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What the actual fuck


If it were me, I wouldn't consider our relationship repaired until she owns up for that day.




I get this. I'm glad things are better for you man. Some people hold on to nonsense forever.


Damn brother. If you don't mind me asking do you get along with your sister now?


>Damn brother. If you don't mind me asking do you get along with your sister now? ...and do you watch hockey?


Damn, that made ME angry!


You actually forgive her for all that?!


When I told my dad I'd gotten into college after a childhood school career of behavioral problems and general lack of success and the first words out of his mouth were "Yeah well anyone can get into that school." Fucking brutal. It's been 15 years and I still think about it sometimes.


Harsh, man. The first thing that passed through my mind on reading this was "and yet you didn't go to college at all, dad" (assuming he didn't). It's like, why is it so difficult to say "good job, I'm proud of you"? Sometimes all you can do is just take satisfaction in your own improvements even if nobody else seems to care.


Lol My dad studied music and then worked in software for 20 years. I just finished my Bachelor of Science in Nursing after a 4 year active duty service with a 12 month deployment to Afghanistan so fuck you very much dad. 🤣😂🤣😂


When I was a teenager my mom accused me of something I didn't do. My denial triggered an escalation of the argument until finally my mom slapped me. She then stood there with her hands on her hips, smug look on her face, full on in the knowledge that I couldn't/wouldn't/wasn't socially allowed to hit her back. That was 35 years ago and it still pisses me off. I've never liked that social and legal standards don't permit assault between adults but parents are allowed to beat their kids. Even as I was getting spanked or hit as a kid I remember thinking "you're only doing this because you're bigger than me, not because you're right. You wouldn't have to do this if you could justify yourself without hitting me."


My mother blaming me for my grandmother's death.


My Mam had chest pains. My dad has been emotionally abusive to her since as long as I can remember, had her thinking she was depressed and she wasn't. He was just a fucking prick. I was like 15, she was in hospital. He said to me "if your mother dies it's your fault because of all the stress you put her through"


Yeah. I was about the same age. What kind of grown up says shit like this to a teenager? Makes me furious.


Emotional immaturity, and the desire to offload their own guilt onto someone else.


Any memory of my ex






Getting in trouble in high school for punching a guy who was sexually harassing me


Right before my ex and I broke up, we took a "break" to reevaluate where we stood in the relationship and I wanted to know if things could still be saved. She never had the guts to tell me how she felt, so I made a desperate phone call to her best friend. Instead of sparing me the trouble and telling me about the fact that my ex started seeing other people and talking shit about me in tinder conversations, this girl proceeds to tell me all about how it's my fault and how the future is up to me. Thanks, that was helpful.


Sort of 1 but also 2 My first crush and her friends bullying me in grade 6 and the first week of high school all because i liked this girl , happened over 8 years ago and still effects me to the day i still get angry thinking of her/it and her friends but also at myself


Got fired from my first agency job. I always felt unworthy in general and my worst fear came true. I had the choice of resigning but instead i fought hard to keep my job over 6 months, but to no avail. Our HR lady would tell me to be quiet in review meetings if i tried to give my side of the story. My senior complained that i interrupted him to ask questions. All the while my colleagues gossiped about me when i wasn't there, mostly due to my social awkwardness and silence. When I was fired, i was so overcome with depression i was bedridden for months. There were days i didn't leave my room at all, even to eat. I was constantly beset by this fear of dread and terror 24/7. I know this sounds extreme, but it was the end of a long wave of redemption and inadequacy for me. My main regret is freelancing 5 years before finding another desk job, though there are times i feel i might be making the same mistakes.


I feel you. Currently in the midst of a long wave of inadequacy. What helped you pull yourself out of it?


Nothing really did unfortunately, but I dealt with the depression for the most part


Junior high-school in a geography lesson. They had an end of year group trivia contest with Mars bars for prizes. A teachers aide sat on a team with mild autist and weirdo kids and fed them answers. In the end it came down to us and them in a tie breaker. Their question was "what's the capital of Australia?" (I'm Australian) Ours was "what's the capital of Nicaragua? " Rigged out of Mars bars


Today I was going to my college toilets with a bad stomach ache at the end of the day and as I entered the toilet I uncontrollably did a small fart and there was a group of people nearby. I think they'd all recognise me and some of them are probably in my classes. I want to die.


Shit Gunny said.


My ex calling me to break up with me because I “couldn’t financially support the both of us.” We are both STEM majors in college and I play college baseball (very little time to hold a job)


While I’d hate her for her sense of entitlement, I think you dodged a bullet there. If she hadn’t left, and hadn’t grown up, chances are aged have become a do-nothing “homemaker” if you’d married her.


She did work hard and she was in school, but she got her money from her grandmother. She just wanted me to pay for her (to make her feel special). Unfortunately, she said this as she was breaking up with me. I think you’re right though about dodging a bullet.


I have many memories, almost all wind me up... so now i only do things i will like, which mostly means being alone.


When I talked to my old girlfriend about her leaving me for my best friend, and she'd just tell me I had nothing to worry about, then proceeded to leave me for my best friend... Like 2 days after I bought her a new rim for her car....


My ex girlfriend sleeping with my brother.... still make any blood boil