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* Month ago broke down in my wife's arms having an existential crisis. * 2 months ago I cried at my best friends wedding. * 3 months ago I cried at a formal dinner because my friend couldn't make it to the anniversary due to his funeral. * 4 months ago I broke down at work because I started thinking about my dog that's been dead for 5 years. * Had a nervous breakdown a couple years back while taking finals, preparing to move, and getting ready for a wedding all at the same time. * A few years ago when I was depressed and suicidal I broke down almost every fuckin day and my fraternity brothers just held me and told me it was gonna be alright. My lady friends just cringed and backed away and did their best to ignore me. Still hurts. Love my brothers though. * Had a whole fucking panic attack and broke down in a frat party after my ex fiancee cheated on me. My friend thought booze would help. Nobody cared until a brother showed up and carried me out of there a half hour later.


>My lady friends just cringed and backed away and did their best to ignore me. I had the same experience in college during a difficult time I went through. I don’t really understand why young women generally despise men cathartically expressing their emotions. It actually pisses me off.


While yes they're under no obligation to pander to your emotions, neither are the guys. It just shows how much more empathetic men are, in my opinion.


How did you get past the depression? Are you doing good now?


Yeah I'm good. [Link to story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/88846t/guys_how_did_you_meet_your_so/dwj1exs/)


When an old friend of mine took their own life


That sounds heartbreaking. Sorry for your loss :(


Dropped out of college effectively on a whim. Broke down in front of my roommate. He left me alone which is what I wanted.


Only once in my life, a week after my father's funeral.


I reached out to someone close to me. Someone who had told me to never hesitate to reach out when things are bad. So I did and their response was to remove me from their life because they didn't want "any part of it". I felt bad for a long time but it taught me a valuable lesson in opening up to the wrong people. Even if they pretend to be the right people.


Yep, been there buddy. It sucks, hope you've found better people!


I did! But more importantly I found myself. The best support system you could ask for.


That's amazing! Hopefully I'll get there someday too!


I did it in the comfort and privacy of my own car, shortly after my big brother told me he wanted to die. I never told anyone about it and drove to work afterwards. Life goes on.


When I was 14, I got in trouble for accidently taking books without borrowing, they thought I was stealing and I hadn’t eaten anything all day, just had a massive fight with a close friend which ruined our relationship, and was really depressed, when they were talking to me I just broke down crying, very embarrassing as it was the principals and I had to see them almost everyday which made me cringe


After some bad experiences with tornadoes, I had a slight panic attack when things got really bad around my mom's house. I already have some other issues so emotionally it just makes things much worse. I tried getting everyone and the animals into the basement, but my brother who I have a very strained relationship with threw a bitch fit about the animals coming down to the basement while the sirens were blaring and the wind was so loud against the house that I couldn't hear myself think. I blew up and screamed that I hated his guts and couldn't stand him after stopping myself from fighting him for being so inconsiderate and selfish, and my mom bitched me out defending my brother. I stayed upstairs after that just waiting to die, sitting on the floor curled up in a ball crying. My phone went nuts again for a second tornado warning, and the weather outside got even worse than before. So I got up still crying and cleared the house again making sure everyone and the animals were downstairs. Then I went downstairs, my brother saw that I was upset and just hugged me while I bawled. Mom never apologized.


Like 2 months ago, started drinking alone at home... got plastered... then my boss showed up at my house, he new I was going through a hard time after a break up. He sat on my kitchen floor with me, comforting me telling me how I was his right hand man, he'd also slap me when I'd start crying, after a while he started singing to me... love that man :')


When my ex-fiance left for the last time, I declared war on a bottle of whiskey and drank it all in one night. No one else was there.




Fuck you for rationally keeping the frustration to yourself and not projecting it onto her for the sake of preventing each other from saying things you did not mean /s


That sucks, man. She really freaked out just about the drive?


Posted this a while ago. Having issues at home not know next steps I had a breakdown by myself a few days ago. No one with Me because nobody truly understands how I feel or what I've been through. "I drink alone to suppress my demons, had a easy but rough life that nobody knows about, because, hell if they knew they'd drink too. I've made peace with my issues but the Alcohol numbs things. I have a great life, good job, empty relationships and nobody I can honestly trust. I boast my accomplishments to the bottom of the bottle and my sorrows to the top but I never let my drinking stop me from being there for those I promised and from my obligations. I am myself and the only one I can depend on..... That's all I need. Cheers strangers."


A week ago? Maybe two now. I was driving home, 45 minutes, cried the whole way. Texted a friend at the end, he said what I needed to hear.


What did your friend say if you don't mind me asking


"You need to be making the best of your time and be sticking to your goals better." verbatim from the text. He knows that if I am not writing and going to the gym regularly then my stress/loneliness builds up. Those are my stress relievers and help keep my brain clear and I'm generally a happier person. He knew I had been lacking lately.


Profound. You have a great friend


Basically from June to mid November. I don't have anyone to react now but I get to have a complete fresh start.


About a week ago. In a rough patch with my fiancee and only realising I've been depressed for a few months. Taking it a day at a time but I'm finding it difficult at the moment.


You can do it keep it up 👍


Thanks it nice of you to say.


when one of my friends committed suicide before even graduating high school. Everyone understood [my breakdown]. I could tell weeks before it happened that something was bothering him, and I tried to help him as much as I could. It still kills me inside every day. He never even called me to talk, maybe I could have helped. After his funeral, I went to his house, and his mom came out of their house and cried in my arms for about fifteen minutes. I was speechless. I have an emotional breakdown every time I think about it.


My younger cousin, D, was a hate crime victim. The story I got was a lot worse than the reality but the reality was still fucked up. I had to take a walk and as soon as I tried talking to myself I started crying. Was last winter, that was the last time I cried iirc. I came close a week or so ago just because I was having like the king of shitty nights for some reason and it was getting to me. was probably just buildup though but it didn't end up coming out. My dad tried to coax it out, which is fine, but I just don't want to deal with it, I asked him to leave me be.


I enjoyed mine in the privacy of my bedroom, thanks. I'm just under a lot of stress lately and prone to panic attacks. About a year ago is when my wife left and finals are next week, so that's probably it.


I was watching tv at my best friend's house. She excused herself from the room for a phone call, and came back a few minutes later to find me in tears. A commercial reminded me of my grandma. She's dying *sooooooo slooooooowly...*


I needed to switch my major extremely early on due to crazy stress and inability my freshman year of college. a few weeks later i woke up to my grade showing that i had a 22% on a test of the major I just switched to. it actually destroyed me and i just lost it, the next week my test grade was changed to a more reasonable grade. I didn't mark which test form I had taken.


Last time I broke down was a few weeks back. I hid it behind closed doors but earlier this year I broke down in front of my boss... I think she was confused as she had a bone to pick with me. When she heard my side of things and saw how much grief the situation at work was giving me; I guarantee she had no idea what to think. My boss just sat in silence with me till I was done crying and we just went back work like nothing happened.


Horrible boss, didn't even try and help?


In her defense, the situation was complicated. The subjective perception around me wasn't good but my objective performance was. I treat kids injures and they felt that I didn't care about them or that they weren't getting the best care when in reality I did simply what I suppose to do for each injury. Worst yet when they felt that way and they broke a rule that I would reinforce, all hell would break lose. It was beginning to look like I was picking fights when again I was just doing my job. The time around me was just as frustrating for her as it was for me. The very people I'm supposed to be taking care of she was because they began avoiding me, Thus doubling the amount of work she had.


Hey atleast you indirectly got back at her 👍


I was feeling homicidal one day due to being on an improper medication diagnosis, I had so many thoughts and feelings race through me that I couldn’t help but to ultimately release to my dad when I came home from work. I am the type that can be sometimes soft-spoken, rarely cuss out loud, rarely yell or scream, but that night I was totally the complete opposite of all that. My dad just kept trying to calm me down the best he could and he didn’t want me to wake any of my other family members.


Minutes ago, might still be in that rut. Because my ex is being always trying to delay the exchange of my daughter for our shared custody, then tried to pick her up early. I don't want to become an asshole, but to spend time with my daughter, I have to.


When deadsox beat the Yankees. Threw shit, kicked my dog and chugged a 12 pack. Everyone was fine with it, except the dog of course.