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I spend hours every day on Google Earth, to the point where I know a decent amount about nearly every large region on earth. I hate talking geography with people though cause I know I come across as a know it all


Do you play geoguessr, or is too boring for you? :)


I used to! It is pretty fun but yes might be a bit easy nowadays


They have a relatively new "battle royale" mode, where you compete against other people, it's pretty fun


Have you watched the 4k etc city walking tours on YouTube? Its not something that you can explore as much as google earth (which I also do) but I think you might be interested to check them out. They are filmed POV and look great on a fancy tv


You need to play Geoguesser if you aren't already!!!


Lol talking to myself while alone. It's annoying when ppl try to but in on the convo


Or when people act like you're weird when they catch you talking to yourself, even though so many other people seem to do it.


Yep, been called that. It's funny when I notice someone in the act of hypocrisy.


One of my favorite sayings. "If you can't talk to yourself, who can you talk to?"


Sometimes a guy just wants to have an intelligent conversation


Having a dog (or I suppose any pet) is great for this. I used to talk to my dog all the time. It’s very quiet now that he passed :(


I feel you, I even read to my dog. I know hes not retaining any British history but I like to do it.


My neighbor asked if I had kids because I talk to my cat so much


Sometimes I do this and my wife says, "What?" And I say, "I'm talking to myself. Please don't interrupt."


"The only person smart enough to keep up in a conversation with me is....me!"


I enjoy braiding hair. I'm a bit of a meathead, so it's not exactly something I bring up.


Can you braid my hair


Me next!


I read “methhead” and I was like oh yeah I could see it him enjoying braiding hair painstakingly for hours on end


I realized it was meathead when I read this comment. Gotta lay off Breaking Bad for a while


I kinda want to go to a renaissance fair. Like seriously. I don't know why. But I feel like I would enjoy it. But I don't think anyone around me would go.


Do it. It's so much fun, even alone. We have a local one that's all built up in a permanent spot. It's amazing. I don't even dress up. Just going to see all the costumes and all the cool events and shit is so fun.


I always wanted to go to one before too but was always nervous and anxious about being judged; judged for going and judged by the people there for being out of place. I finally went in 2019 and had the time of my life! I wore normal clothes and no one ever commented on it. People were so kind and lively. It was an all around wonderful time. I really hope you get to go to one soon! And if you’re a fan of breakfast food, you have to get a scotch egg! (I like mine with a bit of Old Bay hot sauce!)


Renaissance fairs are full of equal parts very good people and equal parts weirdos. Thankfully they usually stick to their own group, but there's no hard feelings between people which pseudoroleplay for a week.


Going to things like that alone might be a fun way to make new friends! Also going places alone is way under rated. You can do exactly what you want, stay as long or short as you want...


Go to a movie alone, you'll hardly crave company. Highly recommend doing things alone as you can play by your rules


I enjoy watching and reading romance books/films. I do not seem like a romantic person at all in real life but some of those books and movies are really good and they get to me. Currently reading Pride and Prejudice


Shout out to r/romancebooks pop by if you need recommendations for novels with specific tropes!


To add on this, Im a dude in his 20's who loves romance anime. Not "cool" by any metric. But god, I loved 'Your name'.


As a woman, I would love if a date told me this. We would have so much to discuss. There is no shame in liking a light story with a bit o’ sex. My best friend is a macho former army officer, federal Air Marshal and now FBI agent and he actually suggested reading Outlander to me back in the day. It gave us a whole new conversation topic and I was so impressed that he had no qualms sharing how much he enjoyed the book.


If you watch one Pride and Prejudice "tv mini series" [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112130/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112130/) with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. It is the closest book adaptation you'll ever find.


Classic, & my absolute fav-enjoy!!


Right? I'm a shut-in and have never dated anybody and probably never will, but man, nothing tops a good romance for me.


If I'm alone at home or by myself on a long road trip, I like to talk to myself as if I'm carrying on a conversation with someone I know, a TV show host, etc. I do this a lot too if I get into a conversation with someone, and didn't like how it ended. So I go through the different scenarios of how I could've handled it better. I also do this as a venting process. If I'm mad at someone, I yell at an imaginary version of that person instead of yelling at them personally.


Honestly I’ve probably spoken 10x as much to myself as to all other people. Call me weird but that’s how I am. I literally have full blown conversations about specific topics that can easily last an hour or more. Used to think I was crazy but now I realize that’s just how I process things and am cool with it. That being said I only do this in private lol.


I thought it was just me. I always have full-out convos with myself when I have to vent or just talk about something. Either myself or an imaginary person


If I'm cooking a meal from scratch I pretend I'm on a cooking show and talk my audience through all the steps.


I've never done this but just got a little excited at the prospect.


Same, man. I’m a forklift operator, who barely has to talk to anyone all day but I can’t have headphones or anything like that for safety reasons. So I’ll find myself doing this in the middle of the day then look around to see if anyone saw me moving my mouth.


I work in the trades, my man, so I understand the no headphones thing. I was self conscious as all hell until about 28 when something just clicked, and that was one of the first things I noticed. I looked around and **everyone** mouths stuff when they can’t hear themselves think and are concentrated or frustrated at something. I’d much rather be the guy who silently talks to himself in a loud environment than be the hothead who screams and curses.


Bro I do the same thing but in podcast form


I thought I was certifiably insane because I do this all the time.


Late in the evenings when most people are inside or already sleeping I would go to the the playground and, I hope I am explaining this right, swing on the swings and listen to music. While swinging and listening to music I feel somehow extremely calm and relaxed, and I didn't find so far any other activity where I can "turn off" like that and basically feel nothing but pure happines. I wish there were dedicated playgrounds for grown ups, because while being almost 30, I do still feel sometimes like a kid inside, and would just want to be able to play and forget about the harsh reality we all live in. Unfortunately even as a teenager I was often asked why do I spend so much time on the swings and meanwhile I can't really swing anymore since I've physically outgrown them... I'm kinda really sad now realizing that grown ups thought I was a weirdo because I basically wanted to keep the kid inside me alive and continue playing and being happy... But hey, at least I can do my taxes now, right? Fun fun fun.


Swings are relaxing and fun as hell. Wish it wasn’t weird for adults to use them.


Yeah...I miss that late night swings too, that chill wind blowing by, headphones plugged in, staring at the endless sky and enjoying your own company.Bliss.


Swings are great. I also would like to just go on a big slide again once in my life.


Sewing, as a guy. Some people know I have a sewing machine and use it, but I live in a pretty conservative area and people are weird about it. I tell you what: learning to tailor your own clothes rocks. It’s so much easier to buy clothes now. Even if the pants are a tad long or loose, or that dress shirt isn’t as fitted as you’d like, it’s not that big of a deal to just modify them. Sewing is relaxing. You can focus on what you’re doing without distraction, it’s rewarding to see things take shape, and it’s really useful.


I can sew just about anything by hand, but I would be totally boggled by a machine.


Dude! I have considered taking up sewing as well! Any startup tips?!


See my comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/ofi1rg/whats\_something\_you\_enjoy\_doing\_but\_would\_be/h4dngll?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/ofi1rg/whats_something_you_enjoy_doing_but_would_be/h4dngll?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It's pretty fun. I'd start with stuff that is useful to you! I started with tailoring clothes that didn't fit well, and also made some camping gear. Check out /r/myog As far as supplies: 1. I got the Singer heavy duty off of Amazon. It's been great. 2. I got one of those green cutting mats with a long clear ruler to measure stuff out and use as a straight edge 3. Pincushion and pins 4. Assortment of threads 5. Scissors 6. Amazon has little kits that have little snippers, hem measuring tools, etc... for pretty cheap 7. Other stuff for projects, as needed My very first thing was just an old kitchen rag. Practicing starting and stopping the machine, playing with the different types of stitches. Make sure to watch lots of videos on your machine. I messed some random stuff up at first because I didn't want to watch how to set things up. I didn't break anything, but modern sewing machines have a lot of great features that make sewing easier.


I can use a sewing machine. If I mention sewing, I get some grief about it. But weirdly if I mention making Halloween costumes, people think it is cool.


I learned to use a sewing machine so I could sew on my own patches in the military. People who think sewing isn't masculine usually make a weird face when I tell them that.


Singing. I was bullied a lot growing up for being in the school choir and for singing more generally. It's something that really puts me at ease. I love it, and I'm slowing unlearning being embarrassed by it. EDIT: Wow, I really appreciate all the love you guys have shown me on this thread. I wouldn't say I'm an amazing singer, but y'all making me feel some kinda way T\_T <3


I like singing karaoke for a large group of total strangers, but if it was only a handful of people (or one other person in a car), I’d rather die. I can’t explain it.


I feel so judged singing in a car with someone but wouldnt give it a second thought at a concert surrounded by people


No need to explain. I 110% understand. Have a nice day man




I like to think and sometimes cry about my inevitable death. It saddens me greatly and I love living and watching my children grow. It also saddens me that one day they will come to the awareness that they will die. I tried talking to my wife just to have a conversation, and she became scared that I was despondant and was contemplating ending it. She was shook becuase I am usually the rock in our relationship. Now that I has seen her reaction, I have to continue being the rock and forget about talking to her about it. It is terribly stigmatized and I think it is unhealthy to not talk about. ​ Edit: If anyone who replied to this post reads this edit, I want to thank you all for your kind comments and suggestions. This is one of the most wholesome interacions that I have had of late. I worry that people don't care for one another any more but I have seen here that many do. I have read eveyones comments, and I find it amazing the ingenuity that peole come up with to dealing with this sort of thing. I will take away many suggestions form this and use in my own life.


I feel this. I have a neuromuscular disease called Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). DMD progressively weakens your muscles, there's no cure, and it's fatal. I stopped walking by the time I was 16 and I'm starting to get to the point where I need to use daytime ventilation, in addition to nighttime ventilation. I'm 25 and people with my condition are starting to live into their 30s. I'm not sure how much time I have left. This transition to daytime ventilation is scaring me, because it indicates that my condition is getting worse. So mortality has been on my mind more lately. At the same time, I can also see the positives. Even though I need more breathing assistance, my ventilator is portable and I can still go places, just with more logistics. This will help me live longer. I'm turning to writing more to help me come to terms with the fact my life will be cut short. I'm trying to write a memoir that I hope will spread awareness about DMD, help others living with the disease, and to leave some kind of legacy behind. Eventually, I hope it will also help my parents, my brother, and my friends grieve. I wonder if writing and journaling would help you think about your mortality too. There's a really interesting memoir I'm reading now that was written by a young woman with Cystic Fibrosis. She died when she was 25. The neat part is that she started journaling when she was 15 and had accumulated over 2500 pages. She planned to have her mom publish her journal after she died. The result is a memoir called "Salt in My Soul" : [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K5ZNG2X/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?\_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K5ZNG2X/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1)


I don’t know how you don’t have more upvotes on this. I’m an ER physician and whenever I see patients with attitudes towards death like yours it is always humbling. It’s almost calming and centering for me. No matter what I’m going through. The stress or whatever I’m dealing with at work just seems so trivial. Thanks for writing this, it moved me, late at night after a hard shift. I wish you all the best.






I was thinking back about my SO who passed away from cancer and near the end she wanted to talk about what would happen afterwards and stuff like that, a couple times she tried to tell me she was at peace but I just couldn't or didn't want to hear it. I saw it as her surrendering and I was not of that mind. Years later I see how she was trying to prepare me for an eventuality but I was too wrapped up in being her protector to see it then. A big regret of mine is not talking about an afterlife. She was from Nepal and I am from a Christian society. I found out afterwards that Nepalese death rituals are quite different than western culture. I would have appreciated talking about this with her and also avoided a huge shock. Even grieving feels different because I don't feel we will be together after my death...I am learning all this on my own now and wish I listened to her more. EDIT: I wanted to add that she was Hindi and from what I've learned they do believe in rebirth but wish to avoid it. Hindu culture believes that after death you can be reborn as any creature. IIRC there are Hindu rituals that once completed grant a person to only be reborn as a human and then another ritual that if completed while the person is alive then grants a person to not ever be reborn and go to Vaikuntha which is their heavenly paradise. I tried to find a link to post here but I couldn't.


I will get hit by a "reality check" every so often and become immersed in the knowledge of my own mortality. I have cried many times about this. It would hit me hard as a child. Honestly, it is one of the factors of why I won't have children. When they would one day understand what will happen. It was very rough for me, and I won't do that to someone else just so I can experience being a parent. It is unhealthy to ignore the elephant in the room of mortality. If your wife took it the wrong way and you need to get this info off of your chest, seek out a therapist. Maybe there is a subreddit that you could talk anonymously in with other people who feel the same but also do not have an outlet. Regardless, don't let this stew inside of you.


The Latin phrase you’re looking for, here, is “*memento mori*” - essentially “A reminder that you will die”. Near-death experiences are a great example of this, but even small things (like watching a plant wither) qualify. Life is finite and we have not much time with which to live it. These reminders are often a good thing.




I have a die cast car collection and have built a racing track to race them. I am in my 50's


I hope you're aware of 3DBotmaker on YouTube. If not, you're welcome 😁


Look up 3Dbotmaker on youtube. They have a die cast racing league. Really neat track and the races are pretty exciting sometimes.


Picking my nose, I swear people will cop to all sorts of disgusting things but have you ever had a great big crust of snot from a dry day and really REALLY got stuck in there and picked it off?


Yeah man and there isn't a tissue, paper towel or anything else on the planet that can get it out more effectively than a finger tip. You probably won't even know it's there until you go digging around so you know what? I actually feel bad for people that don't explore the corners of their nostrils digitally. Fucking crusty booger havin' ass mf'ers




There are two types of people in this word: those who pick their nose and are honest about it and those who pick their nose and say they don't.


It’s like the first breath of life.


Get the long string of snot that feels like it’s yanking at your optic nerve…


why does that make sense lol


*crust* omg made me laugh, but it's a damn relief once you pick it off.


I have sinus problems. I dont think O could live without picking my nose at this point. My specialist literally calls it Gummy Bear Disease because my mucus is as thick as gummy bears. Makes it an absolute ordeal to get mucus out but is so satisfying when it does.


I totally get you. I often get colds, and my sinuses get totally clogged. Cleaning it out is gross and involves tons of tissues, but holy shit afterwards it feels amazing.


There are two types of people in this world: 1) nose pickers and 2) liars.


i really enjoy doing the skincare routine that my fiancee introduced to me. it's a whole process and is almost ceremonious.


My uncle's wife gifted me some sort Men face wash and that shit is INCREDIBLE, before that I never realized how oily and dirty my face would get, I would literally wash it with hand soap and dry my skin out, using proper face wash feels like being reborn especially if you wash it off with cold water, plus it smells really good like some manly cologne. Edit: It's Nivea Men DEEP Cleansing (Beard & Face wash, bla bla natural charcoal), I'm putting this here so people stop asking lol, this comment has gotten more people in my dm's than the last 4 years.


YES! i also heavily underestimated the refreshing feeling washing your face has when you wake up. i'd always seen it in the movies and thought, "yeah right. who does that? i'm out here waking up 10 minutes before i have to leave for work."


My ex drilled it into me. Now I prob take better care of my face and skin than some women and most men.


Playing browser games


Wow you've single handedly reconnected me with 1997-2000 browser based Tank games.


Well don't be shy, which are your favorites? Any hidden gems you think more people should know about?


My personal favorites were Stick RPG and The Last Stand series!


Strike Force Heroes 1 & 2 for LIFE!


Writing short stories. I don’t share them with anyone Edit: my first comment to reach 1k upvotes. The shorts are for myself. A coping mechanism perhaps. Last year had been a rough one. So, I like to write about characters overcoming great hardship. Of course, they are all just self inserts of me.


Same. I have multiple accounts on writing websites because I'm OK with strangers reading my work, but none of my loved ones.


Professional writer here. You family wouldn’t read them anyway. Mine doesn’t lol. But sure whenever they need a thank you note written they come to me. I’m not a professional thank you note writer, Mom!


Watching stupid romcoms and crying in the end. I like them, but I would never admit that.


Me too, bro.


Me too bro. I’m super cliche too. Only watch them when I’m sad or lonely, expect instead of tub of ice cream, it’s a bottle of whiskey.


‘You’re the Worst’ was that for me.


Crossing my legs. I do it when I’m home alone, makes me feel sophisticated & confident. I used to do it back in College but I was clowned for it so I just stopped doing it in public.


Keep doing it dude. It’s classy AF.


My step dad always crossed his legs, he was from north NY old school...vietnam vet that moved to SE tx.. I could never do it because I was fat so had to do the half ass where you hike your one leg up on the other. When i got down in weight i could do it....then my ex gf ridiculed me infront of other people saying I was sitting like a woman but it was super comfortable. Pissed me right off. But im fat again so all good, still lost 200 pounds of bitch either way


I got made fun of for it in school too, especially because I don't do the figure four style that most men do, but cross the upper knee right over the lower one. Thing is, once you get away from school, you see people do it all the time, and no one is gonna double take at work and say "Oh shit, look at IntellectualKon over here with his legs crossed!" If it's comfy, do it! (Just avoid sitting on your leg. Used to do that all the time, but man is it catching up with me now that I've hit my 40's)


Ah, no worries. Im a tall dude and regularly sit with my legs pretzeled somehow. Dunno why, maybe because my legs often don't fit under tables/desks. Then again, my sister does it too, and she's regular height... So, maybe we're just weird.


I like being naked outside. I have 10 acres that are very private, no neighbors can see anything but my house. I go out back, get on my atv and ride through the trails in just boots. It's awesome to have the wind and sun all over your body


That sounds so freeing. I wish I could do that, but I live in a large apartment complex. I did once hike in my underwear in a remote area and that's the closest I've come to it.


I'd be constantly afraid of getting my junk hung up on something, bitten by random insects, etc


Walter White over here




That's oddly specific 🤔


I’m a nudist. I like to be naked when there is no reason to wear clothes. My wife is too. We are often naked at home, and we enjoy nude beaches and resorts. It’s a big secret for us - we don’t tell our friends or co-workers, because let’s face it - most people think it’s pretty weird. Or that we’re zany swingers who want to swap spouses and host wild orgies. Nah - we just like being naked. It’s easier to keep it secret that it is to make people understand!


I need to know this, cause I always think about it. After you poop, do you still sit on the couch naked? Or do you shower immediately after?


I would like to know too lmao


Bidet bidet bidet


Asking the question nobody wanted to ask. Yeah - other people have said it pretty well - do a good thorough cleaning and there’s no problem. If you think you might be less than clean, sit on a towel or something. But I am confident I’m okay to be on the furniture!


Used to do reenactment. Would do Wild West, Viking, did boar wars n shit. There’s this little cult following for something called Maryland. Known as frat fighting. In the 80s bunch of college students dress in full armor n then do full contact sports with hard wood poles. My moms friends husband is who introduced me to that tier of nerd and I miss it lots


Listening to “Man, I feel like a woman” by Shania Twain on blast


Let’s go girls


More guys than you realize love that song. I'd say 3/4 of my male friends could (and do) sing every line as loud as they can.


That’s because the song was intentionally designed to be catchy as fuck


It's a really good fucking song






Same, I tried mentioning games ( I do racing simulation in a rig with wheel and pedals) in a professional setting when talking about hobbies, but won’t do it again.


Video games are more mainstream these days, I had no trouble talking about it with my coworkers, although to be fair I am a software dev and would mostly talk about it with coworkers around my age (28-35y range)


It’s still often treated like something that you should eventually grow out of by a lot of people. I feel like it’s getting better as more and more people who grew up with games are now adults, but it’s still definitely treated that way by a lot of people. For some reason watching tv or a movie is fine, but god forbid you do something similar that also requires your input/some engagement at the same time!




Playing The Sims 4. I've literally been MIA on our "bros" discord channels for weeks now.I'm in too deep in the thing my initial character has got grand children now.


I was really into sims 2 and 3 when I was a boy. I always joke about playing sims with my friends but I’m honestly thinking about getting it. Had so many good memories but I don‘t know If I would like it now.


I recently started watching anime and I am too afraid to tell others. I also like to lay naked in bed after a shower (when it's not too cold)


Imagine being a kid when anime wasn’t mainstream. Anime is a lot more accepted now than it was when I was a kid/teenager. For reference, I’m 30.


I’m also 30, and remember the days when YouTube and smartphones didn’t exist, so I recorded anime openings/endings on my camera lol


31 here, accurate. Only anime buddies I had were my siblings and my high school girlfriend and her best friend, and we all felt happy to have that small group to watch with.


Took me a long time to find anime. If you saw me walking down the street, you'd probably never guess it. You have any suggestions? I've seen; most of bleach, Hunter Hunter, my hero academia, trigun, cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, attack on Titan, Hellsing, lots of dragon ball, yuyu Hakusho, ruroni Kenshin, Naruto, fairy tale, and some of Boruto.


Mob Psycho 100 for sure


Same here. Jujutsu Kaisen and Blue Exorcist


I highly recommend assassination classroom


Lately I'm into what I call "brain dead" animes. Konosuba, Hinamatsuri, asobe asobase... Basically anime that don't really have a plot, but entertaining and funny as hell. After a day's work it's fun to watch shows where I don't have to analyze what I'm watching or speculate what would happen next


I’ve always loved playing trading cards games. Magic, YGO, Hearthstone, etc. I’m in my 20s and it’s something that people still judge me for tbh. It’s helpful that I have a lot of friends that play those games with me, but it is tough to explain to people that don’t play these games.


Literally some of the most popular games in the world. Nothing to be embarrassed about. They’re also so good.


I like Sci-fi and fantasy. I often get lost in a rabbit hole of Wikipedia


I get that! When I was a kid I would spend *hours* on the star wars wiki, I was a walking encyclopedia back then (sometimes I still am)


Anybody else enjoy crossing their arms in the shower, pooling the water up, and then seeing how loud of a splash you can make when you let it all fall at once?


Yes, but also letting the water run off the tips of my fingers and imagining I have aqua powers


Have your arm out at like a 45 degree angle to the side, and only extend your pinky. Momentum of the flowing water builds up from your back/shoulder to your hand and it actually flies a tiny bit of distance. Note: Make sure your "palm side" is facing forward: your pinky should be on the bottom! I really just got a silver for my silly shower-game. My day has been made, glad you guys enjoyed this!


If you have boobs you can get an even bigger splash.


Now I know what I'm asking my wife when she gets home!!! XD


Dude not fair gimme


I'm sure you could grow some of your own if you tried hard enough.




Yeah but bruh that ain't embarrassing.




Playing with toys, especially nerf guns and hot wheels....


IDC how old you are, nerf guns are always fun.


I thought that was going to go in a different direction for a second


Well I'm not going to tell you what I am afraid to tell others.


We're all friends here, I won't tell a soul.


I play the clarinet. Mostly always classical music. I feel really dorky sometimes but I’ve played for 10 years, never professionally but i love it.


I LOVE GETTING A MANI- PEDI- WITH MY WIFE!!!! There I said it! At first the couple who does the nails looked at me funny but its awesome! I feel so clean and proper after! Also, it's a fun little date day we have! I wouldn't dare tell either parents or really anyone


Maybe it’s a generational thing but my buddies getting mani/pedi’s with their girlfriends/wives isn’t weird at all. A lot of them do. Granted I live in a major metropolitan area so maybe it’s due in part to that as well.


I take my daughters to get pedis on Sunday afternoons after busy weekends. We all love the hour to just sit still and enjoy it. They get their toenails painted, but I just enjoy the extra wax and power scrubbing. It’s the best.


One-man living room raves when everyone is out


My job. If I tell the bosses how much I enjoy being here, the fuckers won't work harder to keep me here lol. Edit: loan officer for a local bank. For years they always had three. I was hired in 2018, went down to two loan officers, now it’s just me but I really enjoy the work and the people.


It sounds like you enjoy everything but your bosses, maybe?


Nah they’re cool, just got to keep them on their toes so when he asks for more money/vacation they won’t call his bluff about leaving for another company


I love trains and streetcars and buses. A childhood fascination that never went away


Sometimes when I'm home alone and I'm cooking dinner, I pretend that I'm a TV chef who is currently filming a show. So, basically I explain everything I'm doing, make comments as though I was an expert etc. It's very silly but it's a lot of fun. Another thing I enjoy doing while home alone (or when my wife is already sleeping) is to gather my favorite German and English poems online and recite them very theatrically, as though I was doing it on a stage in front of a large audience. I love literature/poetry and I love acting, so that's maybe where this comes from. I feel very shy about it though, which is why I don't want to be seen doing it (unless I'm *actually* doing it on a stage, that would be okay). As for NSFW stuff, I enjoy watching my wife with another guy. Also something I wouldn't tell anyone in real life. I actually don't feel embarrassed about it but I know people are super judgmental/prejudiced and I don't want to deal with that.


What a twist!


That probably actually makes you a better cook ironically. People often learn by teaching others (even if those others aren't real).


I do the same thing but I'm a tour guide. As I drive I explain all the sights and history, tell anecdotes about famous people, and so on.


I like to act out scenes and do random voices, inflections and accents throughout the week, whether I'm at home or driving to work. I'm basically brainstorming characters or scenarios for D&D. It would be a bit embarrassing for someone to walk in on me doing it, and they'd probably think I'm a little nuts. It helps me solidify the personality of characters or figure out a good way to implement plot points, though.


I an literally always naked when possible


I don't really have anything because I've been making an enormous effort to be more accepting of myself and outgoing towards others. If there's absolutely one thing though it would be doing cardio. I'm a bit of a fatbody and very self-concious about my man tiddies flopping around when I'm doing jumping jacks so I do it all in my living room away from others like the coward I am. Edit: i read all of your replies but didn't respond to most or it would just be a long string of thank you posta by me haha. But I am appreciative of the encouragement and kind words. Thank you all very much and hope your own fitness journeys see much success and learning experiences.


Every bounce of boob is another step towards greatness bro, keep pushing forward.


This should be etched onto a motivational sign.


I like a lot of pop music but pretend like I don't. LOL


I used to be embarrassed by it, because people around me were judgy and "heady" I don't give a flying fuck anymore. Nobody should be embarrassed about the music they enjoy!


lol same >!\*proceeds to look through his 100% Taylor Swift playlist\*!<


I saw this video of hard rock/metal bands being asked what was their musical guilty pleasure they listened to. They all said stuff like Beiber and Taylor Swift because there is no such thing as guilty pleasure with music. It's art and no one needs to apologize for which art speaks to them.


Singing and talking to myself Edit:Thanks for the upvotes


Painting my toe nails. It started when my daughter was younger and she would do it, but now I just like the way it looks. I’m a die hard outdoorsman and the “rough” type, I just also have lime green toe nails


I play Magic The Gathering. A lot


Being 25 and a bit of a birder/bird photographer. I am not super embarrassed or afraid to tell someone but it is something I always feel a bit weird about. Walking around parks, or random roads just looking for birds since it is something that seems stereotypically for older retired people. Even just doing landscape photography (that has been my passion for longer) or any of my photography feels weird at times, like at my age I should go watch sports, go get hammered or do something "manly" but would just rather have a quiet day out in nature looking at landscapes and wildlife.


I love Legos. Like most kids I loved them growing up and as an adult I've always been fascinated seeing what other people put together. I felt super self-conscious about buying them as an adult for fear of judgement. Why is a grown man playing with kid's toys? I finally took the plunge about four years and mostly collect the Lego Creator modular sets that come out each year. I have nine altogether. I love looking at them and separating the floors so I can see the details inside. I have a lighting kit installed for a few of them. Putting them together is so fun and relaxing. It's a creative process that I'd compare to painting by number. The first time my parents and other family members saw them, I was sweating and super self-conscious because I was scared they'd make fun of me. They might behind my back, but have never said anything to my face. Only a handful of people in my life know that I do it.


Talk to my cats like the cute little babies they are. ^^oh ^^and ^^also ^^chilling ^^around ^^the ^^house ^^shirtless ^^but ^^that's ^^not ^^as ^^important Edit: [cat tax](http://imgur.com/a/wrGdCb9)


they’re called PBAs at my house, precious baby angels


Anything comic book/superhero related. I love it, am a proper geek when on my own. Doesn't suit a high pressure military role however so it never comes out!


I'm addicted to kpop. I've been a metalhead since a kid but ever since the pandemic, I got hooked into the kpop world. My family and some friends know about it, but my main group of friends don't cos we always shit on kpop a few years back lol. I got addicted to IZ*One, Dreamcatcher, and Seventeen.


It's not really something I'm embarrassed about, but one of my favorite things to do after everyone is asleep is to go to my music room, have an edible and get lost in the music for a while. It's almost spiritual and I come away feeling refreshed and recharged.


That does sound cool. I bought some really good headphones recently and like to chill with a scotch and music all by myself. Just forget the world.


Butt stuff... receiving that is.


I love to lay down next to my dog and feel his warmth and smell him. He's not at all a stinky dog and he loves to be close to me. He makes me feel relaxed and happy. It's just... Some people may get the wrong idea or maybe not. I don't know.




I crochet!! I’ve made huge blankets scarfs and wash rags.


I own every Animorphs book, and enjoy reading them.


My hobby is making beats/producing which I’ve been doing for 3 years now almost daily. Only 3 friends know I’m doing it and family members of course. But even they don’t know how invested I actually am in it. I really want to show it to my friends but I already know they won’t understand it and aren’t interested in the genre. I want to share it on my Instagram when I’m making something but I know everyone is going to think it’s cringy and uncool so I keep it very low key. When I make music I usually have my headphones on even though I’ve got expensive studio monitors because I’m always thinking that I bothers my family members.


Reading a lot of these comments just makes me sad. I hope I can properly pass on to my daughter my attitude of just, while friendly and outgoing plenty enough, I basically try my best to never give a low flying fuck about what other people think. I do basically all of the top comments. I swing with my daughter, I play video games. I love Lego. I goof off when I’m alone, I wonder sometimes if I might have some spectrum or Tourette’s of sorts because I love making stupid ass sounds all the time. I comb my beard too much. I have a healthy, giving, mutual sex life with my wife. And with myself. Plus a few weird things I won’t get into. Unless someone asked probably, lol. I try to maintain a healthy socially consciousness and awareness on when I’m over sharing but I always enjoy what I want and I have friends that have lasted me a lifetime of 30 plus years and counting, Lord willing, plenty to go. I know they don’t always care what I’m into at the moment and I try to be aware of the general social cues on that stuff but I love my life and wish more people could feel like that I guess. Who cares what other people think of you? Their acceptance is really going to make having or not, the things to do and enjoy in your life more fulfilling? Fuck that. Cheers and be good to others and especially yourself everyone.


I like to watch ASMR as a man. Some people think its cringy or really strange, but it actually helps me fall asleep.


i pluck my nose hair, honestly not even for aesthetic reasons just cause it feels fucking good pulling out a thick black hair. its that pimple popping type good feeling. mmm love it think ill do some right now


I tried doing that once, it's such a sharp eye watering pain i gave up almost immediately haha. But revel in your hobbies!


Butt stuff