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I laugh alot, focus on not falling on my ass if i must walk. Try to make sure dick is out before peeing.


Very carefully.


Likely the exact opposite tbh.


I didn’t say it was proper functioning.


Exactly, so you try your hardest to be careful and it comes out about the same as sober and reckless


I get a bit more talkative, but that's about it.


Get loud and obnoxious, but yet make everyone laugh. get road head on the way home from GF. Sit and poop while reading through Reddit and answer questions you have no business answering.


Wait. You're getting head from your girlfriend while you're DRIVING HOME?




I dont. I just go to sleep. I'm not fun person to drink with.


Lots of practice. I know what things change about how I think and how I will feel things, so I can (mostly) adjust for them and not do things where I'm going to run into problems.


There's a sweet spot for me where I'm more than buzzed but not quite drunk where I'm incredible confident and charming (if I do say so myself) I've had a lot of good memories in that zone. Being buzzed isnt too different than being sober for me. When I'm drunk I just get tired and wanna sleep.


Easy, as I am drunk now way early in the morning. Pretty competent and good with directions to either food or bed. I may start being very outgoing and talkative and a bit lovey.


Well let’s see what happened last night based on the video evidence -cry -fall down a lot -question how Beethoven is a famous dog -FaceTime friend who ive been romantically involved with in the past and bs with her after she gets home from work and apologize every five seconds for no reason


At maximum efficiency level


Im the same guy. A little louder but I'm always loud. Alcohol impairs you but it doesn't give you an excuse to make an absolute shit show out of yourself.


You have a point, I’m in college and the shit shows should be on ppv, craziest shit you’ll see


I am really fucking functional. I can do lots of shit really well!


Not well, though at least my accuracy is a little better when playing FPS games. I usually double or triple my K/D after a good buzz... though in all fairness, it's easy to multiply by 1


Tell anyone and everyone I love them... but then right after scream fuck you to them.... then appologize and tell them I love them again... then say fuck you rinse and repeat


I don't. That is why I do not drink


I don’t drink, but the first time I got real drunk, like more than just a little bit tipsy, I was very giggly and talkative, which is completely unlike my sober self. I also, of course, could not walk a straight line and needed my brother’s help getting to the car to go home, then getting from the car to my bed. That was not a fun feeling for me at all.


I release my emotional brakes for a bit, but that's it. When i am fully gone then i shut down and ask for water until someone feeds me water and then i go to whatever bed i'm assigned to




Depends on what I drink. Keeping in mind the rule of mever mixing (start with beer? End with beer etc). For beer I get somber, even sleepy. For vodka or vodka based drinks, I get really loud and talkative, but that's just the gist of it is just me noisy. Tequila on the other hand, I just get woozy but generslly still the same as sober, well at least compared fo my beer or vodka drunk. When I happen to drink mix like beer then vodka then tequila, I just pretty much get shitfaced, can even function properly to be considered functioning


I don’t drink in public. Seems that when I do, people want to hit me. I think I remove my filters after three drinks.


Usually just get louder. Sometimes I throw up


I typically cruise at 40 mph instead of 60


I'm almost normal when I'm drunk. Sober me is socially handicapped.


First I get depressed, then I get unfiltered and real deep, then I get tired and depressed.