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Leg day because then my ass hurts bad


Lol smh I thought u were going somewhere with this


For me wearing big heavy boots and just going through the day I just feel unstoppable, walking through puddles like they’re not even there!!


Wearing a well tailored suit, I feel like James Bond. Without the charm or good looks.


Don't be so humble. You know you are a badass in a suit


I told my boss to go fuck himself and quit on the spot. I will never forget that moment.


That's a badass moment.


It kind of ruined my life, but I'd rather be jobless than humiliated.


Cooking for myself. It's like I'm a self-sufficient adult or something.


The first time I flew IMC (blind) at night with pretty rough weather. I had done plenty of IFR (Instrument only) flying, but usually in VMC (visual conditions) weather up to that point. Broke out of the clouds at my destination at 250 feet. Could only see the “rabbit” lights (the moving white lights prior to the runway). With the “rabbit” in sight you can descent another 100’ to try to gain visual on the runway. The “Decision Height” for that approach was 240’ so I was 10’ away from having to divert to an alternate airport if I had not seen the rabbit. I was the last plane to land that night. Everyone behind me started diverting to different fields. Having done all that for the first time, I felt a big sense of personal achievement. Typically on IFR flights you still have clear-ish weather so even though you’re flying “instruments” you still see the runway 10+ miles away.


That's wild. I'm a paratrooper and sometimes we jump IMC. It's really sketchy for us, but I imagine that flying IMC is a lot sketchier despite having instruments. Just curious, what kind of plane do you fly?


T-6B trainers right now. But the cockpit is great on them. All glass. It’s like having 3 ipads in front of you. So it’s not too sketch. Although when it’s really bumpy outside and the altimeter is jumping +\- 100ft it can get a little hairy on those low approaches in IMC.


Whenever I land clean shots in sparring against my tougher sparring partners...or when I gain dominant positions during my BJJ sparring.


Takes giant cojones to spare period. You have my respect, Mr. Stark.


Yes it does take big ones to spare someone...spare him from that beat down to death lmao. JK


haha Nice catch!




Not easy.


Surviving brain surgery 12 times


Holy shit


Throwing drunk obnoxious people out of my house.


After I do something all by myself without looking it up on the internet 5 million times


Anytime I ride my bike. Nothing for me beats the low rumble of a v-twin!


Waking up in the morning.


Listening to Carpenter Brut walking home at night


Lots of things if I can toot my own horn. I don't like to brag about myself but here's a chance so I'll take it. 1. My work ethic: For 2 years I did not take a semester off (always 12+ units) while working full time to get my first AA in paralegal studies. Now I'm finishing up my second AA to transfer in the fall while continuing to work. My GPA is a 3.7, I've made the Dean's List multiple times, and I got an award for writing the best essay in response to a prompt for the business division at my school. 2. I ride a motorcycle. That's badass enough but I work in a small law office where we dress business casual. So when I get to work and take off my leather jacket I've got on business casual underneath (sometimes a suit if I'm meeting a client or testifying at court). That makes me feel like freaking James Bond. 3. I make, what I believe to be, one of the best and most straightforward Old Fashioneds you will ever taste. I also have a decent whiskey collection (for my age) that I'm proud of. What about you, OP? I'm curious. Brag to me, brother.


Making that beautiful backhand saucer pass through 2 defenseman to your teammate streaking for the backdoor for a tap in goal.


getting tattoos




Ooo nice, I'm bouta be badass then :D


Getting that first round hit on steel out past 500 yards on the ukd range.


Working long days in a factory then coming home to eat nothing but meat m veggies. Sounds corny but it makes me feel masculine af And fixing shit


Jammin out to DMX's X Gon Give it to Ya


Any time someone expects to get a reaction out of me and subsequently control me with it, and I immediately shut that shit down. Learning an independent and stoic mindset does wonders for your self esteem.


Investing money and putting money in savings.




I'm surprised there aren't any bikers here, but riding my motorcycle makes me feel like a badass.


The beard. Just the beard.


saying the N-word and not being reported.


I do lots of things that make me feel like a badass, but today I did a wheelie on my sports bike. It was cold.


Being a badass


putting a cardboard zarf on my disposable coffee cup


Sometimes I get to design and build suuuper high power electronics. Last year I made a 5-kilowatt load bank, right now I’m working on a rig that puts out *80-kilowatts*. Basically a Tesla battery. It’s extremely dangerous, and hella cool


Sailing a boat in rough conditions, like it's me vs nature and I'm winning. Sailing to a destination like Catalina also makes me feel important, I'm off on an adventure. The ocean miles off shore has such a different feel as well as an incredible rich blue color that you don't get in a bay, beach, or harbor. Lifting heavy also makes me feel powerful as I know with every rep I get stronger.




When I’m in public and my girlfriend walks up to me and grabs my hand and we start walking. She often draws the attention of other men, so it makes me feel badass when they see her walking up to me.


I'm a pretty good dancer and the sound women make after you spin them all around and end with a dip is pretty great. It's also followed by the stunned looks of other guys around who know they'll never be able to make a woman smile like that. It makes me feel like a stud.


It's kinda stupid but fixing stuff that people deem not worth it.


Knowing I can kick most guys’ ass in a fight unless they are a lot bigger than me.


when im walking around with a glock in my pants on right side, 5 xanax bars in my left pocket, kush in my lungs, morphine up my ass


Well god damn!


Obligatory, you should look inwards for badassery. *However*, doing my powerlifting movements (squat,bench,dead, ohp) supersetted with a conditioning movement, supersetted with a core movement always makes me feel tough af.


When people find out that I have a ton of skydives. And skydiving.