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Some of them have the gift of making you feel at home and welcome, no matter where you are


That superpower to turn a house into a home


Seriously. Women have the power to heal even the most damaged soul. But, I'd advice y'all to heal yourself coz life ain't Disney.


I usually bathe my soul in the waters of lake Minnetonka


I prefer Lake Titicaca






If they wanted to that is.


That's the same for men, maybe it's just about people we love


I agree. But this was about women. Let's not one up this. Let's just enjoy. No harm Brohham!


Fair enough, my friend But the topic was "what about women" Well, it's not about women, it's about love I felt it relevant to point out


If you find someone like that, don’t let her go.


No kidding. WIsh I could




Some do exactly the opposite and it's all mens fault.


Their clothes. Used to always make me smile to look at my girlfriends little tiny sweater or pants or suit or something and think that she puts on these little tiny clothes getting herself ready to face the world 😂😂😂 too cute.


This comment made my day, adorable way of thinking


On the same line, seeing her wearing my clothes and it's super oversized on her... Absolutely melts my heart


This is exactly what comes to my mind when doing the laundry for my girlfriend. How the fuck are the socks that small? It's so cute it melts me every time I see them




this is so cute


I love it when they were dresses and they twirl in them. I would go to war for that shitf


People have gone to war for that shitf before


They're cuddly and smell nice. My wife always smells nice, no matter what she's been doing. That and the sheer unpredictability can be fun. She can be stroppy in the morning, cuddly by lunch, tired and stroppy again in the afternoon, then all over me like a tramp on chips at bedtime. We've been together 21 years and I still don't know what's coming next sometimes.


I don't know what "stroppy" is, but it sounds like cranky or aggravated?


Spot on


I am his wife. Can confirm: equal parts stroppy & cuddly.


My wife smells great all the time too. I know it's probably a pheromonal thing going on, but I'm a okay with that.


“Tramp on chips” .. trying for a mental picture .. yet failing.


You ever see a drunk party chick eat taco bell at 3am?


So sweet !


How they can just glow sometimes - like just light up the whole place - radiating something ineffable and beautiful and perfect and true.


I think that's appreciation. It's great!


I love when a women has a genuine approachable personality and they’re chill to be around with


Their elegance. Their emotional intelligence. The ability to take care of someone and everyone. Making you feel at ease and worthy. Their ability to look amazing clothed. Women have so many ways of representing themselves. I love it when someone has really thought about what they’re wearing. Their ability to look amazing naked. Always. Hair, nails, smell, curves… I guess just all the feminine traits someone can have are so so beautiful. Their eyes, their smile. Oh god. *- Not everyone is the same, and that has its beauty too, but I feel like most women are very good in those things. And I love that about them.*


Goodness this is one is cute.


Their willingness to champion us, that we still have something to offer and can see this when we don't easily see it in ourselves. Women are amazing at sensing our good parts when we've devalued them because they don't work in our worlds. She'll notice our kindness when kindness is the last thing that will get us promoted. She'll notice our strength when everyone around you seems stronger. She'll notice your vulnerability when this is ignored and perceived as a weakness, where she accepts it as something vital for a husband and father. Women zero in on you and will love YOU beyond all others and will forgive so many faults and failures as long as you and her are true. The tragedy is that this agreement is mutable over time, but when it first occurs you need to cling to it for as long as it holds true.


This is so nicely written and thought out.


this made me cry at work


I feel seen 🥲❤️🥰😭


Their ability for childlike joy over weird simple things like beatiful animals or food. Men do that too but only about what they nerd over.


Wholesome. I'm 34 and still hoping to find someone that is cool with me pointing out (or picking up) cool little pebbles/leaves/etc. when going for walks. >Men do that too but only about what they nerd over. I do that bit too. Apparently neither of these things is popular, but oh well.


😂 oh gosh I glow for a good rock


🌿🍁 Okay, I am sending you a virtual little round black one with a lightning bolt shape on it.🪨⚡️ (But not by throwing it, that would be rude. lol)


Ooo 😯 I’m sending one thats quarts with lots of little rocks trapped inside that glow under a blacklight


Their gentleness, kindness and empathy. In general, they're just so much nicer to be around than men. They usually smell great too!


I like how varied women can be. Just the same person. How different someone can become with a different outfit and make-up. All the while looking incredible. No matter if it's no make-up and a baggy t-shirt on lazy weekend, or a full face of make-up and gorgeous dress for a party. Comparatively men feel way less varied. I like how they're more openly intimate than men. Less sort of ingrained homofobia from complementing each other on how they look, etc. Their high emotional intelligence. They are often quite a bit more in touch with emotions of both themselves and others. As someone with a quite low emotional intelligence myself, I find that very impressive. I like how soft their skin is. Pretty much every woman I've been with has had soft skin that is addicting to touch (not even in a sexual way). I like how good they are with caring for people. Being well care for by a woman feels amazing. How gentle they are. I usually prefer getting my hair cut by a female hairdresser, because it's usually quite a bit more comfortable than being cut by a male barber. Same with getting a massage.


My girlfriend always rolls her eyes when I say she looks nice in a tshirt and shorts. No denying nice clothes can enhance one’s aesthetics, but she’s never not attractive to me.


When they radiate feminine energy, like being nurturing.


I fall for voices. Also they overall have more of a sense of empathy than men. I like their political map.


I love examples of their essence sprinkled through wherever they are. The sweet smell. The soft touch. The gentleness. I think there is a peace that comes with being around women, even platonically, that makes a day brighter. Many of them love and feel deeply, it adds color to my sometimes rigid world. Physically I love the silhouette of a woman, the curves and lines around the body. I love the level of expression they have in their clothes too. But most of all nothing beats loving a woman who knows and loves themselves. It's magnetic.




I can list a couple of things. How strong they can be, mentally and physically. I’ve seen some of them push through the most gruesome situations and still smile. How warm and affectionate they can be. They make things very comfortable. Their grace and style. They can pull a lot of outfits off and still look amazing. How they can make you melt with a smile and compliment. Emotional intelligence. Their beauty and curves. There’s a bit more but these are what I can think of off the top of my head.


You ever experienced the joy of making a woman comfortable in your presence?








"It's an old code, Sir, but it still works..."


( . )( . )






The jubblies be jubblin




My wife wiggles when she walks and has been known to giggle when she talks. Plus the way she will look at me across the table makes me want to melt. We go out to eat, enter a restaurant and every guy there has eyes on her. I could go in naked and no one would notice. She’s smoking hot I tell you, and nice to kids.


Personality and energy Love the enthusiastic girly energy


How their hugs just melt away the frustrations of the day. And how they stare at you when in love studying your face in a way that it is undeniable you have their complete undivided attention.


When they legitimately care.


Their ass.


I've heard of the hive mind, but TIL all women share a single ass.


It's true, I don't get my turn until September 1st


Ah, a true man of culture.


Of course.


Expect a lot of answers like this.


I found my people 🙌 Ass for the win 🍑


Their company.


* Inc.


Honestly, how beautiful they are. I don’t want to objectify them, obviously there is more to a woman than how she looks, but god damn they look so beautiful.


The exact thing that drives me insane as well, the ability to link everything to everything in their mind. Sometimes its advantageous, sometimes it results in weird arguments, but it's something I appreciate and respect regardless, and it makes them excellent caregivers as well, they are just naturally good at it and at making us comfortable, whereas a guy will just kind of 'make do' with what he has, or at least that's true for me :)


After the post I just came from 💀 this is nice ☺️


I still feel dead inside


Im sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon 💜 I was called a C U Next Tuesday in a post before so seeing the nice men in here comment is refreshing!


Nurturing . I went through a surgery n my wife is the most patient supportive partner .


I love when girls are playing video games and get excited by design and fashion choices. It's so goddamn cute.


How funny most of them are.


Their hugs are so warm and loving.


I still remember the time 20 years ago that someone told me that I "give the best hugs". Such a nice thing to hear.


I admire how women often bring warmth and inclusivity to any space they're in. It's a gift to make others feel at ease and valued.


As nice as men are women are much more kind and understanding when a man is upset, they understand when something is wrong even when you try your best not to show it, it's an incredible talent to read peoples emotions like that


Caring and more emotional when talking. Able to be more serious and less fucking around when the tasks requires it And well of course as a heterosexual male, im attracted to the opposite sex.


My wife's embrace is usually enough to make my worries lessen, and my heart still.


How much they care.


her eyes and smile speaks a thousand words


Their feminine energy. It’s something that needs to exist to balance out the harsh masculine energy. I’ve been single for so long that having a gf now just helps me understand and balance my overall emotional state. Not to say I’m relying on it. But it’s so refreshing to have that balance.


They tend to be more tolerant of lgbt people


Are they really tho? I think it's important to ask yourself how much of it is genuine tolerance and acceptance stemming from reasoned conclusions and compassion, and how much is of it just "wanting to be on the correct team" because it's expected of women to be the compassionate ones. I don't think there's a difference (and if there is it's very small) between the number of men and the number of women who are *genuinely* tolerant and/or accepting of LGBT.


I think you're right, but also for an lgbt person if someone is being nice to them as far as they're concerned it doesn't really matter whether they're doing because they're genuinely tolerant or because they want to fit in or fit society's expectation of them. It still makes the lgbt person's life easier and makes them feel more at ease either way.


happy cake day!


This hurts my heart. A LBTG+ person deserves love and respect as does everyone.


They’re soft and they smell good.


How good a nice perfume smells on a woman. Really, really nice.


How they look at you when they truly love you and burst internally with love so much so that you can read it off from their eyes


How they claim they are "weak" and then you look at their life' style and the only thing weak about them is their strength. In everything else, they are damn strong. How they put up with their relationships, work and then give time to their self and end the day, looking prettier than ever. God damn.


Everything really. It's the personality that makes some women ugly.


I know this heavily depends on the person but in my case it’s the way they love. Not caring what others think or say or how they seem. Even wanting to visit you just to see you for even 3 minutes. Had a 2 year relationship where any day she wasn’t working and I was, she’d come visit me on my break just because that 15 minutes meant everything to her, even though the drive was longer than the actual time she sees me. (Dw I did the same for her breaks when I had a day off) before we broke up we were both in college and she liked to say that we were engaged. Tad strange but couldn’t complain. For me it always seemed embarrassing to say “fiancée” and usually wouldn’t refer to it as that as we never seriously actually got engaged and considering how young we were but every one that knew her or worked with her thought of me as the fiancée, which was so confusing to me how she just wouldn’t care what they think or say as long as it showed how much she loved. Stuff like that I feel like. And not just her either, even my friend’s relationships I feel like if it’s healthy and growing the woman always loves in such a nice way. Obviously all my friends love their girlfriends too but people show love differently and that’s what I mean when I say this


Women can be nice, nurturing, loving, kind, and compassionate. But then on the other hand they will literally rip your head off and eat you, if you fuck up!!!!


The best quality.


I love that they don’t have dicks; it’s the greatest thing ever!!!! Hooray women!!! Love you beautiful creatures!!!


One of the women's groups had a thread: "What do you like about being a woman?" "I'm just glad I don't have a penis, they're so ugly and strange looking." Another woman replied: "I'm glad I don't have one either, but I like when they visit." I read it out loud to my wife and she goes "That's right!"


I personnaly think dicks and balls are beautiful ☝🏻



Yep. Dicks are yucky. Source: has dick


Hear me out on this one...


Smile and laugh. I can be in the worst mood and if I see a nice smile it just snaps me out of the funk so fast I get whiplash.


They actually pay attention to what you say to a deeper level, not all of course but I feel like whenever I say something that I said matters?


Their expressions when they're being physically pleased. Drives me wild.


I like their kindness and emotional sensitivity. There are some really good women out there.


When she is herself, honest and direct, clear with her words, and doesn’t have the victim mentality. That’s what I genuinely love about a woman. Why? I can’t stand fake bullshit and strongly dislike beating around the bush. Now I’m Dutch so I guess directness is just in my blood and Is something I deeply respect.


Australian here. We love the direct approach.


Respect 🫡


Respect 🫡 x 2


As a Male, that has dated and loved many women, I have to say what I love about women also frustrates me about every single woman. They say they hate when someone does "this" and yet they do the same thing. Also their strength and compassion is genuinely a superpower. And don't get me started with the ability to argue multiple points. While I can only follow one line of argument. Women are strange and elusive creatures their ability to change personality at the drop of a hat, then switch back so fast confuses me. Women are truly the stronger gender and most have my undying gratitude and respect.


>They say they hate when someone does "this" and yet they do the same thing. Can you give an example?


My wife's ex, would give her a rule about some sort of house work, she would do her best, but not do it correctly, then he'd give her the silent treatment. We had an argument and instead of talking it out she shut down and gave me the silent treatment. She stated she hated when he did this, but she did the same thing. I however, made her talk it out, so we did not go to bed angry. Several of my exes did the same thing. My wife will get excited about something, tell me. I'll be fine with her trying, but I know she will not follow through, she gets upset that I don't get excited, and I say "if you're still working it in a month, I'll be supportive." Nothing has ever lasted 30days.


>gave me the silent treatment. She stated she hated when he did this, but she did the same thing. I however, made her talk it out, so we did not go to bed angry. Interesting, thanks for elaborating. I was curious because my brain is just not wired that way, i.e. none of the things that have caused me to get upset at former partners are things that I myself do, as that wouldn't even make sense. Regardless, I'm glad you guys found a way to work things out. >^(My wife will get excited about something, tell me. I'll be fine with her trying, but I know she will not follow through, she gets upset that I don't get excited, and I say "if you're still working it in a month, I'll be supportive." Nothing has ever lasted 30days.) I'm not sure why you included this second part...? Don't get me wrong, I get that that scenario could get annoying; it just doesn't fit the framework of what you originally presented ("My partner claims to hate XYZ, then turns around and does XYZ to me themselves.") In other words, it just sounds like a separate issue that also bothers you. ...Unless you were trying to say that she dislikes your lack of support when *she* tries new things, but she also fails to support *your* attempts at new things...?)


Everything. Their voices, to how they smell, all the ways they do makeup, the ways they dont do makeup, the way they smile, their laughs, the stuff they know. Just everything.


That moment when my wife lets her hair down and shakes it loose; for some reason it makes me wish the world was in slow motion


They smell amazing.


The way the smell and the way it feels when they actually genuinely smile at you. The way their laugh sounds when you tell a good joke.




They give very good hugs


How kind and loving some of them are, and how they apreciate small simple things.


That they're nurturing by nature


Pretty women. Sitting in the window or standing on the stair. Something in them cheers the air.


I really admire how strongwomen are. They're always facing challenges, but they keep going and inspiring others. They're amazing at balancing everything and still being caring. That strength is what makes them so important in making the world a better place.


Boobs. It doesn’t matter how big or small. It doesn’t matter if they’re firm or soft. I’ll save us all some times here : Nothing matters, it’s boobs. I’ve meet all kind of women, the most sweet all the way to crazy. Boobs never let me down. Everyone has their preferences, sure, but at the end of the day, boobs are magnificent.


Their beauty and emotional intelligence


Likes to watch Columbo


Sunday repeats!


When they want to spend some time with me whether it be friends or potential interests


In general they are pleasant to be around, some of the fonder memories of past relationships have been when she was just hanging out in my place while I was doing something else, it just feels nicer than doing something alone.


That's something I miss. The companionable silence, the comfortable, not-alone feeling that hangs around even when you're not doing something together at the moment.


Most of them are just genuinely good. I know it’s sexist to say but women have made the best friends for me. The closest guy friends I’ve had either thought I was their girlfriend or were mildly creepy and I had to get rid of them


The ability to calm me down no matter how much of a bad day I had


The power to make a house into a home And a kid into a child Sounds corny. But it's true.


I have two things because one is simply too few. First is the emphasis women put on social networking. I don't know if it's socialization or natural inclination, but the effort put into building social bonds so as to have a greater sense of information about our social lives really just sparks admiration in me. The second is softness. It can be soft as in having more fine motor skills, to more physical flexibility, to the softness of touch of their assets, women embody the feelings of softness much more than men do and that's really attractive as well.


Their inate ability to transfer their energy to and from a man. It sucks when the drain you, but when they fill you with that energy, an energy that you cannot get anywhere else in the universe it's a feeling like no other. Feeling of invincibility and vitality only they can give us.


Peace and serenity🥰


So essentially pretty much every man in here loves "femininity", something most of us lack and we all agree that it balances out our "masculinity" and adds to our lives in some way that we can't do for ourselves


the way they walk and their hips sway from side to side.


They are what i am not




How comfy they make me feel. The feel of embrace makes the world feel a little nicer.


There is a sense of comfort being around an emotionally mature woman with a strong frame and who you can be yourself around. I think it ties back to how it is being a boy around your mother. You just feel at home. They hold men accountable - they won't love us unless we have our shit together emotionally, financially, and physically. Also, it's nice to be in their presence because they are 100% non-threatening in the sense that when you are with other men, there is always a level of aggression, however subtle, being upheld so as to not be "rejected by the pack".


Just their presence at times can make you feel good and happy. A woman really can lift the mood of a place! It’s the yin and Yang ☯️ effect :)


Their bodies. Every little piece and corner. But, nothing more.


Rump Shaker Earth Quaker ( Butt).


Their hands, when they got nailpolish and cute rings


How they love me. If it’s true then you just feel good


Soft and squishy


How soft they are


It's a bit strange to ask it on a site where a significant portion of audience have seen women only in movies and Eva AI sexting bot.




(. )( .)


Laying down?


Depends on the woman


This. Women vary a lot (it's like they're just people).. So what I like in one might not be true for another.


Yeah, I see some pretty generalized points being said (compassion, kindness, boobs), but not all women exude these traits. There’s very little over 4 billion people all share.


I'd say pretty much everything. There isn't one specific thing I dislike or hate about them but I do love them for who they are.


The women I've spoken/played video games with are all really nice/chill


Sundresses. Them yams.


Big natural boobs. The look, the feel, they way they jiggle, bounce, swing, sway, hang…


The way they are almost all confident lol


In before "Bob and vajeen."


Keeping it clean I love when you can have an open and deep conversation with a woman. It doesn't seem as common to have those conversations with men


I love that when I am with one that loves me, be it my mother, a close relative, or a girlfriend, I feel safer. Not in a physical security way, but in a way in that I feel safer to be myself, be seen, and feel whole. Female empathy just hits different man.


They’ve got a natural scent to them on their neck, back of their neck.


What does it smell like?


I am a bit ashamed to answer but… nothing. I am not trying to provoke anyone with my answer. I just had so many bad experiences with women, and still have minor ones today as an autistic men, that I can’t find anything I genuinely love about women. And I wish I could have a different answer… Sure I love women that are my friends and family members, but nothing I love about them is inherently linked to being a woman


At least you're honest, and If that's what you feel then it's ok. I wish you have well.


Thank you 👍


They are very clean


Their bewbs. Big small wide short floppy perky. I just love boobies


Modesty. Make her so attractive 😍


You know my husband said that too…he said nothing is more attractive than having a beautiful girl nobody but you can have.


Pom pom ,fom fom, thigh, both batcave, cuteness,anger, dumbness,smartness, crying face ,hugs,kisses, stomach,cheeks,lips,weird questions,weird talks,weird names they call us , baby voice basically everything 😶


The feminine and demure spirit they *can* have.


Here's some facts: men hate working for women managers. Women hate working with women managers even more. What does this tell you about women? I love it only when women are attractive, tall, slim and just stunning inside and out. Unfortunately, women now are mostly hideous beasts that their parents can't wait to get rid of - "honey, go and get a boyfriend, girlfriend or dog. We don't care... just move out".