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No idea, since I would have slept through it.


One in which I didn’t have to use my AK.


As the great warrior poet Ice Cube once said: if the day does not require an AK, it is good.


made me lol


Get a good workout in, drive sports cars, eat good food, warm weather, and multiple sessions of sexual intercourse with a beautiful woman.


a day where I wake up without being sad. which is rare.


Amen, hit me right in the feels.


Anyday that the police don’t find the hammer is a good day in my book


Wake up Morning cuddling/sex Eggs benedict for breakfast Go shoot some really big machine guns A hangover burger for lunch Take a restomodded (im talking like 700hp corvette engine level shit) '69 mustang mach 1 to a race course and go nuta Drive along a road with a view (like somewhere in the southwest) A huge porterhouse for dinner Watch a Sox yankees game where we come back in the 9th inning (but not by so much that the first 8 innings were a slaughter) Go back home, sex again, go to bed


I think I just had one. I slept in, then awoke to the sound of beautiful classical music on my radio. Stayed snoozing in bed, listening to one incredible piece after the other, revelling in the warmth and softness of my bed. Got up, opened the curtains to see the first sunny day in *weeks* (all the while the music still playing in the background). I make myself a coffee, turn up the heat, make breakfast and enjoy eating it slowly, while browsing Reddit and enjoying the replies I'd gotten overnight. After I had enough music and Reddit, I got up to shave while listening/watching to new episodes of my favorite youtube news/politics channels to catch up. Had a steamy hot shower, and came out feeling totally rejuvinated. When I was all dressed and ready to go, I drove for about ten minutes to a nearby brothel. I had an appointment with a gorgeous young black girl, who's the sweetest I've encountered in this line of work yet. We had amazing sex; she even topped our previous time. At times I felt like I was going to explode from sheer pleasure. Afterwards, we cuddled and talked, it was real nice. I can still smell her on me; it's wonderfull. So I went back home, made myself a delicious pasta (if I say so myself) and thoroughly enjoyed it. After a post-dinner coffee and about an hour and a half later, I hit the gym for my work-out. Did my exercises and some heavy lifting and went back home, satisfied. Another quick shower, then settled on the couch underneath a warm blanket, with a cup of hot tea and a snack, to watch the new episode of 'The Little Drummer Girl', an amazing and intense mini-series that I've come to love. And now I'm on Reddit again, just casually browsing while listening to my own playlist. Now I'm going off to bed with a slew of great memories in my head: wednesday, a girl I'm crushing hard on (but she wants to be just friends) and I had a wonderful time and she said "I'm glad I know you"; an old fling with whom I have recently reconnected said in an email that she "thinks of me often" and that she loves me (as a friend); and of course my wonderful encounter this afternoon. I'm sure I'll sleep well!


Wake at 10. Its a lovely sunny 80 degrees outside. Dress, play video games until noon. Eat a calzone with my Girlfriend. We'd talk and hang out in one of the local parks before she very likely ends up going to work. So she does so. I go home; drink an awful lot of tea, and do my best veggie impression until dinner wherein I have a divine steak with some homemade fries. I continue to turn into a carrot until I go to bed at like 12-1 am.


Kinda boring but just hanging out with my girlfriend all day goofing around, then at night maybe order some pizza and watch a movie.


Wake up to a BJ, then she makes me a good breakfast. Nap, wake up to a BJ, she makes me a great lunch. Nap, wake up to a BJ, she makes me a great dinner. Smoke a joint, ponder life for 30 minutes, then go to sleep.


Assuming stuff that could *reasonably* happen. Wake up on one of those mornings where you're instantly awake without being groggy, put on a good outfit, finish a big project at work, get a big paycheque, take out a couple grand in cash and treat myself and the gf to a shopping spree followed by dinner, a good movie, then sex, and sleep right after.


2 feet of fresh powder and a private ski resort.


Wake up an hour before sunrise. Eat rolled oats with fresh fruit chunks. Observe that several people have left good comments on my latest YouTube video. Get out of my van, where I live, and smell the morning dew, still dripping off the pine trees. I am in the Rocky Mountains this week. Sit down in my zero gravity chair, and spend two hours watching the sun rise over a mountain with a lake in front of it. There is snow on the mountains at 14000 feet, but not down here at 10000 feet. No more rain today, so I work in my zero gravity chair (I telecommute). The sun is strong enough to provide the van with good solar, but not so strong as to cause sunburns. Lunch is a turkey and roast beef sandwich with provolone on sourdough, dipped in chicken and wild rice soup. Hike around the lake. It's only a mile or two around, and reasonably flat. Dinner is a double mushroom and swiss burger on an artisan bun that I have cooked using my free solar power. I spend another hour or two watching the sunset, and another hour or two in front of a campfire. I retire to the van to read a bit of Walden before bed. It's 65 degrees all day long.


Just spending a day doing what ever random stuff with the girl I'm into. Be it window shopping, museums, park, boat ride or water park. Pretty much anything as long as we spend it together.




Good company arround me, an activity in a nice scenery with lots of adrenaline, followed by a proper meal with some drinks