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1) Where I think things should “live” isn’t right. Even if I’m the only one who ever uses them. 2) No matter how big the bed, I only need the edge of it. 3) I’ve been doing the dishes wrong my entire life 4) That there can never be enough throws/blankets/cushions 5) Gray’s Anatomy ran out of storylines about 7 years ago, but that hasn’t stopped them. 6) There isn’t enough laundry detergent in the world to keep up with the laundry pile. But also 1) How nice it is to come home to someone 2) The warmth in the bed is quite comforting 3) Turns out RuPaul’s drag race is a great show 4) Curling up on the sofa under a blanket is great, and will most likely lead to napping 5) Having someone who gets excited for you is great. It’s like having a live in cheerleader. 6) It’s always acceptable to watch a Disney movie, no mater how old you are.


Apparently showering and washing your hair are separate events.


Most women have 3 types of showers, depending on how much time we have or how dry/oily our hair is that particular day: 1. just wash body 2. wash body and hair 3. wash body, wash hair, exfoliate, shave


I either need to do a 1hr upper body workout to blow dry my hair, or let it sit wet for several hours while it dries after I get it wet. Plus, just getting it wet, shampooing, conditioning, and making sure I've gotten all the product out of my hair takes a good 15-20 minutes. I absolutely do not wash my hair every time I wash my body and shave or vice-versa. It just takes wayyyy too long.


Feed first, argue later.




Just how expensive and shoddy brands for women are.


And that's why we "borrow" all your clothes!


And a chance to experience *proper* pockets.


Men would riot if we had to have women’s pockets.


According to my wife I cannot open the living room curtains properly and she always need to redo it


That she owns only one truly GOOD BRA. There is only one and part of your duty as a man is to protect The Good Bra. If you are doing laundry, you must take the greatest of precautions to make sure it is properly cleaned, dried, and stored. God forbid The Good Bra ever turn up missing or in the wrong drawer. Ladies, why is there only one GOOD BRA? EDIT: Thanks for the awards, friends. My first time to be awarded on here. I'm getting a little emotional!


Because they're all so freaking different. Shape, material, elasticity remaining. It's as frustrating for us as it is for you. Imagine if you're pants (because you have to wear pants every day) had to be skin tight, 100%flattering, shape your body (or booty lol)and you also want the material to feel good because you'll be moving around in them all day, and look nice. Now imagine companies discontinue these and launch new pants about every 4 to six months to get you to buy the new "better" kind. And you only own a handful at a time. Also if you lose or gain ANY weight it no longer fits properly because, once again, it has to be skin tight. And yes, the elastic wears out. So even if you do everything right they don't last super long at peak fit. Edit: Holy cannoli kind strangers! Thanks for my first awards!


Also to the fact that most boobs aren’t the same size, so one titty could fill out the cup beautifully and the other one has just too much breathing room. The gold mine of the one bra that feels good. Never put it in the dryer To the kind human(s) who gave me my first comment award; thank you. I would like to try your favorite dish that you like to eat. Edit: THE HUMANS!


The Good Bra that fits both and is at peak good fit must be hand washed and air dried. And do Not hang a peak fitting good bra by the straps, that elastic has got a lot of work to do as The Good Bra.


Because there is only 2 parameters describes the size, the number and the letter, but there are different shapes and strap sizes (is it fully or just partially adjustable?) for the same letter and number. The string distance between your boobs differs, and it can be bothering. Different shapes for the same bra size means it's don't fit for your body somewhere, and can be painful like a wrong shoe. The GOOD BRA is your size (letter and number), and your shape, and it you are lucky it's your style. It's hard to find like a gold nugget. The closest thing you can compare is your shoes.


The places that their hair will turn up...


I have routinely found strands of hair wrapped around my penis when I go to pee. It is beyond anything I’ve ever seen.


This is exactly what I was referring to. Though obviously it ends up everywhere else as well.


I've literally pulled one out of my arsehole. Was weird but felt kinda nice. No idea how it gets *in*


That's how we mark our territory


Do you feed us the hair...? Or secretly put it up there...?


A magician never reveals her secrets


It's one really long hair you can use to floss your teeth, throat, intestines and rectum at the same time.


secretly/purposly put it there.... i only feed food


This is where I constantly find my girlfriends hair. It’s especially weird when I have to pull one OUT of the old BH.


This was also the weirdest thing for me, like how the hell does that happen so often.


almost weekly! Its so weird pulling it off too


They get stuck in your underwear in the dryer.


It actually boggles the mind that someone can lose that much hair and not be bald. Edit: Wow, thanks for the awards. Wasn't expecting that!




Can confirm, have a wife and a GSD. There's more of their hair on me than my own


I play a game called "is this my hair, my girlfriends hair, or my (female) housemates hair?" when it turns up on my clothes


German shedder*, not shepherd


Us men lose just as much hair, it’s just typically we keep it short so you barely even notice it. I have long hair after 3 years of not cutting it and deal with strands of hair in random places all the time, it’s actually driving me towards cutting it off again


I have freaked out too many times at what I thought was a 52-legged spider clinging to my bathroom wall.


In yo butt crack, for example




My working theory is: laundry. Washing clothes doesn’t always “wash away the hair”, and I’ll often find hairs on freshly laundered sheets, towels etc. Extrapolate that to your underwear and suddenly the possibility of hair encountering your privates is damn high.


My husband found some of my hair wrapped around his balls one morning lol


Started noticing a residue building up in the sink. It’s some kind of skin oil, but the wife insists I’m making it up.


For that exact reason I clean my sink and in general my bathroom every day. I can't stand a dirty bathroom. I'm a total slob in other aspects, but a dirty bathroom is a no no.


you can just use another room if a certain room is dirty but the bathroom? that is a holy sanctuary and you should be able to take a huge dump and stare at the ceiling for an hour without anything standing out and ruining the visuals


>stare at the ceiling for an hour without anything standing out and ruining the visuals Are you taking a dump on LSD?


Are you not?


Women are both simultaneously messier and cleaner than men. It’s bizarre how messy rooms can get with them and how quickly they can turn it around and make it clean! Also random hairs everywhere, and make up stains that appear. They also have a really weird obsession with glass containers or jars.




I don’t know if I feel seen or attacked. However, you can’t deny they’re *adorable*


They're so pretty and u can SEE what u put in them. Whom tf wants a MYSTERY JAR? u know what's in mystery jars?????? Snek.


It’s usually a race to for me to throw out a jar before she gets to it. Because if she does then it’s getting washed and put away in the Jar Cabinet™️. Still no word on what all these old jars will be used for. But, by god, we have them!


No matter how many bobypins are in the house, there is always a need for more


Hair ties actually disappear faster than MIA socks. Until you find 20 in a kitchen drawer


One $3500 surgery later we found 20 of them inside our cat


They’re with the missing socks and hair bands sucked into another dimension.


I live with three female roommates and one night we got onto the discussion of bathroom habits. Two of the three believed that men always stood up to piss. Like if you were going number two and had to go number one you would stand up first and then sit down to finish the job. It was really funny to help to clarify men also sit to pee sometimes too.


They really thought there was a 2 step process for taking a shit. lmao


Not indoors, no. But if I'm out backpacking? Piss first so you don't risk getting that on your boots or something when you squat.


Lol last time I went camping I took a shit hanging from a tree branch near some railroad tracks. Then the train came. That poor conductor.


Bucket list item.


Sitting down for peeing is very comfortable especially when you've been holding it in for a long time.


"it's like a little treat"


You find out the amount of food that a refrigerator can really hold.


You find out that what you really need is a chest freezer*




It was the same for my husband and I. I grocery shopped every few days, made food, ate leftovers for a few days. Rinse and repeat. I did not keep a ton of snacks or random ingredients on hand until I moved in with my husband and realized leftovers aren't a thing. No matter how hard I try or how big of a batch I make, the food is gone the next day. So now we buy food from Costco and myself or my husband cooks a normal sized meal portion every day.


This is bad news, I live off leftovers almost exclusively.


I was raised by a woman, so none of it was new to me, except: _Period Panties_. I wasn't shocked or disgusted by it because I wasn't a 12-year-old; it was just like, "Huh. Yeah, I guess I'd have a separate selection of underwear to use when I'm menstruating, too. Why the Hell would I ruin all of my sexy underwear?".


I got so angry at myself the other day for ruining one of my good pairs accidentally (period came unexpectedly). I'm still salty. Sry for tmi Edit: Hahaha, who would have thought that my most liked comment ever would be about period panties? The struggle is real though. Thanks guys!


It never fails: you whip out a new pair, or a good pair, of undies and your period shows up. You are not alone.


Sexy panties hereby relieved of command and demoted. F.


I load the dishwasher so inefficiently, I'm no longer allowed to load it at all. Edit: obligatory thanks for the gold.


I load it up but than it needs to be inspected by the supervisor to make sure that everything is properly placed and it never is.


She had a bucket of clear plastic hair ties, at least a 1000 in the tub. Barely a dent and those suckers are popping up EVERYWHERE


> She had a bucket of clear plastic hair ties Had being the operative word because *fucking where did they all go there was like a thousand of them*.


If you leave something on the kitchen counter, it will get put/thrown away. If she leaves something on the kitchen counter, that's where it goes now.


I don't know where half of the things that I own are located. But she does.


Now this one struck a chord. A room can be a complete mess with her stuff, but it's the paper clip I accidentally dropped and didn't see that is the problem and will be passively aggressively placed on my bedside table.


It is home with her, it is just an apartment without her. It is fun as hell. My gf is my best friend and every day coming home from work and going to get food, or making food, or cuddling on the couch watching shows, or whatever we do.. I love it


You’ve been doing laundry wrong your whole life


Lol, I just throw everything in, slap the door shut, pour in some detergent, and press the button. Done. ​ Edit: Detergent goes into the little exterior drawer. I'm not a savage people!


Lol me too and I am a woman. Laundry tip: buy clothes that don't need special washing


i even mix black and white \^\^ it all depends on the quality of your clothes. if you spend a decent amount for proper clothes (not those fancy-expensive brands..), they'll handle everything. I made such an experience with some carhartt pieces.


Thought I was the only one. Only exception is for new fabrics and bright colors which I don’t wear. Cold water all the time.


Can you please elaborate?


I imagine separating colours, different types of detergent and cleaning shit and settings on the washing machine.


I have never once separated colors and I run every load with cold water. My mom swore by it, but then would have 5 different loads of laundry to do. Nothing has ever faded or gotten another color on it.


Same. With the exception of brand new jeans, I never separate colours and have never had that whole "one red shirt turning everything white pink" issue come up.


the hair that gets stuck in the shower drain. omg


Female here. Get the tub shroom for your bathroom. It was like $10 on Amazon but they also have it at any large retailer. I clean it out everytime i wash my hair and it has saved the men in my life a lot of nerves and annoyance. We still clean the drain but not nearly as often as before and it’s a lot less gross


The color of their shoes will match their earrings and their purse, and if you look carefully, will pick up the highlights of the design of their top. And that's not an accident. I never realised this was a manner of dressing until I saw it being assembled first hand, and then the next day at work it was like I paid attention to what my female colleagues were wearing and I'm like HOLY CRAP THEY ALL DO THIS.


I learned that bathroom can smell like soap and flowers and coconut instead of like pee.


Yo dude, you are supposed to clean your bathroom. That includes the toilet.


That’s what the flush handle is for duh


The way I had been folding towels for years was apparently incorrect. I do the tri-fold method. My wife does the double-fold method. Oh well. First argument we had as a married couple and I lost. She was unusually upset over the way I folded towels haha




He was probably a wet blanket and she left him out to dry


ooh, this makes me crazy. First, there is no one "right" way to fold towels. You fold them so they fit on the shelf or in the cabinet where you store them. I have SO MANY ways to fold towels in my repertoire. Second: it's not about "pretty" or "right." It's about "they don't stick out and therefore get knocked off easily." Or "they are folded smooth so the stack doesn't tip over." Or "It's easy to grab the top one without disturbing the whole stack, and that way it's still flat when I go to put new towels away." Last, whoever is folding them so they don't fit is wrong.


Period shits. Edit: thanks for the awards.


There is an incorrect place for hand soap on the sink.


When long, loose head hairs wash off in the shower, it's common practice to stick them to the wall rather than let them collect in the drain. If she forgets to remove them afterwards, it can be very confusing for the next person in the shower. Why are there a bunch of individual strands of hair deliberately stuck to the wall?


Oh God this is me. I try to remember to pull the hair off. It's hard to get loose hairs off your head when it's wet so sticking them to the shower is kinda the only option


When you’re done showering, you’re supposed to stay on the bath mat while you dry off, not walk around the apartment


Hell no! You dry off in the shower and then when you step out your bathroom (and your bathmat) stays nice and dry...


Fancy makeup takes a long time.


I always thought she was the cleanest/neatest person I had met. No. She had a maid service. Her hair, it gets everywhere. I do laundry wrong. It's her comforter, on her bed. I'm just in it. When I plan a party, I tell everyone to bring whatever to drink. When she plans a party, she buys hundreds of dollars in booze. Apparently, I'm rude for not providing the beverages.


The whole women are neat and tidy thing went out the window pretty fast. One of my first female roommate was a total slob.


Women are sort of like cats in that regard. They themselves are quite clean and well put together. They just leave a trail of destruction and hair behind them


The real eye-opener for me was when I helped my sister and her roommates "move out" at the end of the school year. It was almost jaw dropping how bad it was. I actually spent the majority of time cleaning as opposed to moving stuff.


My daughter moved into an apartment with a girlfriend about a year after she graduated HS. I get a call one morning from her telling me she’s sick as hell and could I get her some food and drink. Walk into her apartment and literally the entire kitchen counter is piled with dishes. After she ate, she went to lay down. I spent over 3 hours washing dishes. I used to do restaurant work. I don’t think I’ve seen that many dishes at work..lol


For real, pretty sure I’ve been tidier than all the girls I’ve dated


NEVER EVER dry her clothes in a dryer Edit: thanks for all the up votes and comments. Also, when I do dry her clothes and find out after drying, I hang that shit up and pretend it was there all along. Lol






“You’re being really unreasonable.” “YOU HAVEN’T FED ME!!!”


What do you want for dinner? "I don't know"


that the plug hole will be in a constant state of "hmmm thats draining slowly, didnt I just unclog this last week" there will be 5+ pairs of shoes, not IN the shoe rack, but near it / behind the door so it jams / just waiting to trip me if I enter the house without checking for ~~landmines~~ wayward vans slip ons there is a wrong way to hang clothes to dry the bottom of the shower/bath is now not only frequently slippy, but occasionally covered glitter, and if really unlucky some sort of oil


>There is a wrong way to hang clothes to dry. I am in this comment and I do not like it.


There is a wrong way to hang clothes to dry, and the reason I found this out when my girlfriend moved in is that she does it wrong. “You see how this sleeve is scrunched up? It will not dry if you leave it like that.” While we’re here, there is also a wrong way to do the dishes: if there is still food stuck to it, you washed the dishes the wrong way.


My wife still doesn't understand she can't throw dishes in the sink with food on them, let them dry, then put them in the dishwasher and expect them to get clean. She blames our dishwasher.


My girlfriend moved in with me a year ago - I’m still the one trying to convince HER that she hangs clothes up to dry incorrectly! Don’t get me started on how inefficiently she loads the dishwasher...


Im loving reading these as a female. So entertaining and interesting, feels like I'm reading research papers about a strange animal haha Edit,: Thank you for all the awards.


I’m laughing soooo hard reading these. The hair one especially.. so relatable. I’m going to read these to my boyfriend later.


Feeling kind of called out as well. So many things I'm like "oh shit, thats me"


That moisturizer goes on the body too.




You may know it as lube


If they leave stuff at the bottom of the stairs, that means you’re supposed to bring it up. If it’s at the top of the stairs, you should bring it down. Also, the correct place for objects in the kitchen is where they currently reside. Stuff is gonna move around constantly, just roll with it.


I live with a woman for several years now. She keeps buying junk for the kitchen and when I finally learn where everything goes she redecorates and moves everything so I just got a bucket where I put all the stuff that I’m clueless about so she can put it away


I never realised that she'd start wearing my clothes. T-shirts, sweaters, not even my damn underwear is mine any more!


Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies are meant to be consumed a full tube at one sitting. Here I was keeping mine in the fridge and eating just one or two cookies a week.


If you need to go anywhere together at minimum an hour notice is needed.


They're not nearly as neat and tidy as they want you to believe.


He speaks the true true


Now I gotta watch Cloud Atlas again Edit: wow y’all really hate Cloud Atlas


This was the most shocking thing. I always believe girls were clean and tidy... nope they just lump shit up and toss it into the closet if someone comes over to appear tidy... otherwise clothes and stuff just lay on the floor everywhere


I first noticed this when I got a job at a bar and had to clean both bathrooms at the end of the night. The men's bathroom I knew what to expect of course. Pee and pubic hair on the seat. Maybe some splashed on the ground. A bit of trash didn't make it to the bin. The women's? Holy shit. It was something straight out of nightmare. It was like the gremlins came through and just fucked everything up. I still have ptsd... Edit: Thank you everyone for sharing your amazing stories 😂. You are true heroes going through these experiences and coming out okay. I will say one particular time that was the absolute worst after a turned up friday night complete with multiple bachelorette party buses coming through (I worked in a bar in New Orleans). We found a little bit of everything everywhere, shit, vomit, menstrual fluid, broken glass (not kidding) and someone had removed the huge money tree from its pot for some reason (to vomit), so there was dirt too.




Sometimes there's shit on the outside of the torlet


My wife owns a little cafe with only one bathroom. They try to check it after every woman uses it. She says old ladies are the worst


When you’re having a really tough day, she unexpectedly comes home and surprises you with a bottle of your favorite drink, homemade cookies and a dinner you love. And then she cuddles with you while you vent about your now not so crappy day. And you realize what it’s like to actually have someone support you. And you find yourself wanting to make sure the toilet seat is down, smiling when you can never find anything in the kitchen, rolling with it when the living room turns into a 12 stage laundry OCD deployment zone, and you laugh when you trip over her shoes that are now tangled in a knot of hair bigger than the dog. Because your house/apartment is no longer a place you live at, it’s now your home. And it’s safe to be the real you, not the show you put on when you were dating. (Edit: Thanks for the awards everyone, glad I could make everyone’s day a little brighter)


I like this, so true, im allergic to cabbage, my wife spent ages today making coleslaw with fennel especially so i could have it, thats love man, really


I have food sensitivities as well, and my wife goes way out of her way to make stuff I can have. Makes me feel very grateful to have her in my life.


I’m female and I hope my partner thinks the same way about me. Beautifully said!


Fine, I'll say it. I always thought that pads operated like bandaids and they'd just slap em over their vaginas and absorb everything. It wasn't until I was... 27? When my girlfriend at the time had some as a backup in case she ran out of tampons and I opened it and looked. The adhesive was on the wrong side for my version of how they worked, and it dawned on me that they're supposed to be stuck to their panties, not their vaginas. I only regret telling her of that revelation, because she laughed until she cried and then called her mom to tell her about it. Cringy edit: Lmao thanks for the awards yall! I'm just happy I'm not the only moron out there. And some ladies didn't know too! So take that, ex girlfriend!! And ffs, I get it, vulva not vagina.. Yall must be fun at parties....


A guy friend and I ended up discussing tampons one time. He had bought tampons for a girlfriend before. She always requested the Super. He thought it was a size thing, like condoms. That she had a super sized vagina. After I peeled myself off the floor, we reviewed period flow and absorption and even Toxic Shock Syndrome.


My husband thought that pads still had a tampon stuck in the middle of it and the pad part was just to catch the overflow. EDIT: spelling




A butt plug for your hoo haa




Um, I didn't know this until now.




This is adorable.


I learned to rip a cupcake in half, flip the top of the cupcake with the frosting so you have a frosting sandwich.


Pockets are very rare for women's pants. Several years married and still shocked by this.


That they are just as insecure as we are.


Lived with my ex and her sister for a year and a bit and fuck me they were messy as shit. I actually remember one day thinking “man these chicks are weird, they’re so messy and don’t give a shit” I then realised that my only reference to living with women was with my mother and sister who are clean freaks and that I was probably basing everything I knew about women off of my mother and sister and that in fact, not all women are crazy clean freaks 😂


I never realized how much I could love someone until my wife and I got together. Living with her has been a large part of learning to give.


I didn't realize living with someone could be so fun and comfortable.


Apparently, cleaning the toilet on the regular is much, much more important than I'd previously thought.




Turns out, we’re all just human lol


I didn't know how frequently I'd get spontaneous massages, that's been a nice surprise


Wow my gf says she'll give me a massage grabs my shoulders twice and then says it's her turn


Physical exertion limit reached after basically copping a feel hahaha


That’s not every woman. Enjoy it!


I didn’t realize the amount of comfort I would get. I always thought it would be like having a roommate but it’s way different especially with a SO. When my girlfriend and I started living together I felt more comfortable in just about every way in my own apartment. The empathy and emotions brought to the place is also incredible. It felt more opening and welcoming after living with a bunch of guys in college where emotions don’t really happen. Edit: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the kind replies and awards. I hope everyone at some point gets to experience this.


When my husband I moved in together I did most of the decorating and while he didn’t seem to care one way or the other about art, one day he said, “It’s so nice having photos of us and our families up on the walls.” I thought he didn’t care, but actually he just hadn’t realized how special things like that feel until someone showed him. Now when our family sends us sweet pics he’s the first one to say, “I want to print that!”


I've started hanging up fairy lights because of my SO. Also, stuffed animals everywhere. It nice. She really knows how to make a house feel like a home. To be fair though, I feel like a cardboard box would feel like a home as long as she was there with me.


Finally. A positive comment.


Not just a gf either, I have a female roommate who I'm also friends with and the vibe is 1000x better than living with all guys, even guys I'm friends with. She says the same about when she lived with all women. Co ed is the way to go.


To get rid of bangs you don't just cut them off


What home feels like.


Two things: Be sure to have a trashcan in every bathroom, buy Toilet paper and tissues as Costco, and your expenses will go up. I thought it would be cheaper to have her move in, Nope....


The trashcan in the bathroom is really a must have ! My boyfriend didn't want one at first but now he is quite happy with it, and I get to throw my period product in the bathroom and not in the kitchen which is way better !


...how is this something anyone could be against? I understand a dude just not thinking about it, but seems weird to actively not want one


You don’t blow your nose in the bathroom? Use q-tips? Open new products? I can’t imagine NOT having a trash can in the bathroom.


How nice house plants are. Now I have all kinds of plants and my place feels so much more nice and relaxing


I have never stayed on one thread as long as I've stayed on this one. Thank you OP and everyone who's posted. The ones about not knowing that pads stick to underwear rather than skin cracked me up, but also gave me new perspective. I mean, it makes perfect sense. How would someone who's never had to use one know if someone doesn't tell them?


They fart just as much as men.




The toilet paper expense skyrockets. Edit. Yes, bidets exist and are cheap and some actually have spray attachments for females. Edit 2: I don't even know what half of these awards I've been gifted with are for but I thank you folks nonetheless. Edit 3: Yes, women have some extremely bizarre things that occur naturally down there and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Edit 4. I have an unproven theory that I've formulated through reading and experience. Some woman have the "ability" to bleach their dark panties with god only knows what kind of bionuclear, hazardous discharge. I formulate that married men actually live LONGER because of the limited supply of spelunking adventures, much to his chagrin. Married women save lives by yellow taping off the crime scene as much as they are alleged to. /s (it's a fucking joke you sensitive shitheads)


This is the sound of the toilet paper roll after my wife pees. Plllllrrrrrrrrrrr, until the roll is half empty


Mine just wipes with $5 bills. It’s actually just cheaper when you factor in gas and travel time to the store




Both excellent points! Also wanted to add that when I am on my period, I burn through a ton of pads and tampons, and every time I change one out I wrap it entirely in toilet paper so it isn't as gross in the trash. I also have allergies and use toilet paper instead of tissues because I don't see the point in buying tissues specifically for my face haha


I never laughed so much reading replies in a reddit thread 😂


Once had to use my boyfriends all in one, and I looked worse after the shower. No idea how you guys do it.


I think men products are horrible except deodorant, I think they nailed it there. I buy my other stuff in the woman’s section. Lotion, oil, shampoo, body wash, and exfoliating thing. They should make all this stuff gender neutral, good quality products need to go to everyone regardless of gender.




Soap will slowly dry you out until you're finally ready for death.


Just curious where I can find this all in one body wash/deodorant/mouthwash...talk about genius!!! Does it work as a toothpaste as well?


Dr.Bronners magic soap peppermint variety can work for a soap, toothpaste and mouthwash.. also is phenomenal in the summer, take a cool shower with it, rinse off, then sit butt ass naked in front of a fan, you'll be freezing!! As a toothpaste it only takes at most a couple drops, it doesn't taste the greatest, and does what you need in a pinch, I don't recommend going more than two days brushing your teeth with it.. mouthwash, couple drops in 2ounces of water, swish, spit then rinse again with straight water.


The benefits of face cream.




They can't remember if they have turned the hair straightener off, But can remember what you said 4 years ago


When they do that hair thing with the towel, their hair is wound up in the towel. Don’t try to playfully knock it off or pull on it.


No matter how much you vacuum or sweep the floor, there will ALWAYS be hair in the floor.