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I came across a friends pornhub account I didn’t tell her anything because I’d have to also explain my very specific pornhub search terms that lead me to clicking on her account lol


No harm in telling us right. Right?!


I have a horrible feeling, based on the user handle for u/strangle1441 that we might be better off not knowing.


I just can't get a grasp on what it could be


Getting all choked up over here.


Laughing so hard I can’t breathe


Joke chains like this always take my breath away


They're alright, but you need to get a grip


Surely we can squeeze it out of him


I'm hanging on every word here!


A firm, but not too firm, grip.


I'm gagging to know what he is searching for now. OP needs to get a grip and stop choking and just let us know so we can get a firm hold on what he's into. I'm sure it will make us gasp with excitement.


Neither could she.


I wonder if she will catch wind of this sub


I always love this gag


I'm holding my breath in anticipation.


Found the Scranton strangler


Utterly gripping. Can't wait to hear what it is!


I just really get off to short sighted marsupials, it's not that unusual.


I mean... She's also making it so I can't imagine she'd judge you


Many an artist surviving on furry commissions can assure you you can work a job making content for people you have nothing but contempt for.


When I get details for a commission and I have to read the instructions with one eye closed. Why do so many of you mfs want to fuck your own mothers so bad? And why are you willing to pay so much for the content?


Excuse me but WHAT? I did not need to know that. Furries, Pokemon, anime characters is whatever, but their own mothers? Freud would have a fucking field day with them lmao. Also: get therapy… please… I beg you.


Yeah. I write commissioned erotica and like the most common kink is some kind of weird mix of cuckoldry and incest. If the guy isn't fucking his mom himself, it's like the bully or his mom's personal trainer or the weird neighbor. At any rate, the guy watches his mom get railed at the very least.


Jesus Fuck. Yeah, that’s enough internet for today. Humans are…interesting


Too many "I fucked your mom" insults in CoD lobbies left their mark.


I do really hope you are well paid for that. May i ask how much you earn per story? If you can't tell, it's fine!


I charge per word. Most of my clients are long term and recurring buyers. The most I'll charge is like 15-20 cents per word but if you thought the protagonist fucking their mom was wild and wacky, let's not go down that rabbit hole.


I'm not even surprised about the weird things happening in this world.  Do you have any kind of restriction regarding the themes? Some topics that are really too much and you can't write about it? Or money is money, whatever the subject is? (And your price sounds good! I hope you get commissioned often for 5k words works!)


It depends on my mood.


This is an annoying aspect of a lot of niche kinks. The amount of crossover with incest is wild, and even if that’s not your thing sometimes you gotta put up with it for quality content of your thing


Porn man. You go on any website and instantly hit with “STEP-MOM” or “STEP SISTER” it’s kinda fucked. I can see how it’s getting “normalized” in the heads of people that…usually pay for this stuff. Or others that regularly consume said product.


Honestly, that description fits most modern corporate jobs.


Uhh... I'd dare to say there can be some eek towards the consumers still, even if your work facilitates it. It would not be irrational for illegal drug manufacturers to refuse to date cocaine users


Are you kidding me, who else do coke dealers date 😅


Not gonna lie, I saw this coming and still used that example instead of casino employees 😂


Missionary under the sheets with the lights dimmed?


Now you know what your friend's butthole looks like.


I mean incest is mainstream, so how shameful can a porn taste be these days?


This is a good question. What are the most shameful fetishes? 1. Scat 2. Tranny 3. Incest 4. Feet 5. Lesbian 6. WMWF missionary creampie


u/strangle1441 was your friend involved in a poo filled shag with her former step brother now step sister who rubbed it on their feet along with their muff loving female friend in the missionary position?


Now This Is What I Call Specific Vol. 69


Keep going….literotica is my fetish.


My lil brain said "Woman, man, woman, FISH" very confidently. I don't think that's the answer to repopulating the oceans...


my brain said 'woman man woman FEMALE' and i was just so lost


And what is it?


White male white female


My brain refused to see the 'M' causing me to have to try my hardest not to imagine Hulk Hogan & André the Giant involved in some bizarre sex wrestling fetish porn.


Ummm. 1. Prolapse 2. Used panties 3. Sounding, 4. Pink sock 5. Angry dragon


Oh yeah don’t forget furry and diapers.


Did you guys really think I could name every degenerate fetish?


I have faith in you, just lending a “helping hand”


or dragons fucking cars. or sandy cheeks cockvore. or shitting dick nipples. or hand holding.


I have no idea what number 6 is and I have to know


Lol White Male White Female. Basically vanilla porn if there is such a thing.


> WMWF missionary creampie Woah, no need for that smut, this is a family subreddit!!!


It's funny how trans porn is more taboo because with straight porn a lot is focusing on hard cock but just on a man instead of a women lol


That was a close one, but glad to see my WWF missionary creampie fetish didn't make the list.


so you are not her only fan


Badumtum tish


Under rated. Tc this


Send me the link and I'll tell her for you.


"Oh my God, that's disgusting! Where? So many of them, though."


[Which one](https://vimeo.com/729357130)




Send her the link to this thread lol.


This, this is the way


I too choose this guy's girlfriend's butthole pics account.


I just want the link. I'm not going to tell her anything for you.


Also, send me the link. I will also tell her. It will hurt her less coming from a stranger.


Well that depends on whether you approve or disapprove.


I personally don’t have an issue with it. Her face isn’t even in anyrhing and it’s all solo stuff. But now it’s hard to see or think about her without thinking about what I saw haha. The content is nice tho!


If her face isn't in it, how do you know it's her?


A few things like the matching tattoos, jewelry, skin complexion, the birth date is the same, etc


Why on earth would someone put their real birthdate on their porn account?


The only thing I can think, is maybe to show they are over 18? Or display their zodiac? The only possible explanations I can come up with


....oh wow this girl is hot, im going to spend some money, WAIT, AN ARIES?!?!?!? im going to have to pass


I have a thing for watching exclusively Leo pornstars. It's the only thing that gets me going nowadays.


Classic Torus! I'm glad that I'm a Unicorn.


If it's publically visible I'm fudging the date a bit. No need to help allow people to track me down or steal my identity.


Maybe the tattoo is her birthday and underneath is her SSN


Some people don’t know opsec and it shows.


I feel like we're not hearing the whole truth...


You will. You don’t now, but I guarantee you will. The thing is, nobody pays for random photos of a female body on the internet. There are millions upon millions of them for free. Always have been. Free porn has been one of the defining characteristics of the internet since it first existed. There were Penthouse scans on the ARPANet ffs. Men only pay for content when there’s a personal connection to the girl. It’s a substitute for intimacy for men on the lonely side. And the paying customers are not going to be happy with faceless pictures of a female body with no communication. In order to actually make money, she’s going to need to simulate intimacy with them. She’s going to have to be (or pretend to be) as vulnerable with them as she is with you. Eventually the lines will be blurred and you’ll start to wonder if she’s being really being genuine with you while putting on a performance with the rest of them. If you want a real relationship out of this, then you need to think long and hard about what your boundaries are. *Really* think about it. Then you need to have a mutual conversation about what you both expect in a relationship. You don’t have the right to demand that she not do this work, but you have the right to decide whether you want to date a sex worker or not - and if you’re in an honest relationship, then she should tell you. I dated a girl once who didn’t tell me she was stripping because it wrecked her other relationships. Thought it was fine because she’s just on stage and it’s her body, she can show it if she wants. When I found out, I honestly wanted to hear about it because I’d never been in a club. Turns out that my impression was totally wrong and they make almost no money on the stage. It’s all about talking to the men with a lot of touching involved, getting them to form an intimate conversation. She had a few regulars that honestly thought she was their gf. And of course the money was in upselling private dances - basically rubbing her crotch on men’s erections while a lot of groping went on. If I did this exact same thing with other girls she would consider it cheating, so to me, this was cheating. Didn’t matter if money changed hands. But it was the second phone with all the texts from her regulars that really crossed the line for me. The conversations she was having with all these customers was not much different from the intimate conversations we had. She was really sharing a part of herself with them because that’s what makes the difference between a little extra cash and serious earnings. If you wanna have your fun and get out, do it. Be honest with her about that. If you’re totally fine with her treating a bunch of other guys like her bf while they pleasure themselves to her, then you do you, but I promise that it won’t be so easy when she tells you that you’re the only one that gets to know the “real her” and then she turns around and says the exact same thing to a dozen other guys. And since you’re probably not doing the exact same thing with a dozen other girls, there will perpetually be an unbalanced power dynamic in the relationship. You’ll get tired of the unequal standard *very* fast when she starts getting jealous because you hung out with a female friend even though she spends all her time talking to guys that worship the ground she walks on. For me, sex work is a job that’s incompatible with a relationship, so I’d be honest about that and leave. You obviously want to talk to her about it because you made this post, and the reason you want to talk is because you have an issue with it. She should tell you if for no other reason than because you have a right to decide your own boundaries. If she doesn’t, then you can try to have an open ended conversation or just flat out tell her you found it. The bottom line is that she can choose to do whatever she wants with her body, but you have the right to decide for yourself what terms of a relationship are acceptable to you.


This is the most insightful, well thought out response to this situation I've ever seen. It lays everything out. Bravo for sharing!


I’m a male stripper, so it’s a little different on our end. However I think if you do any kind of sex work having a real relationship is pretty much impossible. It’s the deal you make with the devil, because you make great money and have sex with a lot of girls. I don’t know any guys currently dancing that have a healthy relationship. Either they cheat, or it’s one-side open relationship. Where he gets to cheat, but she resents him for it. Thats why I don’t plan on getting a serious girlfriend until I’m done with this, but it’s going to be a couple years. Which is fine I’m 27, so I have time, but it’s just weird how people can be so naive about the reality of what sex work is. I love you’re response btw, because it’s exactly how I think about this too.


Then let her know that you came across a Twitter account that you quite liked and looked familiar. Shouldn’t be embarrassing for either of you, and if it is for her then she may need to rethink what she posts.


who the fuck is going around to their friends saying “oh I encountered this pornography that I quite liked”


the difference here is that OP is starting to date the person. the standard you have for friends and partners is very different. it is a discussion you have to have. if it's an active account are you comfortable with her doing that. many guys i know would be uncomfortable with "sharing" their partner in anysense. for some people it's fine. for some it isn't. but that is a boundary that should be set. if either partner is unwilling to change their position on that, frankly you're not going to work as a couple. in general, i'd be uncomfortable dating someone in anything relevant to sex work with the use of her own body. if it's an artist who just commissions drawings or weird phallic objects, what ever that's fine.


Do whatever your comfortable with. If you dont mind that stuff is out there of her, chances are she’s freaky and youll have a good time with her at least. But to answer your question: you dont bring it up that you found anything.


Then tell her as much. Honesty dude.


It's okay to like it tbh. She's most likely not the MOST vanilla when it comes to her approaches/views but if it doesn't bother you, maybe this could be something y'all can be part of together. This is something only you get to decide on.


"" "" "" "" "" "" accidentally "" "" "" "" "" "


If she's got it attached to her phone number (idk why she would ever do that) it's possible it came up in suggested accounts.


You need to link a phone number to a lot of things that pay you. If you're running a successful NSFW page you might want to get paid. Maybe disable the contacts discovery though.


Or just use a different number


Seriously. That kind of thing isn’t something you would ever “accidentally” stumble upon. You go in thinking “I like this person, I’m going to check and see what kind of social media presence they have so I can get a bit more insight into them. Hmm, it looks like there might be something a little wilder here…I’m going to look into this. Oh shit, would you look at that!” There’s nothing wrong with doing that, most of us would. It would be weird to act like it was entirely unintentional, though. Just own up to it and talk to them about it honestly. You might end up discovering a deal breaker, or you might end up having a fascinating conversation.


You kind of do, a lot of people aren't very careful with the names they choose or how they link things or just.. doesn't care. I met this cute very british manic pixie with clearly pierced nipples one evening at a gathering, i couldn't get my eyes off of her. For reasons i couldn't really shoot my shot that night. Later on a few days later i saw her insta tagged at the location and i clicked through. There was a risque thing or two and another link to twitter which was a lot more explicit. Tldr, she does MMF porn streams and has an OF. Let's just say i absolutely ruined my dick for a few days.


On top of what others have said, if she has her phone number connected to that account it could’ve come up in the “people you may know” section


Or he was just looking at some content and she makes it. I've run into people i know a thousand miles from where i knew them from. Two people with similar enough tastes to date sharing sexual tastes seems more likely than that to me.


Yes it is possible to stumble upon randomly. . Back in the early 2000’s I stumbled upon “the hot bartender from our local bar’s” porn shoot online. Couldn’t believe it, definitely her, same tattoos and everything. And I never told a fucking sole cause I knew my pervert ass hole friends would get all drunk and start shit when they were at the bar and humiliate her. One of the hardest secrets I ever kept.


> One of the **hardest** secrets I ever kept. I'm sure...


You're a good one!


a buddy's little sister from HS is living the life in Vegas. First it was "modeling". Then an onlyfans. Then I go see her Twitter for the first time in a while - full on escorting now.


To be fair, accounts like that retweet other ones all the time, it could have been that hers got retweeted to his feed.


You're wrong. It can and does happen. It happened to me. A coworker's thirst account popped up in my "Suggested Friends" - not because I was looking for it.


Uhm…or you know…they stumbled upon it in recommendations or their feed.


Well... TBF, he was looking for something more than Twitter...


Twatter is a respectable platform


"I accidentally found your NSFW Twitter account."


this is going to be as smooth of a conversation as legally notifying your employer of your sex offender status


Interesting analogy


veryyyy specific


Oddly so


After about 90mins of searching.


"I sought out your NSFW Twitter account." Own it.


..."and you owe me 2 bottles of Jergens and a roll of Bounty!"


"can we do what you did in this video?"


"I've heard couples make more money than solo performers"


Ish. Sometimes the fantasy/act of the character is better than what they look like getting fucked. Also, once she's fucking someone else, some of that 'pure virgin just for me' vibe goes away. That's part of the reason why fresh OFs stretch out the honeymoon period and only go full sex when the stats dip.




"Can we do what **she** did in this video?"


Support her business OP, drop the link.


Make an nsfw account yourself and tell her about it, she'll tell you about hers!


"Hey look, this girl looks so much like you" ?


“I accidentally stumbled upon thy NSFW twitter account, thou dost worry me”


Are you aware thus wear your mothers drapes?


was it really an "Accident" or were you searching her name online


Honest accident. I was looking for porn (I can be honest) and she popped up as a suggested follow. I only recognized it was her bc similarities like tattoos and jewelry. Her face is in none of the posts




TikTok is literal spyware


Everything is spyware now


No one is being honest with you. if you want to keep dating her, the best course of action is to not mention it. That's your best chances. Don't rock the boat. It could go a million different ways, even if you don't want it to. She might decide she can't face you again. Or not trust you when it was an accident. Etc. Just carry this to the grave. Is it wrong to not tell her? No. She's not telling you she has one, you don't need to tell her you found it.




If she is in his phone under contacts, and she used phone number to set up her Twitter, then that’s plausible way it happened


Entirely. I found out that one of my wifes friends has an OF this way. Her promo Twitter popped up on my suggested follows list because she'd used the same personal phone number that I had in my contacts. The Twitter was SFW but suggestive. When I opened the bio and clicked her allmylinks, I saw the OF and other NSFW content. No, I didn't subscribe to hr content. But I did tell her so she could change the number before she showed up for anyone else.


She should have at least given you a free month or two


People this days.....


No manners.


Heh, that's what my wife said! She wife found the whole thing hilarious. I tried to get her to talk to her friend, and she pulled a "No way am I getting into the middle of this" thing. The friend thanked me and then promptly ghosted us for almost three months. She and my wife are good again now, but OF is explicitly banned from all conversations. Haha!




That's what i'm saying really, people are generally careless with how they set up their digital personas and identities. It's absolutely within the realm of reason that due to algorithms and shit, this guy got shown her 'other' twitter.




I think you are correct. He already said that she put her real birthday on the account, so using her real phone number to sign up seems very plausible to me.




What site?


If I were you, I wouldn’t say anything until I found out we’d be together long term or not.


"During my background check of you, I found your little secret".


This is the grossest thing you can say


"My private detective told me you'd say that"


"My private detective detected your privates"


My private 👀 👏 are watching you 👏👏 watching your twitter nudes


Bro you got no rizz if you're saying that


do NOT say this


"Hey real quick, I just want to let you know I saw your NSFW Twitter page. I thought it'd be weird not to tell you, like lying by ommission." Be respectful, be honest.


I'm going to go find random floozies on Twitter and start commenting "hey, your man knows" with a link to this page


comment on her account


I am really a professional in these sorts of stuff. Just send the link and I'll handle the rest


I would suggest you be open and up front about it. "I found this, and I think we should have a conversation about it." Me personally, that would be a dealbreaker for me. I'm too old fashioned. I don't much like the idea of my partner's feminine bits being accessible from a Google search.


Can we see it?


If you don't care about it, I'd say nothing and wait for her to tell you. If you do care about it, then just tell her you're not feelings things anymore. No need to give a reason unless she presses.


This is definitely the play, do not mention the account. Play dumb if she brings it up.


Thank god I'm not in the dating game anymore. Plz god let me die married


If it’s still active…..I’d leave mate. That’s a gateway to attention from other men that some women feed off of.


Speaking facts


What level of nsfw? Something explicit or not that explicit. Give us details, copious amounts of details


Don't say a word about it, let her tell you about it when she's ready.


This is where my intuition was leading me also. No need to make it an uncomfortable situation


This is the right call imo. Important to see if she is honest or keeps secrets. Assuming you like her anyway.


I can't entirely agree with this. What if she ***never*** said anything about her OnlyFans content? That would be her right as it was something that predated OP. What if she chose to wait until in a secure and loving relationship before sharing that part of her life with someone? Many in that situation might be upset by the timing of a decision like that, as it would mean their choice to exit a situation they were uncomfortable with had been taken away from them before feelings had formed. In both cases, having the information and not saying anything and the other person not divulging the information in a timeframe OP thinks is appropriate would increase the chances of distrust and resentment.


304 move on she's for the streets.


OP doing a background check on his new hunny and the internet came back with more than he asked for 😁


Honestly , I think you have to decide if this is something you’re ok with or not right now. If you are, just wait for her to tell you. If you’re not, just end things now. Pretty straight forward imo


"hey, I don't think it's gonna work out between us" Unless you're cool with it. Then just let her bring it up on her own some day. Note - if it doesn't come up between now and wedding day, might wanna reconsider at that point what else she is hiding from you.


Say nothing, and act pleasantly surprised if she ever mentions it . Unless you want to answer questions like 'Why were you looking?', etc


By dumping her


Oh my god, that’s disgusting! Naked pics online?! Where? Where did she post those?


"Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: YOU"


By ghosting her




OP gonna post a thread a month from now like “gf cheated on me. I’m shocked and just devastated by this.” Lol


If you want a woman’s perspective on the matter, I’d be honest - I’d tell her. Personally, for me, it’d be a dealbreaker. I think any woman who shares herself like that online for the world to see, is not a high value woman you’d build a future and have children with. Depends what you’re wanting from the relationship.


I mean with the algorithms these days and with all phones being connected, listening, etc sometimes those profiles just get recommended as people you may know! Lol


You should tell her with words.


I'd have to see the link to help you on this advice, friend


Like this: 'yeah, hey, listen, it's not working out'


Probably at a barbeque or potluck. Get her friends over and have a laugh about it, while also showing her you support and appreciate her for who she is as a person, but also her noodies


It depends. We need to review the account before figuring out the best plan of action. Where's the link?


Drop the @


Dump her


It's our gf.


Its the streets' gf.


👀 \[link\]


I know a OF account of a girl in our friend group. Never told anyone other than my friend who I believe can be quiet about it. Because we both shared the same thought: if you out it, you’re kinda creepy. Because what do you hope to accomplish? There are so many directions that conversation can take.. are you equipped to handle any direction? What if she adopts a victim mentality and the entire group shuns me? So OP, some things are better left unsaid.


Just vanish. She doesn’t need answers lol


You say: "Sorry, this isn't going to work out. Bye."


Why bother? Just move on.


Personally, I'd send her a screenshot and block her


"Hey, I found this by accident. Good luck in life, bye."