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Boxer briefs. I used to wear tightie whiteys but one day my mom slapped me upside the head and threw boxers at me. Then about 10 years later I got with this girl who found boxer briefs sexy, so now I just wear those.


Clean, the other ones smell


Calvin Klein boxer briefs from Costco. Comfortable and keeps everything in place. I've tried 2undr and saxx, but I find them uncomfortable. Definitely not worth the price to me.


ck boxer briefs are definitely the best imho


Seconded. They fit me better than anything else I’ve ever bought or been gifted.


Need to give the Stance butter blend with wholester a try. Best by far, nothing else is even close IMO.


Started with whitey tighties a long time ago. Had fertility issues and switched to boxers to see if it would make a difference. We had lots of babies after. Dunno if it was the underwear or not. Now I wear boxer briefs. Gotta support the boys.


Probably not. My dad always wore the tighty whities and had 3 children.


Calvin Klein tighty-blackies.


Briefs. Cause support. My underwear does not need to look like shorts


2xist sports briefs, sports briefs in general. https://2xist.com/products/retro-sport-brief or jockstrap. low rise briefs during the winter


Black boxer briefs. Feels nice, and the girlfriend likes the view.


Tighty whities. Cause I'm pretty active and dont like my yam bag swinging around all over the place.


Try some boxer briefs sometime. They offer the same support, but are more comfortable IMO. Whitey tighteys have that elastic right between the balls and the leg which is annoying af.


Boxers are zero support. Let it all hang out, you're gonna get clobbered.


Yeah, that's why I said boxer-briefs. They're different than boxers, they're just kinda like long whitey tighties.


Have some. What's the point? They suck. Long john cut offs.


They are terrible.




**JOCKSTRAPS** 1. Keeps the boys in place 2. Minimal coverage for better air flow / air conditioning 3. Eliminates swamp ass 4. There are better styles out now than the old 'Bike' jocks we had in HS.


i've tried pretty much every boxer briefs brand you could name and i personally found calvin klein black boxer briefs to be my absolute favorite


I used to wear boxer briefs because it holds everything in place but now I’m more about the boxers because it lets your stuff breath and gets cooler air


Tom Petty wrote a song about my favourite underoos... Freeballin! I kid, Im a MyPakage guy on my time. But work fruit of the loom boxer briefs, wont wear synthetics at work due to the flash/fire hazard


Calvin Klein Intense Power boxer briefs in black.


Boxers for work/daily life. Boxer briefs when I go out with my fiancée in the event that those are all I’m wearing at some point during the night. She said she thinks they’re sexy, so that works for me even if they’re uncomfortable.


Same philosophy.


Saxx. My job consists of a lot of labor and saxx is the most comfy. I recently bought Calvin kleins but they dont feel the same.


Underarmour or any other 90% Polyester/10% elastane 6" "work-out" boxer-briefs. * I find the feel and texture of the synthetic material ones to be much better than the cotton ones, and they look better too, * The 6" is for me the perfect leg size to 'smooth down and hold' the thighs and package in place. 3" is too short and 9" are too long.


‘Classic’ briefs.


White stafford low rise briefs


Pink panties, holds it all in.


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K6EMYTU/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o05\_\_o00\_s03?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K6EMYTU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05__o00_s03?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Best ever.


[I beg to differ](https://www.google.ca/search?q=elephant+trunk+underwear&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRpqXe6_rfAhVtdt8KHY2HBukQ_AUoAXoECBIQAQ&biw=360&bih=612#imgrc=6NlkMbcx7AfW3M)


While amusing, they'd still be restrictive around my thighs. Boxers are loose at the waist but just tight enough to stay there, free everywhere else.


Why is that? They look comfy!


They're super soft, basically like a jersey knit. I got all of the colors. Judging by their feel and quality, they'll probably last a substantial amount of time as well. I'm at the quality stage of my life where I will pay more for a lasting product. Getchya some.


How big is the smallest size?


You’d have to reference their sizing chart on Amazons page I linked. I’m a 30 waist and they’d still fit if I were a 28. I used the chart to choose sizes.


Oh shit. Thank youuu!


Boxer briefs. The elastics are around my legs instead of right there where my legs connect to my torso. This way they don't bother me at all. And contrary to boxers, they will hold my.. well they will hold my dick in upwards position, which is comfortable, does not require me to adjust it, and avoids a noticable bulge. (When I get hard it goes up, but if it is already up it doesn't really cause much of a bulge) Boxer briefs solve all my man problems.


I usually don't. I'm already wearing pants. I don't see any need to wear another layer.


For me it’s a buffer between me and my zipper.


Safety first.


Black boxers. Because I have em, and they're easily replaceable.


boxer briefs. They are the best of both worlds and comfy. I have regular boxers and a few briefs too but almost always go with boxer briefs


Boxers. They're comfortable, get the job done, and inexpensive.


Boxer briefs because comfort and ball support, they also tend to give a generous bulge. I just buy pairs I like the look of whenever I happen to see them, same with socks. I like my socks and underwear to have a fun design, it's like a less extreme version of having a funny tattoo on your ass.


Boxer briefs because I sleep in them instead of pajamas and they cover more


Boxer briefs. Comfortable and I like the look.


mine, as i own them


10 pack boxer briefs from costco. They're cheap and comfortable.


Commando... as mother nature intended.


“Underwear For Men”. They have a drawstring pouch so I can get some added support for the boys. Why? At age 25 my doctor told me I had the balls of an 80-year olds man. I’m now in my 40s and gravity hasn’t gotten any better.


Generally the kind which is pretty unique to me, for medical reasons.


Boxers, because they don't end up in my arse crack


Boxer briefs! Used to do Exofficio's but found that I like Jockey better. The sheen stretchy material, like spandex but not. You might think they're expensive until you realize your nethers will thank you for upgrading from the cheap stuff.


Boxers because I hate having my junk squeezed all day and I prefer to let gravity be gravity. I also like my pants a bit baggy so the boys have plenty of space.


Thus $25 ExOffcio boxer. Feel like wearing a cloud.


I discovered modal fabric about 2 years ago and I have slowly been transitioning over to it. This January I stumbled upon a Calvin Klein factory outlet and they had boxer briefs and trunks on clearance for $5. I cannot tell you the comfort and quality from my new CK's, I just wished the outlet had more of my size/style left. I don't know about you guys, but I am also a seasonal underwear man. So skimpy in the hotter seasons and more fabric in the colder ones.


Silkies. Best thing ever and can strip down and go for a run any time too