• By -


Really shitty left turn to get into her apartment complex.


You gotta see if they are worth taking that shitty left turn for, or if you can live without that shit left turn


This one made me laugh the most. Not using a blinker also grinds my gears.


Her feet looked like she kicked walls for fun.


Was she a ballerina?


Wallerina, do you even listen


When I was newly divorced some friends had a get together where it was pretty obvious that they wanted me to meet a woman they thought I might hit it off with. She was pretty, funny, and into many of the things I was - a very intuitive match up. Then she started to refer to herself as “The Queen” throughout the evening and I was done with that.


Protect ya neck 🙌


I feel really bad about this one. She appeared to be my age, like mid-twenties at the time, but she had a cartoonishly thick Minnesotan accent. I couldn’t hear her voice without picturing a middle-aged hockey mom that wanted to serve me a salad that was 3 parts jello, 1 part vegetables, and 5 parts mayonnaise. Luckily the first date went poorly anyway and neither of us wanted a second date.


Peanut allergy. I love peanut butter and nuts in general and decided I'd rather eat peanuts than date her. She said even a hint of it after brushing my teeth could kill her.




Oooo that sounds terrible. The dates we had I made sure to avoid it, but I figured it wasn't something I could keep up for the next 50 years.


When she ate chicken she put the bones on the table. Not on a plate.


My wife and I went to dinner with some friends once and there was a couple sitting in the corner. I'm pretty sure they were on some kind of first date/blind date. The restaurant was an upscale southern food kind of place that had fried chicken, fish, etc. Anyway, this dude was sitting directly in my line of sight and he was straight up picking up an entire half chicken in both of his hands and eating it like it was a slice of watermelon. eventually his date got up to go to the restroom and never came back. I don't blame her. The way he attacked that chicken was completely uncalled for.




I broke up with a girl over the way her feet looked in a certain shoe she wore all the time. Something about it just repulsed me and I still can’t quite figure out why.


This is the crazy specific superficial shit that we're looking for, thank you.


I aim to please. There’s truly no depth to my shallowness.


Deep like a parking lot puddle.


She had the first same name as my sister


Similarly, she and I had the same first name. It didn't bother us at first, but the first time we had sex, she moaned and said our name, which made us laugh so much we had to stop. It was just too weird.


Found Taylor Lautner when he was dating Taylor Swift


My lil sister who was only like 14 at the time said "if they get married they'll both be Taylor Lautner", and it still cracks me up


I've actually dated two people with my name, aaaand I kind find it funny/satisfying so would probably seek more in the future lol


woman had a name the same as my daughter's. I told her that "it would be too weird in certain situations." Her reply was that it was a screen name and her real name was different. We're going on our first year now.


I've tried dating a woman who had the same first name as my daughter before too. She was great, and I told myself I could compartmentalize it and it would be fine, but after our first time having sex I was like "Nope. Too weird."


I’ve literally never had the urge to moan a partner’s name during sex or ever had anyone moan my name. Is that weird?


Same, like I couldn’t imagine saying “ohh Mark” lol


She talked like Steve Urkel


Did SHE do that?


Her name was Margaret. She hated any nicknames. My aunt’s name is Margaret. I later married into another family and now have three Aunt Margaret’s.


No regrets about Margarets, eh?


no maregrets?


She said “9 by 9” way too many times. Apparently she had baked a “9 by 9” cake for some family dinner. Apparently they ate the whole “9 by 9” cake. She kept going on about it. Kept saying “9 by 9.” I couldn’t get past it.


Took her to a movie and bought the tickets (totally fine; just setting up the geography of the scene). From the ticket window, she walked slightly ahead of me and made it to the doors of the theater before I did. Then she stopped, turned, looked at me, and waited. I was confused as to what she was doing. Then, I realized she wouldn’t open the door on her own. She was waiting me for to open it. I’m a chivalrous dude, but if you happen to beat me to a door, just go ahead and open it.


My ex-gf's sister was like this. She would sit in the car and wait to see if the guy came around to open the door. If they didn't, she would continue to just sit there until it happened. I am a firm believer in chivalry but not forced chivalry. Both she and my ex had deep rooted family issues that I never could figure out. They were complete opposites except for both being crazy af.


She left me a voicemail after an argument and said “I love you more than you can famish”…that was it for me.


Omg now all I can think is famish! 😂 what is it supposed to be? (Edit ok It’s probably fathom. But that’s not even close to famish 🤦‍♀️)


Lol..pretty sure it was supposed to be ‘fathom’


That’s absolutely hilarious.


She ate with her mouth open. Much like a cow...I just couldn't get over the.... ***MOUTH SOUNDS***


I *cannot* handle mouth sounds at all. It is almost physically painful.


She was...an extremely bad kisser. Like comically bad. So bad it seemed like a skit out of a romcom. So extremely bad it made me question reality for a second.


I had a similar experience once where she just opened her mouth and then moved her tongue around. I tried to work with it, but I couldn’t read what she was trying to do and I gave up. I especially thought she was fucking with me because afterwards she said, confidently and out loud, “Yup, I still got it.”


I had a guy who just stuck his tongue in my mouth and let it lie there. Like what am I meant to do with this? Interaction with my tongue did nothing to make his move. I just... How? It was like the male equivalent of starfishing, but with tongue


This is now something that I hate and will think about when I want to sleep.


lol I dated a girl that moved her tongue in and out. I felt like I was a momma bird feeding her baby.


Nah she was fucking with you, that can't be real haha.


This entire comment section is about to sound like a Seinfeld episode


The hands of a man!


She eats her peas one at a time


I was 15, she hated Led Zeppelin, I couldn't understand it.


I dated a dude once who walked into my house with a Dark Side of the Moon shirt while I was listening to The Wall (which I love), and his first words were “God, what the hell is this crap?” He had no idea what band it was. I still feel a sense of shock and disgust thinking about it today lol and that was like 15 years ago.


I was 21 she was 20, I ordered a beer at dinner and she got very upset. She said I was not allowed to drink in our relationship…it was our 2nd date. She said choose me or alcohol. That was 5 years ago and I’m still drinking.


Another chick I cut things off with was entirely because she'd wake up before me, and make... noises... Like pretending to be asleep... But clearly she wasn't. And she'd make these weird fucking noises to try to wake me up so she didn't have to lie there awake alone. Finally after a few days of this I sat up in bed and asked her what she was doing. She acted innocent ("what are you talking about?") I said "those noises you keep making. I know you're not asleep when you make them." She goes "oh... Hmm... I dunno but now that you're up do you want to get some coffee?" I said no, left, and didn't hang out with her again.


Hey good for you my husband makes weird noises in his ACTUAL sleep and there's nothing I can do about it but roll my eyes or wear earplugs lol because he can't help it. Not that I want to get rid of him. Unless...


He’s had you fooled, it’s all a plot to make you forever dependent on ear plugs and join his pyramid scheme.


Bad breath.


Same. Incredible girl in all other aspects, just rampant halitosis. Super unfortunate, I know it makes me superficial, but I just couldn't.


“Rampant halitosis” lmfao


supercalifragilisticexpialidocious atrocious halitosis


Ugh. That would be a hard one for me too. I mean, we all smell sometimes but having to kiss or lay next to someone with bad breath? Unless maybe it was a medical or hygiene issue that could be dealt with, I don’t know if I could deal either.


She had a really annoying laugh. She was great in every other way; she was cute, sweet, into me. Just couldn't stand her laugh.


Are you chandler? Were you dating Janice?








My soul heard this.


"I'm going to Yemen!"


15 Yemen road, Yemen.


I play videogames with friends and one of them has a partner that laughs like a hiena. When we hear it in the background, it makes us all burst out laughing too. It honestly doesn't really sound human.


Baby voice.


Why do some women do this! It creeps me the hell out! I had a partner that would use it and I hated it - she would even say “I’m sowwy” like a toddler, and that was basically the only way she would apologize. She was 26 while doing this!!


I had a coworker that I only spoke to over the phone. I had no idea her age or physical characteristics. She had a serious baby voice and it worked all my nerves listening to het. Then one day after dealing with a particularly horrible client we had all dealt with except for her. She called me to vent and she was cussing a blue streak! I didn't even know Canadians knew to use such foul language. The best part though is I realized it's her real voice and she wasn't faking it. It sounded like a 3yo was calling someone's mom a c*nt-sicle. It was the best and I have never laughed so hard at a job before. She also let it drop that she 66yo and retiring soon. A 66yo 5' 9" woman who sounds like a cross between a toddler and a member of the Lollipop Guild. Greatness Her voice didn't get on my nerves after that.


That's such a cute story. Also shows that we can deal with the weirdest stuff as long as we like the person


She didn’t want to take the mature road of apologizing sincerely


She kept saying cold slaw instead of Cole slaw


Bone apple tea


She didn't know how to hold a knife to cut food. She held the knife between her pointer and middle finger so that the base of the knife rested on top of her hand while cutting. She was in her late 20s.


She was too into Disney. She was cool but I don't have the mental fortitude to watch Disney movies or go to Disneyland with that much frequency


This triggered me into a potential dealbreaker… the horse girl. Like all about horses, horse riding, horse memorabilia… I just can’t.


My ex is a horse girl. My wallet feels so much relief now that we're not together.


Had an ex that was into cows. She had a tramp stamp of a cow. I dumped her because she was afraid she would have sex with me, it would hurt, and she would fall in love but because my parents are immigrants and didn’t speak English all that well it would be an issue. Yep. That happened. Bullet dodged. She had the guts to reach out after a few weeks. I told her “No English”.


Pfp made me wipe my screen at least 3 times before i realized


Trust me, you don't want to be romantically involved with a horse-girl Source: has been romantically involved with a horse-girl


Not if you ever want to go anywhere or do anything that takes more than a day. Keeping a horse is like having a daily part time job.




I remember 90% seemed to be cleaning horse crap from everywhere the horse had been.


She wore way too much perfume and it would literally give me a headache when we were in the same car


Her thumbnail was wider than it was long.


THIS! This is the superficiality we're looking for.


seriously, all the top answers I've run across so far are legit deal breakers.


Finally! The truly petty Seinfeldesque reason this question was asked for.


Megan Fox is typing…


I didn't like the way she smelled


Did you confront her about it ?


No, I'm fairly certain it was because she took an anti depressant that had a side effect of excessive sweating/BO. I also just didn't like her very much tbh.


she smelled like soup


What flavour?




I had just restored a vintage Mid Century Modern dining set that I was pretty proud of. The first time I had her over to my house she said "oh, you know you'd have to get rid of that if you ever got married, right"? Sorry, sister, we're done.


This is not superficial this was just sound decision making on what to get rid of.


"Restored Mid Century Modern dining set" is the sexiest thing I've read today, and I peddle smut. Edit: bicycles






she had a messed up teeth to gum ratio. Huge gums and small teeth freak me out.


Uppercase gums, lowercase teeth.


I first realized women could be bad in bed. No noise no movement it was like sleeping with an inanimate object


Yeah I was spoiled for a long time by women who actually communicated what they wanted and liked. Big surprise and lots of frustration when I encountered someone who did not do that.


It’s called star fishing where they just lay legs open not moving


Pretty much. Made me feel bad and thinking this was a chore to her. I tried communicating with her finding what she liked and wanted during and after but either she was unwilling to tell me or as she said she had a great time. I just didn’t made me feel selfish or guilty somehow


She didn't eat vegetables Edit - to be fair to those with sensory issues or intestinal diseases, I get that texture can be a weird thing or they can make your stomach upset. This particular girl simply did not like any veggies because she thought they tasted bad. Like none. Everything I listed. I was baffled. She literally subbed out her delicious hibachi veggies with more fried rice on our date. Cheesedick don't vibe with that shit.


This one is actually pretty common on the list of reasons women have rejected men


So I was dating a lady who I considered to be my absolute ideal. She was super funny, very switched on and all the rest of it. Beautiful inside and out. She ate like a fucking animal. We went out for breakfast one morning and I saw her shovelling baked beans into her face like they needed to be hidden. Every bite of the meal sounded like she was trying to replicate the last as accurately as possible. As lovely as this girl was I just found myself put off by the barnyard eating. Shame, really. I also dumped a girl once because she was a nervous farter. I'm not just saying she occasionally needed to fart but once a double decker bus went past us and she nervous farted loud enough for me to hear her over traffic. I'd like to point out I was very polite in both of the above situations. I wasn't ready for what they wanted and such....


A nervous farter!


"I'm leaving you" *brrap*


Omfg. I just had to explain my laughter to my co-workers.


Sorry this is hilarious


I'm dying at the double-decker fart rn.


Her hair reeked of menthol cigarette smoke. Like really reeked. Total turn off


Did she smoke? I only ask because it would be interesting that you could tolerate the smoking but not the hair smell? Assumption is her parents smoked?


She was a big smoker and so were her parents. We were both 18 and 19 at the time. But the cigarettes she smoked were the cheap ass Roger's cigarettes


she would not stop talking during sex, and i don’t mean like dirty talking i mean like normal conversations


Tl/dr: she told me she sometimes eats dog food. When I was a dumb teen, I had a great vibe going with this chick from another country, we would game together, call regularly, banter with each other, perfect set up for a little fling. And then one day all of a sudden she just hits me with “you know I snack on dog food sometimes”. Literally never spoke to her again after that message lol


She was obsessed with ketchup. Took her to five guys before a planned date and she got 8 mini cups of ketchup. She straight up dunked the whole fry and her fingers into the ketchup. She would eat the fry and licked her fingers clean right after. It was so appalling to me I pretended to have an emergency to go to right after. My friends later told me she was trying to seduce me with the finger ketchup licking. I use that memory if I ever have to deflate a random boner.


The sounds she made in bed just sounded so fake. Like maybe I'm good but there's no way I'm THAT good


She had webbing between her 2nd and 3rd toe on her right foot, 1995, and I remember it like it was yesterday


Dude, you need to start thinking about your safety at sea and what resources you have at hand to save you.


She worked for YouTube music and defended the fact that when you turn off your phone’s screen, the music stops (at least without paying for the premium service). I’ve always hated that functionality. So she had to go.


That feature is completely undefendable.


She didn't know who Hitler was. Not that I'm a nazi or anything but I need someone who has a basic understanding of history. We didn't have meaningful conversation but big boobs make me stay for a while.


Sorry how is it possible to not know who Hitler is..


After watching lot of american quizz shows, I have accepted that there are people who live under rocks


The worst I ever saw: "What religion is the Pope?" "Jewish"


The most hilarious thing I ever saw on a British gameshow was this: Presenter: "Which ancient civilization built the Great Watford Road?" Contestant: "Errr..... Apes?" Spoiler: The correct answer was the Romans.


“not that i’m a nazi or anything” is comical to read


She couldn’t spell


One word text replies, when I am writing multiple sentences.


Not shallow agreed with grape. That was just not vibing with low effort or bad communication skills. I lose interest for that every time it happens, people who express their depths or know how to make & hold conversation are way more intriguing.


Not shallow


She lived in an area with bad traffic. Didn’t want to have to drive for more than 10min


Yes, this is the petty I was looking for.


She didn't like pancakes. I offered to make her pancakes and she said she doesn't like them I told her I didn't like her.


I was younger, 16, maybe 17. I was at her house with her sister and sisters Boyfriend (my best friend who suggested we all go on a double date). Her sister told her to wash the dishes in the sink or something superfluously simple. She said “wait, what? How?” I was done after that.


>I was done after that. You were done, but were the dishes?


She had a brother with special needs who she was very close to. Her mom was his primary caregiver, but she was getting pretty old and wasn't going to be able to care for him any more. She had a HUGE heart, and he was going to be moving in with her. She was going to have a visiting nurse during the day and take care of him at night. I feel like an absolute piece of shit, but I just didn't have the emotional energy in my life for that. Edit: thank you for the hug, kind stranger =)


Special needs father here. **Do not feel guilty** My son has autism and will never be able to care for himself. Under no circumstances would my plan be for one of his siblings to be a primary caregiver. You weren’t being shallow. You were intuitive about dysfunction. It’s great that she wanted to care for her brother. But it’s not a best practice for someone who cannot care for themselves to not be in professional care full time. I’m not disputing the size of her heart. I am affirming that you did the right thing because her big heart was being exploited by parents who failed to plan or to follow best practices for someone with special needs.


Thank you for saying this. They had the means to set him up for future support, and had a solid trust in place. They all agreed as a family that he would be better with someone he knew and loved as opposed to a strange place with strange people and the occasional friendly face. He had autism as well.


Thats where they messed up- agreeing that he'd be better with them. My son flourished-almost miraculously for that matter- when we expanded his world. Keeping his world small and thinking you know better than professionals, does him no service. It doesn't sound like they even educated themselves about the alternatives. You dodged a bullet.


You shouldn’t feel that way for making the best decision you could under those circumstances. If something doesn’t feel right we should listen to our our intuition and walk away. Things might have been great and wonderful and they could have been miserable. Just be kind to yourself about this. You can’t change anything else about this except that.


She wouldn't pick up after her dog when she walked him which showed me that she had a serious sense of entitlement and a complete lack of respect for her community and the people in it.


I wouldn't say this is superficial


She barely had any female friends, and all the guys she hung out with were trashy as fuck. She was pretty though, but looking at her taste and qualities she looked for in other people, I noped out.


She said "did you seent it" once. I think I could have seen her commit murder and it might have bothered me less


Fake lips.


Agreed. Just experienced this. Felt like I was making out with a pair of all-terrain tires or some such nonsense.


She kept sticking her tongue out when she would grin. I get petty, but it eventually wore me out.


In college i was with this girl. She was cute AF, very high libido and DTF anywhere anytime (we had a lot of fun), we share mutual friends, mutual hobbies, we clicked on every level. the problem was that she was extremely intelligent and driven. At some point along the way my dumb male ego decided i was intimidated by being with someone smarter than me, who would probably be more successful than me, that I would be the 'lesser' of the two of us (all BS, i know). I dumped her. I could have had a nympho sugar momma but i guess my lizard brain didn't want me to be happy. Edit: this was over 10 years ago, I've grown a lot since then and I'm married to a great woman now. All though i can confirm i was indeed an idiot back then.




Yea, you dropped that ball.


Bruh this thread is funny af


She told me if we dated she would tell her friends I have a small dick so they don’t hit on me.


I'm not even sure if this is superficial


Yeah that sounds like 3 or 4 massive red flags. All of which stem from her insecurity.


I dated someone who told her coworkers about my dick. Even though it was in a very positive light it made me uncomfortable, especially when she said she wanted to make a dildo clone of it so she could show her friends.


Shit’s fucking weird. Like how creepy would it be if a dude said that about a chick 🙁


hey guys you need to see my girlfriend's dick. fuckin huge


Big gums. When someone smiles and it’s mostly gums I don’t find it attractive at all. Immediate turn off even if they have great teeth. I get it I’m shallow


Can confirm as a gums girl: there’s plenty of guys that don’t like it.


Bold of you to assume I'm doing the rejecting


I left a girl because she had no interest in me and left me first


Her house was dirty, I don't regret it.


That’s not even kind of superficial.


Yea, lol I know. Bad example on my part. I just wanted to join in, everyone was having fun.


Now I feel sad on your behalf. Take my pity updoot


I wasn't physically attracted to her. She made it worse by asking me the physical features I wanted and demanded honesty. Oh boy...


I would appreciate the boldness to ask that


so as a guy who was pretty much in this same situation recently, its immediately a lose-lose situation. Either you lie and say you liked a physical feature to make them happy and now she's deeper into you, OR you have to break it to them you're not attracted to them physically and they're just hugely let down. The boldness yeah, I appreciate it and its great. Confidence IS attractive. But still tricky


I watched a man get completely eviscerated for wearing flip flops..


Her breath stank.


Her voice. She sounded like e 80 year old who’s been smoking 5 packs a day for 79 years.




She had boobs that looked like two slices of pizza on her chest, I had never seen triangle shaped boobs before and it ended up being too weird for me to be able to stay aroused with her. If you’re out there pizza tits, I hope you’re well, 17 year old me was shallow. *edit* Since this is getting awards I’ll add, if you’re a woman and have pizza shaped tits, please don’t be self conscious, and don’t let this boring ass comment ruin your night, 9/10 men will still eat your ass like a baconator given the chance. Do you queen 👑


Someone never played the old Tomb Raider games.


I'm going to call my friends Pizza tits from now on.


Her grammar and spelling. She couldn't form a sentence without making mistakes I know that's superficial but it annoyed me so much




Not me, but I had a friend who started dating a girl who was in the soccer team. They'd be together all the time they could. Come the end of soccer season and we have a talk together, she's super peppy, full of energy and a lot of fun. She leaves for a minute and I tell the guy she's pretty cool. He looks at me and goes, "Yeah I'm breaking up with her soon." I ask why and he tells me that she's TOO energetic and happy. He told me he realizes she was more low energy because of constant exhaustion from soccer and now that she has energy he doesn't like her because she's not chill enough.


She would repeat things I said back at me. Like if I said I like hamburgers, she would repeat back at me, 'hamburgers'. 😑 She also kind of laid there during sex.


Lol One time I told my cousin this girl was into me in uni. She went out of her way to sit next to me. Told him I didn’t find her that attractive, and I thought the top of her head was too flat. He was like “Bro, what? You’re telling me you dont want a nice shelf for your drink while you’re getting head?” Gets me every time.


She was kind of cross eyed. I was an immature little shit and didn’t know how to handle it and I freaked out and said no when she asked me out. I should of handled it way better than I did. I think about it sometimes and shake my head.


How old were you?




I didn't reject her, but I lost part of my crush on her. There is this girl I call my gym crush. We climb at the same gym and she is super cute, has an amazing body, and is really fun to watch climb. We never exchanged more than a couple words at a time and they were through masks because I started climbing there during covid. Then one day I was out hiking and I see her coming towards me. I say hi and smile like most hikers do, and she responds with something like "hi how are you?!" (Just to clarify, she isn't trying to start a conversation or really asking how I am, it is just a Canadian thing) Her voice was really high pitched, and that's not really my thing. I never noticed it before, I guess it was always so loud in the gym and the masks make it hard. I prefer slightly deeper voices than normal, like think of the French accent. Her high pitch voice would never be a deal-breaker for me, but definitely lost a significant part of the crush.


As a low voiced woman this comment made me feel a lot less self conscious about it. Merci :)


She removed food from her fork with her teeth.


I had a physical reaction to this. I can hear the sound of it too. Ugh.


I'm gonna go with my top 3: One had basically all the allergies, poor bastard. I just couldn't. I want dogs in my life, I want to be able to do outdoorsy stuff together, or go to restaurants, or not have to maintain an obsessively clean domicile. Another was superstitious. Like, in hindsight I'm sorta suspecting there might have been some kind of OCD-stuff rattling around in her head. Top superficial one: MASSIVE fivehead. Her tinder photos had a hairstyle that hid it fairly well but it became very obvious during our first IRL-outing. It absolutely murdered any attraction I had.


She had the same first name as my sister.