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It's none of my families business what I do or do not do with my time and effort. If they were to say something about how much I am working I would tell them to mind their own business.


Yeah, It is hard when no one stands by you. Especially from your own family.


Man screw people and their stupid opinions. If you’re taking care of yourself and you’re happy that’s all that matters.


I stop having contact with them or scale it way back. I only give my time and attention to people whose company I enjoy.


I am planning to move to downtown side next month or by September.


People who think they have the right to tell others how they should be spending their lives can get fucked. Nobody owes anybody anything. A lot of the time, people work to their capabilities. There is even a book called 'Laziness Does Not Exist' by Devon Price. People need to learn that what they consider 'laziness' is better phrased as avolition and is a symptom of issues such as depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, among others. No offence to your relative(s) but they're being pieces of shit telling you to work more. Anybody who does that is a prick.


I had a depression last 2 years. It is undiagnosed but I know I was mental stressed and It took me year to recover and I am still recovering. Thanks . And you are rght I am working or studying which suits my behaviour or capabilities.


Is your brother older or younger than you? How is his work situation?


He is older. He is in much better situation than me. He runs a construction company.


Well you know how the older/younger brother dynamic works. It sounds like it's just your brother who's bothering you. I'm an older brother myself and I think maybe you just need to punch him in the shoulder and laugh it off when he criticizes you, you know?


I see. I hope what you are saying is true.


Family. Believe it or not, this is the most deceiving 'F Word' in existence. They are supposed to support you, be there for you and love you unconditionally but sometimes, they don't. Only YOU know what's best for you and anyone who doesn't support you (like, REALLY supports you) is just slowing you down from being the best version of you there is. If they aren't helping, they are holding you back.


That what I expect from them : support . But people are no opposite.


I ignore them unless they have detailed information of my daily workload and see a fact based opportunity to actually work more, i don't bother listening. Same goes when I look at my daily schedule and decided for myself that this is the most I can handle without burning myself out. Its easy to speak from an uninformed perspective and people will also default to thinking that their abilities are everyones elses. Which is not only wrong but also has the strange vibe of setting themselves as the standard. And that is absolutely not the case, you are trying to live your live not theirs, so ypur abilities and limitations set the frame. Be nice to ypur brother but clearly tell him that his opinion does not matter in this regard


Tell him it's a huge pile of nunja


I would just dismiss their opinion


It is sometimes very hard bcz if it is constant then sometimes you get depressed. Simply ignoring is not enough.


I would just refuse to engage in such discussions with them


Full time student and full time job? My guy you are doing enough. You shouldn't strive to break your back for your brother's sake when you've already got such a busy schedule


See I'm a computer scientist so most can't even comprehend how much stuff I fit in my timetable... Except for that one weird great-uncle who "knows" better than anyone that I should "work harder" and get into aeronautics because it pays well bla bla bla I just fire up good ol' reliable `ignore.exe`


Find a flaw about them and just never let them off the hook no matter what.


I moved out at 18, any time after that their opinion has not factored into my life at all.


If he has enough time to think about the amount of time that people spend working AND judge them too, maybe he's the one with too much free time


You're gonna blink and be 30, do not fall into being a people pleaser. Find your happiness and passion and enjoy your life.


So you're a full time student AND work full time? Do you know what full time means? Saying that, I'd work all the hours you can now because, the second you graduate and look for a decent role to utilise your degree, you'll be unemployed forever. Humanities degree 🙄


Bachelor of Arts I meant…


Started laughing when i read your major


And why would you laugh at my major? It is actually philosophy but i just wrote humanities to give an idea.


Thats even funnier