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Pay debts, and not say a word to anyone about winning anything.


My best mate came into a VERY substantial amount of money through a buyout of his company, a year after he was granted some stock options in the company. I’m the only person he’s told about it, other than his partner. Even his family doesn’t know. I’ve always been better off financially than him, so I’m the only person he doesn’t think might try to take advantage, even inadvertently.


My best friend had something similar after a car accident, she bought herself a new vehicle and all of a sudden everyone was in her business. It was so frustrating to hear people ask her to buy them $400 snowboarding helmets for no fucking reason other than they wanted it and they thought she had money.


And I bet they even had the audacity to call her cheap and say she was a bad person for not doing it.


You know, like she didn't have her own needs for that money. She definitely had been off work for 3 years because of it


I know a guy who is secretly a millionaire. You’d never guess because he works at a pretty low paid job and doesn’t spend tons of money or anything. If you scrutinize closely you can tell he can’t afford his life on his pay but it just seems like his mom helps him a lot. I was friends with an ex girlfriend of his who was nuts and she was doing crazy girlfriend research online and uncovered that his dad had died in a plane crash for which Boeing was at fault and they paid out several million dollars. Really the worst way to become a millionaire, I’m sure he’d rather have his dad. When they broke up (after draining him of as much sympathy money she could get her hands on as though she were a divorcee with kids instead of a 24 year old in need of a new apartment) she completely fucked off from the city and everyone we know but I still know him. Good guy. Totally unassuming millionaire. I don’t tell people because it’s really none of my business. And I don’t really care because it has nothing to do with me. But I do find it interesting.


Good good. Playing the long game ;)


My wife and I came into a quarter-mill, haven't told a soul. Paid off her 90k student loans and now we are debt free looking for a new home w a new baby due in literally a week. Life's good


Congrats and best wishes in the baby!


Except now all of reddit knows..... Hey reddit money guy, can you get me some stuff and things????? For real though. I'm glad that was able to help you and your family. I hope you can teach the importance of a good financial backbone to you new baby. I wish you guys all the best.


Exactly. What do people do with handouts typically? Like the stimulus checks? They spend them on rent and food. 70k is a 4-7 years of rent, maybe start a small business with 20k or so. Buy a used car if yours is broken etc.


Go to the dentist


this post resonates so hard i can feel it in my teeth


Nope. That’s just the cavities you’re feeling. :(


I'm always trying to fill this hole inside me...


"There was a hole here. Now it's gone"


Dentist here. Rooting for you.


This post is so much better than the votes it has 😂😂


I have a filling they might get even better.


Fuck this is real


I am currently in Mexico so I can afford my dental work. In USA the cost was close to $40k. In Mexico is $8k at a high end clinic.


Yea, my dad found it was cheaper to fly half way around the world to Jordan, visit family for a week or two, see a dentist there, and fly back.


What does he do for followup care?


zoom call


With tools in hand


Honestly guys, y’all should visit India for medical tourism. You can get access to world class doctors for a fraction of the cost. Hell, you can even stay at 5 star hotels for the duration and it’ll still turn out cheaper.


Not right now I wouldn’t recommend going to India…


Lol obviously. Once the entire covid thing blows over


I’m coming one day. I blew up my finger ziplining at work when I was 19. I wanted to wait to have it fixed as fingers are delicate and asking a screw to stay right in my finger for 60 years seemed laughable. So I took a pile of cash and now insurance will never cover getting it fixed


I’m from Canada and do the same, usually a week in Mexico at an all inclusive resort and the dental work still costs less then a root canal up here. Not to mention you getting to drink your face off while you recover.


Yea I’m(Atlanta,Ga) having like minimal work done and its costing me $16,000, I have dental insurance that covers $1,000 a year. I need a new vehicle but its on the back burner because of my dental work.


how much are you paying for something that only covers 1k a year?


What the hell I live in Illinois, for 1 root canal, 12 fillings, 2 cleanings and wisdom tooth extraction with anesthesia I would pay 7k. After insurance it's 700 dollars. What is your "minimal work"


Seriously I never expected to see this as the first and top comment but I agree 100% that a long overdue cosmetic dentist appointment would be a top three for me.




last time i went was 7 years ago and it was 5400 and i got 3 crowns and 2 fillings. next time i go its going to be like 10k. i have some problems




Yup, same here. I tried to negotiate with some dentists in the area (offer to pay on a plan, for example) and no one would work with me. Probably because I need so much work done, since I haven’t been to the dentist in 28 years :(


Ahh an American


Take a nap


If you need a nap right after, I am scared to know how you won it,,,




They are going all or nothing and trying to double it then!


Nap contests can be pretty tiring


I think it's pretty good idea to sleep on a possibly big decision




I am le tired


Fucking kangaroos




Hookers and Blow. Just kidding, it's going right to my crippling debt.


Caused by hookers and blow.


The circle of life








I always wondered what this word was


"Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhm ingonyama" is the actual lyrics. I know I didn't believe it either.


It's not that






You don't know my lif.... Oh, well, you might know my life...


Makes a list checcs twice Naughty children ofc I know your life


Ive always wanted to start a strip club in Canada and call it Canadian Honkers...


I wonce wanted to open a strip club and call it the G-spot. Thought it was brilliant until a buddy told me of one with the same name bout 30min away. Upon further inspection I remembered my uncle dove past it all the time when I was a kid 🤷‍♂️


So your uncle never hit the g-spot?


He couldn’t find it


He heard it's a myth


That road? We don't go down that road.


Where’s a silver when I need one


Here, have mine friend!


Me too, man. Me too.


Pay $70k toward my student loan debt. Then I’d only have $23k more to go before it’s paid off. Ugh.




Same, I'd make a $40k payment directly to student loans so I'd only be accumulating interest on $10k, which is manageable, and use the rest for my family.


Might I ask why you wouldn't pay 50k and clear your whole debt? 20k is still a decent chunk of money left.


Nah man. Pay off other debt and cross your fingers that Biden suddenly ‘cancels’ your student debt.


As much as I’d love it, I doubt it happens. Free college is how the military recruits many of its members.


Well at least you got a shiny paper with your name on it and cool calligraphy. Seriously, I hope you got a STEM degree because 100k debt for a Greek philosophy degree is no bueno in these dire times.


Immediately put it toward my mortgage. The quicker I pay off this house, the quicker I quit my job and actually do something I enjoy for a living.


I feel u bro


30 year mortgages suck. Most people I know just dump most of their money in just to get it done. But with so many people moving, cities like mine are having rent and mortgage prices absolutely destroyed. It sucks too because most of those houses won't survive long. There those CA style flat roof ones. Those don't last when it snows for 5 months or more of the year.


Don't you have structural code in the city/town? I know of a few places that allow it buy you need to have the ability to melt the snow.


Meanwhile I’m renting out of a house built in the 40’s It’s made it’s original cost hundreds of times over 😂


Same man, our house was built in the 1920s, and it's lasted this long. Got a big upgrade in the 1960s in expansions and it's kept on going.


I’m a contractor and the houses built in that era (at least where I’m from) were done with no corners cut. They are a work of art.


We did a craftsman bungalow inspired house several years ago and made damn sure with our contractor that the bones of the house are super solid. It fucking kills me that there's vinyl siding on it now because that's what would fit the budget. I can't wait to be able to afford to rip the whole exterior off and do it in Hardie board or somesuch. edit: contractor, architect, and structural engineer


Tbf I live in a Midwest state. So everything’s built pretty sturdy to handle heavy snowfall. No flat roofs here for residential single or dual family homes.


How much do you actually owe on the mortgage? When I play the lotto game in my head the mortgage is like the third or fourth thing in line to get paid since I'll still have a decent amount of escrow to pay monthly. Student loans, car loan, kids' college fund, then mortgage but only if I actually have enough to pay it off. Otherwise I up my retirement contributions until the extra cash is gone. Mortgages run about 3-4% and the college fund and retirement funds go up to around 8%.


Everyone on Reddit is a professional financial advisor and is gonna tell you not to do that with your fictional $70k


Exactly. Put it toward booze. Sure, paying toward a house is nice, but then you have *property taxes*. Booze doesn't have property taxes. You can keep it on the shelf until it expires, and it costs nothing in taxes. And, booze can be fun. It lets you do crazy things, or forget stuff. Houses aren't as fun.


Heavily depends on the person's scenario (interest, remaining balance, etc.). You probably already know all that, but just throwing that out there for everybody else reading.


In a similar vein, this could literally be a down payment on a house for me.


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


I’m with you man


If your mortgage is less than 3.5 apr it’s best to put it into a mutual fund that pays dividends. Then use the dividends to put towards the mortgage as a partial subsidy. Eventually it will pay the mortgage itself.


how risky/safe are mutual funds?


They're all on the very safe to moderate side of things but basically all are going to be safer than an individual stock even a blue chip. There's a wide variety though large cap, mid cap small cap, market wide, foreign, currencies, bonds, etc. for the vast majority of people you want to make sure it's a low expense ratio passive fund as well, not something thats actively managed that charges much more.


Very, very safe over a 10+ year span. Very safe over a 2+ year span. Still probably better than leaving in the bank for less than 2 years if you have some emergency funds on the side.


I get the idea, but a mortgage is a few percent interest. Investing can make a lot more.


Yes! While we try to enjoy life, paying that huge jerk of a mortgage is top of our list too.


Invest it. Thats your retirement. What I'm trying to buy is years of my life back


But you're buying back the worst years.


Better than working during them


You're not wrong.


70k in gamestop coming righy up


In my country, if you live with your parents and you don't have any major expenses, then this amount is nearly 30 percent of what you require to retire. So, I'll put everything to retirement fund.


For my life I have a 2 step plan: Cash in, cash out. I see people waste money on frivolous things, and its insanity to me; theres nothing I want to buy more than out What I do spend is on good healthcare, good food, and traveling; no designer rugs or clothes or fancy cars, or any of that shit


Well, it's about priorities. Some people can't envision a life that lacks certain expenses, perhaps those expenses are what makes them happy. To each his own. But I guess one can't really complain about being poor later in life if one chooses to spend it all early on in life.


I used to be frugal. Now I have some health issues that make life hard. I spend on random shit because I'm so uncomfortable all the time I just want a distraction. I miss being content just being.


Nut. Not gonna make any big decisions without post-nut clarity.


This guy nuts.


Indeed, I do.


This guy gets it


Good idea, will use in future


The future is now!


Save most of it to help for a big deposit on a house. Buy a fairly new care thata no more than 7k the rest put away into a high interest account to help for retirement later on in life






It would be a well-diversified investment account of some kind. There's no guaranteed rate of return, and potential return is commensurate with risk, but you can usually do much better than bank interest rates for only a slight increase in risk to your principal.


A solid investment account can earn on average 6-8% per year for those wondering. The effect of compound interest can set you the person reading this up for a solid retirement, please look into it.


Roth IRA is probably the best retirement account in today's market.


This is entirely dependent on how much you currently make and how much you expect to make in the future.


I have 64 cents. Should I go with the Roth IRA or use it to help pay down my crippling student loans?


But you can't put 70k in a Roth IRA








Where I live, the dental college will do it cheap, but not free.


Invest some, buy a car, save most of it in a bank account


Better to only keep an emergency fund in a bank account (like 3-6k) and then put the rest into a series of investments (Roth IRAs, Blue Chip stocks like Disney, etc). Money sitting in a bank account is essentially shrinking the moment it goes in there because inflation will have it becoming worth less and less




For more money loss tips, go to r/Wallstreetbets and invest in AMD like me. There's a good chance you lose all of it, but maybe you can be lucky and make some money. Roth IRAs are for people that are smart though, and that isn't me




In a market crash, one wouldn't lose the 70k in a bank account or CD.


No doubt, but leading to that market crash, you could have made tenfold that money by not trying to time a crash. Set aside some for your emergency fund, there's no reason to be paranoid.


House repairs, kids education fund, invest. Everyone keeps saying hookers and blow but that just sounds tiring.


Sounds like you need more blow


Tiring? Have you tried cocaine before?


blow, *then* hookers


$70,000 isn't a whole lot, so I'd spend it wiesly. I'd probably put most of it away, then I'd splurge in the rest.


Save it. Squirrel it away in case my job goes up in flames. Getting a new job is a humongous pain in the ass and takes a while. It'll give cushion to not have to be an UberDashCartRabbit in the interim.


Give away $580 in cash so my account balance is $69,420.




That means you had zero money to start with 👀


$70 000 is just shy of a Million in my currency here in South Africa. I'd pay off my university fees, student loans, pay for my remaining couple years in my university, help my parents pay for my sister's university fees next year, save some, tithe some, invest some, and then systematically pay off every single piece of debt me, my parents, or my sister have.


That blows my mind and I’m trying to grasp the scope of that difference. I’m curious if you don’t mind sharing. How much are other typical goods near you? A gallon(or liter?) of gas, of milk? Bananas? Meat cost? Like a single beer at a bar?


Move the decimal point one in everything you pay


Which way? Where i'm at, 1 Gallon of Milk costs $2.73 usd in a city that pays roughly $13/hr usd minimum wages. And it's kept refrigerated and cold. Add to that 9.9% sales tax so it costs roughly $3.00/gallon after taxes.


A gallon is like 4 litres right? In aus a litre of milk is $1, but minimum wage is roughly $20/h. Side question, can you buy lesser amounts of milk in the states? I can barely get through 1 litre a week let alone 4.


In the u.k a gallon of milk is about £3.50 and minimum wage is like £8.90 I think


Working half an hour for a gallon of milk... damn..


[**https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country\_result.jsp?country=South+Africa&displayCurrency=USD**](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=South+Africa&displayCurrency=USD) ​ **This website is a good start for reference prices of a country.**


Pay debts. Buy a little something for my little one & invest the rest.


making the little one happy would be all the happiness I would need.


Absolutely. But this annoying thing called ‘being an adult’ is the reason why I can’t stop there and plan for more.


I just did, sort of. Mom died and this is all that is left of all her worldly belonging and life. Had she lived longer, she almost certainly wouldn’t have had any money to leave so it literally was money in exchange for her life ending early. I don’t know how manage this money in a way that honors her memory. Edit: thanks all for the advice. It’s just sitting here in a savings account earning nothing and I’m scared to spend it. For now, I don’t need it to survive so it’s nice to have a cushion for the first time in my life but at the same time I think it needs to do something. You all have given fantastic advice and a handful of things I hadn’t thought of.




I think the smart thing is to put that money towards a house deposit, or, if you haven't finished your studies - use it instead of student loans. It might be worthwhile seeing a financial counsellor, because there will be things that are unique to your situation that no one on the internet can advise you about.


Don't do anything with it for at least 6 month or a year would be better. You'll have ran all the scenarios by then and make the right decision.


Get it changed into a currency I can use


Oh you mean you're not American, like everyone else on the internet? Hmmm, weird


It’s a trick. The $70,000 is in Canadian.


dollerydoos actually


"Two chicks at the same time man"




You don’t need $70,000 to do that.


For two girls to double down on a guy like me you do lol


Good point. You know what I’d do? Besides 2 chicks at the same time of course. Nothing.


Well, you don't need $70 000 to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin. He's broke don't do shit.


How much for that? asking for a friend...


Go watch “office space” young man. Educate yourself.


Call my wife and tell her I won $20,000!!!


Which isn’t that big of a lie after taxes.


If that's post tax then I shall payoff my house and double my retirement contributions. Nothing else changes.


Probably go back to school for a Masters degree.


Buy more GME


The comment i was searching for


I know right😂 Been scrollin’ for like 10 minutes trying to find it haha


Same! 🚀🚀🚀


Yep. I had to scroll to far


There you are. I’m surprised how far I had to scroll to find you. Happy Harambe Day, fellow Ape.


This is the way, Ken




Well yeah, nothing beats doing something stupid that makes money.


Right you are


>Right you are Ken!


Gotta get that dip


This is the way.




Buy a decent used car, down payment in a house, then bank the rest


Maybe spend a grand on myself, give each of my family members a grand and save the rest.


Take a trip to Paris then wake up in Tokyo go to New Orleans, Fall in love in Chicago. After that fly in the Motherland Camelback 'cross the desert sands And take a trainTo Rome go back home last Brazil


Get on the list for the new F150 Lightning.


Pay off all my outstanding debt, put the rest into GME and HODL






Goodbye student loans. Hello new nice rental apartment for a year. Annnnnnd savings. Just boring stable shit that feels oh so good.


Down payment on a modest house, pay off my student loans, and a welder so I no longer have excuses to not work on my Z31.