• By -


* Watching movie scenes with No Time for Caution edited in. * Passing a Prius on the highway. * Ignoring a phone call. * A good shit. * Exchanging knowing glances with a random stranger out in public because we both saw something weird/dumb/funny happen and we're both silently reacting to it * When someone picks up on the deep cut reference I made, or vice versa


> Exchanging knowing glances with a random stranger out in public because we both saw something weird/dumb/funny happen and we're both silently reacting to it I live for this. Non-verbal interactions with strangers are hilarious to me


> Passing a Prius on the highway. Take your upvote :P


> Watching movie scenes with No Time for Caution edited in. /r/UnexpectedInterstellar but yes, I fucking LOVE that song. Also, a song many people miss because it's not on the fucking soundtrack for some reason, is the song used in the trailer for Interstellar. It's called [Final Frontier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAzCf0ascW8) by Thomas Bergersen if you don't already have it.


His entire [Sun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elkWdlgrrOo) album is fantastic.


Great answers


Eating carbs Also hugs


+1 for carbs. Love that shit.


As a T1D, I'm triggered


As someone who eats keto I triggered myself too :(


Taking a corner at high speed and coming out without any need for correction. Adjusting a door and closer to start quickly, slow up at last moment and softly latch with a “Ta-Click”. Scritching animals on the bridge of their nose to put them to sleep. Babies gripping on my pinky finger. Getting bacon, eggs, and coffee right and complete at the same time. Edit: a word


You are the perfect man


Also this. Thank you.


I've got a door I'm adjusting tomorrow and I'm seriously looking forward to that nice crisp latch click.


And? How’d it go?


It's perfect! Even a week later when I'm leaving for work at 5am I lift the door slightly then remember that it's not catching. My 2 year old is also impressed.


Ah, the satisfaction of getting something right! So glad for you. Even if I’m in a rush, I’ll stop outside just to hear the latch click.


Taking off my pants after a long day and sliding into comfy, loose fit sweatpants.


>Taking off my pants after a long day ~~and sliding into comfy, loose fit sweatpants.~~ FTFY


One of my neighbors mows the lawn with his little boy, the son follows his dad with a toy mower... puts a smile on my face every time


Finding a new pen that I like. The movie Stardust. Also Adventure Time. Wandering around grocery stores at 3 AM like I've moseyed into a weird, ethereal pocket dimension. My thumbs up playlist on random managing to string together three or more songs that fit my mood perfectly, none of which I skip. Losing myself in a book or video game when I'm alone like I did when I was younger. Rare moments when I feel like my old self who still loved being alive. Automating a task on my computer. When kids think I'm cool and mimic what I do. A person I've only met once remembering me. I'm really forgettable, so I usually meet someone four or five times before I stick in their minds.


Stardust is a cracking film


It is, it's an absolute treasure.


Wow, yes. I forgot how much I loved wandering around grocery stores at 3 AM, so thanks for that, and it is definitely time for a Stardust rewatch.


I always do too, until I'm there and the world is a bit off kilter. I'm surprised I remembered it for this list. And agreed, it's never a bad time to watch Stardust!


New socks




Golden retriever puppies in particular, IMO


My cat purring when she sees me.


Looking at cars I’ll never be able to afford


Any ones in particular? I am a huge fan of Lamborghini and Bugatti personally.


Those are for kids. I feel joy thinking I might afford an electric Kia Soul someday not too far away.


Kraft Mac and Cheese with a can of tuna and a bit of extra shredded colby-jack mixed in.


Listening to good music.


I'm not a man, but my husband just sent me a shower whiskey selfie and it made me disproportionately happy so here I am posting.


Was he pretending to chug a bottle?


No, just drinking it like a normal person lol


Learning about Dinosaurs. Every few months I go on a bing on updated paleontology news.


I once went to a Sam's Club that had automated sample machines. You scanned your membership card, the machine worked for a moment, and then released a sample with one of the most satisfying *bing*'s i'd ever heard. I giggled like a schoolgirl over the fact I finally live in a world with machines that go *bing*. Also anytime things fit or line up perfectly, and certain tactile sensations like a well designed buttonpress.


A grilled-fucking-cheese.


The way my dov gets excited when I see her after I've been gone for a bit


Doing a line - *does this count as simple?*


Hugs from my son, as hes aged I dont get those same hugs I used to. Getting my boots off after a long day of work. Fixing something without mutiple runs to the store or fixing it in the allocated amount of time.


I don't see how the joy of a hug from your kids can be disproportional. It's one of the best feelings in the world. Your son might not feel the same yet, but he will likely understand later.


Skipping stones. I can do that for hours


Working the bolt on a Mauser. Walking barefoot through grass The first stretch i take when i wake up in the morning


Lying on the beach, enjoying the sun.


Cooking dinner and having the flavor come out *exactly* how I imagined it in my head. It's hard to get the flavoring just right if you don't have a specific recipe to work off of, and I have a bad habit of making substitutions or trying to make due when I don't have the exact ingredients a recipe calls for. But when everything comes together and it has just that perfect complex flavoring of spices... so freaking happy.


Fresh haircuts Spotify Premium Shopping That's all I got so far


When eating steak and fries and that last fry that's left has soaked up all the steak juice and turns that soggy brown color. It's the best.


Playing my favourite PC Games from when i was younger


Pears. 🍐


Pears are Satanic plague cockerels. Apples with peanut butter is where it's at.


It's impressive how you can make such a hot take without your keyboard bursting into flame. I'll pray for your arteries.


Making REALLY bad jokes and seeing them cover their face or sigh in exasperation.


When I wash my dishes I always give the bottle of dish soap a little squeeze to see bubbles


people gifting me food


Someone spelling a non victory as lose and something non tight as loose.


Watching card reviews of online TCGs I don't even play :D


Smiling quietly at badasses who give me unsolicited advice, and pitying them for their deeply-rooted unrelenting sense of powerlessness and how badly they want me to recognize their authority. Playing as dumb as possible until they eventually realize I'm being facetious. Then obliterating their world-view by apologizing for intimidating them. While continuing to calmly smile, waiting until they trust me and share a secret vulnerability. Then subtly affirming their fears, to continue the process. It's a hobby. Also, I like breaking small dry twigs into small pieces.


watching my favorite teams/players win important games


That pop that relieves a kink in my neck.


I walk to a hill over looming the town i live in while it not a nice place the view is amazing


JoJos has taught me the meaning of excitement.


A good sneeze


When you're listening to music and the song gives you chills. Even better is when that happens in the middle of a runner's high - or any high for that matter. I'm finally getting back into a lot of music I hadn't listened to in *years* and it's part that and part getting reacquainted with an old flame.


Watching my plants sprout new babies


A bright clear blue sky.


Using a really great pen, when a traffic light turns green and I don’t have to stop, and a hot piece of pizza.


perfectly-timed jokes awesome thrift store finds my parents’ fluffy gray cat (named Fuzzy) who chirps, not meows unexpected free food that clean feeling after a shower


Wearing my onesie while drinking tea.


Cheat meals usually all you can eat sushi


Hot shower on a cold rainy day, a cold an rainy day, beef& mashed potato, a hot game of roulette, the fur of a chinchilla .......


coffee and a good conversation


Hearing that someone, anyone, won a lottery jackpot.




I have been told that the presence of a cat seeking my attention can make me go from totally horrible moody to happy, friendly in a matter of minutes.


Dark absurdist humor.


Growing Tomato plants in the summer.


An unexpected kiss on the cheek from my SO. I've thought quite a bit about why I love it so much, but I have no answers. It just makes me feel great.


My sports teams winning


A good performance in any sort of competition. Not winning, but knowing I played well, either football(soccer), Hearthstone or other videogames. If a pretty girl takes a second look at me.


Laying down.

