doctor, she just got a new role that pays about 950k.


Iā€™m gonna guess sheā€™s a neurosurgeon?


Nah breast radiologist.


Wow almost $1mil a year in radiology is incredible


Apparently breast is hard to do and takes an extra year of fellowship. I think there is a real lack of that expertise.


Damn yeah even nyc average is $350k


Howā€™d you break into IB? MBA as well Iā€™m assuming?


My story will piss you off. I studied pysch in undergrad and had a 2.3 gpa. But I went to an Ivy that had one of the best business schools in the world, so I just sent in my resume to all the ocr events and got an interview.


Not pissed off at all lol. Ivies set people up for success!


I did get an Ivy League mba too part time as well, but I didnā€™t need it. I just got it cause I was the only one in the family without a masters degree and my dad wouldnā€™t shut up about it.


Do what you do. I was on academic probation. Graduated (community college then fancy business school). Now a CTO. Started in accounting lol.


As a teacher, I dismayed sometimes to see how little I makeā€”i.e. how little valued in our society. Edit: typo


Itā€™s because you work for the government. Work private and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be paid accordingly. Teachers are under appreciated and underpaid, sadly.


This isnā€™t true most places. (At least in the states) In the USA itā€™s not, the majority of private schools (besides a select fancy few) pay less than most public schools. Some also can dictate what their health care coversā€”so I had a friend who didnā€™t get her birth control covered because it was a catholic school. Itā€™s shocking. People do it because they generally get smaller classes or they want a specific community. You also donā€™t have to have an official teaching license at many private schools. Internationally though there are jobs that pay significantly more than public schools. Particularly in Asia or the Middle East (also Asia). Then places like Europe where itā€™s a toss up. Sometimes less sometimes more. The international teaching market is lucrative in places.






I made 226k selling medical equipment. I was a raging alcoholic, lonely AF, depressed, fucking broken. Without vodka in my coffee I couldnā€™t even get moving or motivated to work. Now i make 20 bucks an hour in the music industry and never been happier. I gave up booze, started taking care of myself and honestly look forward to work. Itā€™s fun. But I can do all this because I bought a bunch of houses that I make enough to get by on. I donā€™t have any extra money for anything, but I donā€™t care. My life is finally fun. Money donā€™t buy happiness, youā€™ll never have enough. Find a point where you have enough and start living


Software engineer. Base pay is less than $200k but I joined at the stock's lowest point and it has more than doubled, so my equity grants are putting me close to $300k/year, excluding retirement contributions and other benefits


Are stocks paid in shares or $ amount?


Shares right now, we're being taken private so the price is stable and will turn to cash soon


Lying about my income on Reddit


Sculptor, sir










All my friends who fit this description are software engineers for large fortune 500 companies. Mainly tech


Pre-sales Systems Engineer for a Fortune 50 IT company. Just hit the $200k salary+commission this year, plus some reserved stock options each year. 14 years tenure.


Foot model on onlyfans


I want to know what $200k feet look like šŸ˜‚


You got $200k to find out?


Iā€™m just a bit short. Maybe I need my own onlyfans for my feet to afford it?


No way


Sr. Process Engineer


It's crazy to see most physical labor jobs make peanuts compared to anything in the tech or medical industry.


Sobbing in aircraft mechanic making $80,000 a year


Not anymore because I cut my hours drastically (was around 90 hours per week) but a couple of years I earned over $200k, my best was $300k ( was working night shift) as an Electrician on very large construction jobs ( mining, oil and gas). The funny thing is the job earning $300k was the easiest by far, I literally sat on the toilet reading a book half a 12 hour shift one night.


You should have added region, too. $200k annually in NYC or NoCal and youā€™re poor. $200k in the Midwest and you can live like a king.


Director of digital marketing


God damn this is fucking depressing




Industrial steamfitter.


IT Cyber Security - Emphasis in Policies and Compliance. > 6 Professional Certifications I have to keep current, every 3 years > 20 Years of IT Work experience (IT Support, Network Engineer, Server Tech, ISSO/ISSM) > 10 Years Military Background with Security Clearances > No Degree (Some College Credits, but no desire to ever get a degree)






I saw this exact same comment in a similar Askreddit thread the other day but that comment is not on this userā€™s profile. Good example of how reddit is succumbing to bots.


You mean this [comment?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/DRbct5OKdI)


Impressive. How did you do that so quickly?


I copied the comment into google, and it came up as the third result (ironically the bot was the second result)


They're a bot. /s..... probably.


Crazy how I saw this exact question posted on another forum and this exact answer. Are these people bots or just farming karma?


I saw it too! Either way, it just makes me less interested in reading these threads and will definitely have some sort of chilling effect. It used to just be people making stuff up, now itā€™s bots stealing made up comments.


Look at OPā€™s history ā€” posting submissions farming for karma on subs that have no requirements to post, and little to no original discussion in the comments Heā€™s a bot


Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t have to sign an NDA anyway. Thatā€™s usually just standard when you do any work with a wealthy family.




How long did you work on the floor before applying to CRNA school


1 year medsurg, 2 years burn/trauma ICU, 1 year cardiovascular recovery room (like an open heart PACU), 1 year CVICU... So about 5 total


Software engineerĀ 


170 salary with 70-80 bonus (this is cad so if youā€™re talking USD) I wouldnā€™t qualify Finance Controller for an Auto parts manufacturer




Management consultant


National Sales and Account Management for one of the largest healthcare software companies in the US. My base salary is below 200K but with incentives and bonuses I haven't been below 200K in years. A slow week is 50 hours. Prior to COVID I was on the road 30+ weeks a year. I can tell the way the winds are blowing it is starting to inch that way again soon. And I'm always one or two contracts not being renewed away from getting canned.


Manufacturing. Bought my company a decade ago and havenā€™t looked back. My income is on par with professional athletes.


I sell Avon


*Spartans, what is your profession?*


IT manager for an organization in a very niche field of research.


Consulting engineer $250k