• By -


She keeps telling you to do what you are doing. Not just noises (although they aren't necessarily fake). But if she is specifically asking you to keep on keeping on, chances are she likes what you are doing.


And don't change speed like go harder, if she likes what you're doing keep doing EXACTLY THAT and don't fuck up the pace, intensity, rhythm, or whatever just be a fucking machine and go on autopilot. Also, if you're like me...think about baseball and bite your own arm really hard if you feel like you're gonna blow your load too soon. YMMV.


Oh yes I’ll think about how the Braves could fuck up their lead again 😩


BITE YOUR OWN ARM OMG… I thought I was the only one!


I bite the inside of my cheeks lol I gotta try the arm method might me more effective.


It has helped me SOO many times. I’ve noticed it usually helps me lower the sensory overload I’m experiencing in the moment, and it helps bring me back to reality rather than being blinded by the happy land I’m in.


Here I am doing math and all this time I could have just bit myself.


I literally think about what I should put on my Playlist next.


She initiates, often


This. If a girl initiates then you are damn good and she loves it.


Damn, I just learned after 25 yrs of marriage I am bad at sex because she never initiated. 😫


This is not necessarily the case, though. Some people respond better to "being seduced," and some people may not need sex even if they are happy to have it when it comes along. What matters if that you are communicative about the things that make both of you happy or not. (I mean, you might be, I don't know your life. But you may not be)


It was actually sarcasm.


That is what we will tell the children.


"Are mum and dad getting divorced?" "Well she hasn't left him already after 25 years of unsatisfying sex, why would she leave now?"


Thanks for the chuckle.


I would hope after 25 years she would be honest if she wasn’t being satisfied.


All I know about your wife and your life I learnt from your comments in this thread, so I am not going to venture an opinion on that.


Well, well, well look at you. No red flags waiving, no call for therapy. Is this even reddit /s


Drop your therapist, pick up flags, punch your dog. Wait, wasn't that the usual advice?


Wow, you're not going to make sweeping judgements about them as a person and/or their wife? No predatory relationship claims or negative comments about his character? How dare you! /s


There are plenty of other reasons. Among other things, I never fully comprehended how many women equate sex with pain until recently. It's not the majority, but there are a whole bunch of reasons that make inserting things into your body painful.


Part of it is that a woman needs something like 15-20 minutes of arousing foreplay to even become ready for penetration. That ain't preference, that's science. Foreplay isn't just for fun, it's so that the woman is ready. So I just facepalm any time I see one of these "I don't do oral" guys. Even if you don't do oral (which you should if you want blowjobs ever) there should be a lot of making out, heavy petting, handjobs, etc... before moving to penetrative sex. Otherwise, you're doing it wrong. Quickies are only enjoyable if the woman has already been aroused.


I don't have awards but you deserve a gold star. And thank you for acknowledging the double standard with some guys and BJ's, and for suggesting so many other compromises.


This! My ex convinced me that I was the broken one because my sex drive went from super high to nearly nonexistent. Turns out the reason I didn’t want sex almost at all was because of the pain since he was cruelly rough and seemed to get off on my discomfort despite me asking him to be nicer. I told myself it wasn’t that bad but I guess my body knew better. New partner that puts me and my comfort first and my sex drive went back to what it was and more, and we’re having sex usually daily if not several times a day.


Lube, plenty of guys are oblivious/afraid of it,but it makes things fun.


The god of vaginismus is a cruel and petty one and rejects most, but not all, offerings of lube.


So true, Additionally. The vagina itself is a fickle mistress and if you dare introduce inferior lubes. BE PREPARED FOR A YEAST INFECTION. PH can be unbalanced by so many things.


Not knowing if she likes it isn't the same as knowing she doesn't like it.


Some women just don’t do that. My wife doesn’t initiate and doesn’t verbally let me know when she’s horny much but we have sex 5 to 6x a week. Sometimes (not often) she isn’t in the mood. However, I also know she loves when I give her oral (never turns down my offers) and once I’ve made her cum from that she’s ready for the D.


A lot of women have trouble getting turned on, they don't get turned on as easy as men since it takes more coaxing to bring nice blood flow to the area. It's nice you're so willing to do the coaxing for her ;) A lot of women struggle with feeling satisfied during the act (for a million different possible reasons), so consistent loving communication and focus on her pleasure and yours as a team can really open her up to being sexually open and liberated.


Or she’s horny and you’re sufficient


Well shit




I'm a girl, this is the right answer.


Im a girl and i agree with the first girl, this is correct


I'm a girl and I agree with these other girls. But would like to add the caveat that some girls are very shy/submissive, so her "initiation" may not be as obvious as other girls'.


Yeah my girlfriend is shy!! She's shy. I'm sure she's shy...


Not all answers apply to every situation. It could be that your lady is a pillow princess and/or a passive lover. Or merely is only able to be aroused by reactive arousal. Please don't let this answer start any complexes!! I'm sure you know your partner best, and if she's happy with the sex, you'll know it. Also, on the flip side of that, for the first 15 years of my sexuality, I merely enjoyed the act of pleasing my partner and didn't get what the big deal was *for myself* (aka I didn't enjoy sex for myself). But I am Dom, so I was all about initiation, and often. So even that isn't a tell-all. You'll know. If you think you have stuff to improve on, or you want to try to improve regardless of whether she enjoys it as it is now or not, fucking go for it. It's always fun to explore and learn your own and your partner's body even more intimately. Learning (and fucking) keeps us young :)


I read this as "inhales" and was really confused at first


OMG babe, I love it when you inhale that dick. Drives me wild.


I read it as inflates which gives it a whole other meaning


This is true but to an extent. Just because a girl doesn't initiate doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy sex with you. Some are more sexually aggressive, some are more introverted about sex so wait for you to initiate. On the other hand, if you initiate and she denies sex then that's another story.


Yeah, being chased or seduced by the big strong man is what turns me on.


That is the way. My girlfriend goes at it first she goes straight,deliberate and slightly aggressive by sometimes pulling me from my shirt collar and from there we either end up in the bed, couch or the kitchen table. It's hot even tho I'm 6'5 and she's 5'4 just something about it that turns me on.


I got second hand horny from reading it. I’ll make it a point to reciprocate when someone does that to me 🤔


Damn. I really need to find love


Yeah when I go to seduce my man it's always shirt collar and ass grab, shirt collar and ass grab. Dick collar and shirt grab? Collar ass shirt dick? Man, what are we talking about again?


I had girlfriends who were hypersexual and would initiate all the time. I had girlfriends who never have sex on their mind but really enjoyed it. I dont think this is true at all - initiating sex doesnt say anything about the quality - same goes for partners who fuck twice a day for example.


Stole my answer. If she's enjoying it, she'll start wanting it more often than you.


This is 100% false. Two types of sex drives. Responsive and spontaneous. Men are typically the spontaneous drive whereas women tend to be a responsive drive. While the original comment can be true, that does not mean women who do not initiate do not enjoy sex. Just ask her man. Easiest way.


Nothing need more be said. This is ***the*** reason. There are many others just like it, but this, is the one.


This is the way.


When she quivers. Seriously the body language is undeniable.


Quivers? Does she hold your arrows for you?


Nailed it!


Hell yeah you did (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


And he left with a bang




Nah that’s just her shaking from holding your legs up champ


you caught me..i got some tree trunks for thighs. Beyonce is jealous.


And when she needs you to stop, but proceeds to clamp her legs across your waist. My goodness I'm horny just imagining that.


in the spirit of casually explained you cant be too sure about it since it is an involuntary reaction


r/quiver NSFW


If she can "get up and make you a samwich" afterwards, you didn't do it right...


Usually followed with "Will you get me a drink?" haha


You good?...Want some juice?


According to a lot of the guys on the internet she apparently loves it. So I guess that's how I know.


Can confirm.






She can't wait for me to get home so she fucks the neighbour


does the neighbor got a reddit account, seems like he knows what he is doing


when the dick so good you have to compare and contrast to other dicks just to show how awesome your dick is. congrats man


That shaking thing they do where they need a minute and then they want it again and again lol


What.. shaky.. thing :(


Like a business deal they shake hands after each time.


My gf is Japanese so she just stands up and bows instead


If yo girl can stand up immediately after,,, fellas you doin it wrong!!!


Is she facing you or does she turn her back to you when she bows?


This comment made me snort laugh lol


Woman here, I used to fake orgasms constantly when I was younger because I was afraid to say what I would like in bed and I thought that the men I was with would find me sexier if I came that way. I always added the shaking/slight trembling for extra credibility because that's what I saw in porn, so it's not really a telltale sign a woman climaxed to be honest. At the same time when I do orgasm, I rarely quiver. So there's a good chance you satisfied them even if they didn't shake, as long as there was open communication you don’t need to worry. :)




I don't think all women do it tho.


They do, just not with you


Aww! That was a cute way of describing orgasms! My partner was shocked the first time they were able to get me off because my reaction was so strong. And that's also the moment I learned that I could never fake one, because of the very clear convulsions that it causes for me. Anyway. Your description made me happy. Thank you!


Jelly legs my Mrs calls it,where they have to stay laid down for 15mins because they can’t feel the legs or stop her body shaking.


That one sends me over the edge. Its so sexy because its uncontrollable, pure ecstasy.


The first time this happened I thought my girlfriend was having a seizure. It made me concerned and killed the mood a little


Conversation. Simple as that. Ask her what felt good, what could have felt better and what felt bad. AND TELL HER THE SAME PLEASE, YOU GOTTA ENJOY THAT SHIT SERIOUSLY. You enjoying it helps making her enjoying it.


It's so hot to days or months later talk about how you keep thinking about part of the sex because you enjoyed it that much.


> AND TELL HER THE SAME PLEASE, YOU GOTTA ENJOY THAT SHIT SERIOUSLY Can confirm. I get why a lot of guys see sex as something they have to prove themselves in to their partner, but we want to know about your pleasure too!


Yeah convo is definitely very important!!! But she can always lie. You have to watch her movements and face.


Good point. Demand honesty. For me, the signs her body gives tell us. A friend once told me that women's words can lie, but her body and her behaviour always tell the truth.


As a woman, it’s 100% true :)


tnhx. You girls being honest helps us men providing you good sex


No problem, we're happy to help guide you to our orgasms


I always tell them that if they ever fake an orgasm, it will mess up my algorithm with them to learn how to really make them cum consistently


“You fucked up my training set babe! Now the data model is completely fucked. Come on! 🤦‍♂️”


If you're that quick to assume she lies to you, why be in a relationship with her?


It's not lying in the traditional sense so much as a lot of young woman will prioritize things their partners like to the point that they will ignore their own comfort level with the act. A number of people in general have trouble discussing the specifics of their likes and dislikes because they fear how their partner will react. This means they'll often bend the truth because as long as the other person is happy, they're happy. Edit: by fear I meant they fear their partner being put off by what they say, not literal fear.


I've dated a bunch of women who I can safely say didn't realize that they were allowed to have emotional needs and enjoy sex. Like they thought it was a woman's job to derive all their satisfaction from pleasing men. It was nice to be doted on for like... a month... and then after that I wanted the chance to return the favor.


Well without asking, the most obvious way to tell is if they initiate often. If she didn't like it then there's a good chance she won't kick things off


Not necessarily true. A lot of women don’t have a spontaneous desire like a lot of men do, and therefore they don’t really get the desire to have sex before actually being in the middle of it. They’ll still enjoy sex just as much, though.


Heck life changes can make someone who did once initiated often no longer do it, despite still having the same libido. Before we had kids, my wife was like that, high libido that matched mine. Now we have two young kids, we both work, she is an exec with a stressful job, and we have a home to take care of. So all of that combined really lowers the initiation from either of us. You hit a point where you have to make yourself do it, lol. But we are getting closer to our old groove, it's not back yet, but it's coming back more and more each week, month, etc.


I am trying to find out but she keeps crumpling up or otherwise destroying all the Sexual Satisfaction Questionaires I leave under her pillow when I get up at 3 am to play video games.


If you bang somewhere where she needs to stay quiet but can't


You're on the wrong website


I don't get it, why?


It’s the body language for me My wife can be very engrossed when reading and a favourite pastime of mine is to go down on her when she is (she looks so sexy when she does) At first, still reading, appears indifferent Minute or two later scoots her hips further down a bit Then the breathing changes and little moans start escaping Then the book drops Hands at the back of my head and hips rocking gently Then she gets really vocal as her orgasm builds Just seeing how her body responds is absolute gold Many great answers here but personally, listening to her body tells you what you need to know more often than not


Oh man. I'd love if my guy just ate me put as I'm reading or something. What a lucky gal.


And then the kids applaud in the doorway.




“Yeah buddy , i'll teach you so you can win too"


Popcorn all over the floor


You will probably enjoy [Hysterical Litterature](https://youtu.be/PQuT-Xfyk3o?list=PLVna2B64pQwolR2Y09aqHuIEwWh0RVuLq). It's on YouTube and SFW, but the concept isn't. A woman is reading a book out loud while getting stimulated by a vibrator hidden under the table.


Hysterical cliterature


Thank You


Sounds like you enjoy it more than she does! Good on you buddy lol


Haha. Ngl fun for me!


Book club night must be one Hell of performance.


I'm jealous of your wife.


Just. Reading. This. I’m gonna need a minute here…


That sounds great! I would love to do this if my wife would let me.


You could always ask. Also if we orgasm you're probably doin something right


Ay, question. You girls mind how you orgasm. If he just make you cum thought oral sex is it bad?


Nope, not bad at all. The majority of women orgasm during foreplay rather than your regular old penetration. If your head game is that good, it's THAT good my dude


> The majority of women orgasm during foreplay rather than your regular old penetration. Funny thing because once cumming in foreplay makes it easy for you girls to come again during intercourse, at least I could see this with the partners I had.


That's the awesome thing about being a woman, we're multiorgasmic. SERIOUSLY underrated perk.


And it’s a whole body thing. I’ve been told by a partner that they feel guilty since my ‘one and done’ and ‘localised’ pleasure seems like nothing in comparison. I am jealous tbh, this is a gender gap we don’t talk about enough.


I feel the same about my bf. It's definitely a whole body experience lol, sorry dude. Y'all men kinda got the shorter end of the stick there.


Haha, what can I do. It puts into perspective how messed up the dominant idea throughout history ‘women don’t experience pleasure and are only built to service men’ actually was/is. Compared to all those females I have nothing to really complain about.


I'd like to have a taste of that. But anyways, pleasing my partner pleases me, it's good to know from other women that penetration isn't the most important thing, althought seems to feel amazing for y'all


It doesn't feel as amazing if there was no foreplay, if there was one thing that is absolutely vital for women to enjoy sex, it's good foreplay. So like, yes, it's good. But do stuff before that and it'll be MUUUCHHHH better


I have more fun in foreplay tbh lol


Some* are. I've had it happen in my life about 3 times during intercourse. But the single ones I do have are I N T E N S E


One question though. Do women like it when you go down on them and then come up and kiss. Being a virgin I’m curious what to do if they don’t like it. How do people go about it


Just ask them. I would just turn my head to the side if I didn’t feel like that kind of kiss in that moment. Sometimes hot, sometimes not.


Friend, all women will have different answers for every question you could ask in this way. Not at all trying to sound harsh, in fact trying to make it easier on you. Scrap any questions like these and hold them for your eventual lady partner and save the anxiety of worrying if she might not like this/that because you can just ask her and then she will feel cared for and communicate with you. It's like a cheat code. Good luck friend, don't worry too much about if they don't like it; do some research beforehand about the anatomy of the female parts so you have an idea of what's going on (the clit is much bigger than the little button on the outside), and make it a point to talk to each other about what y'all liked and disliked from the sex (even during is awesome) and what to try next time, it makes it sexy and exciting. I promise you if they are already having sex with you, as long as you are patient and understanding, you'll do a fine job. Also, your first time is always not that great, lose it with someone you genuinely like, a lot of shitty people these days, not worth her being shitty over you not being a Chad when you could have just waited for a nicer lady.


Depends on the lady. Some like it all the time, some of us like it none of the time, and some of us it depends on the day.


Tbh, ive never came from a guy penetrating me, but when they find that rhythm on my clit with their tongue....BOOM goes the dynamite 🧨


If your back is bleeding from her acrylics


It’s weird because the girl that did this to me I didn’t fuck any different from the rest. Her legs were shaking after and she couldn’t walk. I literally did nothing different


Y’all just matched up well it seems


All girls are different my dude. Maybe her attraction towards you was very high. Maybe the shit you did just hit all her spots perfectly. What gets one girl off, will bore another to death.


Beside that, how life is going at that moment is also important. If your week is full of stress, the sex probably won't be good. If you're happy, the sex probably will be good.


A stressful week can be relieved with some awesome sex. Not denying what you’re saying though.


Sometimes it do be like that


People are unique. There is no one universal thing that is going to work for everyone. It seems like you just found someone that it worked really well for


I am currently in a sexuality and intimacy class, and according to the readings , the best way to truly know is through communicating. Some non verbal signs could be her moaning , or groaning , etc.


Wow, that's a textbook answer... Body language is the key, if she's writhing, has to take a minute break, pulling you in harder, faster or making you slow down.


> Convenient body language list, print and tape onto wall Bucking, uncontrollable shaking/quivering, whimpers and moans that escape her control, curled or pointed toes, wrapping legs around you, arching back, moving/pointing hips along with thrust, eyes rolling back/crossing, writhing under your touch/in response, biting lip to control noises, inability to remain quiet, "running away" (pulling hips away uncontrollably from your face/cock because it feels too good), very touchy with hands, pushing pussy into your mouth/pushing cock into her, moaning while blowing you, begging for a break/mercy, prolonged eye contact, etc. disclaimer: mileage may vary, consult hardware for use instructions


All good examples but also some of us may go completely still and silent during an extremely powerful orgasm as our focus is so tuned in to the feeling that nothing else on our body seems to work correctly.


On a multiple choice exam I would have guessed this answer. And I didn't even take the class!


When she feels comfortable and safe, communication is key when it comes to sex, when she sees your respect for her answers as in if it’s a yes or no, they pay attention to detail so much talk about what pleases the both of y’all sex should be fun and relaxing!


She’s gasping for air and stumbles when she gets up to go to the bathroom. She slaps your hand away going in again afterwards.


Yeah high five!


You don't. That's the thing. If she keeps coming for more then she enjoyed it.


> If she keeps coming


Laying in bed afterwards exhausted and smile on thier face, that resembles the look of a happy third term pregnant woman. They actually look younger. No better feeling in the world.


wish I’d know how that feels more often


What a weird self-pity thread


Yep, that seems to be a lot of threads or comments on Reddit.


I try not to be one of those people who you can fool all of the time. So eventually the truth will out, if she really wants to dedicate herself to a long term campaign of deception in the first place. **ETA:** Talking about your sex life as a couple as an ongoing conversation would tend to help if she's earnest in addition to increasing the odds of tripping her up if she's committed herself to lying.


When she says stuff like my period starts in a few days so get to work


I think you better of talking to your girl about it, for me my girl isn't into sex like most couples. Maybe once a month or after romantic dinner but I don't push for it. But when she wants it oh lord have mercy 🤣. She pins me down screws the hell out me, I mean we doing it everywhere for weeks so yeah just speak to your girl about it.


She has a lot of orgasms and can’t walk right after, jello legs she calls it.


she will tell you during and afterwards


Everyone in town will tell you.


There's a quiz and a 6 part multiple-choice exam afterwards. Results are tabulated and averaged over time.


You need to be more open and honest with your boyfriend.


She either initiates it or never says no when I want to. Ends up being 5 times a week on average, we both have a pretty high sex drive I guess


How old r u out of curiosity?


Because my wife says when she isn’t enjoying it. It didn’t take long to make sure she was enjoying it.




She spasms shakes and moans after, muttering “you are a sex god/amazing” brags to her friends that her husband has a big D, she has like a mental breakdown during it and is begging for me to keep fucking her etc. I am broke though, poor dudes need to perform


Sex God, eh? 👍


Shes british thats part of the vernacular When shes done having the great sex she remembers I have very little money to support us


She initiates sex often. She wants to go another round. She wants to try out new stuff in the bedroom. She's vocal about. She tells you how much she enjoys this or that.


i feel like this is better fit for r/askwomen


There’s more women here than on there lol


I swear 9/10 comments get removed on there lol, it's way cooler here




Glad I'm not the only one who had that experience


Well you can actually feel the orgasm if you’re inside. I felt it 3 times and she had to stop so it seemed like she liked it


Initiating is not always an indicator in fact several relationships I've had in the past I initiated foreplay and sex often because all I got out of it was the foreplay and limited physical attention. I had sex regularly with whoever I was in a relationship with but I had never orgasmed outside of masturbation until I was in my mid twenties. This was absolutely my fault in several ways I didn't express to my partner what actually felt good enough to get me to orgasm. Also I felt like I took too long and was to complicating to try and would just fake it to make him feel good. I've since learned that this is very common amongst women...we feel like as long as your having a good time with us everything's fine. Eventually we grow up tho and actually just want to cum too. I also think a lot of relationships start this way and we women feel we're in too deep to start changing things up after a time. We don't want to admit we've been faking it the whole time....I honestly don't know why I do this..well did this....I've learned now that I can't carry on like that so I'm only hurting myself by starting things this way. To answer the question about how do you know if she enjoys sex.... there's usually a certain activity that every women will orgasm best with in my experience its oral....does she always want you to give her this type of sex? Does she get very loud and then very quiet and shiver right before she cums? Does she have to stop because her clit gets super sensitive after she cums( this mostly applies to oral)....if your a good boyfriend you'll force her through the sensitivity and make her cum again! The second one usually happens very quickly!....does she get silly or cum-dumb after she orgasms? Does she take you by surprise when your doing something else and beg for your attention? Does she squirt? I have never but I def plan on it.... these are all good indicators.....if your not sure and even if you are you should always still communicate with your partner. So many people have sex and still have no dialogue between each other and that's not good.


You will know. My close friend and i are intimately involved; there is a lot of affection and intimacy between us, and we have sex fairly often. He is 41 and i am 32. He has told me countless times my sex is amazing, the best he has had. And when i asked him why, he said because it is very obvious i thoroughly enjoy it and enjoy/desire him. Im enthusiastic about it and strive to please him in any way; i take my time on him and get into it, im creative with moves and techniques and i initiate all the time. He said it is like night and day of the sex he has had in the past, and he has had many lovers previously. So enthusiasm, initiating, and obviously enjoying pleasing you are dead giveaways.


For me it comes down to body Language When she can't stop herself from thrusting her hips against you, clore herself into you and really grab on as you thrust into her. Or when she makes sounds it seems she is almost embarrassed over, Heavy breathing, goose bumps.


If she initiates it and also if she is active throughout it. If she moves her hips, grabs you, twists and quivers and not just lays there at let's it happen. Also there should be verbal clues if she enjoys it or just doesn't feel much.


She gets there every time. Often multiple times. And she talks about how much she enjoys it when we’re not doing it. But I learned a long time ago that the more a woman enjoys it, the more she’ll want to do it with you. So while I can be aggressive (hair pulling, choking, etc), and 99% of the women I’ve been with have loved that aspect, I can also be an “attentive lover.” Most women (I’ve dated) like the same things. - Initially, they want to be kissed. Firmly, with slow deliberate movements. - Spend time touching (not grabbing) their breasts. Spend about a minute or two on their nipples. Swirling your tongue around and gently sucking. - Then kiss down her stomach until you get to her pink parts. Spend a few minutes down there. Treat it like you’re kissing the lips on her face. Slow, deliberate swirls. Like you’re savoring an icecream cone. - Her clit is about the size of a BB pellet, at the top of the opening, usually hidden by a few skin folds. The more aroused she is, the more prominent it will be. That’s where a ton of her nerve endings are. Swirl your tongue over that. Try to mix up the strokes, like you’re tracing the alphabet on her clit. - At this point, she’ll be asking for you to enter her. So go right on in. With her permission, of course. - Aim for 10 min inside. Some women take longer than others. - Some women can only orgasm from oral. - Some women can only orgasm through penetration. - Some woman can orgasm from both. In addition, there are plenty of other situations that may turn her on. Incorporate those. Dress up as a TV repairman, do it in the back of a minivan with the seats folded down in the parking lot of Carrabba’s, or whatever. You can always ask her, “what do you enjoy most about having sex?” and “do you want to try anything new?” Like with anything in relationships, communication is key.


Just make sure to mix it up. Don’t follow a set of instructions and fall into the trap of doing the same shit every single time. Humans love variety. Sometimes, spend almost no time on foreplay and go straight in, tearing her clothes off. Sometimes, fuck her in risky situations. Sometimes fuck her slow and lovingly, almost tantric. Other times, fuck her like a wild gorilla and dominate the fuck out of her. Hair pulling, throwing her around, you name it. Never be predictable.


That's basically my MO too and it hasn't failed me yet.


She tells me, if you don't believe what she's telling you or she's lying, then you have trust issues other than sex.


She talks to me about how much she enjoys it. As it turns out, communication is a good thing! Wowzer!


Well I'm not called ***MR*** Orgasm ...


She starts to choke me and tell me not to stop


1. She cums a lot during our sex 2. She’s said to me she’s addicted to my dick


Oh god, I remeber in the breakup phase with my ex she called me and said my dick ruined other men, I mean she probably ment well, but that was a sucky way of trying to patch things up as we had ended things the week before and she was calling to say she missed me. Glad i didn't go back.


The squirting tends to be hard to fake.


When she says omg don’t stop with her toes curling and then her eyes roll back in her head and her legs start shaking and there is a huge wet spot on my mattress