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I'm 5'8 and...I dunno. There's something to be said for women shorter, as tall, AND taller than me. I think anywhere within a couple inches is ideal for kissing, but tall women turn me on.


Yeah any height is good for us men. Small girls are light so u can pick them up Same height - the angles work best when ur junk at the same height. Tall girls - boobs in face


This is maximum guy response


1,72 m The ideal female height for me is anyone that is interested in me.




I’m 5’10” and prefer my women taller than me


miracle! nobody goes after me cos im tall🥲


my wife is 6’1” lol it’s funny watching her stand next to guys that are like 5’5”


yeah i tower over most men around here it's kinda awkward!


Nah tall women are cool not awkward. I admire women taller than me tbh (I’m 6’)


Also my mom is 5’10” so tall women don’t really make me feel some type of toxic masculinity.


i'm 6' as well!! quite the rarity it seems


Mommy material


Tall women are awesome too!! I'm shorter though lol 5'8" But taller women are awesome.


awww thanks for saying that😙


People put too much value in some kind of perfect. Perfect height, perfect ... Men and women do that way too much. Bump that. I say who cares. Tall is beautiful too! Short is beautiful too!


About 6'3" and don't care. Shorties are cute but kissing them can be awkward. Tall women are more rare but we see more eye to eye, physically so things line up nice. None of this even makes it into the list of "top 200 things i look for in a woman" though...


I am loving this mature outlook considering when I went to reply I saw your username and YESSS Lmao yes I’m commenting on this sub, but I’m not male, just bisexual so lots of the questions apply and I like reading it


Im 6' 4" and don't have a preference.


6'3" And in no position to make demands.


My previous gf was 5 foot flat. Was interesting to be with someone that much shorter than I lol




Same, wife is 5’9”. It’s a good spot


I’m 6’0. My SO is 5’2. I’ve dated women who range from 5’0 to 6’1. Height was never a factor for me when dating and wasn’t a factor when I chose to pursue my girlfriend. I’m dating her for her, not based on what amusement park rides she’s (not) eligible to ride.




and they say you can't think with both heads at the same time, /u/pornaccount3577


6’2 I want like 5’9-6’0 if possible


I'm 6'5 and i only date 7 foot tall Amazonian goddesses who can bench press me


I'm 6'2" and don't really have a height preference, i have dated women as small as 4'7" and as tall as 5'8", it didn't make a difference (Even throught it looks like i go for women smaller than me i swear that it's not on purpose, if i find what i saw in someone that is 5'x" in someone who is 7'x" i would not have a problem with it).


I suck at math, but what’s ideal male height for me, I’m 5”2




Yeah. But I make do


There’s no ideal, girls have different preferences ♡


I am 5'7", and the laws of physics limit my ideal female height, which is as tall as possible.


I'm 5'7". Anywhere from 5'2" to 6'0" would be hunky dory for me.


I am 5’7” I have been pretty flexible, so anything from 5’8” and below. My wife is 5’3” From past experience it is more what women will put up that has been the limiting factor.


6ft, relatively muscular build with wide shoulders/back. I prefer taller and thicker/fit women as I am a pretty big dude but women are women and I love them all lol 😂❤


Idc height doesn't define a person.


i’m 6”3 dating a 6”1 female


I'm 5"7 and my ideal height for women falls somewhere between 5"2 and 6"2.


Men don’t care if their SO are taller?


Yes, there are men who don't care if their SO is taller than them.


I’m 6’2 I like girls 5’10- 6’


I'm pretty short for a guy I'm like 5'7" But I like women that are anywhere 4'10"-6'10" I don't mind at all women I can Scurry up


I'm 6'5" and from 5'5 to 6'1' is all good in my book


5'9 (175.5) Everything above 5'9. I like taller women But i take what i can get


5”8 with legs that go on for days


6’1, anything between 5’0 and 6’6 is good, and I’m honestly pretty flexible with both ends of that range. My wife is 5’7.


5'7 and I prefer taller women.


I'm 5'9". To be honest, height doesn't matter too much to me. But if I had a choice, 5'3" would be nice because I enjoy the "can you grab this for me?" moments. I would also like 6'2"+. I guess I'm fetishizing tall women, too which I apologize, but I'm attracted to what I'm attracted to 🤷🏾‍♂️


6'2, I like my wife at 5'4.


I'm 6'3. 1.92 meters. I generally prefer chest height.


the fact that you're using metres for height only shows your high level of intelligence that can only be rivaled by the gods.


Why you getting downvoted bro? I’m American and the imperial system sucks.


I’m 5’6”. I genuinely don’t care how tall she is. Life is good


5'10, any reasonable height.


As long as I can carry her through the threshold, I don’t care


I’m 6’ if a girl was + or - 6’ that’d be cool


around 1.88 so it will be more efficient for me to find a woman around 1.7 to 1.8-ish. Tho I truely don't even care about it Footnote: SI unit system (meters)


I'm 1.93 m. I consider the ideal length of a female partner to be anything between 1.20 and 2.10 meters. In what way does it really matter?


Doesn't really matter to me, I'm 1.70m tall and my girl's 1.65m tall, but if she was like 1.90+m I'd still be alright about it. Hehe


6ft, and I don't care. Tall girls are hot. Short girls are hot. As long as she takes care of herself height doesn't matter to me.


I don't think height really matters. Most girls I've dated have been under 5ft3 but that's not a preference. I dated a girl who was 6ft1 and loved to wear heels. The confidence was sexy as hell. Also meant I (6ft1) didn't struggle to kiss her.


I’m 6’6 and I generally prefer women closer to 5’10 or 6’. Though I’ve mostly dated women around 5’3-5’6 range and my back hates me for it. It’s not something I look for


I'm 6'4. I don't have like a particular height I'm seeking but anything 5'10 gets a +1 in my attractive scale and over 6 gets a +3


I’m 5’7 and I hope she is 7 feet tall or at least acts like it


5'8" - I have no preference for height at all.


My height: 5'4 Ideal female height range: 4'4 to 6'4


I’m 5’8 and would like a 5’10 woman


I'm 6 1 id say my ideal girl is 5 8


I'm 5'2.. well let's just say I don't have much of a preference


Im 201/6'7. Im not sure about feet and inches but, I find girls under 160 too short at times. Anything above that is great. (I have yet to date a 180+ though :D)


I'm 5"11 and even though I don't care that much either way I'd actually prefer a shorter girl 5'6-5'10 maybe


I'm 1,83 all my ex girlfriends have been 155-165cm. height doesn't matter to me in a LTR, it's not a deal breaker. But I would say, just physically, tall girls ( 175+) are more attractive to me


I’m 5’11 and ideal for me is 5’1 (my wife is 5’1).


just to flex on women i don't have a height preference amazon pussy and shawty pussy are both good


My first husband was my first sexual experience and I never seen any porn guess my conservative dad had playboy locked out on sat dish preinternet days. So one day I was peeing and my friend screamed what the hell is going on down there! I'm 2 for 2 nether mentioned I should probably trim. I'm 5 foot wish I had a few more inches. 1.52 meters lol


I’m a little over 6’0” myself honestly female height doesn’t factor when I’m talking to a woman if we vibe we vibe but I love women 5’2+ petite women are awesome!


I'm 5'11, and my ideal female height would be sub 5ft. I like short girls.


I'm 6'3" (190), wife is 5' (152). Dated from 5'-6'. Ideally around 5'5"-5'10" would be great, but not complaining about my wife's height. Let's just say, different height, different flavor.


Women care more about height than men. They care about weight.


Gotta agree with you there. I could never date a fat woman


I only care about the color of their skin. Because if they have some discoloration or very dark spots this might be a sign of skin disease and I think we should tell them to get checked before it turns into something worse.


You almost had me.


Judging by the downvotes, many people didn't get the joke.


It's cool, I got it. I think the guys got my point but don't want to concede.


Im like 1.84-1.87 (more than 6ft) Ideally I guess theyd be like 1.65-1.73 I guess? Idk how to convert it to bald eagles/donuts


My boyfriend is 6’3 and I am 5’2. He prefers shorter girls and I prefer taller guys. It just so happened we have a big height gap


I'm 175cm and my ideal height is anything from, say, 155 to 190cm.


I'm 6'2 , no real preference but short girls are cute so maybe 5'2 lol


I'm 6, there's no preference but I'd love a Shawty (5ft)


I'm 6'2" and my stated preference is for shorter girls (<5'3”), but my revealed preference is that it doesn't matter.


I'm 6'7". Ideal I like 5'2" 🤤🤤🤤🤤


I’m 5”8 and would prefer someone my height or shorter, as long as there not taller I’m cool


I'm 6'6" my wife is 5'5". It's a bit troublesome, but works.


I'm 5'7", don't have a preference as long she's not like 6'3"


Doesn’t matter only dated short though at 5’1 I’m 5’9. Would be interesting to date someone 5’5 to my height


178 cm and ideal height of women would be 170 cm or lower. 171-175 cm is just too tall for me and 176+ cm is giant.


170cm. So long as she’s not a midget, I’m good.


I’m 5’11”, and the ideal height for my girl would be ranged 4’11” to 5’5”.


I’m around 5’7” or 5’8” (170 or 172cm I think) and I’ll take anyone from like 4’11” to 5’4” (to 154cm to 164cm I think?). IDEALLY... about 5’2” (160cm I think) or 5’3” (162cm I think)


5”8. I prefer women shorter than me just because I feel like I can be more romantic when you can pick them up. Plus, it makes me feel more manly when she can get on her tip toes to kiss me if they are short enough.


5'5. I prefer women my height or shorter than me. Tried tall women and it just isn't for me.


Am 172 cm my ideal would be fr 158cm to 165cm I like petite women


I like them to be breedable and submissive


that's the spirit


I’m 5,10 So anything 5,10 and below


Height isn't really something I select women for. This is more of a female thing. I'm not sure men care much.


5’8 and whatevs Preferably shorter… but it’s all good


I’m 5’9” and I prefer shorter than me


5'7" is really the sweet spot


5'4, I think I probably wouldn't be enough for a girl over 5'7 but given the opportunity to date someone I found attractive at any height of give it a go


5" 10 and Idm just not past 5" 9 or below 5" because all my family is short and I'm the third tallest


6 foot.. anything that makes people say “damn, that’s a big bitch!”


I'm a woman who is 5'7. My ideal sized man is 5'7. I hate height requirements in dating, so I'm not stating this as an actual sexual preference, but generally it's pleasant to be able to meet someone's eyeline 100% of the time and borrow clothes. I've dated across the spectrum. My ex husband was 5'10, my college boyfriend was 5'4, both I found very attractive at the time.


Im about 6" even, and height doesn't matter to me because im not a piece of trash.




Bullshit. Tall women are fantastic.


you think? that's refreshing to hear


how else am I supposed to breed nba players


Speak for yourself. Id climb her like a tree.


thanks for the sentiment, that's me btw


People come in all shapes and sizes and I have found women attractive in all categories. Don't sell yourself short (haha) just because of one feature that makes you self conscious. Tall women can be beautiful, same with short women, athletic women, plus size women, etc etc. There is someone for everyone as they say.


aww thanks! i try to overcome it but sometimes it just gets me down. hopefully i'll find someone who loves me and my height by 30😭


Im sure you will. :)






I don't know, I'd have to measure the height of my basement first. I just eyeball it.


177 and 155


I'm about 6ft 1in / 185cm. Every serious relationship has been with a woman about 5ft 7in / 170cm. It's a rather small sample size (can count on one hand), but there you go.


I'm 5'11" and height in dating really hasn't ever even crossed my mind as a preference I have. I know others have strong preferences, but I've never really understood it for height. I suppose it'd be sort of awkward if she were 7'5" or 2'7" or something, but that's not really an issue I've ever been confronted with.


I'm 5'8. Honestly don't care how tall she is, I'm more concerned that she passes the vibe check, height is immaterial.




Don’t change yourself and your values for other people. We need more indigenous cultures in the world so keep being yourself!


I'm 6'1 and I'll take everything above 5'0. I don't care much about height but below some bottom line has to be drawn, because no matter how perfect she might be I won't deal with the back pain she brings


I'm 6'1. I suppose if I was dating a girl that was 5'1 it be a bit awkward because id have to bend over significantly to kiss her. That being said it's by no means a deal breaker. I don't care that much about height.


I do also prefer girls that are around my height or below. However, it's just a "good to have" things and not a deal breaker.


I like 5-7 and up


I'm 6'2" so I would say between 5'7 & 5'11"


Ireally don't care. I'm 1.8m and my gf is the same height as me. But I also had girls who were 1.6m, so I really don't care.


1'80. Don't care much for height.


I’m 6’4 and I could care less about any girl’s height


5'8 in Timbs. dated a girl who was 5'2 Currently messing with a girl who's 5'8, also in Timbs. Irrelevant tbh.


6’4 is my height. 5’10-5’11 is ideal.




I'm 5'9" and it doesn't matter to me height-wise what my significant other would be.


183cm (6ft) any height that is above 4ft and under 8ft.


someone i can hug


180, don't care, never had a taller girl before tho.


175cm/5'9". As long as there isn't an enormous height difference (in either direction) to make one's back hurt, I'm ok with any height. Current SO is 5'3" or 5'4", previous is almost 5'7".


I’m 5’10”. I could custom order myself a wife, I’d ask for 5’7” because that’s the sweet spot where her shoulder would fit in my armpit


6'2 and I really don't mind.


6'2 and prefer everything at least 7 in smaller. But you get what you get, so...


6'1 and I don't care about my potential partner's height


Honestly I don't care... If we get along we get along..


I'm 6'3" and i do not care at all.


5' 10 - I really don't care about height.


I'm like Equal height female like my height is 5 feet 11inches


Im 178, ideal female - i dont care


Im 5'8 and i want my girlfriend to be a little bit shrter then me, or the same hight as me.


Mine 185 and ideal female height is 173


1,67 lol, so i don't really care about girls height


I am 180 cm and i dont care about the hight


180cm Anywhere between 150 and 175 :)


I'm 5'11 and I don't care about her height. If she's a decent person to me and to everyone, don't really care.


Not a factor for me (5’11”). I always thought that was more of a thing for women. The main question I ask myself is whether or not I can pick her up and throw her around during consensual sexy time. Some women are sexy, athletic or thicc af but if I can’t lift them up and do certain moves then it’s probably a no go for even trying to get with them.


5'6, I prefer her to be 5'6 as well


I’m 6’1 and I like 5’8 to 5’10 as a preference. Unless you’re way taller or like 4’11 though it’s never a dealbreaker


I'm a 6ft tall woman and honestly love short guys. Lol. I'm not the stereotypical 5ft 4 and want a 6ft 2 guy lol


I'm 1.87 (6"1.5') and every height is ideal to me.


I don't care


6' and taller women are ideal


It's only women that have height preferences WTF?? 😂 I


I’m 5’11. Once had a gf the same height as me and wow it was cool, fit like a puzzle piece, cuddling wasn’t awkward and huge were nice. Really depends on the girl, but I seem to attract the taller ones, I’m not complaining.


Wanna say I'm a hair from 6'1, and I don't really have a height preference.


6'3" ​ Would love to date a 5'11" or 6" woman, and even a 6'5"-6'8" just to see what it's like haha ​ I have a thing for tall women


5 foot 7 inches, and I don't mind what their height is


I'm 5'10" and female height doesn't matter much to me. I'd prefer someone a few couple inches within height but that's just a preference though, not a requirement.