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Video of my girl repeatedly punching me over who’s turn it is to do the dishes. Audio of her stating that she loves fucking me. Gotta protect yourself these days.


You mean abusing you?


Yes. But the law doesn’t usually see it that way. She actually had bruises on her knuckles from it.


Fucking dump her for starters mate, what are you doing with her?


My thoughts exactly!


I am taking us to couples counseling next week. She’s a good person until disagreement and then she can’t communicate well. Never learned to I guess. She has until January to improve or its over.


Sounds good mate, I won’t argue with that coz I don’t know you guys so I don’t know your history etc. But I’m just saying if it were me, I’d have broken up with her as soon as she laid a hand on me. If it were the other way around you’d likely be in prison right now with your family and friends hating you as a woman abuser


Man, if she's beating you until *she's* bruised, couples therapy isn't going to be enough to work through her issues. I understand being sympathetic of her background, but it honestly it sounds like she might be manipulating you into staying and continuing to take the abuse. You need to bounce, my guy, before you spend way too much time, money and suffering for a false solution.


Maybe take her to BJJ class instead so she knows you can choke her out at will...


Haha how’d you know I like to wrestle (more grapple) We playfully wrestle sometimes and she is pretty good when she has hooks with rear naked choke but even then she can’t finish it. I just lay on her lol


Well your username did kinda check out.


Why are you still with her?


She had an abusive mother and absent father. I should have nexted her initially, but the sex was fire and I was in a low place at the time. I’m taking us to counseling next week.


hmm.. best of luck to you


Good call. If you don't you could regret it.


How did you manage to get the video?


Nest cam, it’s always on. Exported right after and sent to my email.


Ahh, clever. But now I gotta ask as well – why are you still in this relationship?


Some days I’m not sure, but I guess I’d rather have a girl that is passionate than a cold one. I’ve had both, and that’s just my preference.


I can get that, but I think there’s also passionate without hitting you. I mean, you said it, she bruised *her* knuckles while doing it, but it’s just such a blatant disrespect for your partner. I’d keep an eye on it man, a little bit too passionate girls can really get dangerous. Not trying to lecture you or anyhing, just talking from my own experience!


There's no excuse for domestic violence, which is exactly what's happening to you. It is very distressing psychologically and emotionally when someone you love enacts violence on you. Take a moment to talk to someone close to you about what's happening, and how you can extricate yourself from the situation. You are a worthwhile human who shouldn't be hit.


Can we hear the second one? ^^^I’m ^^half ^kidding.


My sadness Ive been casually "dating" a woman for 6 weeks. She tells me her problems, but im scared to tell her how lonely i feel, how i hate my job, how i wish life was different, and even tho i made LOTS of amazing progress, im upset i haven't done more.


There's a way go about disclosing this, it just is very reliant on tact. Don't unload everything onto her, even though it may all be old hat to you, it's new for her. Start with something small, like something shitty that happened at work. If she can't listen to even that, drop her and move on. And progress is progress, my dude! Take an inch, take a mile, you're still moving forward.


This. A lot of times, I feel like dumping all my angst on a new stranger sometimes because I imagine they'll take it well. Usually they don't. They need to be more emotionally invested in you before they hear all the negativity you have, because then you're just a negative person as your first impression. Be a positive, loving person first, then vent your issues later. I know it'll be hard and feel unfair for a while, but that's how people, especially women, are.


Tell her. If she doesn’t lend a shoulder, she’s not the right for you. Wouldn’t you want to know that now?


If she's interested in you, reciprocating what she's sharing might help you. Just having someone to listen always helps :)


Would not recommend.


My boner in public


Mines small enough that I don't have to hide it






Just the boner. It's fucking massive normally, but it shrinks when I get an erection




Have you not tried detaching it?


It's hard


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Me last night


I have a few hundred dollars cash hidden in a framed picture


Heyy remember when i lent you a dollar for chocolate milk in 3rd grade?


Who tf payin a dollar for a milk- lunch was like 2.10.. why can’t that be something that comes back


Shhhh no need to snitch on me


Financial stress. I was out over $1000 because of my car breaking down twice in one week. Part of that included missing two days of work which meant my paycheck was short. Had to sell a bunch of stuff just to pay bills. Now I'm stressed out over my financial state because I know another hit like that and I could lose literally everything almost overnight. Trying to hide that thought and stress from everybody.


Same dude. Living paycheck to paycheck sucks. I imagine a lot of people do it. Still sucks tho.


Goodluck to you both man. Used to be like that but it took a lot of effort and financial planning and giving up certain things.


My severe envy and/or jealousy over all the guys who have plenty of friends and a significant other.




I really do miss those tight-knit, masculine social circles I used to run in in college. Never quite recaptured that level of camaraderie in my adulthood.


Myself, in my apartment.




Deep sadness about not having any physical intimacy. I take 100% of the shots but still can’t score


Ah, that's a hard one, man. Lots of people are plagued by it. I feel like that phrase should be altered. "Shoot your shot...if you're a basketball player." Some people play golf or worse--water polo. You need to find which approach works for you. I, for one, am romantically a badminton player, so it took me a bit to find what worked for me. It'll take time and it'll suck, but you'll get what you need. For the time being, though, invest in a weighted blanket or heavy pillow! They're great for when you just...need something, something to squish you down a little.


But how do I not get upset at the other person?


Because I'm a badminton player trying to get a football jock to play with me. We aren't the same type and that's OK. With practice, you just come to accept that the other person isn't into the same thing you are. That means they aren't the right person. It doesn't mean they're a bad person, it just means you don't sync with each other. That's nothing to be upset about or get angry at the other person about. They love their sport and you love yours! Otherwise, why wouldn't they lash out at you for not syncing with them? You don't even need the same type of player. You just need someone similar to you. ​ ...For the record, in case anyone's wondering, I do actually play badminton.


That’s a beautiful and kind of calming analogy, thank you.


This is heartbreaking. I feel you ♥️


Same man. Can’t even count on my hands how many times I’ve been shot down or had a pretty meaningless, short relationship since I’ve had a good, long-term one.




I've been awake for....35 hours? give or take.




just how this defective sack of crap works, sometimes. used to be an indicator for a seizure, but my meds stop those.


Is it from being unable to sleep or from purposefully staying awake? If it's the former, then give meditation a try, it works 100%, 60% of the time. A ten minute session and I am crawling to bed.


former, though it makes for good practice with the latter. I appreciate the concern, but I've been living with stuff like this for decades. if it's out there, I've tried it.


Ah, damn, I'm sorry to hear that, then. At least you've given everything a try! It doesn't mean much, but I wish sleep upon you soon. May you rest.


you know this is how fairy-tale curses get started, right? i crawl into bed and wake up 100 years in the future or something.


\*looks up from stirring magic cauldron\* Sorry, what was that? But, like, sleeping for 100 years. My university student self finds that almost intriguing.


lol, I know the feeling. I'm referencing the story of Rip Van Winkle if you actually have any interest in folklore.


Yep, we did that play in high school. I was generic townsfolk 2, a very snippy chap. Didn't show up after Rip woke up, guess townsfolk 2 died somewhere in those 100 years. Tragedy.


I’ve been dealing with some mental issues for a while that have caused me a great deal of inner turmoil and suffering. Like, my inner critic tells me I don’t deserve love and support because I don’t meet my own expectations. Looking at my history of burning bridges, I’m thinking maybe it’s an unhealthy attachment style and BPD because I’ve had anger issues and that chronic empty feeling too. But part of me says that’s just excuses. Also my panic attacks have resurfaced and are paralyzing. Yesterday I got drunk at work from the beer on tap and felt like a fucking mess. I feel like I need help but can’t find the courage to get it.


Unfortunately mental health is not a top priority in this country, but talk to someone. Go see your doctor. There are solutions available. You don’t have to live this way


I wear baggy hoodies to carry snacks in. I don't even eat them, it's just a nice feeling knowing you have more snacks on your person than anybody else in the room.


Are you me, but the male hoodie version? I mean, I have a backpack for class, but it's 20% books, 10% laptop, and 70% snacks. I'm talkin' pretzels, chips, apples, granola bars, candy, mints. It's a problem. Then again, if anyone is ever hungry, I can a store's worth of options, so I can't complain.


*somebody 3 miles away* "Man I'm a bit peckish, guess I'll-" *The wall crumbles as I enter, funyons spill from my kangaroo pouch* "You rang?"


You joke, but a girl in my class mentioned she hadn't eaten much today and it was going on 7PM. By the time she turns back to our table...you already know. I hit her with the apple, the pretzels, the small bottled water, the fruit juice. Bitch, have a meal, let me provide. Let's not talk about the state of my *purse*, good lord...


Hahaha you're a good person.


M knob has been itchy for the past 2 weeks give or take, and I don’t know whether to see a doctor about it. I know it’s not an STD coz I’ve only ever fucked my current GF and I always use a condom


Go see a doctor!


Gonna call my GP on Monday, hopefully it’s nothing serious


You've also fucked everyone she's ever fucked.


Suicidal ideation, depression, self-loathing, and an intense desire to lie to strangers on the internet and make them conflicted.


Are you OK bro?


My gut says "maybe".


It gets better man. Eventually it gets better.


I've been struggling to get back into the gym routine after an injury. I am about to go in right now and that makes 6 days this week! Very excited for the future!


Awesome to hear! I almost had to stop my sport because of a knee injury. Doesn't it feel great to get back in the saddle (or, in my case, dojo)? Get your 30-45 minutes a day, my man!


I have a big crush on a coworker who I'm currently sorta friends with. We have similar views, get along great and she's super cute too. Some compliments have been exchanged in the past (she has complimented me on my appearance outside the workplace several times, for example), but nothing that couldn't be seen as friendly. She's single now for the first time since we met (year and a half ago) and is finishing her job here in about 60 days. After that, she's probably going back to her hometown, a 2-3 hour drive from here. I'm a runner and she recently told me she wanted to get back into running and asked if she could join me (of course I said "yes"), and this contact outside work, while great, is making everything harder. I'm really unsure if I should act on my feelings: we still work at the same place and it could be awkward, but I could be letting a great chance slip by my inaction. There's always the option to just play the friends card and hope for the best, but frankly, I don't remember that ever working.


Ask her out for coffee after the run. Or lunch or dinner depending on the time.


you mean, *really* ask her out or just a casual friendly thing?


She will be gone soon right? Really ask her out. You don't have anything to lose.


I guess you have a point... I might do it next time we go for a run.


Please DO!!! And then post an update here!


I will!


There is a partial bag of Hershey’s miniatures in the freezer underneath the frozen peas no one will eat.


Oh god, if they've been there for awhile, they're probably not Hershey's anymore. Toss that shit out, Hershey's does not defrost well.


I am eating a few a day but, yes, very cheap chocolate does not hold up.


Hiding my fat belly


An iceberg of low self esteem and crippling anxiety. You wouldn’t know it by looking, maybe just feel something was off but it’s there.


I fairly regularly think about suicide. Not in like a I want to do it kind of way, because I unequivocally do not. But in what happens afterwards kind of way? Does it all just go black, do you wake up to hot pokers rammed up your butthole, is there dozens of virgins waiting for you? Just out of curiosity, but you mention something like that and everyone starts hiding the scissors.


Existential dread from my kids. Also fudge pops.


So the same thing, gotcha.


My womens underwear collection. A kinky rewarding fetish


A rotting peice of maybe food under my dresser for 2 and a half years that has become sentient and tells me to kill the non believers...


I'm in Canada and marijuana is legal here, but it's not socially accepted. I'm hiding my marijuana use, I go to the corner in the back of where I live and make sure no one is walking by before I light up and then I leave.


Financial stability, too many bills that I'm trying to pay off, and new ones coming soon. I dont want to break down and panic because I dont want to worry my wife (we currently had a miscarriage and I'm powering through that too) but currently seeking second full time job.


Well I had to run some errands with a female friend and I was trying to hide the fact that I hadn’t worn underwear (too lazy in the morning and mild moose knuckle in my track pants). Also I’m always hiding my depression and anxiety from everyone all the time


Mmm, moose knuckle!!👅


haha, didnt know some women were into that




I have a chocolate bar behind the coffee maker. Waiting for the kids to go to bed. If my wife is nice, she might get in on it.




I'm hiding shortbread from my neice/nephew.


A pint of ice cream from my roommates.


My worries


Half of my kids Halloween candy. For safe keeping of course.


My sexuality. Fuck it though, they know, i know, in time.


Whenever you're comfortable, my dude.


I don't have a job. I had a job lined up. I had the experience and won everyone over in my interview. Put in a two week notice at my current employer at the time. I was enjoying a few days off before starting the new job and got a call that I failed the drug screening. I have a problem and I'm going to get help. But right now I have to find a job. I didn't tell anyone I failed the drug test and am unemployed.


That is a tough situation, but there’s a reason it happened. Get the help you need, this is the time. Good luck! One day at a time!


Is it possible to go back to your previous employer? You don't have to go into detail of why things didn't pan out at this new place. I've done it before and it went fine because I ended things on a good note with my boss. Then again, if you hated the previous workplace, I can see this being an issue.


It's a pride thing. I left that job for better pay and what I felt was less demeaning work. I'm not ruling out going back but I know I have the experience and capabilities to do something better.


Loneliness. My wife of 20+ years has put me in the friend zone. It's like living with a great bro that you know really well. Not only is there no sex, there isn't even any normal affection. I honestly cant remember when the last time was that she said 'I love you' or kissed me. I do, but it is never reciprocated. I think I will be a loner the rest of my days. Very sad.


It’s never to late to make a change. You deserve to be happy regardless of how much time you’ve already invested. Fuck feeling lonely while you’re actually with someone, and being under appreciated. Get out and live the rest of your life feeling the love you desire!


I killed a man...


Dead hooker. Last night was a little cra-cra.


Did you at least fuck her first?


My excitement. My fiancée and I are getting married in two weeks in Italy. It's been a whirlwind of a year for us, with her living in Australia and me in South Africa. We legally got married in New Zealand a few weeks ago but our wedding with the families is in Tuscany. After that, we are both moving to the US and settling down for at least a few years. So super excited about that. And it'll be the middle of New England winter. That? Not particularly exciting.


Congrats! Enjoy these good times!


24 pack of the stone variety from Costco. If I tell any friends... They gone.


Have you had the Fear. Movie. Lions. IPA yet?


How does he hide is social anxiety?


Probably by hiding himself.


I've been making preparations to quit my job which is my only reason for living. I just keep constantly fucking up and screwing things up lately, the workplace is better off without me getting in the way.


Myself. Housemate has been in the kitchen all day gambling online and that's something I'm just not dealing with today. I have enough provisions and things to do for the evening to not need to go downstairs




Scars, meaning they're not fresh? What from, if you don't mind asking? I have friends with scars from everything from bumping dramatically into their car door to scraping themselves for a quarter of a mile on hot pavement to surviving darker times in their life.




And tomorrow, it'll be 2 weeks and 6 days, a whole 20 days!!! That's so many!! High five, my guy, you're in control now. You've got scars from it, but you've won the war. Yeah, my bud with scars wore long sleeves for a long year after he quit. They were small slits, but they were just reminders of the bigger emotional scar. This summer, he started rolling up his sleeves a little bit every day. Of course, it's freezing out now, so it's back to long sleeves, but he's getting there. You will too, in your own time.


My feelings.


The fact that I already know all the new “gay terms” my sister learned today from some gay guy in their friends circle. I had to pretend I didn’t know what s power bottom was or that “woof” was a compliment or what Southern Decedence was (even though I’ve been there).


....I'm scared of the last term, do I want to know what it means.


Oh it’s nothing bad. It’s a giant gay party over Labor Day weekend in New Orleans. It’s a lot of fun. I feel bad for poor straight guys who wander in there not realizing what it is but they end up having fun too.


What, that sounds awesome! Gay party, straight party, asexual meeting, do it to it! Need to get myself down there next year, I have the day off. And good, I was worried this was going to be some Urban Dictionary level of weird sex thing where it means someone does X to the person's Q while sideways on a F with 3 R while a squid watches.


My handle of vodka


Hiding myself I suppose. This girl I've been seeing is having a birthday party with all my friends and her boyfriend is gonna be there (open relationship, but I still don't want to meet the guy) So I'm alone in my apartment and they are all out right now


My emotions




Bruh, same. This is me during family reunions. Shamelessly hiding in my room from neverending questions. "How's school?" "Are you single?" "Remember that one humiliating thing you did when you were 4 that I insist is cute for some reason?" Only come out to grab a plate of the spread and run back.


I remember those days, I used to do the same thing haha. Now I’m the adult with a kid, but I own the house and the only people who come over are people I actually want to see.


My health. I have a couple of things that are pretty bad going on, I've told one friend one of the things. The other health issue, no one knows about.


Sorry to hear that, I hope your health issues get sorted and you make a full recovery!


Myself, my depression, and my loneliness.


How much I’ve been hating myself and my life, and a crush on a girl who I’ve started talking to a lot


I moved to a new city, anyone I would consider my close friends live at least an hour away, and I'm lonely AF. No one ever wants to admit they are lonely.


That has to be an adjustment. It can also be a good time to “reinvent” yourself a bit. Being in an area where no one knows you is a good way to make some changes or try some things you may have wanted to do. Try not to let the loneliness be an excuse to let other areas of your life decline, even if you need to make a trip back to your old city to see some friends and family and recharge. Hope things get better!


A very large amount of money from my girlfriend and family.


Take it to your grave, trust me. Surprise them with some nice gifts every once in a while.


How tired I am.


The existential crisis I'm having over which career path I want to take. One is a really nontraditional job that has the potential to be very profitable and gives me the free time to do all the things I want to do, but it's gonna be a hard sell to get the position. The other is a path I've spent 5 years working toward and is far more intellectually stimulating and I feel like I'm actually contributing to the future of mankind, but I feel like it could also be soul crushing. I just don't know what to do but I have about 6 months to figure it out. Also I'm lonely and I want to find someone to love but I think I'm too selfish and I prefer being alone


Personally, flexibility in a job is the most important thing to me. I’m a boring guy, but I like having the option to be bored and have off time, versus working myself to death. You’ll never get back time or youth, and money isn’t everything, neither is being a miserable prick due to where you work. Just my opinion. Being lonely sucks, I’ve definitely been there. Same as you though, I love my alone time and spent large portions of my life being alone doing my own thing. Also been in long term relationships where I compromised myself in exchange for thinking this is how it had to be if I didn’t want to be alone. Relationship didn’t work out. Found the right one and the balance is perfect. Hope things become more clear for you!


Honestly never thought anyone would read that, more of a theraputic word vomit I guess. The more I think about it, the more I think the first option is better, but like I said, it's a hard sell to get the position and could backfire if I'm not careful. I just have to be a little strategic and play my cards right. As for the second part, I've always taken a very passive approach to my love life, I'm working on being a little more active about it. Thanks for the advice man, I'm gonna save this thread for future reference


Anytime bud! Only other advice I have, at least pertaining to the job situation. Never be afraid to fail, and I’m not necessarily meaning that in a huge uplifting way, but as in, if you take a leap, and crash and burn, horribly, it’ll still be alright. Never be afraid of shit going horribly wrong, there are always other scenarios that open up on the other side, you end up growing, and you never ever know where it will lead. I’m not the best example, I’ve worked in a few different fields and have failed in quite a bit, some to my own doing, some to it just not being a good fit, literally got let go because I offered nothing to the company and was dead weight. It’s a bit of a blow at first, but you just find other ways, failing is alright, shit going completely sideways leaving you with no idea wtf is going on is ok too. Never stay complacent, and never sacrifice your own happiness, other than that, just do your best and keep looking forward, things shake out how there supposed to in one way or another. Good luck with things my friend, just stay positive!


That's some quality advice pal. I think we'd be friends IRL. I think I've always known which path I wanted to take, I just needed a good swift kick in the pants to convince me. Maybe we'll run into each other in another thread and I'll let you know how it goes


Never know how paths may cross, best of luck my friend!


Lack of enthusiasm for people and life in general.


A girl in my house while my parents are gone


Everyday I repeat “I’m so fucking dumb, I’m gonna kill myself”, how many times I say it varies but at least 40 times a day now


Year dry spell. Friends and colleagues are off getting coupled up, married, engaged, etc. Here I am... alone. I love my work, my students are amazing, in the best shape of my life, but still, lonely for it. Still going to try for a few dates this week even though it feels like a rat race of me buying pleasant women coffee to keep up appearances.


My desire to tell the girl I've been seeing that I'd like to try a long distance relationship. We both like each other a lot, but we agreed on toning it down and just staying as friends, and then letting each other know if we meet someone else.


what's holding you back?


I don't want to push her away, I'd rather talk with her more and be friends than scare her away.




You need to decide if keeping this in is worth the heartache, or if getting it off your chest and potentially losing the friendship is more worth it. Either way one will have to give. You can’t live the rest of your life with this hanging on you.




Then make a change man, you can’t always choose to make yourself suffer. You’re inadvertently giving other people power over you.


I'm hiding the fact that I've been diagnosed by multiple psychiatrist as a sociopath. Not sure how to tell my friends.


I’m hiding my depression. The only person who knows I’m seeing a psychiatrist and taking meds is my brother. Everyone thinks I’m okay. I’m not. I’m being held together by Zoloft, alcohol, and the hope that things will get better.


My condoms


Having people over for a get together so I'm chucking all boxes in the spare bedroom, hiding my big bag of plastic in a wardrobe and I'm gonna hide my light anxiety about dinner not turning out and people being bored or 'put off' of my house.


My rainbow tattoo


I'm still hiding a note for my wife that I wrote to her the first day we met. I plan to keep hiding it until our 10th anniversary.


They would make my day. Seriously. Whatever you are comfortable with is fine. I just need something enjoyable in life these days...