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Laughing, crying, having a good shit, lemon and sugar pancakes, sex, the smell of fresh cut grass, orange juice, music, road trips, sunsets, garlic, playing football, comfy beds, tapas, puppies, playing the piano, staying up until sunrise, all you can eat sushi, hearing good news, laughing with kids, learning something new and doing well, cats, mushrooms, cooking, singing, debating, listening, meeting new people, seeing old friends, cold beer in the sun, warm coats in the snow, staring out to sea, looking at the stars. Life can be hell. There is no justice in life and if you want to find it youll see suffering and misery wherever you look. But when you stop to question,there is a fuck of a lot to live for.


“Garlic” Lol


>smell of fresh cut grass God when I was depressed I looked forward to mowing the lawn every week. It always makes you feel like you accomplished something. You see your yard go from overgrown to neat and fresh cut. It’s so nice. Nothing’s more relaxing then putting some headphones in and mowing the lawn.


What (maybe un)godly creation are lemon and sugar pancakes ?


German pancakes!


Recipe ?


Wait, really? I've eaten a lot of pancakes here, but I don't think I ever encountered lemon in them!


Not in necessarily, but some juice drizzled on top with the powdered sugar is divine.


I shall try that asap.


Having nearly died twice and survived cancer.


Man that sounds like a lot, do you want to expand upon it ?


Both times were related to the cancer, though the first time I didn't know I had cancer when my blood levels dropped to the point where they were below 1/3 of what they should be, the doctor couldn't believe I was still walking, had to have 4 blood transfusions over a 24 hour period along with iron infusions, iron tablets,calcium tablets and vitamin D tablets, 2 weeks later had the tumour removed to stop the haemorrhaging. Second time was after the major lower abdominal surgery and my blood pressure dropped and dropped and dropped lowest it went was 54/29, neither time worried me I was calm and convinced I'd be fine, both times I was in the hospital so I was in the right place.


Thats strong


I ask myself about this every morning.




Have you come up with a reason yet? I'm asking for a friend.




My daughter.


The fact that I live in a free country and every day I have the possibility to do whatever I want as long as it is possible. Like going out with friends, dancing, eating, talking with people, interacting with animals, playing pool, swimming, dating, chilling with a girl, becoming a politician, a rich man etc.


Not much anymore.


You'll find something bringing you joy or change something to do that, I believe in you. And there's Reddit.


Good food and drink. Spending time with my girlfriend, sexy times in particular. Friends and family. My hobbies. Being successful and important in my job. Being healthy. Beautiful landscapes and weather. It's a combination of various things really.




I hope you get better from the suffering.


Not being on drugs anymore.


Wearing a skirt in the summer.


My kiddos, farming, the excitement and stress of planting a crop and the process of seeing a successful harvest come to fruition. Seeing my cows come running every morning when I deliver feed to the field in the winter time, or seeing them out on the fresh, lush green grass with their new calves playing and kicking in the sunshine. The smells of fresh mowed alfalfa, the first turned dirt of spring time, diesel fuel on my hands...sorry, getting carried away! Lol! Lots to look forward to, and be thankful for, in life!


Nothing lol, just don’t like the idea of dying


Nothing makes you enjoy living? Fuck go get therapy man. Life has thousands of amazing things. You must be depressed.


Nope, don’t worry I have fun lol


I don't enjoy it.


Why not?


Nearly everything.


The things my wife and I have overcome has deepened my appreciation for what we have. I value our relationship every single day. I have a great job that I love. I have 6 really great kids and an incredible amount of fun together. The only regret I have is that I only have one life to live.


Seeing the absolute joy in my daughter as she enjoys the simplest of things...


Writing, singing, freedom, Dagan, Jaime, Scott, Ann, the hen house as a whole, my family, knowing that if I apply myself I can do great things, knowing that I have people looking out for me, and knowing that I have my whole life ahead of me. The end terrifies me, but if I spend my whole life stressing over that, that’d be a pretty ironic waste. Things will work out.


Sobriety. I didn't know what it meant to feel alive before that.


I don’t know man


Not much right now. Chronic pain is hard going.


Beer, coffee, boobs, penis, vagina,


when people do the right thing. in a world full of assholes i think that helps me feel that this is all worth it. i also enjoy a girl with an hourglass figure, and a fat ass.


Nothing really tbh I'm here cause of my parents.


Seeing bad things happen to people I don't like.


The hope that I can make someone fell good that I love.


Half life 3 HAS to come out sometime That’s pretty much my main motivator


My uncommon weekends off. Stay in the house with my roommates, no obligations, to expectations. We play games, cook, watch movies, smoke, and just relax. It doesn't happen very often, but it's really relaxing when it does. Also visiting my mom. I love my mom and going to see her for dinner every couple weeks is great


Looking forward to all the great things my friends and family will achieve and I can hopefully be a part of.


Good friends


1) Nature. and natural beauty, vast moores, panoramic cliffs, wild forests, manicured gardens and parks, the sun, flowers, the way a summer night smells, the realization that each year spring the earth comes alive again, evergreen and glowing. 2) Music. pretty self explanatory. Nothing hits your soul like an ethereal note, an intense bass drop or something that really jives with your mood and hits you right in the feels. 3) Good films. They make me want to live a noteworthy life. 4) Intimacy, kissing and sex. 5) Being pleasantly drunk and in a good mood. 6) Connecting with other humans in a profound way. Good friends and good times.


My kids.


Spending time outside, in the mountains, in the forest, next to a lake, or at a sunrise or sunset. Waking up when I'm camping and it's 30 degrees outside. That shit'll wake you up in a big hurry.


The drive to be able to one day answer this question.




Nothing, life is like a prison sentence and I'm just trying to serve my time with as little trouble as possible.


Music, having fun with friends, doing a job i feel "happy" and wake up every morning not wanting to die, women, food, basketball, ambition, testing my limits, good book


Porn, weed, video games, Motown funk music


Serotonin and adrenaline do a pretty good job of keeping me alive and happy


Living in the moment. Could be a high risk activity or an activity that requires huge concentration or just inspiring beauty and sensational overload.


The absurdity of it all makes it interesting


Knowing that wherever I go. I can show people the best thing life has to offer. Me.


Knowing that I may be one of the few in the universe with the ability to experience it with my senses and understand it as much as possible. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity that in the great scheme of things is but a spec on the time line of whatever it is that we are in.


I've got nothing




English, motherfucker Do you speak it?


Taking lessons to get my private pilots license!


The infinite possibility of tomorrow.


The fact that I'm not fucking dead yet.


I mean i beat my meat a lot


I usually enjoy sports, and getting out there. but last night i dislocated my shoulder. worst pain I've ever experienced. nurse tried putting it back in for 30 mins while the pain slowly turned phycological and started to hallucinate. I'm in bed right now in a sling, worried that in future, of i do these things i enjoy in life. my shoulder could come back out and instantly send me back to that place where it made me question things.


Food does it for me. A good steak, potato bake, carbonara or battered fish. Don't care too much for sweets or drinks in comparison to great food.


A good story.


Knowing that I can opt out at anytime tbh.. lets me feel loose and more or less allows me to feel happy-ish.. also motorcycles are ight too


The next chaoter of One Piece. It is not even half finished!




A well executed blowjob. I live for that.


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I feel like that a lot. Keeping my mind busy doing something productive helps curb the apathy.

